Who wears a cross. How to and how not to handle a pectoral cross

A pectoral cross is not only a symbol of commitment to the Christian faith, but also a personal amulet of its owner. There are many rules and taboos associated with this attribute. Many prohibitions are just superstitions that have arisen among the people, and the church categorically does not approve of them. But there are also many very important moments that every sincere believer should know.

So which prohibitions are real, and which are just superstitions - the answers of the priest.

Let's say right away that a pectoral cross, which is given to a person during the Sacrament of Baptism, and ordinary decorative crosses are two different things. Decorative jewelry does not carry any spiritual load and is not a protection for the one who wears it. In order for the cross to become a talisman, it must be consecrated in the church.

Is it possible to wear a pectoral cross on a chain, and not on a lace

Yes, of course you can! It is the cross itself that is the amulet, and in what way it will be attached to the neck - the church does not set any requirements. This is a personal matter for everyone. The most important thing is that he does not get lost. At the same time, the danger of breaking the chain is higher than that of a strong silk lace.

Is it possible to wear a pectoral cross over clothes

No you can not. That is why it is called wearable. This is a personal thing, a symbol of faith, and it is not worthwhile to flaunt it.

Is it possible to give a cross or change it

Yes, a cross can be presented not only by godparents, relatives, but also by other people. The main thing is to consecrate it correctly. It is also permissible to exchange pectoral crosses - there is even such an old custom: those people who do this become brothers and sisters in Christ (similarly, like godparents to godchildren).

Is it possible to pick up and take the found cross

This is the real superstition. In principle, someone else's pectoral cross cannot bear any problems and threats - this is a shrine. But you don't have to wear it. It is better to take it to the temple or place it near the icon for storage.

Is it possible to wear someone else's pectoral cross

It is possible if this is a gift from a loved one - and it is consecrated in the church. Superstitions about other people's energy and problems have no basis and are considered heresy.

Taboo on a cross with a crucifix

There is no such ecclesiastical ban. The crucifix is ​​the main symbol of Christianity - the sacrifice of Christ, which guarantees salvation. Such a cross must necessarily be crucifixed outward, and not towards the body.

Is it possible to wear an unconsecrated cross

You can, but only as a decorative attribute. But this is wrong from the point of view of faith - this is not entertainment, but a very serious thing. Regardless of what the cross is made of - wood, metal, gold, donated or bought in a jewelry store, it is better to consecrate it and wear it correctly.


Every baptized person wears a cross with the image of Christ on his chest. This is not an ornament, not a badge of distinction, it is a symbol of faith. The cross that a person receives at baptism must be worn all his life. Taking it off is not recommended. The cross does not interfere with going to the gym, swimming in the pool or visiting the bath. In pre-revolutionary Russia, there were special wooden crosses in the bathhouse, which were given out to people going to the steam room. It was believed that a person is not fit to remain defenseless.

What is the difference between the Orthodox cross and the Catholic

It would seem, what difference does it make, the cross is the cross. On the cross Jesus, the difference is only in the details. But, these details radically change everything. On the Orthodox cross there are always the words "Save and save." The Savior himself seems to lie on top of the cross, with his arms he is open to everyone who addresses him. The figure exudes peace and majesty. God loves us, he protects us, he is in everyone who wears his cross on his chest. The pectoral cross is a silent prayer for help. Wearing it, we pray to the Lord, even when we do not say the words of prayer.

The Catholic cross depicts the suffering of man, but not of God. He is very naturalistic. A wreath of thorns, a man nailed to a cross, immeasurable suffering.

How and what kind of cross to wear

You can wear any cross that is consecrated in the church. If you really want to, you can wear a large and richly decorated cross. If you do not consider it as an ornament, as an occasion to demonstrate your wealth and importance, as an attempt to decorate yourself and outshine your neighbor. The cross is a symbol of faith, it is valuable in itself, regardless of whether it is gold or wooden. You can wear a cross both on a ribbon and on a chain. But, it is not good to expose your cross for show. That's what it's called - underwear. It is worn under clothing. Only priests wear a cross over their clothes, although they also have their own pectoral cross, which they do not put on public display.

The Church considers as prejudice the widespread opinion that one should not wear someone else's cross, one should not pick up a cross on the street, one should not lose it. Any priest will tell you that the cross should simply be consecrated, no matter what origin it is. And, if the cross is lost, then you need to buy a new one, consecrate and wear it further. No wonder there used to be a custom to exchange crosses. Such people became brothers. Carry your cross, it will certainly help you in difficult times.

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Medallions, scapulars, bracelets with the image of saints - what you will not find in some church shops! How to treat them? Is it possible to wear? Can a cross be an ornament? What to do if earrings in the form of crosses are in fashion? Answered by Archpriest Nikolai Markovsky, rector of the Pokrovsky Church of the village. Zaitsevo.

We must understand that the cross is a symbol of our salvation. We know perfectly well that in ancient times among the Romans it was an instrument of shameful execution, on which criminals of the lowest class were crucified. After Christ atoned for our sins at Calvary, the cross became a banner of victory over death and a shrine for every Christian. It is impossible to replace it with anything - no icons, medallions, amulets.

If a person wants to wear a medallion with the image of a saint - please. Each of us has a heavenly patron. Many people honor Spiridon of Trimifuntsky, Nicholas the Wonderworker, Seraphim of Sarov and other saints. It is impossible to replace a pectoral cross with such an image, but you can wear them together. The cross is irreplaceable, everything else is just an addition to it.

Many people perceive a cross or a medallion with an icon not as a shrine, but as decoration. They are chosen accordingly: in some stores or jewelry stores, based on their aesthetic preferences. They are worn, respectively, over clothes, for show. This is also unacceptable. The cross is very personal. Each of us carries his own cross - the one that is around his neck, and the one that the Lord laid at baptism. When it is put outside, and it turns into an ordinary decoration, this is already a sin. The cross must be worn modestly, under clothing, not to brag about its wealth. The same applies to scapulars and incense.

Some women of fashion wear earrings and other jewelry in the form of crosses. I think this is unacceptable. In the Gospel we read that the Lord carried His cross to Golgotha, He was crucified on it, he absorbed the Blood of God. Images of the cross are sacred for every Christian. When they are worn in the ears, noses, and so on, this is already sacrilege, which requires immediate repentance. For example, let's imagine the banner of the times of the Great Patriotic War, stained with the blood of the soldiers who went on the attack, carried it with them, died under it. Would anyone think of using it as a rug or decoration? Everyone understands that this is a shrine for the warriors who survived that battle. And the cross is a shrine for all Orthodox. Wearing it in some indecent places is unacceptable.

I may be asked: what about athletes who go in for contact sports? During training, they remove the cross, as it can be damaged. I will answer: it is allowed to remove the cross and put it in your pocket. It happens that before an operation or some medical examinations, doctors ask to remove the cross - I myself recently was in such a situation. The doctors were believers, so they offered to put a cross on my hand, which I did. Here is another case: a direct necessity, from which there is no escape.

Does a cross have to be with a crucifix?

Of course, it is highly desirable that the cross be a cross - with the crucifixion of our Lord Jesus Christ. If it is not there - for example, it was presented or baptized with such once - I do not think that this is fundamentally important. The main thing is to treat it like a shrine, to understand what you wear on yourself.

The cross should be a cross, and to those who look at it, it should be clear that this is exactly a cross - not a pendant, not a toy, not a hairpin. The Lord said: “Whoever is ashamed of me and my words, the Son of Man will be ashamed of him when he comes in his glory and the Father and the holy angels”(Luke 9:26). If you are an Orthodox Christian, go to church, take communion - how can you be ashamed of your cross? A Christian is devoted to Christ, does not betray Him. People who are fond of both this and that, depending on fashion trends, are very difficult to call Christians. For those who want to wear a pendant, it is better to buy a pendant, and leave the crosses to those for whom they are really important.

Often women wear bracelets made from many patterns. How to treat them?

Now in church shops and stores, which is just not found. A lot of various incense, icons, bracelets, it is not clear where and by whom the oil was consecrated, and so on. To be honest, I am very skeptical about such things. The cross cannot replace anything. This is our main shrine. When they put on a bracelet with the image of twenty-five saints, why bother? What, you can’t pray to your favorite saints at home? If such a bracelet is perceived as a talisman, then what kind of a Christian are you? This is already unconditional paganism.

I used to see a whole iconostasis around the neck of some: several crosses, small icons, something else - now this is no longer found. Here, too, Orthodoxy is transformed into paganism. How about in paganism? - the bigger, the better. We need as many gods and rituals as possible. There is no such thing in Orthodoxy. We have one Savior - Christ. There is only one cross. No need to wear twenty icons and palms. There is a holy cross, which Christ sanctified with His Blood. What else does?

After all, it is not the cross itself that protects, but the Lord. Faith protects. Christ says: "According to your faith, be it to you"(Matthew 9:29). If one cross is not enough for you, then you are of little faith. Even if someone tore off a cross from a Christian or a person lost it, broke it, drowned it while diving, this does not mean that he was left without God's protection.

The cross is the symbol of our confession of faith. Don't make a tragedy out of his loss. If something happened to the cross - go to the church shop, buy a new one. The cross is not a charm, not a talisman. The new cross will have the same power as the lost one. Don't be afraid of anything! Lost - went, bought, consecrated and wear. And may the Lord save you!

Recorded by Ekaterina Shcherbakova

“The soul is by nature a Christian,” Tertullian once said, to which, after many centuries, V.V. Rozanov said: “Nothing like that. The soul is by nature a heathen." And so the pagan struggles with the Christian in our man, and this struggle sometimes gives rise to numerous dilemmas. So, many are wondering whether it is possible to wear someone else's pectoral cross. Does not pass along with someone else's cross and someone else's fate or someone else's sins?

Is it possible to wear someone else's pectoral cross

Archpriest Alexander Lebedev believes that being afraid of a found pectoral cross due to the fact that the sins of a person who has lost the creed will be passed on to another is nonsense, which is easier to invent than to comment on.

To the question: “Is it possible to wear another person’s cross?”, It’s also enough to ask yourself: “How can one’s own passions, which belong exclusively to a specific person and give only her the exclusive right to fight her sins, can pass to an innocent person , which, of course, has enough of its own mistakes.

Orthodox crosses

In addition, everyone receives their own life hardships, which must be carried with patience and gratitude, because the Lord sends trials to heal the soul. Everyone asks in prayers: "Lord, have mercy," which in Greek sounds like "Kyrie elaison." Elayson is translated as "oil", and olive oil is the first human medicine in the world.

It is impossible that the pectoral cross, which was found and put on, influenced by itself on the character of a person, on the addition of sins or on getting rid of them, and also in some magical way draws a line of life's path.

Important. Orthodoxy is, first of all, sanity, and no actions that are not related to personal, conscious actions of a person, good or evil, can change a person or affect life events that happen to a person.

You should not be afraid of the found cross, since the cross is a shrine, and not a pagan amulet. Ever since Christ was crucified for our salvation, the pectoral cross protects a person from evil spirits in the same way as the sign of the cross. Another person who wore it and lost it is unable to change its purpose as a protective force against evil.

Therefore, all signs associated with it are superstition.

About superstitions:

Which cross is considered to be Orthodox

For a Christian, the main key aspects are important. The cross must be:

  • four-, six-, eight-pointed form;
  • with the inscription "Save and save" on both sides, and not with decorative stones (preferably, as a recommendation from the priests), children are recommended simple, not encrusted with precious stones;
  • purchased in a church, then it is already consecrated, if bought in a jewelry store or found, it must be consecrated by any Orthodox priest;
  • the material of manufacture does not matter. And also, the size is not important, except that it is better for kids to wear small crosses without sharp corners.
Advice! A person receives a cross during the Sacrament of Baptism, however, it happens that the creed may be lost. You should not be dramatic about this and superstitiously wait for some kind of trouble, you need to go to the temple and buy a new one.

What to do with the found cross. Priests Answers

If a person himself found an Orthodox cross on the street, the priests recommend that it be consecrated without fail, since it is not known whether it was previously consecrated.

Read about the pectoral cross:

If, nevertheless, there are doubts about the found cross, the priests advise, first of all, to consecrate it, and then:

  • to give to a godson or a poor Christian who does not have the material opportunity to buy it;
  • wear yourself;
  • donate to the temple.

Thus, Orthodoxy is unambiguous in the question of a found or lost cross, as well as in the question “where to read the Gospel”, “which hand to put a candle in the temple.”

Archpriest Alexander Lebedev proposes to reduce to absurdity the superstitions associated with the found crosses. If sins can be transmitted through things, then why shouldn't virtues be transmitted in the same way? Then it would only be worth acquiring a thing belonging to a righteous person, as a person would involuntarily have a halo above his head. Then it would be possible to deliberately lose crosses, so that one's own sins could be thrown off, like an unnecessary burden, onto others.

Important! The fear of other people's crosses is a completely absurd thing, contrary to common sense and having nothing to do with the Orthodox faith.

Watch the video about the found cross

The cross for believers is a great power that delivers from all evils, especially from the villainy of hated enemies. The pectoral cross helps to endure illness and adversity, strengthens the spirit, protects from evil people and in difficult circumstances.

The cross is placed on a person at Baptism, in Russia it is also called a "vest". During the Sacrament of Baptism, a cross is laid as a fulfillment of the words of the Lord Jesus Christ: “Whoever wants to follow Me, turn away from yourself, and take up your cross, and follow Me” (Mark 8:34).

The pectoral cross is consecrated by the priest, who reads two special prayers in which he asks the Lord God to pour heavenly power into the cross and that this cross saves not only the soul, but also the body from all enemies, sorcerers, sorcerers, from all evil forces. That is why on many pectoral crosses there is an inscription "Save and save!".

How to choose a pectoral cross?

The pectoral cross is primarily a symbol of the Christian faith, and not a beautiful piece of jewelry. Pectoral crosses have always been distinguished by a variety of shapes and materials from which they are made - gold, silver, copper, bronze, wood, bone, amber. When choosing a cross, one should pay attention not to metal, but to the form, which should correspond to Orthodox traditions. The traditional Orthodox pectoral cross has an eight-pointed shape.

Can crosses be worn with a Catholic crucifix?

The main condition in Orthodox iconography is that the figure of the Savior expresses Divine peace and majesty. It is, as it were, placed on the cross, and the Lord opens His arms to all who turn to Him. The artist performs the task of depicting Christ in the Human and Divine hypostases, showing both the death and victory of the Savior. Catholics in the Middle Ages abandoned the symbolic spiritual image of Jesus. They focus on torment and death, thereby hiding the triumph of the Lord, who conquered death and reveals eternal life. The features of naturalism of human suffering and the torment of the execution of the Cross predominate: The heaviness of the body sagging on outstretched arms. Head crowned with a crown of thorns. The crossed feet are nailed with one nail. Anatomical details that convey the veracity of the execution. Orthodoxy requires the wearing of an Orthodox cross, not a Catholic one. This is due to different views on the foundations and dogmas of the Christian faith.

How to consecrate a pectoral cross?

To consecrate the pectoral cross, you need to come to the church at the beginning of the service and ask the clergyman about it. If the service is already taking place, you can ask for help from a church worker who will help pass the cross to the priest at the altar. If you wish, you can ask to consecrate the cross in your presence in order to participate in prayer.

What to do with the found pectoral cross?

The found pectoral cross can be kept at home, you can give it to the temple or to someone who needs it. These are superstitions that one cannot take up a cross that someone has lost, because by doing so we take on other people's sorrows and temptations. The Lord gives everyone his own path and his trials. If you want to wear the found cross, it must be consecrated. All the same applies to any "vest" that you for some reason were not able to wear.

Is it possible to give a pectoral cross?

You can donate crosses. A person dear to you will be doubly pleased if, when handing over the cross, you say that you went to church and have already consecrated the cross.

The main differences between Orthodox and Catholic crucifixion

1. On the Orthodox Crucifixion, Christ is nailed to the Cross with four nails, on the Catholic one - with three;

2. The most important thing. The Catholic Crucifixion is very naturalistic and sensual, the Orthodox Crucifixion reveals the spiritual essence of the event. On Catholic Crucifixes, Christ is depicted with a body sagging in his arms, with a suffering face, with a crown of thorns on his head, with blood and wounds. The classic Orthodox icon of the Crucifixion (Dionysius, 1500) depicts Christ the Conqueror, His appearance expresses Divine peace and majesty. He does not hang helplessly on his hands, but, as it were, soars in the air, inviting the entire Universe into His arms (which is indicated by both His hands and open palms). The Mother of God courageously empathizes with the suffering of Her Son.

The iconography of the Orthodox Crucifixion received its final dogmatic justification in 692 - in the 82nd rule of the Trullo Cathedral. The main condition is the combination of historical realism with the realism of Divine Revelation. The figure of the Savior expresses Divine peace and greatness. It is, as it were, superimposed on a cross, arms outstretched and straight. The Lord opens his arms to all who turn to him. This iconography solves the difficult task of depicting the two hypostases of Christ - Human and Divine, showing both death and the victory of the Savior over it.

The rules of the Tula Cathedral, the Catholics, who abandoned their early views, did not accept. Accordingly, they did not accept the symbolic spiritual image of Jesus Christ.

Thus, in the Middle Ages, the Catholic type of crucifixion arises, in which the naturalistic features of purely human torment become predominant: the heaviness of the body on sagging rather than straight arms. Head of Jesus crowned with thorns. Crossed feet nailed with a single nail is an innovation of the 13th century. The anatomical details of the Catholic image, conveying the veracity of the execution itself, nevertheless hide the main thing - the triumph of Jesus, who conquered death and reveals eternal life to us, focusing on the agony of death.

(catholic crucifix) (orthodox crucifix)

Some details

In an Orthodox crucifixion, the outstretched hands of the Savior should be straight, and not sagging under the weight of a dying body.

A distinctive feature of the Catholic Crucifixion is both feet of Christ crossed and pierced with one nail. In the Orthodox tradition, Christ is depicted crucified on four nails: both hands and feet are nailed each with its own nail. (“From ancient times, crucifixion crosses, both in the East and in the West, had a crossbar to support the feet of the Crucified, and His legs were depicted nailed each separately with their own nail. The image of Christ with crossed feet, nailed with one nail, first appeared as an innovation on West in the second half of the thirteenth century.)

Also on the Orthodox Crucifixion, the palms of Christ are necessarily open. The issue of the inadmissibility of the image of the bent fingers of Christ under Catholic influence was raised in 1553 by the clerk Viskovaty and, although the clerk was convicted for reasoning about icon painting, the arguments about the need to depict open palms were recognized as correct, and the controversial icons were rewritten.

In the Orthodox cross, unlike the Catholic one, there are no naturalistic traces of the sufferings of Christ.

The crown of thorns is an attribute of the Catholic crucifix. In the Orthodox tradition, it is rare (for example, on Easter artos).

(Catholic cross) (Orthodox cross)

Common features

The Monk Theodore the Studite taught as early as the 9th century that "a cross of every form is a true cross." “Not according to the number of trees, not according to the number of ends, the Cross of Christ is revered by us, but according to Christ himself, with whose holy blood it was stained. Manifesting miraculous power, any Cross does not act by itself, but by the power of Christ crucified on it and the invocation of His most holy name,” said St. Dmitry of Rostov.

Obviously, in Catholicism there are no clear rules on the leash of the crucifix. On the most ancient crucifixes, Christ is depicted alive, in clothes and crowned with a crown. The crown of thorns, wounds and blood collected in a bowl appear in the late Middle Ages, along with other details that have a mystical or symbolic meaning.

That is, in the Romanesque era, or in the east, where the Greek tradition was preserved, there were no significant differences between the Orthodox and Catholic crucifixions. Actually, naturalism and realism appeared in the West in the Gothic era and received special development in the Baroque era. The features of this naturalism also passed into the Russian religious painting of the Synodal period, although, of course, they are not considered examples of the canon.

Of course, Orthodox and Catholic crucifixes depict two sides of the same event. And on Catholic images, where suffering, death and hopelessness are depicted, the further resurrection and victory of the Savior is implied. And, looking at the Orthodox crucifixes, which depict the triumphant Lord - the Conqueror, we understand that He suffered for the sins of the whole world.

On one of the types of Catholic Crucifixes, which is called the Crucifixion of the Franciscan Order, the Lord is depicted crucified with four nails (such a Crucifix hangs over the stage in the Church of St. Nicholas (House of Organ and Chamber Music) on B. Vasilkovskaya Street in Kyiv). And in the Sinai monastery, the icons of the Lord crucified with three nails are in the temple and are revered on a par with Orthodox crucifixes.

How to choose a gold chain for a cross?

Let's take a look at the women's jewelry collection, hidden in an exquisite jewelry box. Most likely, there will be one or even several gold chains. But the point is not in quantity, but in the fact that the decoration looks perfect on you. How to choose the right chain of gold?

The color and weight of the metal from which the chain is made are very important, as well as pay attention to weaving and length. In addition, the shape of the neck, the condition of the skin and the age of the future owner of the jewelry are important.

How to choose the right gold chain?

In the event that a woman is large, has a full feminine neck, a gold chain with large weaving is perfect for her. On a thin girl, such a product will look much worse, if not ridiculous.

If wrinkles are visible on the neck, then wearing short chains is contraindicated. They will emphasize your age.

Often the chain is selected to wear a pendant, pendant or pectoral cross. With regard to pendants and pendants, it must be remembered that some weaves simply will not work from a functional point of view.

As for the pectoral cross, its color should be matched to the chain, which in turn should be elegant, not too prominent with complex weaves.

The moment with the choice of weaving must be taken into account when buying a product for a child. After all, it is not always possible to hope for a careful or careful attitude of your child to an expensive thing. In addition, very complex weaves are not taken to be repaired in every workshop.

Remember about the castle. It must be as reliable as possible. Here you can be guided by a simple observation: the more expensive the chain, the better and stronger its lock.

But, most importantly, the quality of the decoration should come to the fore. In this case, you do not need to chase cheapness. Many imported goods tempt the buyer with their massiveness, inside which there is often a void. They break quickly and are difficult to repair, as too thin metal simply burns out.

For example, Russian gold jewelry manufacturers offer heavier, albeit expensive jewelry. However, they will serve you much longer.

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