Recruitment for an amateur theater studio. Amateur theater performances

Casting has been announced for the amateur theater studio Stanis❤sky.
Classes and rehearsals are led by a theater and film actress, a professional director, and a graduate of the Shchukin Theater Institute.
The theatrical process includes:
1) speech and acting training
2) Theater performances
3) participation in theater festivals and performances on city stages.
The goal of the project is to create a permanent semi-professional working team.
This is a great chance for people who do not have acting education start your life in art.
During the year of its existence, the studio carried out several public acting shows and one theatrical production.
We kindly ask that only those who are truly interested and willing to devote time to apply apply.
Rehearsals and classes - 2 times a week (Thursday-Sunday), evening, Maryina Roshcha metro station.
Wanted: girls and young men 20-40 years old of different types.
Submit applications, address, time, and creative task I am sending it in response to your request.


Types were not specified

Casting has ended and applications are closed.

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Amateur theater performance is a form of participation in theatrical art by its participants in their free time from their main profession. During the period of the formation of professional national stages in various countries of the world, domestic troupes were replenished exclusively at the expense of amateurs.

At the turn of the XIX-XX centuries. experience of the “Society of Art and Literature” in Russia, where amateur group headed by K. S. Alekseev (see K. S. Stanislavsky), the “Galsky Circle”, and then the “Free Theater” of A. Antoine in France, the “Free Theater” of O. Brahm in Germany showed that the movement of theatrical amateurism of that time was innovative and helped national cultures rise to a new level in updating the repertoire and discovering stage forms. Amateurism stood at the origins of the Moscow Art Theater, "Free Theater" in Paris, " German Theater" in Berlin.

The October Revolution caused a genuine explosion of the creative energy of the people in all spheres public life. An amateur propaganda theater (“living newspaper”, agitation court, etc.) was created through the joint efforts of Red Army soldiers, workers, peasants and the young artistic intelligentsia captured by the revolutionary wave. The novels by D. A. Furmanov “Chapaev”, K. A. Fedin “First Joys”, and the story “Bread” by A. N. Tolstoy tell about the enormous impact of amateur performances on the Red Army audience. The manifestation of revolutionary feelings was combined here with a feeling of international solidarity. It was the amateur front-line theater that laid the foundation for the creation of a national theatrical arts among those peoples who previously did not know theater at all.

A. V. Lunacharsky did a lot to support and develop propaganda art. He believed that “it is in the forms of amateur theater new life, the revolution first found artistic expression on the stage. It was in this art that the first sprouts of open, conscious political bias emerged, which would later constitute the most important innovative feature Soviet theater" Theaters of working youth (TRAM) created their own dramaturgy and stage techniques. V.V. Mayakovsky called them theaters of “agitation and influence.”

In amateur theater performances of the 30s. the functions of direct propaganda began to be performed by propaganda teams performing sketches, ditties, vocal and circus acts. Amateur drama groups were created everywhere, which staged multi-act performances modeled on professional theaters.

During the Great Patriotic War amateur theater groups actively performed both in the rear and at the front, in partisan detachments.

In the post-war period, amateur theater performances went through a series of important stages. The first of them is associated with the awarding of the title of “people's theater” to the best theater groups in 1959. This tradition continues to live today. The second stage is associated with carrying out I All-Union Festival amateur artistic creativity of workers (1975-1977), dedicated to the 60th anniversary October revolution. The festival contributed to raising the ideological and artistic level of amateur performances, deepening ties and mutual enrichment of the cultures of the peoples of the USSR, and strengthening the community of professional and amateur arts. Such festivals are supposed to be held once every 5 years. The third stage covers the 80s, which are characterized by a wide variety of creative styles, styles, forms of amateur theater: theater club, room theater, poetry theater, pantomime theater, ballet theater, young viewer, propaganda theater Those groups that at the turn of the 50-60s. the first to receive the title of folk theaters were the team of the ZIL House of Culture (Moscow, director S. Stein), “Mannequin” (Chelyabinsk, A. Morozov), Youth theater drama and poetry (Ivanovo, R. Greenberg), the poetry theater of the House of Culture of Oilmen (Omsk, L. Ermolaeva), the theater of the House of Culture named after Yu. A. Gagarin (Ust-Abakan, V. Sokolova) and many others - came in the 80s e years with a variety of creative baggage. The repertoire of folk theaters includes plays by A. N. Arbuzov, A. V. Vampilov, A. I. Gelman, V. S. Rozov, M. F. Shatrov and others. Many works Soviet writers were first staged by folk theaters: “I came to give you freedom” by V. M. Shukshin at the Theater on Krasnaya Presnya (Moscow, director V. Spesivtsev), “Live and Remember” by V. G. Rasputin at the theater in Bratsk (K. Magidin), " White steamer"Ch. Aitmatov at the Mannequin Theater (Chelyabinsk, A. Morozov), etc.

Along with folk theaters, within the amateur movement there arose new form organization of theatrical creativity - a theater-studio, which, developing the best traditions of amateur theatrical performances, should deepen the ideological and artistic search, reveal as much as possible creative potential participants. Moscow theater-studio in the South-West (director V. Belyakovich), theater-studio "Chamber Stage" (M. Shchepenko), theater-studio "At the Nikitsky Gate" (M. Rozovsky), theater-studio "On the Boards" ( S. Kurginyan), theater-studio “Man” (L. Roshkovan), being at the forefront of this movement, acquired the status of professional groups.

Within the framework of the II All-Union Festival of Amateur Arts (1985-1987), dedicated to the 70th anniversary of the Great October Revolution, the creative activity all amateur theater groups. The veteran teams summed up the results of their work. Zonal shows and Ramps of Friendship contributed to the exchange of experience between beginning groups. Experimental theaters set new tasks: the theater-club “Subbota” (director Yu. Smirnov-Nesvitsky), the theater-laboratory of the House of Culture of the Lenin Komsomol Automobile Plant (A. Rasinsky), the studio “Theater” (A. Levinsky), etc. The festival ended in Moscow, where in July 1987 the decade “Literature, folk theaters, propaganda theaters” took place.

There are many interesting amateur groups in our country. Among them are “Poetry and Truth” (Odessa), the folk theater of the House of Culture named after D. N. Mamin-Sibiryak (Magnitogorsk), the folk theater “Rampa” of the Pedagogical Institute (Abakan), the student folk theater of Leningrad state university, student theater of Vilnius State University, people's theater-studio named after Komsomol (Lvov), People's Theater wood materials plant (Klaipeda), etc.

Recruitment of non-professional actors for the troupe of the Russian Classics Theater

How to become part of something Big (for example, a theater)?

1. Have desire, purpose and be courageous.
Many actors came to us who wanted to play in our theater. They really wanted to, they eagerly got down to business, but they were enough for one or two rehearsals. Why? Because they didn't really want to. They simply loved watching the actors of our theater play and they dreamed of seeing themselves on stage. It's like a child who dreams of becoming an astronaut. He wants to be in space and the next day shake hands with the General Secretary of the CPSU Central Committee. While dreaming, he does not think about many years of training, exhausting tests, long absences from home and other hardships.

If you dream of playing in a theater (any theater, not just ours), you must understand that you will not achieve anything in two rehearsals. You have to want to rehearse and rehearse and rehearse. You must be able to be content with small roles or short lines. You have to have the courage to play someone you don't like. You have to have the courage to wear women's clothing as a man or swear as a woman. You must be able to paint your lips, apply makeup, cry to order, laugh when you are sad and do much more. Those who don’t like theater call it acting and substituted reality. Those who love theater believe that it is a temple of art, in which every person, whether he is an actor or a spectator, can look beyond the edge of his life and learn the truth.

2. Make time, prioritize.
We are a non-professional theater. This means that we are trying to play high professional level, we remain people of other professions. We all work somewhere and we don't make our living by acting. This is our passion, our hobby, our evening adrenaline. If you want to play in our performances, and are ready for a long career, you need to find time to go to rehearsals. Few times a week. Minimum - twice a week, in the evenings. And you must arrive on time. And don't be late.

We all have business, force majeure, circumstances, families, illnesses, work and traffic jams. And we will be understanding if you are late once or twice. But we don’t like regular lateness and try to make sure that you come to every rehearsal. It's a matter of priorities. If the theater is important to you, we are sure that you will come regularly and on time and nothing will interfere with you. If the theater is for you on a residual basis, then you will come sometimes and we will part with you very quickly. We want to work with responsible and serious people. But our team is cheerful and easy-going.

You'll see for yourself.
3. Learn the text!

4. Take out your wallet!
The cost for beginners will be from 1 to 10 thousand per month, depending on the load and your financial condition.

This money will go to good causes.
5. Prepare for challenges! We are often asked: is it necessary professional experience ? The answer is no. no experience needed, just enough strong desire ! It’s good if you read a few books on acting, watch a few films with the Evstigneevs or De Niro and go to good theaters. We are ready to teach you all the intricacies

, but only on condition that you want to play for real, and not for fun.

Attention! We are not an amateur studio or a theater group!

You shouldn't come to us to learn how to play "Santa Claus" or a bunny. With us everything is more serious - grandmothers, goblins, painters, huntsmen and meters. Everything is adult.

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