Tips on how to learn to think positively. Remember the good moments from the past more often. important tips on how to learn to always think positively

A big and warm hello to everyone! One of the best, in my opinion, human character traits is optimism. Maybe someone will disagree with me, but I sincerely believe that our lives depend on how we see the world, how we think. In previous articles, I wrote about visualization. In them, I told a little about how the power of positive thought works, how it can attract goodness and good luck. And today I would like to talk to you about how to change your thinking in a positive direction, how to learn to see the good instead of the bad.

On this moment I'm trying to instill this habit in myself. I’ll tell you honestly, it won’t work out the first time, but gather your will and continue to change yourself. Soon you will notice that those things that annoyed you will not be so bad. There are several techniques to help you learn to think positively.

Optimism as a character trait can be instilled and made integral part own life. It will not only give inner peace, but will also affect a person’s overall lifestyle. Agree, it’s always more pleasant to communicate with cheerful people happy people who see and notice more good moments. It is to them that one subconsciously reaches out, tries to make friends, relies on their opinion. It’s a pleasure to communicate with them, to find mutual language. Positive thinking is very beneficial not only for you, but also for those around you.

Aggressiveness and pessimism, on the contrary, destroy and humiliate dignity. Even if a person is talented, smart, handsome, but is a pessimist by nature, then despite his positive qualities, he will remain unhappy, lonely, dissatisfied with life person.

A huge number of studies have been and are still being conducted around the world that confirm that people who think positively complain less about their health and have a longer life expectancy than pessimists. In addition, the risk of cardiovascular disease and hypertension is reduced. This cannot be said about those people who see more bad than good. Scientists have found that their mortality rate is 16 percent higher. And this is not a small amount. So if you want to live long, get sick less and feel like a happy person, you need to not only lead healthy image life, but also to be optimistic.

As I have already said in previous articles, thought has a power that attracts similar energy to itself. That is, if you think about good, then you attract good, if you are tuned in to negativity, then you attract negativity. This phenomenon is clearly visible in people during the treatment of any disease. There were cases that seemed hopeless. But in some incredible way they extricated themselves from very difficult situations, while believing that recovery will come.

There are a number of other positive trends that scientists have observed. An optimist is less prone to stress. He quickly finds a way out of difficult situations. Manic anxiety and worry go away. They are more successful in their careers and in love because they often take conscious risks, believing in the best and in themselves. Pessimists, on the contrary, are more closed people, dejected by life, afraid to take risks, try something new, develop, because they are afraid to lose, knowingly setting themselves up for failure.

I think that each of us wants to live happy life. To do this, you need to look at the world a little with different eyes. There are several ways to practice positive thinking. But this does not mean that you, like a fool, should take situations lightly and unrealistically and not pay attention to problems.

How to learn to think positively

  1. First, you need to start changing your attitude towards yourself. We often treat ourselves very strictly and demandingly. Reproaching for every failure or mistake. Moreover, we tend to exaggerate, to inflate the problem to enormous proportions. This is fundamentally wrong. Everyone makes mistakes; negative emotions towards oneself are the first sign of a pessimist. Make it a rule to minimize self-criticism. Respect yourself and accept yourself for who you are. Surely you have many positive qualities, focus on them, do not torment yourself, do not engage in self-flagellation. This will not lead to good.

If you notice that you are thinking negatively, stop yourself, direct yourself to opposite direction, see the good. Never tell others bad things about yourself, don't show and don't tell negative qualities people, love yourself, be kind.

  1. Use settings. Using attitudes can fundamentally change your thinking, directing it in a positive direction. They are able to develop positive thinking. At the same time, negative thoughts will have no place in your mind. At every opportunity, if you feel overwhelmed by bad thoughts, drive them away with the help of attitudes. Program your brain in a positive way. Write on a piece of paper several versions of positive statements that help you achieve a sense of calm and tranquility, for example, “I can...”, “I will do...”, “I will learn, it’s not difficult at all,” “I can handle it,” “ I happy man”, “I will succeed” and so on.
  2. Learn to see the positive aspects in any situation. Even if an unpleasant event happened to you, be able to find something funny and cheerful. It is better to perceive every failure as an experience, and it, in turn, is priceless. Try to smile and laugh more often. It is a talent to see the positive in the negative. This incredible ability will exalt you and make you more resistant to depression. Be less sad, and you will have more strength for new achievements.
  3. Learn to take care of yourself, your health and beauty. Confidence will come by itself. Internal contradictions will disappear, giving more space for positive thinking. Create a habit of exercising physical exercise, develop, read books, study.
  4. One of the main rules of positive thinking is the rejection of external suppressive factors. Communicate only with kind people, which please you, do not irritate you. A healthy friendship with a cheerful person will reflect on you. Break off all contact with those who spoil your mood. Minimize the negativity that comes from outside. Surround yourself only with reliable partners, true friends, faithful, positive ones.
  5. Be grateful. Take some time each day to remind yourself of all the good things in your life. Give thanks to yourself and others. If you are unhappy with something all the time, you will begin to make a negative impression, and people will turn away from you. And a grateful attitude will attract people and positive energy to you.
  6. Don't waste time on empty worries. You are not God and you cannot control everything in the world. Rid yourself of the anxiety that comes from an uncontrollable situation. It is impossible to change the world, some circumstances, and this is quite normal. Thus, stop wasting your precious energy. Circumstances like these are not worth being overcome by. negative energy.
  7. Keep a notebook where you write down your successes and victories. Review your posts regularly and praise yourself for your success and achievements. This, firstly, is a very powerful motivation, and secondly, self-esteem rises, and, consequently, positive thinking occurs more and more often.
  8. Throw away in front of the unknown, this of course applies to the delivered ones. Many never achieve them, worrying, experiencing fear, which does not allow them to develop. You will succeed, believe in yourself.
  9. Use creative visualization. I wrote about her too. Be sure to read the articles.

Now you know how to learn to think positively and in the right direction. You change, your life will change. Change can also affect loved ones. Tell them about your secrets of happiness, perhaps they need it now. What methods do you use to become an optimist? I wish you good luck and prosperity!

Hello, dear readers. Today I want to congratulate you on the New Year and wish you all the most wonderful things in the coming year. And give you positive mood. 10 tips on how to learn to think positively. So, let's begin. You don’t need to be a psychologist or an expert in the field of transurfing or esotericism to be able to clearly trace the pattern between how a person thinks, what he thinks, what he talks about, and his current state (physiological, psycho-emotional, material, financial, etc. ). That is, it turns out, if we systematize everything, that our thoughts predetermine it (this state) and have an impact direct influence(both mediocre and immediate) on our lives. To put it very simply: we have what our thoughts have led us to (negative thoughts lead us to negative thoughts, and, accordingly, positive thoughts lead us to positive thoughts).

This is why it is so important to always think positively. How to learn this? After all, not every person is a frank and convinced optimist from birth.

And those who were such, taking into account the realities of our lives, quickly change their life views to radically opposite ones. We really hope that this article will help you with this. So, are you ready for positive thinking and the same changes in your life? Then let's go!

Why is it important to learn to think and live positively?

Answer this question for yourself. And this will be the first, but one of the most important, incentives to do just that. What is important to you? After all, everyone has their own priorities and goals in life. Some people want good (regardless of what they consider it to be) for themselves, others - for their loved ones, others, and so on. But without positive thinking this is unlikely to be achieved.

Have you noticed that successful people rarely pay attention to various little things and annoying troubles?

They are focused on their goal and never complain about the circumstances that have developed. And 90% of them are always optimistic about the world. Those who are accustomed to dwelling on annoying troubles, sorting everything out bit by bit (what happened, why exactly, what influenced it, and so on) rarely achieve success in business. This is typical, first of all, of perfectionists. They can perfectly perform single tasks, concentrating all their attention and energy on them, but are not capable of systematically managing their lives.

That is, these are excellent performers, but not leaders (including their own destiny and life), which consist of a mass of such little things, and you need to pay attention to each of them, but it is important to be able to choose what really makes sense and “ weight"!

Conclusion! Why is it important to learn to think and live positively? Without this, it is impossible to achieve major goals. In order not to lose your positive attitude, don’t waste it on dozens of annoying little things, just don’t get hung up on them. A very bright and good, appropriate expression here: “The dogs bark - the caravan moves on!”

And one more thing: our thoughts are the beginning of actions, each of them, without exception. And without positive thinking, a positive, high-quality (in every sense) life simply will not work. But you need to achieve a radically opposite result! In this case, the following practical tips will come in handy.

10 Important Tips on How to Always Think Positively

On the blog, we have already discussed the topic: . The article highlights important tips, perhaps they will also help you get in the right mood. But it is important not only to learn to think positively, but also to live positively.

1 Don't wait for positivity from the outside, create it yourself. Don’t rely on random luck, but make sure it finds you—that’s the main message. Do you want to see the world better? Start with yourself. It won't be easy, but you will be able to fully enjoy the result. Ask yourself, “What did I do today to improve my life?” When answering this question, monitor your emotions. They'll tell you. You will feel positive - you are on the right path. Negativity is a signal that you need to look for options, work, build your own destiny, and not rely on strangers.

2 Break up with the excess. Many are “pulled to the bottom” by the weight of the past. Get rid of it. Let go bad memories, stop being angry and holding a grudge against those who once hurt you or did something bad. You are probably thinking about these people right now. Remember: what was then has forever lost its relevance. Don't let it affect your life now. Negative emotions take up a lot of energy and steal your time. And you need all this to achieve your goals. Don't live in the past, but let the good moments from it warm you up and give you strength for even greater achievements.

3 Believe in yourself. Despite everything! Remember: you are who you think you are, and not who others think you are. Even if they tell you that what you have in mind is impossible, don’t give up! After all, this is impossible in their opinion, not in yours. So let this remain their problem. And thus, you will only have an advantage: while others are afraid to do it and do not believe in their success, you have already begun to move towards it!

4 Give yourself extremely positive attitudes. It’s like a program that you can write into your subconscious and use at the same level at the right time. So, when waking up in the morning after a good healthy sleep, you need not to be lazy to remind yourself that “I am smart and beautiful, I am full of strength and energy to achieve my plans, I have all the knowledge and skills necessary for this, and those that I have no at the moment, I can find them when I really need them, all circumstances contribute to my success, and I myself tried to make it so.” Don't limit your imagination! Systematic “programming” every day is a powerful argument in your hands in “dealing with circumstances.”

5 Thank the world, and yourself personally, for what you have. Positive emotions, attitudes in the morning and obligatory gratitude in the evening, this is very important. Without learning to appreciate, you will not be able to realize the true importance of what and who surrounds you, which means you will always have less and less. You cannot find happiness in this cycle. Those who know how to enjoy little things always achieve more. After all, the state of happiness is very abstract. Look at life as a treasure chest that is full of wonders.

6 Focus on your capabilities and strengths. Instead, many, many people focus precisely on their limitations. And this is fundamentally wrong. “I don’t have start-up capital to start my own business. I don't have time to learn new skills. I don’t have the opportunity to... I don’t have...". Stop! Look at what you already have and you will be surprised how much you have. This will allow you to achieve success.

7 Surround yourself positive information. She is the source of wealth. Do you see only negativity around? This means you are simply looking in the wrong place. There is a lot of both in the world. But what to receive is entirely your conscious choice. Don't believe me? It's easy to check. Unsubscribe from groups in in social networks, in discussions of whose publications you always participate so vigorously and emotionally. This is the first step, one of a hundred. But you will see how much time you have freed up and how many nerves you have managed to save by stopping unnecessary arguments with strangers.

8 Don't let fears influence your life. Do you want to start something new, something you’ve been dreaming about for a long time? Do you think you won't succeed? And you are absolutely right! But not because you are incapable of this, or circumstances may turn out somehow wrong, but only because you predetermined the result in advance, even before you started! Maybe you, on the contrary, are confident that everything will work out for you, and everything will be fine at its best? And here you are absolutely right too! Do you get the point? Whether you think that you can do it, or, on the contrary, you won’t succeed, you are right in both cases. And only you can decide what will happen in reality.

9 Smile more often and be around positive people more often successful people. Staying in a great mood is the key to success. And communication, in itself, is a great anti-stress move, and if it happens with those people who can teach you something necessary, or simply tune you into the right “wave,” then it’s absolutely great.

10 Don't forget about responsibility. For yourself and your life, for those people who are dear to you, for what is happening next to you. But let it be a powerful constant incentive for you, and not a heavy burden. This is the fundamental difference!

Also, maintain your health at the proper level (do exercises, play sports), eat right, strive for new knowledge, work on yourself. These are all fundamental principles that successful people adhere to.

Success is not necessarily fame, popularity, recognition, a dizzying rise in career and business. For everyone there is one. And his ultimate goal is happiness. Are you happy with what you have? Then you can consider that you have achieved success. But no one said that we should stop there. It all depends on your desire. By the way, doing exactly what you want is also one of the components of happiness. But only if “it” benefits you.

From negative to positive

Negativity is all around us. This is not surprising, because most likely you were not taught to see reverse side life. Or you yourself didn’t want it. In any case, everything that happens to you is the result solely of your activity (or vice versa - inactivity).

Negativity begets negativity. This vicious circle. And it's not easy to break out of it. But, if you are already reading this, then you have undoubtedly taken the first step, small but very important. Whether you accept this information or move on, it is your choice. And the result, as in 100% of all other cases, will depend only on your decision.

How to change negative thoughts? Yes, you simply cannot leave room for them, taking all your attention with the positive. And 10 will help you with this practical advice given above. Analyze what irritates you most. And then track which channels these signals come from.

If it is bad political or economic news, stop watching these channels, replacing them, for example, with scientific, educational or entertainment ones. If these are conversations with a neighbor who is constantly dissatisfied with life, limit your communication with him to greetings and wishes Have a good day with a smile. If it is a constantly creaking door, it is not very difficult to lubricate it.

Unsatisfactory financial situation - it’s time to look for alternative sources of income. And so on and so forth. Everything, as has already been said many times, is only in your hands! Starting to change now is very important. After all, putting everything off until “tomorrow”, you don’t notice how the years pass.

The benefits of positivity and positive thoughts or how to attract success?

Paying attention to those who were able to achieve something, people wonder how they did it. After all, by and large, the initial conditions were practically equal. There are a lot of factors. But one of the most significant is the way of thinking. While some were afraid, doubted, lazy and did everything to move themselves further away from their dreams, others, thanks, among other things, to their positive thinking, sharply pulled ahead and continue to grow and develop.

How to attract success? It’s very simple: think positively and act! Everything is possible! But only thanks to the right attitude and positive thinking. This is its main benefit.

Incredibly, it (positive thinking) is available to everyone. That is, right now you can start thinking exactly like those who have money, good health, a good relationship. What are you waiting for? Its time to begin! Hope this information will help you always think and live positively, as well as attract success)))

Positive thinking is the ability to evaluate events and express one's opinion about them from the perspective of what a person has, and not what one does not have. A lot in our life depends on the way we think. If positive thoughts prevail, then a person’s life is filled with good positive events. Situation: “Congratulate me! I broke my heel,” accompanied by the correct emotional reaction and the thought: “That means I’ll buy new shoes soon,” will most likely lead to the joy of buying new shoes.

Some people, breaking their favorite cup, cry over it and try to glue it back together, others see this as an opportunity to purchase a new tea set.

The law of positive thinking affects not only small everyday situations and issues, it applies everywhere!

How to learn to think positively in any difficulty?

A person's thoughts really have enormous power, however, like words.

A person chooses how to react to a particular life event. There is a wonderful anecdote about this: “A wounded man is brought to the intensive care unit with a knife sticking out between his shoulder blades.
The doctor asks: “Does it hurt?”
Wounded: - “Only when I laugh!”
In any situation, a person can find something that inspires him or something that depresses him.

How to start thinking positively?

The need for positive thinking is explained by the law of attraction:
“A person always gets from life what he expects” or receives confirmation of his fears.

Therefore, it is very difficult to convince a pessimist to think about the good. And from the lips of an optimist you can often hear the words “Everything will be fine!” and it turns out like in that parable about the donkey. They buried him in a hole, and he trampled the earth under his hooves and thereby ended up at the top

Of course, people suffer defeats every day in the fight against life's difficulties. And you can’t close your eyes to all the difficulties and see everything rosy.

However, complaining about everyone and everything when you have bad luck and retreating without having any grounds for this is also unwise. The Law of Attraction will attract similar situations into your life. And you, as they say, will step on the same rake. This means something needs to change. And you need to start with your thoughts, forming positive thinking. Why do you need this?

Firstly, a person with positive thinking is not a blind optimist. But rather, he is a self-confident realist. Because expecting positive events in your life leads to their fulfillment.

Not only thanks to the strength of a person’s thoughts, but his actions, the strength of his spirit. Which certainly leads to the implementation of the plans, and the person feels successful and effective

It is very important here not to confuse positive thinking with thoughtless expectation of gifts of fate. A person who thinks positively believes in himself first, no matter what. Positive thinking helps a person overcome stressful situations easier than a pessimist manages. So, if you're tired of living at the zebra crossing, let's move to the rainbow.

How to think positively? First, we need to start cleaning

Try to get rid of all negative thoughts and images in your head. Throw away all trash. These are all kinds of fears, resentments, hatred, anger, etc. old “things” that cause you great harm and pain.

To start thinking positively, try to cleanse yourself of unnecessary grievances and learn to forgive

  • Next, train your mind to think positively in terms of “it is possible” and “it can be done.” After all, the basis of positive thinking is self-confidence, a sense of your capabilities.
  • A person who thinks positively has freed himself from negative thoughts about himself. Your conscious belief that you are not good enough constantly guides your actions, and therefore always manifests itself in life.
  • To learn to think positively, look within yourself good qualities and even this alone can turn your life around. Health will improve (because good health begins with self-love), relationships will improve, and the path will open for expansion. creative possibilities, success will appear - this is your result if you learn to think positively
  • Dream like children!

By creating harmony and balance in our minds, we begin to find the same in our lives. What we believe becomes real. We need to think about the good more often, wait for it, believe in it. Our thoughts, words, how we express ourselves create our future. Positive thinking is the best way to maintain inner peace and balance

To learn to think positively, you need to at least tell yourself more often: “Everything will be fine!”

Surely, many have heard the expression that “thoughts are material.” Also, more than once you may have noticed that when something very bad happens, a participant in the unpleasant events often exclaims: “I knew it would happen like this!” This does not at all mean that a person experiencing troubles is a visionary - he simply “attracted” failures to himself with his negative thinking. How does it work?

Positive thinking, what is its essence

The essence of such thinking is not to not focus on failures and minor problems, but to see something good in any negative situation. Facing adversity in a positive way thinking people immediately identify the positive aspects for themselves. Betrayed by a comrade? It’s good that this did not happen in a more serious situation, and his essence was revealed right now. Got fired? Well, now you have a chance to find a place that will suit you much more. There can be many such examples. Of course, not in every dramatic story turns out to find positive point, but in most of them it is present.

How to Develop the Habit of Positive Thinking

1) Environment. Try to communicate with successful people who have achieved a lot, look at life easily and with humor, and serve as an example for you. You should also exclude friends who “drag you down” - provoke negative thoughts, belittle your successes, and the like. 2) Control yourself. As soon as you feel that a negative thought has entered your head, immediately stop its spread. Have a quarrel with a loved one? Put yourself in his place, think about why you have such different views that it has come to a conflict. Bring him out for a heart-to-heart talk and solve the problem. If you quarreled with a fellow passenger on the bus or a saleswoman, it’s not worth thinking about at all. This person was in a bad mood or it happened that he was embittered at the world by himself, and this has nothing to do with you. 3) Look at the situation from the outside. Perhaps you often overestimate the scale of the problem, and in fact everything is not so bad? How would you characterize the situation from the outside if you were not involved in it? 4) The “but” principle. Whatever failure happens to you, mentally add the word “but” to its description and continue the thought. Perhaps a sequel will immediately come to mind, the path may even be funny, or perhaps you will have to try. For example: “Because of traffic jams, I didn’t get to the interview, but now I’ll have a cup of delicious coffee“,” “I found out about my wife’s betrayal, but today the weather is very good,” “I caught a cold, but I have a trip planned for next month.” As you can see, continuations can be completely ridiculous and seemingly inappropriate, but still this principle often allows you to control yourself at critical moments.

Learn to think and live positively

    Don't set yourself up for failure, think that you are on the right path and you will certainly be lucky. Mentally praise yourself, remember your past achievements, convince yourself of the correctness of your decision. Think about what can set you in the right mood. For many, this factor is music - listen to your favorite compositions, dance, watch comedies. In general, do everything that can improve your day. Even if some trouble happens to you, stop looking for those to blame or engaging in self-flagellation. An optimist in this case will think: “Well, this could happen to anyone, next time it will be better!” Laugh and smile more often. Does it seem like there is no reason for this? So find it, and even if it is the simplest thing - a comedy film in the cinema, a concert of a great band, games with a cat, etc. Plan interesting events, trips, and carry them out by checking the boxes next to certain items. Don’t put off until “someday” things that can please you now.

10 tips on how to learn to think positively in any difficulty

So, by putting these tips into practice, you will attract success to yourself and significantly improve the quality of your life.

We look for advantages and benefit for ourselves

Use settings. These are the words that you should mentally pronounce when starting any task. Think: “I will succeed”, “I will certainly be lucky”, “I deserve it!”, “I’m doing great!” etc. Visualize your success. If you want to achieve something, then imagine that your plan has already come true. Imagine again and again how you achieve your goal, what emotions you experience, how your life changes. Get rid of fear. If you understand that you absolutely need to do something, but your fear is a barrier, do everything possible to get rid of it. Remember that it is enough to take the first step, and things will move forward. Let yourself take this step, and think about fear later. Don't worry about trifles. We often worry about situations that may never happen or have virtually no impact on our lives. Accept that there is a lot of injustice in this world, and your goal is not to let all this negativity pass through you, because, undoubtedly, you have more interesting things to do! Keep a record of your achievements. Buy a nice notebook, and every day write down any little thing that made a good impression on you - you don’t need to write down anything neutral or negative. It doesn’t matter what the conversation is about - you drank a cup of aromatic tea or your salary was increased. Re-read your notes periodically. Thank your fate more often. Often we complain about the unfairness of life, not paying attention to the gifts it sends us. Be careful, notice all the good things that happen to you. Avoid negativity. We can talk about both situations and people. Try to communicate as little as possible with those who upset you or cause conflict. If possible, it is better to exclude such contacts altogether. Love yourself. Give yourself nice gifts, take care of your appearance, pamper yourself with goodies, visit interesting places. Learn to see the positive sides. Let it be a very small plus, but more often think about this plus, and not about the losses. Be gentle with yourself. Often we are very strict with ourselves or try to fit into someone else's established framework. Realize that you, like any other person, have the right to laziness, losses, fatigue, Bad mood. Forgive your momentary weaknesses and think more often about your positive sides.

Only positive thoughts attract success

You've probably noticed people who are constantly unlucky, and they are already so used to it that they take it for granted, without thinking about the fact that they themselves attract problems to themselves. Negative thinking can be “material” and lead to already expected problems. The situation is exactly the same with positive thinking - the harder you program yourself for success, the more likely it is that luck will actually smile on you. Don't focus on what you lost or what disappointed or offended you. Such thoughts can lead to depression - think about the good things you have.

Chat with dear people that give you positive emotions. One evening in company with good friend or with your mother over a meal and discussing topics that interest you, can “charge” you for the week ahead. Charge yourself with positive emotions from others. The easiest way to do this is by providing such a mood loved one. Give pleasant surprises and gifts for no reason, and you will be guaranteed a charge of positive energy!

Psychology about the connection between thinking and physical health

Once upon a time it was open interesting fact: our mental feelings and physical health have a direct connection with the emotions that we pass through ourselves throughout life. That is, the more positive moments we experience, the better our well-being will be in all aspects! Try to use even the negative moments of life for your benefit. Set yourself this challenge: whenever you encounter an unexpected difficulty that cannot be ignored, you will make the most of it for yourself. Let it be even a simple life lesson. You've probably noticed that children have a much simpler approach to life, and, for example, the frustration of a scratched knee can be instantly eliminated with a pack of ice cream or a chocolate bar. The thing is that children know how to enjoy little things, and what’s more - little things can bring them real delight! Is the weather nice outside? Can I go on the swings? Rain? You can splash around in the puddles! And so on. We, for the most part, not only do not attach importance to the little things, but also do not pay attention to the significant advantages! Communicate with children more often and notice their attitude to life - many adults have a lot to learn from kids and schoolchildren! There is another psychological trick, which will help you become a real optimist. Think more often about your successes in the present tense, fix them in your mind: “I fry amazing eggs!”, “I do an excellent job fulfilling the order!”, “I look great today!”, “This color really suits me.” The faster you realize that you yourself are the creator of your mood, and your success depends on how you “tune” yourself, the faster you will notice positive changes in life!

People with negative thinking are more likely to fail than those who think positively. A bright mind attracts success; a cheerful person more often receives lucrative offers of cooperation and good news. To cultivate an optimist in yourself, you need to make an effort great effort which manifest themselves in daily hard work.

Step #1. Start keeping a diary

Buy a nice notebook and write down everything that happens in it every day. This move will help you track the trend of negative thoughts and find their source. Fix own feelings that cause positivity or negativity.

It is not necessary to keep a diary in paper form; modern gadgets are equipped with notepads that have a formatting function. Once you've made your case, take 20 minutes to analyze the data. Write down positive thoughts in the first column, negative thoughts in the second. Try to transform negative energy into positive.

For example, you feel insecure new position, since with past work were fired. This leads to constant self-criticism: “I’m a failure,” “I can’t cope,” etc. Try to think more broadly. Change is always good, perhaps this is the job where you will get a promotion. Strive for it, develop confidence and set big goals.

Step #2. Fight negative thoughts

People have been living in own world with negative energy, and this is not normal. A person needs to experience joy and believe in good things. If you fall into this category, turn your life around.

When negative thoughts once again visit your mind, think about whether they are true? In any situation, remain objective, do not defend negative thoughts. How would you react if a stranger said your thoughts out loud? Fight negativity, look for a refutation.

Step #3. Choose the right environment

No matter how good your friends are, they can drag you into the abyss. Assess your own environment: are there people in it who are constantly depressed and depressing? If so, keep communication to a minimum. When your friends don’t believe in their own success and push you towards similar thoughts, claiming that nothing will work out, refuse them.

In cases where it is not possible to stop communicating with such individuals, learn to move away from the topic. During the next conversation, the interlocutor again begins to complain about life: “no money”, “useless wife”? Switch to another topic or try to end the conversation as soon as possible.

Choose your environment wisely, include successful people who have achieved a lot and know how thorny the path to success can be. They overcame the negative, fell, but found the strength to rise. Take an example from such individuals, they are capable of radically changing your understanding of the world. Try most Spend your free time with “useful” acquaintances, follow their way of thinking and logical conclusions.

Step #4. Eliminate irritants

IN modern world negativity is provoked by various factors, be it annoying glowing banners, hard music, stupid films and, of course, people. Eliminate everything that makes you angry. Prefer club music to rock, replace stupid comedies with action films or melodramas. Minimize communication with hypocritical people. Spend more time reading books, listen to soothing music, master meditation techniques. There is a lot of motivational literature and film stories that make you want to act and achieve heights. Focus on them.

Step #5. Believe in success

Stop seeing everything as a full-scale disaster, don’t be afraid to think differently. Just because you overslept for work does not mean you will be fired. Assess the situation realistically, do not aggravate the situation. Such thinking causes a person to constantly be in a panic, a feeling of anxiety appears and faith in their own success is lost.

Whenever you have a panicky thought, take a breath and think through the possible outcomes of the situation. Yes, you are late, the boss may issue a fine or deprive you of a bonus if the situation is repeated systematically. Don't add fuel to the fire, you kept your job so everything is fine.

Step #6. Don't be categorical

Categorical behavior is characteristic of insecure people. They mistakenly believe that everything must be perfect or not exist at all. This results in an involuntary division into black and white, without an intermediate phase of gray. This kind of thinking is called “polarization”, as a result of which a person becomes depressed due to the fact that he cannot bring things to perfection. Instead of trying to achieve white, go with a light gray.

For example, you want to build a house or renovate an apartment. In your opinion, housing should have large windows, expensive Italian furniture and high-quality cutlery. Having started to implement it, you realize that there is not enough money for furniture from Italy, and a saucepan for $300 also does not inspire confidence. All this leads to despondency, since ideal plans instantly dissolved.

Instead of getting upset, buy cutlery from a lesser-known brand that is just as good in quality. Buy not an Italian sofa, but a Russian one. This will be the intermediate (gray) phase. After time, you will understand that it is not always possible to achieve 10 points out of 10, sometimes a score of 8-9 is enough.

Step #7. Get creative

Creative people immerse themselves in an activity, certain moment they are focused only on what they are doing. Consequently, difficulties at work, quarrels in the family, lack of money - all this fades into the background. Even a person who is a mathematician to the core has creative inclinations. Unleash your potential, perhaps you are good at drawing or have a knack for repairing and restoring cars. There are a lot of opportunities, the main thing is to find yourself.

Sign up for courses in cutting and sewing, carving, pottery, or start learning a rare foreign language(Chinese, Japanese). Become different from everyone else, show individuality. If you don’t want to attend specialized clubs, try to reveal yourself yourself with the help of audio and videos.

Step #8. Don't blame yourself

Stop blaming yourself for all mortal sins. This behavior is typical of people who are highly dependent on the opinions of others. Did a friend pass by and not smile? Perhaps today is not her day. Try not to worry about what people will think. For the most part, they are all gossips and envious people who talk a lot behind their backs.

It is worth taking a closer look at communication with relatives and friends. If they try to accuse you inappropriately, learn to fight back. A friend asked for help with moving, but you refused for personal reasons? Did he accuse you of selfishness and disregard for others?

Don't rush into panic. Remember how many times you helped him without unnecessary words. Most likely, the person began to take help for granted, so he did not expect refusal. Learn to say no if the call goes against your wishes.

Step #9. Lead an interesting life

If you constantly sit at home, communicate little with cheerful people, do not play sports or travel, negative thoughts will begin to come involuntarily. To get rid of them, you will have to broaden your horizons.

Buy a subscription at gym or buy a jump rope to be able to throw out negative emotions through sports. Sign up for a swimming pool or choose a suitable dance direction.

Try to travel more, you don’t have to buy expensive tours, a trip out of town for the weekend is enough.

Find a hobby so that it occupies all your thoughts, develop financially and enrich yourself spiritually. Attend all kinds of entertainment events, be it exhibitions, a concert of your favorite performers, or a historical museum.

To start thinking positively, you need to work on yourself every day. Keep a diary and write down your thoughts and actions. Play sports, reconsider your surroundings. Reveal your creative self, stop criticizing yourself, and don’t take accusations to heart.

Video: How to think positively

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