How the life of the winner of the show “You’re Super!” has changed. after the project. Winner “You are super!”: Mom tried to get in touch, but I don’t want to see her What song did the winner sing? You are super

On Saturday, May 26, 2018, the final of the project “You are super!” took place. on the NTV channel. Also on this day, the winner of the project became known. First place was taken by a fourteen-year-old girl from Tolyatti, Diana Ankudinova.

It was TV viewers who, using their SMS messages, were able to choose a worthy winner. And the money raised from SMS voting will be donated to the “You're Super!” charity foundation, which makes children's dreams come true and helps them develop and continue their education.

"You are super!" is a social charity project on the NTV television channel. Children from orphanages from all CIS countries take part in this show.

The goal of this project is to give such children a chance to change their lives for the better. Participants of “You are super!” included children from boarding schools, orphanages, and children from foster families. Every child is more difficult life situation, aged from seven to eighteen years old, can participate in this project.

The producers chose Vadim Takmenev as the host of the show. The jury included singer Elka, eighties star Margarita Sukhankina, music producer Victor Drobysh and singer Stas Piekha.

From the beginning of this show, composer and producer Igor Krutoy was supposed to sit on the jury, but literally a couple of days before the start of filming the project, the organizers said that Igor had health problems and he would not be able to film. But at the same time he became part of the show. Krutoy mentored the contestants at the next stage of the project.

Singer Margarita Sukhankina at one time adopted two children, so it was not by chance that she was chosen for the role of a mentor, because she, like no one else, will be able to understand and help the little orphanages. Stas Piekha is also on personal experience knows what life is like in an orphanage, because he was raised in a boarding school from childhood.

“Project “You are super!” fundamentally different from others music competitions because they were looking for participants among guys who had not been paid attention to before. This competition is especially important for me. I absolutely deliberately spent my entire childhood and adolescence in an orphanage. I was close to those guys who were serious beyond their years. By giving these vocalists a chance in the finals of the competition, we will get something completely extraordinary. The potential, the zeal that they have will force everyone to fight to the last,” said Stas Piekha.

You are a super winner 2018: SMS voting results

As a result of SMS voting, the winner of the project was Diana Ankudinova, who received 49% of the votes. This news simply caused a flurry of emotions in Diana, because now she will be able to fulfill her dream - to enter the College of Music in the capital Russian Federation. Knowing the girl’s desire to improve her talents in one of the Moscow vocal schools, Igor Krutoy gave her an apartment in the capital.

Vera Yaroshik took second place, Roman Druzhinin took third place, Elvira Yakhyaeva took fourth place, and Vladimir Skripal took fifth place.

Alexandra Krilchuk, who was also a participant in the project “ You are super! was invited to participate in the semi-finals of Junior Eurovision. And the winner herself, Diana Ankudinova, will represent our country at the world competition “Children’s New wave».

Let us remind you that 11 participants made it to the final of the 2nd season of the show You are Super on NTV: Diana Ankudinova, Bogdan Vandyshev, Satenik Gevorgyan, Roman Druzhinin, Alexandra Kirilchuk, Alexandra Pankratova, Vasilina Ponamareva, Zenovia Sverchkova, Vladimir Skripal, Vera Yaroshik and Elfira Yakhyaeva. Each of them received an honorary personalized diploma from the “You’re Super!” project. They received an invitation to come to Artek from the director of the international children's center Alexey Kasprzhak.

You are a super winner 2018: winner of the show

In the finale of the show “You are super!” The Tolyatti woman sang a song in English “Tomorrow is lie” (“Tomorrow does not exist”). The girl was accompanied by the author of the music, composer Igor Krutoy.

TV viewers were mesmerized by Diana's amazing, inspired and piercing vocals. Some of the jury members couldn't even contain their emotions, so they started crying. All auditorium At the end of the performance, Diana loudly applauded and shouted “bravo.”

“These were the feelings of a fourteen-year-old girl. Maybe this is even a somewhat mature song for you, and it didn’t come so easily to you. But I think you did it,” said Igor Krutoy after Diana’s performance.

“I really want to wish you good luck! So that on yours life path you only ever came across good people that would inspire and inspire you,” singer Yuliana Karaulova advised the young vocalist.

“It was very cool! Thank you, Diana, very much!” - composer and producer Viktor Drobysh thanked the Togliatti native.

Thanks to her victory in the project, Diana Ankudinova will represent Russia at the international competition “Children’s New Wave,” and “New Radio” also gave the girl the opportunity to record her single professionally and shoot a video for it.

NTV channel producer Timur Weinstein said that he would do everything possible to ensure that Diana entered the Moscow College of Music next year.

“I would like to guarantee that the housing issue will be resolved so that you have a place to live when you enter music college. I got an apartment in Moscow,” said Igor Krutoy.

Diana was shocked by such a surprise.

At the very end, as a thank you, Diana performed the composition with which she came to the project “You are super!” — “The Last Dance” (“Dernière Danse”).

Saria Kvaratskhelia, Sputnik.

Valeria Adleiba during the song competition "You're Super!" became very popular in her homeland. She is recognized on the street while walking, in shops and in new school. In a short time, Lera became a national heroine, who with her talent and soulful voice excited not only members of the project jury, but also thousands of spectators.

After the show "You're super!" Valery Adleiba's life has changed dramatically. And this is not only due to recognition.

In Abkhazia, first of all, she was waiting for a move from Ochamchira to the capital. Before she had time to return home after a triumphant victory, she was handed the keys to a new apartment in the center of Sukhum. That's how the most came true main dream for a young singer - to gather the whole family under one roof.

Valeria moved to the capital of the republic, changed schools, and began to study vocals professionally. And today the young singer is one of 30 talented wards of the creative studio of Faya Markholia.

© Sputnik / Thomas Thaitsuk

For the better

The meeting with Lera took place on the second day after she left the Ochamchira boarding school and became a “new girl” at Sukhumi school No. 4. The young singer invited film crew to her home, treated her to coffee and talked about her new life.

“My life after the project “You are super!”, of course, changed in better side. I made a lot of friends, both in the project and outside it, with whom I continue to communicate. I saw many stars, got to know them and talked to them personally. And I gained a lot of experience thanks to the teachers who taught me a lot,” says Lera proudly.

After a short conversation, Lera began to get ready for school. The star studies in the second shift.

“At 12 o’clock I start getting ready for school, which is located not far from my house,” she says.

Winner "You're super!" puts textbooks in backpack. On Fridays she has algebra, history, Russian language and Russian literature. The first lesson is history.

“I love this subject very much. And I always try to prepare well. Today we are going through the topic “ Time of Troubles in Rus'," explains young star. “As usual, I prepared for the lesson, learned the topic and took notes.”

Lera gets ready for school quickly. As Aunt Mzia admits, the girl does not like to be late and always leaves half an hour before.

Take a photo with Lera

At the new school, Leroux is greeted every day like a star: she is asked to take a photo or give an autograph. Before she has time to enter the building, young fans meet their idol at the door - some with open arms, and others with a piece of paper and a pen in their hands heading towards her. The young singer does not refuse such requests from anyone and always happily answers her new friends.

“I was received very warmly at school, I feel comfortable here. I made new friends. I ended up in the 7th grade. My classmates are very caring. If I don’t understand or don’t know something, they always help. Very friendly,” shares she.

Despite the fact that Lera has new friends in her life, she also keeps in touch with old ones.

“When I moved from the Ochamchira boarding school to Sukhumi, I thought that my former friends would not be so friendly with me. But now I realized that I was very mistaken. We communicate warmly. I am also friends with friends from the project “You are super!” , which became some kind of fairy tale for me, such good peace, - Lera could not contain her emotions. - And my next dream is to show my wonderful and beautiful country to all my friends from “You are super!”, I want them to come to me in Abkhazia.”

The classmates themselves, a year ago, when they watched Lera’s performances on TV, could not even imagine that she would study with them.

"When Lera came to our class, I was very surprised, but at the same time very happy. The whole class rooted for her very much and worried during her performances at the competition. Lera is a very kind, good and warm friend. We as a whole class are very “We are very happy,” admitted classmate Mariana Tsvizhba.

History lesson

Soon the bell rang for class. Winner "You're super!" surrounded by classmates heading to class. The first lesson is the history of Russia. The teacher enters the classroom, greets the students and begins the lesson.

“The topic of our lesson is “The Troubles in Rus'”. Who will tell you about the causes and consequences of the Troubles?” - the teacher asks a question.

All students are ready to answer. Lera raises her hand high. But the teacher asks something else - he treats everyone objectively.

Lera answers the second question about the classes that existed in Rus' at that time.

“The classes in Rus' at that time were: nobility, clergy, peasantry, privately owned, palace, black-sown, townspeople and merchants,” Lera answered clearly.

© Sputnik / Ilona Khvartskia

Rehearsals with a star

After lessons at Lera's, rehearsal begins at Faya Markholia's. Together with the young star, we are heading to the Abkhaz State Philharmonic, where children are now studying.

According to the teacher, the young students of the studio were very happy when they learned that the winner of “You’re Super!” Now he will study in a group with them.

"Sometimes they say to me: 'You performed at Russian stage, participated in a big project." And they ask me to tell about my feelings, how I was not afraid. I am always happy to talk about this. Because the project brought me unforgettable impressions," shares Adleiba.

But despite considerable experience, for Lera every appearance on stage is always exciting.

“I worry before going on stage. This is such an exciting moment. And, of course, in this regard, classes with Faya Markholia are not only vocals, but also stage experience,” she believes.

Today Valeria Adleiba does not stop there. She is painstakingly moving towards her long-time goal - to become famous singer and perform on the world stage. And the project "You are super!" pushed her to realize her cherished dream.

© Sputnik / Thomas Thaitsuk

Future plans

Valeria Adleiba is just beginning to get used to the new atmosphere and is trying to rethink everything that happened to her during the past Last year. She is already making plans for the future.

“I took solfeggio and want to learn it professionally,” she admitted.

In addition to vocals, the young singer is also interested in foreign languages. Now she's teaching English language. The progress, she says, is not bad.

“In general, at school my favorite lesson after music is English. Now I’m studying the language so that in the future, when I have the opportunity to go to foreign countries, I could speak and understand people. And in general, I really like the language itself,” says the winner of “You’re Super!”

Lera does not intend to stop speaking English. He also wants to study French and Spanish.

“I would really like to go to London, Paris and Vancouver. Of course, most of all I want to go to the capital of France, because I really like the city. It attracts with its architecture,” Valeria Adleiba shared her dream.

Immediately after the final, Diana left for the Children's New Wave 2018 competition, where she constantly disappears at rehearsals. But Diana found time especially for StarHit and gave her first interview.

Diana, congratulations on your victory! And, of course, I would like to ask about your first emotions. How did you feel when you heard your last name?

It is difficult to describe in words the whole range of emotions and convey the feelings that covered me. Delight and joy. Now I don’t even remember well what happened there. Especially when Igor Yakovlevich said that in honor of the victory he was giving me an apartment in Moscow and would provide training. For a second I thought: “Am I dreaming?!” I urgently need to pinch myself to wake up...” In general, there were so many prizes and gifts... It's incredibly nice! I am happy that I took part in the project.

Tell us about the composition you performed.

I was supposed to be accompanied by Igor Krutoy, so I decided to choose his song Tomorrow Is A Lie from Lara Fabian’s repertoire. The composition, although not very popular, is incredibly beautiful and, I would say, heartbreaking. You know, it felt like it was made especially for me. True, it was not very easy to perform, there is a difficult note that I was afraid not to hit. But everything went great.

Overall, were you very nervous the night before the final?

I was certainly worried about how I would perform, but I didn’t get nervous. Well, this condition is considered normal for any person. If this is absent, then you are just a robot. I was more worried when thoughts flashed through my head that I would have to part with the people who appeared in my life during the project. That's when it started to get a little overwhelming.

What was the most difficult thing for you on the project?

The hardest part was at the beginning, when I first arrived. I thought what the children who live in orphanages would be like, how we would get along, whether we would find mutual language. There are different ones... But at the first meeting it became clear: they are exactly the same as me, no different. The questions disappeared. In the end, everything worked out great.

Have you discovered any new qualities in yourself that you were not aware of before?

Yes! I didn’t even suspect that I could be so open and sociable! Also, I became much more diligent. Still, being 24 hours a day on a huge common territory with initially completely strangers, you smoothly rebuild, stop being afraid, fearing others.

WITH creative plans have you decided?

They are completely ordinary for me, like all artists - to go to various competitions, perform at concerts. I love all this running around! I like meeting new people, experiencing new emotions that I have never experienced before. And, of course, I will continue to study.

Are you really not tired of the tension?

Absolutely not! I'm full of energy. I still have my strength, I don’t even need to restore anything. Ordinary sleep is quite enough. It’s just that when I sing, they come from somewhere.

So you can be called a “motor”?

I realized that in life you need to strive for something and sincerely want it. Then time flies by, you enjoy your actions, especially when you see the result. For example, after the finals I went to Crimea, to Artek, where I will represent Russia in the International Competition of Young Performers “Children’s New Wave 2018”. I have always dreamed of such an opportunity! And here I am...


Despite the blows of fate, Diana remained kind and cheerful. At four years old she went to Orphanage. The girl cried constantly - she couldn’t help herself. By chance, at the moment when Diana was brought in, all the wards were going on vacation to a regional boarding house, where she met her guardian. “Mom worked there as a massage therapist,” the child shares with StarHit. “When I was lying on her table, continuing to choke on tears, my mother’s own daughter came in. “Why does she cry all the time,” Nastya asked. “Let’s take it for ourselves, fill out the paperwork and live happily.” Which took me by surprise. “If you refuse, then I will adopt myself when I grow up.” She was only 16 then. There were some difficulties with the documents, but we passed all the tests!”


Diana Ankudinova received almost 49% of the audience votes, taking first place. The second place went to 16-year-old Vera Yaroshik (9%) from Belarus. The top three finalists are completed by 17-year-old Roman Druzhinin (7%) from the Krasnoyarsk Territory.

Prize audience choice received Zenovia Sverchkova, for whom more than four million people voted on the NTV website.

We found out how life is now for young vocalists

When the director gives the command “Stop, it’s filmed!” and the television spotlights go out, the characters of the television show, as a rule, return to their normal lives. However, the organizers of “You’re Super!” NTV promised that the lives of vocalists will now change dramatically. Is it so? The site made inquiries and found out what the show’s graduates are doing now.

1. Lera Adleyba
The winner of the competition, Valeria Adleyba from Abkhazia, has already performed at the “New Children's Wave” in Artek. The girl took 4th place there and received a special prize from Igor Krutoy - a home recording studio.

Photo: NTV press service

By the way, now Lera has a place to place this gift - after winning the TV competition generous philanthropist gave her family an apartment in Sukhumi. Until recently, the girl lived in a boarding school because the Adleiba family’s house burned down. Now they can finally reunite.

2. Evgeny Boytsov
The finalist of “You’re Super!”, a charming 10-year-old boy from Kostroma, also sang on the stage of the “New Children’s Wave”. He performed more successfully than Lera and took 3rd place! In addition, Zhenya received a special prize from the rector of the Russian state university them. A.N. Kosygina is a professional synthesizer.

Photo: NTV press service

“Participation in such a competition as “New Wave” is already a gift,” Zhenya admitted. “I was greeted very warmly by both the organizers of the competition and the participants. I made friends with the guys, and of course I didn’t want to leave. I always dreamed of meeting Konstantin Khabensky. He noticed me at the competition and invited me to sing at charity festival. Very soon I am flying to Pereniya 2017 in Sochi, where I will meet with Konstantin!

3. Vitaly Tolochkin and Karina Ismailova
These guys recently recorded the soundtrack for the animated film “Hare School. Head over heels in adventures" - they sang the song " New house" Hear the voices of the finalists of the project “You are super!” will be available in all cinemas across the country starting July 20, when the film “Hare School” opens in theaters. Head over heels in adventure."
In addition, Vitaly Tochkin managed to sing a duet with Elka at the most important music event summer - the prestigious Muz-TV Award. The boy looked very convincing on the stage of the Olympic Stadium - he was warmly received by the audience and supported by all the stars.

4. Kirill Esin
The 10-year-old TV show finalist took part in the national selection international competition children's song " Junior Eurovision 2017". Unfortunately, he failed to win, but Kirill does not lose heart.
- I am very happy about this opportunity! The main thing is not victory, but participation,” he says.

Photo: NTV press service

Kirill sang the song “ Bright dancing”, which was written for him by the young star composer Alexey Malakhov - he collaborates with such celebrities as Alla Pugacheva, Philip Kirkorov, Nikolai Baskov and Jasmine.

"in May of this year. The main prize in the competition was the performance cherished dreams participant. Valeria Adleyba's parents sent her and her little brother to a boarding school due to serious financial problems. As a result of the fire, the house in which the family lived burned down. From that very day, the girl never stopped dreaming of her own home, where she could again reunite with her family. In June of this year, the I. I. Savvidi Charitable Foundation gave the winner of the show “You’re Super!” apartment in the center of Sukhum. Valeria Adleiba was finally reunited with her family, and now they are inseparable. We found out what else has changed in the life of the winner of the show “You’re Super!” after participating in the project.

“It was with great pleasure that we moved to new apartment. And now our whole family is inseparable. We found a school for Valeria not far from her new home. We also found an excellent vocal teacher who will help to maximize her daughter’s talent,” said Valeria Adleiba’s parents. According to them, she still communicates very closely with her classmates from the Ochamchira boarding school. “They supported Lera throughout the entire project “You are Super!”, voted for her, recorded videos, sent letters to the project with touching words(in the show “You’re Super!” Vadim Takmenev read out the wishes of Valeria’s classmates from the stage), they were met at the plane’s ramp in white T-shirts with her photographs on the chest. Therefore, Valeria decided to go to school on the first of September this year at the Ochamchira boarding school. We, as parents, supported her in this. At the line, Leroux was greeted with loud applause by the director, teachers, and students. I have never seen so many tears and then sincere smiles. Lera was invited to take part in the event to raise the state flag of the Republic of Abkhazia. Of course, the line itself was disrupted, as the children couldn’t wait to quickly ask Lera about the project itself, about her plans for the future, what to do with her joint photo“, said Valeria Adleyba’s mother.

Vadim Takmenem read in the show “You are super!” messages that classmates wrote to Valeria Adleyba

Winner of the show “You’re Super!” maintains relationships with almost all project participants. “Each of them became very close to us during the project. We have become so close that losing each other would be a crime,” said Valeria’s mother. Immediately after the project “You are Super!” the winner of the show accepted an invitation from Igor Yakovlevich Krutoy to take part in the “Children’s New Wave 2017” and took an honorable fourth place there. In addition, Valeria Adleiba was awarded special prize from the jury. Also the winner of the show “You’re Super!” I had a chance to perform on the same stage with the group “Nepara”. Valeria accepted with great pleasure the invitation to become a special guest at their concert in State Philharmonic Abkhazia. The girl also performed with other participants in the project “You are Super!” at the All-Russian Children's Center "Orlyonok" in the Krasnodar Territory.

Valeria Adleiba took part in the recording of Stas Piekha's song. “During the project “You are Super!” We have already established very friendly relations with him. From the first days Stas treated me with great warmth. This is a man with a capital letter. He, like an older brother and a loyal friend, will always support and give the necessary advice. All our meetings after the project “You are Super!” were filled with special sincerity, which I value and appreciate very much. Having invited me to shoot a video in Moscow, Stas gave me and my mother a gift by buying a business class ticket. These special sensations I will remember it for the rest of my life, since this is my first flight of this level,” Valeria shared her impressions.

Valeria Adleiba during her announcement as the winner of the show “You are Super!”

“During the project, we had the opportunity to meet many artists from the world of film music. We still communicate very closely with Stas Piekha, opera singers Khibla Gerzmava and Alisa Gitsba, Alexander Shoua from the group “Nepara”,” said Valeria Adleiba’s mother. “My daughter’s biggest dream has already come true,” admits the mother. - Valeria wanted to live in big house with its own separate bedroom. For making our dream come true, we say special thanks to the management of NTV, the project “You are Super!” And charitable foundation“Savvidi” in the person of Ivan Ignatievich Savvidi.”

In September of this year, Valeria Adleiba flew to Moscow again. The girl supported her friend, who took part in the new NTV project “You are super!” Dancing ". Leon Kapba and Valeria Adleyba studied at the same boarding school in the city of Ochamchir. They have been friends since childhood. “When, after your victory in the project “You are Super!” Valeria returned to her homeland and was greeted at the airport by numerous fans, family and friends. But the most amazing thing was that Leon met her at the airport national dance. It was as if he was asking me to pass the baton to him! And as soon as the castings began new project"You are super! Dancing,” Valeria invited Leon to take part in them. As we all know now, he became a participant in the project,” said Valeria Adleiba’s mother.

Leon Kapba and Valeria Adleiba with the host show “You are super!” Dancing" by Alexander Oleshko

Watch the show “You are super!” Dancing" on Saturdays at 20:00 on the NTV channel.

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