Games with cereals in kindergarten card index. Magic cereal: activities with cereal to develop hand motor skills

I would like to draw your attention to games with cereals. They help develop sensory perception, improve sensory knowledge of surrounding objects, develop creativity, fantasy and imagination, have a calming and meditative effect, and allow you to spend time profitably.

What do you need to play games with cereals?

One large container and several smaller ones.
Cereals (buckwheat, rice, semolina, wheat, barley and others).

Legumes (beans, peas).
Various pasta.
Sifting strainer.
Pebbles, buttons.

The best place for such games is, of course, the kitchen. While the baby is busy, the mother will be able to cook something and the baby will be supervised during the game.

Today we will tell you about what games with cereals you can use to not only captivate your baby for a while, but also develop fine motor skills.

1. Give your child two containers: one large, one smaller. Pour semolina and some peas, nuts or beans into a large container. Give your child a small sieve and ask him to finish off the “treasure” by sifting the semolina. He must collect the beans (peas, nuts) and put them in a smaller container.

2. Give the toddler two containers and a spoon. Pour some cereal into one. Show your baby how to pour cereal from one bowl to another using a spoon. Tell him to pour all the cereal.

3. Drawing with cereals. Semolina is best suited for this activity. Take a large tray. Pour a little semolina and spread it evenly over the surface of the tray in a thin layer. Show your little one how to use your finger to draw various simple shapes.

4. Mix several types of cereals and legumes in one bowl. For example, peas, beans, buckwheat, rice and invite the baby to sort them into different plates.

5. You can combine modeling from plasticine and playing with cereals. Let the child fashion something and decorate it with cereal. It could be a ball, cake, pizza, hedgehog, etc.

6. Give your baby a few bottles and different kinds cereals Let him fill the bottles with cereal.

7. Give your child some pasta and some thick string. Let him make beads out of them.

8. Mix several types of beans and have your child separate them.

9. Game with cereals “Find a pair.” You will need an egg tray. We pour different cereals and legumes in one row. We pour the same components into jar lids. We give the child the task of filling the second row of the tray with the same components as in the first, using blanks in the lids. You can also use ice cubes for this game.

10. Paint the rice with food coloring. We use several colors. Then we give the child a transparent bottle and show how beautiful it looks when filled with layers of colorful rice.

11. If the child is very small, you can simply pour cereal into a large container, preferably semolina, let him play with it: scoop it into his fists, pour it out, mix it, pour it from one hand to the other, etc.

12. If the child is older, you can do it. For this you will need cereal and glue.

13. Also, cereals (pasta, legumes) can be used in the process of teaching a child.

We invite you to play these educational games with cereals. This activity develops not only motor skills, but also perseverance and attention.

There's only one important point: when your little one plays with cereals, legumes, and nuts, do not leave him unattended. He can taste them, stick them in his nose, ear, etc. Watch your baby carefully and be careful!

To clearly see what games with cereals can be used for little ones, watch the video:

Every housewife has cereals in her home, which means that she can independently organize a personal development center for her child. And we are not talking about the banal transfer of cereal from one dish to another (and this is also incredibly interesting for small children). Taking this article as a basis, and also turning on your imagination, every mother will be able to give her baby interesting, unforgettable, and most importantly useful educational games.

Benefits of playing with cereals:

Games with bulk materials perfectly develop the sensory perception of the world and fine motor skills of children's hands. It is a known fact that the development of fine motor skills of the hands stimulates the improvement of such body systems as visual, nervous, muscular and skeletal. This becomes possible thanks to the complex interactions of all these systems when performing small and precise movements, which is the essence of fine motor skills.

Fine motor skills also significantly affect speech development , since the motor and speech centers in the brain are “neighborhood”, and stimulation of the motor center will certainly activate the speech center. The advantages of developing fine motor skills do not end there, because fine motor skills are, first of all, manual dexterity, which will be needed not only for drawing and writing . It will be useful for other tasks in the future difficult tasks, the excellent implementation of which will bring great success to your child. Who knows, maybe by working hard with your child, you can develop in him the makings of a great neurosurgeon? In any case, the benefits of these good old games should not be underestimated.

What we need for playing with cereals:

Naturally, our most important attribute will be a variety of cereals. Anything you have is suitable for the game - semolina, corn grits, buckwheat, pearl barley, lentils, rice, seeds, peas, beans. We will also need:

-small toys, for example from Kinder surprises,
- acorns, chestnuts, nuts,
- glue, colorful cardboard, balloons,
- various containers (plates of different sizes, tin boxes, plastic containers, etc.),
- toy dishes, spatulas, spoons, sieve, funnel,
- wooden plank,
- food colorings,
- oilcloth or blanket (if you want to localize the cleaning area).

At what age do we play?

For safety reasons, we start with small types of cereals that cannot be choked on, but we still warn the children that they should not put anything in their mouth. Then, when we play with other cereals, we also constantly monitor the child.
You can begin to get acquainted with cereals from the moment the child begins to sit independently. Of course, before full games still far away, but already at this age it is very important to develop tactile perception. To do this, we take semolina or corn grits into a deep bowl and plunge our little hands into them. Despite all the simplicity, the child will be delighted. And from the age of one year you can start playing more complex games.

The most popular and interesting games with cereals:

We are looking for treasure

In a deep container with cereal we hide small toys, multi-colored chips, you can even hide jewelry for girls. The child's task is to find them. Excitement and interest will increase even more if you constantly hide new toys (like this in an interesting way we can give the child new toys). During one game, you can offer your child several containers with different cereals, and the treasure will be in each one. You can even buy a special wooden box in which we will store all valuable finds. A child from one year old will really like this game. And who doesn’t dream of having their own treasure chest! Although the point here is not at all about gifts, the process itself can bring a lot of pleasure to the child, since this is not just a game, but a real massage for little fingers and hands.

Sprinkle the cereal

This game will also be interesting for a child. Pour the grains from one container to another. You can pour it with your hands, or you can use special devices: spatulas, spoons, small toy dishes. While playing this game, draw your child’s attention to concepts such as “a lot” and “a little”. “There’s a lot of cereal in this jar, now let’s pour it in. You see, now there’s not much here, but there’s already a lot in this jar.” We also draw the child’s attention to the sound of falling cereals. The peas will make noise ringing sound, rice is more subdued, but semolina is almost silent.
If your child is already playing with trucks, encourage him to move the cereal from one end of the table to the other. At the same time, the process of loading and unloading is also on it. Using a spatula or spoon, let him fill the body with cereals. And then, at your destination, let him unload his car in a similar way into an empty container. You can pour it into a variety of containers, both with large holes and small ones. Let the child try to pour cereal into the bottle. Difficult? Now let's use the funnel. For small child It will be very interesting to watch how cereals disappear in the funnel and appear in the bottle.

Sorting the cereal

This type of game perfectly trains attention, perseverance, and, of course, fine motor skills. Mix some beans and peas. We ask the child to sort into different plates. It will be even better if you offer plates similar in color to the cereals. We sort the peas into a yellow plate, red beans into a red one, etc. When the child is older, we mix even more different cereals. The child will be very interested in filling the cells from chocolates or an egg tray, you can even use ice cube trays for these purposes.
The variety of pasta is simply impressive. They can also be used in our games: we mix various “shells”, “stars”, “curls”... The child must also sort them into different plates. You can first place a pattern on these plates so that the child can orient himself faster.
You can also mix semolina and buckwheat. Demonstrate to your child how they can be separated using a sieve. It will be a small miracle for a child!

Paired bags

This game will help develop such sensory abilities as tactile perception. Nowadays it is very fashionable to sew sensory bags in which we use various fillers. But if you don’t have the wonders of needlework, or you don’t have enough time for this, you can use regular inflatable balls. Fill two balls with the same cereal and tie with a thread. If you have five different types of cereals, that will yield ten bags. We put them in random order, and the child looks for the same ones by touch.  

Coloring rice for colorful games

All kids like bright colors. Your kids will absolutely love playing with brightly colored rice!

So, let's start painting the rice. Depending on how much dye you have, pour the rice into the same number of small containers. We dilute the dyes with water and pour a small amount into each container. Close the containers with a lid and shake vigorously. At this stage of the process, your baby can happily help you. Next, dry the rice in the oven on a baking sheet (cover it with special baking paper) until it becomes crumbly. Approximate oven temperature is 150-200 degrees. That's all, you get a real rainbow, it looks very beautiful! You can sort this rice by color into different containers; your baby will need it for many more games. Or you can use it to create an unusual sensory box.

Sensory box

It’s also a very fashionable trend. Kids enjoy digging through these boxes. It's very easy to make. To do this, take a cardboard box, for example a shoe box, and a mixture of multi-colored rice. We also add acorns, nuts, chestnuts, various small figures, and toys to this box. An amazing, bright box with interesting contents is designed to develop your child’s sensory systems (sense organs).

Amazing semolina drawings

You can create whole pictures with semolina! Instead of a canvas, we take a tray, a baking sheet, a board for rolling out dough, and whatever you can think of. Cover the selected object with semolina. The child will draw his first drawings in his life on semolina with his fingers. At first it will be just lines and circles, but the hour is not far when he will create his first masterpiece!

Unusual applications

On black cardboard we draw with a glue stick complex drawing. Together we pour semolina onto this sheet and press down with our hands. Then we carefully blow off the excess grain... And watch the image appear. There are also many options for applications. At 3-5 years old you can create real masterpieces using cereals. We now draw a more complex design on the cardboard with glue. Then glue different grains along the contour; appliqués made from multi-colored rice are very impressive.

It is very interesting to make plasticine applications. We smear plasticine on the cardboard, on which we create a pattern with a toothpick. And then we press our creation along the contour and inside the contour with multi-colored grains. Thus, you can make postcards using family holidays. United teamwork and your amazing creations will cheer up the whole family. In addition to fine motor skills, your child develops creative abilities, fantasy and imagination. And you will have a great time!

Creating patterns

You can also create from various cereals unusual patterns. Lay out the pattern on the table, and let the child repeat after you. Such a game will help develop attention, among other things. Over time, your baby will independently create his own patterns. Don’t forget to praise him and take pictures of the most successful creations as a souvenir.
This is far from full list, what can be done with cereals. Imagine, create and have fun with it! And don’t be afraid of creative clutter, you can easily deal with it by using a vacuum cleaner.

Find inspiration even in the most ordinary things!

Games with cereals are not a new invention. But this in no way detracts from the beneficial developmental influence they have on the baby. But such games are also incredibly fun! The main thing is to organize them correctly, so that later you don’t have to spend half a day cleaning the apartment. Of course, you will still have to clean up, but we will try to minimize the destructive consequences of playing with cereals. To do this, we will play not in the room, but in the kitchen. We will place bowls and boxes of cereal on a large tray. This way the grains are less likely to scatter on the table and floor. The floor near the small player can be covered with a large oilcloth or a piece of fabric (for example, an old sheet).

There are kids who are ready to pour cereals and transfer pasta from bowl to bowl for quite a long time. Other kids will start throwing everything around the kitchen within five minutes. These features of a small player need to be taken into account. If interest in the game has faded, keep your baby busy with something else and put away the cereal until next time. Even a game that lasts 5-10 minutes will benefit the baby's development. As you grow older, the duration of games can be increased.

When starting to play with cereals, do not forget about the safety rules. All games must be played under the strict supervision of adults. For safety reasons, for the youngest players use small cereals: semolina, barley, corn, wheat. If they get into the baby's mouth, nothing bad will happen. You need to be more careful with buckwheat, rice, and pearl barley. And it is strictly forbidden to leave your baby alone with peas, beans, and dry pasta, even for a minute! Just a few seconds - and the beans may end up in respiratory tract baby.

Sprinkle and pour

All kinds of fun with pouring cereal are very useful for the development of a baby’s tactile sensitivity, fine motor skills, and coordination of movements. This is both a game and experimentation with new, varied material...

1-2 years

Transfers. Place two bowls on a tray: one with cereal, the other empty. Show your baby how to take the cereal in pinches and pour it from one bowl to another. Let him try. And then give the baby a spoon, let him pour the cereal with it.

Chick-chick-chick. To play, you will need a toy chicken or chicken and a bowl of millet. Tell your baby: “Let’s feed the chicken: chick-chick-chick.” Teach your child to pinch the millet with three fingers and sprinkle it on the table. Let him feed the chicken by pouring grains into it.

Cooking soup. To make pouring cereal some meaning for your baby, invite him to cook soup for a bunny (dog, doll). Let him pour the cereal into toy saucepans and stir with a spoon. And then we’ll start “cooking porridge for dad” - pouring the cereal into a real big saucepan.

Rain. For this game it is better to take peas. Place it in a large bowl or basin. Show your little one how to pick up peas in her hand, lift them up and pour them out. It's like it's raining! You can pour the peas into an empty metal bowl. Then he will drum merrily, like real rain. Shoot from different heights - there will be a different sound. Command your baby: “It’s raining a little, drop by drop. And now it’s raining heavily!” At the same time, you can say a nursery rhyme:

Rain, rain, water -
There will be a loaf of bread.
Rain, rain, let it come -
Let the cabbage grow.
Rain, rain, have fun!
Drip, drip, don't be sorry!

Track. Let the baby pick up small cereals (semolina, barley, millet) in his palm and sprinkle it on the tray in the form of paths. Then you can “walk” along these paths with your fingers, saying:

Big feet walked along the road:
Top-top, top-top!
Little feet ran along the path:
Top-top-top, top-top-top...

2-3 years

Assistant. Mix any small grains like semolina with buckwheat or rice in a bowl, give your baby a sieve through the holes of which semolina spills freely, but buckwheat does not. Tell your child that mice got into the basement of Masha's doll's house. They gnawed through the bags of cereal and everything got mixed up. Now Masha is crying and doesn’t know what to do. And we will help her! Show your little one how to sift the mixture and easily separate the semolina from the buckwheat. Let the baby try to finish the work on his own.

Funnel. Now we will pour the cereal through the funnel. It's so exciting! First, let the baby simply pour the cereal on top and watch how it pours out from below in a thin stream. Then you can try using a new tool to pour cereal into cups, plastic bottles and other containers with a narrow neck.

Charging for fingers

Up to a year

Warm up. Pour more cereal into the bowl. Let the baby simply finger it in his hands, getting acquainted with new unusual tactile sensations.

Cuckoo. In front of the baby, lower your hands into the cereal so that your palms are completely hidden in it. Where are mom's hands? Here they are! Then we will hide the baby’s hands. Where are the pens? Let the baby find them himself and be surprised.

In and out. Prepare several cardboard tubes (from bags, paper towels, etc.). Place the straw at an angle, lower the bean into the top hole and show your baby how it will roll out the other side. Let the baby try to pick up the beans with his fingers and throw them into the tube. What happens if you pour cereal into a tube?

1-2 years

Heaps. Place different cereals in piles on a large tray: a pile of buckwheat, a pile of pearl barley, millet, etc. You can add peas, beans, different types pasta Let the baby decide for himself what to do with all this: he can take a grain from each pile and put it in the center of the tray, or maybe mix everything with his palm...

Search for treasure. In front of your baby, hide several small toys (Kinder surprises, key chains, phone pendants, etc.) in a bowl of cereal. Let the baby put his hands in the cereal and find the hidden “treasure”.

Experimenter. Pour cereal or a mixture of cereals into a bowl, place the bowl on a tray, give the baby a lot of different containers and devices: cups and plates from a set of children's dishes, large and small spoons, plastic cups and so on. Let the child figure out what he can do with all this. And mother does not interfere in the game, but quietly watches the process.

Feed the cat. Draw a cat's face on the side of a liter plastic bottle with a marker. Cut a hole in the place of the mouth, wrap the edges of the cut with tape so that the baby does not get hurt. Now give your baby dry peas and beans and offer to feed the cat. Let the baby take one bean at a time and push it into the bottle through the “mouth”.

Piggy bank for pasta. Feather pasta is interesting to insert into the neck of a small plastic bottle. The main thing is that they won’t fit into the neck at random. They definitely need to be unfolded correctly - in length. Let the baby train both his fingers and his thinking at the same time.

Sunken Treasures. What if we combine games with cereals and water? Place a bowl of water on a large tray and launch a plastic boat with a load of buckwheat and beans into it. A storm began on the “sea”, the boat capsized and all the cargo spilled onto the bottom of the sea. Let the baby collect beans and grains of buckwheat from the bottom and load them back onto the boat. Different sizes of “cargo” will require completely miscellaneous work fingers. It will be great if the baby begins to reach the “treasure” from the bottom not only with the right, but also with the left hand.

2-3 years

Cinderella. Read the story of Cinderella to your child, and then invite him to play. Remember how Cinderella’s stepmother gave her one very difficult task: to sort a mixture of cereals? Let the baby help Cinderella so that she can get to the ball as quickly as possible. There are a lot of sorting options. And each time you can mix cereals differently. You can, for example, mix peas and beans and sort them into different cups. You can pour peas into buckwheat and ask your child to pick out all the peas from the cereal. You can mix white and red beans, yellow and green dried peas, or several different types of pasta. For the most advanced “Cinderellas”, mix a little buckwheat and coarse rice. It will be really difficult to separate them...

Fun patterns. From cereals, peas, beans, pasta of various shapes, you can lay out all kinds of patterns and pictures on the table: the sun, a dog, a Christmas tree, a house, flowers, etc. Make a whole picture together with your baby. Colored pasta of various shapes is especially good for this.

Repeaters. We will also post patterns. But now the mother comes up with them, and the baby tries to repeat them exactly the same. Start with the simplest ones. For example, lay out a path of pasta. When the baby understands what is required of him and can easily cope with simple patterns, complicate the task: use several different materials, alternate beans and peas, etc.

Heron. Give your child tweezers and show them how to grab peas and beans from a saucer and put them in a bowl. But first, look at the heron in the picture with the baby. Tell her that the tweezers are like her beak. The baby will love the idea of ​​catching bean frogs with this beak. It's not easy, but it's very useful exercise for little fingers.

3 years

Couples. The game is a bit like a treasure hunt, but its goal is different. Pick up several paired items: coins, large buttons, pencils, teaspoons, Kinder surprise containers, candy, small cubes, etc. Pour more cereal into a bowl and bury one item from a couple in it. Show your child, for example, a teaspoon and ask him to find the same one by touch.

Fun things to do

Up to a year

Rattles. Take several small plastic bottles. Pour a certain type of cereal, peas, beans into each half. Tighten the lids well so that the baby cannot open them. To be sure, you can additionally seal the lid with tape. You will get wonderful educational rattles for your baby. It will be interesting for the baby to shake the bottles and watch how the cereal pours inside. In addition, each rattle will make its own special sound.

Miracle bags. A handicraft mother can easily and simply make useful toys for her baby using homemade bags made of durable cotton fabric and a variety of cereals. Pour rice into one bag, semolina into another, peas and beans into a third, and beans into a fourth. cereals etc. We sew the bags tightly. The bag should not be too full. We give the bags to the baby, let him sort them out and crush them in his hands, stimulating tactile sensitivity and developing motor skills. By the way, instead of bags you can use bright children's socks.

1-2 years

Maracas. Give your baby several small plastic bottles, peas, beans, and pasta. Show him how you can first throw beans into the bottle, then close the lid and turn the bottle into a wonderful “rattler”. Let the baby now repeat everything after you and make his own “maracas”.

Stompers. If you pour peas, beans, or any cereal into a large bowl or at the bottom of a children's plastic bath, you will get a kind of substitute for a rocky sea beach. Let the baby stomp on the cereal with his feet more often, and try to grab the beans with his toes. All this is a wonderful foot massage. It is useful for strengthening the foot and preventing flat feet, and for stimulating the immune system, and for improving the functioning of all internal organs and systems, since there are many biologically active points on the soles of the feet.

2-3 years

Cookie. You will need cookie cutters in the form of different figures (or molds for cutting out plasticine) and buckwheat. Place the mold on the table and let the baby fill it with buckwheat in one layer. It is convenient to level the buckwheat inside with your finger. Then we very carefully lift the mold - and a buckwheat figurine remains on the table.

We remove the snow. It’s fun to come up with all sorts of story games with cereals. For example, semolina can act as a wonderful substitute for snow. We pour semolina snowdrifts on the table, take a small truck, load “snow” into it, transport and unload it to a certain place. For example, in a large bowl. And then we go for a new portion. You can load snow with your hand, a spoon, a scoop...

Creative games

1-2 years

Finger drawing. Spread semolina (or corn grits) in an even layer on a small tray. Now take the little one’s hand in yours and use his finger to draw different patterns, houses, Christmas trees, the sun, animals on the semolina. Draw and name the picture. And then let the kid try to draw some of his own “scribbles”. In order for your baby’s fingers to experience different tactile sensations, change the semolina for another small grain: buckwheat, rice, millet.

We draw for everyone. You can draw on semolina not only with your finger, but also with the help of various available means: a cocktail straw, an ice cream stick, a cotton swab, an unstuck pencil, a spoon, etc. Give little artist different instruments- let him experiment.

Plasticine patterns. Spread the plasticine in a fairly thick layer on a sheet of cardboard, give your baby plenty of a wide variety of cereals, beans and dried peas different colors, pasta various forms. Show how all this can be pressed into a plasticine base. Let your child create his own unique collage. If you spread plasticine on disposable cardboard or plastic plates and then decorate them with cereals, you will get a real picture that will decorate a nursery wall or become a gift for your grandmother.

Decorating the cake. To make making patterns on plasticine more interesting, invite your child to decorate the birthday cake of their favorite toy. Make a cake from plasticine, modeling mass or salt dough. Now let the baby decorate it by sticking different cereals, beans, and pasta into the surface.

We are preparing pizza. Tired of decorating a cake? Next time we will make pizza for dolls. We make a large cake out of plasticine and lay out peas, beans, grains of pearl barley, shell pasta, etc. on it. And then we'll come up with something else. For example, we will bake plasticine pies filled with peas.

2-3 years

Unusual coloring pages. You will need large coloring pages for the little ones, PVA glue, corn and semolina. Lubricate the coloring outline with glue. Now let the baby pick up corn grits with his fingers and sprinkle them on top of the picture. Lightly press the cereal onto the paper and then shake off the excess. You will get a yellow outline. Now we coat the picture itself with glue and sprinkle it with semolina in the same way. Shake off excess and let dry. It turns out to be a very nice picture! It turns out that you can color not only with paints and pencils, but even with cereal!

Pasta beads. Large pasta (horns, feathers, etc.) are wonderful beads for the youngest jewelers! If you string them on a cord, you will get wonderful beads. Beads can be worn as jewelry, and the process of stringing is a great workout for little fingers. To make stringing more fun, you can look for colored pasta in the store. Or paint regular horns with gouache and dry thoroughly.

Edible beads. You can string more than just pasta on a string. Breakfast cereals in the form of rings are also perfect for this purpose. They are even easier to string than pasta. And you can even eat while playing...

3 years

Krupa is an artist. You can also draw with cereals. Take a sheet of cardboard and coat it with PVA glue. Show your child how to take a pinch of fine grain and then sprinkle it on the paper so that it looks like something outline drawing. Try to “draw” together. For example, you make a sun circle, and the baby attaches ray sticks. This is how you can draw geometric figures, different pictures and even write and learn letters. To make the pattern of semolina or corn grits more visible, use colored cardboard rather than white.

Pea mosaic. Dried pea halves can be used as a mosaic. On a small piece of cardboard, draw the outline of the picture. Grease the picture with glue. Now we will lay out the image with halves of peas, trying to arrange the peas as much as possible closer friend to a friend so that they fill the picture tightly.

You can lay out a mushroom, a Christmas tree, a sun, a house, a boat, a starfish, etc. This work is painstaking. If you can’t complete the whole picture at once, you can postpone the work until next time.

Bean men. Together with your baby, select large white beans (or beans). Now, with the help of thin markers, you can turn them into funny little men and animals by drawing eyes, noses, mustaches... Make a whole collection of such little men. You can play a show with them on the table. Or create a whole town for them out of matchboxes.

Previously, I already talked about several useful games for developing sensorimotor skills in one-year-old children.

In this article you will find several more options for interesting activities for an entertaining and useful pastime with children.

So, here’s what you can play with a child from 1 year old:

1. Play with cereals, sand, and water.

When walking on the playground in the warm season, do not pass by the sandbox. Playing with sand promotes the development of fine motor skills and also introduces the child to the basic physical properties substances.

You can also organize a lot at home interesting games with bulk substances, you can make a mini-sandbox or (this is especially true in the cold season). In your homework, instead of sand, you can play with cereals: peas, millet, buckwheat, semolina. For a variety of tactile sensations, try to use several types of cereals.

Of course, it’s still too early to build Easter cakes at 1 year old; the baby is unlikely to find this activity interesting. H Should I then practice in the sandbox? Here are a few interesting options games:

  • Show your child how pour sand/cereals from one container to another . Small glasses, children's dishes, and sand molds are suitable for this purpose. The main thing is that the baby can comfortably grasp the dishes with one hand. The child, repeating after you, will learn to coordinate his movements.
  • If you also use in your game small jug , then you will help the baby practice another very useful type of grip (the child holds only the handle, and not the entire container), which will diversify the baby’s sensory experience.
  • Teach your child “salt” with sand your toy soup (put your fingers in a pinch and rub against each other), this way you encourage your fingers to do fine work.
  • Dial together with the baby, place cereals/sand in the palm, then, unclenching the palm, pour it out- it turns out to be gymnastics for the palm.
  • Offer your child pour the cereal/sand with a spoon from one container to another . Important: place the dishes in front of the baby so that he has to pour the cereal from left to right. In this way, we gradually prepare the hand for the correct position while writing.

  • The baby can gain experience interacting with cereals and other bulk substances by playing with a variety of sensory boxes . Here is an example of one of those boxes (you will find other options) that you can offer to an already one-year-old baby. Pour any cereal into a container or bucket and hide small toys there so that only the edges are visible to the child. Offer to your baby find toys . You can play similarly in the sandbox.

  • And, of course, continue to practice, fill buckets and molds with sand/cereals together with your child.

How to play with water? From the age of 1 we just learn to pour water from one dish to another. The requirements for containers here are the same as in the game with bulk ones (read above).

2. Learn to push objects (sorter, piggy bank and other useful things).

I have already mentioned these games earlier in. From 1 year of age sorter (Ozone, Labyrinth, My-shop) becomes more and more interesting to the child. In addition to the fact that the baby is attracted to the “pushing” process itself, at this age he also begins to pay attention to the fact that not every figure will fit into any slot he chooses. Therefore, classes with a sorter are very useful for improving motor skills. In this regard, it is worth noting that if you want to study using a sorter geometric figures When buying a sorter, pay attention to whether it contains the main figures or whether it contains only stars and hearts.

The “pushing” skill (which, by the way, is very useful for developing coordination and motor skills) can also be practiced on other household items or toys that you can easily make yourself.

Option 1. On a small box (for example, for children's porridge), stick the face of your favorite character drawn by yourself or printed on a printer and make a slit in place of the mouth. Children usually really like it feed such “box” friends pasta. The more accurately the size of the slot corresponds to the diameter of the pasta being pushed, the better the baby’s motor skills will be practiced.

You can use two boxes with slots of different diameters. So during fun game you will also reinforce the concepts of “” and teach your child to select an item by size.

Option 2. No less interesting to push various items V plastic bottle - it is transparent, it will be interesting for the child to watch how the object falls inside. As pushed objects, you can use nuts in shell (hazelnuts, almonds, peanuts), small pieces of foam rubber (cut up dishwashing sponge), pasta, hairpins, rubber bands and other small toys that fit the size of the hole in the bottle.

Option 3. Another fun activity is pushing cotton buds or cocktail straws in colander holes (it is better to cut the tube into 2-3 parts in advance). It should be noted that sticks and tubes do not fit into all colanders. Therefore, this game is only for owners of colanders with large holes

Option 4. Offer to the baby play with a piggy bank . It’s better to immediately offer your child a separate, clean piggy bank, and also wash a few coins, so that you don’t have to wash your hands after each game with the piggy bank. Naturally, such a game needs to be carefully watched, because... Nothing good will happen if even a clean coin gets into the baby’s mouth.

Option 5. In the article “” I also mentioned a color sorter; it is easy to make from any box. You can push mosaic parts, construction sets, multi-colored paper clips, buttons, etc. into such a sorter.

3. Play with lacing

In stores, as a rule, there are two types of lacing. Most often found lacing (Ozone, Labyrinth, KoroBoom), which are a set of flat pictures (and sometimes from volumetric toy) with many holes and a lace with which the child must lace these same holes.

In another version lacing (Ozone, Labyrinth, KoroBoom) instead of a picture with holes, there are many different details (these can be animals, fruits, vegetables) that need to be strung on a cord. As a result of playing with such lacing, you should get something similar to beads.

For a baby who is just beginning to master the art of lacing, in my experience, the second type of lacing is much better suited. Making beads for a child’s favorite toy is clearer and closer than threading a needle through numerous holes without any purpose. But it’s still too early to lace bananas to a palm tree (like our toy in the photo). Therefore, at this stage, I suggest you purchase lacing beads.

When my daughter and I just started mastering lacing (and Taisiya’s interest in lacing appeared around 1 year and 2 months), we played like this. I held the piece, directing the hole so that it would be convenient for my daughter to insert the lace into it. She took a wooden needle with a cord in one hand and inserted it into the substituted hole, then with the other hand she took out the end of the needle that appeared on the opposite side. When this movement began to work out well, I began to teach my daughter to independently hold the piece with one hand and push the needle with the other. After the needle was inserted into the hole, she needed to transfer the part to her other hand and use her free hand to reach the end of the needle. To my surprise, my daughter quickly mastered this skill, but at first it seemed to me that this task was very difficult for a one-year-old child.

For the first lacing, you can also try this option: take any ribbon that is not too long, and use bagels (drying) or pyramid rings . At the same time, also explain to your child that you are making beads for a bear, for example. The holes in the dryers are much larger than in the lacing parts, which makes the task easier for the baby. However, my daughter liked ordinary lacing much more, perhaps because it is more convenient to use a needle than a ribbon.

4. Roll the ball/ball along the slide/grooves.

Watching the balls roll down is a great way to train a child's eye muscles, and also gives the child a first understanding of the basics of the law. universal gravity. And, of course, it’s just very exciting for kids to watch the balls roll.

For this game you will need to build a small slide from scrap materials; even a book will do for this purpose, but something bigger is better. The main thing is that the slide should not be too steep, otherwise the ball will roll down too quickly and it will be difficult for the child to keep track of it.

There is also a special toy for sale for this game, it’s called bowling alley (Ozon, Labyrinth, My-shop). The bowl is a structure with grooves along which balls and other figures roll. Invite your child to place the ball on the top track and see what happens next. Or you can release several balls one after another at once.

5. Carry a gurney

I think all parents are familiar with this game. Quite often you can see a child walking through the park with a gurney. There are two types of gurneys: on a string (Ozone, Labyrinth, My-shop) – her baby will need to be pulled along – and on a stick (Ozone, My-shop) - you need to push it in front of you. Both gurneys are useful for developing a child’s motor skills, coordination, and sense of balance. As soon as the baby begins to walk more or less confidently, he can already be offered this toy.

I hope that you liked these educational games and that you will take them into your arsenal. How do you play with your baby? What games does he like best? Share your ideas!

If your baby is a little more than a year old, then you will definitely find this article interesting:

That's all, I'm always waiting for you on the pages of the site! See you!

Playing with cereals is not only a great educational activity for children. They also have a calming effect.

For such games, any cereal available in the house is suitable - beans, peas, buckwheat, millet, rice, semolina, as well as pasta and salt. Also have nuts, buttons, small toys, small cars, bowls on hand different sizes, strainer, toy dishes, tweezers, measuring spoons.

To prevent cereal from lying around the house later, select a special place for the game:

In addition to simply sorting through cereals, you can offer your child other interesting and useful games. With their help, you can not only develop fine motor skills, but also practical skills, coordination of movements, logical thinking, imagination, ability to count and even read.

1. Transfer the cereal from bowl to bowl using a spoon.

2. Using a small mug, pour the cereal from bowl to bowl.

3. Pour the cereal into the bottle using a funnel.

4. Use a small toy excavator to rake the grain.

5. Transfer the cereal using tweezers.

6. Throw grains into a small hole, for example, into the neck of a bottle or into a hole in a box or jar.

To make it more interesting, you can stick a picture of a bird on the box, which we will feed with grains:

7. Look for treasure in the cereal with your hands - small toys.

8. Look for toys, pasta, nuts, beans, and cereals in semolina, salt or flour using a strainer.

9. String the pasta with a wide gap on a cord to make beads or a bracelet.

10. Sort: mix, for example, pasta and beans, and then invite your baby to put them in different bowls.

11. Sort different cereals by color, shape, size.

12. Prepare one row of different cereals in an egg tray and the same cereals in separate bowls. The task is to find a pair, add the same row of cereals.

13. Sprinkle flour, semolina or salt onto a tray in an even layer and draw images or paths between toys on it with your finger or stick.

14. Lay out paths from the cereal - short and long, various designs, geometric shapes, letters, etc.

15. Lay out beans in paths different lengths, count and compare beans - how many more there are in one path than in the other.

16. Sprinkle fine grains or salt with a pinch.

17. When the child learns to sprinkle with a pinch, invite him to draw paths from one object to another in this way.

18. Draw invisible lines or a design with a glue stick, pour semolina on top, and then blow off the excess.

19. Apply PVA glue to the paper, randomly sprinkle different types of cereals - you will get an interesting abstract pattern.

20. Use cereals in applications in combination with colored paper and other materials.

We made this applique with Seryozha when he was 2 years old.

21. Apply glue to the coloring book and fill each part of it with cereal of a certain color.

22. Color salt or rice with paint or food coloring. Pour into layers into a transparent jar or bottle.

23. Make applications with colored salt or rice.

24. Pour the cereal into a bowl and stomp your feet in it.

25. Press the cereal into plasticine or dough.

26. Pour the cereal into bags or socks. We play with sewn pillows and balls filled with cereal. For babies during the first three months, place them in their fists.

27. Look for bags with the same cereal filling.

28. Throw bags of cereal at a target - a bucket, bowl, hoop lying on the floor.

29. Stir salt and sugar in water.

30. Dip pasta and beans into paint and leave imprints on the paper.

31. Make rattles from cereals and Kinder Surprise containers or small plastic bottles. Look for similar sounding ones.

32. Fill cookie molds or plasticine with cereal.

33. Make a tactile domino by gluing not pictures, but different cereals onto cardboard.

34. Stick numbers on bottles, cups or matchboxes and put the required amount of grains or pasta into these containers.

35. Stick pictures and names of cereals on matchboxes and put the corresponding cereals in them.

36. Rinse the cereal.

37. Soak and sprout the cereal.

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