How to write a project title page correctly. Requirements for presentations. What does a social project consist of?


The first stage of work on the project is preparatory. Together with your students, choose your favorite project topic. It should be accessible and interesting for the child. The problem must be close to the content academic subject and be in the zone of its development. Working on one project both individually and as a group. If a group is working on a project, distribute roles among students. At this stage, you need to interest the children in the problem and discuss ways to solve it.

At the problem research stage, students together with the teacher or parents collect information. Then they share the results of their work and discuss.

Next, students formalize the results of the study in accordance with the rules discussed in preparatory stage. The results of the activity are described, they can be presented in the form of a report, presentation, album, baby book, exhibition, and so on. It is at this stage that the talents of younger schoolchildren manifest themselves to the maximum.

Final stage– project. It can be made interesting and memorable. During the defense, a demonstration of the work product takes place. Moreover, during the defense of the project, each student must fulfill his role.

Discuss successes and failures with your children, analyze the shortcomings of the work. Talk about the next project being even better. However, you shouldn’t concentrate on this, focus on the children’s successes. Evaluate the work of each project participant. It is this kind of work that favors the development of the cognitive abilities of younger schoolchildren, develops the ability to independently find material, process it and, undoubtedly, increases interest in educational activities.


  • Project activities in primary school
  • elementary school projects
  • Stages of work on the project

Today's educational program implies an activity such as a project. Moreover, everyone can engage in this activity, starting with children preschool age. The project gives the author the opportunity to reveal his creative abilities and express himself individually. The project is special kind research work, distinctive features which is an independent search for information on a topic, its creative transformation and obtaining something new (poster, essay, website, craft, information cards). Working on a project involves its presentation and defense.


First you need to decide on the type of project.
Projects are of the following types:
Practice-oriented. The project is aimed at solving specific problems and can be used in the life of a classroom, school, or neighborhood.
Research project. This look reminds Scientific research.
Informational. The project aims to collect information and make it available to the public.
Creative. Project product there will be a poster, video, theatrical performance, sport game.
Role-playing. The result will be, for example, a court hearing.

There are special requirements for project design.
Introduction. In this part it is necessary to indicate the goals, objectives, and relevance of the project. It is recommended to use cliche phrases: “The topic of my project...”, “I chose this topic because...”, “The purpose of my work...”, “The project product will be...”
Main part. This part should reveal the topic of the project and should be divided into smaller chapters. Examples of speech patterns used in the main part include the following phrases: “I began my work by...,” “Then I started to...”, “I completed the work by...”, “During the work, I encountered such problems...", "To cope with such problems, I...", "But I still managed to achieve the goal of the project because..."
Conclusion. You can use the following phrases: “Having completed my project, I can say that the tasks faced


Determine and indicate the type in the passport project a (informational, research, information-research, creative, gaming). Specify type project and according to subject-content characteristics: mono project(one subject) or interdisciplinary (combines several academic disciplines, objects).

Describe academic work by: number of participants (individual, collective), timing (short-term, medium or long-term), nature of student contacts during the implementation process project a (interschool, intraschool).

Write a short summary project A. Tell us about your work in such a way as to interest readers, show the specifics and significance of yours project no work. To do this, break the text document of your work into semantic parts, highlight key thoughts in each part, formulate the main theses, list the main problems, and draw conclusions.

Design a business card project A. The business card indicates: author, educational institution, topic, goals project no work. Also list the competencies and skills that are developed during the work. Indicate the tasks that you have set for yourself. Describe what independent research was carried out during the work. Name the subject areas covered project ohm; registration of results; characterize the software and hardware of the work and the criteria for assessing student activities.

During the training project Keep a diary in which you briefly describe what types of work you performed at each stage. Create a report based on . Ask a supervisor project and a review.

Prepare a presentation of your training project A. It must be designed for public speaking with protection project and at a scientific and practical conference, district, etc. This is a kind of creative report on the work you have done. It can be issued in paper form. But it's better to do electronic presentation in a programme Microsoft Office PowerPoint. Create a compelling and emotional presentation.

Creative project may be in completely different specialties, subjects at school, even if these subjects are not associated with the right hemisphere of the brain. You can (and should) approach any task creatively, then the material is easier to perceive and assimilate.


First, decide what the goal of your creative work is and in what format it should be done. It can be specified in the form Power Point, in the form of walls - on whatman paper, in the form of some kind of . Or maybe it will be a computer one on its own. In addition, the teacher or teacher will set you a limit of creative freedom in advance: someone will be happy original surprise, it will make someone else angry.

Having decided on predetermined parameters project ah, get down to business. You can register project, focusing on visual perception. Then you need to choose them so that they are appropriate and fully illustrate the material that you give in project e. Monitor the ratio of pictures and text so that you don’t end up with images project e prevail.

Use color highlighting, but also within reasonable limits. There is no need to highlight a whole piece of text in light green if you consider it important; It is enough to mark some keywords in this way. It is unlikely that your supervisor, teacher or lecturer will evaluate your work as creative if it simply has all the text covered in multi-colored markers.

You can choose a more interesting solution to the problem, especially if no one limits you in time. You can, for example, write individual theses on pieces of paper and put them inside a homemade one, on which, in turn, some provisions will also be written. This way you can show what is the essence of the phenomenon (what is inside) and what opinions are associated with it (what is visible from the outside). Here it's up to your personal creative taste.

Don't forget that in creative project The main thing is not external at all. No matter how much you struggle with rationality, originality, demonstrativeness appearance your work, if it in itself is of no interest, then all the external tinsel will simply be of no use. So let's get started with the exterior design. project but only when you are fully convinced that internally project can also rightfully be called creative.

Business cards are an invariable business accessory of the present time. A small paper triangle contains all the necessary information to identify a person. After all, when an employee always has their phones at hand, Email, addresses of business partners or clients, he does not spend his work time to find the right contacts. Therefore, it is very important to design business cards correctly.


If you work for a large concern, you most likely have a corporate style. And that it must be adhered to when designing a business card. Ask your colleagues. Perhaps they will give it to you already finished layout, where you only need to add your position, first name, last name and contact phone number.

If you want to design a layout business card yourself, then you need to decide for what purposes you need it. If you want to make a statement, be remembered, and make an impression, choose an original business card. Now you can make anything - figured cards, business cards made of rubber, transparent and even. The choice of material is so diverse that all you have to do is choose the one you need.

What information is required on a business card? If you have a serious position, then there should only be information - telephone number, office address, company name, your name, and position. If you work with foreign partners, you can duplicate this information on the other side of the business card in a foreign language.

During the meeting of residents, it is necessary to immediately decide how expenses will be distributed, where they will be spent, if there is a fee, etc. It is advisable to raise such organizational issues before you are allocated a site. Make a plan for the future and call specialists who will carry out boundary work. With a project in which boundaries are defined, contact the registration department of the administration. Now the plot must be registered with the cadastral register. Legal entity it is necessary to draw up a plan.

Agree everything with the administration design work and conducting communications if necessary. The construction of capital structures must be coordinated with the architectural department.

After completing the documents, start purchasing materials for the construction of fences. Plan the costs of construction and finishing work. Even if the parking lot is open, at a minimum you need to build a booth for a security guard.

Find personnel to guard and clean the area. It is better to entrust security to a specialized one by concluding an agreement with detailed analysis clause on responsibility for the safety of transport.

Helpful advice

If any authority refuses to sign the papers during the parking registration process, seek a written refusal and file a complaint with higher authorities.

The relevance of the issue that concerns the execution of an agreement is as obvious today as the need to adhere to the provisions of the law in the process of execution of the same agreement and more.

A daily contract is a transaction that is characterized by maximum prevalence between several persons. The basis for such a transaction is the desire to establish, change or terminate existing civil rights or responsibilities. If you need to know that it consists of two main ones, represented by the introductory part and conditions. In turn, the conditions can be divided into three main ones, among which are essential, ordinary and others.

Correctly drawing up an agreement today is simply necessary in order for this particular document to play a fairly important role in existing market relations and in general. The contract is the basis for effective activity and is a serious document, the process of execution of which seems quite complicated.

In order to draw up a contract that will be valid, it is necessary, first, to carry out pre-contractual work with business partners, which consists of preparing protocols of disagreements for contracts. Then it is necessary to prepare a contract with preliminary characteristics. At the next stage, it seems necessary to carry out procedures for terminating previous contracts and analyze the remaining contracts. If necessary, before registering necessary agreement, claims activities are required on the basis of failure to fulfill certain obligations.

When drawing up an agreement, for the correctness of all procedures, it is necessary to pay special attention to the essential terms of the agreement, which are its most important part. It is on the basis that the parties reach a full agreement on all proposed essential terms that we can say that the agreement is drawn up and concluded correctly.

The essential terms of any agreement are: conditions that define the subject of the agreement, conditions that, in accordance with legal and legislative acts, are essential and necessary for each specific document. As well as other conditions that are included in the contract at the insistence of one of the parties.

Video on the topic


Part 1

Project selection

    Get started early. You should always start completing a task immediately after receiving it. It’s not for nothing that your teacher spent so much time on it; this is exactly how much you will need to successfully implement the project. Start making a plan right away so that you can accomplish everything you have planned. This way you will save yourself from sleepless nights before submitting the project.

    Check out the assignment. It contains detailed description the task ahead of you. Abstract from everything extraneous and carefully read the task. If your teacher has not already done this, break the project down into its components so that you understand exactly what is expected of you.

    • For example, you might receive the following assignment: “Make a presentation on the topic of the American Civil War. You can choose one battle, idea, speech, turning point, or focus on the war as a whole. Don’t forget about important dates and characters.”
    • Such a project can be divided into several parts: 1) A visual representation of the Civil War. 2) Central theme project. 3) Important dates. 4) Key players.
  1. Development of ideas. Brainstorming allows you to put your ideas on paper. As a rule, a person writes down thoughts that come to mind and establishes a connection between them in order to launch creative process. This practice helps you focus on the idea you want, as well as think about things that haven't occurred to you yet. In progress brainstorming A number of effective methods can be used.

    Choose a topic. Fight the possible urge to take extensive topic(for example, illuminate the entire Civil War) and try to narrow down the issue being addressed. This way you won't drown in a sea of ​​facts and details.

    Choose how to present your project. This article is based on a presentation example, so it's important to decide how your ideas will be displayed. If you have selected several important events, then you can use a timing diagram. If your work is based on geographic aspects (for example, battles), then you can develop a detailed map. The presentation should be built around a central idea.

    • How about a 3D view? You can try to create a 3D battle map showing the movement of troops.
    • You can also try making papier-mâché sculptures. You can even make Abraham Lincoln and tell your story using his quotes.
  2. Determine the required number of sources. When carrying out a comprehensive project in high school you will need more sources than for a student high school. In the first case, you should use at least eight to ten sources, while in the second you can get by with one or two books.

    Visit the library. The librarian will be your guide among available materials. For example, you can use a general catalog to search for books. For search scientific articles you will need a specialized database, which is located in another tab.

    We cut off the excess. Having collected a significant amount of materials, they should be sorted and only the really important ones should be left. Some articles or books may only indirectly relate to your topic and without them your work will lose nothing.

    Take notes and cite sources. Always take notes on the topic. Do not lose important details, while trying to express thoughts in your own words. When writing notes, it is important to indicate the bibliographic information of the source used.

All processes, concepts or objects begin somewhere. This moment of beginning happened several days or years ago, and everything looked different - not like it does now. Looking, for example, at a car, we understand that at the very beginning it was not like this: first an idea appeared, then this idea was conveyed to other people, which caused discussion; Designers got involved in the work, the assembly process was launched, and much more.

The above is a minor example. But he explains the essence perfectly - everything has a beginning.

Project management is no exception. As a complex chain of tasks and processes, it also starts somewhere. This first step is project plan.

In this article, we will talk about the plan and the planning process, and also explain the points related to the question “How to create such a plan.” We have identified 7 steps.

What is a project plan?

You may have noticed that in addition to plan mentioned and The planning process. What's the difference between them? Everything is very simple.

Planning is a process, a discussion. During it, the scope of work, goals and ways necessary to achieve them are clarified.

A plan is an official document containing all planning decisions, approved volume, and costs. Its main functions are control, facilitating communication between participants and scheduling.

When creating a project plan, the manager should already have key knowledge and skills. This increases the chances of its successful implementation. In addition, a prepared plan will help you anticipate and avoid unnecessary mistakes and bad decisions, and will also help you save time and reduce costs.

Project Plan Goals

A well-prepared plan should answer the following questions.


The reasons why funds are allocated to the project must be clarified; what problem needs to be solved.

The question concerns the work that must be done to achieve the result and final goals.

Question about the people involved, their roles and responsibilities; about how they should be organized.


Here we're talking about about the project schedule/duration.

How to create a project plan?

Before starting to compile, the manager must be aware of large quantities questions that will arise throughout the project and their answers. Each question can be highlighted separately. But it is still better to identify common characteristic patterns and models. So, what does a manager need to do to draw up a project plan?

1. Communicate

The first step to success is to communicate with the team about goals, members, tasks, etc. The manager must know who is responsible for what task, the deadlines, and simply everything that happens in the project.

It is worth adding that communication is not only the first step. Communicating throughout the project is the key to success.

2. Identify participants and goals

Determining all project participants is sometimes difficult: there can be a lot of them. Moreover, they directly or indirectly, to a greater or lesser extent to a lesser extent may have an impact on the project. That is why it is important to identify all those who directly influence the preparation of the plan and take their wishes seriously.

Who can be a participant in the project:

  • Customer– the person who directly finances and approves the work;
  • Project manager– a person involved in planning, followed by creation, execution and control of the project;
  • The project team, which creates the final product. Team members are involved in many important processes, including development, quality assurance, design work, etc. Typically, they do not approve the project;
  • End user;
  • Other. This list can include a wide variety of people: risk analysts, procurement specialists, etc.

What can be done at this stage? Conduct interviews with key participants. This way you will understand what requirements are set and what goals should be achieved. Most effective way achieving goals is a SMART goal setting technique.

Conducting interviews also allows the manager to understand what problem the project is solving and why it is being funded in the first place.

This is ours Why question.

3. Determine the entire scope of work

Undoubtedly the most important part of any planning. All key points highlighted and discussed here: rationale, product description, compliance criteria, goals and results, limitations, assumptions, cost estimate and some others. All project participants must come to full understanding and agreement at this stage. Once the discussion is over, everything important is recorded in a document that describes the content and scope of the project.

This stage also reduces the risks of misunderstandings that could lead to the scope of the project.

This is ours What question.

4. Define roles and responsibilities

One of the most important tasks of a manager is the distribution of tasks among team members. They must know their roles and responsibilities. And, of course, we should not forget that teams are formed units with a certain number of participants.

This is ours Who question.

5. Create a project schedule

This point is a direct continuation of the previous one. Once roles and responsibilities have been assigned, the next step is to set the duration of work for each resource with start/end dates.

This is ours When question.

At this same stage, the manager establishes key events, the critical path - in general, deals with the work schedule.

Which tool to choose for working with the project?

6. Visualize your project plan with a Gantt chart

Note that when some people talk about graphics, they mean the entire project. This is not entirely true. A visualized schedule is just part of the planning and plan itself. The entire project is a more complex structure.

Use GanttPRO - an online tool for . With its help, a manager can:

  • Create and distribute tasks;
  • Set their duration with start and end dates.
  • Establish dependencies between tasks. The manager monitors all events and knows when a completed task gives rise to the next one;
  • Monitor the progress of individual events and the project as a whole;
  • Determine the resources needed to complete tasks;
  • Set the cost of resources;
  • Interact with team members and review all changes they have made;
  • Keep track of key events;
  • Visualize the critical path - the shortest period of time required to complete the project.

With GanttPRO Gantt charts it is easy to manage planning processes and create a project.

7. Manage risks

All stages of a project may be subject to risks. Therefore, managing them is one of the the most important moments in planning.

An experienced manager is able not only to assess and anticipate such situations, but also to create a plan with ways to solve them. The team, in turn, must also know how to respond to any changes.

What risks may arise?

  • Optimistic expectations about time and costs;
  • Poorly defined requirements and wishes;
  • Poorly defined roles and responsibilities;
  • Changes in requirements;
  • New requirements;
  • Budget cuts;
  • Poor communication.

Let's summarize

There are no identical projects. One can be perfectly implemented without risks and postponed deadlines. Another may fail even if it has the same participants, costs, schedule and goals. Risks and changes in a project are inevitable. But still, a well-planned scope of work, schedule, assessed risks and excellent teamwork. In this case, even difficult projects can be fun.

Do you have experience in project planning?

Methodological development“Requirements for the design and research work of students
and product presentations" (group consultation)

According to paragraph 11 of the regulations on project and educational and research activities of students of the MBOU DO “CTR “Salyut””, the following requirements are imposed on the design of design and educational and research work:
11.1. Introduction (justification of relevance, definition of goal, task, object, subject, research hypothesis). The introduction should include a statement of the problem, reflect the relevance of the topic, a definition of the goals and objectives set for the performer of the work, a description of the object, subject, research hypothesis, and a description of the personal contribution of the author of the work to solving the selected problem.
Introduction is a very important part of the work. The introduction should clearly answer the following questions:
1. Why is this problem interesting from the point of view of science or its practical application?
2. What place do the results of this work occupy in general decision tasks?
3. Why was the work done, what was its purpose and to what extent was it achieved?

11.2. Main part(literature review, research methodology, description of the study). The main part should contain short review literature used and sources with the author’s conclusions, degree of knowledge this issue, description of the main facts under consideration, characteristics of methods for solving the problem, comparison known to the author old and proposed solution methods, justification for the chosen solution option (efficiency, accuracy, simplicity, clarity, practical significance, etc.). The main part is divided into chapters (paragraphs). At the end of each chapter (paragraph) there should be conclusions. The conclusions essentially repeat what was already said in the previous chapter, but are formulated concisely, without detailed evidence.
11.3. Conclusion (conclusions and results). The conclusion should contain in a concise form the conclusions and results obtained by the author (indicating, if possible, the direction of further research and suggestions for possible practical use of the research results).
11.4. Bibliography. The bibliography contains, in alphabetical order, a list of publications, editions and sources used by the author, indicating the publisher, city, and total number of pages.
11.5. Application(scenarios, questionnaires, results of social surveys, reviews, etc.) are attached at the end of the project as an appendix.
11.6. Title page must contain the name of the project, full name. author, name of the association, full name of the educational institution, full name. director (indicated in full), year and place of compilation.
11.7. Text of the work:
- font Times New Roman (Russified) size 12, black;
- margins top, bottom, left, right – 2 cm each;
- line spacing – single;
- paragraph indents (red lines) – 1.5 cm;
- text alignment – ​​width;
- hyphenation – automatic;
- page numbers are placed on each page, except for the title page (i.e. the contents are page No. 2).
- page parameters: paper size – A4 format;
- orientation – portrait;
11.8. The text of the main part of the work is divided into chapters, sections, subsections, paragraphs.
11.9. Headings of the structural parts of the work:“CONTENTS”, “INTRODUCTION”, “CHAPTER”, “CONCLUSIONS”, “APPENDICES”, are printed in capital letters.
11.10. Section headings are printed in lowercase letters (except for the first capital letter) from the paragraph. Do not put a period at the end of the title! If the title consists of two or more sentences, they are separated by a period. Headings and subheadings are given in the form of the singular nominative case and (less often) plural.
11.11. Section headings can begin with either capital or lowercase letter, subheadings - only with lowercase (unless, of course, they are proper names). The endings of rubrics are not marked with punctuation marks.
11.12. Chapter title, The paragraph should not be the last line on the page. The distance between the title (except for the paragraph title) and the text should be 2-3 spaces. 11.13. It is recommended to start each structural part of the work on a new sheet.

According to paragraph 12 of the Regulations on the project and educational and research activities of students of the MBOU DO “CTR “Salyut””, the following requirements are imposed on the design of the products of students’ design and research activities:
12.1. Basic requirements for the presentation:

Execution in a program Microsoft Power Point 2003,2007;
File size no more than 3MB, number of slides no more than 15 pieces,
The presence of a title, introductory, informational and anchoring slide. Full name is indicated on the title slide. teaching person, full name of the educational institution, name of the association, full name. project manager; the introductory slide should contain the topic, goals and objectives of the project; the supporting slide indicates sources of information (author, year of publication, etc.), including Internet resources and illustrative material.
12.2. Basic requirements for creative works:
12.2.1. Book, magazine, newspaper, collection, almanac, reference book, etc.:
Printed text;
Compliance with a uniform design style;
A4 format;
Availability of cover, title page, table of contents;
Availability of basic information about the author, illustrator;
Availability of information about the project manager;
If documentary facts are used in the work, then be sure to indicate the source of information;
Photographs and drawings included in the work must contain information about the author.
12.2.2. Models, layouts, flat compositions and other products made in different techniques:
Materials are selected at the discretion of participants in design and research activities;
The work must be accompanied by a passport: size 5 cm * 10 cm, font 14, topic of the project, full name. author, name of the association, educational institution, FULL NAME. manager (indicated in full).

According to clause 13.7. Result (product) project activities, which is submitted for defense can be:
- for research and information works: abstract messages, computer presentations, instruments, layouts and other forms;
- For creative works: written job description, script, excursion, poster reports, computer presentations, video materials, photo albums, models, prose or poetic works, dramatizations, artistic recitation, performance piece of music, computer animation and other forms.
13.8. To defend the final individual project, students prepare:
1) product of project activities;
2) a folder with materials on project and educational research work in accordance with the requirements (clause 11 of these Regulations)
3) short explanatory note to the project (no more than one typewritten page in length) indicating for all projects:
a) the original intent, purpose and purpose of the project;
b) brief description the progress of the project and the results obtained;
c) list of sources used.
For design projects, the explanatory note also includes a description of the features of design solutions, for social projects - a description of the effects of the project implementation;
13.9. The defense is carried out before the IBO Commission of the CTR Salyut Center in accordance with the defense schedule.

Criteria for evaluating design and research activities
- relevance of the selected study;
- ability to use known results and facts;
- registration of research results (according to the Regulations);
- literacy in protecting research results;
- manufacturability and technical execution;
- ability to answer questions in a reasoned manner.

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