Unusual star riders. Necessary requirements of the stars before the performance. Demands of the stars - who is more original?

Paul McCartney Rider

1. Iggy Pop

The grandfather of punk rock, a regular at mental hospitals, Iggy Pop made concert organizers tremble long before he appeared on the site. His Stooges band rider included the item "7 dwarves dressed like the dwarfs from that wonderful Disney movie." The promoters did not immediately realize that this was a humorous wish.

2. Slayer

When the dark overlords of thrash metal demanded that they prepare “100 snow-white goats,” “a halal butcher for slaughtering goats,” and “bags of ice and cold storage for storing goat meat” for their performance at the Fun Fun Fun Fest in 2011, the person on the other end of the line was already no one laughed. The rider also included 50 thousand live bees, bulletproof umbrellas, a pentagram-shaped sandwich tray and a ping-pong table. Of all the above, we managed to get only a table on time.

3. Mötley Crüe

In the 80s, Los Angeles glam decadents Mötley Crüe could indulge in whims cosmic scale. In the dressing room, the musicians expected to see a semi-automatic pistol, a five-foot boa constrictor, a schedule for the local Alcoholics Anonymous club and a bottle of Gray Poupon mustard. Moreover, having taken out the boa constrictor and the barrel, the organizers could not relax: in 1988, vocalist Vince Neil discovered mustard of a different brand, became furious and threw the bottle at the wall with all his might, and a fragment that bounced off damaged his radial artery (this is in the area of ​​the thumb, but not very pleasant).


The creepy American rapper has always been famous for his laconic but brutal rider and was content with two boxes of condoms and a gallon (almost four liters) of Hennessy. In November 2010, this sweet tradition cost him his freedom: after the concert, the rapper ended up in an Arizona prison. Under the terms of his parole, DMX had no right to touch alcohol, but he broke three weeks before the end of his probation.

5. Foo Fighters

The Foo Fighters household rider smacks of pretentiousness. The musicians demand that behind the scenes there be DVDs of films that someone has already watched - but without sports terms in the titles (and God forbid that Martin Lawrence played in at least one of them). Magazines "that show us that you have a brain and interesting hobbies"(Banned by Spin, Rolling Stone and People). And the food remaining after the concert must be donated to a shelter, soup kitchen or “our roadie (road manager - approx..

6.Van Halen

And finally, the original source of all star riders belongs to the pen of hard rockers Van Halen. He looked like a big notebook and contained text written in small font. Among other things, it talked about M&M's, and all brown candies had to be removed. It turned out that this requirement was not a sign of the moral degradation of the musicians, but of their high professionalism. If the artists saw that there were brown jelly beans in the bowl, they understood that the technical rider was most likely not met - and now there is every reason to throw a scandal.

Undoubtedly, the artist's favorite document is the rider. In it, the artist indicates all his whims and demands on the tour organizers and... with his unrealistic whims, he often leads them to heart attacks.

A standard rider consists of two parts: technical and household. In everyday life, artists allow themselves to have a blast: here you have the car’s interior perfumed with the aroma of the sea, fans on duty at the dressing room, and escorted by a police car with flashing lights, writes MK. And when the tour organizers have become familiar with the star’s quirks, she can allow herself a little weakness - refuse to get off the plane if the meeting limousine is not equipped with a warm blanket.

When compiling a technical rider, the artist should not go wild: we're talking about about remote controls, keyboards, guitars and microphones. The artist usually asks for everything of the highest quality and at full disposal.

“King of Riders” - Philip Kirkorov. His list can be safely shown as a benefit for the star. If there is no stage in the city at least 15 m wide, 10 m deep and about 1 m high relative to the auditorium, then you don’t have to expect a hater of pink blouses to visit you. By the time the star arrives, the customer must be completely overwhelmed, but provide a “starry sky” in the background. Otherwise, “there will be no movie”...

It’s hard to believe, but even Alla Borisovna (!) is more modest in her demands. And her daughter Kristina Orbakaite, she’s just a sweetheart and loves to repeat: “Just let everything be worthy.” Although, of course, the star family is also full of whims: additional power of the monitor system, a monitor mixing console, powerful “lumbago” speakers, a bouquet of yellow roses in the hotel room, and, of course, the best hotel with the most expensive room and a police squad for security

The “Factory” and “Roots” groups, in terms of riders, have proven themselves to be true professionals, their requirements are approaching the level of pop superstars. So talk about star fever is not such gossip.

For Malinin, loaders have to work like bees - creative Group carries all the decorations with him.

Vocal abilities are one thing, but sexy appearance is another. And to push beauty to the masses, you need more than one suitcase of luggage. The Reflex group carries two turbofans with them. Girls are much prettier if a stream of air is directed at them, from which their skirts rise seductively and their blond hair develops. So when on tour you have to carry 160 kg of luggage from city to city. But by the standards of modern celebrity luggage, this is just fluff. For example, the composition and weight of Valery Leontyev’s props - 29 suitcases and 7 iron boxes (oversized) - total weight 1000 kg. So it turns out that the higher the star’s rank, the heavier the luggage.

All our stars have one thing in common - a passion for expensive cars. All of them want to travel around the vast expanses of their homeland exclusively in executive VIP-class cars. And again Kirkorov. AB's husband will only leave the ramp if the customer provides him with a VIP meeting. In his rider it is written in black and white: “The following vehicles must be provided for meeting at the airport: a limousine class car (access to the aircraft ramp is allowed) for Kirkorov, 2 escort vehicles (the first for personal security, the second for service personnel), a Mercedes class bus for the team of Philip Kirkorov. If the tour takes place in cities of Russia or CIS countries, there are traffic police cars to accompany them.”

Valery Leontyev in his rider indicates passenger cars, limousines and middle-class foreign cars. Alexander Peskov also insists on a limousine, as a last resort - a Mercedes S-Class 140 sel 500, 600 or S-Class 220 with an empty and clean trunk. A comfortable Mercedes or Audi class car is suitable for Malinin. Even the unpopular singer Nikita demands a black limousine or a foreign car no later than 1999 when on tour. Witty Lolita, in order to check whether tour organizers read her rider, at one time indicated an “Oka” with flashing lights as a greeting car. In one of the cities, the rider was taken seriously, and the singer was greeted by just such a car.

The cooler the star, the earlier he wants to get acquainted with the scene. Peskov can complete the rehearsal in an hour; Gurtskaya needs at least three hours. The organizers are obliged to provide a stage for a “live” rehearsal for Malinin’s musicians 4 hours before the concert. “The client must ensure full access to the venue at least 14 hours before the performance!” - Kirkorov’s rider says threateningly.

By the way, stars treat ordinary people very undemocratically and warily. I just want to hang signs on their dressing rooms: “Beware, evil dog!” The artists have their own, very strange, idea of ​​the viewer and ideal employee on stage... This is some kind of terrorist, dressed in rags, capable of getting drunk at any moment and throwing bottles at the unfortunate musician. Alexander Peskov asks at the entrance to auditorium“organize face control” and insists on the presence on stage of “at least three sane workers.” Singer Glucose requires that all technicians be on film set were “absolutely sober.” Boris Moiseev is very afraid for his life on stage, so there are special requirements for security. She must monitor all entrances to the stage, “in order to avoid unauthorized persons entering it during the performance of the group, and also ensure that foreign objects are not thrown onto the stage (bottles, cans, etc.).” Otherwise, Moiseev will stop the concert, and the organizer will bear the costs.

In Kirkorov, in general, “Admission of Spectators” is a separate chapter, according to which the doors to the auditorium should not open “until this is authorized by the director of the production.” Besides, Philip Bedrosovich needs messengers so much. The organizers are obliged to provide him with two people at his full disposal, who must be drivers, have minibuses, know Russian and local languages ​​and local service providers.

But the singer Valeria, apparently, was so tortured by ill-mannered law enforcement officers that in her rider she wrote that she should be accompanied by six “sober and neatly dressed” guards. But for Peskov, one security guard is enough, who must always be with the main artist, and he must be “commercial”. “Not the police! And not a soldier!” - Alexander insists. The girls from the “Reflex” group stipulate in the rider “mandatory security escort of three people throughout the entire stay!”!

Stars want to live only in the suites of the most expensive hotels. The main requirement is the presence in the rooms of a working toilet and shower with hot water, telephone, TV, clean bed and bath linen.

Verka Serduchka always sets quite high demands. Andrey Danilko also prefers “five stars”, VIP service and all the honors due. The fulfillment of all the rider’s points is monitored by as many as three male Ukrainian directors. Boris Moiseev's rider requires a five-star hotel for the singer and a three-star hotel for the band. Leontyev also agrees to live only in a cottage or a 5-star hotel with luxury apartments; for Oleg Gazmanov, both a state dacha and private apartments are suitable. But Alla Borisovna prefers a mansion, Vacation home or the best hotel with the most expensive room. In addition, the suite must have at least three rooms. The most prestigious hotel should be provided for Philip Kirkorov, his security and staff, with a presidential class room for Kirkorov. The same hotel needs one double and four single rooms for security and service personnel. Singer Alsou takes with her two security guards, who must live either in the room adjacent to her or opposite.

Singer Nikita lives only in a room in pastel colors and always requires a separate car, a dog handler and a room for... his chow-chow dog named Seva. “He is a friend to me, man! - says Nikita. “He is purebred, with a good pedigree, but I don’t prepare him for any exhibitions, because I think that it’s not interesting for both of us.” Seva prefers to go on tour with his owner, especially considering that he is treated like a king and is fed only young meat and vegetables.”

The food of the “gods” is fruits, mineral water and sandwiches. But this is only to give the artist a snack in the dressing room before the concert. Many stars are simply saving their stomachs for the evening banquet. Alexander Malinin and Boris Moiseev are very scrupulous about food intake. Malinin is a believer, so he observes all fasts. In his list of requirements, the menu becomes almost the main item. If the tour falls during Orthodox Lent, then the organizers must exclude everything from the artist’s daily diet. meat dishes. Moiseev demands a paid breakfast at the hotel, lunch before and dinner after the concert in a restaurant. “Do not offer alcohol!” - Moiseev warns and reminds that four members of the team are vegetarians. Gazmanov gives preference to Russian national cuisine. And the soloists of the group “Reflex” do not participate in banquets after the concert, which is always reported to the organizers. The little popular singer Nikita is immodest in his desires on tour - he only needs dietary nutrition. He eats everything boiled, steamed, and only fish, and if there is meat, then only young meat, steamed veal, and cottage cheese casserole.

But, as always, Filya outdid everyone. He brings a personal chef with him. The star's list of requirements contains a large list of necessary food products: hard cheese (mostly French), mayonnaise, chicken fillet, beef loin, seafood, bread (black, cheese), etc. “Hot tea, coffee, mineral water should be available from the moment the equipment is unloaded until it is fully loaded after the concert.”

Touring is a serious matter, artists have to be nervous a lot. And where the nerves are, there bad habits. Alcohol and cigarettes help the stars calm down, respectively. Peskov insists on allowing smoking on the bus. Two bottles of light imported beer should be waiting for him in his room, and Hennessy “XO” cognac in the dressing room.

Most of our stars are deprived of the happiness of enjoying the “view from the window.” True, according to at will... Almost all artists insist that the window be covered with a dark curtain. Valery Leontyev generally has problems with his eyes, so one of his conditions is: “There are dark curtains in the bedroom, be sure to hang a thick black blanket under the curtains.” In Leontyev’s bedroom there should be “a feeling of dark night at any time of the day.”

A big ship needs a big dock... Therefore, it is necessary to allocate two rooms for Philip Bedrosovich’s dressing room: “The first room for the artist should be quite spacious and equipped with a mirror in full height, a cosmetic table with mirrors, lighting, a sofa and two armchairs, a dining table covered with a white tablecloth, four comfortable chairs, a wardrobe for at least 20 suits, a separate toilet with a washbasin, flowers (roses, carnations, lilacs, chrysanthemums), still mineral water and freshly squeezed orange juice.” The second room serves as the star's wardrobe...

Well, if you don’t yet know that a superstar is coming to visit you, rest assured - local television will report this in advance. Here again you can look into Kirkorov’s rider, one of the mandatory conditions of which is “the advance screening on local TV channels of video clips and concert recordings of Philip Kirkorov, the film “Philip Kirkorov. One year in the life: love and stage” and promotional commercials with a running time of 30 seconds, 1 minute, 2 minutes.” So meet me, let's go...


IN Soviet time the hotels were equally bad. In this matter, people's artists had an advantage, who, according to the ministerial decree, could go to the North and stayed in the best hotels in the city, from the regional committee or city committee. Traditionally, folk artists were accommodated in luxury rooms, and program directors were also accommodated in similar rooms. All the artists lived, as a rule, in the same hotel. Only the numbers differed. The issue with nutrition was different. Previously, daily allowances were officially issued in the amount of about 2.5-3 rubles per day. And the artists fed on this money on their own. Many took tiles with them on tour and cooked in their rooms. Sometimes the concert organizers organized special outdoor banquets in honor of the artist, but this was not advertised. Before concert hall the artists were transported on buses, and folk artists They brought us a Volga car. But in general, the riders of our artists are reasonable, unlike Western performers. How do you like having a multi-colored jelly bean delivered to your Bed Boys Blue room? Moreover, the number of caramels different color was strictly regulated. In numbers. The group also demanded that they be served only a certain type of beer, which was sold exclusively in Germany, in a single store in some outback, and had to be purchased.

Jack White's rider became a sensation: it contains, among other things, whole recipe guacamole, which is the artist's preference.

Although some other items may seem no less extravagant: for example, eight champagne flutes, eight wine glasses and eight tall glasses (“all made of glass”), as well as “a pound of freshly cut high-quality prosciutto and aged salami, plus sharply knife".

For some reason, bananas have earned the musician special hatred (or fear?), about which he speaks as follows: “This is not some kind of banana tour! (Seriously.) We don't want to see that fruit anywhere in the building." The rider also prohibits the use of fluorescent lighting and photography of Jack White inside or outside the concert venue.

2. The Who and the tea party set

Roger Daltrey's dressing room from The Who was required to be equipped with six bottles of tonic, a bottle of vodka and a jar of honey, two packages of a certain brand of lozenges and “a small amount of vanilla ice cream.”

While Pete Townshend's list included two large bottles of orange juice, six Evian or Perrier mineral waters, six cans of cola, six glass (of course!) cocktail glasses and a tea set (tea with chamomile and milk, not just anything).

3. Pearl Jam and carrots without tails

Pearl Jam, according to their rider, is particularly careful that "there are no sponsorship banners, signs or banners on or near the stage" during the concert. The musicians are also categorically against the sale of glowing merchandise.

The dressing room should have multigrain bread, a dozen fresh bagels, four large bags of chips, a good selection of lemonades and - most importantly - freshly squeezed juices. The musicians take their own juicer with them wherever they go, so the list of demands is filled with celery, beets, tomatoes, apples, oranges and six pounds of carrots (“no stems!”).

4. Ozzy Osbourne and an oxygen tank

For Ozzy Osbourne, carnal pleasures are not so important as an ambulance health care. On the day of the concert, “an ENT specialist must be constantly on duty behind the stage, who, if necessary, will provide the singer with an urgent injection of B12 or an anti-inflammatory drug.”

In addition, the Prince of Darkness' list of requirements includes a fully charged oxygen tank.

5. Aerosmith and free booze

Aerosmith musicians always count on a set of alcoholic drinks “at the expense of the organizers,” as well as a dressing room filled to overflowing with pieces of chicken tikka masala with yogurt and mint sauce, turkey sandwiches (and “whole wheat only”), majhol dates, corn on the cob (“cooked exactly three minutes”), a variety of fresh diet muffins (“not from 7/11”), and “no processed meat or cheese.”

It is equally important to have an ENT doctor, internist, osteopath and licensed chiropractor on site at the concert venue.

6. Joe Cocker and Shepherd's Pie

Joe Cocker, according to his rider, could not do without isotonic Gatorade drinks (“lime and lemon flavored”), four liters of Evian mineral water and a refrigerator with eight bottles of Corona beer, “chilled at 6 pm, then at 8 pm and again - at 10:45" (or, as stated in the contract, "during the performance of the song With A Little Help From My Friends"). And without a cooler bag with six cans of Beck's or Heineken beer, as well as Diet Sprite and Gatorade drinks, which had to be available to the musicians left, right and center of the stage.

Organizers were also required to have “one traditional shepherd’s pie with a side of baked beans” on hand at all times.

7. James Brown and the steamer

Back in the good times when James Brown was still giving concerts, he always demanded the latest model limousine, “black or white, 186 inches long.”

The artist's dressing room was required to have two full-length mirrors, as well as "two makeup mirrors equipped with light bulbs." "Professional ironing and steaming services" are required to maintain the singer's and band's costumes. James Brown's musicians were to be given rooms in a four-star hotel, "separate from the dancers."

8. Bloodhound Gang and a refrigerator magnet

The first lines of the rider of the ever-perky guys from Bloodhound Gang try to convince that “this is a serious document.” And at first, such a statement can be believed: the list includes quite ordinary items, like sandwiches, soda, macaroni salad... Until it comes to “a jug with six hot dogs” - yes, exactly a jug! Or a large bag of Skittles, where the candies must be sorted by color so that one of the group members does not have an exacerbation of obsessive-compulsive disorder.

Quite out of the ordinary wishes are listed in the “Miscellaneous” section: a refrigerator magnet with a local landmark and the skeleton of a rhesus monkey. And these guys want to be taken seriously!

9. Foo Fighters and plastic cups

When compiling a rider, Foo Fighters are guided, rather, by common sense: their list is full of self-irony and kindergarten jokes (for example, the clarification that “meat soups should be excluded, because they make sound players fart”!) - which, however, does not exclude some strange points. One of these is the requirement to have Solo branded plastic glasses in the dressing room - in the absence of these, the group vows to organize a “catering jihad” for the organizers.

However, the final provisions of the contract reduce the level of pathos: “We are just another rock band that doesn’t have enough money for fuel for a private plane. Please be understanding."

10. The Beach Boys and no plastic cups

The Beach Boys insisted that waiting for them backstage were 25 boiled and peeled shrimp, a bowl of white (“not red”) pistachios, a half-pound bag of peanut M&Ms, “unlimited organic vegetables,” as well as a package of alfalfa sprouts, sliced ​​avocados, a tray of fruit, pack of 12 Freedent Spearmint chewing gum.

A separate item, the importance of which was especially emphasized in the rider, was a box of Marlboro Lights in soft packaging. As proponents of the green movement, The Beach Boys advocated for recycling bins to be placed behind the stage and opposed the use of plastic cups during their concert.

11. Goo Goo Dolls and Safeguard Soap

Before their performance, the Goo Goo Dolls want eight Starbucks Frappuccinos or Nestle cappuccinos (“four regular coffee and four vanilla”), a large bowl of hummus and pita bread, and two bottles of red wine (“four regular coffees and four vanilla”) in the dressing room. good quality"), 12 bottles each of Budweiser and Heineken beer (but "not Ice or Lite"), a half-pound package of fresh turkey, four bars of newly made Safeguard or Ivory soap, and six new pairs of high socks ("required white").

12. Sting and again the tea set

Sting in his rider expresses a desire to have a carpet, a two-seater sofa, two chairs and dim lighting in his dressing room. The mandatory list of drinks and snacks includes "one bottle of full-bodied red wine, a six-piece tea set, twelve fresh lemons, a jar of honey and freshly peeled grated ginger."

The team accompanying the singer must be provided with tea and water, but they can do without wine. Although in a separate guest room there will be liquor, beer, a bottle of vodka, two bottles of champagne, red wine (“French, Italian, Californian or Spanish”) and white (“cheap wines are not acceptable”) for those who are thirsty.

13. Prince and a lot of security

The requirements in Prince's rider were quite strict: only Fuji mineral water, only vegetarian meals and healthy snacks, and a ban on any kind of drugs, alcohol or "other prohibited substances" anywhere near the stage or dressing room.

But the most stringent conditions were listed in the paragraph on security measures. There had to be at least eight bodyguards between Prince and the public, and at least four guards had to be on duty at the entrance, checking the documents of anyone who wanted to get inside and disturb the invaluable peace of the great singer. By the way, the average deposit for a Prince concert was, according to 2004 data, 500 thousand US dollars.

14. Metallica and the alcohol ban

Most riders consist of 5-7 pages - the list of Metallica musicians barely fits on 24 pages. And it covers everything from accident insurance ($5 million per team member!) to a full breakfast menu for a hundred people (“fresh fruit, a dozen types of cereal, ten liters of juice of all kinds, and LOTS of bacon”). .

The rider's text also warns that musicians are categorically against having their products sold at their shows. alcoholic drinks, ‒ “otherwise the organizers themselves are responsible for all possible incidents during the concert.”

15. The Stooges and good wine

Rider The The 2006 Stooges set the standard for a hilariously funny yet informative list of requirements.

For example, checking amps shortly before a concert, where “shortly” means “not like three weeks ago when it fell off the shelf in the warehouse.” Well, that's reasonable! Or how about the point about plate racks? The rider says to keep them straight, and then clarifies that "the group is actually an equal employment opportunity group, so 'gay' stances will do." When it comes to booze, Iggy prefers Grolsch beer and two bottles of red wine - “preferably one whose name we know but can’t pronounce.” If this description doesn't seem accurate enough, it goes on to explain: “Look, there's a lot of good red wine out there. Ask the guy at the wine boutique for advice."

And the icing on the cake is the item that follows the Stooges' extensive liquor list: "Broccoli/cauliflower, florets separated and immediately thrown into the trash. I hate this crap!”

A rider is a list of conditions and requirements of the artist to the concert organizer. In general, there are two types of riders - household and technical. The first contains requirements of a domestic nature, for example, transport, hotel, food, condition of dressing rooms, etc. And the second includes technical support concert.

Please note that the organizer is responsible for the complete implementation of all rider points. a necessary condition to ensure the artist's performance. Otherwise the artist has every right refuse to go on stage without returning the fee and compensating the organizer for losses.

Many people have probably heard that each performer has his own rider. Everything is clear with the musicians' technical rider - a list of brands of microphones, monitors, "combinations" and other equipment necessary for the performance. But the household rider is the biggest headache for the organizers of any concert. When compiling this document, the stars are as sophisticated as they can be. I decided to dig into the celebrity riders and found some pretty interesting points in them.

1. Axel Rose, of course, an eccentric, but his latest demands surprised even the most persistent. He wants a square melon. At all his performances.

2. Classic example- members of the group Van Halen demanded to sift out brown candies from packs of M&Ms." The incident, which became the talk of the town, was actually intended to increase the attention of the bosses reading the riders.

3. Prince, for example, insists that there is always a doctor next to him, ready with a dose of vitamin B12. He also cannot stand plates covered with film.

4. Maybe in Everyday life participants Red Hot Chili Peppers and do not need fresh underwear, but the rider has a clause with such a requirement.

5. To perform in Ireland at "Tennet's Vital Festival" Eminem it was necessary to build a wooden pond for carp.

6. Optimistic Beastie Boys wanted to have colorful condoms at their disposal. To inflate them and pull them over your head.

7. James Blunt He wants to seem like a good guy so much that he orders 120 bottles of beer, 12 bottles of cider, 4 bottles of vodka, 3 bottles of white and 2 bottles of champagne every time.

8. Coffee JLo You need to stir exclusively counterclockwise.

9. Scottish post-rockers Mogwai postmodern sense of humor. Confirmation: There should always be a photo of Princess Leia in the dressing room from " Star Wars" in frame.

10. Trent Reznor from Nine Inch Nails can't do without two boxes of cornstarch. After all, he needs to somehow pull off his sweaty leather trousers after the concert.

11. Spandex Kings Mötley Crüe They usually include whatever comes into their head in their rider. One day they needed a gun, then a detailed schedule for Alcoholics Anonymous meetings in Los Angeles, and, as icing on the cake, a 12-foot python.

12. Cher requires a separate room for all of its wigs. Sounds like a fire hazard to be honest.

13. Prince of Darkness Marilyn Manson, like a true prince of cold, sets the air conditioner to the highest low temperatures. In addition to air conditioning, the rider includes a bald, toothless prostitute and Haribo gummy bears.

14. Nicki Minaj you need lots and lots of chicken. Buckets of breasts and legs for the studio.

15. Like a true squire, sir Mick Jagger includes a shepherd's pie, a bottle of HP and a pool table on her wish list.

16. Rider Britney Spears usually incredibly long. One item particularly sticks out: 4 pints of tomato salad.

17. Rider The Stooges– a real work of art compared to their albums. For example, they need 7 gnomes, whose size is not as important as their presence, and broccoli to throw into their bucket.

18. The habits of a real diva: in the dressing room Mariah Carey there must be kittens, puppies and rabbits. God knows what they do with them later. And also the toilet paper in all toilets in the area should be replaced with pink, her favorite brand. The royal ass should be comfortable too.

19. P.Diddy. What does a person who has everything need? Monogrammed handkerchiefs.

20. Sir Elton John armfuls of flowers are required everywhere (God forbid you put lilies, chrysanthemums or daisies). And 74 more towels. Under no circumstances is it 75.

Riders of stars are considered to be a list of conditions and wishes of the star to the organizers of the concert or show. In other words, the riders of the stars are the whims and whims of the stars. Each star has their own wish list, and they present this list to the organizers. It is necessary that all the points on this list be fulfilled and observed by the organizers so that the star deigns to perform and delight fans with his singing.
From all the abundance and diversity, I will highlight excerpts from the most striking ones, from the point of view of their own self-esteem and audacity.

So! Philip Kirkorov

... The customer is obliged to provide the necessary products for three meals a day for Kirkorov and those accompanying him.
Allow the chef to cook in the hotel kitchen. In the absence of a personal chef, a special chef must be allocated.
Necessary food products: hard cheese (mostly French); mayonnaise; chicken fillet; beef sirloin; seafood; assorted meats; assorted fish; vegetables (tomatoes, carrots, eggplants, potatoes, onions, greens); fruits (apples, bananas, grapes, pears, watermelon); Korean carrots; bread (black, cheese); juices (apple, orange); mineral water without gas; The customer must provide a Mercedes class bus to transport the group from the airport to the hotel, to the performance venue, back to the hotel and the airport.
You also need a truck to transport luggage.
Limousine for F. Kirkorov.
Two executive cars for producers, security and retinue.
The customer must order and pay for rooms in a first class hotel for the performer for the duration of his stay in the country.
The customer must provide a VIP meeting for Philip Kirkorov at the airport.
To meet at the airport, the following vehicles must be provided: a limousine class car (access to the plane's steps is allowed) for Philip Kirkorov, 2 escort cars (the first for personal security, the second for service personnel), a Mercedes class bus for Philip's team Kirkorov.
If the tour takes place in cities of Russia or CIS countries, provide traffic police cars for escort.


... The organizer will provide the group with 3 meals a day at his own expense (there are 2 vegetarians in the group! They eat everything except meat :)))).
Note: The group reserves the right to determine the quantity and quality of food offered.
The menu should be varied and include both meat, fish and vegetarian dishes.
Breakfast should only be served at the hotel and include the following: Dairy products.
Light snacks.
Sandwiches (including vegetarian ones).
Porridge (at the request of the group).
Fruits. Juices.Tea. Coffee. Mineral water.
Lunch should include the following: Any salads for the whole group. For vegetarians, salads made from squid, shrimp, chicken, fish, mushrooms or vegetables.
Appetizers: fish, meat and vegetable platters.
First meal. For vegetarians, first courses should consist of: vegetable soup (only with vegetable broth), chicken broth or noodles, mushroom soup (not in meat broth), fish soup or fish solyanka.
Second courses. For vegetarians - fish or chicken.
Fruits. Desserts. Juices assorted, including freshly squeezed juices. Mineral water without gases (in unlimited quantities).
Red wine - 1 bottle, 5-star cognac - 250 g, beer (at the request of the group). Tea, coffee (unlimited quantities).
Dinner should include the following: Salads (see lunch). Appetizers (see lunch). Main courses (see lunch).
Fruits. Desserts. Juices (see lunch). Mineral water.
Alcohol: 1 bottle of 5-star cognac - 0.75 l or 1 bottle of vodka (at the request of the group). Tea, coffee (unlimited quantities).

Ksenia Borodina

... Airplane - 1st place business.
Train - 1st place NE.
1 executive class passenger car.
LUX class hotelOne LUX room. All telephone numbers are MANDATORY! (don’t have your own or what?)
Hairdresser, make-up artist and security guard are required.
(On my own behalf, who is she and why invite her somewhere at all?)

Leningrad Group

Vodka - Russian standard, Absolut, martini, beer, mineral water, juice, grub. (It’s all simple, in my opinion)

Sofia Rotaru

Fresh products from the market must be available: cottage cheese, homemade eggs, kefir, fresh vegetables, still water, juices, a bottle of CHIVAS REGAL Whiskey 12 or 18 (750ml) (after the concert). The rest is optional.
When the Artist arrives on the day of the concert - lunch for 4 people at the concert venue, do not offer restaurants - WE DO NOT GO. All other meals take place in the mansion at the accommodation location.

Alla Pugacheva

If arriving by train, a white limousine will arrive at the platform.

Nikolay Baskov

The rider is sent only when placing an order (probably so as not to shock)

Stas Mikhailov

Separate (!!!) carriage, only VIP-class cars - Mercedes or Lexus.
In the dressing room there is red caviar, spring water, honey. A luxury room with billiards, a SPA salon, rented only for him for the entire duration of his stay in the city where he is giving a concert.

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Contacts: rector of the temple, Rev. Evgeniy Palyulin social service coordinator Yulia Palyulina +79602725406 Website:...
I baked these wonderful potato pies in the oven and they turned out incredibly tasty and tender. I made them from beautiful...