Research project on Russian language name and character. when it comes to the Spiritual world) angel po. conduct an analysis of psychological and pedagogical literature in the aspect of research

In the Russian language, 3rd grade students in the program are asked to complete the research project “The Secret of the Name.” How to make a project The secret of a name in the form of a message or abstract, a project plan and the basic requirements for its implementation.

The purpose of the project: to familiarize students with the world of names, the history of the name, its meaning and originality. When performing project work, students conduct research on their name (or a name of their choice), develop the ability to work with popular science literature, select material on a proposed topic, and present it in front of the class.

How to complete the “Secret of the Name” project. Plan

The Mystery of the Name project can be done in the form of a presentation, message, or research.

Project plan

  1. The purpose and objectives of the project.
  2. Where do names come from?
  3. The secret of my name: in history, in different countries.
  4. Survey results.
  5. Conclusions.
  6. Bibliography

It is best to start a project with an epigraph. It draws attention to the main idea of ​​the project and shows the author’s attitude to this topic. The epigraph is placed before the main text, is not highlighted in quotation marks and exactly repeats the author's text, including punctuation. Below are the initials and surname of the author, whose words are given in the epigraph.

For this project, you can use, for example, the following epigraphs:

Names, names, names -
It is not by chance that they sound in our lives:
How mysterious this country is -
So the name is a mystery and a mystery.

Our research project “The Secret of the Name”
That a name is a sound dropped by chance,
In which there is no meaning or significance?
Of course not. And there are secrets in names,
And the sacrament is naming.

The goal of the Mystery of the Name project: to reveal the secret and meaning of your name, to identify the origin, to find out more information about the chosen name.

At the beginning of the main part, the concept of NAME should be defined using dictionaries and encyclopedias. Find out where people's names came from. Consider the meaning of the chosen name. Give your assessment of the connection between a name and a person’s fate.

In the project it is advisable to give a brief historical information about Old Slavonic pagan names. Talk about names, amulets, nicknames. Find out why some children were given several names, and why the baby’s name was kept secret.

Tell about your name, its significance in the history of our country. List the great people who bore this name.

You can give verses about the name.

It is worth telling how names change in history. Why some names disappear and where new ones come from.

Draw conclusions based on the work done about the individuality and uniqueness of each person and his connection with the name.

Provide a list of literature used (dictionaries, encyclopedias, books, Internet resources).

The teacher may suggest doing this project in Group. Then each student will present their part of the project. In this type of work, it is advisable to conduct a study or survey on how often it occurs given name among class and school students.

An excellent grade for a project can be achieved by supplementing the work with slides and photographs that can be easily displayed on the screen for all students.

Designing a title page for a project

On title page are indicated

  • Name of educational institution.
  • Topic of the Project (a small subtitle of 4-6 words is allowed).
  • Last name, first name and class of the student who wrote the project..
  • Last name and initials of the teacher advising the project.
  • City and year of writing.

The “Secret of the Name” project will help children learn more about their names, learn to work in a team, conduct surveys and questionnaires.

MBOU "Secondary" comprehensive school No. 12"


Altai region

Completed by students

3 B class.

Supervisor Marchenko N. N. ,

teacher primary classes


Objective of the project : 1. Find out what a name is.

2. Learn about the history and origin of names.

3.Identify the most popular and most rare names in class, school, what they


Project objectives : 1.Learn the stories and meanings of names. Learn about the meaning and origin of your

name, about the role of a name in a person’s life.

2.Develop research skills

3. Instill love for your name and for the names of others

4. Find out if the guys know the meaning of their name and its history


5. Study the lists of students studying to determine the frequency

use of names.

6. Systematize and organize the materials obtained during the research.

Planned result : Deepen your knowledge of your names

Create personalized album students 3 "B" » class

Slide 2

Names, names, names

It is not by chance that they sound in our lives.

How mysterious this country is -

So the name is a riddle and a mystery.

Slide 3 1. How and when did the idea for this project come about? How did we choose the topic of the project? We study in 3 "B" class high school No. 12 Yarovoye. We are 30 young Russians: 18 girls and 12 boys.We wondered what parents think about when they give their child a name? Why were we called that? We asked our parents about this. We wanted to know more about our names.We asked ourselves the question: what do our names mean? There was interest in this topic. So names became the object of our study.Slide 4.

The purpose of our work.

We set ourselves a goal: to find out what names the kids in our class and school have.

We set ourselves the task of finding out:

1) meaning and origin of names

2) Are the names that parents gave to their children in the past different from those they give now?

3) what names are the most common in our class, school?

Slide 5. Hypothesis If we learn more about our names, about the names of our peers, we will be able to avoid any mistakes in communication and behavior, and perhaps in determining our future profession.Slide 6.

How we conducted the research.

1.Studied literature.

2.Talked with parents

3. Searched for information on the Internet;

4. Conducted a survey school students, questionnaires, observation, collected information from literary sources.

Slide 7

Before starting work, we conducted a survey in our class. 29 people took part in the survey.

Survey data showed that most students do not know the meaning own name, its origin, name day.

The results of the survey further strengthened our desire to continue our research work and show that getting to know the secrets of names is a fascinating thing. Learning a person's name is a very educational and fascinating process that is unlikely to leave anyone indifferent.

Slide 8 Relevance of the project

What is the meaning of our names, why were we called that. During the research, we learned the history of our family, since many bear the names of their grandmothers, grandfathers, uncles and aunts.

The names of people are part of the history of peoples. They reflect life, beliefs, aspirations, fantasy

and creativity of peoples. And every person should know the history of his people.

So the topic of our project turned out to be relevant.

Slide 9.

We learned that there is even a special science that studies names -ONOMASTICS

Slide 10

Names appeared at dawn human history, along with the appearance of speech. Our ancestors, the inhabitants of Ancient Rus', had names - nicknames taken from the names of animals, plants, things...

Here are a few Russian names and characteristics:

    by a person's appearance –Slant, Pockmarked, Curly, Chernysh

    by human character trait – Dobrynya, Molchan, Nesmeyana,

    by place in the family – First, Second, Tretyak and others,

Slide 11

What names are there in our class?

In our class there are 4 - Anastasia, 2 - Milena, 2 - Nikita, 2 - Kirill, 2 - Elizabeth, 2 - Victoria, 1 - Ekaterina, 1 - Julia, 1 - Yana, 1 - Ulyana, 1 - Roman, 1 - Dmitry ,1- Alexander, 1- Evgeniy, 1-Maria, 1-Vladimir, 1-Ivan, 1-Daniil, 1-Christina, 1- Karina, 1-Sofia, 1- Natalya

We were faced with the question: “Do we count Natalya Nikolaevna?” Natalya Nikolaevna always tells us: “We are one family, we must live together,” which means counting. We also have only one Natalya.

Slide 12

We put our names in alphabetical order and made the following conclusions:

    13 letters of the Russian alphabet are capitalized in our names. 20 letters turned out to be “unoccupied” for us.

    Most names starting with the letter

"A" - 5 names.

"B" -3 names

"K" - 3 names

Slide 13

A study of the names of students in grade 3 “B” showed that Greek variants of names predominate among boys and girls-11( Anastasia, Alexander, Dmitry, Ekaterina, Kirill, Nikita, Evgeniy, Christina, Sophia);

In second place are names that are of Latin origin - 7 (Yulia, Karina, Roman, Victoria, Ulyana, Natalya);

In third place are names of Jewish origin – 5 - ( Elizaveta, Danil, Ivan, Maria);

Slavic – 4 (Vladislav, Milena, Vladimir, Yana);

Turkic – 3

Slide 14.

The survey also made it possible to answer the question: why or who are people named after?

It turned out that:

50% of students were named after close relatives;

20% were named by baptismal names or in honor of the saint on whose day they were born;

20% were named by names that were most popular at that moment;

5% - were named because they are rare;

5% could not answer this question.

26 children in our class were given names by their parents,

and 4 are grandparents.

Slide 15

While working on the project, we became acquainted with books in which we learned about the meaning and origin of our name, about the role of a name in a person’s life. We found out whether name day and birthday are identical concepts. We got acquainted with the biographies of famous “namesakes”.

This is how we got personalized albums that we give to our classmates for their birthdays. We have 3 pages in the album so far (names: Ulyana, Dmitry, Karina). This is very labor-intensive work, but to the end school year we plan to finish work on the album.

Slide 16

We spent sociological research names of our schooland found out what names the girls and boys of our school have, how many people have the same name,
what names rank in terms of frequency of use
first three places.

In total there are 486 students in the school.

The names were distributed according to frequency of use as follows:

Girls :

1m. Anastasia

2m. Julia

3m. Victoria


1m. Nikita

2m. Kirill

3m. Dmitriy

In addition, 1 girl in our school is named Snezhanna, 1 boy is Renat

Slide 17

While studying project activities we also collected a lot additional material
about names

We were very surprised that children could be called by names derived from other words. It was fashionable.

Here are the five most popular names of the 20s and 30s:

Velior - GREAT October Revolution

Donera - Daughter New Era

Leundezh - Lenin Died, But His Cause Lives On

    Vors - VORoshilovsky Shooter


Proverbs about names

Slide 19

Tongue twisters about names

Slide 20


Slide 21 QUIZES

Slide 22


A person’s name is a person’s destiny, it is the symbol that accompanies a person throughout his life, the symbol with which a person goes through joy and sorrow, through smiles and tears, through success and trouble. That is why, knowing the origin of a name, its interpretation and meaning, understanding all the subtleties and secrets that a person’s name hides is so important and necessary for each of us.

No matter what names we bear, no matter what our names predetermine for us, we always remain the masters of our destiny. It depends only on us what mark our name will leave on earth. Our research allows us to draw the following conclusions:

Names – special words, all people should have them, each person has his own name.

A name means a lot to a person and can influence his character.

It is important to remember that a name is not an outfit that can be worn on holidays, can be given as a gift, or thrown away. The meaning of a name is part of a person’s personality; it is given only once and accompanies a person throughout his life.

“It’s not the name that makes a man,

and the man's name"


1.Petrovsky N.A. “Dictionary of Russian personal names” - AST, 2005.

2.S.I. Ozhegov “Dictionary” - M.: ITI Technologies, 2008

3.L.V. Uspensky "You and your name" L., Children's literature, 1972

4. A.V. Superanskaya, A.V. Suslov "On Russian names". St. Petersburg, ABC-classics, 2001

5. http :// www . imena . org

Russian language project “The Secret of the Name” Completed by 3rd grade student Kirill Zdvizhkov

“A name is a word that is called, means an individual, a person.” The mysterious, inexplicable power of names over a person’s fate was noticed by the ancients. In Russia, for example, until the 17th century, parents kept secret what they named their child, trying to deceive evil spirits. Or the child was given two names - one was false, the second real.

Proverbs about names. Senya and Sanya have a catfish with a mustache in their nets. They gave Grisha yogurt, and Glasha - porridge. Timoshka Troshke crumbles crumbs into okroshka. Slava ate lard, but there was not enough lard. Frosya is flying millet into the field, Frosya is taking out the weeds. Senya is carrying Sanya and Sonya on a sled. Sleigh - gallop. Get off your feet! Emelya spends a week spinning a box of tow.

Kirill The name Kirill has Greek origin(kyrios - “lord”, “lord”). This name is glorified by many prominent church figures. Kirill loves to rule and assert himself in the eyes of others. His actions in to a large extent determined by ambition. He is usually a passionate debater, and it is impossible to convince him. Kirill is inquisitive and talented, successful in business and always looks respectable in appearance. In any situation, his presence of mind does not fail him; you can always rely on him. When choosing a wife, Kirill tends to evaluate how she will look next to him and what impression she will make on others. Usually in family life he remains faithful, but he himself is very jealous and suspicious, despite his inherent complacency.

Daniel Daniel - translated from ancient Hebrew means “my judge is God.” Diminutive forms. Danya, Danilka, Danusya. Daniil is a kind, calm, smiling person who never raises his voice. He seems invisible in a crowd, but his hard work and inexhaustible good nature soon distinguish him from others. Daniel is very great importance gives family, family ties. As a rule, he spends holidays among his numerous relatives. Daniel is sociable and hospitable.

Camilla Greek name meaning "girl from a noble family." Camilla is somewhat arrogant and complacent, but she has an easy character, and therefore there is no shortage of friends. These are cheerful, cheerful and compliant people, kind and trusting (especially the “summer” ones). Excessive gullibility leads to the fact that they are often deceived, but this almost never serves as a lesson for them. “Winter” Camilles have rather poor health; They are especially susceptible to infectious diseases. Ancient Rome Camilles were boys and girls from noble families whom their parents planned to give to the service of the gods.

Ulyana Names: origin and forms Ulyana - (from Roman) happiness. Old: Juliana, Juliana. Derivatives: Ulya, Ulyakha, Ulyasha, Lyana, Yana, Julianka, Julia, Liana, Ana. Directory of Russian names From Julian (from Latin). Fair, collected, adheres strict rules. Cool Mordyukov femininity merged with this name: it will stop a galloping horse. They joke deliciously, figuratively, purposefully: sharply and cleansingly. At the same time, she is shy and experiences troubles deeply within herself. Hard worker, "Vladimir heavy truck". Carries both the yard and big family, and love for my husband. Worthy of admiration.

Galina The name Galina comes from the Greek word galene, meaning “calmness, serenity.” The holy martyr Galina died for the faith of Christ in 252. According to legend, a spring appeared at the site of her death clean water. Her memory is honored on March 23. Since childhood, Galina prefers the company of boys. She, like all girls, loves to dress up and play girly games, but she feels better among boys. And the adult Galina is alien to the eternal women's problems, intrigues, gossip: who looked at her, who said what. Galina is a very kind and lively person. Her character is devoid of a hint of vindictiveness.

Victor From Latin - winner. You can teach the boy Vitya to play the violin or piano, but you are unlikely to be able to make a little Mozart out of him. He will invariably be attracted to books about spies and films about intelligence officers. He's not a dreamer. He prefers something concrete, tangible. This is a gullible boy who unconditionally believes everything they say, but later, upon learning about the deception, he is extremely upset. Fortunately, these boys are not vindictive and quickly forget such incidents, once again gaining confidence in people.

You have one name. It is given forever. Life is long, and that’s why you take care of him.” “It’s not the name that makes a person, but the person’s name.” »

Department of Education of the Zhukovsky District Administration

Municipal budget educational institution

Zhukovskaya averagegeneral educationSchool number 2

named after Hero Soviet Union Egor Pavlovich Novikov

Scientific and practical conference “First steps into science”


on the topic: “The mystery of the name”

Completed by 3rd grade students

Ivleva Violetta

Vlasov Sergey

Pronina Sofia

Skvortsov Denis

Tankova Daria

Yashkova Irina


primary school teacher

I.Yu. Kiseleva

Zhukovka 2017

    Introduction……………………………………………………………………...p. 3-5

    Main part……………………………………………………… 6

    1. Names and nicknames in Ancient Rus'……………………………….pp.6-7

      The history of names…………………………………………..pp.7-9

      Where did our names come from………………………………..p. 9-10

      Interpretation of names……………………………………………………page. 10


      Sociological research……………………… 12

3.Conclusion………………………………………………………………………………....pages 13-14

4. List of used literature……………………………………… 15

5.Appendix………………………………………………………………………………...pages 16-18


Names, names, names -

It is not by chance that they sound in our lives:

How mysterious this country is -

So the name is a mystery and a mystery.

Alexander Bobrov

Even in ancient times, people faced the problem of how to address each other.

We are used to calling everyone by name, but a person’s name did not arise by chance.

Every person receives a name after his birth. He doesn’t choose him, others do it for him. Unfortunately, few of us know what the name given to us means and what the history of its origin is.

What do our names mean?

Replying to this question, we found out that no one knows the meaning of their name.

We wanted to know the history of the origin and meaning of names, whether our character traits coincide with the meaning of our names, how common our names are.

That's why topic of our research work"The Mystery of the Name"

We wanted to know:

When and how names originated;

Where did they come from in our language;

What do our names mean?

What are the most popular names at the moment?

Therefore, we devoted our research work to the study of names.

Target: by studying the name, show the individuality and uniqueness of each child.


    Learn the stories and meanings of names.

    Develop research skills.

    Learn the names of elementary school students.

    Find out if the guys in my class know the meaning of their name and the history of its origin.

    To establish the popularity of names among primary school students.

    Instill love for your name and for the names of others.

Object of study: our names.

Subject of study: origin story, meaning of our names

Research hypothesis: We assumedcan a person live without a name, what can a name say about a person.

Research methods:

1. Literature analysis;

2. Working with the Internet.

3. Analysis of school student lists;

4. Systematization of known information and results;


6. Sociological research;

7. Conversations with parents;

8. Conduct your own observation of classmates.

Relevance of the work is as follows :

Human name Since ancient times, it has had magical powers and has been the object of various theories and studies. The name is shrouded in secrecy.

This mysterious world, diverse and colorful, influences our destinies in an incomprehensible way.

The role of a name in a person’s life has always worried and will continue to worry people. Historically, there was an opinion that through a certain name one can convey to a person qualities of character and destiny.

It is important for every person to know the meaning of his own name, its origin, why this particular name was given to him and how popular it is among his peers . After all, a name is given at birth and accompanies a person all his life, being a kind of business card its carrier.

2. Main part.

2.1. Names and nicknames in Ancient Rus'

There is not a single person who does not have a name. It happens that the person himself is long gone, but his name lives on. This is how the names of the leader of the largest uprising in Italy, who lived more than 2 thousand years ago, came down to us - Spartacus, the queen of Assyria - Semiramis, who is credited with the construction of the Hanging Gardens in Babylon - one of the seven “wonders of the world”.

And brother Ivanushka and sister Alyonushka are from our wonderful tales? They never existed, but their names live on.

What are names? Names are words, but special ones. All words have a meaning, but they don’t seem to have one.

There are nations where a person changes two or even three names during his life. And absolutely nothing changes because of this, maybe names really have no meaning?

A name is a priceless gift that is given at birth once and for all. Without a name, it would be very difficult for us to communicate with each other and understand who we are talking about when talking to other people. This is why people value their names. A person carries a name throughout his life. He can be deprived of all wealth, all titles and rights, but he cannot be deprived of his name.

Names, like everything else in the world, have their own history. They arise, change, disappear. The history of Russian names is closely connected with the history of the people and their language.

Ancient Russian names were unique characteristics of people. The name was given to a person as a sign by which one could distinguish him from a family or clan.

There were many names in Ancient Rus'. They seem funny to us now, but they noted the most characteristic features or external features. For example, Balagur, Svetlana, Chernava, Chernysh.

There were names that often reflected the order in which the children appeared. For example, First, Senior, Second, Tretyak.

Individual names characterized the time of birth of the child. A child who was born in winter was called Winter. If you were born in severe frost, they were called “Frost”, and those born in the spring received the name Veshnyak, from the word “spring” - spring.

Some names characterized natural phenomena, for example, Blizzard, Christian holidays, for example, Faster, Meat Eater.

Some names were given according to the profession of their parents, for example, Fisherman, Mukovoz, Kozhemyaka.

Other names reflected some characteristics of newborns, for example, Piskun, Jumper, Lobik.

2.2. History of names

Names appeared at the dawn of human history, along with the advent of speech. Although in the modern understanding, the term “nicknames” would be best suited to the personal names of primitive tribes. Nevertheless, the names came to people once and for all. A name is the first thing that is mentioned in a conversation when talking about a particular person. Each of us has a name. People address us by name, our names are registered in documents, and finally, we ourselves will name our children. What is this name? According to the dictionary of V.I. Dahl, a name is “a name, a denomination, a word by which one is called, meaning a person.” The original meaning of a name is to try to capture and designate the deep meaning of a thing in one precise word or phrase, to reveal its essence, to find its characteristic feature.

People's names are part of history and peoples. In Russian names interesting story. Some of them lived a long life and have survived to this day, others appeared quite recently.

At the early stage of the development of civilization, people did not choose for a long time what name to give their child. Our ancestors, the inhabitants of Ancient Rus', had nicknames taken from the names of animals, plants, things and everything that was always in sight.

Some names were associated with events in people’s lives, others indicated people’s occupations, signs or character traits of a person. IN ancient Rus' there were many names. They seem funny to us now, but they noted the most characteristic signs or external features of a person, for example: Svetlana, Belyak, Chernysh, Mal, Oblique, Pockmarked, Curly. There were names that reflected the order in which the children appeared, for example: First, Second, Eldest. Here are some characteristics of names by character - Dobrynya, Brave, Proud, Silent, Clever, Nesmeyana, Annoyance, Dobrava; by profession - Kozhemyaka, Selyanin, etc. One may not believe in their authenticity, thinking that these are nicknames. But these are really the names of our ancestors.

There was a belief that if you give a child a name known in some area bad people, then the child will acquire similar negative traits. Therefore, only good ones should be given. From here a tradition was formed, widespread to this day, of naming a person “in someone’s honor.”

Even in the chronicles of the 11th century one can find well-known names (Oleg, Igor, Vladimir, Olga) and unfamiliar ones (Rurik, Askold, Luchezar). These names reek of antiquity, heroic and glorious campaigns ancient Russian princes. In ancient Rus' three groups of names were used:

Simple and dibasic ancient Slavic names(Vladimir, Svyatoslav, Lyudmila)

Scandinavian names(Oleg, Igor, Olga, Askold)

Names used by the church (Ivan, Fedor, Elena).

With the adoption of Christianity, new names came to Rus' from Byzantium, Bulgaria, Western and Middle Eastern countries (Anna, Maria, Elizabeth).

At baptism, a person was given a second name, ancient Greek, Latin, Hebrew and others. The foreign name was incomprehensible to Russian people; it was used only in documents, but not used in everyday life. For example: in documents it was listed as Stefan, but in everyday life they were called Stepan or Ivan-Ivan. The church is not

recognized all the names. Thus, at baptism, Prince Vladimir of Kyiv was given the name Vasily, Princess Olga - Elena.

In Russia, for quite a long time: at baptism, the priest offered a choice of several names, which were listed in the calendar for the child’s birthday.

It was only up to the parents to choose and agree with any of the names. Avoiding the forced choice of a name and begging the priest to give a different name cost a lot of work and money.

Only in 1905 this prerogative of the church was somewhat weakened and parents could already name the child at their discretion. After the revolution, from 1917 it became possible to call a child any name without any restrictions, and a new trend began to fashionable names.

2.3. Where did our names come from?

At the end of the 10th century, Prince Vladimir of Kiev was looking for a strong ally against the steppe nomads who were carrying out devastating raids on southern Rus'. To this end, he concluded an agreement of mutual assistance with the Emperor of Byzantium...

In order for the military alliance to be strong and durable, from Prince of Kyiv demanded consent to the “baptism of Rus'”. Prince Vladimir accepted this condition.

The rite of “baptism” consisted in the fact that residents of Russian villages were driven in crowds into the river and forced to rinse their bodies with water three times in order to wash away the “defilement of the pagan faith” and the old “pagan” name. The Christian priests standing on the shore at that time signed each one with a cross and gave them a new name. So the Waiting and the Brave, the Wolves and the Swans, the Beautiful and the Nesmeyan became Vasily and Cyril, Anna and Evdokia. Names were borrowed from many eastern and European peoples.

In 988, during the reign of the Kyiv prince Vladimir, Rus' accepted Christian religion. This religion was borrowed from Byzantium. Together with her

Many Byzantine names also came to Rus', which, in turn, originated from ancient Greek and Roman ones.

Ancient Greek and Roman names emphasized moral and physical dignity in people.

For example, Greek name Tikhon - means “happy”, the Roman name Marina means “sea”.

Hebrew names meant turning to God. For example, Mikhail means " equal to God».

2.4. Interpretation of names

A name is not just a word. Behind each name there is a certain personality, a person who is different from others, one and only.

From the early childhood and throughout his life, no word is heard by a person as often as his name.

Our name connects us with our family, with our friends and acquaintances.

Our name connects us with small and big homeland.

There is even a special science that studies names - ONOMASTICS.

Our ancestors treated names very carefully. They believed that the name had a certain mysterious power that could help or harm him, so the choice of name was of great importance and was considered as a rite.

The names are not random. Parents give a name with the hope that the child will be beautiful and happy. Often the name is dedicated to one of the beloved relatives, one of the heroes of his time. Parents want the name to be passed on to the child best qualities people of the previous generation.


The next stage of the research work was a survey of students in grades 1-4. Was interviewed 193 Human. Students were asked to answer survey questions.

The survey data showed that most students know the meaning of their own name, but do not know its origin, name day. There were guys who were unhappy with their names.

The results of the survey further strengthened our desire to continue our research work and show that getting to know the secrets of names is a fascinating thing.

There are 20 people in our class (including the teacher).

We have: Anastasia, Sergey, Sergey, Violetta, Evgenia, Irina, Evgeniy, Polina, Mikhail, Vladislav, Sophia, Valeria, Kirill, Denis, Daria, Valeria, Alexander, Irina, Maxim, Artem.

By origin there are names:

    Greek – 10 (Artem, Alexander, Anastasia, Polina, Kirill, Evgenia, Evgeniy, Irina, Sofia, Irina)

    Latin – 4 (Violetta, Valeria, Maxim, Valeria,)

  • Jewish - 1 (Mikhail,)

    Russians - 4 (Vladislav, Denis, Sergei, Sergei)

    Ancient Persian-1 (Daria)

2.6. Sociological research

We conducted a sociological study of names in grades 1-4 and found out which names are the most common and which are rare.

Among the girls' names:

    1st place – Anastasia;

    in 2nd place the name is Valeria;

    in 3rd place the name is Daria.

Among the names of boys:

    1st place – Evgeniy, Ilya, Artem, Daniil

    in 2nd place are the names - Maxim, Denis, Ivan;

    in 3rd place are the names - Alexander, Kirill, Dmitry.

Rare names, that is, those that appeared 1 time:

So we can conclude:

    only half of our names are common enough at school;

    character traits coincide with the meaning of our names.


We devoted our research work to studying the history of the origin of names and studied their meaning. Having carried out my research work, we can say that currently many Russian people wear traditional names, although the fashion for names is changing.

In the process of working on the topic “The Secret of the Name,” we learned to: formulate the goals and objectives of the project, choose methods and methods of work, plan upcoming activities, collect and analyze information, independently conduct research and surveys, summarize, present and evaluate the results obtained.

Our research work invites everyone to think about their names. After all, they are given to a person only once. The name is given to the child at birth by his parents. It is in the hands of every person to create good fame for his name.

Whatever names we bear, we always remain the masters of our destiny. It depends only on us what mark our name will leave on earth.

Unusual name not only supports the uniqueness of a person, but also his difference from others. The most important thing is to observe moderation, because a person who is completely different from those around him will feel “out of place.”

It is important to remember that a name is not an outfit that can be worn on holidays, can be given as a gift, or even thrown away. The meaning of a name is part of a person’s personality; it is given only once and accompanies a person throughout his life. Therefore, before naming a person, you need to listen to the advice:

1) the name should be easy to pronounce;

2) must be correlated with the patronymic;

3) should be easy to remember;

4) from the name must be formed diminutively - endearments;

5) should not cause unpleasant associations in a person.

The research work “The Secret of the Name” turned out to be very interesting and fascinating. We learned a lot of new things and were satisfied with our work.


1. Name, character, destiny. Collection. – M.: Yauza, Omega, 1995.

2. Petrovsky N.A. Dictionary of Russian personal names. M.: Russian language, 1980.

3. Soviet encyclopedic Dictionary. Compiled by Bulatov R.M.: “ Soviet encyclopedia", 1988.-159 p.

4. Suslova A.V., Superanskaya A.V. About Russian names. – L.: 1978

5. Mystery of the name: Sat. – Kharkov: IKP “Paritet LTD”. – 608 p.

6. The secret of your first name, last name, patronymic. Moscow. LLC "Dom" Slavic book" 2009-671s.

7. Uspensky L.V. You and your name. L.: 1992

Internet sources:

  1. Do you know what a “name” is?

    Do you know the meaning of your name?

    Do you know the origin of your name?

    Do you know when your name day is?

    Are you happy with your name?

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