Confectioner winner of the program. Show "confectioner" (Friday) - "Where are my balls, Nastya?" the great and terrible Renat Agzamov in the show “pastry chef” on Friday humiliates, hits a woman on the head, injures the participant’s chest and leads to a panic attack.”

Hi all!

Last week, unexpectedly: “I want something sweet,” I thought.

But there was nothing sweet or tasty in the refrigerator, and I didn’t want to go to the store, so I started looking for “sweets”, turning through the TV channels on the remote control.

Yes, this is the one CONFECTIONER.



Renat Agzamov


Place of Birth:

Zodiac sign:


pastry chef

Agzamov has many titles, namely:

Champion of Russia in confectionery, prize-winner of the World Championship, member of the Russian Olympic team in confectionery, member of the council of the Guild of Chefs of the Russian Federation.

Impressive, isn't it?

Lots of stars and famous personalities For their celebrations they order cakes from Renat. Here's what the internet says:

Among the clients of the “king of cakes,” as he was more than once called in the media, are the President of Kazakhstan Nursultan Nazarbayev, singer Philip Kirkorov, showman Alexander Revva, daughter of the President of Chechnya Aishat Kadyrova, producer Yana Rudkovskaya, TV presenter Ksenia Borodina and others famous people, as well as corporate clients, including Gazprom, Aeroflot and Lukoil.

Interesting Facts:

Renat's motto: “Never stop there.”

Renat dedicated one of his culinary masterpieces to his wife Valeria. It was a cake that was a fountain of icing and chocolate.

Agzamov’s pride is the “Zwinger Castle” cake, which weighed four tons. This masterpiece adorned wedding celebration, held in the capital banquet hall"Safisa."

I also learned about Renata from the Internet., or to be more precise, from Instagram. Scrolling through the feed, I came across a photograph of the impressive size and beauty of the cake (I, of course, no longer remember what kind of cake it was, and perhaps it was the same castle). And without thinking twice, I found the page of the “king of cakes”, where my eyes and imagination touched perpendicularly and could not separate.


The show Confectioner already has 2 seasons. Unfortunately or fortunately, I didn't watch the first season, but I read reviews on it, where our colleagues speak very, very poorly about it.

Therefore, I decided not to spoil my impression and not watch the first season. Tough and straightforward!)


Renat Agzamov begins the second season cooking show Confectioner! This time, the king of cakes will travel together with the winner of the first season, Olga Vashurina, through the cities of Russia to find the best folk recipe. Anyone can imagine a dessert that would appeal to regular grocery store shoppers. Professionals and amateurs in cake making will compete for 1 million rubles and the title of national confectioner.

Simply put: in the second season of this show Renat is looking for an unusually delicious and magnificent cake, which would appealed to all residents of Russia: from Kamchatka to Kaliningrad, so the cake must be perfect, from taste to price.

And the most important feature of the season is what t The winner's ortik will be sold in all stores in our country(however, which chain of stores is still unknown), so you and I can touch the “Confectioner” show with our taste buds.

Show hosts:

  1. Renat Agzamov (I have already said a little about him).
  2. Olga Vashurina (This girl won the first season and became for Renat the so-called right hand. By the way, the girl is very nice).

  3. Some guest pastry chef.
  4. In search of that same folk confectioner Agzamov and Vashurina travel to various cities of Russia.

    In each city there is a casting, which includes 2 stages:

    First stage

    At the first stage participants come with their own desserts to a room specially equipped for the show, where Renat and Olga select some of the most delicious and beautiful desserts.

    It seems to me, although we are not shown this, that there is also some kind of pre-casting, at which those who will show cakes and pastries to the king of desserts are selected...

    Participants come different: shocking and modest, very young and already elderly, They also bring completely different desserts: multi-tiered cakes and plain pastries made according to grandmother’s recipes and original ones.

    Renat, Olga and a guest pastry chef evaluate all desserts and give a verdict. Of course, the leading role belongs to Agzamov, it is he who decides who passes and who does not, although he always listens to his colleagues.

    I don’t know how it was in the first season, but here our judges quite rightly criticize sweets, if it’s delicious, they admire and shower the participant with many compliments, and if it’s not tasty, they say so directly or even throw the dessert on the floor, even breaking the plate.

    The phrase is very suitable:

    As you are to me, so am I to you.

    All those who came as a show-off, with purchased desserts, with unreasonable aggression, received the same attitude in return. And to those who were sweet and kind, the judges also responded kindly. Although sometimes not everything went according to plan and very strange niggles appeared...

    The second stage, as a rule, took place 5 – 6 people.

    Second phase

    At the second stage participants had to bake your signature dessert in five hours under extreme conditions(one kitchen, and many pastry chefs, so swearing, quarrels, squabbles), and then deliver it to the designated address.

    However, there are some nuances: The judges must try the dessert of the participant who came first to the specified address; the dessert of the last one is not tasted.

    Renat can also reject any dessert except the first one; the cake looks unattractive and he doesn’t want to eat it with his eyes.

    But again the question arises: Is this fair?

    After all, a person can produce extraordinary delicious desserts, but he does it slowly, which means he won’t be able to come first and, despite the taste of the dessert, no one will try it. Or the opposite situation may arise, when a person, without even finishing his dessert, is eager to run in order to stupidly get there first. Unfortunately, both participants were caught. And I noticed, as a rule, those who came first did not make it to the finals.

    If you hurry, you will make people laugh.

    As a result, only one participant makes it to the finals...



a) Renat Agzamov,

b) Olga Vashurina,

c) Arina Zadunayskaya.



The girl got ready and even brought a gift for Renat: a knitted hat. BUT she apparently forgot that the show is not knitted products, but still confectionery products. And... attention... she brought a PURCHASED NAPOLEON, although Olya Vashurina immediately guessed...

Participant quote:

In war, all means are good

What the girl says may be true, but still, honesty has always been valued and is valued!

After the judges' decision, she still argued that she was not given a chance.


She also got ready and performed a dance spanish dance. The girl’s cake was also delicious, and she advanced to the next stage.


He came with his sister Leila, who read the poem very well: “It’s impossible not to talk about Pushkin.” The pastry chef’s dessert had the same name: “Pushkin”.

The cake was a great success.


Evgenia brought makoruns as a folk dessert. Why not?

Renat decided to joke and did a trick on Olga, namely: he gave Olya makorun with red pepper. And in general, the jokes between the judges, oh, just flow...


Natalya is a trainer at gym, so she thinks not only about the taste of the dessert, but also about the calorie content.

Although now there are a lot of trainers who, on the contrary, benefit from their clients being fat in order to train the “fat guys” longer.

All Natalia’s desserts do not contain sugar or any “slag”, this is very cool!

Losing weight is delicious


Well, Dmitry’s eyes...

His dessert...

And, to Olya’s great regret, Renat did not skip this dessert further.


Catherine brought caramel honey cake, gingerbread cookies and roe deer.

Baked figures made from dough. IN currently roe deer are made in the Arkhangelsk and Murmansk regions, as well as in the Urals.

Despite all the unusualness of the desserts, pastry chef Katya was not allowed further.


Nastya is a beginner pastry chef.

Her cake is called “Kubanochka”. It is made entirely from natural local products.

As it turned out, the cake turned out to be incredibly delicious, but the decor, and you can see for yourself, is somehow not exciting.


Tatyana came all the way from Magadan specifically for the casting of the “Confectioner” project.

This is space. This cake belongs in the finals.

No more words are needed, everything is clear.


She studied in France, which actually affected her work.

The name of the cake is “BananoLand” (very Russian).

According to Renat's decision, the cake, despite its deliciousness, cannot be called folk, since it has a typical French taste, which means it will not become the winner of the “People's Competition”.


These are ordinary marshmallows that were not even prepared, but purchased.

But the guy apparently decided that there was a cool pastry chef dozing inside him and came up with a recipe for marshmallows on the fly, although Renat couldn’t be fooled and he quickly saw through the deceiver.


Elena decided to stroke Renat’s pride and prepared a cake with his figure.


In addition to casting Renat in every city I enjoy visiting traditional confectioners, these confectioners are not known throughout the world, but they make exactly FOLK desserts, which taste impressive. From every acquaintance, the king of desserts emphasizes something new and useful for himself.

In Krasnodar, Renat visited a famous home bakery.

They produce very tasty buns here, and the most popular among them are croissants.

During the production process, Renat does not hesitate to ask and learn, because knowledge is never superfluous.


Passed to the second stage 6 participants, but of them V the final will take place only one.

The rules are usual and simple:

a) 5 hours

b) signature dessert

c) must be delivered within the allotted time

d) the dessert of the first person who comes is a must try

e) the last person to come doesn’t try the dessert

The second stage is somewhat “disgusting”, since there is one kitchen for all participants, so not everyone has enough necessary dishes, kitchen appliances, or even just space. That's why the participants begin to behave very disgustingly:they swear, scream, quarrel, set each other up and even fight.

Yes, it all doesn’t look very good, but I can say one thing, the most “loud and uncultured” ones don’t really make it to the finals. And those who work in silence, but take all the necessary kitchen tools on time, calmly advance to the finals.

By the way, in one of the cities, I don’t remember which one, Renat kicked a girl out of the show because of that scandal in the kitchen. This is true!

What is the result in Krasnodar.



In order not to drag on, I will only show those who made it to the semi-finals.



From April 6 to June 29, 2017, the Friday TV channel showed a culinary reality show "Confectioner" with Renat Agzamov. The winner of the first season was Olga Vashurina. In the second season of the show “Confectioner”, the concept changed radically: Renat Agzamov and Olga Vashurina traveled around the country to find the best confectioner with folk recipe cake. The final of Confectioner-2 was shown on May 31, 2018.

Confectioner-2 with Renat Agzamov

Finalists of the show Confectioner-2:

  • Svetlana Arsalia from Novocherkassk
  • Dina Galiakberova from Kazan
  • Irina Kudryavtseva from Novosibirsk
  • Tatyana Lezina from Kaliningrad
  • Ekaterina Nazarenko from Murmansk
  • Veronica Orlova from Serbia
  • Oksana Trofimova from Ryazan
  • Oksana Faizrakhmanova from Yekaterinburg
  • Eldar Khakhokov from Nalchik
  • Tatyana Yakovleva from Nizhny Novgorod
  • Timur Yarmatov from St. Petersburg

The winner of the Confectioner-2 show was Svetlana Arsalia (“Sveta’s mother”), she received a prize of 1,000,000 rubles. Her cake will be launched at Philly Baker under the name "The People's Cake."

Confectioner 12th episode 06/29/2017 FINAL and WHO WON

Day 1. Olga Vashurina, Natalya Bersanova and Nikita Kovalyk flew to Sochi, hometown Renata Agzamova. First of all, they went to celebrate the final on Agzamov's yacht, after which they started sketching for future children's cakes. David Romanovich came with the finalists of the “Confectioner” show to the supermarket so that they could buy ingredients for cakes in 40 minutes. “Green” cakes were made in the confectionery shop where Agzamov began his career. Agzamov gave them personalized brown tunics.

Day 2. The finalists presented their ideas to Agzamov. Nikita wanted to make a cake in the shape of a ship with jam filling. Natalia - carrot cake with cheese coating. Olga - shortbread cake with decor in the form of ice cream cones. Nikita didn't have enough time to prepare the cake design. The finalists studied the place where the event to select the winner of the “Confectioner” show was to take place, and then got to work. Nikita's cake spoiled while working - it melted in the refrigerator. Natalya's biscuit was not baked. Nikita Kovalik left the project.

Zina-Cosmos and Volodya-Albatross returned to the project to help Olga and Natalya. Olga and Natalya brought cakes to children's party. The cakes were presented to the public, cut and served to the children present.

Winner of the show "Confectioner" - Olga Vashurina(woman with a large spot on her forehead).

Confectioner 11 issue 06/22/2017

Day 1. Renat Agzamov talked with the participants of the “Confectioner” show one on one, then gave them a task: to make a copy of the clock from the painting “The Persistence of Memory” by Salvador Dali. Anyone who does not complete the work will leave the project. Natalya and Nikita fenced themselves off from Olga so that no one would spy on the work being done. Participants completed the task ahead of schedule. Agzamov criticized all the work and behavior of the green ones - they did not ask what the clock looked like and did everything intuitively. Agzamov gave them the task of deciding for themselves who would leave the project. As a result, they could not agree and everyone stayed at the Confectioner.

The next test is to decorate the cake blank with figures from the fairy tale “Alice in Wonderland.” The design of the cake is not unique; Renat Agzamov made exactly the same one back in November 2016.

Day 2. The green ones went to the Moscow Zoo to see zebras and giraffes. After the zoo, the greenies were brought to a photo session, where a small leopard was brought in for study. The evening ended with familiarization with the finished sketch of the future cake and the production of the missing decor.

Day 3. The greenies spent the whole night finishing the safari-style cake. After finishing work on the cake, it was loaded onto a truck. To deliver the cake to the event, the Greens were required to wear a black tie dress code. Olga and Nikita went with the cake in a truck, Natalie in a passing car. On site, the green ones had to install a cake in the welcome zone. No one left the project.

Confectioner 10 issue 06/15/2017

Day 1. A new green one has arrived - chef Nikita Kovalyk (he was a participant in one of the episodes of “Revizorro” with Lena Letuchaya). The first task is to make a copy of a chocolate dragon from sugar paste. Nikita's dragon turned out better. The second task is to make a copy of an angel playing the flute. David Romanovich Kezeroti did not like the angels made green. The third task is to complete the design of two cakes. Nikita was given the task of leading Olga and Natalya, but they staged a sabotage and asked for leadership. Natalya and Nikita destroyed all the decor, Olga stained the decor with red velor. Renat Agzamov threw a tantrum, calling the greens “bastards.” The Greens were punished by being forced to clean the workshop.

Day 2. Renat Agzamov and his friends went to the Danilovsky market to buy ingredients for a new cake. Then they went to the Luch restaurant to explore the site where the celebration would take place, for which they would prepare the cake. Natalia cut herself badly with a tape measure. Natalya blamed Olga for everything.

A new task is to make copies of vegetables bought at the market. It also turned out that the green ones gave the wrong measurement data. We decided that they would assemble the cake on the spot. The green ones drew sketches of the cake in three minutes and then discussed them.

Day 3. The morning began with criticism of the greens. Then they went to the Luch restaurant with the parts of the cake and began to assemble it. It was forbidden to light a cake as a flambé in a restaurant. Birthday boy Alexey liked the cake with eggs. No one left the project.

Confectioner 9 issue 06/08/2017

Day 1. Renat Agzamov gave Olga Vashurina and Natalya Bersanova air tickets to Istanbul. Allegedly on the same day they met in Istanbul and went to the Grand Bazaar. There was also a meeting with the customer to discuss the sketch of the future cake. Then the team began making the cake and decor - a caramel mosaic.

Day 2. Happened new meeting with the customer to approve the final sketch of the cake, after which the green ones went to the market for the missing ingredients. Agzamov also gave the girls additional task, which Olga Vashurina handled better. The punishment for Natalya Bersanova is to do some shopping at the market while Agzamov and Vashurina are having fun on the yacht. In the evening, all three met in the kitchen - Natalya brought groceries, and Agzamov checked them against the list. Natalya I bought apricots instead of nectarines. Next, the process of creating the cake began.

Day 3. The Greens delivered the cake piece by piece to the location, and then assembled it themselves. The result was a crooked cake - see below the post on Renat Agzamov’s Instagram. Natalya and Olga remained in the project.

: the time in the episode is 17.00, Natalya says “ Good morning"When meeting with Agzamov. Renat Agzamov criticized Natalya Bersanova for not wearing a hat on her head while working on the cake, although he himself was without a hat from start to finish.

Confectioner 8 issue 06/01/2017

Day 1. New green - Andrey. He was given the task of measuring the height of the doorway in the refrigerator compartment and finding two raw eggs. He couldn't find them in the workshop. Then Renat Agzamov tested the green ones on their knowledge of the basics of confectionery: roll a pastry bag (cornet) from parchment paper, write five letters of the alphabet with whipped cream using a cornet and repeat the decor according to the pattern. During the task, Renat Agzamov sent Andrey home.

Agzamov handed Natalya an envelope with a new task - she was sent to the State Darwin Museum make sketches for a new cake.

Day 2. New green - Nikita. He was given the task of calculating how much toilet paper he spends per month. The joint task is to make a cake for a biker club. Agzamov rejected Natalya’s sketches and gave her a new task - to make copies of chocolate skulls. Nikita coped with the task better. The second task is to make a replica of the humerus out of chocolate. Natalya copied Nikita's work. Agzamov accepted the task and sent the green ones to a master class with pastry chef-sculptor Alexey - they made decor for a biker cake and learned to use an airbrush. In the evening, Agzamov and the Greens met with the customer - the bikers.

Day 3. The morning in the workshop began with a discussion of the events of the previous evening. It turned out that Nikita did not know the correct name of Renata Azamatova-Izomaltova or how to correctly put the emphasis in the word “confectioners,” which drove Agzamov to hysterics. Task: make a chain for the cake. Agzamov called Olga Vashurina. In the afternoon, the Greens delivered a cake for bikers to a biker club. They forgot to take gloves. There were no cake plates at the biker club either, and the greenies went looking for them. At the end of the evening, Agzamov criticized the work of the green ones and invited Olga Vashurina back to the project, and kicked Nikita out.

Editing bloopers (or the work of Renat Agzamov): the decor in the form of a skull was made BEFORE Agzamov discussed this detail of the cake with the customers.

Confectioner 7 issue 05/25/2017

Renat Agzamov makes a cake for Philip Kirkorov

The new “greens” are Natalya and Sergey. They were given the task of going to an exhibition of Philip Kirkorov’s costumes so that they could draw sketches for the future cake. The best sketch was by Sergei - “a man with balls.” The second task is to decorate the cake according to the sketch in 5 minutes. The third task is to make a copy of the cake crown in 40 minutes. Natalya handled the tasks better - she was given a master class on applying gilding to chocolate, and Sergei was forced to wash dishes in the workshop.

On the second day, Agzamov and the Greens arrived at Kremlin Palace to get acquainted with the site and discuss the design and filling of the anniversary cake with Philip Kirkorov. After the meeting, Agzamov gave a new task - to make spare parts for decoration. Natalia did better.

The final day - the cake was brought to the Kremlin Palace and assembled. Sergei left the project because he dared to express dissatisfaction with Agzamov during his participation in the show.

Confectioner 6 issue 05/18/2017

The working day began at 7.45 am. First task: make 8 chocolate stars in 10 minutes. Second task: make decor for the cake - seamless chocolate balls. The “Greens” failed to cope with the tasks and were subjected to severe criticism from Renat Agzamov. Zina's punishment is to clean the stove. For Vova’s recognition of his mistakes, Agzamov gave a master class on cake decorating. Vova did not live up to Agzamov's expectations.

The next day, Agzamov brought the “greens” to Moskvarium. After getting acquainted with the exhibition, Vova and Zina swam with dolphins. Agzamov announced a new task in the evening: to make a cake in honor of the dolphins’ hundredth performance at the Moskvarium. Vova and Zina had to draw sketches of cakes in 20 minutes. Agzamov did not like the sketches. Last task: make a clown fish figurine and corals. Zina did a poor job and left the project. Vova was given one more chance - he needed to deliver the finished cake to Moskvarium.

The next day, Vova made a mistake again and Agzamov introduced a new participant into the project - Natalya. The girl, like other participants, had problems with the multiplication tables. The cake was delivered to Moskvarium and cut. Vladimir left the project. Natalya was given the task of re-learning the multiplication table.

Confectioner 5 issue 05/11/2017

New “greens”: Anna Pavlova and Vladimir. Watch the video from the casting of Anna and Vladimir below:

Renat Agzamov first gave the participants time to get acquainted with the production, and then gave them the task of making decorations for a cake - a Christmas tree made of chocolate. Anya and Vova did not cope with the task at first. After criticism and a brief explanation of the technology, they the beginning of something turn out. Second task: make stones. Agzamov was dissatisfied with the results of both tasks and the “greens” deserved punishment - they washed the 6-meter windows of the confectionery shop. Zina unexpectedly arrived to ask for a second chance, but Renat Agzamov did not take her back. In the evening, Agzamov led the “greens” to the hockey stadium. First they played hockey, then Agzamov announced a new task - they would make a hockey cake for Ilya Kovalchuk.

The next day (April 13) was Renat Agzamov’s birthday. Task: decorate the cake with Christmas trees and stones. Together they sorted out the composition of the dinosaur cakes, after which they returned to the question about the eggs. Anya received a punishment - she cleaned up after David Romanovich in the workshop for applying velor to cakes. Vova was given a master class on modeling skates. Anya messed up - she dumped the water after cleaning into the street. After the debriefing, Agzamov kicked Anna Pavlova out of the “Confectioner” show. Zina came to Agzamov’s birthday celebration again with a gift - a cake. Agzamov’s son liked Zina’s cake and he gave Zina a second chance.

The next day, Agzamov gave the “greens” a new task - to level the cake layers for Ilya Kovalchuk’s cake and make decorations. Agzamov was pleased with the work of Vova and Zina and left both of them in the project.

Confectioner 4 issue 04/27/2017

Day 1. New participant in the show “Confectioner” - Zina. Casting video:

First task: in 5 minutes, make a list of violations in the new confectionery shop at Renat Agzamov’s production site. It turned out that almost everywhere there is no marking on the finished products and semi-finished products. Second task: make chocolate candles with drips in half an hour. Both participants failed the task, and Olga Vashurina ruined new table, leaving scratches on it. Olga's punishment is to wash the floors in the workshop. Zinaida was given a master class - they taught how to make light bulbs from caramel.

Day 2. Tour of Moscow with Renat Agzamov. The three of them came to the Turandot restaurant, where a huge chandelier hung, a copy of which Renat Agzamov and his assistants will make in issue 4. During dinner, the participants were given the task of drawing sketches of the future cake in 15 minutes. A cake in the shape of a chandelier will be prepared for the Gusyatnikoff restaurant. Olga copied the idea of ​​one of Agzamov’s cakes and her sketch was recognized as the best. The task for Olga and Zina is to each make 30 caramel cones for a cake overnight.

Day 3. Zina and Olga were sent to cover the cake with velor, then pack the caramel parts for the cake and look for a car to transport the cake. The cake was damaged during transportation. While assembling the cake, Renat Agzamov forced Olga Vashurina to tell Zina to voice all the shortcomings new member and kicked her out. Zina was praised for her perseverance and character, Olga was criticized for her weak character. Agzamov kicked out both participants.

Confectioner 3 issue 04/20/2017

Day 1. Participants of the show “Confectioner” Olga Vashurina and Ksenia Bodyailo checked into new apartment. Renat Agzamov brought the girls to his laboratory, where he is developing new cakes. He gave tasks to the participants: Ksenia to prepare milk cream up to the third stage of whipping, Olga to prepare it up to the fifth stage of whipping. At first, the girls looked for cream for a long time - there was none in the laboratory. The cream was brought by one of the confectionery factory employees. Ksyusha whipped the cream by hand because Olya did not allow her to use the mixer. Both contestants failed to whip the cream correctly. Second task: prepare cake fillings in 2 hours that will surprise Renat Agzamov. The girls did not make it on time, Renat Agzamov left on business, and left David Romanovich to evaluate the fillings. Ksenia Bodyailo got the best dessert. Punishment for Olga Vashurina: wash the equipment that has accumulated during the day in production - 80 pallets. Reward for Ksenia Bodyylo: a visit to the restaurant and a sweet surprise from Renat Agzamov.

Day 2. David Romanovich gave the participants of the “Confectioner” show an envelope from Renat Agzamov - there were plane tickets to Pyatigorsk. In the evening they called Agzamov on Skype. A potential customer has appeared, you need to surprise him with a wedding cake. Ksenia and Olga prepared sketches of cakes and went to buy ingredients for the cakes. After shopping, they had to go straight to production. The girls were almost an hour late. Assistant pastry chefs Sergei and Dmitry were waiting for them on site. A little later, Renat Agzamov appeared, criticized the cake designs and brought Ksyusha to tears and hysterics.

Day 3. Ksenia’s decor didn’t work out, she decided to do it again. Renat Agzamov met with potential customers - future newlyweds Vlada and Diana. Olga and Ksenia brought out their cakes for tasting. Olga Vashurina's cake made from yoghurt mousse with cherry filling turned out to be unfrozen. Renat Agzamov did not like Ksenia Bodyailo’s mousse cake with caramelized flowers because of the taste of the filling. After the meeting with the customers, Renat Agzamov gave the participants of the “Confectioner” show a debriefing and gave them one last chance - they must show themselves well at the master class in Pyatigorsk as assistants. After all the bullying, Agzamov told Ksyusha that he did not see her as a promising assistant. Ksenia Bodyylo left the show “Confectioner”.

Confectioner 2 issue 04/13/2017

Day 1. Renat Agzamov in the morning gives Evgenia and Olga an envelope with air tickets for the Moscow-Minsk flight. The participants of the show “Confectioner” have 2 hours before departure. At this time, in Moscow, Agzamov continues preparations for the relocation of production, and he monitors the “green” ones using an application on his smartphone. Evgenia and Olga checked into the hotel and Agzamov called them on Skype to inform them of the purpose of their visit - participation in national competition confectionery art “Candybattle”, which took place on March 11-12, 2017 ( see video below, Evgenia and Olga at 1:57 ). Within 24 hours, they need to come up with an idea for a wedding cake, buy groceries and bake it. The girls were returned Cell phones, but only for communication with Agzamov.

Day 2. In the morning, the participants of the “Confectioner” show went to the supermarket to buy ingredients for cakes. They were given one payment card for two. Olga took the initiative into her own hands and was the first to pay for her purchases, leaving Zhenya alone in the supermarket without money. Zhenya bought groceries with her own money. Renat Agzamov organized the “Confectioner” show for the participants workplace and after all the shopping they got to work. Late in the evening Renat Agzamov himself joined them. He discussed the wedding cake designs with the show participants and checked their readiness for the competition. At Olga's he found hair in the cake, at Evgenia's the cake turned out to be too complicated to make in one night. Agzamov called David Romanovich from Moscow for help.

Day 3. Evgenia Rautbart and Olga Vashurina spent the whole night making wedding cakes, without the help of Renat Agzamov. At 8:30 in the morning Agzamov called and gave the address for the delivery of the cakes. They were supposed to arrive at 9 am, but were 15 minutes late. They rented a truck for delivery. Eugenia's cake was criticized for being sloppy. Agzamov gave an additional task to the participants: to prepare 200 liters of whipped cream in 2 hours for Renat Agzamov’s huge wedding cake, which he designed at the master class. All confectioners who participated in Renat Agzamov’s master class were divided into teams. Team 1 made colorful petals from chocolate, team 2 made clear petals from caramel, and team 3 coated a multi-tiered cake with whipped cream. When the cake was ready, Renata Agzamov decided who would leave the project. Evgenia Rautbart left the show “Confectioner”. In addition, Renat Agzamov invited a girl whom he met at a confectionery competition to participate in the show - a certain Ksyusha.

Confectioner 1 episode 04/06/2017

Confectioner Renat Agzamov pulled out two balls from the drum with the numbers of the participants in the first episode of the show “Confectioner” on Friday: 13 and 2. Two women arrived at Renat Agzamov’s confectionery factory - Olga Vashurina (28 years old) and Evgenia Rautbart (29 years old). Video from Evgenia's casting:

Day 1. Renat Agzamov confiscated the participants’ mobile phones and gave them green uniforms. First task: go to the Moscow Zoo and in 20 minutes sketch a Galapagos tortoise for the future cake. Second test: prepare shortbread dough and bake cookies from it. Between tests, confectioner Renat Agzamov met with customers, scolded the accounting department for the shortage and caught Evgenia smoking. A participant in the show “Confectioner” promised to quit smoking. Olga's shortbread turned out better. The prize is an individual master class by Renat Agzamov on making chocolate shoes. Evgeniya's punishment is to break 1000 chicken eggs. The participants of the show “Confectioner” were placed together in the same apartment.

Day 2. Confectioner Renat Agzamov criticized Olga and Evgeniya for their wrinkled uniforms. Task of the day: learn to work with pearlescent caramel for a wedding cake. Evgeniya’s sketch of the turtle turned out better, as she worked out the details. Confectioner Renat Agzamov gave future assistants a modeling paste so that they could make a turtle. Renat caught Olga lying - she said that Evgenia refused to share her tools. Renat Agzamov liked Evgeniya the turtle better. The guards brought into the laboratory where Evgenia and Olga were practicing, a giant confectionery turtle, Elvy, as a decoration for a cake. Evgenia was sent to a master class in sculpture, Olga was sent as punishment to David Romanovich - to sort through 40 kg of walnuts. Olga failed to complete the punishment task and received a scolding from Renat Agzamov. On the second attempt, Olga Vashurina also failed to complete the task. Evgeniya rose to the occasion again and pulled it off better than Alexey, who gave her a master class. The task of Renata Agzamova, participants in the show “Confectioner”, is to bake confectionery products for which they are not ashamed by the morning. The girls baked cakes all evening.

Day 3. Olga’s cake didn’t have time to melt. Zhenya's cake did not suit pastry chef Renat Agzamov. appearance. Despite this, the project participants were involved in working on the cake for the presentation of the film “Aldabra. Journey to a mysterious island”, which took place in October 2016.

From April 6 on the Friday channel there will be another premiere - the culinary reality show "Confectioner" with Renat Agzamov, who, in tandem with Lara Guzeeva and her husband, rocks Channel One on Sundays in "Tili-Tele-Dough". Filming of the program took place last fall, and the casting was announced in March 2017. Interesting arrangement, isn't it?

The essence of the show "Confectioner" with Renat Agzamov is that a famous pastry chef is looking for an assistant whom he can trust in professionally. Agzamov has a drum with balls like in Sportloto, he takes out numbers from there and the participants, supposedly corresponding to the numbers drawn, begin testing at the Fili Baker factory, where the Confectioner works.

During three days of testing, participants must show everything they are capable of. Unlike "TiliTeleTesto", where the show's heroes have to bake something in each episode, in the "Confectioner" show participants show basic skills, but they also have to bake the signature dish. The logic is probably the following: if a person knows how to do dirty work in the shop very well, then he can be entrusted with more responsible work. For winning the challenge (this is a knockout competition between two participants), future assistant Renat Agzamov is awarded a master class, and the loser is forced to sort out nuts, break eggs and all that.

The peculiarity of the show “Confectioner” is that the filming takes place in a real production facility. During breaks between tasks, Renat Agzamov rushes around the confectionery factory like an electric broom and inserts caps into everyone. Ideal employee There is only one at Philly Baker - Renat Agzamov, alpha pastry chef. All the rest are sand from the street that has rolled under the rug.

Renat Agzamov began casting “The Voice” back in “TiliTeleTesto” on First, when he attacked individual participants for not tasting their masterpieces. From the outside it looked terrible. In "Confectioner" the situation is much worse. The “Confectioner” host yells at the participants for approximately 80% of the airtime. The rest of the time he yells at his employees. He literally hit the aunt from the accounting department on the head for the shortage that was revealed computer program, and he forced another accountant to leave the office under the pretext that he did not like her cough. Renat Agzamov seems to not know how to communicate with people NOT in a raised voice. A little step to the side - and the show participants start swearing.

It is very unpleasant to look at “pastry chef” Renat Agzamov in moments of anger. When screaming is the only way employee training is stressful. Well, ok, they get paid and they endure. Why should viewers of the Friday channel have to endure screams, apart from which there is nothing else in this show? The master classes are short, showing only fragments. Self-taught pastry chefs will find more information on YouTube without shouting. The tasks are ridiculous. Hygiene rules are observed depending on the mood of Renat Agzamov. He doesn’t wear a hat and grabs caramel with his hairy hands and at the same time criticizes the participants for their manicures. If I were a potential client of Fili-Baker Premium, I would not order anything from this company after watching the show “Confectioner”. Here I comply with the standards, but here I don’t. I would like to see the health records of the participants before they started testing (there is no clause in the casting form about the mandatory presence of a health record). It would also not hurt to invite the labor inspectorate and migration service to the production - it looks like illegal immigrants are working there + the working environment is tense for a reason.

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Winner Show Confectioner

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The more subscribers, the more people focus around you, the more praises they sing about how cool you are, etc... And if you have a hard time with this matter, and you have fewer subscribers, then you are not a friend at all) .
Is it possible that Corona grows with the number of subscribers 👑??? And all life begins to revolve around this “extraordinarily important number”...
These countless messages in Direct about promotion, everyone is improving their skills in managing Instagram, attracting clients, etc...
Honestly, it’s boiling... The changing course of values ​​scares me... Maybe I’m terribly conservative and no longer join the newfangled stream of eternal giveaways, webinars, master classes...
That's why I stopped all my online training formats. All this threading is killing me. My work is something intimate for me, it is a part of me that is difficult for me to put on the market. And now I only work individually. Maybe someday I'll change my mind and do some streaming masterclasses. But I need to figure out how to convey a piece of myself through the screen...
Until then I'm enjoying real life and real work outside of Instagram.
All the best!

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