Where to hit a person so that it hurts a lot. Basics of self-defense: how and where to hit so that the blow is serious

Let's face it - size matters. When facing a larger opponent, knowing how to attack and defend is useful in order to offset his advantage in height and weight. If a fight is imminent, you will have to move quickly and act correctly. Although facing a larger opponent may seem quite intimidating, if you keep a cool head and act correctly, you can win the fight.


Part 1


    Don't get into a fight unless absolutely necessary. When facing a larger opponent, you will have less chance of success. Try to avoid a fight at all costs. Do whatever it takes to make peace or leave. There is no shame in avoiding conflict, especially if you don't know what it might escalate into. Your enemy may have a weapon, or his comrades may come to his aid. Every effort should be made to avoid a fight.

    • If you manage to avoid a collision, it will be a victory.
    • If a collision is unavoidable, remain calm. Do not panic, as this will negatively affect your reaction and ability to take adequate action.
  1. Take care of protection. Raise your hands and cover your head with them. In this case, your forearms should be vertical and parallel to each other, so that your palms are directed towards your cheeks. Lightly clench your hands into a fist to be ready to strike back. Bend slightly and lower your elbows toward the middle of your body to protect your ribs and stomach from unexpected shock.

    • Don't relax or let your guard down, even if you're tired. If you give up, your opponent will be able to deal you a decisive blow.
    • Maintain a defensive position from which you can quickly go on the attack and strike with your fist or elbow.
  2. Try not to block blows, but to dodge them. It is likely that a larger opponent will be stronger than you, so it is better not to try to block his attack directly. Instead, try to constantly move and dodge attacks. Pursuit will exhaust your opponent, with each unsuccessful blow he will waste his energy. If it is not possible to retreat to a safe distance, move your head away from the blows. After each unsuccessful attack from the enemy, try to immediately deliver a surprise blow.

    Do not engage in contact combat with the enemy. In such a fight, the advantage is always on the side of the larger and stronger enemy. Don't put yourself at unnecessary risk and don't let your opponent grab you. Keep at such a distance that he cannot grab you, attack when the opportunity arises and retreat again to a safe distance. If you and your opponent end up on the ground, you will be less able to control the course of the fight and will lose advantages such as speed, freedom of maneuver and accuracy.

    Be prepared to roll with the punches. It is unlikely that you will be able to get out of a fight with a larger opponent without a scratch. You may not have time to react in time and miss several hits. Be prepared for this. Missing a blow is bad, but being caught off guard is even worse.

    Part 2

    Leveling the difference in size
    1. Dodge the blows. Move continuously to prevent your opponent from grabbing you or knocking you to the ground. Lean on the balls of your feet - this will allow you to move quickly and confuse your opponent. Since he has longer arms, stay away and only approach to hit or grab.

      Get closer to the enemy. Close the distance between you and your opponent when he least expects it. This way you will deprive your larger opponent of the advantage and will be able to land one or more targeted strikes. To succeed, you must choose the right moment and approach the enemy correctly so as not to give him the opportunity to strike back.

      • When closing the distance between you and a larger enemy, the first thing to remember is to stay outside the “danger zone.” This is the area where you can't reach your opponent, but he can hit you with his longer arms.
      • Approach suddenly after dodging or pretending to strike, or follow the opponent's hand as he withdraws after a strike.
    2. Wear down your opponent. One of the disadvantages of being tall and weighing more is that movement requires more effort, and as a result, the larger person gets tired faster. Take advantage of this. Defend yourself by ducking and ducking, and keep moving until your opponent starts to slow down. After this, you can take advantage of your speed advantage, get closer to the enemy and land several blows on him.

    Part 3

    Harming the enemy

      Use the element of surprise. If you feel a fight is brewing, attack first. If impact is unavoidable, deliver a sudden, well-timed blow to the jaw or solar plexus (the soft outer edge of the diaphragm under the sternum). Put all your strength into the blow to end the collision immediately. If successful, your opponent will fall and will not be able to continue the fight. If you're unlucky, at least you won't be caught off guard.

      • Before launching a surprise attack, try to assess the situation as accurately as possible. Often you can limit yourself to a verbal altercation and not bring the matter to a physical confrontation. Make sure you've exhausted all options before engaging in a fight.
      • Be careful about throwing a sudden strike. If you miss or your opponent blocks the blow, you can't avoid a real fight.
    1. Wait for the right moment and move. It bears repeating: When facing a larger opponent, you need to constantly move rather than stand still and wait to be hit. You will not be able to block powerful blows properly. Dodge the blows and wait for the enemy to open up, then immediately take advantage of the opportunity and deliver a hard blow. Switch from defense to quick explosive attacks and you will eventually wear down your opponent.

      • Be patient. Otherwise, you will start making mistakes, which can lead to disastrous results.
      • If you can't hit the head, hit the body. The solar plexus is a sensitive place, when struck, a person exhales all the air and begins to choke. Another weak point is the ribs - they can break at a pressure of less than one kilogram per square centimeter.
    2. Hit sensitive areas. Unlike a boxing match, where the rules prohibit hitting certain areas, there are no such restrictions in a street fight. Try to hit the most sensitive places to cause maximum damage to the enemy. One successful hit can knock him out. Usually such attacks are quite unexpected, and people are not always ready to defend themselves against them.

      • Despite the difference in size and height, our bodies have the same weak points.
      • Hitting sensitive areas will temporarily discourage your opponent, giving you time to retreat or continue your attack.
      • An open palm strike to the ear throws a person off balance and is just as, if not more effective than a left or right hook. After a blow to the nose, the eyes fill with tears, which allows you to temporarily blind the enemy and buy time for a decisive attack. A blow to the groin limits mobility and deprives the opponent of the determination to continue the fight.
    3. Use painful techniques. Let's say your opponent knocks you to the ground and you can't get back to your feet. In this case, resort to a painful technique: clamp or twist the opponent’s body part so that he cannot continue the fight. Grab a knuckle, twist an arm, or use a choke. This way you will cause severe pain to the enemy and will be able to finish the fight. Even a giant will not be able to continue the fight if he is knocked unconscious or his arm is broken.

      Don't be shy about dirty tricks. Forget about nobility: a street fight has no rules. You don’t know what kind of damage and injuries you will receive if you lose, so don’t be shy and refuse dirty tricks. Bite, hit the eyes, grab the enemy by the hair, squeeze his neck, kick him in the groin and do everything to survive.

    • Keep your eyes on your opponent. Constantly watch him in order to dodge his blows in time and, if necessary, hit back.
    • When striking, always consider the distance between you and your opponent. If you are at a distance, kick the knee, groin or mid-body; at a medium distance, hit the head and body with your fist; at a short distance, strike with your head, knees and elbows.
    • If possible, spar with someone larger than you and practice attack and defense techniques on your partner.
    • Tilt your head forward and tuck your chin in case your opponent throws an uppercut.

Today we will look at several vulnerable points on human body and answer some of your questions. Where should you hit a person in order to inflict various injuries on him and where is it better not to hit so as not to kill him!

The following information will be useful to you and you can use it in case of self-defense or in a regular street fight. So, let's begin....

Where to hit in a fight?


This is where you need to hit to knock a person out. Even a weak blow knocks out a boar. When hit in the jaw, the brain is very strongly concussed and the enemy either begins to swim or is knocked out for several minutes. And now you can try it yourself! Grit your teeth and lightly hit the side of your chin and you will feel everything yourself. By the way, it is very convenient to hit the jaw with your palm. In general, a palm strike is very effective and, when used correctly, is much more powerful than a fist strike. It is in vain that many people underestimate him.


This is probably the most dangerous place, which often leads to death. The temporal bone is very fragile, it breaks and pierces the brain. Therefore, when you hit the temple, you can not only knock out the enemy, but also kill him. Therefore, if you are not going to kill anyone, then try not to purposefully hit the temporal bone, especially with your elbow, but rather hit the jaw :)

Back of the head

A blow to the back of the head causes loss of orientation in space, the person begins to swim or loses consciousness for a short period of time. At strong impact Possible concussion and fracture of the cervical vertebrae.


Well, in general, the eyes are a good enough target for a strike, they are not protected in any way, and with damaged eyes the enemy will not be able to do anything to you. You won’t be able to hit the eye directly with your fist, so you need to either hit with a poke with closed fingers, or deliver a sharp blow with your hand, with your fingertips. You can also press on the eye thumb. If you get into a fight with your enemy and start rolling on the ground, then start pressing your finger directly into the eyeball, I’m sure your enemy won’t like it very much :) In general, train your hands, it will be very useful for you.


Also a vulnerable part in the human body, a blow to the throat causes severe pain, sometimes vomiting, and with a powerful blow, loss of consciousness and sometimes even death.
In principle, you can hit in a very different way, but the most convenient way is with the edge of the palm or the so-called “fork” - this is the place between the thumb and the rest of the fingers.


It is very good to hit the ears with two palms at once. Hit at the same time and quickly. Such a blow causes a painful shock and loss of orientation. With a strong impact, the membranes sometimes even burst. You can also press your thumb on the parotid cavity. You can look for it behind your ear from below and try to apply pressure. The feeling is not the most pleasant. Of course, such pressing techniques on the ears and eyes are best done when you are on the ground with your opponent.


Well, the groin is not at all masculine... Although, all these moral principles throw aside. Especially if you did not have a mutual desire to fight with someone one on one. You can hit him in the groin with anything and any way you want. Any blows are very painful and dangerous. After a missed blow to the groin, all you want to do is lie curled up on the floor, the desire to do something else immediately disappears.

Well, perhaps we have looked at the most dangerous and vulnerable points on the human body; there are, of course, many more places where you can and should hit. For example, a blow to the shin, to the solar plexus, to the bridge of the nose, to the liver will also cause a lot of pain and trouble. But I think that the above methods are quite enough. So run out into the street today, insult someone in a drunken campaign and try all these techniques in practice so as not to forget and reinforce them :) Good luck.

If a fight cannot be avoided, it is in your interests to emerge victorious.

It is obvious. Therefore, never drag out a fight, but strike immediately so that a second blow is not needed. Knowing where the pain points are on the human body, one skillful attack should be quite enough. Having studied and practiced a couple of simple techniques, you will be able to effectively fight back even an opponent who is physically superior to you. Here they are, these techniques.

Punch to the jaw. There are two variations of this attack: from the side (hook) or from below to the chin (uppercut). Both, provided a sufficiently large force is applied, are capable of disorienting or even knocking out the enemy. Consequences: neck injuries, concussion. But only if the blow was really strong and practiced. If your physical form and fighting skills leave much to be desired, then don’t hit, but push with the heel of your palm into the chin from bottom to top. In this case, you need to sit under the enemy and push him out with your whole weight, your whole body, and not just your hand. The second version of the same attack is a push to the painful point, located in the hollow between the chin and lower lip. The palm will rest on the enemy’s face, so you can press your fingers into his eyes to disorient and demoralize him even more.

Attacking the eyes is also a perfectly acceptable move. But even here, a punch will bring the desired result only if you are in good shape and prepared. For beginners, it is better to stab in the eye with the knuckles of bent fingers, then there is a chance to blind the enemy, inflict on him a very painful and rather dangerous injury with one blow increases significantly. Bend and join your fingers right hand, but do not clench your fist, but leave your palm open. Remember this position. This is exactly how you need to hit the eyes, the bridge of the nose or the Adam's apple. But only if there is no other way to protect yourself: such an attack can be fatal. It makes sense to use it when there is a real threat to your life - for example, if the enemy has a knife.

You can also hit the bridge of your nose with your head. Use this technique if you are grabbed and cannot quickly free your hands. The enemy is standing in front of you - hit with your forehead, if he is behind you - hit with the back of your head. The main thing is not to be afraid to hit harder.

Another tricky and very effective technique is a double blow to the ears with open palms. The enemy is guaranteed to go deaf, and there is a chance of even losing his hearing forever. To carry out an attack correctly, fold your palm into a boat, press your fingers together, strike with a swing and lunge. Perhaps this is the easiest way to send an attacker into a deep knockout: women should pay attention to this technique, first of all, since it does not require a developed physique. Self-defense techniques for girls are always selected precisely according to the principle of maximum effectiveness, subject to the application of minimal effort - and a double blow to the ears is just one of them.

Since you can knock out a person with one blow only by attacking him in the head, do not waste time on attacks to the body, stomach, and so on. You still won’t cause serious damage to the enemy this way. But if the attacker is significantly taller than you, and you can’t reach his head, hit him in the solar plexus with your fist or knee in the groin. Or kick him under the kneecap. Not fatal, but very painful. Most likely, this will also be enough to deprive the enemy of the ability to continue the fight.

And finally, one more important note. Don't count on critical situation remember everything you just read. Knowledge that is not supported by practice does not bring any benefit. Therefore, sew yourself a boxing bag, hang it on the wall in your room and practice punches and pushes on it every day. You need to train your hands so that they become tough and insensitive to pain - this is it. You can easily apply the techniques that you have mastered to the point of automaticity in practice: muscle memory is the most reliable. That's two. And finally, third: regular training with a punching bag or punching bag helps strengthen muscles, ligaments, joints and nerves.

How to properly punch a bag without hurting your wrists: thumb lies on top of the others (in no case under them!), the fist is slightly turned up towards itself, relaxed. It becomes tense and rigid only at the moment of impact. Try to attack with the hardest part of the hand - the knuckles of the index and middle fingers, with a short swing, with a step. Hitting with the heel of the palm is even easier: the blow or push in this case is not traumatic for the attacker. But you need to practice the injection with your knuckles as carefully as possible. Until your hands get used to it, there is a possibility of damaging the ligaments. Here the emphasis should be placed not on the force of the blow, but on its accuracy.

Secondly, a blow that is delivered purposefully has more effect than one that is needed for the sake of “hitting.” Hitting the Adam's apple makes it difficult for a person to breathe, so its force should be measured to make it clear to your opponent that you have the opportunity to knock him down. This will not only confuse your opponent, but will also ensure that he is knocked unconscious since your target is the carotid artery. The torso has, in fact, only one vulnerable spot (if we are talking about a strike in self-defense, with the goal of knocking a person down). The blow should fall on the right side, where the liver is located.

That is, it’s better to forget about it, unless, of course, your goal is a self-knockout, which will allow you to erase the shameful moments of your defeat from your memory. It was considered the height of skill to sneak up on a sentry from behind and hit him on the ears, causing damage and stunning him. The smart thing to do in this situation is to strike with the palm of your hand rather than the bones of your fist. That is, your opponent will get a knockout, and you will get incredibly increased confidence in your abilities. Your blow doesn't have to be super strong. An unpleasant surprise for you may come from athletes with shin pain (although a strong blow will hit even such a trained leg) and people who cannot feel their legs. Hit them in the eyes with your fingers! However, if the villain is not hit, there is a risk of injury himself. A blow to the liver leads to sharp, severe pain, the inability to straighten up and often move the limbs. Just like with a hit to the liver, you will need to invest in this hit in order to achieve the desired result.

Whether it's for self-defense or to win a fight, there are several proven ways to knock out your opponent with one punch. Just before impact, tense your entire body. Don't forget to breathe. This will help you concentrate and tighten your muscles, releasing more power. It also helps you stay calm, which is important during a long contraction. There is a nerve there that you can damage, thereby knocking out your opponent. In this case, you punch the jaw from the side. The purpose of the blow is to force the opponent's head to bounce to the side, causing loss of consciousness. Be careful when your opponent is on the ground, he may use dirty tricks.

Possessing a knockout punch can be compared to a large caliber pistol. It is a trained fighter who is characterized by the ability to deliver a powerful, crushing attack at the right moment in time “when the mother-in-law opened up.” A knockout blow allows you to instantly stop an incipient conflict, even with several aggressors, instantly “knocking down the bull” and suppressing the psyche of the others. A knockout blow immediately ends the “bazaars and train stations” and stops all “attacks” on you in the bud as such.

A straight punch to the chin and an upward punch to the chin from below work especially well. Solar can also be struck with a direct blow from the base of the palm. Wanting to protect themselves in the event of an attack, many want to know how to knock someone out with a blow. The same principle of striking first.

There are situations in life when you are in danger in the form of a fight and you understand that your opponent is bigger and stronger than you. Earlier I already told you how to behave in a fight, and today we will get acquainted with a strike that is prohibited in any martial arts, a strike with the palm of the hand to the head. Nobody ever uses it, it's very pathetic to hit your opponent in the groin. But as I said, there are all sorts of situations.

The blows in them are demoralizing, the pain here is the strongest, but at the same time the chances of irreparably maiming the enemy are relatively small (unless you specifically set such a goal). If you hit the glasses with improvised means (for which see the special chapter), then you can injure your eyes with shrapnel. If all this becomes impossible for you because it causes sharp pain in your newly punctured knee, you have lost. But here it is already fraught with death, and not just incapacitating the enemy - depending on how deep the “improvised object” is inserted. But you have to be Chuck Norris to kill someone with a punch, so don't hold back too much. Rupture of the eardrums (and they can be damaged not only by cotton, but also by a blow from a fist or elbow) disorients the enemy and forces him to be distracted. And if you miss one or two good straight shots to the head, that’s it, you’ve already gotten carried away and there’s no time for a fight just to stay on your feet.

Ways to hit pain points.

Hitting an opponent's head or neck*. A strong blow ruptures the windpipe and causes death, a weaker blow leads to suffocation. At this point, the large nerve is located close to the skin, and a blow delivered here causes severe pain and temporarily paralyzes the enemy. In hand-to-hand combat, always remember that the most convenient place to strike is the enemy's crotch. With a strong blow, you can displace the vertebrae of the post. A blow with such a baton is usually applied to the back of the head.

Direct elbow strikes are good for damaging the solar plexus. Their targets are the groin and liver. It's not so convenient, but if you practice, the effect will be amazing.

But if you are not able to do push-ups even 100 times, you can forget about the knockout blow, you simply don’t have enough strength. You'll hurt, but you won't knock him out. In about three months, your striking surfaces will be strengthened and you can try carefully hitting them against trees in the forest. Just not with all your might, so that the bark crumbles lightly. Imitate blows precisely on painful points, so you will accustom yourself to hitting specific targets on the human body. It is more likely for an experienced fighter to knock out a person with one blow. Although there is also a surprise effect here, which will help even an inexperienced person to do this. I am 15 years old, the impact force is 109 kg, is this enough to knock out or put a person to sleep? Having dodged the blow, he caught him with a counter blow from below. But because at that time the difference was more than 20 kg. visually in my favor, then this case can, in principle, not be considered. Eat good test to determine the speed of the impact, you need to extinguish three candles standing in a row with a blow of your fist.

An elbow strike will also bring a lot of “joy” to the enemy - such strikes cause severe pain, loss of orientation in space and consciousness. This causes severe pain in the opponent if the pressure is applied with due diligence. Impacts on it cause a painful shock and temporary limitation motor ability. Hitting it causes pain in the enemy. In fat people, with external clumsiness, these many places on the body are protected by fat, but in thin people, the whole body is like one continuous pain point. But this is already a matter of tactics. This is not about necessarily fighting and hitting a person in the vulnerabilities. Sometimes life just depends on knowing these places! This is basic self-defense!

There are two types of loss of consciousness. It can be functional in nature - it occurs in a stuffy room, after overheating in the sun, stress or excitement. If a person often loses consciousness, you should consult a doctor to determine the reasons for this situation. If a person does not come within a few minutes, you need to perform an artificial heart massage and, of course, call an ambulance. Depends on the depth of damage to the brain and body. There could be many reasons. Normal fainting - drains blood from the brain. Poor state of the cardiovascular system.

There is even a chance that the attacker will lose consciousness and you will have time to escape. Hitting the enemy's nose is very painful. Direct contact with the respiratory system leads to short-term shock. But if you hit a little higher with the base of your palm, then this shock will be much stronger and longer lasting. It is very sensitive and is the main target because it is the most unprotected area of ​​the male body.

Only in the temporal part of the human skull the thickness is only two, or even one millimeter. Just do not hit with the bones of your fist, this can lead to fatal outcome your opponent, and this is very undesirable. Although this method can also lead to the death of a person.

To learn a knockout blow, it is necessary not only to develop certain muscle groups, but, above all, to develop dexterity, accuracy and speed of reaction. You can train your punch using a hanging punching bag, but it is equally important to practice your punches in sparring. Various household objects can be used both to strike and to throw them at the enemy.

A blow to the throat causes severe pain and loss of the ability to breathe. If the opponent's head is tilted back when striking, the result of the impact will be much greater. Compared to a blow to the back of the head, this is an example of safe handling of people. If you hit the neck well and accurately, it’s quite possible to turn it off for a while. We were taught about anatomy and physiology.

When the solar plexus is damaged, the action of the heart is inhibited. Strong blows to the solar plexus are akin to an electric current discharge. These blows are also extremely painful and can knock down even a physically strong person. All this causes acute pain, during which it is simply impossible to continue the attack. Throat damage causes an attack of suffocation.

The head is a truly unique organ that combines many pain points. How to knock someone out with one hit? This leads to a temporary loss of consciousness, that is, to a knockout.

Interesting facts and clear answers to complex questions

Here the answer has already been given that you need to hit, for example, in the solar plexus, but not everyone will hit you the right way! You have to be angry, determined, courageous. In the second and third cases, he will not hit, and in the first, he will rather break his fingers than cause damage to the enemy. If you ever knocked out a person who immediately fell on the asphalt like that (the sound, by the way, is terrible) face down, with a quick knockout you fall face down because the brain turns off and the legs give way. What is all this for? Just to say “I knocked a man out”? IN acute situation on the street, any hand-to-hand fighter, seeing that you are an amateur, will react accordingly, maybe just give you a kick to get you out of the way. So there you just had to hit him in the temple, otherwise you won’t live, so in different situations differently.

Watch our video on how to knock out a person with one blow in a street fight, write your reviews and comments. Of course, in order to knock out a person with one blow, you will need self-confidence, the ability to quickly concentrate, act meaningfully, without wasting energy.

Although, put all these moral principles aside. But I think that the above methods are quite enough.

With a strong impact, the membranes sometimes even burst. The feeling is not the most pleasant.

In the section on the question Where to hit a person so that he loses consciousness for a while? asked by the author Roxana Sudakova the best answer is Do you want a second Kushchevka? If they beat anyone and left marks (bruises, abrasions), go to the cops and let them record the beating. Answer from Born in the USSR To hit like that you need to have strength or certain skills.

Perhaps this is the easiest way to send an attacker into a deep knockout: women should pay attention to this technique, first of all, since it does not require a developed physique. Therefore, sew yourself a boxing bag, hang it on the wall in your room and practice punches and pushes on it every day. You need to train your hands so that they become tough and insensitive to pain - that’s it. You can easily apply the techniques that you have mastered to the point of automaticity in practice: muscle memory is the most reliable. Here the emphasis should be placed not on the force of the blow, but on its accuracy.

The points of the head are the most vulnerable and dangerous. Almost everything they say here will only lead to prison.

John Gilbey's book "Secrets of the Martial Arts of the World" talks about a Russian wrestler named Slimansky.

In general, a palm strike is very effective and, when used correctly, is much more powerful than a fist strike.

Hello, friends. How to knock down a person who is stronger and bigger than you? After all, such a need may arise unexpectedly, for example on the street. And what is the best way to act in such a situation?

The opponent has more mass and height

How to knock down a person who is taller and heavier than you? Often the parameters are of great importance. How to defeat such an opponent? Option one is to simply not contact him, leave or run away. Such a fight, by definition, will not bring you any benefit. The key to victory is to prevent conflict. But if a fight is inevitable, fear becomes your second opponent. It is very important to overcome it. All your attacking actions need to be properly coordinated. Good defense is also required.

How to knock down a person if he is bigger than you? When a conflict with this opponent turns into a duel, be sure to maintain composure and avoid rash actions.

The first step for a good result is skillful organization of defense. Be sure to protect your head with raised arms. The forearms are in a vertical position. Keep them parallel to each other. The palms, slightly clenched into a fist, are close to the cheeks. You are expecting a retaliatory attack. Bend slightly, lower your elbows to the center of your body. This will create protection for the ribs and abdomen.

During defensive actions, the whole body is tense. Hands are held in the indicated positions. Otherwise, the enemy boarding will quickly penetrate you.

These are the main tenets of protection. And if you can hold it, you will be able to wear down your massive opponent. Will there be a great chance for a counterattack and to knock out a person with one blow? This type of assault involves a fist or elbow.

In terms of parameters, your opponent is much superior to you. He will actively attack you. And his actions should not be met with blocks. He will crush them without any problems. In such situation best tricks To knock a person down - these are slopes and constant movements. This way the opponent will be provoked into pursuit and will spend a lot of energy. He will start to miss and make mistakes. If conditions do not allow you to move to a comfortable distance, move your head away from the attack. As soon as he makes a mistake and misses, hit him immediately. This great option in a dilemma about how to knock a person to the floor with one blow.

You can take down the big guy, and quickly. These are basic superficial treatises if you need to take someone down quickly.


If you engage in a contact fight with such a powerful opponent, you are doomed to defeat. You shouldn't take any risks here. Also guard against grabs. The key to victory is maintaining the required distance. How to strike first and where at the right moment? Ideally - in the lower jaw or head. How - quickly and sharply. You can even use your palm. After the attack, immediately retreat and build a defense, and retreat to a comfortable distance.

If you can knock down a person with one blow with such a boarding, you can do this:

  1. Finish him off right away. If he is squatting and holding his face, you can drop your opponent with a kick. If only he didn't catch her.
  2. Wait for his reaction and act according to the situation. After all, it may turn out that you have a real chance to defeat an enemy higher and stronger than you. But when attacked, he will skillfully catch and punish. And if he doesn’t get up for a while, the fight may end or the opponent will come to his senses and become thoroughly angry. If he is led by emotions and rushes to attack, you can immediately knock such an opponent to the ground with a sharp blow to the face.
  3. Just leave. There is a variation that he will catch up and hit from behind. But there is an option that he will apologize and the fight will end. If he catches up with you, being confident in the surprise of his attack, you can trip the man to the ground. Here it is important to quickly and unexpectedly turn around and carry out a sweep. This effective method to easily knock a person to the ground. The main thing is to act faster than him.

These are all alignments in your favor. There is no guarantee that you will be able to implement these techniques efficiently. And it’s even more difficult to win a fight if you’re weaker, and even knocked to the ground.

In such circumstances, you lose:

  • control over the battle,
  • accuracy, coherence and dynamics of attacks.

In such a situation, it is important to get up quickly and in an organized manner, and immediately evade the attack. This will be a surprise for the enemy. Your task is to carry out a quick and devastating boarding attack on his jaw. So, with one blow, knock down a person who was already convinced of his total superiority.

In such a meeting you will probably get some injuries. No matter how skillfully you try to act. The key aspect is the protection of critical areas:

  • jaws,
  • nose,
  • temples,
  • solar plexus,
  • ribs

Elbows and shoulders are used for defense. Rearward shifts are also needed. This is a way to soften the blow.

The enemy is bigger, but you are smarter

If a fight with a massive, tall opponent takes place on the street, you have a lot of room to coordinate the distance. And where is the best place to hit in a fight on the street? The targets do not change: the jaw, the head, or at least the body, the liver area. If your opponent is tall and massive, and even fat, you can seriously increase your chances of winning with a skillful blow to the liver.

When you both stay in the same positions, don't collapse. Circle around it at a comfortable distance. This will just piss him off and he will launch an attack. You duck or dodge.

If you have well-honed and strong kicks, this can be used. This will help in such a confrontation.

Without a swift surprise attack and varying the distance it is impossible. Need to be deprived major enemy its advantages. You need to not make a mistake with the moment for your strike and skillfully shorten the distance. And the key point is to stay in the zone from which you get the enemy, but he doesn’t get you.

It is difficult to knock down an opponent in such a fight without dodging and imitating attacks. They should be immediately followed by rapprochement. After his boarding, the opponent withdraws his hand. And you can follow her.

It is extremely important to wear down your opponent. Yes, he has more serious dimensions. But he also spends significant amounts of energy on his attacks and runs out of steam faster.

When his momentum weakens, you gain a speed advantage. Keep the distance and execute a series of shots. This is an effective method to knock down big man in a fight.

If you have a strong heart and blood vessels, you will last longer in a fight than your opponent.

Aspects of aggression

In a duel with a giant, it is important to act quickly and suddenly. When a fight breaks out, act first. Where should you hit for a person to fall in this situation? Slash him sharply in the jaw. Hitting this zone from any direction will do. You can also deliver a crushing blow to the solar plexus. Put all your power into this attack. If executed correctly, knock down or knock out the tough guy. If executed incorrectly, but correctly maintaining your distance, you will not fall for menacing counterattacks.

Study the situation carefully before making a sudden attack. Think through every blow. After all, even if you hit suddenly, but not thoughtfully, you can miss or run into the defense. And in return receive a devastating attack.

In a duel with a giant, it is important to be patient and wait best moment and constantly move. Statics in battle is the key to defeat. Protection is formed only from slopes. Blocks are powerless against powerful attacks.

Here it is observed main diagram: The enemy opens up - you attack very hard.

This is the only way to have a high chance of knocking a person down with one blow, even if he is enormous in size. The transition from defensive to offensive operations is lightning fast. This is the most disadvantageous and exhausting option for the enemy.

Fight carefully, even if you managed to carry out a good attack. Don't get carried away by emotions. They can lead to fatal errors.

Hitting the head is an effective method for winning. And if it is difficult to carry out, storm the opponent’s body. With this variation, the cherished targets are: the ribs and solar plexus. If you successfully hit them, you will knock the enemy's breath away.

Ribs can be broken at a certain power. Their fracture occurs if per 1 sq. cm affects at least 1 kg.

Aim for these areas. A fight on the street does not follow the code. This is not a sport. There are no code restrictions here. You can apply pressure to hit key areas as much as possible and cause serious damage to your opponent.

Just one well-thought-out and executed blow can bring you a quick victory.

Your opponent is massive, tall, but he is also a human. And he has vulnerable points, like all people. Punching them will weaken the enemy’s consciousness for some time. You will have a comfortable interval to continue attacks or retreat defensively.

Can be used in battle good weapon- open palm. It should hit the following areas:

  1. Ear. This will knock the enemy off balance. The effectiveness of boarding is equal to that of a side hook.
  2. Nose. In this case, the eyes will fill with tears. The result will be temporary blindness. In these seconds, you can crush the most important vulnerable points with striking force. And instantly knock the person down.
  3. Groin. This somewhat paralyzes the opponent.

Painful techniques will also come in handy. They are especially needed when your opponent was able to knock you to the ground.

In this situation, it is difficult for you to get up. It's better to do it like this:

  1. Clamp any part of your opponent’s body and twist it strongly in order to complicate his further conduct of the fight. Here you can grab a joint, twist an arm, or perform strangulation. This will deliver powerful pain effects to the opponent. It will be easier for you to end the battle with your victory. If his arm is broken, his consciousness will float, he will be crushed.
  2. Depending on your position, grab your opponent's neck. Perform the choke for 5-15 seconds. The enemy will breathe heavily and may even lose consciousness.
  3. When gripping your hand, press the elbow or shoulder joint. This technique is especially effective when the opponent carried out the attack slowly and left his hand after it. You will hurt his hand. And in such a situation it will be extremely difficult for him to fight.


Since usually such fights do not take place according to any rules, and the goals of the attacker may be criminal, you can act according to trash methods, that is:

  • bite,
  • attack the eyes
  • grab hair and pull it,
  • press the neck.

It is also wise to use things that come to hand in the attack. These are glass bottles, stones, fittings, furniture legs, etc. It is possible that your opponent, seeing your aggression, will refuse the fight altogether and leave, considering you to be mentally ill.

If the collision occurs in winter, then your main task is to knock the person down into the snow. After which you can immediately run away. You can apply any of the previously mentioned methods. You can just ignore this guy and walk away. You can sharply and unexpectedly mow him down with a football tackle or a fighting trip. You can throw a stone, a glass bottle, some piece of iron at him, or pierce his legs with a stick (preferably an iron one). It will collapse quickly.

If you are a girl and such a big guy is rushing at you, and you don’t do martial arts, run away immediately. If you fail to escape, immediately sharply punch him in the intimate place, better twice. And then add a stone to the head. These are proven techniques for girls. But you can’t fight him on earth.

In a fight with someone who is much larger and taller than you, the most important criteria are:

  1. Constant visual control over your opponent. This will make it easier for you to dodge and carry out counterattacks.
  2. From a long distance, kick the knee or groin. On average, hit the head or body with your fist. On the near side - connect your knees and elbows.
  3. When the enemy attacks with an uppercut, protect your chin and tilt your head forward.


Don't conflict with giants. And if the battle passes, use the indicated methods.

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