What's the best way to take a photo with a friend? Photo session of friends in the studio

A photo session with a friend is an opportunity to capture the most bright moments female friendship. There are many unusual and original ideas for a photo shoot with your best friend, which can be implemented at any time of the year. To do this, choose the style of the photo shoot and the location for it.

To make photos with your girlfriend harmonious and effective, you need to carefully consider all the details of the future photo shoot, including the image, clothes, hairstyles, makeup and props.

The best ideas for a girlfriends photo shoot

Ideas for a photo shoot with a friend are limited only by the models’ imagination. You can take original photos with your friend anywhere:

  • in the cafe
  • on the street
  • Outdoors
  • in a studio

There are many photo shoot options for each location, and each of them deserves special attention.

At home

A home photo shoot with a friend can be organized in any style. This could be a friendly get-together over a cup of coffee in the kitchen or a pillow fight in the bedroom. Photos of girls will turn out to be original if they change into men's clothing. It is not necessary to wear a men's suit; you can limit yourself to a shirt.

Another simple idea for a home photo shoot best friends– joint makeup. The two girls stand near the mirror and apply makeup or fool around - for example, they powder each other’s noses, make faces funny faces, make a mustache from your own hair, etc. Such home photo shoots will allow you to remember the most fun and carefree time, and will also lift your spirits.

On the street

Photo sessions with a friend on the street can be organized in different styles. The following ideas will be interesting:

  • horseback riding
  • picnic in nature
  • walking photoset in a city park
  • photo session of friends in an open cafe

You can take photos in the style of a walking photo shoot. For each season it is necessary to select props separately. In this case, walking photos will turn out to be very original.

At home or on the street?

To do good photos alone with a friend, no need to wait for any important event. Photos taken at home (for example, in the kitchen on your birthday) will allow you to preserve the memory of this event for many years, but a photo shoot outdoors will be much more effective.

To take photographs outdoors, you don’t need any unusual props, and nature itself took care of creating the background. The main thing is to choose the right images, clothes and hairstyles, and also invite a professional photographer who will take high-quality photographs.

Photoshoot ideas for different seasons

Options for photographing girlfriends depend on the conditions, location and time of year when the event will be organized.

Beautiful photos of best friends are created when both models are dressed in the same style. For example, for shooting together, girls can choose dresses of the same style, or one of them will wear a suit of the same color as her best friend’s dress. Clothing plays an important role when organizing a photo shoot, so you should choose it with special care.

Autumn photography options

An excellent option for an autumn photo shoot is a walk in the park. At this time, the landscape is beautiful and amazing, so against the backdrop of fallen leaves and yellowing tree crowns you get spectacular pictures.

Autumn pictures at home are no less stylish. It’s good when they are done against the backdrop of a large window, behind which you can see romantic autumn landscapes. A professional photographer will suggest others interesting ideas for an autumn photo shoot at home.

Ideas for winter and summer photoset

Both summer and winter photography can be organized outdoors. For example, in the winter, girls can go to the mountains to ski. Or you can just roll around in the snow or build a snowman - winter photos in any style turn out fun and unusual.

As for summer photography, it is better to do it on the beach or river bank. A huge advantage of such summer photos is that there is no need to select decorations, because girls in swimsuits against the background of water look great even without additional props.

in spring

Pictures taken in spring will be no less stylish. It is at this time of year, when nature comes to life, that people are in in a great mood, which is what is required for a good photoset.

In spring, photos can be taken in the “Amazon” style. Filming can be organized in a studio, but it is better to go into nature, armed with a bow and arrow. The catchy makeup looks impressive. A stylish hairstyle, appropriate wardrobe and props - and here in the photographs are militant Amazons, at whose feet men fall. Such a photo session with a friend will leave you with an unforgettable experience.

Previously, in order to immortalize themselves and their girlfriends on film, girls went to a photo studio. There, the photographer sat them down on a bench, then spent a long time setting up the lighting for the desired angle, explaining where their friends should look. The photos turned out standard. Other girls did exactly the same thing. The poses were static and did not differ in variety.

Now it’s a completely different matter. An example of an excellent photo shoot can be seen by looking at the work of the Olsen twin sisters, known, in particular, for the films “Two – Me and My Shadow”, “Poster Dad”, etc. You can find their photo shoots on the Internet and admire their interesting ideas. So, in one photo there are girls in strict long black and white dresses and dark shoes. Here they portray serious ladies. On next photo The naughty girls are dressed in leggings and short dresses.

They were filmed while jumping. At the same time, their ponytail hairstyles shot up in unison. For the next photo work, the girls took umbrellas. Moreover, these accessories are matched to the clothes. In another picture, the sisters depict femme fatales, dressed in translucent dresses of pink and light green.

On the next ones - they are already super modern divas in sunglasses and stylish clothes. You want to look at such photographs continuously. You can repeat the same poses with a friend, choosing similar clothes, but it’s better to come up with something of your own.

Important tips for a photo shoot with a friend

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To make photographs memorable and more vibrant, it is necessary to achieve a unified style and motif of the images. You can dress the same, do similar makeup, take the same type of accessories. Then your friend will look harmonious, and the poses will complement the chosen image.

Of course, if one girl wears a long vintage dress, and the other wears a modern rocker suit, then such a photo will not look harmonious. If the “rocker” in the photo humbly lowers her eyes, and the modest diva jumps up in an absurd pose, then such an action will look very strange.

It is better for both girls to put on dresses of an ancient cut, do appropriate hairstyles, take fans and portray high-society ladies of the 19th century. In the next photo they can shine in modern clothes, and here the poses for a photo shoot with a friend can be very diverse.

You can take one chair and pretend that both want to sit on it and at the same time use your hips or hands to slightly push your girlfriend away from the piece of furniture. One can sit on a chair, and the other can lie down next to it in a beautiful pose. You can fool around as much as you like, taking funny poses. The girls in such photographs will look lively and interesting.

It’s great if the shooting takes place on the street. There are some great background options here. It could be a noisy road, a quiet park, a crowded shopping mall, a field with wheat or cornflowers, a river or a forest. Nature itself on such shoots will give interesting ideas for a photo shoot with a friend. It’s better not to think through the poses for a photo shoot in advance; let them be relaxed and sincere.

You will get great photos filled with joy and energy. This will be helped by natural emotions captured in the frame, joint turns, jumping, laughter. You can think through only a few details and take the necessary accessories with you.

To make the poses interesting, it is important to forget about contrast when posing. So, one girl can turn to face the photographer, while the other will stand halfway around or with her back turned. If one model is sitting, then the other can lie down next to her. If the girls are athletic, then one friend will stand on her head, and the other will hold her legs.

It will look like a star, the rays of which will consist of four legs and hands The photographer can also capture funny intermediate moments when one girl is just trying to do this acrobatic element, but she doesn’t succeed the first time. Looking at this photo later, hardly anyone will be able to contain a smile.

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To hide some figure flaws and develop winning poses for a photo shoot, you can cross your legs, arms, and work with props: a chair, a cabinet, an umbrella.

When posing while sitting, you should keep your back and neck straight. It’s best to use your hands for this type of shooting. You can use them to lean on your knees or an object, or lightly hug your friend.

There can be many ideas for a photo shoot with a friend. You can only think through the basic concept of shooting in advance. In nature, interesting ideas will certainly be born and landscape shots will turn out unsurpassed.

A photo session with friends in the studio can be a great gift for a group of girls. When preparing for a friendly shoot, it is better to think through the following points in advance:

  • choose a topic for photography
  • choose clothes, hairstyle and makeup
  • decide on the decorations

Studio photography will allow two or more girlfriends to choose and implement any image. A professional photographer will help bring even the most original ideas for a photoshoot of friends.

New Year's photo shoot

In winter, you can conduct photo sessions with friends in the studio. Both two girlfriends and a large group of friends can participate in such photo shoots.

To create a New Year's interior in photo houses, they usually use:

  • festive tree decorated with garlands and colorful balls
  • large and small boxes imitating gifts
  • Christmas stockings hanging by the fireplace
  • Garlands

For a New Year's photo shoot, your friends can wear both cozy winter sweaters with animal print and beautiful holiday dresses.

Photos with children

If you and your friends are happy parents– this is a reason to combine adult and children’s photo sessions. To get beautiful pictures in the photo studio, make-up artists and stylists will select beautiful image for you and your children. A photo shoot of friends with children will be successful if you take children’s toys with you to the shoot. When taking photographs you can use air balloons, books.

Themed photo shoot in costumes

If you and your friends are fans of any TV series, film or book series, or would like to be in a different era, this is a reason to take themed photographs. The choice of style and costumes is varied. You and your friends can transform into American women 50s of the last century, become real ladies of the Renaissance or become heroes of the Harry Potter books. And don’t worry about hair and makeup – real professionals will take care of them in the studio. A company photo shoot will turn out to be interesting if all participants in the photograph choose similar outfits.

Session with cars

Girls look good in pictures with cars. A photo in the studio with a friend can be taken against the backdrop of modern and attractive cars. Photos of beauties in chic dresses on the hood of an expensive car will not leave anyone indifferent.

Photos with sweets

To capture your friendship with your best friend (or two or three) in photographs, you can arrange a session with ice cream and other sweets. Photos with ice cream come out very bright. Reviewing them, you will always remember the happy moments of your friendship with laughter and joy.

Any style of clothing is suitable for a photo shoot with ice cream. Friends can star in:

  • light summer dresses
  • shorts and bright T-shirts
  • overalls

Group photo session

A photo shoot of three friends in a studio (or more) can take place according to various scenarios. Girls often take group photos in honor of some important event: a birthday, a bachelorette party, March 8th. Considering the theme of the photo shoot for a group of friends, professionals will help you choose the right images for all participants in the photograph.

If you and your best friends dream of doing joint photo to the sea, but there is no opportunity to go there, a studio photo shoot of the company will suit you. With the help of high-quality photo wallpapers and various decorations, you can find yourself at the sea, at the stadium, in the forest or in any other place.

If you and your friends want to film “at the sea”, don’t forget to prepare swimsuits and pareos. When photographing indoors, the interior of which is decorated like a stadium, wear the uniform of your favorite team and capture the attributes of real fans (flags, whistles, posters).

A photo shoot for a group of friends in the studio will take place surrounded by professional stylists and makeup artists who will help you put on beautiful makeup and dress. In order to get a lot of varied and original shots during a group photo shoot with friends, you can change your looks and hairstyle several times, and change clothes.

If you have no ideas on how to take a photo with your best friends, an experienced photographer will recommend a few interesting options. A professional photo session of girlfriends in the studio will help capture a strong and loyal friendship and give a lot of positive emotions to the participants in the photograph.

If you are a cool girl, and you have an equally cool friend, or even several wonderful friends, then why not have a mind-blowing and simply awesome photo shoot? After all, a photo shoot with a friend is a wonderful way to spend time creatively, fool around and generally have great fun. The main thing is to approach this matter, armed with all your positivity, a willingness to experiment and act outside the box, forgetting about embarrassment and decency :) To help you make your photo shoot party even more interesting, I bring to your attention my cool ideas for a photo shoot with a friend.

I carefully rummaged through the Internet to find and group all these ideas, so now use them for free and for your health, I will be glad if they help you. So, let's move on to the ideas themselves.

You can start by creating . In the warm season, you can lie down on the grass in this interesting position. You can make a thoughtful look, or joke, as in this photo. Using a small one, make a portrait so that one friend is in sharp focus and the other is blurry. One friend closes the other’s eyes, like: “Guess who it is”!
Discussion of important events. Portrait in snow or rain. This photograph symbolizes strong friendship, as if to say that the friends are together despite external adversities and life difficulties. If you want to take a dramatic photo, they will help dark shades in clothes and background of photography.
Photography doesn't spill your hair :) Another option for friends with a common braid (made from the hair of both heads). Such a photograph symbolizes unity in views and thinking and mutual support. Over a cup of coffee. The photo looks interesting if you drink some hot drink on the street in gloomy weather, and if you also take a glamorous cup and steam comes from it, this will even enhance the impression.
A photograph will always seem interesting if you can capture emotions in it. So goof around, laugh and just have a blast. You can take some tasty treat, like ice cream, chocolate, cream and eat it deliciously or coat yourself. Before doing this, apply bright makeup to your lips. This will be a kind of message to the guys: “Yes, we are such sweet little things, lick your lips.” You can fool around while lying on the asphalt.
Steal a motorcycle for a photo shoot :) Enter the image of well-read ladies Pretend to be a photographer and model
Develop the topic Admire the result Remember - mustaches suit girls
Jump on the bed and have a pillow fight Take a photo of your shadows Sew or get angel costumes
Use old windows as photo props. Notice the wreaths in the hair and blooming trees on the background Use white clothes to add purity and innocence to your look. Play up the situation as if you received a shocking SMS
Jump for your health and for the benefit of the photo shoot. Create funny poses in the air Take a photo in a cafe or in any room with a pleasant interior Find interesting place in your city and take a photo in front of it
Go to the studio Classic, simple, but nonetheless good idea for a photo shoot with friends - take pictures against the backdrop of green grass Capture yourself as if you were putting on makeup
Dance – these photos look natural and interesting Cool girlfriend Send a kiss
Take photos at different levels, for example, one friend is standing, then the other can sit down, etc. You can dress up as Indian or Brazilian Use sunflowers for a photo shoot
if you can do it, do an acrobatic trick Play up the image of rural beauties Use the image of musicians
Play with depth of field again Don't forget to hug Use bouquets of leaves or flowers
Take some symmetrical pose Have a fashion show Remember movies about karate

If you are suddenly overtaken by a creative impasse, have run out of new ideas, or are just looking for a little hint for photographing a girl, then you can use sketches as a starting cheat sheet, because they are one of the the most important stages preparation for . The more carefully they are thought out, the more interesting photos you will receive as a result of photography. Many professional photographers use this technique when preparing for and during a photo shoot. Poses of girls for a photo shoot This article should be used as a starting point, and it is best to review and discuss suggested angles with your model, especially if she has little experience. This way, you will be able to establish psychological contact with the model. During the photo shoot, do not hesitate to ask the model for her opinion on which poses she likes best. This helps both the model and the photographer feel more confident, and in the end, get decent results. It will be very useful if before the photo shoot the model thinks about what she wants to see in the pictures, what she wants to emphasize? Innocence? Sexuality? Maybe something romantic? Or some special features character? What types of poses will work best for her? The following poses are a hint not only for the model, but also for the photographer; you can print them out or send them to your phone and carry them with you as a cheat sheet that will help you in difficult times.

In this article, each pose presented has a photograph as an illustration. All pictures are taken from the Internet (mainly from the site //500px.com), copyright belongs to their authors.

So, let's look: successful poses of girls for a photo shoot.

2. Very often, when shooting portraits, both the model and the photographer forget about the position of their hands. However, something creative can happen if you ask the model to play with her hands, trying out different positions at the head and face. The main thing to remember is one rule - no flat, tense palms: the hands should be soft, flexible and, preferably, they should not be facing directly into the frame with the palm or back of the hand.

3. You are probably familiar with such a compositional rule as.

4. A very cute pose for a sitting model - with your knees together.

5. Another open and attractive pose - the model lies on the ground. Get down and take the shot almost from ground level.

6. And again, an option for a lying position: you can ask the model to play with her hands - fold them or calmly lower them to the ground. A great angle for shooting outdoors, among flowers and grasses.

7. The most basic pose, but it looks simply stunning. You need to shoot from the lower level; walk around the model in a circle, taking pictures from different angles. The model should be relaxed, you can change the position of the arms, hands, and head.

8. And this amazing pose is well suited for girls with any figure. Try different positions of your legs and arms, focusing on the model's eyes.

9. Cute and playful pose. Great for almost any setting: on the bed, in the grass or on the beach. Take a photo of the model from a low position, focusing on the eyes.

10. A wonderful way to demonstrate beautiful figure models. Perfectly emphasizes the silhouette against a bright background.

11. Another friendly pose for a seated model. Position the model so that one knee is pressed to the chest and the other leg, also bent at the knee, lies on the ground. The gaze is directed into the lens. Try using different shooting angles for better results.

12. Great way demonstrate all the beauty and plasticity of the model’s body. Can be used as a silhouette pose against a bright background.

13. Simple and natural position with big amount possible options. Let the model experiment with the position of the hips, arms, and head.

14. Simple and at the same time elegant pose. The model is turned slightly to the side, hands in the back pockets.

15. A slight forward tilt can unobtrusively emphasize the model’s shape. It looks very attractive and sexy.

16. A sensual pose with raised arms emphasizes the smooth curves of the body. Well suited for slim and fit models.

17. Posing options full height simply infinitely, this position can be taken as the starting point. Ask the model to easily turn her body, change the position of her arms, head, direction of gaze, etc.

18. This pose looks quite relaxed. Don't forget that you can lean against the wall not only with your back, but also with your shoulder, arm or hip.

19. Full-length shots are quite specific and are better suited for tall, slender models. There you are little secret: The model’s body should resemble the English letter S, the weight is transferred to one leg, the arms are in a relaxed state.

20. One of best poses for slender models with a huge number of possible options. To catch the most advantageous position, ask the model to slowly change the position of her arms and continuously bend her body.

21. Romantic, tender pose. Use different fabrics and draperies. With their help you can get sensual photographs. It is not necessary to expose your entire back: often, even a slightly bare shoulder creates a flirty mood.

22. A good pose for a photo shoot and an excellent angle from which the model appears slimmer. The model stands sideways, with her chin slightly down and her shoulder slightly raised. Please note that there should be a small distance between the chin and shoulder.

23. Often ordinary poses turn out to be the most successful. The model should transfer the weight of the body to one leg, while bending the body into an S-shape.

24. The model touches a vertical surface, such as a wall or tree, lightly with both hands. The pose is suitable for a portrait shot.

25. If the model is blessed with beautiful long hair– be sure to show them in motion. Ask her to quickly turn her head to allow the hair to develop. Experiment with shutter speed to get clear or blurry shots that highlight movement.

26. In the next pose, the model is sitting on a sofa or bed. If you give a girl a cup of coffee, you can get a thematic photo (for example, the girl was cold, and now she is resting and warming up).

27. An excellent and comfortable pose that is suitable for a photo shoot in the house, studio on the couch and more...

28. Beautiful pose for a model sitting on a sofa.

29. Excellent for photographing a model sitting on the ground. The photographer can shoot from different angles.

30. You can experiment in a sitting position; you should not limit yourself only to certain subject poses.

31. It is believed that crossing legs and arms between people creates a certain psychological barrier, and this is not recommended when taking photographs. However, this is not always the case. The photographer should try to take a photo where the model's arms are crossed over her chest. This is a great pose for a women's photo shoot.

Anton Rostovskiy

32. It’s not always worth coming up with a certain hand position. It is completely normal to leave them in a natural position, relaxed. The same can be said about the legs. The only thing to remember is that while standing, the model must transfer her body weight to one leg.

33. Another example of a full body photo pose that is perfect for a photo shoot. The girl's hands, fully or partially, are in her pockets.

34. This pose is perfect for a summer photo shoot. Ask the model to take off her shoes and walk slowly.

35. The model’s hands behind her back, an unusual, but very open and sincere pose. The model can also lean against the wall.

36. For decent official portraits, a very simple, and at the same time, effective position is suitable. The model stands slightly sideways, with her face turned towards the photographer, her head tilted slightly to the side.

37. The model will look very harmonious in the frame if you place both hands on your waist. The pose is suitable for half-length and full-length portraits.

38. If there is any tall piece of furniture nearby that you can lean on with one hand, be sure to use it. This will help create a formal, but at the same time free and inviting pose.

39. Another one good pose- sit down on something. Well suited for both indoor and outdoor shooting.

40. An example of a feminine and winning pose for a full-length shot of a model.

41. A rather complex pose, due to the fact that you need to convey the movement of the model. However, if done correctly, the reward will be a great, elegant fashion shot.

42. Great pose, although it will require certain camera settings: the girl is leaning on a fence or bridge railing. A large aperture will provide shallow depth of field and a blurry background.

43. A great pose if done with its features in mind. The correct placement of the arms and legs plays a decisive role here. Ideal for any body type. Please note that shooting should be done from a slightly elevated position.

44. A great pose for intimate photography. Well used in various environments, bed, beach, etc.

45. Another interesting pose. We take the angle from the bottom point. The upper part of the model's body is slightly raised, and the head is slightly tilted down. The legs are bent at the knees upward, the feet are crossed.

46. ​​This pose is not the easiest. There are a few things to pay attention to: the arm the model is leaning on should be facing away from the body, the abdominal muscles should be under control, and the legs should be extended. The pose is ideal for a sporty body type.

47. The next difficult pose requires professionalism from the photographer. For successful final result he must take into account the position of all parts of the body - head, arms, waist (there should be no folds in the skin!), hips and legs.

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