Prayer against prodigal warfare. Our Lady does not pray for those who swear

The most detailed description: prayer against a husband’s foul language - for our readers and subscribers.

Hello, please tell me prayers against swear words and gluttony. And how can you thank God for everything? Thank you

Dear our reader.

Any passion living in us can be plucked out. The most important thing is to hate this sin. This is the first thing. And secondly, you need to come to confession more often and repent of your sins before the Face of the Lord in the presence of a priest. During confession, the Lord gives strength to fight sin. A person leaving confession feels within himself a barrier and disgust from this sin. You just need to not relax, but constantly support yourself with prayer and fasting, for “this generation is driven out only by prayer and fasting” (Matthew 17:21) - that’s what the Lord said.

1. About sin gluttony Saint Ephraim the Syrian said this: “If you want to overcome gluttony, love abstinence, and have the fear of God, and you will win.”

Gluttony is a rather gross and obvious sin that can be difficult for a person to cope with. To practice the skills of overcoming gluttony, you can start by following the Lenten regulations as strictly as possible. Do not eat food that is not prescribed on Wednesday and Friday, during multi-day fasts, and do not eat it more often than the church charter implies. It is equally useful to abstain from food after a certain hour in the evening: say, not to eat after seven or eight hours - this helps many to strengthen themselves in the fight against gluttony.

Regarding prayer, I will say that there is no need to specifically look for a special prayer against gluttony. Quicker better question put it this way: we, recognizing this or that passion as our difficult-to-overcome problem or as a battle in which today we more often fail, must, with faith and hope in God's help, really bring to Him what is happening to us, and ask Him for help in these defeats of ours.

Pray in your own words, for example: “ God have mercy on me, for I am weak! Grant me to curb my belly and acquire the virtue of continence“.

2. About the sin of profanity

Now swear language heard everywhere, from the family to the street, to transport, even to people who have some kind of power. The reason for swearing is no longer irritation or anger; rotten words have become part of everyday speech. Foul language is used not only in communication between adults, but also in conversations between parents and small children; even lovers exchange it.

The “innocent” habit of using swear words has led to the fact that many people use it to connect words, inserting a swear word through every normal word.

This is a sign of the special degradation of our culture, a sign of our spiritual and moral decay.

Since ancient times, swearing in Russian has been called foul language - from the word “bad”. In V. Dahl’s dictionary it is said: “filth is abomination, muck, filth, everything vile, disgusting, disgusting, indecent, that disgusts carnally and spiritually, uncleanness, dirt and rot, decay, carrion, feces, stench, stench, obscenity, debauchery, moral corruption, everything ungodly.” This is where we have fallen, surrendering to the power of stinking, rotten words.

In former times in Rus' they were aware of how vile it was to swear. He was severely punished.

Even under Tsars Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich, corporal punishment was imposed for foul language: for general edification, cursers on the streets were punished with rods.

Swearing is a clear manifestation of evil in a person. And everyone for whom “mat” and “mother” are one must remember that they voluntarily serve Satan. When a person speaks swear words, he not only defiles and stains his lips, but also pours dirt into the ears of those around him, corrupts them with the content of swear words, leads them to bad thoughts - sows evil, even when he himself does not realize it. When we hear that a person is swearing, we must tell him not to use such words, but if he does not listen to us, it is better to move away from evil so as not to harm his soul. As it is said: “If you turn away from evil, cleave to what is good” (Rom. 12:9).

If you want to free yourself from bad language, then you need to sincerely repent, and the Lord will help you free yourself from it.

Master your tongue so that your sins do not multiply. (Reverend Anthony the Great)

The Lord guards your soul as long as you guard your tongue. (Reverend Anthony the Great)

If you remember what is said in Scripture: “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:37), then you will understand that it is better to remain silent than to speak. (Reverend Pimen the Great)

Death and life are in the power of the tongue.. (Prov. 18, 22)

He who guards his mouth guards his soul. (Proverbs 13:3)

Restraint of the tongue shows a wise man. (Reverend Abba Isaiah)

It is known that doctors recognize whether a person is healthy or sick by examining the tongue; we can say that our words serve as a sure sign of the good or bad dispositions of our soul. (Saint Tikhon of Zadonsk)

Some are very picky about food and do not allow certain dishes into their mouths, but they are not so picky and careful about the words that come from their mouths. (St. Augustine)

The habit of using unsuitable words serves as a certain path to deeds. Therefore, with every precaution, one must guard the soul so that, while finding pleasure in words, one does not unnoticed accept something bad, just as others swallow poison with honey. (St. Basil the Great)

I said, I will take heed to my ways, lest I sin with my tongue; I will bridle my mouth while the wicked is before me. (Ps. 38:2)

Pray in your own words. We can recommend verses from Psalm 140 for prayer help. "Put O Lord, guard my mouth and guard my mouth over the door. Do not turn my heart into words of deceit; do not bear the guilt of sins.».

Translated into Russian: Place a guard, O Lord, on my lips, and guard the doors of my lips, do not let my heart turn aside to evil words for the apology of sinful deeds.

According to the institutions of the Orthodox Church, for all the blessings that we asked for in our prayers, we are supposed to thank only God Himself. And this is quite natural, since Christians turn to saints as intercessors with God, having boldness before Him. But the only source and cause of everything except sin is the Lord Himself.

There is a special rite - a thanksgiving prayer to the Savior. It can be ordered in any temple, but a mandatory condition is the presence at the prayer service of the person who ordered it. You can also pray at home, for example, read the Akathist to the Most Holy Theotokos, as the main Intercessor for us before God. In general, the Lord, the Mother of God and all the saints rejoice when we have communion with them in the Church, receive communion, confess, that is, lead a pious Christian life - this will be real, pleasing to God a life that should all be gratitude to the Lord for all His innumerable benefits to us.

But the highest manifestation of thanksgiving will be participation in the liturgy and communion of the Holy Mysteries of Christ. Liturgy, the main service, is also called the Eucharist, which is translated from Greek as thanksgiving.

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Prayer against swearing and foul language.

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Prayer against swearing and foul language

Russian obscenities. Remember, even foreigners are delighted with some of the cool Russian swear words. In fact, swearing or foul language is one of the sins that he does not approve of. Orthodox Church. Let's figure it out, what's the matter? Strong words of obscenity, which are sometimes so appropriate in our everyday speech, actually have a detrimental effect on our condition. Any esotericist will say that a person who likes to swear and uses obscenities Everyday life, causes serious damage to your aura. Mat pierces our aura and leaves holes in it, as with the evil eye. What to do and who to pray to if you want to get rid of foul language and swearing? Only the Lord God. The same prayer is suitable if you want to wean your husband or child from swearing and foul language.

I want to warn you. The habit of swearing or swearing has developed in you or loved one for years. So don't expect an instant miracle. The prayer will have to be read for 13 days. You need to start reading the prayer against swearing and foul language during the waning moon. It’s good if you start reading it on the day of a church holiday. Such as Trinity, Easter and Holy Week, Christmas, Epiphany.

So, the words of prayer against swearing and foul language.

Church of the Intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Osa village

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About the dangers of swearing and foul language


Do not use obscene or generally any dirty, abusive words. Passing through your consciousness, your tongue, they pollute you, your mind, your soul. By using dirty words, you become dirtier. F.G.Uglov

The Russian language has always been distinguished from others by its beauty, flexibility and diversity; it is not without reason that it is called great and powerful. But a huge number of Russian-speaking adults and children often insert swear words into their speech and even replace other words with it. If earlier swearing was mainly the specific language of criminals, drunkards, prostitutes and other degenerate persons, now everything has changed radically. Young people swear freely in the presence of girls, and this does not offend them at all. And in purely girlish groups, the use of unprintable words has become commonplace. Small children, hearing their parents scolding, clog their tongues, not even understanding the meaning of the words spoken. Today, swearing has penetrated into literature, cinema and television. The “innocent” habit of using swear words has led to the fact that many people use it to connect words, inserting a swear word through every normal word. What is a mat? Is it part of the national language or is it a sign of a special degradation of our culture, a sign of our spiritual and moral decay?

With a word God created everything: “ And God said: let there be light "/Genesis 1, 3/. In a word, God created our world - the entire Universe, the entire cosmos (translated from Greek - “beauty”), the word is a Gift God's man, through him we become like our Creator, who created this beauty for them. The word is also a tool of human creativity. We enlighten and are enlightened by the word. And foul language sows darkness. The Apostle teaches: “Let no corrupt word come out of our mouths, but only what is good...” /Eph. 4, 29/. Words should bring you closer to God, and not move you away from Him. The Lord did not give us lips in order to glorify the devil. Our speech must be pure, we must offer praise to the Lord, glorify the Mother of God and the Saints of the Orthodox Faith.

In ancient Judea, the warning against foul language was taken very seriously, so much so that even to this day in the modern Jewish family one can hear our “international” folklore only as an exception: the non-use of foul language has become a national tradition.

Since ancient times, from the first steps of Christianity on Russian soil, Russian people in a special way They prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos, nowhere as often as here, did they ask and do not ask for Her help. And there are reasons for this. There is a legend among believers that Russia is the House of the Mother of God, one of Her inheritances on earth.

And She especially prays to God for the salvation of our fatherland and Orthodox people. But when praying for them, the Virgin Mary refuses to mention in her prayers those whose speech is peppered with obscenities, which is why people in former times also called swearers blasphemers. Let us remember that FOLLOWING- the beginning of the path to even greater evil. THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF Apostasy. We should always remember the words of the Lord Jesus Christ: “... For every idle word that people speak, they will give an answer on the day of judgment, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:36-37). Each of us has to Last Judgment to answer not only for all our deeds, but also for every word we said.

The mystical roots of warfare go back to distant pagan antiquity. People of the pre-Christian world were well aware of the existence of spirits, believing that they were all evil: knowing nothing about angels and the heavenly hierarchy, living surrounded by an invisible demonic world, they could not think differently. And in order to protect themselves from demonism, they came into contact with the demonic world.

This contact was twofold: the demon was either appeased by praising him and making sacrifices to him, or they frightened him. So, they frightened with nasty words specially intended for this, demonstrating to the unclean spirit their own, supposedly even greater obscenity...

Similar situations today can be observed before the start of a fight, when opponents, grimacing disgustingly, shout obscenities at each other, intimidating each other, demonstrating a readiness not only to beat but to kill... Not a single tragedy, if it happens in such a situation, without such an “introduction” " is not possible.

Swearing has a clearly expressed cult function in Slavic paganism. It is widely represented in rituals of pagan origin and is of a ritual nature. At the same time, swearing has a pronounced anti-Christian character. In ancient Russian manuscripts, swearing is considered a feature of demonic behavior.

Since certain representatives evil spirits go back to the pagan gods, it is most likely that pagan spells can be seen in swearing. For the Slavs, swearing acts as a curse. The connection with paganism is undeniable. For example, one of swear words with the letter "e", which has Slavic origin, translated as “to curse.” The person who pronounces it thereby curses himself and those around him. The word starting with the letter “x” in the Old Russian language meant a sorcerer. The combination of this letter and the ending corresponding to the ending of many Russian verbs is a Volkhov action that was associated with deceased ancestors, and with this exclamation the souls of the dead were summoned in pagan rituals.

The remaining swear words are the names of pagan gods, that is, demons. And the person who utters these words automatically calls these demons on himself, his children and his family. Here we are dealing with the mystery of the word. Whoever you call comes. You call a person by name - he responds. You call on the name of God in prayer - the Lord will answer if His will is done. When the names of devils, the devil, and demonic forces are pronounced, the demons respond, accompanying the swearing person and influencing his mood, health, finances, and relationships with other people.

It is no coincidence that people who are bound by demons by sin hear “voices” and testify that a stream of abusive and blasphemous words sounds in their minds against their will. Or let's take another example. For inveterate swearers, swear words almost completely replace normal speech. They can’t put two words together without swearing. And they don’t think that they can speak differently. Slaves of the mat.

It is not in vain that “foul language” comes from the word “filth”: swearing is a clear and open manifestation of evil in a person. V. Dahl’s dictionary says: “FOIL - abomination, muck, dirty trick, everything vile, disgusting, disgusting, obscene, that disgusts carnally and spiritually; uncleanness, dirt and rot, decay, carrion, eruptions, feces; stench, stench; lewdness, debauchery, moral corruption; everything is ungodly."

This definition is the result of Vladimir Dahl’s deep study of, first of all, folk speech. Those who believe that swearing was used in Rus', especially in villages, at almost all times, are deeply mistaken and do not know own history. Just in the old days, people were much more clearly aware that foul language was a grave sin before God and before other people; they were punished for addiction to swearing, and really severely. Under Tsars Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich, for example, corporal punishment was imposed for foul language: disguised officials with archers walked in the markets and streets, grabbed those who were swearing, and right there, at the scene of the crime, in front of all the honest people, they flogged them with rods for general edification.

The sin of foul language was also condemned at the Council of Carthage (Rule 71): “With obscene words one insults the honor of the mothers of families and the chastity of others”... What can one say if one speaks foul language, especially to the address of one’s own child, or just like that, out of pure coquetry, wanting to look “uninhibited” ” and “modern”, the mother herself. But perhaps all this is really nothing more than prejudices that have no basis? Let's try to find out whether the abuse has a mystical source and what it is. After all, not everyone to modern man It is possible to understand what kind of trouble actually lies behind the swear words.

A rotten word from a rotten heart.

A Russian proverb says: “From a rotten heart come rotten words.” When the human heart is corrupted, rotten, nasty words appear as signs of spiritual corruption. Foul language is a sign of excess filth in the heart. If a person’s soul is not cleansed, but is filled with sin and bitterness, then foul language flows out of him in an uncontrollable stream.

The famous lexicographer Vladimir Dal wrote: “You cannot joke with language, with human words, with speech with impunity; a person’s verbal speech is a visible, tangible connection, a connecting link between body and spirit.”

Causing harm to others, a foul-mouthed speaker may not know that the most great harm he inflicts on himself and his offspring. Human genes “hear” thoughts and words, perceive them and record them in the genetic code, passing the mutation on to the next generation. Bad words negatively affect the genetic code of the foul-mouthed person, are fixed in it, becoming a curse falling on one’s own head and the heads of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The same destructive effect on a person and his genetics is produced by fornication, drunkenness, smoking, drug addiction, theft, lies, envy, violence and cruelty in all forms, including abortion, that is, everything that the Bible calls the word “sin”. And this conclusion of genetic science is also consistent with the Bible: “I am the Lord your God, a jealous God, for the iniquity of the fathers, punishing the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me” (Deuteronomy 5:9).

In medical practice, there is a phenomenon that is at first glance incomprehensible. Sometimes, with complete paralysis of speech, when a person cannot utter a single word at all, he nevertheless freely pronounces entire phrases consisting of unprintable abuse. The phenomenon is indeed strange, but by no means rare. What does it indicate?

Both doctors and clergy are unanimous on this issue. It turns out that swear words travel from the brain to the speech organs along completely different nerve chains than all the others.

We know that representatives of the devilish world, not to mention Satan himself, are largely proficient in the techniques of influencing matter, including our body, the structure of which is well known to them. It is known which centers of the human brain are responsible for what, and which parts of it, if necessary, can duplicate the “non-functioning” ones affected by the disease. An excellent opportunity to excite redundant centers, demonstrating with the help of this “good deed” your power over half-dead flesh... And this is here, in the material world! But what will happen when the soul, which has been possessed by a demon, finds itself beyond its borders? What will happen to such a person at the time of death? The demon's power over him will become complete and final, as lawyers say, not subject to appeal.

It remains to add that, according to the testimony of the church, the most common punishment from above that befalls foul language is death without repentance, that is, sudden

death. This does not mean that it will happen ahead of time, but that it will happen at the end of the natural life span. For a believer, this is always scary, because among the obligatory Christian prayers there is also a prayer asking for a dignified death, accompanied by repentance. As for non-believers, there is a very simple reasoning, but no less wise than any truth.

Let's say you don't believe in God, but your friend does and, unlike you, is afraid to break the commandments. If she is right, after death you, and not her, will face a terrible, painful eternity. If you are right and nothing awaits people beyond the boundaries of physical existence, a believing friend will not suffer from this in any way. But in life here he will definitely win, because this life itself has already proven hundreds and thousands of times throughout the history of mankind: only people those who consciously strive to be kind, decent, and moral, really end up finding here on earth a fate that, if not flamboyantly happy, is certainly worthy.

When a person speaks swear words, he not only defiles and stains his lips, but also pours dirt into the ears of those around him, corrupts them with the content of swear words, brings bad thoughts to them - sows evil, even when he himself does not realize it. When we hear that a person swears, then we must tell him not to use such words, but if he does not listen to us, it is better to move away from evil so as not to harm his soul. As it is said: " turn away from evil, cling to good"(Rom. 12:9).

Medical evidence of the consequences of obscene language.

At the end of the last century, an employee of the Institute of Control Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, founder of the Institute of Quantum Genetics, biologist Pyotr Garyaev undertook research that made it possible to create a device that translates human words into electromagnetic vibrations, and then traced how these vibrations affect the molecules of heredity - DNA. With this modern technology It became possible to check how evil and kind words affect a living organism.

It turned out that some words can be worse than mines: they “explode” in the human genetic apparatus, distorting his hereditary programs and causing mutations, ultimately leading to degeneration. During selective warfare, chromosomes become distorted and torn. Mat has the quality of blocking creative processes in the human body. The impact of abuse is equivalent to radiation exposure of 10-40 thousand (!) roentgens - DNA chains break, chromosomes disintegrate. That is, swear words cause mutations similar to the effects of radiation. Rude, evil words can not only undermine health and cause illness, but also kill a person. And not only words, but also evil thoughts are destructive.

The words “mat” and “mother”, as if by chance, have the same root, but since there are many negative emotions associated with swearing, they are also transferred to the word “mother”. At the same time, it becomes more difficult to form the right attitude towards the mother.

Another interesting observation is connected with swear words. In those countries in national languages in which there are no curse words indicating the reproductive organs, Down's disease and cerebral palsy have not been detected, while in Russia these diseases exist and flourish. It is also curious that animals do not have many diseases only because they do not know how to talk, much less swear. If a person, when releasing negative energy, remembers the genitals, then this affects them Negative influence. Therefore, swearers become impotent early or acquire urological diseases. The trouble is that you don’t have to swear yourself; accidentally overhearing swearing is enough, which is why people living surrounded by those who swear also suffer from illnesses.

Swearing is used to express outright evil, in which there is anger and desecration. They fulfill their purpose, destroying the minds and health of both those who swear and those who hear this swearing. How in visible world There are perishable foodstuffs, and in the memory, foul language spoils and rots. Hence the diseases of old age: sclerosis, general atrophy, heart failure and other diseases.

If anger is destructive, then, on the contrary, simple kind word, spoken with love, heals. This is another result of P.P. Garyaev’s research, proven experimentally. Prayer has a particularly beneficial effect on the body: through the power of grace, defects in hereditary material are corrected, DNA molecules damaged by mutations are repaired, and a person is healed. Isn't that what the Bible says? “Some idle talker cuts as with a sword, but the tongue of the wise heals” (Proverbs 12:18). So, genetics has confirmed what the church knows, and many Christians have been practicing for thousands of years. But still, it is one thing to know the commandment, and another thing to discover that evil abuse is truly a sword piercing the human body, destroying it cellular level. But if the matter is so serious, then how we all need to take care and spare each other! And how happy are those families in which there is no swearing and quarrels, where peace, love and harmony reign!

If anyone has a passion for swearing, then they must repent, and the Lord will help them free themselves from it.

By defiling with obscenities, a person pushes away the Holy Spirit of God. With his lips, a Christian receives the Most Pure Body and Blood of Christ. By desecrating the lips, sanctified by the touch of the Body and Blood of Christ, with swearing, a person becomes angry. Christ the Savior.

Let us remember that with our lips we kiss the Holy Cross, holy icons, relics, holy books, the Gospel. Let us be ashamed to utter shameful, rotten words with lips sanctified by their touch to great shrines!

It is necessary to realize that any of our speech is heard not only by people whom we are accustomed not to be embarrassed by, but also by Angels, and the Mother of God, and the Lord Himself. Shall we not beware of foul language, so as not to offend the Angels and the Mother of God with shameful speech, not to bring joy to the demons and not to anger God by this?!

There are people who think; " I'll make a mistake for now, and then I'll repent" But the Lord may not give the opportunity for repentance to a sinner who did not even intend to fight sin in his life.

Let us sincerely repent of this heinous sin (seemingly insignificant to some). Let us throw away the demonic and accept God. The Apostle Paul says: “ ...for what fellowship has righteousness with iniquity? What does light have in common with darkness?» /Cor. 6, 14/ So, where will the soul of a foul speaker end up after death? Woe to the foul-mouthed: " Their larynx is an open coffin» /Rome. 3, 13/.

“Dear Jesus Christ, forgive me for committing this sin in my life - swearing. I ask You to forgive and set me free. I believe that You are the Son of God. I ask You to become the Lord of my heart, my mouth and my whole life. I believe that You died and rose again for my justification. Change me and make me Your friend. Amen"

Master your tongue so that your sins do not multiply.

The Lord guards your soul as long as you guard your tongue.

If you remember what is said in Scripture: “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:37), then you will understand that it is better to remain silent than to speak.

Death and life are in the power of the tongue...

He who guards his mouth guards his soul...

Restraint of the tongue shows a wise man.

It is known that doctors recognize whether a person is healthy or sick by examining the tongue; we can say that our words serve as a sure sign of the good or bad dispositions of our soul.

Some are very picky about food and do not allow certain dishes into their mouths, but they are not so picky and careful about the words that come from their mouths.

The habit of using unsuitable words serves as a certain path to deeds. Therefore, with every precaution, one must guard the soul so that, while finding pleasure in words, one does not unnoticed accept something bad, just as others swallow poison with honey.

I said, I will take heed to my ways, lest I sin with my tongue; I will bridle my mouth while the wicked is before me.

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Bible, Proverbs 18:22.

Foul language is a disease of our society, which affects many people today from all walks of life and age groups. What even a few years ago was considered the height of shamelessness and debauchery has today become almost the norm. Foul language has penetrated the press, cinema, and television. There is a vulgarization of our way of life. You can already hear statements everywhere that swearing is a normal phenomenon in the language, and if our Russian is great and powerful, then our “matters” are the most selective and expressive.. Swearing threatens to become almost an alternative to the normal literary Russian language. Rotten words become the norm in the language. Foul language is used even in families and between adults, and in conversations between parents and young children.

If we want our people not to rot, we must resolutely abandon foul language and cherish the great God's gift- beautiful Russian language. “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God... All things came into being through Him...”, says the Gospel of John about the Creation of the World. The Word is a spirit-bearing essence. Through the word of prayer, a person communicates with God... And with demons - also through words. It is not for nothing that the Orthodox Church calls foul language prayers, on the contrary, calling upon the spirits of evil.

“The lips of those who speak shamefully, spew out from their throats words that are foul-smelling and obscene, are a coffin, a receptacle for dead bones and bodies,” St. John Chrysostom said in his sermons.

The reason for foul language is rooted in sins: irritability, anger, envy and malice. Although the person, justifying himself, says that if it were not for his environment or the situation in which he was, he would not have used foul language.

If we take out all the options for human reasoning, we would get something like this: “God was wrong in giving me such parents (wife, neighbors, origin, country, appearance, and so on ad infinitum). And while a person argues like this, he is in vicious circle self-justification and murmuring against God. On the contrary, a person who walks daily before God and prays to Him accepts everything without grumbling - both good and, as it seems to him, bad, saying: “Glory to God for everything!” Although who can know for sure what is good for his soul and what is harmful, prayer brings silence and peace to the soul, instilling hope that a person will cope with all the difficulties that arise in life.

The reason for foul language is no longer irritation or anger, but bad, rotten words have become part of everyday speech, and sometimes even lovers exchange them. This is a sign of the special degradation of our culture, when every concept of measure and tact in communication between people is destroyed. Today they even sell dictionaries of obscene language.

It wasn't always like this. This phenomenon has become widespread in Lately when the forces of darkness gradually take over the sphere spiritual influence to the Russian people. Swearing is a clear manifestation of evil in a person. Since ancient times, swearing among the Russian people has been called foul language - from the word filth. In Dahl’s dictionary, which is the result of a deep study of not the book, but the folk Russian language, it is said: “filth” - abomination, muck, filth, everything vile, indecent, that disgusts carnally and spiritually, uncleanness, dirt and rot, decay, carrion , stench, stench, obscenity, debauchery, everything disgusting. This is where we have fallen, surrendering to the power of stinking, rotten words. Foul language causes direct harm not only to the spiritual, but also to the physical health of the nation.

Swearing is not just swearing, the desire to defeat the enemy in a verbal skirmish. Ultimately, it is directed not against people, but against God, for which it received the name “black swearing.” Swearing means "swearing in black." Since pre-Christian times, swearing has had a purely magical, sacred character. He is an element of serving Satan that has penetrated into secular life. Every swear word is blasphemy against God and glorification of Satan. Therefore, it is no coincidence that foul language replaces prayers with a swearer. IN difficult moments, in hard work he does not seek help in turning to God, but swears. A surge of energy in a swear word - and things move, although it is pushed by evil, to which the person thereby surrenders himself. Dealing with anger can be effective. As a result, a conditioned reflex is developed: if you feel bad, swear. This is how a person is weaned from God. Therefore, it should be said clearly and clearly that swearing is a service to Satan that a person carries out of his own free will and publicly. It is possible that this is scary enough to motivate a person to curb his tongue.

Mat is a challenge to God's commandments, a challenge to God. Saint John Chrysostom instructed: “It is not proper, brothers, for Orthodox Christians to swear in battle, since they are the Mother of God.” A person who swears insults, firstly, the Blessed Virgin Mary the Mother of God, secondly, the mother earth, and thirdly, his own mother. A detractor, until he repents, believes John Chrysostom, should not even enter the temple, venerate icons, the cross, or approach communion. Many people have no idea what enormous strength hidden in the words that we say out loud and even to ourselves. We don't think about our choice of words. But what we put into the form of words then returns to us (boomerang) in the form of the corresponding life experience. John Chrysostom says: “For blasphemy, God allows troubles, misfortunes and many diseases to befall a person.”

It is necessary to realize that our speech is heard not only by people whom we are accustomed not to be embarrassed by, but also by Angels and the Lord Himself. Shall we not beware of foul language, so as not to offend the Angels with shameful speech, not to bring joy to the demons and not to anger God? Let us think about how, by sullying our speech in the mud of immorality, we disgrace the gift of God - our great Russian language. We trample on the dignity of our people and our own dignity.

In former times, Russian people were aware of how disgusting foul language was, and they were severely punished for it. Under Tsars Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich, corporal punishment was imposed for foul language: disguised officials with archers walked in the markets and streets, grabbed the scolders and immediately, at the scene of the crime, in front of the people, punished them with rods for general edification.

To demonstrate how disgusting the sin of foul language is before God, let us give several examples of God’s obvious punishment for impudent foul language. Priest Porfiry Amfitheatrov recalled:

“At the first stages of my pastoral service, I saw that my parishioners, in addition to many other moral shortcomings, were especially infected with the habit of foul language. Immediately starting the fight against various kinds of vices of my flock, I especially took up arms against their foul language. I denounced and castigated this vice. The good results of the struggle were evident: foul language at first ceased to be heard in the streets, and then began to disappear completely. But, walking through my garden, I was unpleasantly surprised and outraged by the terrible swearing that was breaking out on the road. I saw a guy of about 16, Vasily, who, scourging with a stick of oxen, showered them with choice foul language. In response to my denunciations, the guy made an excuse that he was annoyed by the oxen slowly dragging a barrel of stillage, and that he would be glad not to use foul language, but he could not control himself. Having explained the vileness and sinfulness of foul language, I tried to inspire the guy should immediately and forever give up his bad habit, so as not to be subjected to the wrath of God. The guy did not pay due attention to my admonitions and on the same day he was subjected to terrible punishment from God. Heading with the bard again from the distillery to the manor's estate, the guy still began to shower the oxen with blows and foul language. Suddenly there was a crash, the barrel burst, and the boiling stillage splashed the guy from head to toe. His suffering and groans were heard. He was immediately sent to the hospital, where he remained for about three months. Upon his release from the hospital, I talked with him about the misfortune that befell him, which he himself completely attributes to the righteous punishment of God for the sin of foul language." (Priest Porfiry Amfitheatrov, Korm. 1905).

Following holy baptism, through the anointing with consecrated myrrh, the seal of the gifts of the Holy Spirit is placed on the lips of the baptized person. By profanity, the Holy Spirit is insulted, having sanctified the lips of a Christian to be used for the glory of God. By becoming defiled by foul language, a person pushes away the Spirit of God.

According to the words of Christ the Savior, “for every idle word people will give an answer on the Day of Judgment” (Matthew 12:36). However, the sin of foul language is much more serious than the sin of idle talk. Therefore, the punishment will be much more severe! Woe to the foul-mouthed. “Their throat is an open tomb” (Rom. 3:13).

Foul language harms not only the spiritual, but also the physical health of a person. Scientists Russian Academy scientists under the leadership of Pyotr Goryaev came to the stunning conclusion that with the help of verbal mental images a person creates or destroys his hereditary apparatus. It turns out that DNA can perceive human speech And readable text via electromagnetic channels. Some messages heal genes, others injure, like radiation. For example, kind words of prayer awaken the reserve capabilities of the genetic apparatus, and curses and swearing cause mutations leading to degeneration. Moreover, DNA does not understand whether we are communicating with a living person or with a character on a television screen. Any spoken word is nothing more than a wave genetic program that affects our lives and the lives of our descendants.

The first of the trials awaiting the soul after death is the ordeal for evil and abusive words, “by your words you will be justified, by your words you will be condemned.” And our “pedigree” means “genus” in “word”. Orthodoxy considers foul language a mortal sin, that is, a sin leading to death; it is a verbal sacrifice to Satan. Its roots are in the phallic cults of the ancient East.

The attraction to this vice is directly dependent on how close people are to God. Moving away from Him, a person, willingly or unwillingly, falls into the satanic region, i.e. becomes Satanic, acquiring the habit of turning not to God, but to Satan.

When swearing in a fight or battle, a person unconsciously calls on demons for help and receives strength and cruelty from them. But debts have to be paid, and Satan collects a generous tribute from the swearing army in the form of drunkenness, smoking, and sexual immorality. All links of this vicious chain support each other and lead to spiritual and physical death.

In the old Cossack fairy tale “The Death of Ataman Ignat” there is the following episode: “A fierce battle ensued. The cannonballs fly so thickly, as if they had thrown a bridge across the Kuban. And not a single cannonball of the Cossacks hits because they are in spiritual and carnal purity. Ignat shouted in anger: “Oh, you, ... the ataman forgot that a Cossack cannot swear with black words, then the cannonball hit him in the chest.” There was a gap in the shield of faith - the human enemy wounded him there!

Not long ago I witnessed a case where a priest refused to bless a man’s car:

“It’s useless to consecrate it. I’ll call on the powers of heaven just once, and you, swearing in it, constantly call on the powers of hell!”

“Language” in Old Church Slavonic means “people”; like the language, so are the people. Can a foul-speaking people count on anything good? And the path of each of us largely depends on his language.

One of the great ascetics of piety, Abba Sisoes once said to his friend: “Believe me, for thirty years now I have been praying to God like this: Lord Jesus Christ! Protect me from my tongue.” And indeed. The harmful habit of slander and abuse of the tongue is especially rooted in us and is difficult to overcome because the very instrument of sin - the tongue - is constantly with us. Abuse of language even in ordinary conversations is inexcusable for a Christian. The Holy Fathers demanded silence from their disciples and tried so hard to curb their tongues that they used the most drastic measures to achieve this - for example, it is said about Abba Agathon that he spent three years holding a stone in his mouth until he learned to remain silent. That a person should be silent rather than speak is taught to him by nature itself, which gave him two ears and two eyes, but one tongue, so that he would speak less and listen and notice more.

Let us pray that the Lord will help us conquer our tongue and keep our word in careful and wise use. “The Lord set a guard over our mouth and a door of protection over our mouth.” (Ps. 140, 3).

Be sober, stay awake with God!

Do not use obscene or generally any dirty, abusive words. Passing through your consciousness, your tongue, they pollute you, your mind, your soul. By using dirty words, you yourself become dirtier. F.G.Uglov

The Russian language has always been distinguished from others by its beauty, flexibility and diversity; it is not without reason that it is called great and powerful. But a huge number of Russian-speaking adults and children often insert swear words into their speech and even replace other words with it. If earlier swearing was mainly the specific language of criminals, drunkards, prostitutes and other degenerate persons, now everything has changed radically. Young people swear freely in the presence of girls, and this does not offend them at all. And in purely girlish groups, the use of unprintable words has become commonplace. Small children, hearing their parents scolding, clog their tongues, not even understanding the meaning of the words spoken. Today, swearing has penetrated into literature, cinema and television. The “innocent” habit of using swear words has led to the fact that many people use it to connect words, inserting a swear word through every normal word. What is a mat? Is it part of the national language or is it a sign of a special degradation of our culture, a sign of our spiritual and moral decay?
With a word God created everything: “ And God said: let there be light "/Genesis 1, 3/. With the word, God created our world - the entire Universe, the entire cosmos (translated from Greek - “beauty”), the word is God’s Gift to man, through it we become like our Creator, who created this beauty for them. The word is also a tool of human creativity. We enlighten and are enlightened by the word. And foul language sows darkness. The Apostle teaches: “Let no corrupt word come out of our mouths, but only what is good...” /Eph. 4, 29/. Words should bring you closer to God, and not move you away from Him. The Lord did not give us lips in order to glorify the devil. Our speech must be pure, we must offer praise to the Lord, glorify the Mother of God and the Saints of the Orthodox Faith.

In ancient Judea, the warning against foul language was taken very seriously, so much so that even to this day in the modern Jewish family one can hear our “international” folklore only as an exception: the non-use of foul language has become a national tradition.

Since ancient times, from the first steps of Christianity on Russian soil, Russian people have prayed to the Most Holy Theotokos in a special way; nowhere have they asked and are not asking for Her help as often as here. And there are reasons for this. There is a legend among believers that Russia is the House of the Mother of God, one of Her inheritances on earth.
And She especially prays to God for the salvation of our fatherland and Orthodox people. But when praying for them, the Virgin Mary refuses to mention in her prayers those whose speech is peppered with obscenities, which is why people in former times also called swearers blasphemers. Let us remember that FOLLOWING- the beginning of the path to even greater evil. THIS IS THE BEGINNING OF Apostasy. We should always remember the words of the Lord Jesus Christ: “... For every idle word that people speak, they will give an answer on the day of judgment, for by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:36-37). Each of us will have to answer at the Last Judgment not only for all our deeds, but also for every word we have spoken.

The mystical roots of warfare go back to distant pagan antiquity. People of the pre-Christian world were well aware of the existence of spirits, believing that they were all evil: knowing nothing about angels and the heavenly hierarchy, living surrounded by an invisible demonic world, they could not think differently. And in order to protect themselves from demonism, they came into contact with the demonic world.

This contact was twofold: the demon was either appeased by praising him and making sacrifices to him, or they frightened him. So, they frightened with nasty words specially intended for this, demonstrating to the unclean spirit their own, supposedly even greater obscenity...

Similar situations today can be observed before the start of a fight, when opponents, disgustingly grimacing, shout obscenities at each other, intimidating each other, demonstrating a readiness not only to beat but to kill... Not a single tragedy, if it happens in such a situation, without such an “introduction” " is not possible.

Swearing has a clearly expressed cult function in Slavic paganism. It is widely represented in rituals of pagan origin and is of a ritual nature. At the same time, swearing has a pronounced anti-Christian character. In ancient Russian manuscripts, swearing is considered a feature of demonic behavior.

Since certain representatives of evil spirits go back to the pagan gods, it is most likely that one can see pagan spells in swearing. For the Slavs, swearing acts as a curse. The connection with paganism is undeniable. For example, one of the swear words starting with the letter “e,” which is of Slavic origin, is translated as “curse.” The person who pronounces it thereby curses himself and those around him. The word starting with the letter “x” in the Old Russian language meant a sorcerer. The combination of this letter and the ending corresponding to the ending of many Russian verbs is a Volkhov action that was associated with deceased ancestors, and with this exclamation the souls of the dead were summoned in pagan rituals.

The remaining swear words are the names of pagan gods, that is, demons. And the person who utters these words automatically calls these demons on himself, his children and his family. Here we are dealing with the mystery of the word. Whoever you call comes. You call a person by name - he responds. If you call on the name of God in prayer, the Lord will answer if it is His will. When the names of devils, the devil, and demonic forces are pronounced, the demons respond, accompanying the swearing person and influencing his mood, health, finances, and relationships with other people.

It is no coincidence that people who are bound by demons by sin hear “voices” and testify that a stream of abusive and blasphemous words sounds in their minds against their will. Or let's take another example. For inveterate swearers, swear words almost completely replace normal speech. They can’t put two words together without swearing. And they don’t think that they can speak differently. Slaves of the mat.

It is not in vain that “foul language” comes from the word “filth”: swearing is a clear and open manifestation of evil in a person. V. Dahl’s dictionary says: “FOIL - abomination, muck, dirty trick, everything vile, disgusting, disgusting, obscene, that disgusts carnally and spiritually; uncleanness, dirt and rot, decay, carrion, eruptions, feces; stench, stench; lewdness, debauchery, moral corruption; everything is ungodly."
This definition is the result of Vladimir Dahl’s deep study of, first of all, folk speech. Those who believe that swearing was used in Rus', especially in villages, at almost all times, are deeply mistaken and do not know their own history. Just in the old days, people were much more clearly aware that foul language was a grave sin before God and before other people; they were punished for addiction to swearing, and really severely. Under Tsars Mikhail Fedorovich and Alexei Mikhailovich, for example, corporal punishment was imposed for foul language: disguised officials with archers walked in the markets and streets, grabbed those who were swearing, and right there, at the scene of the crime, in front of all the honest people, they flogged them with rods for general edification.

The sin of foul language was also condemned at the Council of Carthage (Rule 71): “With obscene words one insults the honor of the mothers of families and the chastity of others”... What can one say if one speaks foul language, especially to the address of one’s own child, or just like that, out of pure coquetry, wanting to look “uninhibited” ” and “modern”, the mother herself?.. But perhaps all this is really nothing more than prejudices that have no basis? Let's try to find out whether the abuse has a mystical source and what it is. After all, not every modern person can understand what kind of trouble actually lies behind swear words.

A rotten word from a rotten heart.

A Russian proverb says: “From a rotten heart come rotten words.” When the human heart is corrupted, rotten, nasty words appear as signs of spiritual corruption. Foul language is a sign of excess filth in the heart. If a person’s soul is not cleansed, but is filled with sin and bitterness, then foul language flows out of him in an uncontrollable stream.

The famous lexicographer Vladimir Dal wrote: “You cannot joke with language, with human words, with speech with impunity; a person’s verbal speech is a visible, tangible connection, a connecting link between body and spirit.”

Causing harm to others, a foul-mouthed person may not know that he is causing the greatest harm to himself and his offspring. Human genes “hear” thoughts and words, perceive them and record them in the genetic code, passing the mutation on to the next generation. Bad words negatively affect the genetic code of the foul-mouthed person, are fixed in it, becoming a curse falling on one’s own head and the heads of children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren. The same destructive effect on a person and his genetics is produced by fornication, drunkenness, smoking, drug addiction, theft, lies, envy, violence and cruelty in all forms, including abortion, that is, everything that the Bible calls the word “sin”. And this conclusion of genetic science is also consistent with the Bible: “I am the Lord your God, a jealous God, for the iniquity of the fathers, punishing the children to the third and fourth generation of those who hate Me” (Deuteronomy 5:9).
In medical practice, there is a phenomenon that is at first glance incomprehensible. Sometimes, with complete paralysis of speech, when a person cannot utter a single word at all, he nevertheless freely pronounces entire phrases consisting of unprintable abuse. The phenomenon is indeed strange, but by no means rare. What does it indicate?

Both doctors and clergy are unanimous on this issue. It turns out that swear words travel from the brain to the speech organs along completely different nerve chains than all the others.

We know that representatives of the devilish world, not to mention Satan himself, are largely proficient in the techniques of influencing matter, including our body, the structure of which is well known to them. It is known which centers of the human brain are responsible for what, and which parts of it, if necessary, can duplicate the “non-functioning” ones affected by the disease. An excellent opportunity to excite redundant centers, demonstrating with the help of this “good deed” your power over half-dead flesh... And this is here, in the material world! But what will happen when the soul, which has been possessed by a demon, finds itself beyond its borders? What will happen to such a person at the time of death? The demon's power over him will become complete and final, as lawyers say, not subject to appeal.

It remains to add that, according to the testimony of the church, the most common punishment from above that befalls foul language is death without repentance, that is, sudden
death. This does not mean that it will happen ahead of time, but that it will happen at the end of the natural life span. For a believer, this is always scary, because among the obligatory Christian prayers there is also a prayer asking for a dignified death, accompanied by repentance. As for non-believers, there is a very simple reasoning, but no less wise than any truth.
Let's say you don't believe in God, but your friend does and, unlike you, is afraid to break the commandments. If she is right, after death you, and not her, will face a terrible, painful eternity. If you are right and nothing awaits people beyond the boundaries of physical existence, a believing friend will not suffer from this in any way. But in life here he will definitely win, because this life itself has already proven hundreds and thousands of times throughout the history of mankind: only people those who consciously strive to be kind, decent, and moral, really end up finding here on earth a fate that, if not flamboyantly happy, is certainly worthy.

When a person speaks swear words, he not only defiles and stains his lips, but also pours dirt into the ears of those around him, corrupts them with the content of swear words, brings bad thoughts to them - sows evil, even when he himself does not realize it. When we hear that a person swears, then we must tell him not to use such words, but if he does not listen to us, it is better to move away from evil so as not to harm his soul. As it is said: " turn away from evil, cling to good"(Rom. 12:9).

Medical evidence of the consequences of obscene language.

At the end of the last century, an employee of the Institute of Control Problems of the Russian Academy of Sciences, founder of the Institute of Quantum Genetics, biologist Pyotr Garyaev undertook research that made it possible to create a device that translates human words into electromagnetic vibrations, and then traced how these vibrations affect the molecules of heredity - DNA. With the help of this modern technology, it has become possible to check how evil and kind words affect a living organism.

It turned out that some words can be worse than mines: they “explode” in the human genetic apparatus, distorting his hereditary programs and causing mutations, ultimately leading to degeneration. During selective warfare, chromosomes become distorted and torn. Mat has the quality of blocking creative processes in the human body. The impact of abuse is equivalent to radiation exposure of 10-40 thousand (!) roentgens - DNA chains break, chromosomes disintegrate. That is, swear words cause mutations similar to the effects of radiation. Rude, evil words can not only undermine health and cause illness, but also kill a person. And not only words, but also evil thoughts are destructive.

The words “mat” and “mother”, as if by chance, have the same root, but since there are many negative emotions associated with swearing, they are also transferred to the word “mother”. At the same time, it becomes more difficult to form the right attitude towards the mother.

Another interesting observation is connected with swear words. In those countries whose national languages ​​do not contain curse words indicating the reproductive organs, Down's disease and cerebral palsy have not been detected, while in Russia these diseases exist and flourish. It is also curious that animals do not have many diseases only because they do not know how to talk, much less swear. If a person, when releasing negative energy, remembers the genitals, then this has a negative impact on them. Therefore, swearers become impotent early or acquire urological diseases. The trouble is that you don’t have to swear yourself; accidentally overhearing swearing is enough, which is why people living surrounded by those who swear also suffer from illnesses.

Swearing is used to express outright evil, in which there is anger and desecration. They fulfill their purpose, destroying the minds and health of both those who swear and those who hear this swearing. Just as in the visible world there are perishable products, so in memory foul language spoils and rots. Hence the diseases of old age: sclerosis, general atrophy, heart failure and other diseases.

If anger is destructive, then, on the contrary, a simple kind word spoken with love heals. This is another result of P.P. Garyaev’s research, proven experimentally. Prayer has a particularly beneficial effect on the body: through the power of grace, defects in hereditary material are corrected, DNA molecules damaged by mutations are repaired, and a person is healed. Isn't that what the Bible says? “Some idle talker cuts as with a sword, but the tongue of the wise heals” (Proverbs 12:18). So, genetics has confirmed what the church knows, and many Christians have been practicing for thousands of years. But still, it is one thing to know the commandment, and another thing to discover that evil abuse is truly a sword piercing the human body, destroying it at the cellular level. But if the matter is so serious, then how we all need to take care and spare each other! And how happy are those families in which there is no swearing and quarrels, where peace, love and harmony reign!

Hell awaits everyone who swears.

If anyone has a passion for swearing, then they must repent, and the Lord will help them free themselves from it.

By defiling with obscenities, a person pushes away the Holy Spirit of God. With his lips, a Christian receives the Most Pure Body and Blood of Christ. By desecrating the lips, sanctified by the touch of the Body and Blood of Christ, with swearing, a person becomes angry. Christ the Savior.

Let us remember that with our lips we kiss the Holy Cross, holy icons, relics, holy books, the Gospel. Let us be ashamed to utter shameful, rotten words with lips sanctified by their touch to great shrines!

It is necessary to realize that any of our speech is heard not only by people whom we are accustomed not to be embarrassed by, but also by Angels, and the Mother of God, and the Lord Himself. Shall we not beware of foul language, so as not to offend the Angels and the Mother of God with shameful speech, not to bring joy to the demons and not to anger God by this?!

There are people who think; " I'll make a mistake for now, and then I'll repent" But the Lord may not give the opportunity for repentance to a sinner who did not even intend to fight sin in his life.

Let us sincerely repent of this heinous sin (seemingly insignificant to some). Let us throw away the demonic and accept God. The Apostle Paul says: “ ...for what fellowship has righteousness with iniquity? What does light have in common with darkness?» /Cor. 6, 14/ So, where will the soul of a foul speaker end up after death? Woe to the foul-mouthed: " Their larynx is an open coffin» /Rome. 3, 13/.

“Dear Jesus Christ, forgive me for committing this sin in my life - swearing. I ask You to forgive and set me free. I believe that You are the Son of God. I ask You to become the Lord of my heart, my mouth and my whole life. I believe that You died and rose again for my justification. Change me and make me Your friend. Amen"

Thoughts of the Holy Fathers

Master your tongue so that your sins do not multiply.
(St. Anthony the Great)

The Lord guards your soul as long as you guard your tongue.
(St. Anthony the Great)

If you remember what is said in Scripture: “For by your words you will be justified, and by your words you will be condemned” (Matthew 12:37), then you will understand that it is better to remain silent than to speak.
(St. Pimen the Great)

Death and life are in the power of the tongue...
He who guards his mouth guards his soul...
(Prov. 13, 3)

Restraint of the tongue shows a wise man.
(St. Abba Isaiah)

It is known that doctors recognize whether a person is healthy or sick by examining the tongue; we can say that our words serve as a sure sign of the good or bad dispositions of our soul.
(St. Tikhon of Zadonsk)

Some are very picky about food and do not allow certain dishes into their mouths, but they are not so picky and careful about the words that come from their mouths.

The habit of using unsuitable words serves as a certain path to deeds. Therefore, with every precaution, one must guard the soul so that, while finding pleasure in words, one does not unnoticed accept something bad, just as others swallow poison with honey.
(St. Basil the Great)

I said, I will take heed to my ways, lest I sin with my tongue; I will bridle my mouth while the wicked is before me.

“Death and life are in the power of the tongue, and those who love it will eat its fruit.” Bible, Proverbs 18:22.

"Checkmate is bad habit, and you need to get rid of it like any other bad habit. Give yourself a punishment: if you swore, hit yourself on the forehead,” says Archpriest Maxim Pervozvansky, writer, author of books on family psychology, Chief Editor Orthodox youth magazine "Heir" and father of nine children.

Maxim Pervozvansky. Photo: Yulia Makoveychuk /

At the request of the RP, the priest told how to overcome the habit of swearing in yourself and your children, what is the attitude of the Church towards swearing, and how one person can force the whole world to give up swearing.

The main question that interests us: can an adult who swears a lot and often unlearn foul language? And how to do this?

This is a question from the area of ​​how to get rid of bad habits, because swearing is, without a doubt, a bad habit. There are different methods, the Internet is full of them: you can limit yourself gradually, or you can quit in one day.

In my opinion, what is important here is, first of all, the reflection of the habit - its awareness, control and accounting. It’s good to turn on the internal counter: if you curse, come up with a punishment for yourself. For example, if a person is a believer, the punishment may be prostration for every swear word. Non-believer - click yourself on the forehead if you swore.

This tactic will gradually lead to a decrease in the number of swear words in speech. But a complete rejection of foul language is not a matter of one day.

The language environment around us is quite aggressive: people swear at work, on the street, sometimes at home. Is it really possible to stop swearing in such an environment?

St. Seraphim of Sarov said: “Save yourself, and thousands around you will be saved.” One person can influence the norms of a group. If, for example, you stop swearing while standing in the smoking room at work, then there is a high probability that other people in the smoking room will stop swearing too.

About 15–20 years ago it was not customary to express yourself forcefully in front of girls. In some industries, the male team was specially diluted with women for these purposes - in order to wean men from swearing. Today - although, undoubtedly, they have begun to swear more often in front of girls - the situation as a whole is this: where girls tolerate swearing, they swear in front of them, where they do not tolerate it, they stop swearing. The point is that often a person is able to regulate the environment in which he finds himself.

People who are trying to give up swearing note that at first it becomes more difficult to talk. Where in speech a swear word always fit comfortably on the tongue, now there is emptiness, the brain needs time to find a replacement for it.

There was an interesting study by American scientists: they found that during World War II, the commander of an American unit spent an average of seven to eight letters or characters on an order, while the Japanese spent twelve or more. The authors concluded that the speed with which orders were given ultimately led the Americans to victory in Pacific Ocean. In the Russian army, the number of signs was greater than that of the Americans, but less than that of the Japanese. At the same time, it was not taken into account that this number of characters was greatly reduced due to the swearing. Without justifying swearing, one should still admit: with it, thoughts are often formulated faster.

But back side is that in the end we get used to stuffing the entire huge spectrum human feelings in one or two swear words. Using swear words, we deliberately impoverish ourselves - we move away from nuances and shades. Returning to normal speech, of course, you will have to grind your brains: the gears will rotate slowly at first, but over time they will pick up speed and become faster.

In this matter, as in many others, it is also important to find a companion: it will be easier to get rid of bad language if someone supports you in your endeavor.

- Typical situation: a child comes from school or kindergarten, from the street - and brings swear words. What to do?

Children communicate in different groups, and in some of them, unfortunately, foul language is the norm. What is important here is what kind of linguistic atmosphere reigns in the child’s home, in the family: and if swearing at home is also the norm, then all the talk about the dangers of swearing will not yield results.

Home is what shapes a child, what he goes out with the world. Therefore, if parents do not want their children to acquire the habit of swearing, there should be no swearing in the house.

Moreover, it is better for parents to play for strength: prohibit not only swearing, but also derivative curses. And if you yourself have lost your temper, cursed - and this happens, because a person is a passionate creature, with emotions, and linguistic responses help him strengthen his emotions - then break down not with direct obscenities, but with “non-obscene” curses.

There is an opinion that a child, especially a preschooler, who suddenly uses a swear word should be ignored. They say that he will understand that his swearing does not cause any reaction in adults, and he himself will stop using bad words. What is your opinion on this matter?

This cannot be ignored - the child must be made to understand that foul language is unacceptable. Parents themselves know better how to do this: the range of measures here is wide - from carrots to sticks.

If suggestion does not help, it would be good to talk with the child about the meaning of those abusive words that he utters. Often children do not understand the meaning of swear words; they heard them somewhere and thoughtlessly repeated them. It must be said that the word is not an empty phrase, that the word has a power that shapes the environment of life. For example, a curse - is it effective? Children for the most part understand that yes. A good wishes- wish Have a safe journey? Yes. It is necessary to explain to the child that swearing is a real force that can become part of the lives of his friends and relatives. The child needs a semantic base.

- What is the attitude of the Church towards swearing?

In the Church, more than anywhere else, they understand the important meaning of the word. It is no coincidence that one of the Gospels opens with the line: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Moreover, in different times Various teachings broke away from Christianity, which went even further - they endowed the word with real magical power, bringing its meaning to the absolute.

Prayer in Christian understanding is a connection with God through the word. Thus, foul language is understood as anti-prayer: cursing, swearing - all this is nothing more than invoking evil, real evil with horns and a tail. Prayer gives life to the soul, while profanity kills it.

IN Old Testament it speaks of the idol of the golden calf - it was worshiped by those who apostatized from God. Taurus in ancient world was a symbol of sexual power: sexual themes, sexual perversions are the main topic on which swearing speculates. Therefore, if we continue this thought, then in the end swearing is a demonic perversion of family values.

“Swearing is a bad habit, and you need to get rid of it like any other bad habit. Give yourself a punishment: if you swore, slap yourself on the forehead,” says Archpriest Maxim Pervozvansky, writer, author of books on family psychology, editor-in-chief of the Orthodox youth magazine “Heir” and father of nine children.

Maxim Pervozvansky. Photo: Yulia Makoveychuk /

At the request of the RP, the priest told how to overcome the habit of swearing in yourself and your children, what is the attitude of the Church towards swearing, and how one person can force the whole world to give up swearing.

The main question that interests us: can an adult who swears a lot and often unlearn foul language? And how to do this?

This is a question from the area of ​​how to get rid of bad habits in general, because swearing is, without a doubt, a bad habit. There are different methods, the Internet is full of them: you can limit yourself gradually, or you can quit in one day.

In my opinion, what is important here is, first of all, the reflection of the habit - its awareness, control and accounting. It’s good to turn on the internal counter: if you curse, come up with a punishment for yourself. For example, if a person is a believer, the punishment may be prostration for every swear word. Non-believer - click yourself on the forehead if you swore.

This tactic will gradually lead to a decrease in the number of swear words in speech. But a complete rejection of foul language is not a matter of one day.

The language environment around us is quite aggressive: people swear at work, on the street, sometimes at home. Is it really possible to stop swearing in such an environment?

St. Seraphim of Sarov said: “Save yourself, and thousands around you will be saved.” One person can influence the norms of a group. If, for example, you stop swearing while standing in the smoking room at work, then there is a high probability that other people in the smoking room will stop swearing too.

About 15–20 years ago it was not customary to express yourself forcefully in front of girls. In some industries, the male team was specially diluted with women for these purposes - in order to wean men from swearing. Today - although, undoubtedly, they have begun to swear more often in front of girls - the situation as a whole is this: where girls tolerate swearing, they swear in front of them, where they do not tolerate it, they stop swearing. The point is that often a person is able to regulate the environment in which he finds himself.

People who are trying to give up swearing note that at first it becomes more difficult to talk. Where in speech a swear word always fit comfortably on the tongue, now there is emptiness, the brain needs time to find a replacement for it.

There was an interesting study by American scientists: they found that during World War II, the commander of an American unit spent an average of seven to eight letters or characters on an order, while the Japanese spent twelve or more. The authors concluded that the speed with which orders were given ultimately led to American victory in the Pacific. In the Russian army, the number of signs was greater than that of the Americans, but less than that of the Japanese. At the same time, it was not taken into account that this number of characters was greatly reduced due to the swearing. Without justifying swearing, one should still admit: with it, thoughts are often formulated faster.

But the downside is that we end up getting used to cramming the entire huge range of human feelings into one or two swear words. Using swear words, we deliberately impoverish ourselves - we move away from nuances and shades. Returning to normal speech, of course, you will have to grind your brains: the gears will rotate slowly at first, but over time they will pick up speed and become faster.

In this matter, as in many others, it is also important to find a companion: it will be easier to get rid of bad language if someone supports you in your endeavor.

- A typical situation: a child comes - from school, from kindergarten, from the street - and brings curse words. What to do?

Children communicate in different groups, and in some of them, unfortunately, foul language is the norm. What is important here is what kind of linguistic atmosphere reigns in the child’s home, in the family: and if swearing at home is also the norm, then all the talk about the dangers of swearing will not yield results.

Home is what shapes a child, what he goes out into the world with. Therefore, if parents do not want their children to acquire the habit of swearing, there should be no swearing in the house.

Moreover, it is better for parents to play for strength: prohibit not only swearing, but also derivative curses. And if you yourself have lost your temper, cursed - and this happens, because a person is a passionate creature, with emotions, and linguistic responses help him strengthen his emotions - then break down not with direct obscenities, but with “non-obscene” curses.

There is an opinion that a child, especially a preschooler, who suddenly uses a swear word should be ignored. They say that he will understand that his swearing does not cause any reaction in adults, and he himself will stop using bad words. What is your opinion on this matter?

This cannot be ignored - the child must be made to understand that foul language is unacceptable. Parents themselves know better how to do this: the range of measures here is wide - from carrots to sticks.

If suggestion does not help, it would be good to talk with the child about the meaning of those abusive words that he utters. Often children do not understand the meaning of swear words; they heard them somewhere and thoughtlessly repeated them. It must be said that the word is not an empty phrase, that the word has a power that shapes the environment of life. For example, a curse - is it effective? Children for the most part understand that yes. And a good wish is a wish for a good journey? Yes. It is necessary to explain to the child that swearing is a real force that can become part of the lives of his friends and relatives. The child needs a semantic base.

- What is the attitude of the Church towards swearing?

In the Church, more than anywhere else, they understand the important meaning of the word. It is no coincidence that one of the Gospels opens with the line: “In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.” Moreover, at different times, various teachings broke away from Christianity, which went even further - they endowed the word with real magical power, bringing its meaning to the absolute.

Prayer in the Christian understanding is a connection with God through the word. Thus, foul language is understood as anti-prayer: cursing, swearing - all this is nothing more than invoking evil, real evil with horns and a tail. Prayer gives life to the soul, while profanity kills it.

The Old Testament speaks of the idol of the golden calf - it was worshiped by those who apostatized from God. In the ancient world, Taurus was a symbol of sexual power: sexual themes, sexual perversions are the main topic on which swearing speculates. Therefore, if we continue this thought, then in the end swearing is a demonic perversion of family values.

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