How to draw a real Christmas tree. How to draw a Christmas tree. Master classes. Master class with a video of step-by-step drawing of a Christmas tree using paints for a child and a novice artist

    What could be easier than drawing christmas tree in pencil step by step, probably just a snowman or an icicle :)

    Here is a simple step-by-step diagram for drawing a decorated Christmas tree for the New Year

    This video master class shows in detail how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step, although this tree is not entirely real, it is also very beautiful :)

    New Year tree with gifts

    Another video lesson on drawing a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step, as well as an idea on how to color a Christmas tree with colored pencils:

    The image below shows a diagram of how to draw a Christmas tree for primary and secondary children school age. The drawing looks simple, but requires care; the straighter the needles are, the more beautiful the drawing will be.

    From the vertical main line, which represents a tree pillar, draw slightly curved lines.

    We draw small ones at the top, longer ones towards the middle and long ones at the bottom.

    We draw small needles on each branch. You can add balls and stars on the branches, and you can decorate the bottom with beads.

    The video shows another option on how to draw a Christmas tree.

    There are many options for how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step. You can start with the frame, the skeleton of the tree, and then draw in the branches, which become wider and more magnificent towards the base.

    You can start with what the tree looks like externally - a triangle, gradually adding branches, making the tree more and more magnificent, and then New Year's garlands, toys, gifts under the tree, as it seems.

    First way. Starting with the skeleton and then drawing the Christmas tree:

    Second way.

    First imagine a triangle that will become a Christmas tree.

    Then we draw the teeth on the sides and bottom of the tree.

    Let's outline it more clearly using a pencil (marker, pen).

    Then decorations appear on the tree. First we draw only the outlines. We also draw gifts under the tree arbitrarily as much as you like, in any way, in any shape and quantity as you like

    We outline more clearly the contours of decorations and gifts using a pencil (marker, pen).

    Coloring the Christmas tree green, drawing needles in one direction. Let there be a small unpainted space under the toys on the Christmas tree; we also depict lighting.

    Add a little dark green to the entire tree. This helps achieve volume. Let the white space under the toys on the Christmas tree be clearer. The toys on the Christmas tree are decorated with different colors.

    Gifts in different colors.

    The fluffy forest guest, who delights us with her appearance every year in our homes, seems easy to draw if there are detailed step by step sketches. First, we determine the size of the tree on a piece of paper. Then how lush it will be, how many levels, for this we draw parallel lines along the trunk on both sides. To make it easier, you can imagine the tree in the form of a triangle, just ignore the very top of the tree, leave it for the star:

    I think I should draw a New Year's tree following the one below. step by step diagram, on your own or with your child it will be quite easy.

    So let's get started:

    Step 1:

    Step 2:

    Step 3:

    Step 4:

    The result is a New Year's tray like this. Now you can color it, for example like this:

    New Year This is the most favorite holiday of the majority. And what would a holiday be without Father Frost, Snow Maiden and, of course, a Christmas tree.

    Drawing a mandatory attribute of the New Year holiday - a New Year tree - is not so difficult. The main thing is to follow the tips in the pictures below.

    For example, as an option

    Well, the third version of the New Year tree.

    Well, a more complicated option:

    Drawing a Christmas tree is not difficult. IN fine arts many objects are depicted by initial schematic drawing. For a Christmas tree, a simple geometric triangle shape is suitable. As you know, the branches of a Christmas tree look down; at the top they are shorter, at the base they are much longer, which gives the tree a triangular shape.

    Taking this as a basis, we draw our Christmas tree:

    All that remains is to add decorations (balls, cones, lanterns, bows, etc.) and our Christmas tree is ready. Even a child can handle this drawing:

    You can try to draw the Christmas tree in a different way. Namely, to depict the trunk and branches of a tree diverging in different directions:

    If you add New Year's toys to such a Christmas tree, you will get a real holiday beauty.

    The most popular design in the winter season is the New Year tree. It’s a pleasure to draw her, because during the drawing process your imagination never comes into play. The Christmas tree can be drawn with paints, as well as with a pencil. The most important thing is to find a drawing for inspiration.

    The little ones can use this scheme:

    More experienced people can try to draw these versions of Christmas trees with a pencil. The main thing here is to draw the frame of the tree, the base (trunk and branches), and then draw the needles, Christmas decorations, gifts under the Christmas tree.

    Draw New Year's Eve in stages It won't be difficult if you follow the instructions below. First we draw a large triangle, this will be the basis of the tree itself, and a square is the lower part of the tree trunk. Next, we draw three levels of branches, an asterisk at the very top of the tray and begin to gradually draw toys. After this, we decorate the tray and the drawing is ready.

    On this site you can not only see in pictures how to draw a Christmas tree step by step, but even watch several videos where everything is explained in a very accessible form, after which even a child will be able to draw a holiday tree on their own.

    And here is also a completely simple image of a Christmas tree, which we will draw in stages.

A real New Year tree with garlands and toys looks beautiful not only in person, but also in children’s drawings. Depicting it in lessons at school, in the garden or at home, children can not limit their imagination and decorate the tree in an original way with toys, balls, and garlands. You just need to choose simple instructions with photos and videos and follow the indicated steps when depicting a Christmas tree. For example, with the help of the master classes listed below, even novice artists will be able to easily and beautifully depict a New Year's beauty. They describe step by step how to draw a Christmas tree with pencils or paints, what techniques can be used to create the most realistic picture.

How to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step easily and beautifully - a master class for beginners

Simple drawing of a Christmas tree using pencils allows both children and novice artists to easily create cool drawings on the eve of the holiday. At the same time, coloring a picture can be done not only with pencils, but also with watercolors and gouache. The colorful drawing can be used to decorate your home for the New Year 2018 and will be an excellent gift for loved ones and friends. The following master class for beginners will help you learn how easy and beautiful it is to draw a Christmas tree step by step using pencils.

Materials for drawing a beautiful Christmas tree by novice artists using pencils

  • A4 sheet of paper;
  • pencils;
  • eraser;
  • ruler.

Photo from a master class on drawing a beautiful Christmas tree with pencils for beginners

  1. Draw a pyramid on a piece of paper using a ruler. Mark its center with a vertical line. Add a small oval at the bottom.
  2. Draw a star on the Christmas tree. Draw fir branches along one of the outer lines of the pyramid and in its lower part.
  3. Draw the spruce branches on the opposite side. Draw garlands and balls. At the bottom draw a tree trunk and the snow surrounding it.
  4. Remove the auxiliary lines, color the Christmas tree and add a colored background.

How to paint a Christmas tree step by step - video lesson for beginning artists and children

Painting with paints is considered quite complex process, since paints can spread and mix when depicting figures. You can make the task easier and easily draw a Christmas tree with garlands using bright gouache. Thick paints will help create original drawing without much difficulty. The following video tutorial will tell you how to paint a Christmas tree with these paints step by step for a novice artist.

Master class with a video of step-by-step drawing of a Christmas tree using paints for a child and a novice artist

Using the instructions below, both novice artists and children of any age can easily draw a beautiful Christmas tree. You just need to follow specified instructions and listen carefully to the author’s advice and recommendations.

How to draw a Christmas tree with toys in pencil - a step-by-step master class with photos

Usually, on the eve of the New Year, children are given the task of drawing a thematic drawing for school or kindergarten. And in order to surprise all classmates and teachers, the child only needs to depict an unusual and as realistic picture as possible. For example, using the instructions below, you can learn how to draw a New Year tree with toys and balls. If desired, such a picture can be colored with pencils or paints: gouache, watercolor.

List of materials for drawing a Christmas tree with toys with pencils

  • pencils;
  • A4 sheet of paper;
  • eraser.

Master class with step-by-step photo pencil drawings of a Christmas tree decorated with toys

  1. Conventionally, depict a Christmas tree by drawing the edges of the fir branches. At the bottom, mark the ground line (for ease of drawing the background). Also, under the tree, you can conventionally depict toys and gifts.
  2. Draw several layers of fir branches, then remove the auxiliary lines. Draw toys, balls, a bow and a star at the top on the Christmas tree. Clearly draw toys and gifts under the tree, erase the auxiliary lines.
  3. Color the picture and draw snow.
  4. Shade left side drawing to make the picture more realistic.
  5. Color the background, and then use light pencils to highlight the balls and some areas of the spruce branches.

How to draw a Christmas tree step by step for a child with a pencil - a simple master class for children

Depict beautiful Christmas tree with garlands and balls in literally 20 minutes is quite possible. And even children in kindergarten and students in school can do this kind of work. primary school. Using the proposed master class, every child can easily and quickly portray a real New Year's beauty. To do this, you just need to study the simple instructions and find out how, step by step, your child can draw a Christmas tree with holiday decorations.

Materials for step-by-step pencil drawing of a Christmas tree by a child

  • A4 paper;
  • eraser;
  • regular and colored pencils.

Photo from a master class for step-by-step drawing of a Christmas tree by a child using pencils

  1. Draw a small triangle-herringbone.
  2. Draw the trunk of the Christmas tree and the stand in the form of a bucket.
  3. Draw a star on the top of the Christmas tree.
  4. Draw balls and garlands in the Christmas tree triangle. Color the picture with colored pencils.

Using the proposed master classes with photos and videos, both children and novice artists will be able to easily and beautifully draw an elegant Christmas tree for the New Year 2018. Children can work with both pencils and paints. Simple instructions will help you understand how to correctly depict the basis of a drawing, how best to color it. For example, using the lessons suggested above, you can learn how to draw a Christmas tree with colorful balls, garlands and toys. All that remains is to choose the appropriate instructions and get to work.

Drawing of a New Year tree and Santa Claus is the most new year theme children's drawings. You can draw a New Year tree in different ways, the main thing is to correctly draw the proportions of the tree branches and pine needles. Christmas tree should be “slender” and beautiful with “fluffy” and thick needles. Drawing a Christmas tree is not difficult, but to make the Christmas tree even and beautiful, I offer my own version of the lesson " How to draw a Christmas tree"in pencil, as usual, step by step. On last stage The drawing can be easily colored with colored pencils.
To draw beautiful Christmas tree, the top of the crown must be decorated with a star and many bright toys drawn on the branches. To create the mood for the upcoming holiday - New Year, in a picture with a Christmas tree, draw Santa Claus and Snow Maiden next to each other. There are such lessons on the site.

1. Drawing of a Christmas tree. General outline

The Christmas tree drawing will be the correct shape if you first draw general outline in the form of such a simple geometric figure. The shape of the tree will be even and neat if you draw a dividing line exactly in the center, which will serve as the trunk of the tree and at the same time a guide for the entire drawing. To create the volume of spruce branches in the drawing, you must draw an angle protruding towards the viewer at the bottom of the outline.

2. Approximate contours of needles and branches

Since the tree is all covered with needles, it is not necessary to draw branches for it. But still, to Christmas tree drawing was beautiful and correct, you need to make simple markings that will allow you to divide the drawing into sections of the proposed branches.

3. Spruce branches in detail

The real tree you'll have in your home doesn't look exactly like this picture of a tree. But the main thing for us is to draw a beautiful and symmetrical New Year tree, and then decorate it with toys and draw a suitable interior. Therefore, we will draw the Christmas tree schematically, making symmetrical sharp edges of the branches on both sides of the tree. From the center line of the trunk, draw the sharp edges of the branches, thanks to this the Christmas tree in your drawing will be fluffy and beautiful.

4. Detailing the Christmas tree design

Fill in the remaining gaps between the edges and the middle of the tree with random strokes. Try to make them symmetrical on both sides. Do not press hard on the pencil, we are planning to color the Christmas tree at the last stage with colored pencils.

5. Finish drawing the Christmas tree

At this stage, you need to make the drawing of the Christmas tree more “clear”. Spicy and hard pencil draw as many basic contour lines as possible. To make the tree look beautiful, try to draw symmetrical branches on both sides. Now we can say that the drawing of the Christmas tree is completely finished. All that remains is to decorate it New Year's toys and an asterisk at the top of the crown.

6. Decorations for the Christmas tree

What is a Christmas tree without decorations! Of course, you need to draw a lot of bright toys and, most importantly, color the pine needles green pencil. Next to the Christmas tree you can draw boxes with gifts and, if necessary, the surrounding interior, including the Snow Maiden and Father Frost. If you need to draw Father Frost and Snow Maiden, deer and other forest animals, then on our website you will find such lessons.

The Snow Maiden's drawing is made on graphics tablet step by step. You can use this lesson to draw the Snow Maiden with a regular pencil.

On New Year's Eve, many children want to draw Santa Claus and the New Year tree. The drawing of Santa Claus and the Snow Maiden will be needed both for the New Year's wall newspaper and for an original, “handmade” greeting card.

If you need to draw a New Year's card with a picture of a Christmas tree and Santa Claus, then a reindeer may well complement such a drawing.

Drawing brown bear requires some preparation and practice in drawing animals. You need to be able to reflect the character of a ferocious and dangerous animal in your drawing. Of course, if you are drawing children's illustrations for New Year's card with a Christmas tree and Santa Claus, then the bear should have a good-natured appearance.

It's not easy to draw a kitten. Firstly, the kittens are small, and secondly, they are very active. The drawing will take a lot of time, and it is impossible to make a kitten sit still for even a minute.

If you need to draw a Christmas tree in the forest, you can draw several forest “residents”, such as a fox, near the tree.

All children love to make snowmen in winter. Try to draw a snowman, recording your impressions on a piece of paper.

New Year 2018 is coming soon, which means that each of us will receive gifts, albeit small, but made with love. Of course, surprises from parents will be much more “weighty” in every sense than funny children’s drawings, but the latter will be able to warm you with the warmth of their sincerity and childish efforts. Well, what can boys and girls portray in winter? Of course, everything related to New Year holidays- Santa Claus, spruce, Snow Maiden, snowman, forest covered with snow. If your children are still small and do not know how to draw a Christmas tree easily and beautifully, watch with them the videos and photos of the master classes presented here. They show how even a beginner, using pencils and paints, can gradually depict a Christmas tree decorated with garlands and toys. A carefully executed, neat, bright drawing will receive a prize at creative competition crafts in elementary school or kindergarten.

How to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step easily and beautifully - Master class for beginners

If you want to learn more about how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step easily and beautifully, use the tips from the master classes for beginners presented here. Similar work can be done with felt-tip pens, but to create a sketch of a drawing, a simple pencil should always be used.

Methods for drawing a Christmas tree with a pencil: examples in the photo

Christmas tree is one of the most simple drawings, but you can create it different ways. A selection of these photos will help you understand how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil step by step easily and beautifully, and you will find a master class for beginners in the video.

The first method is a Christmas tree made of cones

Take a close look at the step-by-step diagram for drawing a spruce tree. Start to depict it by drawing a cone-skirt. At the end of the work, when all the auxiliary lines are erased, the Christmas tree can be decorated with garlands and toys.

The second method is a tree-stick

Here's yours artistic creativity you need to start with the image of a single vertical stick. The branches of the tree and its foliage - needles - are already “attached” to it.

Method three - Christmas tree on a stand

In this case, the basis of the picture is a triangle on a “stand” - a horizontal rectangle. Small wavy triangles are attached to the large triangle on the sides - spruce paws.

How to paint a Christmas tree step by step - Photo and video master classes for beginners

The brightest, most realistic-looking Christmas trees are made by artists who use paints in their work. Undoubtedly, novice creators first use a pencil - such sketches can be easily corrected by erasing them with an eraser. And yet, a drawing made in watercolor or gouache always attracts more attention. These photo and video master classes for beginners will tell you how to paint a Christmas tree step by step.

Painting a Christmas tree with paints - Photos with explanations

Even the most inexperienced artists can learn to draw a Christmas tree with one stroke without using pencils. Learn how to paint a Christmas tree step by step: photos and videos of master classes for beginners will tell you how to work with a brush.

Herringbone zigzag paint

Here the artist, using brushes of different widths, drew a zigzag line, gradually widening downwards. After that, he used paints of a different color to “hang” the balls on the Christmas tree.

Herringbone-broom paint

First, the artist drew a straight line from top to bottom - this is how he depicted the tree trunk. To the left and right of him he applied strokes of paint in different shades of green, yellow, and then white flowers. The strokes were applied in layers different color- from bottom to top so that the Christmas tree is wide at the bottom and pointed at the top.

Afterwards, the master painted snow on the Christmas tree with white paints.

How to draw a New Year tree with toys and garlands for elementary school and kindergarten

Before the onset of 2018, many children will want to know how to draw a New Year tree with toys and garlands for school and kindergarten. Of course, most of them already know how to draw Christmas trees in the form of a stick and branches, but this master class will teach them a slightly more complex drawing technique.

How to draw a Christmas tree 2018 with decorations step by step

The drawing diagram located here will help you figure out how to draw a New Year tree, decorating it with toys and garlands, and submit your work for a drawing competition in elementary school and kindergarten.

  1. Start by drawing a small square at the bottom of the sheet and a triangle “planted” on its upper edge.
  2. Add “legs” to the Christmas tree by drawing small zigzags on the sides of the large triangle and processing the “skirt” of the tree.
  3. Start decorating the Christmas tree by placing a garland diagonally and hanging balls on the branches.

How a child can draw a Christmas tree step by step with watercolor or gouache

If you want to know how a child can draw a Christmas tree step by step with watercolor or gouache, check out the master class presented on this page, watch a video tutorial explaining the features of working with paints, and finally, invite your daughter or son to draw Christmas tree together.

Drawing a Christmas tree with gouache or watercolor - Master class with photos

After you have read everything about how you and your child can draw a Christmas tree step by step using watercolor or gouache, get to work. Prepare everything you need for this:

  • Paints;
  • Whatman;
  • A jar for water;
  • Brushes of different sizes;
  • palette;
  • Simple pencil;
  • Eraser.
  1. Schematically depict the base of the tree, the stick on which you will attach the branches.

  2. Finish drawing the “skeleton” of the Christmas tree.

  3. Mix blue, white and green paints on a palette. Start “stringing” the needles onto the tree using strokes.

  4. Draw the spines carefully, not forgetting a single branch of our future Christmas tree.

  5. If you want to make the spruce more fluffy, add more branches, covering them with needles as described in the previous paragraph.

  6. Use brown watercolor or gouache to draw the tree trunk, and blue to fill the entire space of the sheet not occupied by the drawing.

We hope that now, after you have learned how to draw a Christmas tree with a pencil or paints step by step, you and your child will draw a 2018 New Year tree with toys and garlands. Master classes with videos and photos posted on this page are also designed for beginning artists of all ages.

Master class: “Drawing spruce using watercolor technique”

Author: Knis Anna Nikolaevna, senior teacher.
Place of work: MBDOU " Kindergarten No. 3 "Smile", Kalach-on-Don.
Description of work: I bring to your attention a master class: “Drawing spruce using watercolor technique” for children 5-7 years old. The material may be useful to educators, children and their parents, teachers additional education, teachers.

Purpose: The drawing will serve a good gift, can be used for interior decoration.
Target: Drawing spruce using watercolor technique.
- Teach children to draw a spruce, achieving an expressive representation of the needles (drawing with the end of a brush);
- Improve skills and techniques for working with watercolors.
- Cultivate accuracy during work;

Spruce is an elegant, slender tree. One cannot help but admire its crown, which has the shape of a regular narrow cone. This cone is especially pronounced when trees grow freely, not constrained. The long lower branches bend somewhat towards the ground, as if they are unable to bear the heavy load of needles. The top of the tree is always sharp, it never becomes dull, even when the tree is old. The crowns of the fir trees look like the tips of giant peaks aimed at the sky.
Spruce is a symbol of courage, boldness (to the point of insolence, recklessness), high spirits, fidelity, immortality, longevity, arrogance, and royal dignity. IN Ancient Greece spruce was considered the tree of hope. The Christmas tree symbolizes the beginning of the annual cycle and life in general. fir cone- a symbol of the fire of life, beginning, restoration of health. Spruce is an amazing plant: it can be used to treat various diseases entirely. Cones, needles, branches and buds have unique beneficial properties. Essential compounds boast bactericidal and antiviral properties. As aromatherapy, spruce essential oil is used for diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as to increase immunity and prevent acute respiratory infections. In addition, spruce oil can eliminate stress and nervousness, enhance protective properties skin and increase the overall tone of the human body. While indoors, the ethereal compounds of the spruce are neutralized in a short time harmful microorganisms, filling the house with oxygen and a healing microclimate and weakening electromagnetic radiation from household appliances.
Spruce is widely used in the national economy. Its wood is large quantities goes, for example, to make paper. In our age of rapid progress of civilization, the need for paper is extremely great and a huge amount is needed. Statisticians have calculated: in one year, all countries of the world produce so much paper that if one whole sheet of normal thickness is made from it, it will have fantastic dimensions - you can “wrap” the entire Earth like a wheel of cheese! In global paper production most of accounts for the share of spruce.
Materials and tools:
- watercolor paints;
- brushes No. 12, No. 2, squirrel;
- drawing paper;
- a simple pencil, eraser;
- watercolor paints, sippy cup;
- frame for decoration.

Stages of work:
We take a simple pencil and drawing paper, which we place vertically. Let's start drawing the spruce from the trunk. Its trunk is straight and thin.

We will draw the branches in three tiers. We draw the first tier from below with straight lines emanating from one point on the trunk, as in the figure.

We draw the second and third tier similarly to the first, shortening the lines of each tier.

Add a horizon line.

Using a wide brush, paint the sky with blue watercolor.

We paint the ground with light green watercolor.

Using brown watercolor we draw the trunk of the spruce tree.

We draw the branches with dark green watercolors.

Using the end of a thin brush and dark green watercolor, draw the needles on each branch. The thicker the needles, the more magnificent the spruce we will get.

For splendor, add small twigs to the branches.

Draw the needles.

We draw young needles on the tips of the branches with light green watercolors.

Using black watercolor we add a shadow on the trunk.

Use dark green watercolor to paint the grass in the foreground.

The spruce drawing is ready. We put it in a frame.

The common spruce is arrogant from afar,
and nearby is a cozy house...
Here we will wait out the rain.
Yu. Nasimovich.
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