Summary of a lesson on a spring topic in the senior group. Description of the painting by Savrasov “The rooks have arrived. Compiling a story based on A. K. Savrasov’s painting “The Rooks Have Arrived” in the preparatory group of a kindergarten

Gulyus Arnautov
Summary of a lesson on speech development. A story based on A. Savrasov’s painting “The Rooks Have Arrived” for children senior group.

Program content: Develop emotional response to spring manifestations of nature,

aesthetic feelings, experiences, the ability to correlate what is seen with the experience of one’s own perception spring nature; promote artistic vision paintings, stimulate her desire carefully consider; continue to learn how to write descriptive essays stories based on landscape paintings; enrich lexicon definitions, activate verbs, synonyms, form figurative speech, ability to understand and select figurative expressions, comparisons, metaphors. Strengthen the ability to form words with the same root.

Materials and equipment: Reproduction paintings A. TO. Savrasova« The Rooks Have Arrived» , reproductions paintings by Russian artists: portrait, still life. Prepare the dough for the buns, finely chop the raisins for the eyes. Aprons, scarves, knife (under the supervision of a teacher)

Methodical techniques:

Artistic word;



Conversation on picture;

Help in compiling story

Model teacher;


Physical exercises;

Vocabulary work:

a) enrichment: rooks, nests, outskirts of the village, transparent, bluish-gray, darkened, loose, pliable;

b) activation: action words, making noise, shouting, repairing, melting, hiding, etc. P: words - definitions: joyful, noisy, old gnarled birch, elastic branches, dim, white stone church, on rook tongue.

Progress of the lesson:


Guys, look at paintings. Which groups can be divided(Landscape, portrait, still life).

Reading a poem by M. Yasnov "ABOUT paintings» .

If you see on in the picture If you see in the picture

A river is drawn, a cup of coffee is on the table.

Or spruce and white frost, Or fruit juice in a large decanter,

or a garden and clouds or a rose in crystal,

or a snowy plain, or a bronze vase,

or a field and a hut, or a pear, or a cake

Necessarily painting Or all items at once

called (scenery). Know what it is (still life).

If you see that with paintings

Someone is looking at you

Or a prince in a cape ancient,

Or like a steeplejack,

Pilot or ballerina,

Or Arthur, your neighbor,

Necessarily painting

Called (portrait).

Guys, today I invite you to the exhibition paintings famous artist Alexey Kondratyevich Savrasova.

But the guides at our exhibition, will you, children and you have to tell guests about one very famous picture. (A reproduction is displayed on the board paintings) . Do you know what it's called? (The Rooks Have Arrived.) (If the children find it difficult, the teacher invites them to come up with

its name paintings.)

In order to become a guide at our exhibition, you need training. Who is a tour guide? (The one who conducts tours of the exhibition, talks about the paintings) Yes, the guide is a person who is interesting talks about the paintings at an exhibition or about exhibits in a museum. But in order for visitors to the exhibition to be interested, the guide must thoroughly study and look at the picture. Look closely at picture, what interesting things did the artist see and depict on his picture? (He depicted a church, trees, birds, rooks) .

What did the artist depict on foreground paintings? (trees, birches).

- Tell us about the trees in the picture, what are they? (The trees are gnarled, big, old, branched, dark below, light above, without leaves).

Who do you see on the birches? (Birds, rooks)

- Tell us about the rooks, what are they? (black, loud, noisy, funny, big-nosed, joyful)

What are they doing? rooks? (they are building, repairing nests, flying, screaming, making noise, fussing about, there is one below the rook found a branch, holds it in its beak)

- Rooks they rejoice at the coming spring, that they have returned to their homeland and their nests. They have a lot of trouble; the nests need to be repaired so that they can hatch the chicks.

Which trees did you choose? rooks for nests? (The rooks chose the old, crooked tree, it is thick, branched, the nests are securely reinforced)

Remember the name of the place where he lives rooks? (Rooker)

- Rooker located on the outskirts of the village. It's quiet, calm, beautiful here. You can see several wooden houses and a white stone church. - What did the artist depict in the distance? (field, meadow, forest, water meadows)

See if there is picture of the sun? (No)

How did you understand? (There are clouds in the sky).

The sun disappeared behind the clouds. It is not yet bright, lazy, slightly visible through the clouds. The clouds are pale yellow. The shadows of birch trees are visible in the snow. The sun will come out and then hide again behind the transparent clouds.

Guys, what can you say about the sky? (The sky is covered with bluish-gray clouds; it is low, sad, cold)

The rays of the sun illuminate the clouds, and it seems that the cloud is about to melt and the sun will brightly illuminate the spring land.

Guys, how do you see the snow? (Heavy, wet, darkened, melted, loose, gray, sad)

What words would you use to end your story about this picture? Soon the snow will completely melt and soft and silky grass will appear. The air smells like spring. The air is clean and fresh. Spring! Well, well, you are quite ready to be tour guides. But before we start the excursion, we will have a lot of rest.

Physical exercise.

A flock of birds flies south

The sky is blue all around. (Children flap their arms like wings)

So that sooner fly in, We must flap our wings. (Children wave their hands more intensely)

The sun is shining in a clear sky, an astronaut is flying in a rocket. (Stretching - arms up)

And below are forests and fields -

The ground spreads out. (Low bend forward, arms move aside)

The birds began to descend, everyone sat down in the clearing.

They have a long way to go

The birds need to rest. (Children sit in a deep squat and sit for a few seconds)

And it's time to hit the road again,

We have a lot to fly. (The children stand up and wave "wings")

Here comes the south. Hooray! Hooray! It's time for us to land. (Children sit at tables)

And now, dear guides, who will tell guests about this wonderful picture? (Three to four children are interviewed) Well done, good tour guides. Our gallery is closing, we look forward to your visit again.

And now I invite you to the table and suggest you make your own from the dough rooks. March 17 according to the folk calendar is Gerasim Day - rookery. On this day, our great-great grandmothers baked birds - rooks and counted that such hot baked goods will bring the onset of warm days closer. So you and I will get down to business and bake rooks.

First let's remember our rules:

Wash the hands;

Put on an apron;

Tuck your hair under a scarf.

Method of preparing buns - rooks. Ready dough roll out "sausages". "Sausages" cut into equal pieces, which are again rolled out into thinner pieces "sausages". We tie the resulting thin sausages into a knot. Thus, the knot itself is a figure rook. Grease a baking sheet with oil and place the knots on the baking sheet. We are already finalizing the blanks on it. Slightly pull back one side of the knot - the bird's head. We insert highlights - eyes. At the bottom of the knot, pull off the dough tail again. We cut the tail with a knife to get feathers. Brush the buns with strongly brewed tea or beaten egg. Leave on the baking sheet for 10-15 minutes.

And then we take it to the kitchen and into the oven. When the buns are ready, common table tea party is held.

Summary of GCD in the senior group on the topic: “Examining the painting by A.K. Savrasov “The rooks have arrived”

“Looking at the painting by A.K. Savrasov “The rooks have arrived”

Integration of educational areas:

“Artistic creativity”, “Cognition”, “Reading” fiction", "Communication", "Artistic creativity" Develop in children artistic perception works of painting. Educational. To learn to understand the content of the landscape, the beauty of nature that the artist depicted. Reinforce the idea of ​​color as a means of expression.
Speech. Encourage them to convey their impressions of the picture in speech and express value judgments.
Developmental. Develop children's creative abilities.
Educational. Cultivate love for native land, careful attitude to nature.

Preliminary work.

Exhibition landscape painting Russian artists.
Listening to the work of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons".
Getting to know proverbs and sayings about nature; signs.
View slides from the “Spring” series.
Acquaintance with the biography of the artist A.K. Savrasova.
A story about Russian national holiday- Day of Gerasim the Rook.
Excursions into nature.


Easel with a reproduction of A. K. Savrasov’s painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”, pointer.
Model of a village hut, Russian National costumes, baked “larks” on sticks.
Player, record with recordings of bird voices, music by P.I. Tchaikovsky “Seasons”: “March”; A. Vivaldi “The Seasons”.

Children in Russian folk costumes under Russian folk melody enter the hall and stand in a circle.


So we've waited for spring! Overwintered! The people have long had a colorful ritual holiday, the day of Gerasim the Rook. It began early in the morning with spring calls. After the long winter cold, with clear, ringing voices, the children invited spring with songs and asked for a good harvest. They played pipes and clay whistles. Baked larks were stuck on poles and ran around the courtyards, inviting spring. Let's call out spring too!
Children read chants.
Spring, red spring!
Come, spring, with joy,
With great mercy:
With tall flax,
With deep roots,
With plenty of bread!

Go, Mother Spring,
Open the gate.
The first of March has come -
The white snow has melted.
And behind it comes April -
Open the window and door.
And the month of May will come -
Invite the sun into the tower!

Lark - duda,
Come and join us here.
We're tired of winter,
I ate all the straw.
Come and visit us
Bring it to us
Summer is warm,
Red spring!

Sandpiper rooks,
Fly from across the sea,
Bring red spring!
The bitter winter has arrived
She walked around the fields and forests.
It's cold, it's chilly,
My arms and legs were chilly,
The white snow shook,
All the warmth was taken away.

Children dance in a round dance “Vesnyanka” to a Russian folk melody arranged by P. I. Tchaikovsky.


Guys, remember and name the signs, sayings, proverbs related to this holiday. Gerasim the Rooker leads the rooks to Rus'.
The rook pecked at the winter.
March is a march.
I saw a rook - welcome spring!
March to February is a side-warming little brother.
Rook on the mountain - spring is in the yard.
March with water, April with grass.
The lark on the thawed patch sings, calls for the red spring, calls.


We called for the red spring, remembered proverbs, sayings, signs about spring and birds. Now let's go outside the outskirts and see if the messengers of spring - the rooks - have flown to us. But before we go, let's remember how to behave in nature. You can't break trees in the forest. In the forest, in a field in a meadow, you should not shout, run, or make noise, so as not to frighten the inhabitants of wildlife.


That's right, guys. The amazing world surrounds us - this is the world of nature. It has many different inhabitants: trees, herbs, insects, birds, animals and flowers. In nature, you have to be careful not to crush or damage its small inhabitants. You need to listen carefully and peer to discover what is beautiful and interesting. It is always near us. Now we can go for a walk in nature.
Children approach the picture.


Look, what kind of birds are these? Rooks.


That's right, these are rooks. Listen, what do you hear?
Includes a record of bird voices. The hubbub of birds, the noise of tree branches swaying by the wind, the creaking of their trunks.


I also heard these sounds when I saw this picture. It was written by Russian landscape artist A.K. Savrasov. Let's look at the landscape.
- Do you like the picture?
- What exactly do you like about her?
- What time of year did A. Savrasov depict?
- By what signs can we say that spring is approaching?
- Why are bird tracks in the snow so clearly visible?
-Where are the birches? Describe them.
- Why are the branches on birch trees bare?
- We don’t see the artist, we don’t hear his voice, but how did he tell us about the beauty of nature? (Brush and paints)
- What colors predominate in the picture?
- What is written in blue? (Which is gray, which is brown?)
- What would you call the picture?
- How does this picture make you feel?
- What do you want to do while looking at her? (I really want to get into birch grove, breathe in the smell of melted snow and earth, stand quietly and watch the efforts of the restless heralds of spring)


See amazing world nature, its beauty, artists help us. Remember and tell us about the pictures of nature that we observed in our city.
Stories from 2-3 children.


These corners of nature gave us a lot of joy. We experienced the same joy when looking at Savrasov’s painting and as if we heard his words: “Look, admire how beautiful our nature is!” So that we can always admire the beauty of the forest, meadow, pond, river, nature must be preserved and protected. And the artist calls not only to admire nature, but also says, conveying its beauty: “Love and take care of it!” I think we will follow his advice.
Now I'll swing with a magic wand and you will become artists. Draw what you consider characteristic of this time of year. I invite you to our art workshop.
Children draw to music.
When the work is dry, they independently assign it to the red (those who believe that their work is done neatly and deserves to be included in the exhibition) and green (those who have flaws in the work) flags.


You have done a good job and now you can design the exhibition.
Children, together with the teacher, select and place drawings for the exhibition.

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution
general developmental kindergarten with priority implementation of the intellectual direction of development of pupils
No. 197 Chelyabinsk"
directly educational activities
in the preparatory school group
Examining a reproduction of A. K. Savrasov’s painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”

teacher of the highest category
Konkova Elena Gennadievna
Chelyabinsk, 2015

1. Type of activity: Examination of a reproduction of A. K. Savrasov’s painting “The Rooks Have Arrived”
2. Program content: Teach an artistic vision of the landscape,
stimulate the desire to examine it carefully.
Continue learning the ability to see the artist’s intention, to correlate the content of the picture with the means of expression that he used. Enrich children's speech with emotional and aesthetic terms.
Nurture the manifestation of an emotional response to the spring manifestations of nature; aesthetic feelings and experiences.
3. Preparatory work: Excursion to the school garden; observing spring changes in nature; poetry reading; looking at illustrations, listening to the music of P. I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”, spring.
4. Progress of the lesson:
Children sit in front of an easel with a closed picture.
Children, guess the riddle: The snowball is melting, the meadow has come to life,
The day comes, when does it happen?
And this one:
A warm south wind blows,
The sun is shining brighter.
The snow is thinning, getting wet, melting,
The loud rook flies in.
What month? Who will know?
And listen to how the poet Alexey Nikolaevich Pleshcheev wrote about spring: The snow is already melting, streams are flowing,
There was a breath of spring through the window...
The nightingales will soon whistle
And the forest will be dressed in leaves! Pure heavenly azure,
The sun became warmer and brighter,
It's time for evil blizzards and storms
It's been a long time again...
In nature, after a long winter, awakening comes slowly.
The snow lies on the fields for a long time, the trees grow stiff in the wind. This year, spring can’t defeat winter in any way. Just recently we were in the school garden and saw that nature was still sleeping, snow covered the ground.
And suddenly everything was filled with a light thrill of life, the joyful hubbub of birds. The sun is shining brighter, its rays have become gentle, warm, and everyone around is happy about it. The snow is melting, thawed patches have appeared, the trees are shaking, freeing themselves from winter sleep. The birds became happier, they heard the sparrows chirping loudly and cheerfully. Did you feel how light the air became, how it smelled like spring? This is the smell of melting snow, the bark of trees heated by the sun, the smell of a warm spring breeze.
Tell me, which migratory birds are the first to return to us? That’s right, these are rooks, they also say about them that they bring spring on their wings.
The artist Aleksey Kondratyevich Savrasov observed such a picture on the outskirts of a Russian village. He also rejoiced at spring, the arrival of the first spring birds - rooks. And he wrote a picture about it, which he called “The Rooks Have Arrived.”
Let us also admire this picture, look at it carefully. You can come closer to see everything.
(give time to look at the picture)
What interesting thing did the artist see? (Rooks flew to the birch trees). Why did the flock fly to these birch trees? (rooks' nests have been preserved here). What are the birds going to do (repair their old nests). Why did you think so (the rook below picked up a twig and is now taking it to the nest).
How many rooks and large rook nests. It seems to me that I even hear the hubbub of rooks, there are a lot of birds, they are all screaming, hovering, everyone is busy with their own business, everyone is fussing, filling the surroundings with an incessant hubbub.
Soon little chicks will appear in the nests: rooks. The poet Vladimir Musatov wrote the following poem about this time: In the spring, a village was built on the trees.
As the wind starts, the trees all sway.
The trees sway and the village sways.
And hundreds of voices in concern for the chicks
They take off over the village.
The trees are swaying, the village is swaying.
The rooks wouldn't blow away.
They scream, they scream...
The noisy village is noisy, dropping feathers.
This is how the poet interestingly called the bird colony “Screaming Village”
Now look what trees the rooks chose. Tell us about them. Describe the birch tree in the center. (old, clumsy, with a split stump) Look, there are young birch trees nearby. What are they like (slender, tall, young). It seems that their bare branches came to life, became warmer, perked up and stretched upward, towards the sun.
Why do you think the rooks chose this place for their nests?
Yes, it’s calm here, it’s the outskirts of a small village. What do we see in the background of the picture? (fence, several low wooden houses and a white stone old church). And even further away there are fields, with snow still lying here and there. And then the endless distances of plains and forests.
Tell us about the snow. (darkened, became loose, gray, sagging).
Is there any sunshine? As you guessed (it is slightly visible through the clouds; the puddle has melted, there are shadows from the birch trees.)
What can you say about the sky? What is it like? (covered with bluish-gray clouds, but transparent, light)
Transparent, fresh spring air can be felt in the high, gently blue clouds, in the dim light of the sun, and in the cold blue shadows on the melted snow.
Everything is extremely modest and simple. The picture contains both sadness and joy, smile and reflection; The longer you look at the picture, the more you become imbued with love for truly Russian nature.
I’ll turn on the music now, and you think, what would you call this picture? “Morning” by E. Grieg sounds.
After finishing - What did you hear and feel in the music?
Is this in the picture? Yes, I also heard the joy of the awakening of nature, the trembling feeling of anticipation of the sun, warmth, spring and a slight sadness over the passing winter.
So what would you call the painting?

Summary of a drawing lesson in preparatory group"The Rooks Have Arrived"

Kravchenko Nadezhda Nikolaevna, teacher of MKDOU Buturlinovsky kindergarten No. 7, Buturlinovka Voronezh region

Description:This summary of direct educational activities will be useful to teachers of the preparatory group. This is a summary of a drawing lesson aimed at developing creativity children and raising a love for the nature of their native land

Target: Development of children's creative abilities

Introduce the painting “The Rooks Have Arrived” by artist A.K. Savrasov. Learn to transfer on paper characteristic features spring, make a light sketch with a simple pencil, harmoniously arrange the plot on a sheet of paper
Develop observation skills and a sense of composition.
To cultivate an aesthetic perception of the world around us, a love for the nature of our native land.

Progress of the lesson:

The teacher plays an audio recording of rook noise.
Educator: Guys, what kind of bird calls do we hear? Guess the riddle:

Everyone migratory birds the rabble
Cleans arable land from worms
Jump back and forth across the arable land
And the bird's name is... (rook)

Educator: What is the name of the place where rooks live? (rooker)

Educator: What trees do rooks live on?
Children: On old trees with thick branches
Educator: What do rooks build their nests from?
Children: From twigs and sticks
Educator: Guys, can we call rooks our friends?
Children: Yes, rooks eat insects and destroy pests.

The cry of some rooks is unbearable;
But I love him, on the contrary
I've been used to rooks since childhood

Feel like listening to them
Friends native land mine,
They, like me, are here in the summer - at home,
Incomprehensible without rooks
Country of oaks and black soil.
A. Zhemchuzhnikov

Educator: Guys, what kind of birds are rooks?
Children: Migratory
Educator: And if the rooks have arrived, what time of year has it arrived?
Children: Spring

Let the thawed patches darken,
The sun's rays hid
Did you see today
The rooks have arrived to us!
Amazing birds -
They've arrived, they're making nests,
Like hats on trees
The houses of the rooks are growing.
Enchanted guys
They look at the guests of spring.
Nature wakes up
We are happy about the changes!
O. Kostina

Educator: Rooks indeed amazing birds and with the arrival of the rooks, proverbs and sayings developed among the people. Which of them do you know?
-I saw a rook - welcome spring
- Rook on the mountain - spring is in the yard

Educator: Many poems have been written by poets about rooks. And today we will get acquainted with the painting “The Rooks Have Arrived” by landscape artist A.K. Savrasov

- Look at the picture. Before us is a modest rural landscape. In the foreground, the artist depicted a row of old crooked birches, and on their bare branches there are rooks’ nests. And in the distance you can see a log fence, and behind it rises a rural church. The artist depicted the spring sky with tenderness - blue clouds.
- Guys, what colors did the artist use to paint the picture?
- What is written in blue? gray? brown?
- What is the brightest thing in the picture?
- What mood does the artist convey?

Somehow in early spring
At the edge of the forest
(stand in a circle)
A flock of birds appeared:
Not starlings or tits,
(run on their toes, slightly raising their arms bent at the elbows)
And the huge rooks
Nights of the black mob
They scattered along the edge of the forest
Jump-jump, crack-crack!
(run to different directions)
There's a bug, there's a worm
(lean forward, down)

Educator: And now, guys, I suggest you become artists and draw the arrival of rooks in our city.
Independent work children
Children draw. Music by P.I. plays. Tchaikovsky "April" from the piano cycle "The Seasons"

Bottom line. Exhibition of children's works. Children choose the most successful works, tell why they liked them and why?

Educator: Well done, guys. You tried your best today and in your drawings it is clear that the rooks have arrived, and with them nature wakes up and comes to life.

Artistic creativity: introduction to art in the senior group

Examination of a reproduction of a painting by A.K. Savrasov “The rooks have arrived.”

Target: development of abilities to perceive works of fine art.

Tasks: Introduce children to the works of A.K. Savrasova. Teach children to understand the main idea of ​​the work, deepen the impressions associated with the arrival of spring. To learn to see the visual means that the artist uses to convey his impressions and feelings (composition, perspective, combination of colors and their subtle transitions, color). Learn to select a palette of colors to match the color scheme of reproductions of paintings. Create an emotional mood through poetic rhyme. To form aesthetic feelings from the perception of works of art. Cultivate interest in painting and your own aesthetic judgments.

Preliminary work:

· Conversations about spring and its periods, its signs.

· Observing changes in nature while walking

· Looking at trees in a corner of the forest kindergarten

· Looking at reproductions of paintings by famous artists about early spring

· Drawing “Willow branches in a vase”, “Tender snowdrops”

· Memorizing poems about spring, reading works, singing songs

· Listening to the works of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Seasons"

· Examination of a reproduction of I.I. Levitan’s painting “March”

Equipment and materials:

ü Reproductions of paintings: Levitan I.I. “March”, Savrasov A.K. "The Rooks Have Arrived"

ü Record player, musical composition P.I. Tchaikovsky "March"

ü Projector, screen

ü Presentation of paintings: portrait of A.K. Savrasova, I.I. Levitan; and their reproductions of paintings about spring “March”, “The Rooks have Arrived”


Children enter music hall to the music of P.I. Tchaikovsky "Lark" from the cycle "Seasons"

The teacher reads a poem by Alexei Pleshcheev “The snow is already melting...”
The snow is already melting, the streams are flowing,
There was a breath of spring through the window...
The nightingales will soon whistle,
And the forest will be dressed in leaves!
Pure heavenly azure,
The sun became warmer and brighter,
It's time for evil blizzards and storms
It's been a long time again...

IN. - What did I read the poem about? (about spring). People have long loved spring and called it “spring is red.” Poets wrote poems about spring, composers wrote music, and artists depicted it in their paintings. And each artist saw it differently.

IN. –We have already examined one of these paintings. Did you recognize her? What is it called?

D. - "March"

IN. - And who painted it?

D – Isaac Levitan

IN. - Well done! Let's admire her again. (Showing a reproduction of I.I. Levitan’s painting “March”), and Ksyusha will read for us Irina Tokmakova’s poem “Spring”:

Spring is coming to us
With quick steps,

And the snowdrifts are melting

Under her feet.

Black thawed patches

Visible in the fields.

That's right, very warm

Spring has legs.

IN. - Now let’s play the game “Tour Guide”. Let's talk about this picture. And Denis and Rita will now turn into tour guides.

A slide with a painting by I.I. appears on the screen. Levitan "March"

IN . – Tell us about the composition of the picture. What is shown in this picture.

D . – In the foreground, the artist painted a road, a house with an ajar door. A horse harnessed to a sleigh stands near the house, basking in the sun. A little further away there are trees illuminated by the sun. In the background Pine forest and birch trees.

IN . – What can you say about the beauty of the picture?

D . – the artist painted with both cold and warm colors. For the path he chose a yellowish-brown color, warm. The same warm color is home. Even green color pine trees are also warm. There are also cool colors in the picture. This is a bright blue sky, blue, purple shadows from trees and gray-blue snow.

IN . - What's the weather like? The mood of the picture?

D . – Bright sunny day. It's warm like spring. The picture is joyful, sunny and bright, it is full of air and freshness.

IN . – You make wonderful tour guides! Spring does not stand still. What happens next in nature?

D - Birds are flying in, buds are blooming on the trees...

IN . - Let's see how another artist was able to convey this moment of spring in his painting, and now I will also turn into a tour guide, I will introduce you to the work of the artist A.K. Savrasov and his painting.

Show a slide with a portrait of the artist

Alexey Kondratievich Savrasov is an artist, an outstanding landscape painter. Born in Moscow, he loved Russian nature in all seasons and already as a teenager painted landscape pictures for sale. Then he entered art school, painted a lot of paintings and all of them were dedicated to native nature. Many years later he visited England and Switzerland, painted landscapes of those countries, but Russian nature remained his favorite. Returning to his homeland, he painted one of his famous paintings, “The Rooks Have Arrived,” which we will now get to know.

Slide show with his paintings

IN . – Here is a painting by A.K. Savrasov “The rooks have arrived.” The artist depicted in his work early spring. White-trunked birches lined up in a row. On their bare branches there are many rooks’ nests, around which the owners of this bird “village” fuss, deafening the surroundings with an incessant hubbub.

In the background, behind a log fence, among ordinary rural buildings, rises the bell tower of an old church, and further, right up to the forest, a narrow ribbon stretches across fields darkened by stale snow.

Transparent, fresh spring air is felt in the high soft blue clouds, and in the bluish strip of forest on the horizon, and in the dim light of the sun, which painted pink the peeling plaster of the bell tower, the log fence, and in the cold blue shadows on the melted snow. The buds on the birch trees are swelling, the blue ice-free pond is glistening, and the tracks of rooks are clearly visible in the snow.

A light spring breeze slightly deflects the smoke flowing from the chimney of a low hut. Here and there a bright blue spring sky peeks through the clouds.

The artist used in the painting color scheme, combining grayish-brown tones with white and blue. And in this combination of colors, in every detail of the picture, the soul of a connoisseur of Russian nature was revealed. We can say that he described spring in such a way that we not only hear the hubbub of rooks, but also feel movement, renewal and the smell of spring.

IN . – Now let’s check how carefully you listened to me. Tell me, what time of year is shown in the picture?

D . – The painting depicts spring.

IN . - Why did you decide so?

D . - Because the snow is already darker and the rooks have arrived.

IN . – What is depicted in the center of the picture?

D . – In the center of the picture there are birch trees with nests and rooks.

IN . -Where do the rooks sit?

D. – The rooks are sitting on the largest birch tree.

IN . – What do they care about when they return to us from warm lands?

D . – To build nests and raise chicks.

IN . – How did the artist manage to convey movement in the painting?

D . - Birds are flying….

IN . – What would you call this picture?

Children's answers

IN. - Well done! But Dasha even knows a poem about rooks, which is called “Rooks”

IN. – I want to invite you to play a little more. Artists painted pictures, here they are in front of you, spreading paints on a palette. Let's try to choose color palettes to match the paintings of these artists.

Children take palettes and place them near the paintings

IN . - Why did you decide so?

D . - Because this palette has the same colors as in this painting.

IN. - You did great! And this is where our lesson ends.

The notes were compiled by the teacher visual arts, first qualification category Shpak Olga Vyacheslavovna

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