What is the name of Vadim Samoilov's group? Vadim Rudolfovich Samoilov: biography, photos and interesting facts. You have a solo album on the way. Tell about him

Former members Agatha Christie, which broke up six years ago, Gleb and Vadim Samoilov are in court to find out which of them has the right to the group’s songs. Today, the Savyolovsky Court of Moscow satisfied Gleb’s claim, collecting 4.3 million rubles from his brother. True, this trial did not concern music. It was about an old debt from one brother to another. Life recalls how rock legends came from joint concerts before the legal battles.

The Samoilov brothers never hid the fact that there were many crises in their Agatha Christie group. But things haven’t gone that far yet: musicians are suing over songs, Vadim accuses Gleb of extremism, and Samoilov Jr. demands to initiate a criminal case against his brother under the article “Violation of copyright and related rights” and ban him from performing 172 songs.

The history of "Agatha Christie" began in 1985, when Vadim Samoilov, together with former classmates Alexander Kozlov and Pyotr May, founded the VIA RTF UPI team. In 1988, Gleb Samoilov arrived, and the group’s popularity began to gain momentum. Together they lasted 22 years - all this time the conflicts were somehow smoothed out, but in 2010 the group ceased to exist. The brothers explained their decision by saying that they “no longer resonate” and “ life paths They are already very different."

He initially has a different temperament. I am sanguine, and he is melancholic, sometimes choleric. The nature is hysterical. He and I are even astrologically complete antipodes.<...>In principle, Gleb and I never communicated. We only talked when there was a reason. But this is typical for me

Vadim Samoilov

Gleb Samoilov “borrowed” several songs

The first album, “Second Front,” which contains music and several lyrics by Gleb, was recorded in ’88 without his participation. In one of his interviews, he said that the guys simply didn’t have enough songs for a full-length record, he was asked to help, and then “they had to sing and play the guitar.” A year later, “Cunning and Love” was released, for which Vadim was also mainly responsible for the lyrics and music. Starting with "Decadence", released in 1991, Gleb Samoilov began writing lyrics.

The musicians flew from the fabulous taiga straight into the stratosphere after the album “Shameful Star,” when Gleb stopped hiding trump cards in his sleeves and began bombing with hits. Back in 90, he recorded a solo album and wanted to go into solo sailing, but somehow it didn’t work out. Initially the song "Like in War", which became business card group, he saved for himself, but in the end decided to give it life as part of the Agatha Christie project. The text about the experiences of first love was written a long time ago, but the melody came together very quickly: in the studio he plucked four strings, and then everything came together by itself. “I'll Be There” appeared just as easily, with which he hesitantly came to the rehearsal. As a result, the group ended their concerts with this song for many years.

I always considered myself tongue-tied and somehow even embarrassed about my poems. First of all, I didn’t read as much as a child as I would have liked. Now I can’t fill this gap in any way. Secondly, there is no doubt that Gleb is a magnificent poet. I don’t want to compete with him, I trust him. In some cases, of course, I write something, but Gleb then remakes my edition beyond recognition

Vadim Samoilov

Bombed! Depression from overwhelming success

Then it bombed so hard that the musicians themselves became scared. Gleb began to play decadence and paint his lips with shoe polish. Released in 1995, Opium made them stars and was named the best-selling album in Russia, for which the group received an award at the World Music Awards in Monaco. The resounding success led to the fact that the life of the group members became no less surreal than the texts of Samoilov Jr. They themselves were not delighted with those who appeared around strange people, attention and the whirlpool in which they were dashingly spinning. Gleb Samoilov, who previously could not boast of an even positive attitude throughout my life, I began to suffer from panic attacks and anxiety and depression.

Wild popularity, according to Samoilov, “hit him in the head,” but suffering only helped (“when I feel good, I don’t write songs”). All the lyrics and almost all the music for the next four Agatha Christie records were written by Gleb. He began to perform almost all the songs.

I don't think this record is great. Yes, we became famous with this disc, but after the tour in support of it and this wild popularity, I got hit in the head. Panic attacks, anxiety-depression and everything else that has been going on with me over the past twenty years

Gleb Samoilov

The end of "Agatha Christie" and Gleb Samoilov's group The MATRIXX

The Samoilov brothers announced that the band had exhausted itself in 2009, recorded the album “Epilogue” for two, toured with concerts all over the country, agreed not to perform songs of the defunct “Agatha Christie” separately and broke up. Vadim then did not rule out that in the future they could reunite, Gleb was more categorical and stated that he was glad to finally become free and do only what he liked, inside and out. Death influenced him in many ways close friend, poet and lyricist of the Nautilus Pompilius group Ilya Kormiltsev, who passed away in 2007: “I realized that you have to say what you think. Before it’s too late.”

Gleb created the group The MATRIXX, with which he sings only new material. The only composition of “Agatha Christie” that he, by agreement of the brothers, can perform as part of another project is Ilya Kormiltsev’s favorite song “Torn the Dream,” which Gleb decided to dedicate to him.

Nostalgic concerts and the beginning of a scandal

Ugly story with legal proceedings And biblical story about a brother turning on his brother, began last year, when Vadim persuaded Gleb to take part in nostalgic concerts performing Agatha Christie hits. The tension grew, the musicians' views on creativity and many other things became too different. As a result, Gleb generally regretted that he took part in this whole story, in several interviews he stated that he definitely did not feel nostalgia, and refused further performances.

This did not stop Vadim Samoilov, and he continued the “Agatha Christie. All Hits” tour, which greatly surprised his brother. According to Samoilov Jr., he did not expect that his songs would be performed without his participation. Apparently... It started or doesn’t owe money, who has more rights and other darkness and decadence. It got to the point that TV presenter Andrei Malakhov was also involved in all this, traditionally gathering in his studio the participants of a high-profile public scandal.

If Vadim is a co-author of Gleb’s songs, he will have to prove it in court. Evidence may be studio recordings, recordings of the first public speaking, musical expertise. And those songs that are included in the register as co-written by brothers, any of them can perform without hindrance

Politics, threats and trials

Even more unpleasant clarifications have been added to the copyright dispute. The Samoilovs never hid the fact that for a long time used drugs. However, they later assured that rumors about their infernal nature, mountains of cocaine, and so on were greatly exaggerated. Vadim generally began to participate in anti-drug campaigns. Gleb said that his health no longer allows him to use illegal substances, but alcohol continues to help him cope with the “hellish emptiness inside” and “craving for decadence.” There were interviews while drunk, and treatment in one of the clinics... As the main argument in favor of his rightness, Samoilov Sr. now calls his brother’s inadequacy and declares that his claims and words cannot be taken seriously.

Gleb Samoilov told Life that he no longer demands money for concerts, but wants to ban the singing of his songs and thereby violate his copyright. The musician is also not satisfied with the fact that Vadim Samoilov openly supports the official government, takes part in political events, and performs in Donbass and Crimea. Gleb himself, who used to go to opposition rallies, calls himself an apolitical person and, first of all, a free person. And he doesn’t understand why the group he was once a part of and the compositions he wrote should now be associated with something that is not at all close to him.

My brother doesn’t go to my band’s concerts, and I don’t think he listens to our music either. We now have different lives. He is rich - I am poor, he is smart - I am stupid, he is good - I am a Goth, he is at one with the authorities - and I passed

Gleb Samoilov

One of the drummers of Agatha Christie, Andrei Kotov, commented very appropriately on the breakup of the group: “I am terribly upset that what we achieved was much higher and purer than ourselves. Agatha Christie had its own legend and its own mysticism. But it turned out that inside this mysterious world everything is much simpler than it seems. People turned out to be people."


You can argue about which of the Samoilov brothers did more for the group, arrange examinations and sue. The point is that the guys really made one of the coolest Russian groups, in which they existed together for more than 20 years and really left their mark on history.

Vadim Samoilov, who was previously a producer, manager and a serious guy, matured, became involved in social and political activity, and Gleb sings about blood and zombies in The MATRIXX, continues to play decadence, shock and is not going to stand under anyone’s flag. It turns out to be a story about an older brother who decides everything for the younger one, because what can one take from him, a fool. When roads diverge, you probably need to be able to put an end to it and not drag the past along with you. Gleb Samoilov has long suggested leaving Agatha Christie alone - it was, it was cool, the songs remained, there was no nostalgia. Vadim Samoilov himself is really not “Agatha Christie”, but a separate musician, as Gleb’s lawyer said, who fully deserves to be listened to.

The fact is that only the Agatha Christie group has the right to perform works the author of which is my client. Vadim Samoilov is not “Agatha Christie”, he is an individual musician who illegally uses someone else’s authorship. Vadim Samoilov promised that if Gleb did not stop, he would ruin his career. In particular, it initiates criminal prosecution for allegedly calling for extremism in songs performed by Gleb as part of new group The MATRIXX. These threats served as another basis for contacting the investigative authorities.

Gleb Samoilov's lawyer Alisa Obraztsova

The Savelovsky Court of Moscow will consider Gleb Samoilov’s claim against his brother for a ban on performing his songs written for “Agatha Christie” on September 21.

Cosmopolitan-Ural. June 2003

Composing sinister and beautiful fairy tales is their thing. Martyr clowns and stone-bottomed hearts - characters and the attributes of their piercingly nervous songs. Raised on dark lyrics German romantics, they became the youngest legend Russian rock. Most Vadim and Gleb Samoilov are spending this year in halls with constant sell-outs - on an all-Russian tour for the fifteenth anniversary of the Agatha Christie group.


Can you describe in a few words the difference between the Samoilov brothers?

Gleb is, of course, a poet and lyricist. In my more physics. This is a normal complementarity, I think, otherwise we would not have been able to live in one team for so many years.

Do you remember the first time in your life you saw Gleb?

Of course: in the window of the maternity hospital! As expected, standing next to dad and waving flowers. They showed him to us from the window, small and already screaming.

Did you get along with each other as children?

We lived together. Although I remember more than my childhood, my growing up and his childhood and adolescence, his victories and impressions of life, mine... We developed in parallel, shared everything. There was a time, before I entered college, they listened and watched the same thing. But I haven’t learned to read voraciously like Glebka. There are books that grab your attention right away, then I read them from cover to cover, and they become my favorites.

What is brother to you? Support? Friend?

I’ll probably say a very serious thing, but... I’ll tear anyone for him. He is truly a true friend to me. The fact that we are brothers is from the category of such obligatory things as family, mother. But I still really want to share everything that happens with him. And, paradoxically, things happen to us similar events, it’s like we’re coded in some way.

What is your relationship with your daughter?

When my mom and dad were getting divorced, I swore that my child would have both a dad and a mom. But fate throws us challenges that we can’t always cope with, they say, don’t renounce... No matter what they write about me, no matter what rumors circulate, for a child there is always one dad, a good dad.

Should parents do anything special for their children?

I want to take out all the warmest and best things from myself and leave them to my daughter. There is, of course, an element of tenderness. (Smiles.) When I hear “daddy,” I become like a slob, like a cat on a radiator melting away... I believe that the entire supply of love that a person has should be given to a child. Because love for a woman is one thing, but for a child is completely different. It is this love that moves the Sun, because the child is an extension of you. When they say “daddy’s money,” meaning Alsou, Gubin, Linda... Thank God that daddy helped! I am completely calm about this. I have not yet done everything for my daughter and I hope that I will succeed in everything I want to do.

Love for a child is love-care. What about a woman?

I would say insight. You are looking, as banal as it may sound, for your half, for a person with whom everything coincides. During my life, I was probably lucky or unlucky, I don’t know how to talk about it, I met several women with whom there were more and more coincidences. And now I have met a person with whom everything coincides. This is probably the greatest happiness, some kind of cleansing of the soul, a strong shake-up.

Do you often meet good people?

Kostya Kinchev once told me that God scatters miracles everywhere and you need to be ready to see these sparkles. In this sense, I Lately You meet all kinds of good people along the way. Maybe it’s because I’ve been burned many times and intuitively filter out communication with someone. I remember that there are many people who want to be proud of me: friends, acquaintances, colleagues, companions, daughter, wife, many people.

Where is mom among those listed?

Mom - separately standing man, she had a very difficult time with us. Lives three lives at the same time: his, mine and Glebkin’s. I can't imagine how she can bear it all. We have always treated her well, but now Gleb and I have apparently grown enough to really take care of our mother. We really want this.

What made “Agatha Christie” leave for Moscow?

You had to go to get through. There was no developed show business then. Unlike CHAIF, we were not lucky with a person who would take care of our affairs in Moscow, and we had to do everything ourselves. Although I sincerely still wonder why businessmen of the most talented Ural region cannot realize that a bunch of young interesting groups are leaving their hands? “Sahara” has left, “Moscow-Luna” and “Meaning Hallucinations” live here, but the videos are also filmed in the capital. But we have an excellent base for filming, are we too lazy to think a little? Everyone here is very isolated, limited liability partners are like that... I honestly don’t understand this.

You seem to be persuading me not to leave for the capital...

It seems to me that the most painful thing for a person is being cut off from his roots. You can’t pull a person out, not everyone can stand it. In order to imagine my homeland, I need to imagine a distance of 2000 km, Asbest, Sverdlovsk and Moscow. I envy Kostya Kinchev when he shows me the school where he studied, the house where he lived with his grandmother, the garden from which he stole something... A person should live like this, it’s dangerous to tear him apart. Although, if we didn’t have this isolation, then there wouldn’t be such anguish in the songs.

A difficult and painful question. It would, I think, be intimate if it weren’t for the scale of drug distribution in our country...

God forbid you even try. I saw people with enormous power wills that simply broke under their influence. “I’ll just try, there are people who tried, and they managed to quit,” this is the most big deception. Only a few survive. This is a huge, completely devilish world that sucks you in, replacing your life with itself. And this happens very unnoticed. You lose EVERYTHING, from your personality to those who love you. And even the most beloved people who will stay with you will be tormented to the last. And it all ends either in prison or in the grave.

It happens that people judge others by themselves...

I learned not to give in. I had two victories. I learned to say no and stand up for what I have inside. Either sharply or democratically. Including fights.

How long has it been since you last fought?

Six months ago in Khanty-Mansiysk.

A very drunk, very famous young actor called my brother and me a bad word in a public place. I warned him that I wouldn’t hit him in the face, because he works for him, and offered to apologize while I counted to three. Didn't apologize - got it. Oh, no, this was not the last time! At a concert in Gorbushka, he gave in to a photographer who was selling pirated photographs of the band performing. I have a very bad attitude towards piracy. Ever since our concert in “Cosmos”, when the photographer offered to take pictures, and the next day, at our second concert, he sold these photographs. I do not advise anyone who engages in piracy to meet with me. No matter how many of you there are, even if you’re the first one in the crowd, I’ll knock out all your teeth.

Didn't you get into trouble as a child?

We weren't bullies when we were kids. Now we're catching up. (Laughs.) We were like that in childhood... we lived with beautiful sunrises and sunsets... Our apartment was one side to the East, the other to the West. We hung out between fairy tales, read books, listened to songs, and rather lived in the inner world. And we are grateful to our parents for giving us this opportunity. The first gifts we bought were: Okudzhava’s record for my mother, Vysotsky’s for my father. My parents, an engineer and a doctor, had nothing to do with the creative environment, nevertheless, we always had gatherings at our house, talked, sang about grape seeds, it was so heartfelt... Or when dad sang along with “the life of the cavalry guard is short,” it stuck in my mind, Honestly.

Who would you like to remain in the Book of Eternity, if there was such a thing?

Still, may everyone who loves me and everyone I love forgive me, let it say “Vadim Samoilov, “Agatha Christie.”


Which your first memory of Vadim?

I remember very well how they saved up for Vadika to buy jeans. They saved for so long, everyone was so worried, and when they finally bought Vadik these jeans, I was so proud, as if they had been bought for me. Since then it has continued: when Vadik writes something good, I rejoice, as if I did it myself. No matter how much we quarrel, no matter what grievances there are between us, pride in each other is above all. He also took me to kindergarten on a sled.

Is a brother in your life support, support, something else?

This is a given. Subjective reality given to me as a sensation. (Laughs.) We have always had big family- dad, mom, Vadik, me, grandma are with us. I can't imagine anything else. You need to ask Vadik, maybe he remembers how he lived for six years without me.
(Vadim, smiling: “I missed you terribly!”)

He remembers how he saw you in the maternity hospital...

Ah, I know this story! And I know what name he chose for me.


Vadik categorically insisted that they call me Pupsik. Dad suggested calling me Gleb, which, by the way, corresponds Orthodox calendar. As a result, lots were cast. They threw pieces of paper with names into the hat, and dad was entrusted to hold the hat. They took out a piece of paper with the name Gleb. Then it turned out that this was written on all the pieces of paper. Dad was cunning. But he gave it the correct name. Otherwise I would be Pupsik.

Great name for a rock star!

Yes, Vadim and Pupsik Samoilov are legends of Russian rock!

Not hard? At that age – and a legend?

Unclear. Legend means something that is already in the past, you know? It's sad to be called a legend at 32 years old. On the other hand, at this age you can start a lot again, you know? And a new life, and love, and quitting drinking - everything is possible. And on stage I feel even better than at 17 years old.

What new things have you started at 32?

I started writing songs that I hadn’t written since I was 30. I haven’t written a single song in two years. The last one was for Seryozha Bodrov to “Sisters”.

What is the reason for such a long silence?

First of all, with the death of Sasha. (Alexander Kozlov, drummer of Agatha Christie. – Ed.) With devastation inside. Sasha’s death seemed to draw a line. Then, a very painful separation from my family. My wife and I could not live with each other. I tried to endure all this as best I could, only because I understood that there was Glebushka. And as long as he has a mom and dad, he has a home, he will be complete and happy child. But the situation became so difficult that we absolutely could not stay together. And I left the family.

What good have you done for your son during his six-year life?

I did infinitely little for him. I'm a terrible father. To begin with, I was in various unconscious states for almost his entire adult life. I understand that it was hard for my wife to tolerate me like that. When I returned to reality, it was already too late to change anything, we were already completely far from each other. Besides the fact that I supported them and simply loved them, I gave him nothing. I also come from a single-parent family, my dad and mom separated when I was 12. And my dad is there when he is here all the time. A dad who appears and disappears, brings money and leaves, plays, takes someone to visit him for a day or two - this is no longer a dad.

Do you still want children?

Don't know. I don’t intend to have a new child in order to realize in my relationship with him the love for the one I lost. I love him, he is the one and only for me. If there is another child, he will be exactly the same for me. Then both of them will be my only ones.

Do you feel comfortable in life now?

During a period of some hopelessness and depression, I instinctively wanted to return to childhood. Territorially. In Asbestos, for example. But I am aware that this is not a longing for childhood, but simply for happiness. I wanted to be happy, and happiness was associated with what happened in childhood: mom, dad, Vadik, Asbestos, the sun, we watch TV or from the balcony we watch the sun set behind a forest that looks like an ocean... That was happiness, and about This was most often thought during the depressive period. But not now. Now, on the contrary, I want to see what will happen next... At one time I was a very political person. He collaborated a lot with various patriotic circles and publications. There are a lot of smart people there good people, but as for politics, all these major parties do not differ from each other by and large, because they all have the same goals: power and money, that is, something that is difficult for my non-economic mind to understand. It's all games Big People, and I don’t understand anything about them. So I'd rather write songs.

Why did you move to Moscow?

We didn't have a producer. And we have the audacity to believe that no one better than ourselves can be our producer. Therefore, I had to keep everything in my own hands and, naturally, live in Moscow. We first exchanged Asbest for Sverdlovsk, then Yekaterinburg for Moscow. At the same time, we believe that we have not lost our homeland. Moreover, after a huge number of tours throughout the country and abroad. Asbestos for us is the city of childhood, Sverdlovsk is the city of youth. Moscow is the city in which we now live.

How does your mother react to everything that happens to you?

Worried. Lives everything completely. He lives three lives – his, Vadik’s and mine. I'm proud of her and scared for her.

How do you keep memories of your childhood? Didn't write diaries?

All mine best songs, for me, the best ones are the memories of childhood. My first fantasies are connected with childhood. Not those fantasies of being an astronaut, a racer, a policeman or a fireman, but dreams of flying. This is perhaps the most haunting theme of “Agatha Christie” - the sky, flights...

Why flights?

I don’t know, all children probably want to fly... But I still want to.

Haven't you tried it?

I tried it. Hang gliding is great, but not at all!

Medical researchers say that love is a set of hormones that in a special way affect the human body. Someone is hiding behind hormones, but how do you explain this?

I can't explain it in any way. We have known each other for a long time with the girl with whom I now live. The next time I saw her, when my family was already destroyed, and suddenly something clicked in my head. It was as if a mosaic had been completed: the last missing piece fell into place. And I thought: Lord, why am I rushing about?.. After all, here it is! And two years later I understand that I was not mistaken then. God has sent us enough trials. So much so that we could understand that we love each other, and do not tolerate each other.

Music, love... What else is present in your life?

Love, then music. This human weaknesses my. There is also faith. It stands completely separately. Although every time I doubt it. Every time I demand an account from myself, whether I believe it honestly or not, and I understand that I cannot fully give it.

What does it mean to you to be a musician?

First of all, self-expression and self-affirmation. Justification of one's existence as a creative person. I always wanted to be a creator. These are purely selfish motives. I don't seek to remake the World with the help of my songs.

Marina Zalogina talked to the Samoilov brothers

Vadim Samoilov - founder of the cult music group and its sound producer, rock singer, composer and poet.

Musician Vadim Samoilov, the eldest of the two famous brothers, born October 3, 1964 in Sverdlovsk (now Yekaterinburg). Father future star worked as an engineer, and his mother was a doctor. The difference with my brother (born in 1970) is 6 years. Later the parents moved to Asbest ( Sverdlovsk region).

In one interview, Vadim calls himself a “musician by vocation,” and cannot imagine life without music. As a result, she becomes the most important to him. Samoilov doesn’t like to remember his childhood years too much. It is known that leadership abilities, along with musical ones, manifested themselves in him as early as kindergarten, where he invariably acted as the organizer of the games.

As for music, Vadim fell in love with it at an early age. childhood. The boy loved to hum and listen to melodies. He picked up his first song at the age of 5 on the piano while visiting. It was a melody from the film “Property of the Republic”.

At the age of 7, at the insistence of his mother, he entered music school. There he was best at solfeggio, and he disliked subjects like “music literature” for their edifying nature.

Vadim began creating his own music while studying in the third grade, and something meaningful appeared in the fifth or sixth grade. During the same period, he met Sasha Kozlov, played in an ensemble and rehearsed in the Komsomol committee. The memory of that period is captured in the song “Hurricane”. We recorded and foreign hits on English language, for example, etc. Future musician I've never been a fan of English rock and roll. Favorite groups include Urfin Juice and.

Vadim Samoilov graduated from the Ural Polytechnic Institute with a degree in “Design and Production of Radio Equipment.” The knowledge gained was useful more than once in the future in the recording studio. Since 1983, he has been serving as a fighter in the Impulse Special Operations Forces.

In 1983–1986 he became a laureate of festivals dedicated to amateur songs. In 1986–1987 he performed songs as part of KVN.


Vadim Samoilov is known primarily as one of the founders, producers and musicians famous group"Agatha Christie". It began with the creation VIA group"RTF-UPI" in 1985 for student performances. The team was founded by Vadim Samoilov, Alexander Kozlov and Peter May. Having fulfilled its original purpose, it did not disintegrate. This was the first step towards creating a modern Agatha Christie.

In 1987, Vadim invited his younger brother Gleb to the Agatha Christie group. He himself becomes a permanent member of the group, performing numerous functions in it: vocalist, sound engineer, arranger, sound producer, composer. The development and popularity of the group is largely due to him.

The main goal of Vadim Samoilov and the group was “to play their music.” The enthusiasm of the audience helped restore and continue the activities of the group: “Go ahead, go ahead!” Agatha Christie was afraid of becoming just another fashionable group for one season. All efforts were thrown into recording the album “Hurricane” (1996); it was necessary to “turn inside out.”

The team, which existed for over 20 years, managed to release 10 albums, 5 collections and 18 videos. The first wave of popularity caused fear. Many accused the group members of using drug allusions (hints). And the lines were interpreted differently by the audience. But Vadim liked this special worldview.

Agatha Christie's popularity peaked in the 1990s. The golden lineup of the Agatha Christie group is “Agatha” with the participation of the Samoilov brothers, Alexander Kozlov and Andrei Kotov (1990–2001). Over time, Gleb Samoilov began to write more lyrics for songs.

Despite the cessation of the activities of the Agatha Christie group, the number of its fans does not decrease. Listeners of the radio station “Our Radio” included 5 hits of the group in the Top 100 best songs Russian rock.

In 2006, Vadim Samoilov created the “Hero of Our Time” project, a charitable project to help aspiring musicians. Starts in 2007 new round biography of Samoilov, the musician becomes a member of the Public Chamber of the Russian Federation and fights the problem of plagiarism and piracy. Acts as a member of the Authors' Council of the Russian Authors' Society.

In 2012, he was officially registered as a proxy candidate for the presidency.

The scandalous claim of Samoilov in the amount of 1 million rubles to music critic on compensation for moral damage. The reason for the conflict was a quote from a journalist from the film on REN TV, “Notes of Protest,” that the musician was nothing more than a “trained poodle under Surkov,” a politician and author of “sovereign democracy,” who simply set the official’s poems to music. The lawsuit was dismissed and then reinstated.

Along with the Agatha Christie group, Samoilov participates in other projects. In 1994 he acted as an arranger for the album “Titanic” by the group “Nautilus Pompilius” and. Samoilov Sr. produces popular rock bands, for example, “Semantic Hallucinations,” and solo performers, including.

Performance by Vadim Samoilov and the group “Picnic” - “Purple-Black”

In 2004, a joint album between Vadim Samoilov and the group was released. He wrote the soundtrack for the film “It Doesn’t Hurt Me” with leading role. In 2010, Vadim appeared at the “Songs for Alla” concert, where he sang the hit “Tell me, birds.”

Samoilov Sr.’s solo album was released in 2003 and was called “Peninsulas”. Since 2006, fans have had the opportunity to listen to “Peninsula 2”. Vadim tried his hand as a radio host. The musician became the voice of the “Rocklab on Our” program.

Speech by Vadim Samoilov and Masha Makarova “Tell me, birds”

In 2015, Vadim Samoilov visited Donbass with concerts, and soon visited Syria. Gleb Samoilov, Political Views who did not coincide with his brother’s preferences, was outraged by the use of his name (it was also indicated) on concert posters. In addition, after the “nostalgic” tour, Vadim did not pay part of the money that was due to Gleb. A quarrel broke out between the brothers, which completely ruined the relationship between them. Due to financial disagreements, the court sided with Gleb, but when he demanded from Vadim through the court not to use the songs in solo concerts, the authorship of which belonged to him, the judge rejected the petition.

An interview with Gleb appeared in the media, where he expressed outrage at the fact that his songs are played at pro-Kremlin events. In response, Vadim promised to sue his brother for calls to extremism, which, in his opinion, are heard in the songs of Gleb Samoilov’s group. Such an accusation threatened the younger brother with a real prison term. To reconcile her sons, their mother posted a video message on the Internet.

In November 2016, Vadim Samoilov presented on the social network “

At the end of 1995, the group topped the main Russian charts, and most influential Russian music publications called it “group of the year.” At the same time, “Opium” was negatively received by some of the fans who were familiar with “Agatha” from the times of “Cunning and Love” and “Decadence,” who accused the musicians of commercialism.
On March 1, 2001, the author of the music, keyboard player and one of the founders of the group, Alexander Kozlov, died of atherosclerosis.

2010 - Courts after the breakup of the group

In March 2010, Gleb Samoilov led the group The Matrixx, which also included Dmitry Khakimov and Konstantin Bekrev. Vadim resumed musical activity only in 2013, when he performed with new program at the celebration of City Day in Yekaterinburg.
The first few years after the collapse of “Agatha”, by mutual agreement, her songs were not performed separately by the brothers. An exception was made for the song “Torn the Dream” from the Thriller album, which was especially dear to Gleb. She entered the repertoire of the group “The Matrixx”. On solo evenings Gleb also performed some songs from Agatha Christie albums, which were not included in concert repertoire groups: “They fly”, “Crawls”, etc.

In February 2015, the Samoilov brothers performed for the first time with two “nostalgic” concerts in St. Petersburg and Moscow. After this, the previous restrictions on the performance of “Agatha” songs were lifted: some of them entered the repertoire of the group “The Matrixx”, and Vadim Samoilov went on a tour with the “Agatha Christie” program. All hits." However, in May 2015, Gleb Samoilov made a statement that he did not expect that Vadim would perform songs written or previously performed by him, and accused his brother of misappropriating fees for “nostalgic” concerts. Later, a message appeared on the official website of “The Matrixx” that the conflict between the brothers had been resolved, but a year later Gleb sued Vadim, accusing his brother of copyright infringement and demanding that he be prohibited from performing songs written by Gleb. The case was heard in the Savyolovsky Court of Moscow on September 21, 2016, as a result of which the claim was rejected in full: the court agreed with the opinion of the defendant’s lawyers, who stated that Vadim has related rights to the Agatha Christie songs he performed. Gleb appealed to the Moscow City Court, but in March 2017 the decision of the Savelovsky Court was upheld. In the claim for financial claims, the court sided with Gleb: on April 27, 2017, it decided to collect a debt in the amount of 4,300,000 rubles from Vadim Samoilov.

On December 22, 2017, Vadim Samoilov presented a new track “Somewhere Between,” recorded to the music of the late Alexander Kozlov. The lyrics and arrangements belong to Vadim. However, the composition was presented (and posted on the Internet) as a work by the group “Agatha Christie”; on the cover of the single it is also indicated in large numbers: “AGATHA CHRISTIE”. This is the first precedent of no longer using old material, but releasing it by one of the Samoilov brothers new composition under the sign of "Agatha Christie". Wiki

December 12 in St. Petersburg there will be a concert founder and ex-member legendary group"Agatha Christie" by Vadim Samoilov. The musician promises that he will not disappoint fans: the almost three-hour show will feature all the main hits of Agatha Christie, new compositions by Samoilov Sr. and songs that were rarely performed at previous concerts. “This will be a journey through the depths and heights human soul, says Vadim. “We will go to the very bottom, and then we will rise to the top!”

“My brother and I were cramped in the same group”

Yana Khvatova, website: - Vadim, the songs of “Agatha Christie” in your solo performance sound somewhat different: the depressiveness has gone away from them, and more warmth has appeared. Tell us, what is the reason for such changes?

Vadim Samoilov:- Firstly, I grew up. Secondly, there was a long pause between the time Agatha Christie ceased to exist and the time I began performing the group’s repertoire solo. Almost 5 years have passed! It was time to rethink ourselves and look differently at what was happening - from the height of what we had lived through. I guess I've changed. I don’t want to live the song as the main character, but give my own perception. I think that there was undoubtedly depression in the work of Agatha Christie, but there was also sarcasm and humor: it was a little cynical, but now in this humor there is more of a smile and such unconditional acceptance. Humans are complex creatures, and everyone has flaws. We sang about these vices.

- Can we say that your growing up led to the breakup of the group?

At the concert in St. Petersburg, Vadim will perform hits and new songs. Photo: From personal archive

Yes, that's absolutely right! It would be better to say - not even to disintegration, but to a natural completion. It has long been clear to me that Gleb and I will sooner or later separate, and we will have two different projects. This became especially obvious after the death of Sasha Kozlov (co-founder and keyboardist of Agatha Christie, died in 2001 - author's note). Together we still somehow balanced, and when there were only two of us left, our personal worldviews - mine and Gleb's - began to demand a way out. That’s why there’s less fantasy in our songs today. lyrical hero from a book, but more of a personal message from both him and me.

Because my brother and I are very different people, we were cramped in one group. In 2008, we agreed to record a farewell album, do a farewell tour and go our separate ways. There was no specific reason, scandal, quarrel, because of which we broke up. This was an adult decision by adults.

I continue to love Gleb because he is mine younger brother. If he needs a helping hand, he knows very well that he will receive it, as has happened many times.

The scandals began after the “Nostalgic Concerts” (Gleb Samoilov, through the court, tried to prohibit his brother from performing “Agatha Christie” songs - author’s note). I take this philosophically. What is leaked to the press is only the tip of the iceberg, part of our larger and more complex relationship with my brother. To summarize, I can say: I really regret that we are parting with such bad noise. And, of course, the real truth of our relationship is only between me and Gleb. This is our personal space, and I wouldn’t want to let anyone in there. I regret that sometimes Gleb says some unnecessary things. Well, so be it, no big deal.

I see no reason for us to ever get together. I'm comfortable alone, I like to look for something new. But, despite the fact that I categorically do not accept the lifestyle that Gleb now leads, the way he thinks, nevertheless, I respect him for the fact that he lives the way he wants and does not adapt to reality. Undoubtedly, although at a distance, I continue to love him, because he is my younger brother. If Gleb needs a helping hand, he knows perfectly well that he will receive it, as has happened many times.

- Do you follow Gleb’s work?

At one time, in preparation for the “Nostalgic Concerts,” I studied the work of “The Matrixx”: at some point we had the idea of ​​​​doing a joint concert so that both Gleb and I would show our new songs. Then I realized that this would all be too extravagant for a concert where Agatha Christie fans would come. Therefore, we canceled this idea - but I got acquainted with Gleb’s work. As a matter of fact, Gleb still remains a talented author, although this is not quite my thing. There are lovers of this kind of music, and thank God! I wish him success.

Young people are in the front row

- Do Agatha Christie fans come to your concerts or are there new faces among them?

Of course, “Agatha Christie” is a unifying element for those in the audience and on stage. I am very glad that young people are constantly appearing among fans. Three generations of people come to the concerts: these are my peers and even a little older - those who have been listening to Russian rock since the late 80s, this is also the generation of the 90s - the period when Agatha Christie was wildly popular, and young people. There are always teenagers and young people in the front rows, and this warms and inspires.

Every Samoilov concert is bright and unusual show. Photo: From personal archive

You, in turn, do not lag behind young people in that you maintain pages in all in social networks. Surely fans write to you often. Are you answering everyone?

I'm not really social person, but I understand what is necessary - we need to communicate with people. Social networks are a kind of mouthpiece through which you can voice your point of view on a particular issue, and this is very cool. When I reached the peak of the conflict with my brother, people sent me a lot of questions on social networks, and I had to answer them. Then I actively used social networks because I had a reason. Now - periodically something like this happens, I can communicate with someone.

- You tour a lot. Do you have time left for your family?

We try to plan our tour schedule in such a way that we have time for our family. For example, if we tour for a week, we will spend the next week in Moscow. This is what we artists do! My daughter Yana has known Agatha Christie since childhood, and she still likes these songs. Of course, it’s nice when there is such understanding and agreement.

The best for St. Petersburg

- In 2006 you created a charity music project"Hero of our time". Is it developing now?

I keep in touch with musicians who can send me something to listen to, and I share my impressions. Some of them, out of friendship, can record at our studio. I don’t do this systematically, as I did in 2006: I don’t have time yet. First of all I have to finish all my creative updates. After this, I will find room both in my soul and in space to return to this activity. My area of ​​interest is young music, young musicians. I'm very curious what it will be like new wave Russian rock. If I can help these guys in any way in the future, I will be glad!

- Any of the modern young musicians you could mention?

From what sounded new, I liked the group “The Largest Prime Number” (SBPC). They are unusual, working in a fusion of genres. I love everything unusual, and these guys made a big impression on me. With classic pop rock everything is clear, with rap too, but here it’s like this unusual option, when there is a little bit of everything - both electronics and reading, everything is subtle and psychedelic. But I don’t want to say that they are better than everyone else - I just liked them because they found a new path.

Samoilov Sr. admits that he is in the process of rethinking himself. Photo: From personal archive

In one of your interviews you said that you cannot imagine your concerts without a show. What show have you prepared for St. Petersburg?

This will be a great program for almost three hours. For St. Petersburg, I prepared a special show, where I decided to add depth to the vice, so as not to go into a completely light performance. My concert will be a journey lasting 30 years - starting from 1986, from the very first recordings that Sasha Kozlov and I made even before Gleb, and ending with my new compositions, including a song written specifically to the music of Alexander Kozlov. I added songs to the concert that we very rarely performed at Agatha Christie. For example, the composition “He wasn’t there.” This is a song about searching for God and internal conflicts people on this path. Or, for example, the song “Gigi Dzagi”.

The concert in St. Petersburg will be a journey through the depths and heights of the human soul. We will go down to the very bottom to explore the most vicious things, and then we will rise to the top, jumping on the personal and light and affirming it.

We spent big tour By central Russia and took with us all the equipment so that for the concert in St. Petersburg our show acquired its final shape, which we were not able to show even in Moscow. St. Petersburg is our most rock and roll city, and we have prepared the sweetest thing for it!

Vadim Samoilov continues to perform Agatha Christie songs, but also does a lot of his own work. Photo:

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