Where to put the old consecrated willow from last year before Palm Sunday? When is the willow blessed in church: on Saturday or Sunday? How does Orthodox Palm Sunday take place?

Palm Sunday is celebrated by Orthodox Christians the week before Easter. This is extremely important holiday, filled with deep meaning.

The essence of Palm Sunday

The holiday also has a second name - the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. This significant event for the entire Orthodox world meant the coming of the Messiah and Savior of the entire human race. Jesus arrived in the holy city on a donkey, which acted as a symbol of peace. The believers rejoiced when they met the Son of God, and knew that he miraculously raised the righteous Lazarus. Palm branches were thrown at his feet as a sign of reverence and respect, but literally 5 days later this jubilant crowd was ready to tear the Messiah to pieces. He did not justify people's hopes of overthrowing the government and did not commit atrocities.

How to celebrate Palm Sunday in 2017

In 2017, Orthodox Christians will celebrate Palm Sunday on April 9. It became a verb in Rus' because palm trees do not grow in harsh climates, and the willow is the first spring tree, a symbol of life and rebirth. Symbolic tree Since ancient times, it has been popular with our ancestors: there is even a tradition of whipping each other with its branches in order to expel negativity, illness and sadness from the body.

Jesus bequeathed to the Orthodox to live, love their neighbor and not encroach on the property of others. The righteous lives of those who followed the Son of God are crowned with glory throughout the ages, and their great deeds are recorded in the New Testament. To cleanse the soul before the Light Christ's Resurrection, it is very important to repent of your voluntary and involuntary sins.

On Palm Sunday, Orthodox Christians go to services in churches and temples, carrying bouquets of palm branches with them so that the priests can sprinkle them with holy water. These branches are taken home to serve as protection from any adversity. Also on this day, several willow bouquets are taken to the cemetery.

On April 9, work is prohibited, so it is best to devote the day to meetings with close relatives at a modest festive table. You should devote time to prayers: any words spoken with a pure soul and coming from the heart will be heard. They say that it is on this Sunday that Heaven is completely open and listens to every word spoken.

Prayers can change fate and heal any soul, help a person start spiritual growth. Time spent thinking about own life, helps eliminate sinful actions and wrong judgments from it. We wish you a bright holiday, happiness and health, and do not forget to press the buttons and

Services in the church for Palm Sunday 2018 will be held on April 1, the current date of the holiday. These are solemn liturgies, after which the ceremony of blessing willow bouquets takes place. On this holiday, a believer must go to church to pray, take part in the solemn liturgy and simply enjoy the beauty of this wonderful day.

Palm Sunday - this is how the holiday was called for a long time in Rus', although in southern countries or, for example, in catholic church, it's called Palm Sunday. An event was established in honor of the solemn entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem, where he was greeted as a king after the events of Saturday - the resurrection of the righteous Lazarus from the dead.

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In honor of the reception of such an important and long-awaited person, the inhabitants of Jerusalem came out to greet him pompously - with palm branches, which were placed on both sides under the feet of the donkey on which Jesus was riding. This is how the day got the name Palm Sunday, but in Rus' palm leaves cannot be found either in summer or spring, so people collect willow and other branches of early trees into festive joyful bouquets, which have become a symbol of this solemn day.

So, the main material symbol of the holiday is a bouquet of willow. As for the symbolism of Palm Sunday, it is talked about during the sermon after the service. Every priest to this holiday prepares his sermon, but in general they say that you need to meet the Lord and let him into your life not only on major church holidays, but every day.

Willow twigs sprinkled with holy water during church services have healing powers. It is customary to keep bouquets at home all year round; without water they retain their original appearance. The healing properties of the willow brought from the church service on Palm Sunday are described in the final part of this material, but for now I would like to talk about when to consecrate the willow.

In fact, already in the evening on Lazarus Saturday, the consecration of willows is carried out in churches, but this can be done after the morning service directly on Palm Sunday. So, here every believer decides when it is more convenient to calmly go to church to celebrate these wonderful events of the festive Saturday and Sunday on the eve of Lent before the onset of Lent.

Important! The first consecration of the willow occurs precisely after the evening service in. It is believed that when the service at night is over and the priest has blessed the willows, Palm Sunday has begun. You must stand with lit candles throughout the service.

Palm Sunday is celebrated quietly and peacefully at home in the family circle. Still, it's coming Lent, when entertainment and large gatherings are still prohibited. Except Lenten dishes You can put fish on the table this holiday.

What to do at home with blessed willow:

  • If you lightly beat the bouquet on different parts body, this will ensure overall health next year. People have long believed that a person will become as strong as a willow.
  • To finally find the right decision For an important matter you need to eat a willow bud.
  • The consecrated bouquet should be kept next to the icons at home throughout the year. If someone gets sick, they will need to tear off a bud from a branch and give it to the sick person to eat.
  • If you think about a young man on this holiday, then in Rus' there was a superstition that he would definitely come.
  • On the day of the holiday you can plant indoor plant to ensure wealth and attract money into life. But there is one nuance: if a flower withers in a week, then a person will live in modest conditions all his life. financial condition, so during this period, dedicate some care to your plant.

All these, of course, folk signs and superstitions, but here’s what you definitely need to do

Every year Palm Sunday falls on different numbers and is celebrated a week before Easter or on the sixth Sunday of Lent. In 2018 we will celebrate April 1st.

Palm Sunday has already been celebrated by Catholics in 2018, and Orthodox Christians will soon celebrate it too, because this holiday, also called Palm Sunday, is dedicated to the solemn entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem and is one of the most important church holidays.

Palm Sunday in 2018 falls on April 1st. The date changes every year. The holiday is celebrated seven days before Easter, on the 6th Sunday of Lent. IN church calendar it belongs to the great twelve solemnities and is called the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem.

How to celebrate Palm Sunday

  1. Preparations for the holiday begin a few days in advance. People cut willow branches and place them in water at home so that they bloom.
  2. Palm Sunday celebrations begin on Saturday evening. Churches hold services and the blessing of willow trees.
  3. On Sunday in churches also service is underway, and the priests sprinkle the willow twigs with holy water.
  4. After the service, people bring the blessed branches home, place them near the icons and store them in this place for a year. To attract strength, health and prosperity, family members are lightly whipped on the back with willow twigs.
  5. Housewives prepare festive lunches or dinners. Palm Sunday falls during Lent. On this day it is forbidden to eat meat, eggs, dairy products, but it is allowed to eat fish and a little red wine.

Palm Sunday is preceded by the holiday of Lazarus Saturday. On this day, Jesus Christ performed a great miracle - he raised the righteous Lazarus. After Palm Sunday, Holy Week begins - the week before Easter, which is dedicated to memories of last days earthly life of Jesus Christ.

history of the holiday

Established the Feast of the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem Christian church in Jerusalem in the 4th century. In Rus' it arose in the 10th century and was called Palm Sunday.

The holiday is dedicated to the triumphal entry of Jesus Christ into Jerusalem before Easter in 33. After Christ raised Lazarus from Bethany, rumors about Him spread to many cities. He rode into Jerusalem on a donkey, accompanied by the apostles. According to tradition, those who entered the city on a horse brought war, and those who entered the city on a donkey brought peace. The Jews saw in Jesus a new ruler - a king. They showered Christ's path with flowers, palm branches, and laid clothes at his feet. But the Lord went to Jerusalem not for earthly power, but for martyrdom in the name of atonement for the sins of humanity. Five days later, the same crowd shouted: “Crucify Him...!”

There is a pagan version of the origin of Palm Sunday, according to which the prototype of the holiday was the ancient Slavic celebration of Verbokhlest. It was dedicated to fertility, vitality and willpower, which the willow identified. On this day, mass celebrations were held. Guys in in a comic form They whipped the girls with willow. It was believed that such a ritual contributed to the continuation of the family and the appearance of healthy and strong heirs. Also on this day, domestic animals were beaten with willow twigs so that they would grow up healthy.

Traditions and rituals

There are many traditions and rituals associated with Palm Sunday. They are aimed at attracting health, wealth, prosperity, successful marriage, happy motherhood.

Modern traditions

Believers prepare for Palm Sunday in advance. A few days before the holiday, they cut young willow branches, bring them into the house and put them in water so that they bloom. It is worth choosing undamaged trees, where there are no hollows, broken or dried shoots. It is not recommended to use willow that grows near cemeteries or bodies of water. According to legend, evil spirits can rest on it.

Palm Sunday celebrations begin on Saturday evening. All-night vigils are held in churches. At the service, the priests read the Gospel, Psalm 50 and sprinkle the willow twigs with holy water. Parishioners stand with twigs and lighted candles until the end of the service. On Sunday, the Liturgy of St. John Chrysostom is held and the willow tree is consecrated again.

People bring the blessed branches home and place them near the icons. There is a tradition of whipping children and adult family members with them, saying: “I don’t hit, it’s the willow that hits!” or “Willow whip, beat me to tears!” People believe that such a ritual helps to cleanse oneself of the evil eye and evil spirits, and attract health, strength and prosperity.

Traditional healers prepare willow buds on this day. They believe that infusions from them help men maintain strength and women to conceive a child. Housewives bake pies from willow buds. It is believed that they help protect household members from diseases.

On this day, young girls cast love spells on their future husbands. They break several branches on a willow tree, tie them with red thread, make a wish for their betrothed and keep them behind the icons. You can’t throw away the bundle, as you could ruin your life. young man and your own.

In some regions it remains ancient tradition organize palm bazaars or fairs on this holiday. They host celebrations with colorful treats and entertainment for adults and children. Folk craftsmen they sell handicrafts and cherubs - willow branches decorated with figurines of angels.

Ancient celebration traditions

Women who had small children bathed them in water with palm buds on Palm Sunday. They believed that such a ritual could save babies from illnesses and give the growing body health and strength.

Relatives of weak and sick people beat them on the body with willow twigs and at the same time said: “Holy Spirit, enter through the willow tree and take away the disease. The willow will come and the disease will take away.” It was believed that such a ritual would help restore health.

Housewives baked cookies with the addition of willow buds to become healthier and ward off illnesses from their families. Baked goods were also fed to livestock to increase the number of animals and protect them from diseases.

After the end of the church service, believers ate 9 willow buds to protect themselves from toothaches and illnesses.

On this day, people hammered a blessed palm stake at the corner of the house. They believed that he would help banish fears and make all family members more determined.

In the 16th-17th centuries, an annual religious procession took place in Moscow on Palm Sunday. The Patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church and the Tsar took part in it. They rode through the city on a donkey. An important attribute of the holiday was a tree decorated with fruits. The fruits symbolized God's grace. They were distributed to everyone on Red Square after general prayer.

Properties of consecrated willow

Blessed willow has magical and healing powers. It protects the house from fires and lightning, helps to get rid of diseases, attract health, luck and prosperity, and solve a difficult life situation.

Rituals with blessed willow

  • To cleanse from the evil eye and evil spirits, they lightly beat family members on the back with blessed willow twigs and at the same time say: “I don’t hit, it’s the willow that hits!” To attract strength, health and prosperity, they say when whipping: “Be as strong as the willow, as healthy as its roots, and as rich as the earth.” Whipping willow on domestic animals protects them from diseases.
  • To protect the house from fire and lightning, several branches are burned and the ashes are stored.
  • To attract health and strength, on Palm Sunday they bake bread with the blossoming buds of the blessed willow and eat it.
  • Women who cannot get pregnant for a long time should swallow several willow buds.
  • For insomnia, place a willow twig at the head of the bed and before going to bed say: “Holy angels, take care of my sleep, holy willow, drive away the undead.”
  • To successfully resolve an important matter, they eat a willow bud and think about the matter.
  • To become more self-confident, stick a blessed branch into the roof of the house or in the corner of the ceiling.

What to do with consecrated willow

A consecrated willow becomes a shrine. She has miraculous power during a year. The church recommends keeping it in the house near the icons until next Palm Sunday. This helps to attract health, prosperity, and good luck. You can also make healing infusions from it, perform rituals to protect against diseases, fires, and to attract health, strength, and well-being. You cannot throw consecrated twigs in the trash. This can lead to illness and money problems.

Where to put last year's willow:

  • let the river flow;
  • burn separately from garbage;
  • bury in a clean place;
  • put between the bushes of growing young willow;
  • use to expel evil spirits and cleanse the house - set fire to a twig and walk around all corners of the room with it;
  • give it to the nearest temple, where they will burn the willow with prayer.

What you can and cannot do on Palm Sunday

On this day it is forbidden to do housework: cleaning, washing, washing dishes. It is undesirable to cook hot dishes, so housewives try to prepare holiday treats for the family in advance. It is not recommended to sew, knit, embroider, or comb your head. It is not allowed to engage in heavy physical labor: chopping wood, working in the garden.

On this holiday you cannot quarrel, use foul language, wish harm, or think about bad things. It's better to refrain from watching TV, computer games, noisy feasts.

The Orthodox Church does not prohibit baptizing a child on Palm Sunday. You just need to agree in advance with the clergyman about the time of the event and prepare everything necessary for its holding.

Palm Sunday falls during the period of Lent, during which it is not recommended to organize lavish celebrations. If the newlyweds want to seal their love union on this day, you should limit yourself to painting in the registry office and a modest celebration in a narrow circle without meat dishes and alcohol.

According to the rules of the Orthodox Church, getting married on this day is prohibited, since the holiday falls during Lent. The only exception can be the consent of the bishop who rules the church.

What you can and cannot eat

Palm Sunday falls during the Great Forty Days of Lent before Easter. At this holiday Orthodox Church gives relief from fasting. It is prohibited to eat meat, eggs, and dairy products, but it is allowed to eat fish.

Traditional treats festive table are vegetable salads, stews with the addition of peas, beans, corn, beans, lentils, porridge from a mixture of cereals. A popular product during fasting is mushrooms. Housewives make roasts, casseroles, pies, zrazy, soups, cabbage rolls from them. Mushrooms and legumes replace meat products. For dessert, housewives serve fruit, lean marshmallows, jam, marmalade, halva, dark chocolate, and cookies. Traditional drinks are jelly, compotes, and uzvars. On Palm Sunday it is allowed to consume red Cahors in small quantities.

Signs and beliefs

  • If the weather is good on Palm Sunday, there will be a good harvest of fruit.
  • In order for there to be prosperity and well-being in the house, on this day it is necessary to plant or replant indoor flower. If it grows well, then you should expect profit, and if it withers, prepare for losses.
  • If a girl wants to get married in the next year, then she needs to break branches on a young willow before dawn, put them at the head of the bed and think about her loved one all day.
  • Before committing an important task, you need to eat three willow buds stored on Palm Sunday. They can attract good luck.
  • To get rid of a headache, you should comb your hair thoroughly, collect the hair from the comb, dip it in water and pour it at the roots of the willow.

Catholic Palm Sunday

For Catholic Christians, Palm Sunday is called Palm Sunday, or Vaiya Week. The holiday is celebrated a week before Catholic Easter. In 2018 it falls on March 25th.

On this day, the solemn service begins with a walking procession around the church, which symbolizes the meeting of the Jewish people with Jesus Christ. It involves the clergyman and parishioners holding lighted candles and palm branches in their hands and singing the hymn to Christ the King and Bible songs. At the end of the service, the palm branches are blessed.

Symbols of the holiday in different countries

The main symbol of Palm Sunday in the Orthodox countries of the CIS is the willow, or willow. Depending on geographical location and historical traditions people, the celebration may have other attributes:

  • The date palm is used by Christians who live in Mediterranean countries.
    Palm branches were the first symbol of the holiday. They symbolized the branches with which the inhabitants of Jerusalem greeted Jesus Christ.
  • Olive tree - in Switzerland and Italy.
    In Switzerland, this day is called Olive Sunday.
    In Italy, the olive is considered a symbol of peace. It is customary to give a consecrated twig to a person with whom you want to make peace.
  • Coconut palm - in the Philippine Islands. Bouquets are made from its leaves, with which people solemnly glorify Jesus Christ.
  • Walnut is a symbol of the holiday in Austria. On the eve of this day, residents of the country prepare thick nut shoots, which they decorate with sweets, flowers and ribbons.
  • Dried flowers - in Poland and Lithuania. In these countries, on Palm Sunday, bouquets of dried cereal shoots, ears of wheat, juniper and blue paper flowers appear.
  • Tees - in England.
  • Orange - in France. Long before Palm Sunday, the French sprout an orange seed in a flower pot. On the eve of the holiday, they decorate young sprouted shoots with ribbons and take them with them to worship.


At the hour of spring awakening
We celebrate Palm Sunday.
On this pious holiday
I wish you to be happy
So that there is peace and harmony in the home and heart,
So that you are happy with everything and you are happy with life.

Congratulations on Palm Sunday!
Let this day and hour be happy.
Let love enter both hearts and souls,
Let both eyes and ears become sharp.

Find time for good deeds
So that your life is better.
Give up bad deeds
And on God's will rely on the holiday.

On the first day of April 2018, we will celebrate a bright spring holiday that almost everyone knows - Palm Sunday. And in exactly a week, as usual, Easter will be celebrated.

Both dates have been celebrated for almost 2000 years. It is interesting that many people still wonder what to do on Palm Sunday and on the eve of this day. Let's try to cover this issue in detail.

The meaning of the holiday: past and present

Palm Sunday, like Easter, is one of the most beloved spring holidays almost all people. Not every person goes to church these days, but willows with fresh buds can be seen in almost every home.

A historical events associated with Palm Sunday, we all know. The Savior, exactly a week before being resurrected, rides a donkey into the holy city of the Jewish people - Jerusalem. An enthusiastic crowd of greeters who believed in him as the Messiah carpeted the path with magnificent, lush palm branches.

In ancient times, people paid attention to symbols and signs, perhaps more than today. So Christ’s entry into Jerusalem was perceived as nothing other than a good symbol: after all, he was driving not a horse, but a donkey. It turns out that Jesus entered as a Savior, but not as a conqueror.

Today all believers remember these interesting events with great respect. To understand the main meaning of the holiday, it is not even necessary to master all the subtleties of theology. It is obvious that Christ won the hearts of people through peace and not through war. So he entered the city as a winner. But the people who met the Savior were not his captives. They shared the joy of meeting someone in whom they sincerely believed.

Therefore, Palm Sunday as a holiday has not lost its relevance, and there is no reason to doubt that people will not celebrate it in 100 years. A pleasant spring day, fresh willows (after all, palm trees, of course, do not grow in our area) - all this is a visible symbol of the revival of nature after a long winter. And most importantly, this is the basis of our good hopes for the fulfillment of all good plans.

What to do before the holiday

Few people know that the day before the holiday is also revered in Christianity. It is called Lazarus Saturday, because according to legend, on the eve of entering Jerusalem, the Savior raised an acquaintance of his friends, Lazarus, from the dead. This event in itself is an interesting symbol. And the very fact of the resurrection allowed people to once again be convinced that Christ is the promised Messiah from God.

Therefore, on the eve of Palm Sunday it is better to prepare for the holiday. As a rule, they try to prepare in advance delicious table(but, of course, without gluttony), and also to tidy up everything around. If possible, all this work is done on Friday, since on Saturday it is better to be with family and remember God, perhaps, do some kind, selfless deeds.

What do they do on Palm Sunday itself?

Of course, the main symbol of Palm Sunday is fresh willow (willow) branches. It is interesting that this tree is the first to gain buds in our latitudes. You've probably noticed that whenever Easter is celebrated, the willows still ripen, because nature has no bad weather.

In Rus' there was a good tradition of going for willows with the whole family. On the eve of the holiday, households, neighbors, and entire villages went out to groves and to the shores of reservoirs and plucked fresh willow branches with budding buds. Willows were used to decorate the house, icons, and bright corners in every room. And of course, they were given to all relatives and friends.

What to do in church

The first thing on this day is to go for the willows and illuminate the branches in the church. It will be great to buy them in advance and go straight to the holiday service in the morning. In principle, it doesn’t even play a special role here how often a person goes to church or whether he is baptized. There are no prohibitions - the main thing is to do everything sincerely, from the heart, and not for the formal observance of custom.

In addition, it is in the church that you can feel a rather unusual, special festive atmosphere. This is especially important for people who are still single or going through difficult times. Sometimes you need to take a small step, and changes for the better can happen as if by themselves.

Of course, believers know what they do in church on Palm Sunday. It is necessary to go to worship services in the morning. If a person strictly adheres to fasting, he simply must be in the congregation of believers. Well, everyone else can just pay a little attention and enjoy the holiday atmosphere.

What do they do at home

And here's the most main question- what they do at home on Palm Sunday. Of course, the first thing you need to do is to sincerely congratulate all your family, friends, guests and neighbors on this holiday. By the way, in Rus' since time immemorial there has been interesting custom: the blessed willow branches are lightly struck loved one and wish him health. And for those who are planning some important event, you can eat three kidneys and sincerely believe that the situation will turn out well.

You can make small bouquets from willows and place them in bunches in water - this is the most important thing to do on Palm Sunday at home. If there is an icon in the house, then several branches must be placed next to the holy face. This is how we strengthen useful action willows and also recharge home environment, tuning in to all the best.

On such a beautiful day, it is better to try to devote more time to your family. Why not bake some delicious homemade cakes? After all, perhaps, there is no cozier smell than the one that comes from hot buns. By the way, in Rus' they baked flour balls (like koloboks) and hid willow buds in some of them. Children can still appreciate this fun today - try playing this interesting game with them.

For those who observe fasting, on such a day a slight relaxation is allowed: you can consume fish dishes, and also some good red wine (for example, church cahors). Of course, you shouldn’t have lavish feasts, much less abuse alcohol. After all, the meaning of the holiday is pleasant family communication, memories of the Savior, who will very soon, in exactly 7 days, be resurrected. Well, that, as they say, is another story.

Bright Palm Sunday is a major church holiday that is very important for the entire Christian world. It was established many centuries ago in memory of a grandiose event - the entry of the Lord into Jerusalem. The Bible says that the laity, having learned about Jesus’ amazing ability to perform miracles, called him to their city and offered him the position of ruler. They hoped that Christ would solve their everyday problems, but he wanted only one thing - to give all living forgiveness and liberation from sins.

How to spend Palm Sunday and what to do on this significant day indicates quite clearly church canon. According to his information, at the time of the holiday you need to attend a solemn service, illuminate the palm branches and read prayers to the glory of the Lord. After the service, the blessed shoots must be brought home and hidden behind the icons, as a talisman against everything bad for the next 365 days. You can part with last year's willows by releasing them downstream of the river or by setting them on fire. But what you can’t do on this day is work, clean the house, wash, wash, do housework and burden yourself with heavy thoughts. Only positive thoughts and bright aspirations will help open your heart and fill it with God's grace.

What do they do in church on Palm Sunday?

Despite the popularity of Palm Sunday, not everyone knows what they do in church on this day. Even fewer people know that the celebration begins the previous Saturday evening. At this time, the most zealous believers come to churches for the All-Night Vigil and bring with them willow and pussy willow branches. The priests read ritual prayers from the Gospel, then recite the 50th Psalm and sprinkle fresh, tender shoots with holy water. After the service, the plants are handed over to the parishioners, and they stand with willow and lighted candles until the end of the service.

The rite of sprinkling is repeated directly on Palm Sunday itself. This happens at the time of the festive morning service. The holy fathers, dressed in elegant, solemn clothes of all shades of green, serve the beautiful Liturgy of John Chrysostom and consecrate the branches to the accompaniment of ritual chants. Then parishioners take the vegetation home and responsibly store it until next Easter. According to legend, the willow protects the family from anger, troubles and misfortunes.

What not to do on Palm Sunday and why

Palm Sunday is included in the list of twelve church holidays and symbolizes the Entry of the Lord into Jerusalem, thanks to which it is highly revered in Christendom and has its own strict canons. There is a whole list of what cannot be done on this bright day, and first of all, the sacred charter prohibits believers from doing any work, both at home and on earth. Strict taboos even apply to cooking. It is believed that Christians must prepare the necessary dishes in advance, and on the holiday the hostess can only put them on the table and offer them to family, relatives, friends and relatives.

As for the menu, it is planned taking into account the requirements of Lent, during which it falls significant date. You won’t be able to afford any special luxuries, since meat and dairy, fatty, smoked and high-calorie sweet products are still prohibited. The only thing that is acceptable to diversify the diet is fish and seafood.

You should not clean the house, do laundry or wash dishes on Palm Sunday. It is likely that a lot of dirty dishes will accumulate and they will take up almost the entire sink, but it is better to deal with them the next day, or at least as late as possible in the evening.

The ban also applies to taking out garbage, doing housework and cleaning premises where livestock are kept. Domestic animals are only fed on Palm Sunday, but the hay bedding is not changed, droppings are not removed, and the pens are not cleaned.

It is not recommended to cut or dye your hair and nails, take a bath, or do cosmetic procedures. Simply wash your face and hands with cool water and pat dry with a towel or linen napkin. No other hygienic actions should be performed, unless, of course, this is required by the basic rules of daily personal hygiene.

Palm Sunday - what to do with willow after the service: signs and customs

On Palm Sunday, willow shoots must be taken to church, blessed and held in hands for the entire period of the solemn service. According to legends, after this ritual the plant becomes completely unique properties and becomes a kind of amulet, protection and healing agent.

What to do with willow consecrated in church - folk traditions

  • To gain health on next year tap the body with a branch of the consecrated willow and say: “Be as strong as the willow, as healthy as its roots and as rich as the earth.”
  • For patients who want to get rid of diseases and ailments, move a willow twig over those points on the body that bother you the most and read the following spell: “Holy Spirit, enter through the willow - take away the disease. The willow will come and the disease will take away.”
  • So as not to suffer from insomnia, place willow shoots at the head of the bed, look at it and say: “Holy angels, take care of my sleep, holy willow, drive away the undead.”
  • To protect against fever, remove 9 earrings from a consecrated branch and swallow them.
  • Women who have been trying to get pregnant for a long time should eat willow cones daily. The long-awaited conception will soon take place.
  • To ensure that an important matter is definitely crowned with success, before negotiations, tear off three cones from a consecrated willow and eat them. The old people say that this ritual is very powerful and should be used only as a last resort.
  • To attract wealth on Palm Sunday, plant an indoor flower or plant with fleshy, succulent leaves in a pot.
  • During a thunderstorm, place willow branches near the window. This will protect the house from lightning strikes.
  • To find harmony in the heart and peace of mind stick a sprig of consecrated willow into the roof of the house (in an ordinary city apartment, simply attach it in the upper corner of the ceiling).

Palm Sunday - what to do with last year's willows: rituals and traditions

On the eve of the next Palm Sunday, believers are beginning to wonder what to do with last year's willows. Church texts state that you should never throw away old shoots, because they are sprinkled with holy water and carry a charge of divine energy. The best way to get rid of them is in the following ways:

  • float downstream in the body of water closest to the house;
  • burn it and scatter the ashes over water or simply pour it out in some deserted place;
  • plant in the ground near a river or in a forest if the branches have taken root;
  • put a deceased relative or friend in the coffin;
  • light it like a candle and consecrate the whole house, while at the same time reading one of the Christian prayers;
  • before Palm Sunday, cover the entire house with last year's branches, including the most secluded corners, and then burn it on fresh air, saying words of gratitude for protecting your home from harm.

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