Literary Prize Krapivina. Moloko is a Russian literary magazine. Regulations on the international literary prize named after V.P. Krapivin

In the Sverdlovsk Regional Library for Children and Youth named after V.P. Krapivina took place solemn ceremony presentation of the International Children's Literary Prize named after Vladislav Krapivina. The finalists for the award included 11 children's authors, of whom the jury selected four laureates.

This year, works from Moscow, the Moscow region, Rostov-on-Don, Samara, Yakutia and Kazakhstan reached the finals of the award.

The Caravel squad went beyond the list of finalists and awarded a special diploma to a writer from Canada Marina Yasinskaya for the work "Daddy's Islands" with the wording: "To the author who remains faithful to the children's theme." Marina Yasinskaya received the award even before the long list was announced.

The Children's Jury Prize was awarded to Daria Wardenburg from Moscow for her book “Rule 69 for a Fat Seagull.” One of the key awards - the Commander Award, which is awarded by Vladislav Krapivin himself, was received by another Muscovite Evgeny Rudashevsky for the work "The Raven".

Daria Vardenburg and Evgeny Rudashevsky were also named among the prize winners. In addition, Muscovites became winners Tatiana Goncharuk (“Pawns”) and Vlada Rai (“Sister of the World”).

Let us recall that the Vladislav Krapivin Prize for best works for children and adolescents has been awarded annually since 2006. Along with the prize, the laureates will receive diplomas and commemorative medals. The total prize fund is 200 thousand rubles. This year it will be distributed among four laureates (50 thousand rubles each).

"Boy with a Sword"

The “Competition of Co-authors” is held in the magazine “Koster” for those guys who love literature and want to try their hand at writing. We offer our readers an excerpt from a book and ask them to come up with their own continuation of the story - to imagine what could have happened next.

Young writers on the pages of Kostra have already acted as co-authors of such domestic and foreign classics like N. M. Karamzin, N. V. Gogol, T. Jansson, A. P. Chekhov, L. Carroll, S. Ya. Marshak and many other writers, including modern ones. By tradition, the competition is dedicated to the anniversary of a writer or book.

In 2018, Vladislav Petrovich Krapivin celebrates his 80th birthday - a wonderful children's writer, member of the editorial board of the magazine “Koster”. The winner of the competition at the end of 2018 will be chosen by the author himself!

Try to come up with your own version of the continuation of an excerpt from V. P. Krapivin’s story “The Boy with a Sword”:

“He was just a boy and knew for sure: there are no miracles in the world.

And he was amazed and shuddered almost as much as his enemies when, in the blaze of red manes and with the dull thunder of horseshoes, five cavalrymen flew into the clearing and stood in a semicircle.

And the most chief rider- dark-skinned, white-toothed, in a green shirt and a canvas Budenovka with a blue cloth star - said quietly..."

All interested Russian schoolchildren, regardless of their region of residence, can take part in the competition.

The volume of the competition text should not exceed 2000 characters.

Essays will be accepted at root@site until October 10, 2018. The winners will be announced in January 2019 in the first issue of the Koster magazine, and the best of the competition works will be published on the pages of the magazine in the 2018 issues.

All works must contain information about the author - last name, first name, age, class, full name of the educational institution, place of residence.

Regulations on the international literary prize named after V.P. Krapivin

1. The importance of the personality and creativity of Vladislav Petrovich Krapivin for children's literature, for the education of several generations of youth in Russia and other countries cannot be overestimated. One of the patriarchs of Russian science fiction, the author of several hundred books translated into dozens of languages, V.P. Krapivin continues his noble work today in the formation of high morality and spirituality among young and adult readers. Sverdlovsk regional public fund"The Vladislav Krapivin Foundation", the Association of Writers of the Urals established the International Literary Prize named after Vladislav Krapivin as a sign of respect for his work and to stimulate literary activity in line with the traditions he laid down. Giving the prize an international dimension will help increase its prestige Russian literature for children and youth, will emphasize its role in the world literature of this direction.

2. The amount of the bonus is 100,000 (one hundred thousand) rubles excluding tax. By decision of the founders, this amount may be changed. Along with the cash prize, the laureate is awarded a diploma and a commemorative breast medal.

3. Can participate in the competition for the Vladislav Krapivin Prize literary works for children and youth of any genre and compositional forms (novel, story, play, book of stories or poems), in the form of books and publications in the press, as well as the most interesting (in the opinion of the organizing committee) manuscripts ready for publication. In exceptional cases, the candidacy of a writer applying for a prize based on cumulative merits in the field of children's literature may be considered. Works by foreign language authors are accepted for consideration only with a translation into Russian.

4. The founders of the prize create an organizing committee, whose functions include disseminating information about the competition, accepting works of applicants, recruiting experts to the selection committee at the first stage of the competition and jury members at the second stage, as well as organizing the award ceremony for the winners and other work necessary for competition.

5. To sum up the results of the competition, a jury is created under the chairmanship of V.P. Krapivin, who has two votes when voting. Every two years the composition of the jury is renewed by at least one third. Prize applicants cannot serve on the jury.

6. Nomination of applicants for the prize is carried out by writing organizations and associations in Russia, near and far abroad countries, libraries, editorial offices of literary magazines for children and youth, literary museums, book publishers, educational establishments, children's funds, as well as the organizing committee. To officially include an applicant in the competition, the following materials and documents must be submitted to the organizing committee: a) an application letter or an extract from the minutes of the meeting of the nominating organization; b) applicant’s application form (full name, address, brief creative characteristic); c) three copies of the nominated work; d) if possible - articles, reviews and press dedicated to the applicant. Applications for participation in the competition and literary works are accepted by the organizing committee annually until September 1 at the address:

620075 Ekaterinburg, Pushkin St., 12

Association of Writers of the Urals with the note "for the competition named after Vladislav Krapivin." After specified date the list of applicants is approved by the organizing committee and is no longer revised, and the reasons for the lateness of other applications are not discussed. The results of the competition are published in the media before October 15 of the year the prize is awarded.

7. The prize is awarded once a year to one author and is presented on V.P.’s birthday. Krapivina on October 14 in one of the cities Russian Federation(at the discretion of the organizing committee).

Vladislav Petrovich Krapivin made a huge contribution to the education of several generations of children in our country. The author of several hundred books translated into dozens of languages, an excellent teacher, continues to actively work to develop high morality and spirituality among readers. International children's literary prize named after V.P. Krapivin is announced as a sign of respect for his work and to stimulate literary activity in line with the traditions he laid down.

The award is supported by Ministry of Culture of the Sverdlovsk Region.

Organizers and partners of the Award:

Founders and organizers:

Commonwealth of Children's Writers

Sverdlovskaya regional library for children and youth. V.P.Krapivina, Ekaterinburg

Press center and flotilla "Caravelle", Yekaterinburg


Publishing house "Henry Puschel", Yekaterinburg

Municipal association libraries, Yekaterinburg

Ekaterinburg House of Teachers

Ural Writers Museum

Information partners of the Award:

Magazine "URAL"

Newspaper "Quiet Minute"


General provisions:

International Children's Literary Award named after V.P. Krapivin for the best prose work for middle age children school age established with the aim of stimulating literary activity in line with the traditions laid down by V.P. Krapivin.

Purpose of the Award:

Attracting public attention to works that influence the formation of high morality and spirituality among children.

Objective of the Award:

Widespread propaganda of prose works for children of secondary school age, promoting the “growth of the soul”, the formation of high morality and spirituality.

Conditions of the competition for the Prize:

  • texts of works for children and adolescents written in Russian are accepted, both those already published in the form of books, published in the press, and unpublished, in prose, in volume from 1.5 author's sheets (60 thousand characters) to 10 author's sheets (400 thousand characters). A collection of stories or fairy tales is considered as a single work.

The book must not be published earlier than two years before the competition announcement date. For unpublished works, the time of writing does not matter.

  • Works written in Russian are accepted.
  • Translations from the languages ​​of the peoples of Russia are accepted.
  • No more than one manuscript or book from one author is accepted (including author’s collections of short stories).
  • The literary council of the award forms a list of finalists (shortlist).
  • From the works that made it to the finals, the winner is determined by the decision of the jury chaired by V.P. Krapivin.
  • the winner receives a cash prize, a medal and an honorary Diploma.
  • the jury reserves the right to increase the number of awards; assign special prizes and nominations, to encourage authors included in the shortlist of works.


Competition works are accepted in in electronic format through the form filled out on the competition website from March 27 to May 10, 2017. Website address: .

Requirements for manuscripts:

  • Manuscripts of works submitted to the Competition must comply with the goals and objectives of the Competition;
  • works cultivating violence, drug addiction, criminal lifestyle, aggressive behavior are not allowed to participate in the Competition.
  • the volume of the product must be from 1.5 a.l. (60 thousand characters) up to 10 a.l.
  • The manuscript is provided ONLY in electronic format Word 97/2003/XP/2007/2010. Published works (books) are accepted for the competition in the amount of 2 copies at the address: 620075, Yekaterinburg city, st. K. Liebknecht, 8, Sverdlovsk Regional Library for Children and Youth, Krapivin Prize. For published works and manuscripts, registration on the website and attachment of the text in electronic form are required.
  • The jury will not consider works that do not meet the requirements of the Competition.
  • reviews and reviews are not sent to authors.

Summing up and awarding the winners:

The Prize winner is awarded a cash prize, medal and Diploma.

Literary Council Awards

  • controls the implementation of the Regulations on the Competition;
  • reviews and reviews manuscripts,
  • selects at least 15 works for the long list of finalists for the Prize

The award jury chaired by V.P. Krapivin

  • approves the Regulations on the Prize;
  • reviews and reviews works included in the list of finalists,
  • makes a decision on awarding the Prize,
  • makes a decision on rewarding authors who do not become prize winners.

Organizing Committee of the Prize

  • prepares materials for the Competition;
  • organizes information support for the Prize;
  • ensures the work of the literary council and jury in reviewing competition manuscripts;
  • organizes an award ceremony for the laureate (or laureates) of the Prize;
  • provides information about the Prize winners for the media, Internet sites, and libraries.

The acceptance of applications for the V.P. Krapivin International Children's Literary Prize has been announced. Deadline May 10, 2017.

Organizers: Commonwealth of Children's Writers, Sverdlovsk Regional Library for Children and Youth named after. V.P. Krapivina (Ekaterinburg), Press center and flotilla “Caravelle” (Ekaterinburg)

From the annotation:

Vladislav Petrovich Krapivin made a huge contribution to the education of several generations of children in our country. The author of several hundred books translated into dozens of languages, an excellent teacher, continues to actively work to develop high morality and spirituality among readers. The International Children's Literary Prize named after V.P. Krapivin is announced as a sign of respect for his work and to stimulate literary activity in line with the traditions he established.

The V.P. Krapivin International Children's Literary Prize for the best prose work for children of secondary school age was established with the aim of stimulating literary activity in line with the traditions laid down by V.P. Krapivin.

Our official group In contact with:, our telegram, classmates ,

Purpose of the Award: To attract public attention to works that influence the formation of high morality and spirituality among children.

Texts of works for children and adolescents written in Russian are accepted, both those already published in the form of books, published in the press, and unpublished, in prose, in volume from 1.5 author's sheets (60 thousand characters) to 10 author's sheets (400 thousand characters). A collection of stories or fairy tales is considered as a single work.

The book must not be published earlier than two years before the competition announcement date. For unpublished works, the time of writing does not matter.

Competition works are accepted electronically through the form filled out on the competition website until May 10, 2017. The winner will be announced and the prize will be awarded on October 13-14, 2017.

  • The prize winner receives a cash reward in the amount of 200 thousand rubles, as well as a medal and diploma.
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