Ice cream with guar or xanthan gum (from Ataki). Guar gum is a natural and safe ingredient for many homemade cosmetics recipes! What are the benefits of guar gum - E412

There have already been several excellent articles in the community on this topic, but today I want to summarize my experience with several substances from these groups that have not yet been written about. I apologize in advance to respected members of the community if I missed something somewhere and wrote it incomprehensibly.
The group of thickeners includes many substances.
Today I will talk about gums, Arrowroot and lecithin.

Comedy Gums have been used as thickeners/emulsifiers/stabilizers/gelling agents for a very long time and successfully.
If you look at the composition of many food products, cosmetic preparations, then you will probably come across such names - X anthan gum, Guar gum.
What are their advantages - they are available, inexpensive, act different meanings acid-base state of the environment ( pH ), tolerate freezing and heating well.
Since I am often faced with the task of making the maximum number of homemade dishes in a short time without compromising their composition and taste, I had to call on the achievements of modern chemistry for help. It is quite possible that this is not Haute cuisine, but I know that I will not refuse to use all these substances in my kitchen.
I used to buy gums from Online store in England, now it can be found in our stores in the section of components for gluten-free baking (you just need to carefully read the composition of the powders, and not their names).
Xanthan gum and guar gum are light cream-colored powders that form clumps when dissolved, but are easily broken up with a mixer.
Approximate dosage - from 0.5 tsp. up to an incomplete teaspoon per 1 glass of liquid or 0.5-1% of the weight of the dish.
For me, this substance has simply become a “lifesaver” - any dish can be thickened in a matter of minutes without heating. In addition, this gives unlimited scope for making various kinds of desserts and sauces.
Including, I do not need to buy mayonnaise and there is no need to use raw eggs(in principle, I never use them when preparing dishes without further heat treatment).
Here is the basic homemade mayonnaise - 1 tsp. mustard, 1 tbsp. oils (grape seed, or olive, or sunflower -taste,) 1 tsp. wine vinegar, 0.5 tsp. sugar, salt, pepper - to taste, 1/3 tsp. gum - mix in a small container and lightly beat with a hand blender into a homogeneous sauce. This mayonnaise can be stored in the refrigerator for up to 5-7 days without the risk of food poisoning; it does not separate during storage.
Quick homemade chocolate - I prepare in advance a mixture of chopped chocolate (milk or bitter) 50 g + good Dutch cocoa 2 tbsp. + granulated sugar -2-4 tbsp, 1 tsp. gum The powder should be kept in a tightly closed jar. I put 1-2 tbsp of this mixture in a cup. and pour hot milk while stirring - it turns out an amazingly delicious thick chocolate drink. You can add vanilla, chocolate or coffee liqueur there if you wish, and you can adjust the degree of sweetness/bitterness at your discretion.
As an example of a dessert, if you cook pears in red wine, then there is no need to evaporate the syrup for a long time and tediously - you simply thicken it with gum (hot or cold).
Here's a dessert made in a matter of minutes: sweet currant juice, whipped to form a stable gel-like foam with guar gum and a few drops of calcium chloride solution.

Perfect for making homemade ice cream.
In addition, they have proven themselves to be excellent when making quick cosmetic masks at home - a little vegetable/fruit puree/sour cream, a little gum - you have a wonderful and effective mask that you can spread on your face and it will not slip off while you are rushing around the kitchen...

Arrowroot - a plant component, used in the same way and in the same dosages as starch. Its advantage is the absence of a starchy aftertaste in the finished product and is much more effective at thickening acidic substrates (for example, tart cherry or rhubarb pie filling).

The most famous natural emulsifier is the egg yolk, due to its high lecithin content.
You will not find a single chocolate bar that does not contain lecithin as an emulsifier.
Why emulsifiers are important - they prevent the smallest droplets of fat from sticking together into large ones - thus, the fat droplets are evenly distributed throughout the product, which has a very positive effect on its consistency and taste.
It can be purchased at health food stores as a dietary supplement. It looks like yellow granules, highly soluble.
I use it in many cases when I need to create a good stable fat/water emulsion - sauces, minced meat for sausages and cutlets.
I recently conducted an experiment - under time pressure, instead of long and tediously whisking butter and sugar for dough - I quickly mixed the butter and sugar with my hands, then added 1 tsp. lecithin granules and quickly beat the mixture with a mixer until smooth. Then I started adding eggs one at a time to the mixture and nothing “cut off” - as usually happens when the butter and sugar are not beaten enough. The finished product was fluffy and soft.
I would like to mention this aspect - emulsions from vegetable oils with lecithin, thickened with gum, are the basis for baking excellent light and dietary confectionery at home. In general, the use of gums allows you to make culinary products more dietary, while minimally affecting the taste of the finished product.
In conclusion, for a very long time I would like to test in practice the use of alginates and carrageenans to obtain new amazing textures (like Heston Blumenthal and Ferran Adria), but for now this is just a dream, it is planned for the future...

Hello friends!

Surely you have heard, seen on food packages and even in culinary recipes this name - guar gum!

It can be found everywhere, from cosmetics to ice cream, and even found in jars as a dietary supplement.

Let's figure out ☺ what it is, and how this mysterious ingredient can be useful or harmful to us!

From this article you will learn:

What is guar gum and where is it obtained from?

Guar gum is a food additive designated E412. In another way, it is also called guara, or guar gum. Used as a thickener to significantly increase the viscosity of the base product.

Guar gum comes from the pea tree, which is also called guar. The legume is grown in the USA, Africa, Australia and Canada.

In these same countries, resin is produced from pea beans (pea acacia), only the seeds are first dried, ground into powder, and only then put into production.

The pea tree actually resembles a bush, but with stronger stems.

Physical properties of the component

This substance is characterized by increased hardness, but at the same time it dissolves well in water and other liquids, regardless of their temperature.

If the product in which it is contained is frozen, ice crystals do not appear in it, but a kind of gel is obtained.

Where can you find guar gum?

You can find gum in yogurt, jam, jelly, and other confectionery products. Ice cream also almost always contains this stabilizer.

In addition to the ability to change consistency, guara has a positive effect on the appearance of the finished product. So it is often used in the production of ketchups, juices, canned food, etc.

Sometimes it is added to ready-made restaurant dishes to make them more appetizing and attract the attention of customers.

Those who carefully study the information on the packaging can see the E412 additive in dry soups, oils, various fats, and sometimes even in animal feed.

Guar gum is also used in:

  • textile;
  • paper;
  • space;
  • gas and oil;
  • coal industries, as well as in the production of explosives.

Chemical composition

Gum belongs to the polysaccharides and contains residual parts of galactose.

The composition is very similar to the food additive E410 (locust bean gum).

Guar contains a lot of fatty acids, which are considered especially valuable for humans.

No matter what water (or any other liquid) is added to it, the result is a gel-like mixture that has a wealth of beneficial medicinal and cosmetic powers.

What are the benefits of guar gum?

There is a lot of talk about nutritional supplements these days.

Their more careful study begins, they become known facts, which just a couple of years ago no one could even suspect. Same with E412.

Let's consider the main useful properties:

  • It has been scientifically proven that guar gum is indispensable in terms of cleansing the body. It not only effectively removes toxins, but also reduces the harmful effects heavy metals, prevents reproduction harmful bacteria, regulates blood cholesterol levels.
  • This gel is also a unique absorbent. It, like a sponge, absorbs all the dirt and debris found in the human body and gently removes them.
  • Regular use of this natural remedy in food is an effective prevention of cardiovascular diseases, normalizes blood pressure, cleanses the blood, thins plaques in blood vessels, and prevents vision and hearing loss.
  • A positive feature is that the supplement is practically not absorbed in the intestines, which means it is absolutely harmless to humans.
  • At the same time, it promotes the absorption of nutrients supplied with foods, especially potassium.
  • Quite often, E412 is used to control blood sugar levels, systematically adding diabetics to their diet, but such procedures should only be carried out under the supervision of a doctor.
  • Another proven property is a noticeable decrease in appetite.

That is why it is often used for weight loss, but let’s dwell on this point in more detail.

Guar gum for weight loss

Taking the E412 supplement really helps you lose weight.

This effect is explained by rapid saturation, which occurs even after consuming a small portion, a gradual decrease in appetite in combination with cleansing the body and normalizing metabolism.

Guar gum also has a mild laxative effect, which also has a positive effect on the figure.

Calorie content is 0.20 kcal per 100 g of product

But, at the same time, I found information that it was this additive that caused many deaths.

These cases occurred after people losing weight consumed dietary supplements based on guar gum.

People uncontrollably took the drug, wanting to speed up the approach of their dream in the form of an ideal figure, purchased an uncertified product and used it without control, in dosages exceeding all possible limits, and without any consultation with their doctor.

Quite a few people were hospitalized after poisoning with dietary supplements, all because if the recommended amount is exceeded, guar copper leads to serious disturbances in the gastrointestinal tract: severe upset, diarrhea, vomiting, dehydration.

Therefore, if you decide to use this dietary supplement for weight loss, remember the possible side effects in case of overdose!

Where is guar gum used?

Main areas of use:

  1. The additive E412 is used for the production of dietary supplements and medicines, which are exclusively! patients use it on the recommendation of a doctor and under his supervision diabetes mellitus suffering from obesity, atherosclerosis, gastrointestinal problems, and also having a predisposition to the listed health problems.
  2. The most in a known way The use of the substance is in the food industry.
  3. This gelling stabilizer is often used in combination with agar-agar and other substances that help enhance the beneficial properties of guar. The additive looks like a milky or cloudy white powder. This is how it is introduced into products, and only after that, during mixing, thickening occurs.
  4. In the oil drilling industry, gum is used in significant large quantities and more important. Its use improves the quality of the clay used to make the drilling fluid itself and prevents the loss of fluid from it. Guara is also injected directly under the earth's formation to prevent a possible explosion and make the contents of the well more homogeneous.
  5. The affordable cost of the additive is also important, although its quality is much higher than that of more expensive thickeners.

Sometimes the question arises: what to replace this stabilizer with?

There are many ways to thicken (flour, starch, food additives), but the result will still not be the same. To taste and appearance, you may not notice obvious differences, but with a chemical study it will be clear that there is a difference and quite significant.

Considering that more and more representatives of the fair sex are beginning to prefer natural personal care products, and are also learning to make cosmetics at home, it is worthwhile to dwell in more detail on the use of the E412 beauty supplement.

Guar gum in home cooking

Guar gum is widely used for baking products made from whole grains without wheat flour.

It is necessary for the dough to rise in the usual way, as when preparing with regular flour.

This product raises the dough to the desired consistency and prevents the release of gases that occurs during normal kneading.

It is especially needed as a binder in baked goods made with plain flour.

Guar gum in cosmetics

The resin obtained from guar beans is widely used in the cosmetics industry.

Europeans were the first to appreciate its capabilities, but today the substance is increasingly used in our country.

The use of such cosmetics helps to actively moisturize the skin.

An invisible film forms on it, which protects against aggressive factors. environment, from wind, from dust, from UV radiation.

It is best to dissolve guar gum in a hydrosol made from medicinal plants or flowers, but plain water will also work. This will make a tonic. It will cleanse, moisturize and provide skin reliable protection. It is better to use it in the morning, wiping your face after washing.

Regular use will soon help you stop using decorative cosmetics used to hide visible defects on the skin.

If you use additional oils, vitamin supplements, mixtures of herbs, or decoctions prepared from them, you can get an excellent mask that will return freshness to your skin from the very first use.

Proven recipe. Take two large aloe vera leaves, remove the skin, spoon the pulp into a clean container, add 2-3 drops of vitamin E, a pinch of guar. Mix everything thoroughly, cover with cling film and leave for half an hour in a warm place. The mass should increase slightly and swell. Apply to the skin of the face, neck and décolleté (necessarily cleansed and preferably well steamed) for 30 minutes.

You can also use the abilities of guara for hair.

If you make a mixture with hydrosol and essential oils, you will get a luxurious hair conditioner that will provide shine, make curls silky, manageable and smooth.

You can also prepare a hair mask. For 300 ml of warm homemade kefir you will need one egg and a pinch of guar gum. Everything is thoroughly mixed, heated in a water bath and applied to the hair under a plastic cap for 30-60 minutes.

This procedure, carried out once every two weeks, will prevent the formation of split ends, provide the necessary hydration to the scalp, and strengthen the hair structure along the entire length.

After this procedure, the hairstyle remains fresh for a long time.

You can use a thickener to make homemade

To do this, prepare a strong chamomile-colored decoction. Bring 2 tablespoons per glass of water to a boil in a water bath, cool, strain. Then he will add one thing to the resulting broth egg, mix thoroughly and add a pinch of E412. Wash as with regular shampoo. Store in the refrigerator for no more than a week. Warm before use.

Using guar gum, you can even prepare a shaving product, which is especially recommended for sensitive skin.

For this baby soap grate, completely dissolve in a small amount of water. Add a pinch of thickener, essential oils and flavors. Stir. Before use, heat and apply with a brush.

Shower or bath gels are also very high quality.

You can, for example, use this recipe. For 1 gram of guar gum you will need 180 ml of chamomile hydrosol, 20 drops of lavender oil (or any other), table. spoon of olive oil. The mixture should sit for a day and should be shaken before use.

After use, the pores are cleaned, narrowed, and the skin receives the necessary hydration.

Where to buy guar gum?

You can buy natural guar gum powder Here

Possible harm and contraindications

Guar gum is an absolutely harmless food additive for humans, but there is such a thing as individual intolerance, so caution does not hurt.

During pregnancy, you can consume products containing E412.

There is even quite a lot of evidence that they exclusively benefit the woman and the unborn baby.

But at the same time, it should be remembered that research and experiments with pregnant women are extremely rare. You need to take care of your health and the health of your unborn baby on your own and lead the safest possible lifestyle and adhere to the principles of proper nutrition.

Most often they manifest themselves in disorders of the gastrointestinal tract: severe upset, diarrhea, vomiting, gas formation.

Such reactions can occur not only with the direct use of dietary supplements, but even with the consumption of foods for which low-quality E412 was used.

The main rule is that everything is good in moderation.

Follow it and remember that nothing is more important than health. May you only benefit from using guar gum.☺

Alena Yasneva was with you, bye everyone!!!

You've probably heard and probably seen this name in recipes - gum! Guar, xanthan, etc.

Let's figure out what it is and why this mysterious ingredient may be of interest to us, duches!

Gum on the Dukan diet. What is it and what is it eaten with?

Since you and I are interested in the application in the food field, we’ll talk about this.

Gums are natural products obtained from plant materials. Gum is a thick, quickly hardening sap that appears on the surface of trees. In fact, it is a completely natural product.

The most common and well-known are three types of gum:

xanthan gum

-guar gum

- carob bean gum

Where do they use it?

All gums are food additives. They belong to the group of stabilizers. We can find their designations on almost any packaging in every product group of food products.

These gums are designated by numbers:

E 412 – guar gum

E 415 – xanthan gum

E 410 – carob gum

What are the differences between gums and their properties?

Guar gum

Obtained from the juice of Indian acacia.

Indian pea pods (guar) - raw materials for the production of guar gum

Guar gum is a thickener and stabilizer used in the food, cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries. It has a neutral taste and low calorie content.
The main property is to swell and create very viscous solutions in hot and cold water. It is the most economical thickener and stabilizer in the modern food industry.

It is believed that it is practically not absorbed in the intestines and helps reduce appetite and is very effective in reducing cholesterol and saturated fat levels in the body.

Used in the production of sauces, yoghurts, ice cream

Xanthan gum

Produced by the activity of Campestris Xanthomonas bacteria

Xanthan gum is also used as a thickener and stabilizer in foods. It dissolves well in water, milk, sugar and salt solutions, and creates a viscous consistency.

Used in the production of drinks, concentrates instant cooking, frozen foods, dairy products (yogurt, cream, cheeses), glazes, meat products, dietary products

Carob gum

Derived from the pods of the Mediterranean acacia tree

Carob pods

Carob gum does not dissolve in cold water, so dissolution must occur during the heating process. Preserves the taste and aroma of products.

Used in the preparation of ice cream and various frozen desserts (including dairy), cream cheeses, sauces, and in the baking industry.

Why is gum interesting to us?

I can say exclusively from my own experience: Gum is not some kind of integral part"Dyukanschika" grocery set.

To make ice cream, it is better to use xanthan gum - the ice will crystallize more slowly

To make mayonnaise, it is also better to use xanthan gum. It gives better thickness

To make a milkshake, you can choose either guar or xanthan gum

To prepare sauces and toppings, you can use guar gum. However, many of my experiments indicate that guar gum gives a “soapy” taste.

- For making custards, it is better to use xanthan gum, although carob gum will work.

So, I personally came to the conclusion - if you want to use only one of the listed gums, and not buy all of them, XANTHAN gum is more universal .

So. Advantages of gums.

-All of the above gums are approved for use in the Russian Federation!

- on the Dukan diet, gum is not considered an additional supplement

— can be used at any stage of the diet, starting with Attack

- used as a thickener

- can be used instead of starch in custards, etc.

- best suited for making sauces, creams, milkshakes, ice cream.

- does not have its own specific taste or smell

— can be added as a thickener to vegetable pancakes, minced meat, etc.

- thanks to the use of gum, the number of additional additives can be reduced

Cons of gums

- inaccessibility. Can be found either in specialized health stores or in online health food stores

- some people may have an allergic reaction (contraindications can usually be found on the Internet)

That's probably all about gum and its use in our diet. I hope the article was useful to you.

Good luck with your weight loss!

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There are quite a lot of different substances in the world that you and I may not even suspect, while they are important components of certain products and materials. IN in this case we will talk about guar gum, which can often be found under the name “E 412”. Let's find out what it is, what properties and features this food additive has.

What is guar gum

Additive E 412 is included in the list of thickeners, being an emulsifier and stabilizer. According to physical characteristics, it is a white or slightly yellowish powder with a characteristic odor.

Possessing all the properties of polysaccharides, it dissolves perfectly, and if you take a closer look at chemical composition substance, it is easy to detect its similarity with a similar carob derivative (listed as E 410 in the International Classification of Food Additives).

Guar gum is a polymer compound with residual parts of galactose, and guarana is very hard and elastic. It is due to this that the additive is considered an excellent emulsifier and is highly resistant to cyclic freezing and thawing.

Did you know? The guar tree was recognized as a raw material for the production of natural supplements in 1907. Since then it has been considered suitable for consumption by both cattle and humans, although the plant has been cultivated for centuries in India and Pakistan.

Preparation of guar gum

The raw materials for the production of the E 412 additive are the beans of the Cyamopsis tetragonolobus tree, or more precisely, their seeds, from which a plant extract is industrially obtained (supplied in powder form).

The seeds of fifteen-centimeter beans are simply ground, separating the endosperm during the crushing process, and then the resulting substance is sifted many times and crushed to a homogeneous powder.

A multi-stage purification process allows us to obtain the finest grade of gum, with a high content of galactomannan and high viscous properties.

Traditionally, about 80% of the world's production of this substance comes from India, although other countries now produce it: Africa, Canada, America and Australia.

Uses of guar gum

The characteristics of guar gum have allowed it to become an excellent raw material for use in a variety of areas of human activity, including the food and drilling industries.

Moreover, such an additive has not become superfluous in the production of textiles, paper, cosmetic products and even explosive materials.

In the food industry

The relevance of using this additive in the production of food products is explained by the following merits of the product:

  • The viscosity of gum at the level of 5000 cP or 3500 cP in a standard mixture allows it to act as an excellent stabilizer, helping to increase the viscosity and gelling properties of products (especially important in the meat and dairy industries for the purpose of longer storage of products or increasing their density).
  • Ability to dissolve well in water and good compatibility with many other hydrocolloids of plant origin (for example, locust bean gum, pectin or carrageenan) allow the substance to be successfully used to improve the consistency of products.
  • When freezing, the additive’s ability to slow down the formation of ice crystals is also useful (especially important in the production of ice cream, yogurt or other chilled confectionery products).
  • With the help of this substance, you can significantly improve the external characteristics of ketchups, seasonings and salads, and in practice, for this purpose, it is also added to drinks (syrups or juices), dry mixes for instant soups, canned fish and even special food for pets.

In any case, guar gum is hardly absorbed by the intestines and blocks the feeling of hunger while lowering cholesterol and saturated fat levels.

In the drilling industry

Guar gum turned out to be an excellent “helper” in the organization of oil wells, since it is able to limit the loss of fluid from the drilling fluid and impart the properties of a suspension to the concrete clay used in it.

Important! The most dangerous food additive is monosodium glutamate, which is used to enhance the aromatic and taste properties of certain products. It acts on the body like a drug, and over time you may no longer feel the taste of foods without it. Harmful to children's growing brains.

With all this, it can be called a more affordable analogue of many other thickeners used in drilling. True, one cannot ignore the disadvantages of the guar variety in this matter.
Yeah, she's no different high level thermal stability, so xanthan gum would be a better option, especially if operating temperatures exceed +100 °C.

In some cases, this defect can be compensated for by using hydroxypropyl derivatives of the substance, because they have better thermal stability.

Guar gum is also used in cases where it is necessary to increase the amount of oil produced using hydraulic fracturing.

Under the influence of high pressure, a proppant is fed into the well, for which sand, previously compacted with the mentioned guar or a solution of hydroxypropyl guar, is excellent.
With its help, it is possible to expand cracks in hard rocks to organize the smooth passage of gas or oil.

But this is not all the possibilities of guar gum in the world of the drilling industry.

Due to the ability to form bonds with borate and transition metal ions (Ti and Zr), its gelatinization is often observed, and after hydraulic fracturing is completed, the resulting gel-like substance is destroyed and they try to wash it out so that a very small amount remains.

It must be said that the use of the E 412 additive in the drilling industry for oil production is one of the main modern areas of application of this substance.

Did you know? Oil has been produced by mankind for more than 6,000 years. Thus, even in ancient Babylon, bitumen served people in construction and sealing, and the ancient Egyptians used very simple lighting lamps, for which oil acted as fuel.

In other areas

Despite its widespread use in the food and drilling industries, which is quite in demand, guar gum has been and remains in some other areas of human activity.

For example, for medical purposes, this substance is actively used in the creation of drugs for diabetics, in order to ultimately reduce the rate of absorption of sugar in the intestines, as well as slow down the process of absorption of other medications and various food additives.
The benefits of guar gum have also been noted in the production of textiles and paper (especially used for dyeing carpets and textile printing), although chemically modified gum is often used in technology: for example, carboxymethylhydroxypropyl guar or carboxymethyl guar.

If necessary, the E412 additive can also be used to create explosives, although it is much more often used for cosmetic purposes.

Of course, manufacturers of luxury cosmetics rarely resort to using guar gum, but in the budget segment it is very, very in demand.

As an emulsifier, thickener and stabilizer, it can be found in a large number of gels and creams, both in hair care products and in products designed to maintain the beauty of the body.
The presence of guar gum in them provides good hydration of the skin, gently cleanses its top layer and protects the skin from wind and sudden temperature changes.

When applied to hair, this additive perfectly restores all damage, giving hair shine and natural strength.

If desired, guar gum can also be included in home cosmetic recipes, but if you do not have experience using such products, then it is better to give preference to ready-made creams.

Impact on the human body

We are accustomed to treating any food additives with caution, which in many cases is even a very correct decision. However, regular consumption of foods with moderate amounts of guar gum will not harm the body; on the contrary, there is evidence of the benefits of E 412.

Guar gum is not the most widely used ingredient in modern cosmetology, but it is medicinal properties, however, are quite wide and varied, and the benefits for facial skin from use, also supported by a low price, are not limited only to bactericidal, anti-inflammatory and wound-healing effects. The widespread opinion among ordinary people that the harm of this substance is too great deserves special mention. In fact, everything is not so sad. Guar gum, subject to production technology and rules of use, is an extremely harmless compound, the medicinal properties of which have been confirmed by numerous independent studies. And harm, theoretically possible, is very unlikely in practice.

Main characteristics

Guar gum is a structure-forming compound most often used as a thickener, stabilizer or emulsifier. An exhaustive description of the characteristics of this substance is beyond the scope of our material, but we could not fail to mention the most important of them.

Possible synonyms:

  • guar gum;
  • guar;
  • guar gum;
  • cyamopsis tetragonoloba;
  • E412.

Chemical and physical properties:

  • a polymer compound with a sufficiently high galactose content;
  • good solubility in water;
  • increased elasticity and rigidity;
  • guar gum prevents the formation of ice crystals and is highly chemical resistant;
  • dissolves well in cold water.

Effect on the human body:

  • very little is absorbed in the intestine;
  • reduces appetite;
  • normalizes the functioning of the entire gastrointestinal tract;
  • lowers saturated fat and cholesterol levels;
  • promotes the removal of waste and toxins from the body;
  • inhibits the development of obesity;
  • diabetes prevention;
  • treatment of constipation;
  • subject to food production technology (yogurt, sauces, ice cream), guar gum is safe for health, which is why the harm from its use in cooking is completely unproven.

Benefits of use in cosmetology:

  • effective facial hydration;
  • gentle cleaning of the epidermis;
  • protecting the skin from adverse environmental factors (strong gusts of wind, temperature changes, hard ultraviolet radiation);
  • good compatibility with other cosmetic ingredients;
  • has the most beneficial effect on hair;
  • Suitable for dry and problematic facial skin.

Pharmacy drugs

Guar gum is not widely popular among manufacturers of top and mid-level cosmetics, but in the budget segment it has practically no equal. The remarkable healing properties of this ingredient, coupled with affordable price and good compatibility with all skin types make its use not only possible, but also highly desirable. But when choosing a cream or gel at the pharmacy, still pay attention to their composition: this way you will protect yourself from buying frankly low-quality cosmetics.

  • Reines Aloe Vera Gel (Aubrey Organics, 118 ml/400 RUR). The gel provides instant hydration to dry facial skin, promotes wound healing and regeneration of damaged cells. The product contains plant extracts, antioxidants and natural moisturizers. The anti-aging effect is quite weak.
  • Calming Night Cream (Yes To, 50 ml/950 rub.). A softening and soothing cream for regular night care. Despite the fairly low price, the product contains 98% natural and safe ingredients.
  • Fruit Stem Cell Revitalize Serum (Andalou Naturals, 58 ml/980 RUR). A good face serum with additional protection against UV radiation. Active ingredients provide effective hydration and regeneration of the skin, and also slow down the natural aging process. Separately, it is worth noting the presence of coenzyme Q10, resveratrol and aloe vera juice.

DIY products

The wonderful properties of gum can be used in home cosmetology if desired, although experts still do not recommend doing this unless absolutely necessary. The main reasons for this are simple: the need for careful selection of the necessary ingredients, a fairly high risk of side effects and very dubious savings, since purchasing all the necessary components is a very expensive undertaking. But if you are still willing to take the risk, you can choose one of the recipes below. All you need to prepare them is a high-precision kitchen scale and a sufficient amount of free time.

Universal cream for all skin types

  • guar gum - 0.5 g;
  • lavender hydrolate - 60 ml;
  • peach seed oil - 30 ml;
  • emulsion wax - 8 g;
  • stearic acid - 2 g.

Therapeutic effect:

  • cleaning;
  • regenerating;
  • brightening;
  • getting rid of irritations.

Subtleties of preparation:

  • first of all, combine guar gum with lavender hydrosol and let the mixture brew until all solid particles dissolve;
  • in a fireproof container of suitable volume, mix peach oil, stearic acid and emulsion wax, then heat the composition in a water bath;
  • combine both mixtures and beat thoroughly with a mixer (hydrolate should be warm!);
  • If desired, add your favorite essential oil or aloe vera gel to the cream.

Anti-aging cream 45+

  • guar gum - 1 g;
  • oils walnut, cupuaçu, macadamia - 1.5 g each;
  • silk peptides, olive squalene - 1 g each;
  • emulsion wax, argan and sweet almond oils, caffeine, basabolol, rosemary leaf extract, Japanese sophora extract - 0.5 g each;
  • water - 20 ml.

Therapeutic effect:

  • softening;
  • nutritious;
  • moisturizing;
  • regenerating;
  • against cellulite.

Subtleties of preparation:

  • pour the required amount of water into the guar and let it swell;
  • combine the water and oil phases in a water bath, then thoroughly beat the mixture with a blender;
  • add the remaining ingredients and mix everything again.

Moisturizing cream for mature skin

  • guar gum - 0.3 g;
  • argan oil, coconut oil, watermelon and grape seeds - 2 g each;
  • vegetable glycerin - 1 g;
  • sorbitan stearate, D-panthenol, sorbitol - 0.5 g each;
  • jasmine wax, collagen with elastin - 0.2 g each;
  • water - 13-15 ml.

Therapeutic effect:

  • rejuvenating;
  • nutritious;
  • to tighten pores and increase facial skin elasticity;
  • tonic;
  • against acne;
  • antioxidant.

Subtleties of preparation:

  • combine base oils, sorbitan stearate, emulsifier and jasmine wax, then heat the resulting mixture in a water bath until completely dissolved;
  • in another container, do the same with water and guar gum;
  • combine the water and fat phases by beating them with a mixer;
  • after that, add the remaining components and shake everything thoroughly.

Review from a cosmetologist

Guar gum is a substance with a very tarnished reputation, the medicinal properties of which have remained in the shadow of the myths and rumors surrounding it. As soon as women who are far from cosmetology find out that this compound belongs to the “E-shek” category, they “panic” and begin to demand a lot of permitting documents from the pharmacy. Moreover, potentially possible harm for facial skin they perceive as inevitable, which is why they ignore many effective and inexpensive drugs, which contain guar gum. I don't encourage you dear readers, use dubious and cheap creams of unknown origin, but regarding this ingredient your fears are completely unfounded.

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