When was Lera Kudryavtseva's daughter born? Children of Lera Kudryavtseva - photo, second child, husband. Lera's ex-husbands

Lera Kudryavtseva is a TV and radio presenter, singer, actress and dancer. She is constantly invited to host various concerts, festivals and competitions on a national and international scale.

A new round of popularity for the star was the release of the provocative program “Secret for a Million” on NTV, where celebrities share details of their personal lives.

Childhood and youth

Kudryavtseva Valeria Lvovna was born in Ust-Kamenogorsk, Kazakhstan on May 19, 1971. Zodiac sign: Taurus. Nationality: Russian. Her parents Lev Nikolaevich and Alexandra Ivanovna worked as research assistants. Lera was not the only child in the family. She has an older sister Oksana. She's doing business.

Since childhood, Kudryavtseva dreamed of getting on the stage. But, of course, my parents thought that being an artist was not a serious profession. With much grief, a compromise was found, and the girl entered the local cultural and educational school, the department of theater directing.

But Valeria has already set off to storm the capital with the blessing of her parents. By this time they accepted and understood the aspirations youngest daughter. In Moscow she entered the pop department Russian Academy theatrical arts(GITIS), majoring in “Acting”.

Kudryavtseva’s creative biography began with working as backup dancers and backing vocals for famous artists. Up to 1995 future star worked on the same stage with, and.

Today Lera Kudryavtseva is convinced that getting into Russian show business It just won't work that way. It is important to meet a person who will connect you with the right people, will lead you to the right place, negotiate for you. However, Lera still does not tell how she personally managed to get on the air.

According to rumors, he helped Lera become a star, and it was he who brought her into the world of television. The artist needed a presenter for the “Party Zone” program for the TV-6 channel, and, presumably, during a dizzying affair with a future TV star, he invited the girl to the casting for his own program.

There are other rumors that her first husband, a musician of the group, helped in promoting Valeria. In any case, Kudryavtseva quickly established herself in television projects as a professional TV presenter.


Lera Kudryavtseva came to the “Party Zone” audition in a rather extravagant look - with numerous Afro braids and eyebrow piercings. However, out of all the casting participants, she was chosen. As soon as Lera’s candidacy was approved and the broadcasts began, in a few programs she became no less popular than the artists for whom Kudryavtseva had worked before.

The TV show “Party Zone” is still on the Muz-TV channel, and Lera remains the permanent host of the project, sharing film set s and . The entertaining format of the show made the TV presenter a part of the bohemian crowd, and the girl began her path to fame.

Lera Kudryavtseva on the project "The Invisible Man"

Since 1995, Lera has worked in the MuzOboz project on the TV-6 channel, in the Test of Loyalty program on Muz-TV and in the Ex-Wives Club on TNT. IN different years Kudryavtseva appeared in popular music videos pop singers- , and others.

In 2007, the actress starred in the film “On the Roof of the World,” followed by “The Most best movie", where Lera played the role of a prostitute from the gateway. In 2008, Kudryavtseva got work in three films at once - “Oh, Lucky Man,” “A Very Russian Detective,” and “Adventurers.”

Lera Kudryavtseva in the film "The Best Film"

In the same year, Valeria participated in the show “ star ice" Together with Gwendal Peizer, she won this project. After some time, the TV presenter starred in the “Dancing with the Stars” program, this time Alexey Mazurin became her partner.

In 2009, Kudryavtseva co-hosted the “Cultural Exchange” program on the TV Center channel.

At the same time, Lera participated in advertising campaign brand "World of Leather and Fur", which produces elite outerwear and accessories. However, the TV presenter’s colleagues reacted negatively to this turn, since until 2009 she had always collaborated with fur companies. Later, Kudryavtseva repeatedly stated that she and the singer were friends, and that she did not plan to “pick up” Orbakaite.

In 2011, the TV presenter starred in a provocative photo shoot for the men's magazine MAXIM. Lera showed off her luxurious figure, making the magazine’s audience forget that the artist’s age at the time of filming was 39 years old.

In 2015, the attention of the press was attracted by Lera's resemblance to a popular foreign star. The two women differed from each other in hair color: Kim was a burning brunette, and Lera had blond hair. When the American woman bleached her hair in 2015, the tabloids began to joke that she was copying the style of the Russian beauty, and celebrities began to really get confused, because Lera is also a frequent visitor to the United States.

Kudryavtseva is not embarrassed by such similarities, but "Twitter" she even tagged news of the mix-up with the hashtag “#stuffhappens.” Evil tongues claim that the blame for such sameness lies with plastic. Allegedly, in her youth, before she decided to change her appearance to suit generally accepted standards of beauty, the TV presenter did not look like Kardashian at all. Lera herself does not comment on rumors about plastic surgery.

In the fall of 2016, Lera became the host of the “Secret to a Million” program on NTV. The idea of ​​a talk show is that the guest star is asked questions about facts from her life. These could be small details from school years, which the celebrity may not remember, and a mysterious love affair that he does not want to talk about. Accordingly, the more provocative, scandalous and intimate the question, the higher its price. Only the most frank and courageous participants dare to answer the question for a million rubles.

Lera Kudryavtseva in the show "Secret to a Million" "Secret for a Million": Anfisa Chekhova and Lera Kudryavtseva

Kudryavtseva works hard and proudly says that she earns her own living. As Lera admits, she had a lot of opportunities to find someone who would provide for her in a “golden cage,” but the woman preferred freedom and independence.

Personal life

For the first time, Kudryavtseva married Sergei Lenyuk, a musician from the popular group “ Tender May" At the age of 18, Lera gave birth to a son. This unusual name The boy received it in honor of the presenter’s favorite actor. Unfortunately, the marriage lasted only two years.

Sergei was a star, and the press constantly wrote about his new romantic interests, despite the fact that the man was already married. Kudryavtseva got tired of reading about her husband’s adventures, and she left.

According to the tabloids, Lera was very worried about the divorce, began to abuse alcohol, fell into depression, but came to her senses in time. Today Kudryavtseva does not drink alcohol at all.

Lera Kudryavtseva

The girl entered into a second marriage with entrepreneur Matvey Morozov. The young people got married three months after they met. The couple had no household components at all; Lera and Matvey worked a lot and were almost never at home. This relationship ended in divorce a year later. Morozov was convicted of fraud. Kudryavtseva for a long time kept the details of her marriage secret, and explained her husband’s constant absence by numerous business trips.

Since 2008, Kudryavtseva dated the singer. Despite the obvious age difference, the lovers appeared together on numerous occasions for 4 years. social events, and the paparazzi kept catching the lovebirds on a joint vacation. All bohemians and fans were looking forward to the wedding of Lazarev and Kudryavtseva, but in 2012 they suddenly separated, maintaining a warm relationship. It was rumored that Lera was preparing to become a mother, but lost her child in the second month of pregnancy, and this tragedy ultimately prevented the couple from starting a family.

After their separation, there were rumors that the woman was having an affair with. But, in fact, artists are just Good friends.

In 2013, Lera Kudryavtseva married for the third time, this time to a hockey player. The TV presenter is 16 years older than her chosen one. The wedding was unusually magnificent and brought together almost all the stars of Russian show business.

For so many years on television, Lera has grown from a VJ to music channel into a true style icon, and today for millions of girls she is a model of beauty and femininity. Therefore, her page is in "Instagram" extremely popular. The woman regularly pleases her subscribers with new photos. Either she is in a swimsuit, or in an evening dress. Either on the set of new projects or on vacation. She is not shy about posting pictures without makeup.

Few would argue that for her age (the TV star turned 47 in 2018), Valeria looks amazing. She has several tattoos on her body. On Kudryavtseva’s back there is an inscription in the ancient Sanskrit language “Etmente Etanima”. The closest translation in meaning is “Both with the mind and the heart.” Obviously, these words reflect the calm and reasonable character of the TV presenter. And on the wrist is a Latin phrase meaning “The most important thing in life is love.”

Lera Kudryavtseva now

In March 2018, they began to say on the Internet that. Photos of the TV presenter in baggy outfits appeared on the Internet. But Kudryavtseva left questions from fans and journalists without comment. In May, her husband posted a photo on Instagram where the actress’s rounded belly was visible to the naked eye. Now no one has any doubts.

Pregnant Lera Kudryavtseva

On August 13, the TV presenter gave birth to a daughter, whom the couple named Maria. The star herself announced this happy event on her Instagram, posting a photo of the baby’s tiny foot. Despite the excitement around her person, the woman does not disclose the details of the birth of her daughter.

Journalists were never able to find out for sure where the baby was born. It is known that Lera initially planned to give birth in Russia, but, according to insiders, shortly before giving birth, Kudryavtseva flew to the USA. Allegedly, her daughter appeared in an elite clinic in Los Angeles. But the paparazzi failed to capture and make public the discharge from the hospital.

By the way, in early August, the media disseminated information that Kudryavtseva, as if her son Jean gave her a grandson Lev. But soon the woman denied these rumors, saying that people should believe less in the yellow press.

True, not everyone reacted positively to Lera’s pregnancy. Some simply do not believe that the 47-year-old TV presenter gave birth on her own. Haters vying with each other to say that the star used the services of a surrogate mother.

Lera Kudryavtseva with her daughter Masha. 2018

The artist herself added fuel to the fire by posting a new photo with Masha. Kudryavtseva’s ill-wishers noticed that her child was too large for a newborn: the baby looked to be at least three months old. Moreover, in the frame the TV presenter looks too slim.

Lera herself intervened in this heated discussion. She asked to stop making wild guesses. According to her, the baby is dressed in warm overalls, and in fact she is a baby. Kudryavtseva also added that she gave birth herself, no matter how much anyone would like to hear otherwise.


  • "Party Zone"
  • "MuzoOboz"
  • "Test of Loyalty"
  • "Ex-Wives Club"
  • "Cultural exchange"
  • "Eat and lose weight"
  • "New wave"
  • "Song of the year"
  • "Top 10..."
  • "Invisible Man"
  • "Million Dollar Secret"
  • "The Stars Aligned"

Not long ago, 47-year-old Lera gave hope to all women “for” by independently giving birth to little Maria. But she didn’t become a mom blogger: she only hung touching photo the infanta's heels, thereby announcing her appearance in this world. And silence. Happy father, hockey player Igor Makarov, limited himself to the same thing.

And so, two weeks after giving birth, Kudryavtseva decided to show the baby. It’s immediately obvious that Lera adores her child. “Sweet butts, delicious cheeks,” the beauty captioned the photo. Less than a month has passed since giving birth, but Kudryavtseva looks like a construction worker. And during pregnancy, she can’t say that she became much thicker. But the presenter’s followers on Instagram were more attracted to other forms. Like, the girl seems to be three months old, larger than a newborn.

“The child is dressed in a big warm jumpsuit, she is a baby. Stop looking for a needle in a haystack,” Lera said. And to those who once again came to her with lamentations about surrogacy, she answered: “I gave birth myself. No matter how much you would like to hear something different. Deal with it." The TV presenter also admitted that for now she’s doing without a nanny - “I’m enjoying it myself.”

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Late child of Lera Kudryavtseva. She gave birth at 47 years old and became a victim of haters: Lera Kudryavtseva was criticized after her late birth.


To prevent the paparazzi from photographing the baby, Lera Kudryavtseva confused the tracks with the place where the birth would take place

Lera Kudryavtseva was discharged from the maternity hospital, where her daughter Mashenka was born a few days ago. And she has already shown the first gifts that friends gave for the baby’s discharge. The star's daughter already has a christening outfit and a set of dishes. This all, along with a bouquet of flowers, was given to the TV star by Andrey Razygraev, colleague and close friend Lera. It should be noted that due to the fact that Kudryavtseva did not make public where her birth would take place, most journalists decided that the star, following the example of other star mothers, flew to give birth in Miami. This is what Svetlana Loboda did two months ago, for example. But as it turned out, the presenter of “Secret to a Million” remained to give birth in Russia, but her and her child were discharged from the maternity hospital without paparazzi. ()


Lera Kudryavtseva was criticized for choosing a “village” name for her daughter

Lera Kudryavtseva’s eldest son’s name is Jean, and given the “foreign” nature of the name of the first heir, fans were sure that the TV presenter would call her daughter, who was born a few days ago, an interesting and memorable name. However, as journalists managed to find out, the blonde beauty and her husband decided to name the girl Masha. And this choice somewhat puzzled the star’s fans. ()

Lera Kudryavtseva – beautiful woman, a talented presenter and charming actress. The spectacular blonde goes in for dancing, sports, and sings well. Her personal life interests many fans.

Lera Kudryavtseva's husband - Igor Makarov

In 2013, Kudryavtseva got married for the third time. Her chosen one was the successful hockey player Igor Makarov. The woman is 15 years older than her husband, but this does not interfere with their strong feelings.

Photo: Instagram @igor_makarov82

On June 8, the wedding ceremony took place in one of the capital's elite restaurants. Many were invited to the celebration famous personalities. Lera’s husband, who is very angry with his wife’s former chosen ones, did not allow Sergei Lazarev, with whom the presenter once had an affair, to be invited to the wedding.

The gala event was very magnificent. The bride changed her outfits three times, a cake of extraordinary beauty was ordered, and the invited guests were such stars as Nyusha, Anna Sedokova, Alla Pugacheva, Maxim Galkin, Slava, Dmitry Malikov, Nikolai Baskov and many others. etc.

Wedding of Kudryavtseva and Makarov

The couple are happy together, and despite numerous rumors of divorce, they still live in marriage and dream of adding to the family. Kudryavtseva says that her husband is a rather complex person and very jealous, but in 4 years life together they never thought about ending the relationship.

Son of Lera Kudryavtseva - Zhan Lenyuk

At Kudryavtseva's this moment only one child - son Jean Lenyuk, born in April 1990. At that time, the presenter was married to the drummer of the group “Tender May” Sergei Lenyuk.

The baby was named after the famous American actor Jean-Claude Van Damme.

After the divorce, Sergei abandoned his son, which negatively affected emotional condition Zhana. Star mom tried not to show the child to the public and rarely gave comments on this topic. Now Jean is already 27 years old.

In a recent interview, Lera said that she fully supports her adult child. She believes that in modern world This is fine. Jean lives in civil marriage with a girl; Kudryavtseva has no grandchildren yet.

Lera's ex-husbands

The popular TV presenter got married 3 times, but considers her third wedding to be her real wedding, since this particular celebration, according to her, took place and was arranged perfectly.

First husband – Sergei Lenyuk

At the age of 18, Lera married Sergei Lenyuk, a member of the “Tender May” group. It was from this man that she gave birth to a child who still bears his father’s last name. They lived in marriage for only 2 years, and separated due to constant infidelity on the part of their husband. At this time he was very popular, fans did not give passage to the drummer from famous group. Kudryavtseva could not recover from the divorce for a long time; she had prolonged depression and an excessive addiction to alcohol. Soon the girl realized that she needed to move on and raise her son.

Second marriage – Matvey Morozov

A short time later, Lera married a second time to a rich and business man Matvey Morozov. Their relationship could hardly be called strong, because they officially registered their marriage after 3 months of dating and did not even test their feelings for strength. Now the TV presenter says that true love She and Matvey never had it. They separated exactly a year later, and the husband was convicted of fraudulent activities.

Kudryavtseva and Sergei Lazarev

Relationship famous singer Sergei Lazarev and Kudryavtseva have long been the subject of discussion among the press and their fans. They started dating in 2008.

Despite the significant age difference, the lovers were together for almost 4 years: they went out together, hosted shows and concerts, and constantly posted romantic photos. Everyone was already waiting for the couple to announce their wedding, but in 2012 Sergei and Lera announced that they were breaking up. The breakup was easy and they still communicate well.

The popular TV presenter is an example of beauty and elegance. Besides, Valeria is beautiful and talented woman who manages to be an excellent wife and successfully develop her career. She and her third husband are planning to have a child in the near future.

In mid-August, Lera Kudryavtseva became a mother for the second time. The child's father is hockey player Igor Makarov, who is seventeen years younger than her. Despite his young age(forty seven years) Russian TV presenter dared to give birth on her own.

The young parents did not post pictures of their daughter on Instagram for almost two weeks. True, Lera still couldn’t resist and published her baby’s heel. Recently, the presenter showed a photo of herself holding a baby in her arms.

Not everyone turned out to be friendly. Kudryavtseva had many subscribers who left negative comments. Some noticed that Lera had lost a lot of weight. Others accused her of fooling the public all along. Allegedly, it was not she who gave birth, but surrogate mother. The presenter, in order to stir up interest in herself, wore a fake belly for several months. Still others noted that the child was “too big” for his age. It was assumed that the girl was already three months old.

There were so many sarcastic and angry comments that Kudryavtseva even decided to close her Instagram account. The presenter responds to the attacks with the following: the girl is wearing a large and warm jumpsuit, so she herself seems larger than her age. She gave birth herself and did not wear any pillows in her bosom. The celebrity wished everyone who didn’t believe her to simply come to terms with the fact that she had become a mother.

Followers were glad that Lera decided to show them the baby - after all, throughout her pregnancy, she did not often talk about how waiting for the baby was going. She even tried to make sure that the rounded belly was barely noticeable in the photo. “Lerochka, I admire you, happiness to your daughter, and patience and health for your mother,” “Lerochka, I’m very happy for you! Health, love, prosperity!” – wrote netizens.

However, these are not all the joyful events that have occurred in the Kudryavtseva family in recent months. A couple of days before his own birth, her son, 28-year-old Jean Lenyuk, became a father for the first time. Thus, there is almost no age difference between the aunt and nephew. “A boy was born, they named him Lev in honor of Lera’s father, the baby’s great-grandfather. Of course, Lera is happy, but ask her for the rest. The boy was born healthy, everything went well. Both he and his mother are doing just fine. The birth took place in Moscow,” said Kudryavtseva’s ex-husband Sergei Lenyuk.

Due to Lera’s excessive secrecy during pregnancy, spiteful critics even suggested that the host of the “Secret to a Million” project turned to a surrogate mother, and she herself wears a false belly. However, such gossip greatly angered Kudryavtseva’s colleague Andrei Razygraev, who hastened to defend her, despite the fact that the celebrity herself preferred to remain silent and not pay attention to any conversations.

“You need to know Lera’s obstinacy and trepidation to understand that she fundamentally would not trust anyone to give birth to such a desired child - only herself! I wanted it, I did it. This is all Kudryavtseva,” Andrey explained.

However, all doubts were dispelled when Kudryavtseva announced that she would not appear at the Muz TV awards, although she had appeared on stage as a presenter for several years. She admitted that she refused to work so as not to tire herself out.

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