How to cook beets properly - recipe and tips. How to cook beets? Tips from experienced housewives

1. Wash the beets and cut them in half, put them in a microwave-safe bowl, pour in a third of a glass of cold water.
2. Adjust the power to 800 W, cook small pieces for 5 minutes, large pieces for 7-8 minutes.
3. Check for readiness with a fork, if necessary, make it a little softer, return it to the microwave for another 1 minute.

In a pressure cooker - 10 minutes

Put the beets in the pressure cooker, add water and set to the "Cooking" mode. In a pressure cooker, beets are cooked in 10 minutes, and very large beets - in 15. After the end of cooking, it will take another 10 minutes for the pressure to release and the pressure cooker can be opened without effort and safely.

Important information about boiling beets

- It is correct to put beets in boiling unsalted water - because beets are sweet. In addition, salt "tan" the vegetable when boiled, making it hard. Salt a better prepared dish - then the salty taste will be organic.

When cooking, it is necessary to ensure that the water completely covers the beets, and, if necessary, top up with boiling water, and after cooking it can be put into ice water to cool.

If a bag is not used to boil beets, it is recommended to add a tablespoon of 9% vinegar, a tablespoon of lemon juice, or a teaspoon of sugar to the water to preserve the color.

To get rid of the strong beetroot smell, put a crust of black bread in the pan in which the beets are boiled.

Young beet leaves (tops) are edible: you need to cook the tops for 5 minutes after boiling the water. You need to use the tops in soups and vegetable side dishes.

- You should choose beets like this: Beets should be medium in size, the color of the vegetable should be dark red. If you can determine the thickness of the skin in the store, know that it should be thin.

Boiled beets can be keep in the refrigerator for up to 2 days, after the beets will begin to lose their taste, they will begin to dry out. Do not store boiled beets for more than 3 days.

Boiled beets, as a component, are part of many different dishes (salads,), so many are interested in how to cook beets properly. If you don't cook it, it will be inconvenient to chew, if you digest it - some of the nutrients will be destroyed, the taste will deteriorate, and, again, chewing overcooked root vegetables is not very pleasant.

In order for dishes that include boiled beets to be tasty and healthy, we choose fruits that are not too large and preferably not fodder varieties (that is, dark in color), best of all - young root crops. In principle, fodder varieties are quite edible, but with they are not so tasty. In addition, the standards for the application of chemical fertilizers for forage crops are somewhat different from the standards used for feeding food crops. That is, fodder beets may contain a greater amount of unhealthy substances.

How to cook beets properly?

Consider ways to properly and quickly cook beets. Some advise boiling beets for up to 2 or even up to 3 hours. Of course, you don't have to think about the usefulness of the product after heat treatment for such an amount of time. How much to cook beets in time depends on the variety and on the size of the root crops. Professional chefs cook medium-sized beets for 20-40 minutes, without cutting off the tails, in the peel, then pour cold water and after 15 minutes the beets are ready, thanks to the temperature contrast of the procedures. All that remains is to peel it and chop or grate it. Don't let it seem to you that the beets will turn out to be too tough - our teeth are for chewing, in addition, more vitamins will be retained.


We select fruits of approximately the same size and rinse thoroughly. Pour the beets in a saucepan with cold water, bring to a boil over high heat, then reduce the heat. When cooking, the water should completely cover the fruit. It is best to cook over low to medium-low heat. This heat treatment method is optimal. If the roots are large, of course, they can be peeled and cut into pieces, but it is better to just cook a little longer, I think 40-60 minutes will be quite enough.

To improve the taste when boiling beets, you can add a little fennel and dill seeds (about 1 teaspoon per 2 liters of water). This technique not only improves the taste of the finished product, but also promotes the absorption of vitamins and other nutrients.

How much to cook peeled beets, again, depends on the variety and size of the fruit. Peeled small beets are cooked for 20-30 minutes, no more, this is quite enough, especially if the beets are young. So that during cooking the peeled beets do not lose their characteristic bright burgundy color, you can add 1-2 teaspoons of vinegar to 1 liter of water.

To determine how much to cook beets for salad, you need to decide whether you are boiling the whole fruit or pre-slicing it. In general, beets for salad are boiled for the same amount of time as for cooking the rest of the dishes.

How much to cook young beets?

To prepare young root vegetables, it is enough to boil them for 20 minutes. Then cool the beets in cold water for about 10 minutes, peel, and you can use: cut, grate, punch with a blender.

Many people are interested in how to cook beets in a bag. Some people cook beets in cellophane and even plastic bags. It seems that this method is not very healthy, but it is still permissible to use cellophane somehow, but polyethylene, when heated, will definitely add unhealthy substances to the beets. We put the beets in a bag, make several holes with a toothpick, put them in a pot of boiling water and cook as usual. Better, however, to build a foil bag, place the beets in it and bake in the oven at an average temperature for 40-60 minutes. This method is a great alternative to cooking.

The calorie content of boiled beets is approximately 44 calories per 100 g of product.

Beets are often present on our table. We love her for her sweet taste and beneficial properties for the body. Having conceived to cook another dish from it, we understand that only raw is available. Then how to cook beets quickly and whole? Few know the answer to this question. So, we are trying to cook the root vegetable in the usual way and using our household appliances. I wonder where you can cook it faster?

Getting started cooking, I want to tell you about some of the intricacies of cooking beets. Knowing them, you will definitely get a tasty, beautiful, juicy and healthy root vegetable.

    • For the preparation of salads, vinaigrettes, side dishes, whole boiled beets are used.
    • Before cooking or baking, the vegetable must be thoroughly rinsed from the remnants of the earth. Use a regular sponge, which is used to wash dishes, but with a rough side.
    • Roots, the top does not need to be cut off, and also cut into pieces. When cooking, the beet juice will go into water, the water will turn red, and the vegetable itself will be pale and not tasty.
    • No salt is added during cooking.
  • To make the beets come to readiness faster, after heat treatment, put the vegetable in cold water, adding ice cubes, or put under a stream of ice water. Due to the sharp temperature drop, the vegetable comes to readiness faster.
  • Everyone knows how badly beet juice is washed. To prevent your hands from getting dirty during cooking, grease your hands with sunflower oil before cutting the beets, then lightly blot them with a paper towel.
  • If your fingers do get dirty, rub your skin with lemon juice, citric acid, or lemon peel. If lemon is not available, use a 9% vinegar solution.

How to quickly boil beets

Today I offer you several options for quickly cooking beets. Of course, a small to medium sized vegetable cooks faster, has a thin skin and is brightly colored. But what if large specimens have grown in your garden? We also put them into action.

In a saucepan

We cook in the usual way on a gas or electric stove. Pour water into a saucepan, put prepared vegetables there. From the moment of boiling, cook for 40 - 60 minutes, reduce the heat to medium. After the end of cooking, the beets are left in hot water until they cool completely. Or put it in cold water with a slotted spoon for 5 minutes.

Some cooks suggest placing the vegetable in boiling water and simmering it over medium heat. I don’t know if that’s the point, because the cooking time is the same.

In a multicooker

Place the root vegetables in a bowl, pour a little water on the bottom. We put on the "Pressure cooker" mode and cook for 15 minutes.

In the oven

When baking any dish in the oven, bake the beets at the same time. There is always a place to put one or two beets. Wrap the vegetables individually in foil and place in the oven. If you decide to bake the root vegetable separately, then set the temperature to 200 ° C, bake for 40 minutes.

The root crop can be left in foil rather than unrolled. Cooled, it is stored in the refrigerator, used later if necessary.

By the way, baked beets are much tastier than boiled beets. It is the baked root vegetable that is best used in the preparation of vinaigrette and salads.

In the microwave

The microwave oven has long and firmly won our love, despite the negative reviews. It is easy and convenient to use it in the case of beets. In the microwave, it will be ready in 15 minutes. Place the prepared beets in a plastic bag or baking bag. You can use utensils for the microwave, only cover it with cling film. We select the most powerful mode - 750 - 800v.

In a pressure cooker

I have a simple good pressure cooker left from Soviet times. I wrote about her when I was cooking. Often I boil beets in it. I pour some water into the pressure cooker 5 cm above the level of vegetables, close the lid, cook for 20 minutes. I leave it until the pressure cooker cools down. After that, I peel the beets and store the cooled ones on the middle shelf of the refrigerator.

I talked about all the methods of cooking beets that I use. Most of all I like to cook beets in the microwave, it turns out faster, and I often bake them in the oven. And you choose which one suits you best.

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Good harvests to you! Taisiya Filippova was with you.

How long does it take to boil beets until cooked? Young housewives mostly think about this. Experienced housewives give the answer to this question and suggest how to speed up the cooking process.

How many beets are cooked in a saucepan

The beets harvested in autumn are cooked from 2 to 3 hours - it all depends on the variety and size of the root crops. If this is too much for you, then read on for tips to reduce the cooking time. Young beets, torn from the ground at the beginning of summer, will be cooked in a saucepan in 30-40 minutes - this is already quite fast.

How to quickly boil beets in a pan - little tricks

  • Small beets will cook much faster, so choose the smallest beets. Small beets will cook twice as fast as large ones.
  • When buying beets in a store or market, look for a beet that has a slightly flattened shape. The small thickness of the root vegetable will also reduce its cooking time by 50%.
  • If you bought round or large beets, then you can quickly cook them this way. Pour cold water over the beets and bring to a boil. Simmer the beets for exactly 1 hour. Then quickly drain the hot water and fill the beets with ice water - you can even add ice from the freezer. Drain off the cold water after an hour.
  • If you have a pressure cooker in your home, cook the beets in it - it will only take you 30 minutes to cook.

And one more useful tip, not related to the time of boiling beets. Quite often, after the root vegetable for the vinaigrette has already been cooked and peeled, it turns out to be completely savory. To avoid this, for any cooking method and for any kind of beet, put a couple of tablespoons of sugar in the water (for 1 liter of liquid). Sugar will reveal the taste of beets, and if they are not initially sweet, then it will help them become so.

It is only at first glance that the process of cooking vegetables may seem like a very unpretentious process. It is a mistake to believe that among the many culinary subtleties and secrets, cooking vegetables is as easy as shelling pears, and this does not require special knowledge, and a kind of duty of every housewife is to cope with this.

But in reality, things may not be so simple. You need to know, for example, some subtleties of how to cook beets for a salad and at the same time so that they are very tasty, and ideally combine with vegetables in a vinaigrette, give a rich color to the beetroot or borscht, so that you feel both light elasticity and a little "crunch" , well, all vitamins remained intact and safe. Therefore, now we will talk about the intricacies, or, more simply, about how to properly cook beets.

The first subtlety: root vegetables should always be placed in cold water, and not in boiling water, in order to preserve all the vitamins in them. The water should barely cover the vegetables, and its level should be monitored periodically, from time to time topping up with cold water, because the vegetables must be completely in the water all the time. In the event that you cook several types of root vegetables at the same time, then it is very important that they are all approximately of the same size and weight, in which case, as a result of cooking, they will turn out to be in the same degree of readiness. Do not trim the ponytails while doing this. If possible, choose root vegetables without damage, and before boiling beets for salad, rinse them well with water to remove contamination.

Second subtlety: beets are boiled under a lid over a fairly low heat, while not allowing boiling. As for the duration of cooking, there are no unequivocal recommendations here. The duration of cooking fully depends on the size of the root crop itself, as well as on the desired degree of hardness. The cooking process, on average, lasts 40-60 minutes. True, there is, but in this process haste is unacceptable.

The third subtlety: the readiness of beets can be checked in a very traditional and well-known way - they pierce it with a knife or a toothpick. If the beets slide easily over the surface of the knife, it means that they are quite ready. But literally every 5 minutes, you shouldn't do this, otherwise the beets will be completely stuck out, juice will flow out of its cavity, which will lead to a loss of brightness. There is no need to salt the water, besides the fact that it is actually useless, it can also affect the taste of the vegetable.

The fourth subtlety: in order to preserve the color of the beets, you can sweeten a little or slightly acidify the boiled water: add a couple of tablespoons of vinegar or lemon juice, or sugar per three liters of water, but this does not include vegetables.

Fifth subtlety: as for the material of the dishes used, there are no special rules here, but it is important to realize that the broth from vegetables will turn out to be very rich, coloring. And yet, it is not recommended to cook beets in metal dishes. There are some requirements for the volume and size of the dishes used. A good one is one in which there is less unused, kind of - useless volume of capacity. Ideal can be called the option when there is a distance of several centimeters from the surface of the lid to the liquid. To get rid of the smell, which is always present during the cooking of beets, you can put a crust of bread in a saucepan.

And finally, the sixth subtlety: in order for the beets to be easily and well cleaned, at the end of cooking, they must be rinsed or cooled by dropping in cold water for 8 - 10 minutes. This vegetable must always be cooked separately from the others, and so that the color retains its brightness, and at the same time other, one might say, nearby ingredients, for example, lettuce, it is advisable to grease slices of chopped beets with any olive or vegetable oil.

This, perhaps, is all the necessary subtleties of the process, how to cook beets for salad... Boil the beets and enjoy the flavor of your dishes!

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