Interactive game "Literary Train" based on the book by E. Uspensky "Crocodile Gena and His Friends." Exhibition “To the book country of Eduard Uspensky Exhibitions event Uspensky

Demonstration lesson by a senior counselor on the topic:

“The creative world of Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky”

Target: introduce the children to the works of Eduard Uspensky.


To form reading motivation, an attitude towards reading activity as a sphere of self-realization and creativity, to create conditions for nurturing interest in the writer’s work, to introduce new interactive forms of educational influence, targeted influence on the formation of students’ reading.

Develop memory, speech, observation, activity, independence.

Lesson time: 45 min.

The feasibility of using a media product in the classroom:

formation of information culture and competence of schoolchildren (search, selection, processing, organization of information)

development of visual-figurative thinking by increasing the level of visibility

Necessary equipment and materials for the lesson: computer, media projector, speakers, books, visual presentation of educational material, didactic material.

Progress of the lesson:

Organizational moment: Good afternoon dear friends! My name is ______________, I work as a senior counselor in secondary _______. For further collaboration I want to get to know you a little, and for this I invite everyone to stand up from their desks and line up according to their height. Now that you are ready, I offer you tasks to complete. This will give me the opportunity to get to know you, and you to learn more about your friends. So, on my command, you need to change lanes in the given order.

.in alphabetical order by the first letter of the first name, last name;
. by hair color (from light shade to darker);
. by month of birth;
. according to the age.

So, friends, you and I have gotten to know each other better and are now ready to start the lesson.

Main part: We were all little once, played with toys, went to bed with dolls. Mothers read us fairy tales before bed. And I’m sure that absolutely everyone watched the TV show at least once before going to bed. Good night, kids!”, or any other cartoons. I would like to take you back to that time for a moment so that you remember your favorite fairy tale, favorite cartoon and of course your beloved fairy tale hero. (children's answers)

As for me, I always proudly answer that my favorite childhood work is “Uncle Fyodor, the Cat and the Dog” and therefore the cartoon “Three from the Butter Milk”. Do you know who the author of this fairy tale is? Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky. Very soon this famous, magnificent, beloved children's writer will turn 80 years old. And I believe that it is our duty to know as much as possible about the work of our Russian writers and respect their efforts. And today we will talk about the work of Uspensky in our lesson.

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky was born on December 22, 1937 in the city of Yegoryevsk, Moscow region. It is interesting that Edward did not study well at school: he always did not have enough time for lessons. And every Monday he was going to come to his senses. But something always bothered him! And then one day the boy unsuccessfully jumped off the roof and broke his leg. He was taken to the hospital, and then he suddenly realized that he did not want to remain ignorant.

From that time on, Eduard Uspensky began to study well and after graduating from school he entered the aviation institute.
But over time, Uspensky realized that he wanted to become a writer and began writing humorous stories. And a little later - also children's books. By the way, this idea came to him by accident. One day, Eduard Uspensky got a job as a counselor at a pioneer camp. There he read books to his students, and sometimes he himself made up exciting stories. This is how the writer’s first works appeared. “If I hadn’t been a counselor, I wouldn’t have become a children’s writer,” he later admitted.

He began his journey into literature in 1960. In 1966, the first poems for children were published in the magazine "Children's Literature", and at the same time the first book was published - the collection of poems "Funny Elephant". Famous writer Eduard Nikolaevich was inspired by the fairy-tale story “Gena the Crocodile and His Friends.” We have been reading this book for over 35 years. It was in the pioneer camp, working there as a librarian in the summer of 1968, that he wrote another no less famous book"Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat." The book was published in 1973. He is the author of the fairy tales “Down the Magic River”, “Guarantee Men”, “School of Clowns”, “Kolobok Follows the Trail” and other works. The diversity of his work is amazing: he writes fairy tales and fairy tales, fantasy, detective, adventure works, as well as comics, poems, plays, scripts, makes translations and compiles collections children's folklore. He also organized the book publishing house "Samovar", broadcasts on television, and publishes the children's magazine "Prostokvashino".

Now on the slide you can see a list with the most famous works of E.N. Uspensky at the moment:

Uncle Fyodor, dog and cat.”

Uncle Fyodor’s aunt.”

Uncle Fyodor’s favorite girl.”

Winter in Prostokvashino.”

New orders in Prostokvashino.”

Uncle Fyodor is going to school.”

Ghost from Prostokvashino.

Treasure from the village of Prostokvashino.”

Holidays in the village of Prostokvashino.”

Crocodile Gena and his friends.”

Gena’s crocodile business.”

Cheburashka goes to the people.”

Crocodile Gena - and the robbers.”

The kidnapping of Cheburashka.”

Three comics with Cheburashka.”

The investigation is being conducted by Koloboks.”

"Down the Magic River"


"Uncle Au."

And many other works.

Scenarios animated films

1974 - Bird Market (director M. Novogrudskaya)

1975 - Elephant-dilo-sonok (director B. Ardov)

1980 - Canoeing

1980 - Judo (from a series of microfilms about sports for the 1980 Olympics) (director Yu. Butyrin)

1980 - Equestrian sport (from a series of microfilms about sports for the Olympics-80) (director Yu. Butyrin)

1980 — Gymnastics(from a series of microfilms about sports for the 1980 Olympics) (director B. Akulinichev)

1980 — Race walking (from a series of microfilms about sports for the 1980 Olympics) (director O. Churkin)

1980 - Field hockey (from a series of microfilms about sports for the 1980 Olympics) (director O. Churkin)

2005 — Golden medal World Intellectual Property Organization

2010 - Government Prize Russian Federation in the field of culture for the book “Stories about a girl with a strange name”

2010 - Prize named after. K. Chukovsky in the nomination “For outstanding creative achievements in domestic children’s literature”

Laureate of the All-Union competition for the best children's book

2015 - Prize named after. Lev Kopelev for the fight for peace and human rights.

2015 - Telegrand national award for outstanding contribution to the creation of children's television programs and significant achievements in the development of animated films.

One of the outstanding awards children's writer is the Korney Chukovsky Prize in the nomination “For outstanding creative achievements in domestic children’s literature”, awarded in 2010.

Task: “Find the extra sentence”

Now I suggest you complete a small task, pay attention to the slide. You need to find the extra sentence.

Some parents had a boy. His name was Uncle Fedor. Because he was very serious and independent. He learned to read at the age of four, and at six he was already cooking his own soup. And on weekends I practiced karate. In general, he was a very good boy. And the parents were good - dad and mom.

“My dear parents! Father and mother! Grandmother and grandfather! I love you very much. And I love animals very much. And this cat too. And you don't allow me to start it. Tell him to leave the house. And this is wrong. I'm leaving for the village and will live there. Don't worry about me. ..."

In one thick tropical forest Once upon a time there lived a very funny animal. He was white and fluffy. His name was Cheburashka. Or rather, at first they didn’t call him anything while he lived in his tropical forest. And they called him Cheburashka later, when he left the forest and met people.

Now Gena, Galya and Cheburashka spent almost every evening together. After work, they gathered at the crocodile’s house, talked peacefully, drank coffee and played tic-tac-toe. Sometimes we even chatted on a mobile phone with friends from Madagascar. And yet Cheburashka could not believe that he finally had real friends.

Creative part: Today I propose to your team to complete one very important creative task - to create a book on the work of Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky. How it will look is only your idea. So, you need to make a book, present it, think about who you can give it to and last page write a wish for a young reader.

I have prepared some creative material for you. To create pages, you can use my cuttings, or you can draw and write everything yourself.

Book presentation:

Group photo of the team with the book!

Reflection: You and I are taking our seats again. And now I have for you main question: What is the main goal of our lesson?

Cultivating interest in the writer’s work

Motivating participants to read as a means of self-education (why should you read?)

Acquaintance with the biography and work of Russian writers (education of patriotism, respect)

Development of creative abilities

Developing a sense of admiration for a writer's talent

With this meeting of ours, we would like to thank the writer for writing such kind and funny works that are interesting not only for children, but also for adults.

Our lesson is coming to an end. It was dedicated amazing person, a wonderful writer. All his works are imbued with warmth, light, kindness, humor, and love for people. You can verify this by reading any book by Eduard Uspensky.

And I would like to remind you that everything interesting, kind, and useful can be learned from books. Therefore, I want to end the topic of the lesson with the words of Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky: “If you want to find out how much smarter and better a person becomes after reading a thousand books, read a thousand books.”

And now I ask our wonderful team to go back to the center of the classroom and move a little.

On the slide you are given a few lines from the well-known children's New Year's song. Each participant takes turns reading sound, not a letter, but a sound! Where there is a comma, we clap, a period, we stomp, and a space, we squat.

The Forest Raised a Christmas Tree,

She grew up in the forest

In winter and summer she was slim and green.

Scenario literary holiday, dedicated to the anniversary of the children's writer E. Uspensky “Uspensky for children”

Leading: Hello guys! Today we have not an ordinary holiday, but a literary one! Please watch an excerpt from the cartoon and tell me what it is called. (Excerpt from the cartoon “Uncle Fyodor, Cat and Dog”)

What is the name of this cartoon?

What work is it based on?

IN: Who doesn’t know Crocodile Gena, Cheburashka, Uncle Fyodor and other characters from the books of the famous children’s writer E. Uspensky!? Today we will go on a journey through the works of E. Uspensky, whose books are read with pleasure by both children and adults. Today we will learn a lot of new and interesting things about him and his work. And it is no coincidence that we are talking about Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky. The fact is that December 22 is the writer’s birthday, he turns 80 years old.

IN: And it seems we have guests...

(to the music from the cartoon “Prostokvashino”, Matroskin and Sharik enter and argue about something)

M: And I say, a cow. She gives a lot of milk.

Sh: Why does he need a cow? Let's give you a gun...

IN: Wait, wait... Stop arguing! Tell us what your argument is about. And we will try to help you!

M : Hello guys! Do you recognize us?

Children : Yeees. Matroskin and Sharik!

IN : You are from E. Uspensky’s book D. Fedor...” The guys read the book about you and watched the cartoon! So what happened?

M : The fact is that December 22 is Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky’s birthday; he turns 80 years old. But we don’t know what to give him... I say, we should give him a cow! A good cow is always useful on the farm! And the milk is always fresh, and sour cream...

Sh : But where will he put a cow in a city apartment? Yes, and you can buy milk in the store... But a gun is a thing! You can go hunting or shoot at a shooting range...

IN : Don't quarrel, please, we will try to help you. In the meantime, tell the guys what you know about our favorite writer?

Matroskin : So, listen carefully! Eduard Uspensky was born in 1937. But he was not always a writer. Like all children, he was an ordinary student and went to school. His childhood was not easy war time, and after graduating from school he decided to become an engineer.

Ball : But his studies did not end there. He is still studying.

At the age of 40 I learned to work on a computer. At 50 – started teaching English language. At 55, he began to learn to sing. And Eduard Nikolaevich studies history because he is writing a historical book.

Matroskin : He also loves children very much and takes part in various children's programs, on radio and television. So that we can learn and understand a lot, he writes poetry, fairy tales, comics, scripts for cartoons, horror stories for us, translates poems by writers from other countries, and writes lyrics for his fairy-tale characters. And how does he manage to do everything? It’s probably the surname’s fault: Uspensky means “to be in time everywhere.”

IN : Thank you, Sharik, Matroskin! We invite you to take part in our celebration today!

(M. and Sh. sit aside)

Music from cartoons. about Cheburashka. Sh. enters with a rat

Shapoklyak : Hello, candy kids. You recognized me? And I, Shapoklyak, was also invented by Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky. (Shows the book.) I am very, very kind, I have many friends. I have a great time helping people, I have a very kind mouse...

IN : Well, Shapoklyak, you also know how to lie!

Shapoklyak : Don’t lie, but fantasize. And it’s not necessary to reveal all my secrets to these little ones. They don’t read books anyway and don’t know everything about me.

IN : Take it and check it.

Shapoklyak: And what? Easily!

I have a well-mannered rat. Color grey. Tail 10 cm. Her name is... (Lariska)

What was the name of the crocodile from the book by E. Uspensky? (Gena) How did he find friends? (As advertised)

He is a friend to animals and children.

He is a living being.

But there are no such people in this world

There is not one more!

Because he's not a bird

Not a tiger cub, not a chick,

Not a wolf cub, not a marmot.

But filmed for film

And everyone has known for a long time

This cute little face

And it's called... (Cheburashka)

How did the crocodile Gena and his friends get rid of me? (They gave balloon, and Shapoklyak flew away.)

So what did Cheburashka travel in? (In a box with oranges.)

Shapoklyak : Well done! You know everything!

You know, lately I’ve been learning poetry! I have an excellent memory!

It’s not in vain that I praise myself,

I tell everyone and everywhere,

Any suggestion

I'll repeat it right away.

Q: We'll check it now. I'll read you a poem, and you repeat it.

Poem "Memory"

Vanya rode on a horse,

He led the dog on a belt,

And the old lady at this time

I washed the cactus on the window.


Vanya rode on a horse,

He led the dog on a belt,

Well, the cactus at this time

Washing the old lady at the window.

IN: No not like this!


A cactus was riding on the window,

He led the old lady on a belt,

And the dog at this time

I washed Vanya on the window.

IN: Well, you can't be right! And the guys senior group remember poetry well. Look how well our children can read E. Uspensky’s poetry

So, a POEMS COMPETITION “Uspensky for Children” is announced.

As in any competition, a fair jury will evaluate our creativity:...

6 readers

Cap.: It's great that your children can read poetry! I can not do that! But I can sing songs, they were written by E.N. Uspensky.

Sings to the tune of songs based on the words of E. Uspensky.

    The blue carriage runs and sways.

The fast train is picking up speed.

Oh, why does this cake end?

Let it drag on for a whole year.

(Children are looking for a mistake.)

    If only there was no spring in cities and villages,

We would never have known these happy days.

(Children are looking for a mistake.)

    Let the steamships run clumsily through the puddles,

And the water runs on the asphalt.

And it’s not clear to passers-by on this bad day,

Why am I so cheerful?

(Children look for mistakes.)

    I was once strange

A nameless toy

Which no one approached in the store.

Now I'm a turtle

I like every mongrel

When we meet, he immediately gives his paw.

(Children are looking for a mistake.)

IN: Well well! You got everything mixed up, Shapoklyak!

Let's better guys read some more poetry.

6 readers

Shapoklyak : (Cries.) And you know how to read poetry! Yes, and you all have friends, but I’m alone, no one loves me, there’s only Lariska, and everyone just calls me Shapoklyak, that’s why I’m angry, that’s why I’m starting to be mischievous.

V: (to Shapoklyak): Well, what are you talking about! We love you very much, and so do the children. And we’ll even come up with a sweet name for you.

Children, call him Shapoklyak affectionately.

Children's answers.

Old woman Shapoklyak : Thank you, children, you are very kind, and now I will become kind.

Do you want me to teach you how to play? interesting game"Monkeys"

Sh. says words and shows movements, and the rest repeat after her.

Get up and repeat after me!

We are funny monkeys!

We play too loud

We clap our hands

We stomp our feet

Puff out our cheeks

Let's jump on our toes,

Let's show each other our tongues,

We will point our hand to the sky,

Let's jump to the ceiling together

Let's stick out our ears,

Let's take the crown,

Let's open our mouths wider,

How can I say the number “three”! -

Everyone, freeze with a cheerful face,

One two Three!

Q: Well done, Shapoklyak! Made all the children happy! And our competition continues.

7 readers

IN: Our children not only know how to read poetry perfectly, but even act in films. I suggest you watch a film based on the work of E. Uspensky “Destruction”.

(Watching a movie)

Cap.: A great movie! You really do have real artists growing up! It's time for us, book heroes, to go into books.

Mat.: What about the gift for E.N.?

IN: Let's give him a gift for D.R. a disc with a film that we ourselves created based on his poem! I think he will love the gift! Do you agree?

Ball: Yes!! Let's give him a gift!

Mat: And we wish you guys to quickly learn to read and read a lot of interesting books. He who reads a lot knows everything in the world.

Together: Goodbye! See you again!

IN: In the meantime, the jury is summing up the results of the competition, I invite you to watch cartoons with our favorite characters!

Literary meeting dedicated to the anniversary of the children's writer


Expand children's literary horizons;

To awaken interest in personality and creativity and show the versatility of his creativity;

Progress of the event

Librarian. Guys, libraries have a wonderful tradition - celebrating the anniversaries of writers. Book exhibition " Good wizards- Children's Writers" is dedicated to writers celebrating their anniversaries. And today we will have a meeting with one of these wizards. After all, to meet a writer, you don’t have to know him personally. To do this, just read his books.

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky- one of the most popular and beloved children's writers. His poems, stories and funny stories are liked not only by children, but also by adults. The writer's works have been translated into many languages ​​of the world. His books were published in Finland, Holland, France, Japan, and the USA.

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky born on December 22, 1937 in the city of Yegoryevsk, Moscow Region. Little Edik was a mischievous boy, he did not do well at school, I must say, he got bad grades and every time he decided that on Monday he would start studying with straight A's. Monday came, some other things happened and... the twos appeared again.

The case "rescued" me. One day, after jumping from the roof, the boy broke his leg and ended up in the hospital. He asked his parents to bring him textbooks. To the unspeakable surprise of those around him, he began to take his homework seriously. Yes, so stubbornly that he was able to enter the Moscow Aviation Institute and become an engineer. Uspensky worked in his specialty for three years. Then I suddenly realized that I was doing something wrong in my life. Eduard Nikolaevich thought, thought and became an adult comedian. And only then became a children's writer. As usual, chance helped him in this.

One summer, Uspensky worked as a counselor at a pioneer camp. And to calm the detachment, I read to them different interesting books. And then all the interesting books suddenly ended. The detachment did not want to listen to boring books, and Uspensky had no choice but to write them himself. “In one city there lived a crocodile named Gena, and he worked as a crocodile at the zoo.” This phrase was spinning in Eduard Uspensky’s head. And he began to tell his famous fairy tale. The story about Cheburashka and the crocodile Gena really appealed to the little listeners.

This is how it appeared "Crocodile Gena and his friends". The fairy tale that made the writer famous was published in 1966. Adults loved her no less than children. During meetings, readers asked Eduard Nikolaevich about how his hero Cheburashka was born. And he said that he once received an assignment from the editorial office to write a story about the work of a seaport. There, among the boxes of oranges, he noticed a strange animal - a chameleon, which came to us from distant countries. He remembered it.

Another case. One winter, Eduard Nikolayevich met a dad in the yard walking with a baby dressed in a fur coat that was long enough to grow. The child fell, and dad said: “He screwed up again!” Uspensky remembered this too. From these two impressions the image of Cheburashka was born. This book was followed by many other fairy-tale and adventure works.

Eduard Uspensky is not just a writer, but a screenwriter, playwright, director, and inventor of spectacles. Many cartoons have been made based on the works of Uspensky. He hosted programs on radio and television, such as “Baby Monitor”, “ABVGDeyka”, “Ships Came into Our Harbor”. To print good children's books, Uspensky created the Samovar publishing house and publishes a children's magazine "Prostokvashino".

Eduard Nikolaevich loves animals very much. At home he has cats, dogs, a parrot and even a raven and a jackdaw. You can read about this on the pages of one of the issues of the Prostokvashino magazine.

In addition to fairy tales, Eduard Uspensky likes to write funny poems for children, in which he unobtrusively teaches how to behave correctly in various situations. life situations. Many songs have been written based on Eduard Nikolaevich’s poems.

Review of books by Eduard Uspensky

All girls and boys have been familiar with E. Uspensky’s books “Crocodile Gena and His Friends”, “Uncle Fyodor, Dog and Cat”, “Vacations in Prostokvashino” since childhood.

But Uspensky also has other stories for schoolchildren and their parents.

“The fur boarding school needs a teacher of good behavior and writing. Girls from third and fourth grades are invited. Classes will be on Sundays. Payment by Hendriks.” This announcement was read by a girl named Lucy in a holiday village. What happened to the girl Lyusya and who her students are, you will learn from the book "Fur Boarding School".

Do you know the fairy tale “Little Red Riding Hood”?

Do you know what happened to the girl in this fairy tale?

But we have a different tale.

In one village, with one grandmother, there lived one city boy. His name was Mitya. He spent his holidays in the village. Grandmother told him fairy tales in the evenings. And one morning his grandmother told him that Mitya should take gifts and go to visit her cousin Egorovna.

You can stay with her and help with some housework. Otherwise she lives alone. She's become quite old. Just look, he will turn into Baba Yaga.

Okay,” Mitya said and went to visit.

What happened to Mitya, who did he meet in magical forest and how this journey ended, you will learn from the book "Down the Magic River".

Imagine a loving grandmother who enrolls her child in a hundred clubs, sections and a music school. As a result, the beloved child runs away from home. And then two detectives - Kolobok and Bulochkin - come to the aid of the confused grandmother Vera Antonovna. They work in the “urgent point of good deeds”, which is located in the Moscow children's park. We accept applications to investigate missing persons, violations and minor crimes. How it was, you can find out if you read the story - a fairy tale by Uspensky "Kolobok is on the trail".

Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky "The Business of Gena the Crocodile". This book is a guide for aspiring millionaires. You will learn what the stock exchange, shares, marketing and dividends are. You will learn how a bank works. And you will know exactly where you should and should not invest your capital. You will also learn about the fun and funny adventures of the crocodile Gena and Cheburashka in the city of Prostokvashinsk.

Eduard Uspensky has other books that are no less interesting than these. But we'll talk about this next time.

“Three from Prostokvashino” was the name of a fun quiz for 2nd grade students, conducted by librarians children's library Maria Nikolaevna and Olga Sergeevna. The second class “A” is Matroskin’s team, the second “B” is Sharik’s team. The quiz was based on the book by E. Uspensky “Uncle Fyodor, the Dog and the Cat.” The game was exciting and fun. The guys noisily rejoiced at the correct answers and were very upset at the success of their opponents. The score was almost equal, but at some point Matroskin’s team took a sharp lead. She became the winner, receiving a set of Christmas tree decorations as a reward. Sharik's team received a set of New Year's tinsel.

For schoolchildren of the 3rd grade, the game “Smart Men and Clever Girls” was played based on the works of E. Uspensky. The participating teams chose their captains, and they then chose a participant in the game for a certain stage. The participant had to choose one position and the number of points for the correct answer. But the more points, the more difficult the question. Pupils 3 "A" selected questions and assessed them in large quantity points, that's why they became winners.

Two fourth graders competed in their knowledge of V. Bianchi’s works. They were asked questions about the writer’s fairy tales and his stories about wildlife. Back in the summer, the guys read Bianchi’s works, now they just needed to remember. Unlike the third graders, these guys were careful and chose easier questions. As a result, one team earned 200 points, and the second only 120. But both teams received the prize. The winners received a set Christmas balls, and the losing team gets a set of New Year's tinsel.

IN October Library a literary game “Uncle Fyodor, Cheburashka and everything, everything, everything” was held, dedicated to the 80th anniversary of Eduard Nikolaevich Uspensky. Not only children, but also adults love Eduard Nikolaevich’s funny stories and novels. Probably everyone is familiar with the kind and wise crocodile Gena, the naive Cheburashka, the resourceful postman Pechkin, the talented cat Matroskin, who can even sew on a typewriter, and the restless monkey Anfisa. The children got acquainted with the book exhibition “Favorite Books of a Favorite Writer.” Then they actively participated in various competitions. In the competition “Guess who it is?” they recognized E. Uspensky's heroes by description. We remembered the adventures of Uncle Fyodor with Sharik and Matroskin, and read funny stories from the book “Holidays in Prostokvashino”, read the advertisements and guessed which book they were from. “Let's build a House of Friendship” was the name of the quiz, the questions of which were answered unanimously by the children. And in the competition " Finest hour"found one correct answer out of six. In the last competition it was necessary to choose a hero and portray him. Yana Andryushchenkova did the best job of showing what kind of animal Cheburashka is. The literary game ended with outdoor games. All the guys received prizes.

IN Barsukovskaya library A literary fair was held based on the works of E. Uspensky "Engineer by training, children's writer by vocation."
At the beginning of the event, librarian Natalya Viktorovna introduced those present to the biography and creative activity writer. Children took an active part in discussing the writer’s work and answered quiz questions on his works. The guys turned out to be well acquainted with his work, so it was interesting and easy for them to answer the quiz questions. The quiz was dedicated to cartoons based on famous works writer Eduard Uspensky: about the cheerful inhabitants of the village of Prostokvashino, mischievous Antoshka, a colorful family of octopuses, private detectives - the Kolobok brothers and, of course, the kind crocodile Gena and his faithful friend Cheburashka.
The quiz consisted of 4 rounds. In the first round, “Tell me, what’s his name?..”, schoolchildren had to name names cartoon characters, which stepped onto the screen from the pages of E. Uspensky’s books. In the second round of “Who’s Talking?” the guys remembered which cartoon characters they belonged to famous phrases. In the third round of “Cartoon Songs,” the quiz participants not only listened and guessed which of the characters sang this or that song in the cartoon, but also merrily sang along with the characters: about the blue carriage, Cheburashka and the birthday, which “unfortunately, only once a year". And in the final 4th round, “Visiting Cartoons,” they answered a variety of questions about their favorite cartoons. At the end of the quiz, on the eve of the winter holidays, the children enjoyed watching the cartoon “Holidays in Prostokvashino” and had fun with the inhabitants of the famous village, which was also invented by the writer Eduard Uspensky.

“The cheerful cockerel came knocking on our door”

On the eve of the New Year, from December 19 to 25, the staff of the Family Reading Library conducted a series of literary and educational events for primary school students of secondary school No. 3 in Pskov, “The cheerful cockerel has come knocking on our door.”

At the beginning of the event, schoolchildren learned that eastern calendar The symbol of the coming 2017 is the Fiery or red rooster. The librarian told the schoolchildren about the features of the New Year's Eve and paraphernalia, namely about serving festive table and appearance.

The children learned about the sights and decorative elements of the countries of Europe and Russia related to the symbol of the New Year. Information block ended with a description of the most striking and memorable species and breeds of rooster.

During the break between the information and literary blocks, the outdoor game “Cockerel, sand, diaper” was played. For each word it was necessary to perform a certain movement.

The children especially liked this part; they performed the exercises with great pleasure. The image of a rooster could not help but be reflected in the oral folk art
Russian people. Schoolchildren got acquainted with counting rhymes, proverbs and nursery rhymes.

Then the children took part in the quiz game “Guess the Fairy Tale.” The condition of the game was to guess the name of the fairy tale based on the question posed.

At the end, the children were shown the cartoon “The Golden Comb Cockerel” and were given books in which the symbol of the New Year, the cockerel, is found.

"Parade of Fairytale Moms"

Mom is the very first and most important word of every child. It is inextricably linked with the words “kindness”, “care”, “affection”, “tenderness”.

On the eve of Mother's Day, a holiday that is celebrated in our country on the last Sunday of November, the staff of the Family Reading Library from November 21-24 held a series of literary games “Parade of Fairytale Mothers” for primary school students of secondary school No. 3 in Pskov.

At the beginning of the event, schoolchildren got acquainted with the centuries-old history of this holiday. The children learned that back in the 17th century they began to celebrate “Mothering Sunday” in Great Britain, and how other countries subsequently joined in honoring mothers, and also that in Russia Mother’s Day began to be celebrated in 1998. The librarian told the schoolchildren about the All-Russian social campaign “Mom, I love you!”, which takes place throughout the country during the pre-holiday week. The purpose of the action is to remind people that family and mother are the main values ​​in the life of every person.

Then the children, together with the librarian, read poems about their mother and got acquainted with the book exhibition “Mom... there is no more precious word in the world,” which presented collections of poems and stories dedicated to the dearest and dearest person on earth - mother.

The schoolchildren also took part in the “Compliments for Mom” game. But first the guys learned about the forget-me-not - a flower that has become a symbol of the holiday. According to popular beliefs, this modest flower has miraculous powers and brings back the memory of those people who have forgotten their loved ones. Passing forget-me-nots to each other, the guys said warm and kind words about their beloved mothers. And I really want to hope that the love for their mother, which the children tried to express in words, will remain with them forever, and they will carry this feeling throughout their entire lives!

The event ended with watching the wonderful cartoon “Mom for a Baby Mammoth,” in which the children, together with its main character – a little baby mammoth – sang a wonderful song “about the only mother in the world.”

"An hour of kindness, politeness and friendship"

As part of the Week of Kindness, the staff of the Family Reading Library from November 14 to 17 held a series of literary and educational events “An Hour of Kindness, Politeness and Friendship” for primary school students of secondary school No. 3 in the city of Pskov.

The musical composition “A smile will make everyone brighter” created an atmosphere of kindness and friendship for the children and put them in a cheerful mood. The students enthusiastically shared how they understand the word “kindness.”

And why there are never many true friends. In the fairy tales listed by schoolchildren, good always triumphs over evil (“Sister Alyonushka and Brother Ivanushka”, “Sivka-Burka”, “Cinderella”, “Thumbelina”, “The Tale of Lost Time”, etc.).

The children found examples of kind and fair actions in Russian proverbs and sayings: “A good word heals, but an evil word cripples”, “If you manage to do something wrong, be able to obey”, “Don’t look for beauty, but look for kindness.” As you know, kindness and politeness go hand in hand. Having compiled a memo for a well-mannered person on the rules of behavior in society, the schoolchildren took part in the game - the quiz “Polite - impolite”. Polite means friendly.“The Magical Land of Kindness and Friendship” schoolchildren were interested in the colorfully designed series of books “Forest of Friendship. Magical stories about animals" Daisy Meadows.

In this forest the animals can talk. And in the “City of Good Deeds” by Richard Scarry, the children wanted to settle forever, because the Blacksmith Fox, the Grocer Cat, the Tailor Needle, the Farmer Turnips, the Postman Speedy and other animals live and work there.

The series of events ended with messages under the motto “Let’s fill our hearts with kindness!”, which the children placed on the “Kindness” tree, wishing all the people of the planet “friendship”, “good friends”, “kind words”, “health and love”, “ice cream” and just “happiness”.
Creative competition “That’s how she is, dear mother”
Who opened this world to me,
Sparing no effort?

And always protected? The best MOTHER in the world. On the eve of Mother's Day, from November 21, 2016, the Family Reading Library will host an exciting

creative competition “That’s how she is, dear mother.” Young readers presented portraits of their mothers, where each
children's drawing filled with love, tenderness, warmth and kindness! The work was carried out on
various materials

- cardboard, whatman paper - and in the following techniques - gouache, watercolor, simple and colored pencils. Mom in the interior, at work and at rest - these are the main themes that are reflected in the children’s works.

We hope that the touching masterpieces of young artists will delight visitors to our library. Exhibition “My Shore – School of Art” From November 21 until the end of the month, the Family Reading Library offers to get acquainted with the works of students of the art department of the Children's Art School in Pskov (teacher I.V. Samoilenko) “My Shore -
art school ", which presents episodes about the creative life of the school: classes in choreography, choir, art and music departments, concerts and performances of choral and musical ensembles. Works presented

young artists

– students of 4-5 grades. Puppet show “Fedorin’s vegetable garden” During the autumn holidays, the Family Reading Library invited school camp children to an event,

dedicated to creativity K. Chukovsky, which took place on November 10. entitled “Fedorin’s vegetable garden”, which was prepared by 4th grade students of secondary school No. 3 Svetlana Zhagrova, Sofia Nedosvitiy, Violetta Vedernikova, Sofia Smirnova - participants of the Book Theater under the direction of E.I. Fokina. Throughout the event, children actively answered the questions of the proposed quiz, guessed fairy tales from excerpts, recognized a hero by their actions, and solved riddles about the heroes and fairy tales of Grandfather Korney.

The guys also learned the history of the creation of “Moidodyr”, how from his real surname Korneychukov, the writer created a pseudonym for himself, that in the Moscow region, in the famous writers’ village of Peredelkino, there is a museum of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky - “the house of grandfather Korney”, which is open the new kind flies, which were named after Chukovsky’s character - the Tsokotukha Fly.

The children met the heroes of wonderful fairy tales, poems, riddles and songs by K.I. Chukovsky. They were shown books that can be read in the library.

Meeting with Olga Sherstobitova

On October 26, a meeting and presentation of the author of romantic fantasy Olga Sherstobitova with first-year students of the Pskov Polytechnic College was held at the Family Reading Library.

Olga is a young writer who writes in the genre of humorous, action, and romantic fantasy. Sherstobitova was born in Chelyabinsk region in the small town of Verkhneuralsk (Southern Urals).

Graduated from the Faculty of Journalism. Hence the mastery of syllables and words. As a child, Olga studied at a music school. Currently, the girl is interested in playing the guitar. WITH youth

the dreamy nature was fascinated by the mysterious life of astronomical luminaries and planets.

And she fulfilled her childhood dream by going to Moscow to meet the astronauts.

Now Olga lives and works in Pskov, calling it family and congenial.
The guest herself speaks very warmly about her debut novel, “The Thread of Magic,” which is particularly positive and autobiographical.

From favorite writers modern literature the author named Maria Semyonova, Evgeny Vodolazkin, Olga Gromyko.

Sherstobitova’s third novel is currently being prepared for publication.

The meeting with Olga left a bright mark on my soul and the hope that all dreams come true if you really believe...

"Small wonders of big nature"

From October 10 to 13, to mark the 115th anniversary of the writer and graphic artist Evgeny Ivanovich Charushin, the staff of the Family Reading Library organized a meeting for primary school students of secondary school No. 3 in Pskov in the form of a literary walk “Small Wonders of Big Nature.”

Cloud and sunshine again
They started playing hide and seek.
Only the sun will hide
The cloud will burst into tears.
Only the sun will be found
A rainbow is laughing in the sky.
V. Berestov

The guys happily went on a literary walk through the works of E.I. Charushin, discovering the small wonders of great nature. Having played a quiz based on the writer’s book “Who Lives How,” the children became acquainted with the talent of the animal painter E.I. Charushina. The writer loved to draw nature and all living things around him. Charushin’s wonderful drawings accompany such famous works as “The First Hunt” by V. Bianchi, “Children in a Cage” by S.Ya. Marshak and others. Unusual line graphics are reflected in the illustrations for own works writer: “Teremok”, “Bird Lake”, “Animals”, “Tupa and Tomka”, “Heron”, etc.

A walk through the hot and cold countries of E.I. was educational for the children. Charushina. Students learned that the whale is the most big beast in the world, but he lives in the world's oceans; the hippopotamus is distinguished by its agile disposition in the water, and not on land; in the North, a person cannot do without a deer. Having settled all the animals in their geographical homes, the children began watching the animated film “Toptyzhka” based on the drawings of Evgeny Ivanovich.

In the leisure and reading hall at the book exhibition, children were delighted with the colorfully illustrated works of the writer and artist - animal painter E.I. Charushina.

Knowledge Day in the Library

Knowledge Day is a special, bright day.
After all, there is an academic year ahead.
Perhaps it will turn out to be hot,
But glory awaits only the persistent!
We wish you courage, patience,
Wonderful discoveries and victories.
And let the wonderful moments
They will leave a mark for many years!

The staff of the Family Reading Library greeted their young readers with these lines of the poem on September 1.
The first to visit the library were students of grades 1-A, 1-B, 1-C, for whom a book exhibition “We never get bored with book friends”, a tour of the library and a puppet show “On a good journey” were prepared.
From the performance, the guys learned that on the night of September 1, at school, in the teachers' room, a class magazine fell from a shelf, hit the floor, the pages opened... And threes, fives and ones scattered from the pages like birds.. From their conversation, the guys knew what the problem was with the grades, and what needed to be done so that the stories told by the main characters of the performance did not happen to the guys.

There are many professions in the world,
And they are very important to all of us:
Doctor, teacher, plumber, professor,
Engineer, acrobat and worker.
All professions are very different -
It's hard to make a choice sometimes.
Interesting and dangerous
They can become destiny for someone.
Galaktionova K.

And 8th grade students made a “Journey to the Land of Professions.” From the presented presentation and book exhibition we got acquainted with different professions, their history and specificity, learned Interesting Facts about the profession of a seller, milkmaid, etc.
From the quiz “Who is this?” The guys learned about many specialties, for example, they guessed who a dog handler is - a specialist in the field of cinema or a scientist who studies dogs... In the game “The most-most...” they determined which profession is the most-the most... sweet, monetary, serious. They also answered fun questions about their knowledge of proverbs and catchphrases about professions.

Senior Lecturer of the Department of Applied Informatics of Pskov State University Khmylko O.N. told about what professions students receive after graduating from the faculty.

She also noted that “I want”, “I can”, “I must” are the three main components of choosing a profession, which are inextricably linked. Therefore, now the children need to try to determine their area of ​​interest, and for this, they need to read more, gaining experience and knowledge. That the question “Who will I become?” you need to ask yourself now so that in the future the profession brings joy and pleasure.
...Oh, Lord, tell me how long
Have you prescribed suffering for people?
From the hands of soulless executioners
Children of ruined, sinless
Now it will replace the light of candles,

But it will not heal the inconsolable...
“All children on the planet need peace” - under this title, a peace lesson was held for students in grades 5-6 in the Family Reading Library, which was dedicated to the terrible tragedy of September 3, 2004. In the presentation “The Tragedy of Beslan. Chronicle“The librarians tried to reconstruct the events of those days when the Day of Peace and Knowledge became a day of grief and tears. Each frame of the presentation is a chronicle of the courage of little children’s hearts, it is the memory of those who will no longer sit at their desks on September 1, the memory of those who gave their lives but did not submit to terrorists.
Today's schoolchildren, in absolute silence, holding their breath, watched the terrible footage chronicling those events.

In memory of all those who fell at the hands of terrorists: children, teachers, special forces soldiers, the song “In Memory of the Victims of Beslan” was sung, poems were read and a minute of silence was declared.

“Let the light of the Olympics shine on everyone...”

On June 23, the staff of the Family Reading Library held an information session for the children from the summer health camp at school No. educational hour“Let the light of the Olympics shine on everyone...” dedicated to the International Olympic Day.

Even if everything doesn’t come right away, we will have to work!
Let's run fast, together - we really need to win!

At the meeting, the guys learned that sports competitions arose in Ancient Greece, in Olympia. During the Olympic Games, wars stopped and a truce came. Then on for a long time sports competitions stopped.

The French figure Baron Pierre de Coubertin contributed to the revival of the Olympic Games.

The children also remembered the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. Having become acquainted with the symbols of the Olympic Games - the flag, five intertwined rings, fire, etc., the children named the mascots of the Winter Olympics in Sochi (Leopard, White Bear and Bunny). These talismans symbolize friendship, fair fight and the pursuit of excellence. The motto “Faster!” has always served as moral support for Olympians of all times and peoples. Higher! Stronger!". IN
educational game “Guess the sport” the guys named from the slide picture: badminton, cycling, fencing, golf, table tennis, diving, archery and other sports included in the Summer Olympic Games. Information about the youngest Olympic champion, Marcel Depay, was interesting and surprising for children. At the time of participation in the games, the boy was only 10 years old.


entertaining game

On June 21, as part of the Year of Dovmont in Pskov, an educational hour “Let’s tell a story about Dovmont the Prince...” was held at the Family Reading Library.

The event was attended by children from the summer health camp at school No. 3.
Library staff prepared a presentation of the same name for the children. And the conversation itself was built in the genre of a fairy tale, about how a long time ago, in a certain kingdom, in a certain state called the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, there lived a young prince named Dovmont and an insidious king of Lithuania named Mindovg. And Mindovg decided to deceive Dovmont to take his beautiful wife away from him, and to destroy Prince Dovmont himself by sending him and his army across the Dnieper River to battle with the Prince of Bryansk. Next, the guys learned what events preceded the appearance of Prince Dovmont in the glorious city of Pskov, how Dovmont became the Prince of Pskov, what good deeds for the good of Pskov and the land of Pskov, he became famous, from whom Dovmont defended the land of Pskov, and about the prince’s wonderful sword, which had indestructible power. The sword could pierce through the thickest armor and more than once rescued Prince Dovmont in battles and battles.

The librarian’s story was accompanied by a loud reading of fragments from E. Poluyan’s book “Dovmont’s Sword.” The children were also shown a video “Prince Dovmont” and were presented with books telling about

wise prince
and a brave commander.
“A meeting has been arranged with a new fairy tale”
We need fairy tales in our lives from childhood, We read fairy tales with interest. Fairy tales are full of miracles and knowledge,


magical land

we call it. Fairy tales are a special world, a world of magic and wonder, to which you want to return again and again.».
At the beginning of the meeting, Yuri Borisovich told the children that he began to write fairy tales very early, at the age of 6, not yet knowing how to write, and when he learned how to write them, he began to write them down, then he told fairy tales to children in the pioneer camp, when he himself spent the summer there , composed fairy tales for his beloved daughters, and now he invents them for his grandchildren and great-grandson.
The world of a writer-storyteller is so wide and varied that he can compose a fairy tale about any object, regardless of whether it is animate or not. The heroes of his fairy tales were animals and birds, plants and insects, kings and princesses, mermaids and knights. The author also has a fairy tale about a holey bag and an ordinary wooden stick lying near the fence at the dacha. At a meeting with the guys, Yuri Borisovich told a fairy tale about a little deer named Bambi, and then read several fairy tales from the new collection. Among them are “The Tale of the Little and White Spider”, “Horse-Fire”, “Liar Bunny”. Reading out loud was accompanied by a dialogue between the author and the children who tried to predict further events in fairy tales. The meeting participants asked our guest a variety of questions: what were the most first fairy tales , how many books have already been published and how many more fairy tales does the author have that he would like to publish in the future, when new collections of fairy tales appear in city libraries, in what other literary genre
he had to work.

At the end of the meeting, Yuri Borisovich addressed the children with the wish that they continue reading fairy tales, because fairy tales can teach children a lot: to be friends, to love, to respect elders, to help others, to have compassion.

And in general, fairy tales make our world, and each of us, a little kinder.
“Heroes of your favorite books on the screen”
We are all friends with books:
Both you and I are readers.

And, of course, we know
What their writers write.
And from books they come to us:
Winnie the Pooh, Malvina,

Aibolit, Hippopotamus,

Brave Cippolino...
First, the participants of the event were offered a small cartoon fragment, the guys had to guess the name of the cartoon, then answer questions about the characters or events taking place on the screen, after which they had to remember the name of the author and the work on which this or that cartoon was based, and on an improvised “summer meadow” to find the named book.
At the end of the video quiz, the books “collected” in the “clearing” created a bright summer book exhibition “Heroes of Books in the Land of Multi-Pulti”.

Educational and game program “About friends and friendship”

On June 9, employees of the Family Reading Library conducted an educational and game program “About Friends and Friendship” for children from the summer health camp at school No. 3 in Pskov International Day friendship.

The breeze is friends with the sun,
And the dew is with the grass.
Friends with butterfly flower,
We are friends with you.

Everything with friends in half
We are happy to share!
Only friends quarrel

Having become acquainted with the history of the holiday, the guys took turns sharing their opinions on how they understand the word “friendship”; why “an old friend is better than two new ones.”

For many children, “friendship” is associated with generosity, kindness, sincerity in relationships and common interests.

Then the children had to make an exciting journey through the cities of the Friendship Class. In the city of Kindness, children named literary characters familiar to them while playing the game “Who is friends with whom?”, for example, the Kid with Carlson, Pinocchio with Malvina and Pierrot.

Then the route smoothly moved to the city of Honesty, where the guys in the game “Guess the Proverb” guessed the second part of the proverb: “a friend is a friend in need”, “one for all, and all for one”, “don’t have a hundred rubles, but have one hundred friends”, etc.

Compiling a dictionary of polite words, the children found themselves in the city of Politeness.

In the game “Say a Word”, the guys finished polite words: “thank you”, expressing gratitude, “please” - when asking for something, “hello” - when meeting each other, “goodbye” - when parting with each other.

At the end of the meeting, the guys, having drawn a symbol of friendship on the asphalt - SMILE, chanted the motto of friends of all nations “One for all, and all for one!”

International campaign “Read Pushkin Together” and literary game “Verbal Jumble”

On June 6, Pushkin Day in Russia and Russian Language Day, two events were held at the Family Reading Library dedicated to these memorable dates.

Pupils of MDOU No. 28 took part in International action“We read Pushkin together.”

“The scientist cat invites...”- that's what it was called literary hour, dedicated to Pushkin's fairy tales. Preschool children, together with the librarian, read excerpts from famous fairy tales of the great Russian poet.

Then we enjoyed guessing our favorite fairy tales from the illustrations, took part in the interactive quiz “Riddles of the Scientist’s Cat” and even recited Pushkin’s famous lines by heart: about Lukomorye, where the “green oak tree” grows, about the wind that “walks across the sea and propels the boat”, about the spruce that “grows in front of the palace”, etc.
Pushkin's character - the scientist cat - helped our little friends find themselves "In Pushkin's magical land." This was the name of the book exhibition, where one could get acquainted with bright editions of fairy tales by A.S. Pushkin.

The event ended with watching a fragment of the animated film “The Tale of Tsar Saltan.” Library staff held a literary game for children from the summer health camp at school No. 3.

"Verbal mess" The game consisted of several rounds. The first round, in the form of a quiz, was dedicated to A.S. Pushkin and his fairy tales. In the second round - “Dunno's Books” - the game participants had to correct the mistakes that Dunno made in writing literary works. In the third round - “From the depths of centuries” - schoolchildren were offered two groups of words: obsolete words and modern ones that replaced them. And the guys, remembering the meaning of an outdated word, had to choose a modern word with the same meaning. In the next round, the event participants played the game “Kuzovok”, which was invented by the famous Russian writer, folklore collector and author “ Explanatory dictionary

living Great Russian language" Vladimir Ivanovich Dal. Passing the box from hand to hand, the guys “put” words into it alphabetically, that is, everyone had to come up with their own word for one of the letters of the Russian alphabet in order, from A to Z. The final round was called “Game with the letter L,” because that all answers to questions in this round began with the letter “L”.
A spring of people's life-giving power!
We dedicated the game to you today,
Our proud, our Russian, OUR NATIVE LANGUAGE!

Series of events “Eternal Echo of Chernobyl”

Chernobyl... one word is enough -
And my heart is like a painful lump,
It will shrink, waiting for new news,
And the breeze smells of bitter dust.
And pain did not fall from the stars of heaven,
And not on the firmament of senseless knees -
And it penetrated into the chest of the earth with an evil fuse
And treacherously settled in it.

30 years separate us from the tragedy of the 20th century, from the April night of 1986, when the atom, having learned its power, lost control, shook the sleeping planet with an ominous explosion, and showed an indomitable temper. Students of school No. 3 learned about what happened on that fateful night from the series of events “The Eternal Echo of Chernobyl,” which took place on April 25 and 26 at the Family Reading Library.

From the presentation the children learned historical facts about the cities of Chernobyl and Pripyat, saw in photographs the state of these cities before and after the accident, a map of the territory affected by radiation. We learned what the “Sarcophagus” is and the “exclusion zone”, where the most large cemetery
techniques and other facts.
We learned the names of 28 firefighters who were the first to step into the epicenter of the explosion, taking on the blow of a nuclear disaster, fulfilling their professional duty. And also about where in the city of Pskov and the region memorial signs and a memorial to the victims of the accident were installed.

Chernobyl nuclear power plant

Each schoolchild held in his hands the Sign “Participant in the liquidation of the Chernobyl accident.”

On the day of the anniversary, students of the 11th grade of secondary school No. 3 met with a participant in the events of that time, who was directly involved in the liquidation of the consequences of the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant - S.V. Morozov, who from May 4 to May 29, 1986 was in the area of ​​the accident to perform special tasks . At the meeting, Sergei Vasilyevich shared his impressions of what he saw, spoke about the content of the tasks assigned to him as a military man, and about his friends, many of whom are no longer alive.

The invisible enemy - radiation has done its job. During the meeting, the veteran answered the guys' questions. All event participants observed a minute of silence in memory of the people who could not survive this terrible accident. Years and decades will pass, and the dark day of this tragedy will still worry people - both those whom it did not bypass, and those who were born far from that place. This day will always unite everyone living with one memory, one sadness, one hope.

“There are silent guards standing by history...”

There are silent guards standing by history,
And they cast a bronze glance at us.
Sometimes they will tell us this,
That it is impossible to move back!

On April 18 and 19, to mark the International Day for the Preservation of Monuments and Historical Places, the staff of the Family Reading Library held a literary and educational hour “Silent guardians stand by history...” for the students of primary school Secondary School No. 3 in Pskov.

The event took the form of a presentation, which consisted of four parts. At the beginning, the children learned that UNESCO (United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization) is involved in the protection of monuments and historical places.
Today there are 26 objects in Russia cultural heritage, which are under the protection of UNESCO are: the Kremlin and Red Square in Moscow, the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg, the Solovetsky Islands, the deepest lake on the planet - Baikal, etc.

In the second part of the meeting “Native Land...” the guys expertly named monuments known to them and historical places Pskov and region. In the educational game “Put the puzzle together and guess the monument,” students were divided into 4 teams: “Architects,” “Sculptors,” “Artists,” and “Restorers.” Competing against the clock, the children quickly completed the task, putting together puzzles of monuments: the Kremlin and Red Square in Moscow, the Kazan Cathedral in St. Petersburg, the Trinity Cathedral and the monument to Skobar in Pskov.
Next, the guys got acquainted with unusual and sometimes funny monuments: “I’ll sing now...” in Tomsk, a monument to a wallet in Krasnodar (there is a sign - if you sit on it, you will become rich), etc. In the final part of the meeting “Monuments cartoon characters " in the literary game "Which cartoon is the character from?" the children were delighted to learn Winnie the Pooh
, the postman Pechkin and the cat Matroskin, the turtle Tortilla, the wolf from “Well, wait a minute!”

The event ended with watching the cartoon “Three from Prostokvashino”.

At the book exhibition, the children became interested in popular science publications from the “My Russia” series - “History of Russia”, “Our Motherland - Russia”, “Cities of Russia”.

"The Stars Are Getting Closer"
For the first time in a person's life
Paved the way into space
And the world's first astronaut

He was a Russian guy.
Many years have passed since then,
But every spring
Cosmonautics Day is always

We celebrate as a country. On the occasion of Aviation and Cosmonautics Day and the 55th anniversary of the first manned space flight, on April 11 and 12, the Family Reading Library hosted a series of literary space travel

The library staff prepared exciting competition tasks for schoolchildren, and the children, in turn, had to transform into astronauts during the trip and unite into “star crews”.

Every space flight begins at the cosmodrome with the launch of a rocket.
“Key to start!” - this was the name of the first competition task, during which each crew had to prepare their rocket for launch, namely, put together a rocket from different geometric shapes. It was necessary not only to show speed when completing the task, but also to show imagination. After that, our space crews visited the Mysterious Planet, where they solved riddles about space and celestial objects. Then, the Planet of Constellations beckoned travelers with its mysterious light. First, the children had to find identical stars on the planet, and then use counting sticks to lay out known constellations according to the proposed diagrams, among which Big Dipper
and Orion, Cygnus and Virgo. On the Planet of Cartoons, the trip participants answered quiz questions based on one of their favorite cartoons, “The Secret of the Third Planet.”

The entertaining adventure in the Cosmic Cinema Hall has ended. Here the children enjoyed watching an animated film from the series “Belka and Strelka. Mischievous Family" and together with funny characters once again celebrated a significant day - Cosmonautics Day.

At the book exhibition “The Road to the Universe,” children could get acquainted with educational literature and encyclopedias about space, stars and planets, look with interest at the illustrated atlas “The Universe” and read stories about the first cosmonaut of the Earth, Yu. A. Gagarin.
Literary hour

“Dreamers and Dreamers in the Works of N. Nosov”
“Composing for children is the best job.
It requires a lot of knowledge...
The main thing is love for them. And respect.
I realized when my son was growing up that children need to be treated with the greatest and very warm respect."

N. Nosov
The exhibition “The Entertainers and Dreamers of Nikolai Nosov” and a presentation were prepared for the attention of the children, which introduced schoolchildren to the biography of the famous children's writer Nikolai Nikolaevich Nosov. The guys learned about his childhood dreams and hobbies, that the writer did not invent many stories, but took them from life, communicating with his son and his friends, spying and finding them everywhere: on the street, at guests, in schools where he was invited to creative meetings

. And also that the first story “Entertainers” was published back in 1938. The first thin book, which was called “Knock-knock-knock” - in 1945. We remembered the works of the “cheerful writer” - “Dreamers”, “Living Hat”, “Merry Family”, the trilogy about Dunno, which to this day enjoys great popularity success with young readers.

The guys answered the questions of the “Guess It” quiz, in which they named the names of Dunno’s friends and heroes of other works by N. Nosov, and also got acquainted with the works of N. Nosov, which were filmed.
The guys also learned the following interesting facts:
In 2008, on the 100th anniversary of the birth of N. Nosov, the Central Bank of the Russian Federation issued a silver coin.

And if you happen to find yourself in Japan, don’t be particularly surprised to see the Dunno cafe. Come in calmly - you will definitely be met there by an old, kind and cheerful friend.

This proves the unconditional popularity of N. Nosov’s children’s books.

"Don't ever get sick!"

The children also remembered the 2014 Olympics in Sochi. Having become acquainted with the symbols of the Olympic Games - the flag, five intertwined rings, fire, etc., the children named the mascots of the Winter Olympics in Sochi (Leopard, White Bear and Bunny). As part of the Health Week, timed to coincide with World Health Day (April 7), the staff of the Family Reading Library from April 6 to 7 held a series of educational and gaming events “Don’t ever get sick!” for primary school students of secondary school No. 3 in Pskov. game form

From the “Good and Bad” exercise, the children learned that to maintain a healthy lifestyle it is necessary every day to: brush your teeth, wash your hands with soap, ventilate the room, walk in the fresh air, and do exercises.

And biting your nails and pencils and eating a lot of sweets is bad.

The literary game in poetic form reinforced the children’s acquired knowledge about a healthy lifestyle. The conclusion is this: if you keep clean, play sports, eat fruits and vegetables, you won’t get sick!

Students also enjoyed solving riddles about vitamins, soap, laughter, etc. The meeting ended with a screening of the animated film “Smeshariki” (“Unequal Conditions”) from the “ABC of Health” series.

The event was educational and exciting. The children happily took part in the proposed games and quizzes. The parting word for the guys was the call - “Smile!” After all, laughter prolongs our life.

"Cartoon stories of Eduard Uspensky"

To a magical world
Where do cartoons live?
Hurry up and open the doors
Miracles await you...

Cartoons have always been and remain one of children's favorite entertainment. So colorful, interesting, entertaining, kind...

As part of the Year of Russian Cinema, from March 16 to 22, the staff of the Family Reading Library conducted a series of interactive quizzes “Cartoon stories of Eduard Uspensky” for students in grades 1-4 of secondary school No. 3 in Pskov.
The quiz was dedicated to cartoons based on the famous works of the writer Eduard Uspensky: about the cheerful inhabitants of the village of Prostokvashino, the mischievous Antoshka, a colorful family of octopuses, private detectives - the Kolobok brothers and, of course, the kind crocodile Gena and his faithful friend Cheburashka. Before the start of the quiz, the guys “looked” into the “Book Country of Eduard Uspensky,” which was the name of the exhibition of books by their favorite writer, organized in the leisure hall. Here, among other books, is your place of honor

took the 2016 anniversary book “Crocodile Gena and His Friends,” which turns 50 this year.
The quiz consisted of 4 rounds. In the first round, “Tell me, what’s his name?..”, schoolchildren had to name the names of cartoon characters who stepped onto the screen from the pages of E. Uspensky’s books.
In the second round of “Who’s Talking?” The guys remembered which cartoon character famous phrases belonged to.
In the third round of “Cartoon Songs,” the quiz participants not only listened and guessed which of the characters sang this or that song in the cartoon, but also merrily sang along with the characters: about the blue carriage, Cheburashka and the birthday, which “unfortunately, only once a year". And in the final, 4th round, “Visiting Cartoons,” they answered a variety of questions about their favorite cartoons. At the end of the quiz, in anticipation of spring break

, the guys enjoyed watching the cartoon “Holidays in Prostokvashino” and had fun with the inhabitants of the famous village, which was also invented by the writer Eduard Uspensky.
Tournament of fairy tale experts

As part of the 230th anniversary of the birth of Wilhelm Grimm, a tournament of fairy tale experts “We are going to visit the Brothers Grimm” was held at the Family Reading Library from March 9 to 15 for primary school students of secondary school No. 3 in Pskov.

In the leisure and reading room, the children were invited to take a “Trip around fairyland Brothers Grimm."

The book exhibition featured colorfully illustrated collections and individual editions of fairy tales by German writers.

The children gladly took part in the tournament of experts on the fairy tales of the Brothers Grimm, which was accompanied by a slide show. At the beginning of the presentation, students guessed the names of fairy tales from fragments from animated films, then from individual excerpts from works. "Rapunzel", "Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", " Bremen Town Musicians“The guys recognized it immediately, and even quoted certain phrases from “Sweet Porridge.”

Reading aloud the book “Long-Tailed Robbers” by G. Skrebitsky

On March 2, on World Read Aloud Day, the staff of the Family Reading Library held an event for primary school students of school No. 3 dedicated to spring.

On the trees -
Look, -
Where the buds were
Like green lights
The leaves flashed.
N. Goncharov

The students were presented with G. Skrebitsky’s story “The Long-Tailed Robbers,” accompanied by a slide show. The children solved riddles and learned proverbs and sayings about spring.

From the story, students learned about the first harbingers of spring, about forest musicians: woodpecker, bunting, tit and magpie. Listening to the voices of these birds helped them in this. The guys also learned that magpies, it turns out, can be robbers. The students were presented with an interactive exhibition of one book by G. Skrebitsky “Long-tailed Robbers” entitled “ Spring Tale

Luzhkov is an honored brewer, and Chubais is an honorary Chechen

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