Order Lezgin groups for a wedding. Ensemble of "Caucasian dances". Revived traditions of ancestors

You can invite the national Caucasian dance group to a celebration or order Caucasian dances for a wedding or other event by calling the numbers on the website!

As you know, many peoples live in the Caucasus. Each of them has its own language, traditions and culture.

Lezginka is one of the traditional Caucasian dances,some kind of emblem, or business card any Caucasian.

The most beautiful dance Lezginka is an expression of the soul of a proud, freedom-loving, temperamental, courageous people. The nature of the dance ranges from sedate to energetic, it smoothly moves from graceful movements to complex technical tricks. Lezginka freely combines sliding and flying movements, reminiscent of the flight of a falcon. The young men in the dance, like mountain tours, hang in the air, jumping and complex pirouettes.
In addition to the Lezginka, the highlanders dance many dances. There are fifty-three peoples in Dagestan. The bulk are: Lakis, Avars, Dargins, Kumyks, Lezgins. And everyone has their own dance. All of them differ from Lezginka - more energetic and technically complex. Both boys and girls own complex elements, for example: dasma, picker, leg throw, etc.
The dance follows a clearly defined pattern. The dances of Georgian, Ossetian, Azerbaijani, Armenian peoples. For example, the Georgian dance “Kartuli” requires great skill, plasticity and dexterity from the dancer. Or the “Khanjluri” dance - a dance with daggers, in which the performer throws daggers with a flourish.

IN Lately show programs have become integral part almost any event: be it a magnificent presentation or corporate party. However, it must be said that these programs are often standard and predictable.
Surprise your guests with a truly unusual, exciting, even shocking spectacle!

Believe me, guests will remember this holiday for a long time. We work on both small and large large venues our country. Performed with solo concerts and in group concerts with Russian and foreign pop stars.
The success of the team is not an accident, it is the result of serious daily work.

Each dance number is original story setting, a combination of professionally processed musical composition, combinations of modern and folk choreography, acrobatic elements.
The attention of the audience is attracted by the original and beautiful costumes, the high artistry of the dancers, and the charge of positive energy that they send into the hall!

Composition of the group:
Standard - 4-5 dancers, up to 16 people are possible.
Repertoire of Kakaz folk dances:

  • Gorskiy (dance of the highlanders)
  • Adjarian
  • Wedding dance (daishi)
  • Lizginka
  • Shalaho
  • Kintourium
  • Abkhazian
  • Chechensky and others.

Timing of the performance Caucasian ensemble- numbers last from 3.20 to 5.30 minutes. The break between ensemble performances is at least 15 minutes (there is time to change clothes), each dance is performed in different costumes.
With suits dance group Caucasian dances - you can familiarize yourself by looking at photographs or videos on the official website.
You can watch videos from the events on the website of the Caucasian dance ensemble, this is an Adjarian Caucasian dance, a wedding dance(usually performed on wedding celebrations), mountain dance, etc.

Do you want to leave a lasting impression of your event? So that guests will remember and discuss this wonderful holiday for a long time?

We invite you and your guests to plunge into the atmosphere of a real Caucasian holiday. Our artists will light up the most “prim” and dull audience!

It doesn’t matter what nationality you are visiting! We know how to entertain any audience, any age group.

Incendiary Caucasian dances from the best team Moscow at your event

Order Lezginka dancers for weddings and other events! We will make your holiday!

A little about dance...

Dance styles of different peoples over the course of decades and centuries were formed from the peculiarities of the mentality of ethnic groups and the living conditions of their representatives. The fiery Lezginka has absorbed its fast rhythms and cheerful motives from the passionate and temperamental character of the peoples of the North Caucasus. It is this region that is considered the birthplace of a well-recognized rhythmic dance.

At weddings and holidays - when it’s joyful and fun

Lezginka for the peoples of the North Caucasus is a traditional pastime. This dance, as a rule, is included in most holiday programs, and it is difficult to imagine Dagestan, Ossetian and Chechen weddings without it. In our dance school There are separate classes for teaching wedding lezginka, its choreography, rules and sequence of movements performed. Many people come to us precisely to learn how to dance beautifully at a wedding and thereby emphasize their belonging to the national culture and folk traditions.

Caucasians have always been famous for their generosity and ability to organize cheerful, soulful celebrations. Whether it's a wedding, birthday, anniversary or other memorable date- always gathers around the heroes of the occasion a large number of friends and relatives, tables are full of treats, wise toasts are heard and the rhythm of folk music is heard.

Not a single celebration in the Caucasus is complete without energetic, cheerful live music, songs and national dancing, That's why Caucasian musicians always welcome guests at the holiday. Dancing and dancing to the accompaniment of live music is always incendiary and memorable for a long time.

Revived traditions of ancestors

Our people sacredly honor the traditions of their people and love their homeland very much. Traditions are revered, even if a person, by the will of fate, left his historical homeland. For this reason, during the holidays it invariably sounds folk music and it is better if its sounds are played not by a tape recorder, but by a virtuoso musician who subtly senses the mood of the guests.

If you are planning a holiday and want your guests to remember it with admiration, be sure to order professional singers and musicians. Dancing and singing to zurna, accordion, Caucasian drum, pandur, duduk will create a unique atmosphere of presence in the vast expanses of the Caucasus.

Especially often invited Caucasian singers for a wedding, because this special event must be perfect. And they will help make the wedding flawless professional Caucasian toastmaster and experienced musicians. They will captivate guests and will not let them get bored; they will help create a festive atmosphere and maintain it until the very end of the celebration.

The best Caucasian musicians are here

Order services of Caucasian musicians on our website and rest assured that you and your guests will be satisfied with their workmanship. The mesmerizing rhythms of Georgian, Ossetian, Dagestan and other Caucasian music will sound for you.

Together with the musicians, we offer to order Caucasian singers who know a large number of folk songs and will fulfill each of them soulfully.

The show program will create a unique atmosphere of celebration dance group "Pride of the Caucasus". Hot dances peoples of the South and North Caucasus- this is not the limit of their capabilities. Mesmerizing shows will be organized for you, for example, with daggers or drums.

Give your guests a top-notch holiday!

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