Summary of a drawing lesson in a mixed-age group on the topic: “Funny Snowmen.” Summary of a lesson in a mixed-age group on non-traditional drawing in the second junior and middle groups

Tasks: strengthen drawing skills in older children unconventional technology- scratching, for younger ones - to consolidate the skills of stamping with a stencil

2.Develop creative imagination, fantasy.

3. To instill in children a sense of compassion, mutual assistance, respect for each other, and a desire to do good to people.



MKDOU d/s No. 18 village. Demarino


ECD on non-traditional drawing techniques in the mixed-age group “Spring is coming - make way for spring”

Prepared by: teacher

Ashikhmina Marina Alexandrovna


Target: Formation of children's artistic taste, development of creative potential.


1. to strengthen in older children the skills of drawing in a non-traditional technique - scratching, in younger children - to consolidate the skills of stamping with a stencil

2.Develop creative imagination and fantasy.

3. To instill in children a sense of compassion, mutual assistance, respect for each other, and a desire to do good to people.

Material: white paper, base podgrattazh, pen with used rod, gouache white, green, snowdrop stencil, pencil with a sponge at the end

Preliminary work:observing beauty in nature spring landscape, conversations about seasonal changes in living and inanimate nature, memorizing poems about nature, looking at paintings on the theme “Spring”, “Primroses”, “March”, selection of musical accompaniment.

Activities:productive, cognitive, communicative, motor

Children's age: mixed age group (3 – 7 years)

Priority area:Artistic and aesthetic development

In integration: cognitive development, speech development

Progress of the lesson:

Speech game “Hello! ”

Hello, golden sun! Place your palms on top of each other, fingers to the sides - “sun”

Hello, Blue Sky! Raise your palms up, arms straight - “sky”

Hello, free Veterok! Shaking with raised arms

Hello, little Oak! Hands down

Hello, Morning! Perform a soft hand gesture to the right

Hello Day! Perform a soft hand gesture to the left

We say hello, press our hands to our chests

Don't be lazy! They spread their arms to the sides.

Educator: How nice, how joyful it is to greet everyone:

And now they looked at each other and smiled.

We sit down on the chairs.

There's a knock on the door. Spring is coming.
- Hello guys, do you recognize me?


I'll tell you, let's watch a fairy tale about me.


Well, guys, have you already guessed who came to us?

Yes it's spring

That's right, today we'll talk about spring. People have long loved spring. People called it “spring-red.” Poets wrote poems about spring. All nature wakes up in spring, after the winter cold. What words can you use to describe it? What's spring like? (tender, warm, fabulous, extraordinary, early,magical) Which of you can remember and read us poems about spring?

All the snowstorms have died down,

And the frosts don't crack.

Drops dripped from the roofs,

And the icicles hang in a row.

More fun and warmer

The days of March have begun.

In our garden in the alleys

The thawed patches are already visible.

The tit tinks loudly

Near our window...

Real spring! Sasha Novikov

What does spring smell like? Guys, name the signs of spring (children take turns naming)

- The most noticeable sign of the onset of spring in inanimate nature is the melting of snow.

What does Sasha K want to tell us?

Proverb: Water flowed from the mountains and brought spring.

The ice begins to melt. Ice drift begins on the rivers.

The ice is coming. The ice is coming

The people came ashore

Watches the river play
Misha breaks the ice into pieces

The buds are swelling on the trees

Here's a tiny leaf
Surrounded by fat people kidney .
The very first one, he is in intelligence,
He sits on the bottom branch:
- It's okay, brothers!
You can bloom! Varya N

- Birds return from warm countries and build nests.

Proverb: Rook on the mountain - spring is in the yard

I saw a starling, you know it’s spring on the porch. Andrey

The first spring flowers appear.

Snowdrop came running
In the March forest,
Snowdrop looked in
Into a clear stream.
And when I saw myself,
He shouted: “Here you go!”
I didn't even notice
That spring has come." Alena

- Listen to the riddle:

I open my buds
In green leaves.
I dress the trees

I water the crops.
Full of movement

My name is …


The first to get out of the earth
On a thawed patch
He is not afraid of frost
Even if it's small.

Now let's check if we found the answer correctly. And for this we need to collect a picture.


Spring, but why are you so sad and sad?

It took me so long to get to you, through forests, through fields, through snowdrifts. Evil winter doesn’t want to go away and leave my domain

- Let's help drive away spring cold winter with the help of our drawings, only they will not be simple, but magical... But first, let’s stretch our arms and legs.


Now let's go to the magic workshop,

The younger kids will sit at this table and work with stencils. And the older guys will work at easels. You will scratch the drawing with a pen with a used rod. This method is called grattage. You will have to make some effort to scratch the drawing. We will draw flowers - primroses. These are snowdrops. (guys, who knows why they are called that). We need to draw beautifully and accurately

so that the drawing turns out beautiful and Winter likes it

Music from Tchaikovsky's album "Spring"

Final part:

The younger guys finish drawing, we take their work and take it to the stand where the clearing is depicted. We glue our snowdrops and discuss their work. Who liked what work?

I like this snowdrop because it is beautiful and snow-white. Then the younger guys go to wash their hands

At this time, the older guys finish work and we go play with them.

Come on, guys, let's play with you (older children)

The game “Name it kindly” is played (using a medium ball - a hedgehog).

Target: improvement grammatical structure(formation of nouns with diminutive suffixes)

Flower - flower

The sun is the sun

Leaf - leaf

Puddle - puddle

Icicle - icicle

Tree - sapling

Drop - drop

cloud - cloud

Stream - trickle

Grass - grass

Thawed patch - thawed patch

Bird - bird

Now let's take our work to the clearing, I think Winter will like our work.

Guys, let's admire our works. Who can tell me how the older guys drew? (gratazh) And the younger ones? (with stencils). Sasha, please tell me whose work you liked more? why this one?

(in the picture I like how the delicate flower peeks out from under the white snow)

What kind of work did you like Veronica? Why?

- (The sun illuminated the fragile beauty of the flower, warmed the Earth and opened the way for Spring)

Spring is coming

Thank you, guys, for helping me drive the evil Winter from my possessions. I also have magic snowdrop gifts for you. You need to decorate their houses with Goodbye.

Guys I want to ask you. We did a good deed today. What? (helped spring drive away winter)

Summary of GCD for students senior group By educational field « Artistic creativity"(use of non-traditional drawing techniques) using ICT.

Tasks. Form ideas about changes in nature that occur in spring, consolidate knowledge about the signs of spring. Develop drawing skills using non-traditional techniques. Teach children a new unconventional drawing technique - drawing with foam rubber. Develop fine motor skills hands, imagination, fantasy. Expand lexicon children on the theme "Spring".

Integration of educational areas.“Artistic creativity”, “Music”, “Cognition”, “Socialization”, “Communication”.

Materials, tools, equipment.Multimedia presentation “Spring has come”, audio recording “Voices of Birds”. Sheets of paper prepared in advance by the teacher with white drawings oil pastels snowdrops. Watercolor paints, foam sponges, xerox paper flowers, a basin of water.

Preliminary work.Reading works about spring, learning poems, proverbs, sayings on the topic. Examination of paintings from the “Seasons” series.

Educator: Hello guys! Tell me, what are the signs of spring? How do we recognize that spring has arrived? (children's answers). Right! Birds are arriving, the snow is melting, the sun is warming up, and the first flowers are appearing. What primroses do you know? (lilies of the valley, snowdrops, crocuses). Yes! You named everything correctly! Today we will talk about snowdrops! After all, these are the very flowers that are one of the symbols of spring! Now we will watch the presentation with you and find out more details about it spring flower. (View presentation, attached in a clip)

Types of children's activities: gaming, communicative, musical and artistic, educational, productive.

Preliminary work:

1. Reading poems about spring: “Spring Forest” by V. Stepanov, “Admire, Spring is Coming” by I. Nikitin, “Spring” by E. Karganov, “Snowdrops” by T. Belozerov; stories “Spring is Red” by I. Sokolov - Mikitov, “Four Seasons” by K. Ushinsky.

2. Learning the poems “Snowdrop” by I. Emelyanov, “Snowdrops” by T. Belozerov.

3. Watching a cartoon based on S. Marshak’s fairy tale “Twelve Months”, slides about spring.

4. Conversations, looking at illustrations about spring, observing nature.

5. Audition musical works P.I. Tchaikovsky “The Seasons”.

6. Drawing on the themes: “Primroses”, “Spring is red”.

7. Preparation of material for work.

The teacher asks the children a riddle:

The snow is melting,

The meadow came to life.

The day is coming

When does this happen?


In the spring!


That's right, as you already guessed, today we will talk about spring. People have long loved spring. People called it “spring-red.” Poets wrote poems about spring. How many of you can remember and read us poems about spring?

All the snowstorms have died down,

And the frosts don't crack.

Drops dripped from the roofs,

And the icicles hang in a row.

More fun and warmer

The days of March have begun.

In our garden in the alleys

The thawed patches are already visible.

The tit tinks loudly

Near our window...

Soon there will be a knock on our door

Real spring!

Vos. :

Now let's remember and name the signs of spring.

(The sun is high, shining brighter, the day is getting longer, drops are ringing, the snow is turning black and melting.)

Vos. : Well done. You know many signs of spring.

If all the snow melts, what will we see under the snow?

Children: Earth.

Vos. : What will the land be like when freed from the snow?

Children: Black, wet.

Oh, trouble! Oh trouble!

The snow is melting, there is water all around

You won’t put on felt boots,

On snow…. (thawed patches)

Glad it's spring, brother Sashka

And the dog is happy Zhulka

In the heat, from our roof

In the morning it drips... (icicle)

Snow in the forest, a lot of snowdrifts

But you can hear the tits trill

From the roof straight onto the road

It's dripping loudly... (drops)


Playful icicles sat on the cornice.

Look down at the playful icicles.

We sat. Things to do?

Drops began to fall.

The ringing goes on all day long:

Drip-drip, ding-dong! (icicles)

What does spring smell like? Signs of spring (children take turns naming)

1) The main sign of spring in inanimate nature is that the sun rises much higher above the horizon than in winter.

2) It shines brighter and warms more and more every day. The days are getting longer.

3) The most noticeable sign of the onset of spring in inanimate nature is the melting of snow.

4) The ice begins to melt. Ice drift begins on the rivers.

5) When rivers and lakes overflow with water from melted snow, water fills meadows, forests, and fields along the river. This is called high water.

6) The soil thaws from the spring heat. A lot of moisture accumulates in it. Plants really need this moisture.

7) In spring it rains, not snow. The first thunderstorm is not far away.

We have proverbs and sayings about spring written on the board, but they are all mixed up, we must compose them correctly.

Spring is red and summer is miserable.

Spring is red with flowers, autumn with sheaves.

In spring, a bucket of water is a spoonful of dirt; In autumn, a spoonful of water is a bucket of dirt.

In the spring it wets for a day, and dries for an hour.

Dry March and wet May make good bread.

April is with water, and May is with grass.

Outdoor game “Sun and Birds”.

The teacher raises the sun, the children are like birds, frolicking, running, chirping. The sun is hiding, the children - the birds - are crouching and becoming quiet.

Educator: In spring it becomes warm, the sun warms, the grass turns green.

The first spring flowers appear. What are their names? (Snowdrops).

Physical education minute.

Let's play with you, I will throw a ball to you and name the seasons, in response you will name the months of this time of year or its signs.

Winter is sweeping - (child) January is coming.

In the spring of drops - (Child) brought April

Summer, heat - it's time for August.

The autumn rain is coming - September is a promise to visit us.

Winter begins first - everyone calls it January.

Methods and techniques:

conversation, artistic word, riddles, turning children into artists.

Analysis. - Let's put our snowdrops in the clearing, stand around them in a circle and admire them together with the bird. (Music sounds)

That's right, in the spring. Let's tell you what else happens in spring. Start your answer with the word “spring”...

In spring... the sun shines brightly.

In spring the snow melts.

In spring thawed patches appear.

In spring, puddles appear.

Buds swell in spring

Birds arrive in spring.

In spring grass appears.

In spring the first flowers appear: snowdrops.

The teacher invites the children to look at a selection of photographs, paintings, and illustrations depicting snowdrops.

Q: What flowers are these? Describe them.

D: Delicate, beautiful, first, fragile, extraordinary, early, spring

Guys, we need to help spring defeat winter, but we also need to not offend winter.

you need to go into the forest and find a solution there. It’s still cold in our forest, and in order not to freeze we need to get dressed. What will we wear? (imitation of dressing)

If only we could draw snowy Christmas trees, maybe winter will like our work and give way to spring? Let's try? What can you draw on in the forest?

Guys, did you like drawing? I think winter will also enjoy it and give way to spring. Do you guys like winter? Why do you like her? (sledding, skating, skiing, building a snowman, playing snowballs...)

Let's wake up spring and help drive away the cold winter with the help of our drawings, only they will not be simple, but magical... Let's go with you to the magic workshop, sit down at the magic tables on which lies something unusual...

Game “Name it kindly”

The sun is the sun

Grass -

Thaw –

Streams –

Wind -

Birds -

Flowers -

Spring: Hello children, it took me so long to get to you, through forests, through fields, through snowdrifts. Evil Winter has bewitched me and my possessions. I forgot the names of all the flowers that bloom in spring.

Educator: Now it’s clear why the snow doesn’t melt outside and the flowers don’t bloom.

Spring: Can you help me remember the names of flowers?

Children: We will definitely help.

Signs of spring

No matter how long the winter may seem, spring will still come. By what signs can one determine that the kingdom of winter is ending, and spring is becoming the full-fledged mistress of nature?

In the valleys, along the slopes, in the hot sun, the first thawed patches appeared. It is the appearance of thawed patches that signifies the beginning of spring in nature. They play on settling, loose snow Sun rays. There is still a lot of snow, but it is already gray and loose. In sunny places, the snow mass melts rapidly.

Streams are babbling. The blue of the sky in the first month of spring is amazing, and the first cumulus clouds attract the eye. The spring sun is joyful, it warms your face and hands. The days have become longer and the nights shorter.

The forest is awakening. Externally, the trees seem to look like winter, but this is not so. The roots are slowly beginning to absorb moisture, life-giving juices are rising to the top, the buds are beginning to fill up, and the tree as a whole looks not bare, but slightly shaggy.

What other signs are characteristic of spring? Sounding drops, the appearance of icicles, warm steam rising from the drying earth, melodic songs of birds. Wagtails are the first to celebrate spring. It is this bird that “brings” spring on its tail. And after her - white-nosed rooks and starlings. Buntings, tits, sparrows, woodpeckers - each does its own work in the spring. It sings, beats a drum (this is, of course, a woodpecker), builds a nest, and dresses up, like a bunting, in a yellowish outfit.

The happiest period of life is childhood, happy time year - spring. She has many signs, you just need to look closely.

Educator: Well done, you guessed all the riddles. Children, who knows the proverbs about spring?

Children say proverbs:

Rook on the mountain - spring is in the yard.

Winter scares spring, but it itself melts.

Spring is red with flowers and autumn with pies

Work hard in the spring and you will be well-fed in the winter.

February is heavy with snowstorms, and March is heavy with rain.

Fertilize the land more, the harvest will be higher.

The ice is coming, the ice is coming!
A long line
Third day straight
Ice floes float by.

Ice floes are moving in a crowd
In fear and anxiety,
Like a herd for slaughter
They drive along the road.

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Beginning of the form

Read us in:

End of form


Spring has come to the dacha again.
The sun is rejoicing. The day has grown.
And only the icicles cry,
Regretting the winter and frost.

G. Novitskaya


“Ding-ding-ding,” the drops sing.
“La-la-la,” the starling sings.
Ding-la-la! In fact:
The end of winter has come!

V. Stepanov


Snowdrop next to the pine tree
Looks at the sky - light, gentle
What snowflakes are petals!
Don't reach out to him -
Suddenly the petals melt!..

Ivan Emelyanov


Sparrow ruffled
Alive and healthy
And unharmed.
Catches the March
With every feather

V. Orlov

Scattered winter

They're still standing around
The trees are bare,
And drops from the roof
They're dripping funny.

Winter somewhere
Ran away in panic
And very bad
Turned on the taps.

In the clearing, by the path
Blades of grass are breaking through.
A stream runs from the hillock.
And there is snow under the tree.

Zakhoder B.

Buds swell in spring

In the spring the buds swelled,
And the leaves hatched.
Look at the maple branches:
How many green noses!

T. Dmitriev

If the snow is melting everywhere

If the snow is melting everywhere,
The day is getting longer
If everything turns green
And a stream rings in the fields,
If the wind gets warmer,
If the birds can't sleep,
If the sun shines brighter,
This means spring has come to us.

E. Karganova


Waking up from sleep,
Spring with a soft brush
Draws buds on the branches
In the fields there are chains of rooks,
Above the revived foliage -
The first stroke of a thunderstorm,
And in the shade of the transparent garden -
Lilac bush near the fence.

Victor Lunin

The sun whispers

The sun whispers to a leaf:
- Don’t be shy, my dear!
And takes it from the kidney
For a green forelock

Vladimir Orlov

Spring months

Near spring fun start -
March is on the threshold.
The drops are ringing merrily -
April is already rushing towards us.
May is quickly catching up with them,
He greets everyone with flowers.
Full of light and joy
All three months of spring.

Elena Erato


It's frost
Those puddles are blue,
It's a blizzard
Those are sunny days.
On the hills
Snow spots
Hiding from the sun
In the shadow.
Above the ground-
goose chain,
On the ground -
The stream woke up
And winter shows
Naughty, green

V. Orlov

Spring singers

Spring has a cheerful start -
March is already on the threshold,
Sky blue river,
The ships in it are clouds,
The starlings sing together like this,
They are spring singers,
And everything blooms around -
Spring is walking across the earth.

Elena Erato

To mom

I'll plant a sprout in a pot,
I'll put it on the window.
Hurry, sprout,
Open the flower -
I really, really need him.

The winds will rush outside the window
With a snowy winter,
But it will be higher
Every day:
Grow my flower!

When according to the calendar
The time of spring will come,
Eighth of March
I'll give my mother my flower!

Vera Shugraeva

Gift for mom

I love my mother.
I'll give her a gift.
I made the gift myself
From paper with paints.
I'll give it to my mom
Hugging tenderly.

Olga Chusovitina


All winter
White snow
And in March I took
And turned black.
Turned black with frustration
What people
The sun is welcome!

Mikhail Sadovsky

In April

The first sunny day

The spring breeze is blowing.

The sparrows had fun

In these warm hours,

And the icicles shed tears

And they hung their noses.

V. Orlov

In the April forest

It's nice in the forest in April:
Smells like leafy leaves,
Different birds sing,
They build nests in trees;
Lungwort in the clearings
He strives to go out to the sun,
Morels between the herbs
Raise the caps;
The buds of the branches swell,
The leaves are breaking through,
Start to ant
Fix your palaces.



The Swallow flew away
Far away...
Come back, Swallow!
It's April.
Come back, Swallow!
Not alone:
Let it be with you, Swallow,
Spring is coming!

Boris Zakhoder

In the meadow

The forests in the distance are more visible,
Blue skies
More noticeable and blacker
There is a stripe on the arable land,
And children's sounds are louder
Voices above the meadow.
Spring is passing by
But where is she herself?
Chu, a clear voice is heard,
Isn't this spring?
No, it's loud, subtle
A wave gurgles in the stream...

A. Blok

Admire spring is coming

Look, spring is coming,
Cranes fly in a caravan.
The day is drowning in bright gold,
And the streams rustle through the ravines...
Soon you will have guests,
Look how many nests they will build!
What sounds, what songs will flow
Day after day from dawn to dusk!

I. S. Nikitin

Victory Day

What is Victory Day?
This is the morning parade:
Tanks and missiles are coming,
A line of soldiers is marching.

What is Victory Day?
This is a festive fireworks display:
Fireworks fly into the sky
Scattering here and there.

What is Victory Day?
These are songs at the table,
These are speeches and conversations,
This is my grandfather's album.

These are fruits and sweets,
These are the smells of spring...
What is Victory Day?
This means no war.

A. A. Usachev

Spring color

Spring is just around the corner!
After the bitter cold of winter
Wakes up from sleep
All nature. Even puddles
The ice won't cover overnight
The sun drives winter away!
The kidneys swell with juice,
And green leaves
Soon in the breeze
They'll play! In the meantime
Colors of the sun by the river
The lights have appeared!
All! The frost is over!
Mimosas are blooming!

Abstract classes mixed age groups.

Educational field: "Creativity".

Section: "Drawing".

Subject: " Merry Snowmen».

Purpose of the lesson:

Know: 2nd junior, middle group.

What time of year does it snow, what color is the snow, call the season winter, that you can play games with snow, make snowballs and a snowman. In winter, sledding downhill, skiing, skating (middle group). Know what shape the Snowman is, how to sculpt it. Know what color snow to call. Be able to:

2nd junior group: draw a circle (large and small), hold the brush correctly in your hands and pick up paint, carefully paint over it without going beyond the outline of the circle. Bring the product to the desired image using felt-tip pens.

Middle group: draw a circle correctly, hold the brush in your hand above the metal tip with three fingers, carefully pick up white paint onto the bristles of the brush, and squeeze out the excess on the edge of the jar. Create an image using felt-tip pens, add your own elements to the image and drawing.


Teach children to work in a team and not to interfere with each other, but to help. Foster independence, creativity, perseverance, accuracy. Develop your imagination and love of drawing. Cultivate positive emotions from the work performed.

Move classes:

Motivational - incentive:

The teacher uses a playful technique: he reports that a bunny has come to visit. He offers to show him how we can play and practice. The teacher tells the children that his friend came with the bunny, but who will help him guess the magic snowflake?

(Children show interest and listen carefully to the riddle).

The teacher asks a riddle:

I wasn't raised

Made from snow,

Instead of a nose cleverly.

Inserted a carrot

Eyes are coals.

Lips are bitches

Cold, big

Who am i?

The children guess the riddle in unison, Snowman answers.

Organizationally- search:

The teacher suggests drawing a snowman, but so that he doesn’t melt, put him next to him magic snowflake and listen to the snowman's story.

I was a sad snowman.

And he looked sad

I still haven’t found any friends,

And that's why I was sad.

But one day I went

Visit in kindergarten came in.

The teacher offers to look at it and asks the question: What type of snowman does it look like?

The children answer: he is sad, sad.

Why is he sad?

The children answer: he has no friends.

The teacher offers to help the snowman find friends, but first consider him and asks questions:

What shape is it?

Children answer: The snowman is round, a big “lump of snow”, show with their hands the size of the “lump of snow”, then a smaller “lump of snow”.

The teacher offers the children junior group draw circular movements in the air with your index finger, the shape of a circle, each “lump of snow”, large and small.

What colour?

Children of the younger group answer: snowman white.

The teacher clarifies what parts the snowman consists of, offers to show each detail and reinforce the name with group repetition

Children answer: the head is a small circle and the large circle is the body.

The teacher offers to remember what else the snowman has and helps the children with answers.

Children answer (middle group): there is a bucket on the head, a carrot on the face, eyes and mouth, and a broom stands next to it.

Offers to start drawing friends for the snowman at their workplaces.

Reminds you how to hold the brush correctly right hand with three fingers and carefully pick up white paint, squeezing the excess on the edge of the jar.

Children listen and observe the actions of the teacher, following his instructions. The teacher asks: “Where do we start doing the work?”

Children (middle group) answer: “First, draw a large circle - the body, and paint it over, and then a small one - the head.

The teacher pays attention to the seat at the table. During the drawing process, if necessary, conducts an individual demonstration. Offers to play a game while the paint dries.

He invites the children to the carpet and has a physical education session.

Physical education minute: « Let's warm it up pens».

My hands are frozen. How can you warm them up? We rub our hands vigorously.

Children answer: blow on them, rub them together, put on mittens.

The teacher offers to go to their places to complete their work. Children in the middle group work independently; the teacher reminds them of the technique of painting round shapes. To complete and obtain the desired image, the teacher suggests drawing additional parts (bucket, eyes, nose, mouth) with a felt-tip pen.

Children in the middle group finish drawing a broom next to the snowman.

The children finish their work.

Reflexive - corrective:

The teacher sums up the lesson, hangs the work on the board, and invites them to consider it. Children evaluate their work and their comrades, and are happy with what happened. The snowman thanks the children for drawing him such beautiful snowman friends. The teacher notes different variants snowmen designs, and different moods. Encourages children's desire to make a beautiful, neat drawing done independently.

KSU "Pervomaiskaya Secondary School".

Drawing lesson notes

in a mixed age group.

Topic: "Funny Snowmen."

Educator: Galenko E.R.


Synopsis of direct educational activities
in the educational field "Cognition"
(familiarization with the surrounding world)
in a mixed age group (4-6 years old)
Topic: "Air".

Goal: to develop cognitive activity in the process of experimentation; expand knowledge about air.

- generalize and clarify previously acquired knowledge about the properties of air;
— introduce the properties and methods of detecting air;

— develop skills in conducting experiments;
- expand and activate children’s vocabulary;
— develop the ability to independently draw conclusions based on practical experience;

— cultivate caution when working with water.

Materials: bowls, plastic cups, candles, glass cup, liter jar, pebbles, bricks, pictures for children's stories.

1.Organizational moment
Warm-up to the music of S. and E. Zheleznov (track No. 18 “Worms”)
Circle of greetings and Have a good mood.
Educator: Let's say hello to our guests. And now we will say hello to each other, passing a candle to each other.

2. Progress of the lesson:

Educator : - Today I have prepared a surprise for you. It is inside this ball. - Put your palms up (the air is released from the balloon), what kind of surprise is this? What do you think this is?
Children: Air.

Educator : Yes, it's air. Only we couldn't hold him. And why?
Children: It's undetectable.

Educator : You can’t hold it with your hands, but you can catch it with a plastic bag.

Educator : Children, take a bag and fill it with air, then twist the bag so that it does not come out. (Children blow into the bag and twist it)
What's inside the package?
Children : Air

Will educate . What colour is he?
Children: It is transparent and has no color.
Educate What is his weight?
Children : Easy.

Will educate . Do you think the air has a smell?
Children: No smell
Educate Let's check it out. Release the air from the bags and smell whether it smells or not.
Children: The air doesn't smell like anything.

Parsley appears from behind the screen.

Parsley : Hi guys! What are you doing that’s so interesting?
Children. We are doing experiments with air.
Parsley: I also like to do different experiments. What did you learn
Children: We learned that the air is transparent, light and has no smell.
Parsley : And I also like to solve riddles, I’m a master at this, whatever they say, I can guess everything. Riddle me riddles about the air.

1. It is unknown where he lives,
It swoops down and bends the trees.
He whistles and the river trembles,
You're a mischief maker, but you won't stop.

2. No arms, no legs,
And he opens the gate.

3. He ran along the meadow path -
The poppies nodded their heads.
Running along the blue river -
The river became pockmarked.

4. Breaks branches -
It raises dust.
Can you hear him
But you don’t see him.

Educator: Parsley, would you like to learn more about air with us?
Parsley: Yes, of course, I really want to.
Educator: But first we'll play. Repeat the movements after me.

The wind gently shakes everyone.
Tilts left and right.
One tilt, two tilt -
He spun us around with his top.
The wind died down and silence
It's time to calm down.
We raise our hands to the top.
We inhale and exhale.
Quietly we lower our hands.

Educator: Guys, let's tell Petrushka what else we know about air.
Masha N Air is an amazing shell around our Earth. If there was no air, all living things would perish in the scorching rays of the Sun during the day, and at night from the cold.
Denis Wind is the movement of air. It drives cold air to the south, warm air to the north, disperses clouds or collects them into rain clouds. Without air, the Earth would be a dead desert.
Nastya Os. There is no air in space, so astronauts stock up on air from Earth.

Vanya M Air is necessary for all creatures on Earth to breathe and live.
Masha M. We inhale air with oxygen, and exhale with carbon dioxide. Plants, on the contrary, inhale carbon dioxide through their leaves and exhale the oxygen that we breathe. They purify the air.
Nastya K. The wind helps plants: it blows dust off the leaves and carries plant seeds throughout the Earth. Air is inanimate nature, but it is closely related to living nature. (Drawings are shown)

Educator: I now propose to conduct an experiment to see if this is true:
-Can you see air?
-if there is air in the stones,
-in which vessels will the candle burn longer?
First, let's remember the rules for safely conducting experiments.
- We do not touch the objects in question, do not put them in our mouths,
without obtaining permission from an adult.
- Maintain cleanliness and order in your workplace.
- Stand or sit at a distance from the observed object.

Go to your tables and start the experiment, after finishing the work we will approach each table and listen to your conclusions. And you Petrushka can choose any experimental table.

Conducting experiments in subgroups.

Subgroup 1: “Is it possible to see air?” In front of each child on the table there is one bowl of drinking water and a plastic cup. Children dip into a bowl of water a plastic cup and slowly tilt it so that bubbles come out. Make observations. What appears in the water? Where did the bubbles come from?

2Subgroup: “There is air in bricks and stones.” On the table there is a large bowl of water and pebbles with bricks according to the number of children. Children take pebbles and bricks and lower them into the water. Make observations. What comes out of stones and bricks? What does this mean?

3Subgroup: “In which vessels will a candle burn longer?” There are two candles, a glass and a liter jar on the table. The teacher lights the candles, and two of the children cover the candles with vessels. Make observations. What happens to a candle flame? Why did one candle burn longer than the other?

After the experiments
Educator: And now I propose to approach the experimental tables one by one. Let's start with the first table. What have you learned?
Children: Air bubbles can be seen in the water.
Children: Bubbles come out of stones and bricks, which means they contain air.
Children: The candle burned out longer under the jar than under the glass, because there is more air in the jar.

Educator: Guys, our experimentation has come to an end. I would like to ask our guest, Petrushka, what did you like?
Parsley: I liked the experiments and how you talked about air. I learned a lot of interesting things. And now it’s time for me to go to my friends and tell them what I learned from you today.
What did you guys like? (children's answers)
Thanks everyone for your work! Goodbye!

Title: Abstract of NOD “Air”
Nomination: Kindergarten, Lesson notes, ECD, development of ideas about the world around us and about ourselves, Mixed age (4-6 years) group

Position: teacher of the highest qualification category
Place of work: MADOU kindergarten No. 83 “Sunflowers”
Location: Odintsovo city, Moscow region

Our kindergarten is attended by children from 3 to 7 years old, they are included in one mixed-age group.

Tasks for the younger-middle subgroup: Give children an idea of ​​the birds that live in their native land. Exercise children in carefully coloring a picture without going beyond the contours. Strengthen the ability to use a brush, dilute paints with water. To develop children's perseverance and aesthetic perception of living nature. Cultivate attentiveness and love for native land.

Tasks for the senior preparatory subgroup: Give children an idea of ​​the birds that live in their native land, as well as the characteristics of a swan, as a bird listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus. Teach children to depict a swan using large and small ovals. Strengthen children's knowledge about geometric figure oval. To develop in children perseverance, attentiveness, the ability to highlight the main thing, aesthetic perception of living nature. Cultivate love for one's native land, careful attitude to nature, as well as the animals and birds that live in it.

Methodical techniques:

The teacher's story, artistic expression, questions, search questions, the use of visual material, the teacher's demonstration of image techniques.

Preliminary work:

Observation of swans during an excursion to the lake. Reading a fairy tale by H.H. Andersen " Ugly duck" Looking at illustrations of wintering and migratory birds. Didactic games“Wild and domestic birds”, “The fourth wheel”, “It flies - it doesn’t fly.”

Materials: blue A4 paper, watercolor paints, brushes, a jar of water, simple pencils, illustrations of birds, napkins, stands for brushes.

Progress of the lesson.

1. Conversation about the native land.

Playback - Guys, please tell me the answer to this question: what is the name of the village in which we live?

Children. - Kandrykul.

Playback - What is next to our village? Big, beautiful, blue?

Children - Lake!

2. Conversation about swans.

Playback - That's right, children. What birds have you seen on our lake?

Children. - Ducks, geese, swans, seagulls.

Playback - Right. You can also see birds such as black-headed gulls and sand martins. A rare duck, the shelduck, nests on the lake, and mute swans, which are listed in the Red Book of the Republic of Belarus (showing illustrations), also come to us. The Red Book is a book where birds, animals, insects, and plants are recorded that must be protected and cannot be killed.

3. Practical work.

Look at the picture of a swan with your children.

Playback - Today we will draw a swan in class. Look, this is a beautiful, proud and majestic bird. The swan's body is covered with feathers, and there is down under the feathers. Long beautiful neck, bright red beak. A swan can fly and swim. Swans are larger than geese and ducks.

Place a piece of paper in front of you. Juniors and middle-aged, look, you have already drawn a beautiful swan, you need to carefully color it. What color are the swans swimming in our lake?

Children. - White.

Playback - That's right, now take your brushes, dip them in water and take white paint. Show me the white paint. Now start decorating the swan. Be very careful. (Children, with the help of an assistant teacher, color the swan)

And the older ones need to work harder. There are figures on your table. What are these figures?

Children. - Ovals. Small and big.

Playback - Right. From the large oval we will make the body, and from the small oval we will make the head of a swan. (Display on the board) Now take a large oval, place it in the middle of the paper, maybe lower, and circle the oval with a simple pencil. Then take a small oval, leave room for the neck, and the swan has a long one, and also outline it with a simple pencil. All you have to do is draw a neck that looks like a question mark, a tail and wings in a wavy motion. Then draw waves below.

Next, the children work independently, coloring the swans. At this time, I check the children’s posture, whether they are holding their brushes correctly, especially the younger-middle group, whether they are sitting correctly, and help those who have difficulty.


Swans are flying.

Swans fly, flapping their wings, (rise up on your toes, smooth movements hands)

Bent over the water (bend back, foot on toe, hands on waist)

They shake their heads. (shaking head)

They know how to stand straight and proud, (half squat, hands on waist)

They land on the water very silently. (squat down, hands insides)

White swans flew, flew, (rise, arms up, wave your arms)

And they sat down on the water. (squat down, arms to the sides)

We sat down and sat down, (sit down, stand up)

We flew again. (arms up, sides down)

Playback - Juniors, show me your work. What beautiful swans you have turned out to be. Well done! Now go play.

After physical training, the juniors and intermediates, upon completion of their work, get up, wash their hands, dry themselves and go off to play.

The elders continue to draw.

5. Reflection:

Playback - Look how beautiful our swans turned out.

Conversation with children.

What birds fly to our lake?

Which bird that flies to Lake Kandykul is listed in the Red Book?

What is the Red Book?

Well done boys! We worked very well together. Now let's go wash our hands so they are clean.

Used materials:

Program objectives of the lesson:

- middle subgroup- to form the ability to artistic perception works of art; develop imagination and independence when used in drawing expressive means; develop a cognitive attitude towards environment;

- senior subgroup- generalize children’s ideas about winter phenomena, forest life, and the culture of behavior in the forest; develop the ability to create three-dimensional picture using various materials; enrich the pupils' vocabulary; improve the ability to use in speech Various types proposals; cultivate neatness.

Material and equipment: a magic wand, sheets of white paper for the game, a basket, a Lesovichka-artist costume, Christmas trees for decorating a clearing, paper snowflakes, colored pencils, wax crayons, paints, brushes, jars of water, tinted sheets of A4 paper according to the number of children, crushed eggshell, cotton wool, semolina, rice, glue, napkins, pre-rolled paper tubes (for tree trunks), reproductions of paintings: “Winter” by I. Shishkin, “Winter Landscape” by I. Grabar, “ Winter's Tale"D. Aleksandrova, photographic materials about winter, audio recordings: "The Winter's Tale" by L. Vakhrusheva, "The Magic Melody" by Y. Leshchenko, "Für Elise" by L. Beethoven, "Winter" by A. Vivaldi, "The Seasons" by P. Tchaikovsky.

Preliminary work: learning poems, listening to music on a winter theme, observing winter phenomena in nature, looking at reproductions of paintings about winter.

Progress of the lesson

Educator (V.). It's nice to see your kind, gentle eyes and smiles that lift your spirits. Guys, I suggest you listen to the song.

The song “Winter's Tale” by L. Vakhrusheva is playing.

IN. What is this song about? (Children's answers.) How did you know it was winter? (Children's answers.) Do you want to visit a winter fairy forest? (Yes.) A magic wand will help us get into it. (Shows the children a magic wand.) But even in such a forest it is necessary to follow the rules of friends of nature. Let's remember them. (Do not break branches. Do not cut down trees. Do not make noise. Do not light fires. Do not leave behind garbage. Do not damage the bark of trees.) I see you are ready for a forest journey. Close your eyes.

“Magic Melody” by Ya. Leshchenko sounds.

The teacher says magic words, waves with a magic wand, and the children find themselves in a snowy clearing.

IN. Here we are in the winter fairy forest. Guys, look how many snowflakes are under your feet. Let's collect them.

Game "Winter words"

Children take a snowflake, approach the teacher, make up the correct combination with the words: “winter” (for the middle subgroup); “winter”, “winter” (for the older subgroup) and put it in the basket.

Enter Lesovichok the artist.

Lesovichok is an artist. Hello!

IN. We want to see a winter fairy forest.

Lesovichok is an artist. I will show you my forest only after you play with me. We will play like this: I make riddles - you guess them.

Game "Forest Winter"

The house is open on all sides.

It is covered with a carved roof.

Come into the green house -

You will see miracles in it! (Forest.)

V. Fetisov

What kind of girl is this?

Not a seamstress, not a craftswoman,

She doesn’t sew anything herself,

And in needles all year round. (Fur tree, pine tree.)

They scattered along the edge of the forest

Girlfriends in white dresses. (Birches.)

He is fluffy, silver,

But don't touch him with your hand:

It will become a little bit clean,

How can you catch it in the palm of your hand? (Snow.)

Not snow and not ice,

And he removes trees with silver. (Frost.)

I'm walking in the field

I fly free

I'm spinning, I'm muttering,

I don't want to know anything. (Blizzard.)

The blizzard has a friend

Call this friend... (snowstorm).

White flakes are flying from the sky -

In our forest... (snowfall).

Silvery and light

Fairytale winter

What kind of miracle moths are they?

Are they circling above you? (Snowflakes.)

V. Yurchenko

IN. Lesovichok-artist, the guys guessed your riddles. Can we come in now?

Lesovichok is an artist. Yes, well done! I invite you to my forest. I depicted him in paintings.

To the music of L. Beethoven’s “Für Elise,” children admire reproductions of paintings by I. Shishkin “Winter,” I. Grabar “Winter Landscape,” D. Alexandrov “Winter’s Tale,” and photographic materials about winter. The teacher asks the children questions: did you like the pictures? What did you like most? What season of the year did Lesovichok the artist depict? What do all the paintings have in common?

IN. Listen to poems about winter.

Bewitched by the invisible

The forest slumbers under the fairy tale of sleep.

Like a white scarf

The pine tree has tied up.

S. Yesenin

Which painting can these lines be attributed to? Why did you decide so? (Children's answers.)

White birch

Below my window

Covered with snow

Exactly silver.

On fluffy branches

Snow border,

The leaves have blossomed

White fringe.

S. Yesenin

IN. What picture does this poem fit into? (Children's answers.) Lesovich-artist, now we will teach you how to make snowballs out of paper.

A physical education session is held to the music of A. Vivaldi “Winter”. Children crumple snowballs from paper and throw them into a basket.

IN. Guys, a blizzard is about to hit. It's time for us to get ready for the journey before the path is completely covered up. Let's thank Lesovich the artist and say goodbye to him. Close your eyes.

magic wand

One two Three -

Take us back to kindergarten.

So we're back. Where have we been? (Children's answers.) Let's also make an exhibition of paintings in the group winter forest. What is needed for that? (Children's answers.) We turn into magical artists and depict a winter forest. Let each of you select the necessary material for it.

Children select materials for future work.

IN. Guys, tell me, how can you depict a forest using these materials?

Children of the older subgroup. The tree trunk can be made from a tube, or you can draw it. We will depict snow on the trees using cotton wool, egg shells, and wads of napkins. Let's draw the snowdrifts with rice and semolina. The sky and clouds are like shells.

Children of the older subgroup are encouraged to take everything they need for work. With children in the middle subgroup, the teacher repeats the rules for using glue, paints, and scissors. For their work, tubes, cotton wool, napkins, and shells are offered.

Perform work under musical accompaniment“Seasons” by P. Tchaikovsky. The teacher provides individual assistance.

At the end of the lesson, the drawings are hung in a pre-prepared place.

IN. Well done guys, everyone did their best! We have a real picture gallery of a winter forest. Now tell us about your forest, and the drawings will help you.

The teacher and the children recall lines from poems about winter.

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