Unusual words in the story left-handed. Linguistic features of the tale “Lefty




Completed by a student of grade 8 "G" MOBU secondary school No. 4

Mayatskaya Anastasia.

(Scientific adviser)

Dostoevsky's equal - he is a missed genius.

Igor Severyanin.

Any subject, any activity, any work seems uninteresting to a person if it is not clear. The work of Nikolai Semenovich Leskov “Lefty” is not very popular among seventh graders. Why? I think because it is complex and incomprehensible to schoolchildren of this age. And when you start to think about it, figure it out, assume and get to the bottom of the truth, then things open up. most interesting moments. And personally, it now seems to me that the story “Lefty” is one of the most extraordinary works of Russian literature, in the linguistic structure of which so much is hidden for a modern schoolchild...

Language features story "Lefty" and appeared subject of study our work. We tried to deal with every word usage unusual for the modern Russian language, and, if possible, find the reasons for the differences. We had to track changes of this kind in all sections of the language: phonetics, morphemics, morphology, syntax, punctuation, spelling, orthoepy. This is what it's all about structure our work is a description of linguistic changes in different sections of the language, although it should be noted right away that this classification is very relative, because some language changes can be attributed to several sections at once (however, like many phenomena of modern language).

So , target work - study the work “Lefty” (The Tale of the Tula Oblique Lefty and the Steel Flea) for its linguistic features, identify word usages unusual for the modern Russian language at all language levels and, if possible, find explanations for them.

2. The reasons for the occurrence of inconsistencies in word usage in the tale “Lefty” and the modern Russian language.

“The Tale of the Tula Oblique Lefty and the Steel Flea” was published in 1881. It is clear that in the language over 120 years there have been significant changes and This first reason the appearance of discrepancies with modern norms of word usage.

The second one is genre feature. “Lefty” entered the treasury of Russian literature also because it brought to perfection such a stylistic device as the skaz.

A tale is, by definition, “an artistic orientation towards an oral monologue of a narrative type; it is an artistic imitation of monologue speech.” If you think about the definition, it will become obvious that a work of this genre is characterized by a mixture of spoken (“oral monologue”) and book (“artistic imitation”) speech.

“Skaz”, as a word in the Russian language, clearly originated from the verb “skazat”, the full meaning of which is perfectly explained by: “speak”, “explain”, “notify”, “say” or “bayat”, that is, the skaz style goes back to folklore It is closer not to literary, but to colloquial speech(which means it is used a large number of colloquial word forms, words of so-called folk etymology). The author, as it were, is eliminated from the narrative and reserves the role of recording what he hears. (Evenings on a Farm near Dikanka is in this style). In "Lefty" the imitation of oral monologue speech is carried out at all levels of language, Leskov is especially inventive in word creation. And this The second reason discrepancies with modern literary norms.

Sources artistic language The writer's experiences are varied - they are primarily associated with his stock of life observations, deep acquaintance with the life and language of various social groups. The sources of the language were ancient secular and church books and historical documents. "On my own behalf I speak with the tongue old fairy tales and church-folk in purely literary speech,” said the writer. In your notebook Leskov lists ancient Russian words and expressions that interested him for their expressiveness, which he later uses in the text. works of art. Thus, in the texts of the works, the author also used Old Russian and Church Slavonic word forms, rooted in the distant linguistic past. And this third reason discrepancies between language word forms in Leskov’s work and modern ones.

Igor Severyanin, also distinguished by his unusual word-creation, once wrote a sonnet dedicated to him. There were lines:

Dostoevsky's equal, he is a missed genius.

Enchanted wanderer of the catacombs of language!

It is through these catacombs of language in Leskov’s work “Lefty” that I suggest you go.


Turning to popular vernacular, spoken language, folklore expressions, using words with folk etymology, Leskov tries to show that Russian folk speech is extremely rich, talented, and expressive.

Obsolete words and forms of words.

The text of the work “Lefty,” of course, is unusually rich in archaisms and historicisms (chubuk, postilion, kazakin, erfix (sobering drug), talma...), but any modern edition contains the necessary number of footnotes and explanations of such words, so that every student can read them on one's own. We were more interested obsolete forms of words:

Comparative adjective more useful, that is, more useful;

The participle “servant” as a noun from the lost verb “serve”: “... showed to the servant on the mouth."

The short participle of “blankets” (that is, dressed) from the disappeared blanket.

The participle “hosha”, formed from the verb “to want” (with the modern suffix –sh-, by the way)

The use of the word “although” instead of the modern “though”: “Now if I had Although there is one such master in Russia..."

The case form “on digits” is not a mistake: along with the word “digit”, there also existed the now obsolete (with a touch of irony) form “tsifir”.

Obsolete form of the adverb " alone" instead of "however".(Like " far away burst out: hurray "y).

The appearance of the so-called prosthetic consonant “v” between vowels

(“right-wingers") was characteristic of the Old Russian language in order to eliminate the unusual phenomenon of gaping (confluence of vowels).

Colloquial expressions:

-“...a glass of sour milk choked out";

-“..great I’m driving”, that is, quickly

-“...so watered without mercy,” that is, they beat.

-“...something will take..." that is, it will distract.

-“...smoked without stop"

Pubel poodle

Tugament instead of document

Kazamat - casemate

Symphon - siphon

Grandevu - rendezvous

Schiglets = boots

Washable – washable

Half skipper-sub skipper

Puplection - apoplexy (stroke)

Words with folk zytymology, most often formed by combining words.

Coach two-seater– a combination of the words “double” and “sit down”

The text shows fluctuations in the gender of nouns, which is typical of the literary norm of that time: “. .shutter slammed"; and unusual, erroneous forms: “his by force did not hold back,” that is, the instrumental case is declined according to the masculine model, although the nominative case is a feminine noun.

Mixing case forms. The word “look” can be used both with nouns in V. p. and with nouns in R. p.., Leskov mixed these forms: “... in different states miracles look."

- “Everything here is in your sight,” and provide.”, that is, “view”.

- “... Nikolai Pavlovich was terrible... memorable." (instead of “memorable”)

- “...they look at the girl without hiding, but with all relatedness.”(relatives)

-“...so that not a single minute for the Russian usefulness didn’t disappear” (benefits)


- “...now very angry.”

- “...you will have something worthy of presenting to the sovereign’s splendor.”

Mixing styles (colloquial and bookish):

- “...I want to go to my native place as soon as possible, because otherwise I might get a form of insanity.”

-“...no emergency holidays” (special)

- “...wants a detailed intention to discover about the girl...”

-“..from here with the left-hander and foreign species have come.”

-“...we’re going to look at their weapons cabinet, there are such nature of perfection"

- “...every person has everything for himself absolute circumstances It has". In addition, the use of such a form of the predicate verb is not typical of the Russian language (as, for example, English; and it is the English that the hero is talking about).

-“.. I don’t know now , for what need Is this kind of repetition happening to me?


As can be seen from the examples given, changes have occurred at all levels of language. I believe that having become familiar with at least some of them, seventh graders will not only receive new information, but will also be very interested in reading the work “Lefty”.

For example, we suggested that our classmates work with examples from the “Vocabulary” section, here you can show your ingenuity, your linguistic flair, and no special preparation is required. Having explained several variants of words with folk etymology, they offered to figure out the rest on their own. The students were interested in the work.

And I would like to end my research with the words of M. Gorky: “Leskov is also a wizard of words, but he did not write plastically, but told stories, and in this art he has no equal. His story is an inspired song, simple, purely Great Russian words, descending one after the other into intricate lines, sometimes thoughtfully, sometimes laughingly, ringing, and you can always hear in them tremulous love to people…"

1.Introduction (relevance of the topic, structure of the work, purpose of the study).

2. Reasons for the occurrence of inconsistencies in word usage in the work “Lefty” and in the modern Russian language.

3. Study of the language features of the tale “Lefty” at all levels:



Word formation;


Textual criticism;

Syntax and punctuation;


4. Conclusion.


1. . Novels and stories, M.: AST Olimp, 1998

2. . . Historical grammar of the Russian language.-M.: Academy of Sciences of the USSR, 1963

3. . Dictionary living Great Russian language (1866). Electronic version.


Our work was carried out on the topic “Occasional vocabulary in Nikolai Semenovich Leskov’s tale “Lefty”.

Word creation, that is, the formation of new words according to the word-formation models existing in the language, undoubtedly develops sensitivity and attention to the native (Russian) language, Creative skills, helps to cultivate a love for marksmanship artistic expression Russian literature. Hence. an inquisitive reader, a schoolchild for example, this work will be interesting when studying such topics as “Vocabulary”, “Word Formation” in the Russian language and “Creativity of N. S. Leskov” in literature.

The purpose of this study is to study the features of the formation and functioning of occasionalisms in the work “Lefty”.

The implementation of this goal was facilitated by the solution of the following tasks: 1) study scientific literature on the research topic; 2) identifying the composition of occasional words; 3) description of ways of forming occasionalisms; 4) determination of the functions of the author’s new formations and the peculiarity of their use in the tale “Lefty”.

We consider the chosen topic to be relevant, since in modern linguistic literature there is no unambiguous definition of the scope and content of the concept of “occasionalism”, and the linguistic innovation of N. S. Leskov, described in the works of A. S. Orlov, V. N. Gebel, F. Krasnov, N.A. Nikolina, is devoted mainly to the writer’s novels and the story “The Enchanted Wanderer.” In addition, researchers consider Leskov’s word creation in the broad sense of occasional words. In our work, we adhere to a narrow approach in defining the term “occasionalism”.

The following methods were used in the work: 1) the method of linguistic description, which involves the observation and classification of occasionalisms; 2) a comparative method that allows us to identify the nature of the external novelty of occasionalisms and determine their type; 3) method of statistical analysis with subsequent generalization of the results obtained; 4) method of text interpretation.

CHAPTER 1 Theoretical problems occasional vocabulary

The question of determining the scope and content of the concept of “occasionalism” does not have a clear solution in modern linguistic literature. In studies devoted to individual authorial transformations, both broad and narrow approaches to the understanding of the term “occasional word” are noted.

First this term was used in relation to Russian word formation in the article by N. I. Feldman “Occasional word and lexicography” (“Issues of linguistics.” -1957. -No. 4) The concept of occasionalisms (lat. occasionalis - random) has firmly entered science since the 70s 20th century, but even now, along with this generally accepted term, others are used: individual words, author's neologisms, one-time neologisms, context neologisms, poetic neologisms, individual stylistic neologisms, homemade words, meteor words, egoisms (ego -"I").

The problem of individual authorial transformations attracts the attention of specialists after the publication of G. O. Vinokur’s work “Mayakovsky - an innovator of language”, in which the author formulated the concept of potential words: “In every language, along with words existing in everyday practice. there are, in addition, a kind of “potential words”, that is, words that actually do not exist, but which could exist if a historical accident wanted it” (G. O. Vinokur, p. 327) Thought of G. O. Vinokur was supported in linguistic circles.

In this work we follow E Hanpira. E. A. Zemskoy. A. L. Kasatkin adheres to a narrow understanding of occasional words, contrasting them with potential words. Individually authored words, unlike potential words, retain their novelty and unusualness throughout the operation of the same word-formation norms. and therefore they are characterized by the fundamental impossibility of becoming the property of language.

A.G. Lykov names the following as the main features of occasional words: 1) belonging to speech, 2) creativity, 3) word-formation derivatives, 4) non-normativity. 5) functional disposability. 6) individual identity (Lykov A. G., 1976, p. 11)

The belonging of occasionalisms to speech is the most important sign, which is noted by all researchers; the remaining features of occasional words are its concrete embodiment.

The creativity of occasionalisms is contrasted with the reproducibility of words created according to a model. For occasionalisms, each specific instance of use is unique in its speech implementation. For example: “The next day the sovereign and Platov went to the cabinet of curiosities. The sovereign did not take any more Russians with him, because they were given a two-seater carriage” (that is, a double-seater).

Expressiveness is a mandatory feature of author's new creations. , which, according to A.G. Lykov, is “obligatory” in nature, that is, “internally inherent in occasionalism and does not depend on the context and situation” (Lykov A.G., 1976, p. 23) For example: sweaty spiral (that there is air stale with sweat), the multiplication dot, recklessness, etc.

So, by occasionalism we will understand “a speech expressive unit that has the properties of irreproducibility, non-normativity and word-formation” (definition by A. G. Lykov, ibid. p. 36)

Researcher L.P. Krysin believes that the use of speech “irregularities” in fiction“characterizes different authors differently and depends both on the writer’s linguistic flair and on those artistic and visual the tasks that he sets for himself” (Krysin L.P., p. 35).

N. S. Leskov’s style is individual; it (the style) expresses the artist’s poetic attitude to the life of the people and folk speech. According to M. Gorky, N. S. Leskov “wrote “magic words” not plastically, but told them, and in this art he has no equal. His story is an inspired song, simple, purely Great Russian words” (Gorky M., p. 354)

Leskov's prose has a fantastic character. A tale is a special type of narrative, constructed as a story by a person distant from the author (), who has his own unique speech style" (Brief literary encyclopedia. vol. 6, p. 75) The narrator, usually a participant in the events, is usually a person from a different social circle and cultural layer to which the author belongs.

Nikolai Leskov sought to enrich himself literary language elements of colloquial speech. This explains the fabulous nature of the writer’s prose.

The relationship with parts of speech was established. that in the text under consideration, mainly nouns (39) and adjectives (10) are used.

Occasional adjectives internecine (conversations), hornbeam (nose), two-seater (carriage), merblue mantons, erasable tablet, plaisir tube, stone-cut icon, idolatrous icons and grave-like heads and relics, numb.

As a result of our research, a partial word-formation analysis of occasional words was also carried out. Note. that the purpose of this analysis is “to establish how words are formed from the point of view of modern linguistic consciousness” (Modern Russian language, edited by Dibrova E.I., p. 192)

Addition of word stems (or addition of truncated stems) is the most common way of forming occasionalisms. It is interesting that occasional words are often the result of using the technique of “folk etymology,” that is, rethinking (remaking) an unfamiliar word based on a model that sounds similar. For example: “And Count Kiselvrode ordered that the left-hander be washed in the Tulyakovo public baths”; “And those persons to whom the courier handed over the nymphosoria immediately examined it with the strongest microscope and now the description is included in the public gazette, so that tomorrow the slander will be publicly known.”

Occasionalisms. , created on the basis of an external, random sound coincidence, without taking into account its real origin, serve as a means of creating a comic effect, emphasize social status heroes and, of course, clearly characterize the individual style of N. S. Leskov.

Functions of occasional words in N. S. Leskov’s tale “Lefty”

Occasional words that we identified in the tale “Lefty” are used both in the speech of the characters and the hero-storyteller, and in the author’s speech.

In the speech of the narrator and characters, occasionalisms are a means of revealing socio-psychological characteristics. For example: “And the English half-skipper at this very time the next day got up for a light breakfast and ate chicken with trot” (In the narrator’s speech, with trot, that is, with rice); “Here Martyn-Solsky reminded Chernyshev about the left-hander, and Count Chernyshev said: “Go to hell, pleisry pipe, don’t interfere with your own business” (Chernyshev Alexander Ivanovich - Prince, Minister of War from 1827 to 1852)

In the author's speech individual education, firstly, are used to update, refresh the narrative (in this case they are usually enclosed in quotation marks or italicized), and secondly, to characterize further unfolding events. For example: “Various huge busts arrive in a very large building in the main hall, and in the middle under the canopy stands Abolon of Polveder.”

The tale “Lefty” presents one of the leading functions of occasional words, associated with the peculiarities individual style writer, - function language game. The methods of language play used by the author are varied: contamination, pun, “folk etymology.” For example: “The British immediately began to show what they had adapted for military circumstances: sea storm meters, merblue mantons of foot regiments, and tar waterproof cables for the cavalry. »

Examples of folk etymological transformations are occasionalisms: the multiplication dozer, vodka-kislarka, the Solid Earth Sea, etc. “Folk etymology” is not only a means speech characteristics characters, but is also a unique way of conveying their worldview.

Occasional words in the work “Lefty” perform functions characteristic of literary text: 1) expressive and evaluative (“Platov didn’t answer the sovereign, he just lowered his horned nose into a shaggy cloak”; 2) serve as a means of developing the main image of the text (“They handed over a small scope, and the sovereign saw that there really was a key on the tray near the flea” ); 3) the clarification function (synonymous) (“This,” they answer, “is not a speck, but a nymphosoria”); 4) the function of text coherence (“They served him a hot stew on fire of their own making, - he says: “I don’t know that one can eat such a thing”); 5) style-distinctive function (“And a left-handed person was knocked down on the floor in a block and asked: “Who this is where it comes from, and do you have a passport or some other document?”)

Occasional synonyms perform a style-distinguishing function, indicating the style and scope of their use. The main part of Leskov's new formations has shades of colloquialism and vernacular. These new formations are usually included in the speech of the characters. In the author's speech they are perceived as conveying the indirect speech of the characters.


As a result of the analysis of linguistic units - occasionalisms and the study of scientific linguistic literature, we came to the following conclusions.

The tale “Lefty” is distinguished by the richness of occasional words and the diversity of their composition. A total of 49 occasional words were identified. The study showed that the writer’s word creation is represented by words different parts speeches, among which nouns dominate (80%)

Of particular interest are word-formation occasionalisms, which are the result of word formation according to individual authorial or linguistic models.

Occasionalizations in the tale “Lefty” perform various functions: they enhance expressiveness, serve as a means of speech characterization of the characters, participate in reflecting the image of the world and in revealing the inner world of the characters, and also contribute to the creation of a comic effect.

We believe that our work can be the first step in considering the issue of the functioning of occasional vocabulary in the works of N. Leskov, for example, in the cycle about the righteous. Researchers of Nikolai Semenovich’s word creation examined the writer’s linguistic innovation in his novels and the story “The Enchanted Wanderer.” The tale "Lefty" in its own way ideological content, undoubtedly close to the righteous cycle.

Municipal educational institution

"Secondary general education

Russian-Tatar school No. 000

Sovetsky district of Kazan"


on this topic:

"Folk etymology in the tale


Done the job

Zagidullina Denmark.

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and literature

Solovyova M. G.

Kazan - 2009


Identify and describe the phenomenon of folk etymology in the tale “Lefty”.


Find out the understanding of the morphemic composition of a word and the motivation for its meaning based on convergence with consonant words that are different from it in origin.


The fate of Lefty symbolizes for Leskov the fate of the entire nation, potential opportunities which are enormous, but constrained by external circumstances. In the tale the writer embodies epic image a gifted master living in the consciousness of the people. To do this, Leskov uses the technique of “folk etymology” - distortion of a word in a folk way, reproducing dialect ordinary people, which is relevant and informative today.

Practical meaning:

If a student knows from which language a word came into Russian, how it is formed, and what its etymology is, then he will never make a spelling mistake.

1. Introduction.

2. Main part.

B) Folk etymology.

3. Conclusion.


In the tale “Lefty” we encounter many new words. Word creation begins where the narrator or hero encounters non-Russian names that are incomprehensible to an illiterate person. The artisan, talking about things unfamiliar and foreign to him, distorts their names according to his idea of ​​them. But at the same time, the narrator puts a humorous meaning into them in the spirit of popular understanding.

The irregularities that appear in the text reflect folk etymology (the science of the origin and history of words). Big encyclopedic Dictionary defines folk etymology as an understanding of the morphemic composition of a word and the motivation of its meaning based on convergence with consonant words that are different from it in origin. In other words, folk etymology is an alteration and rethinking of a borrowed (less often native) word according to the model of a word close in sound to it native language, but which differs from it in origin. Unlike scientific etymology, folk etymology is based not on the laws of language development, but on the random similarity of words.

Researchers have recorded more than 3,000 new formations of different parts of speech in Leskov’s works. He was the first in Russian literature to consistently use this method of word formation as an artistic device.

This is a feature of the writer's individual style.
Word game displays the rating, creates comic effect. It characterizes one’s outlook, attitude towards the usual phenomena of life, as well as another culture (the life of kings, English workers). In addition, word creation, “linguistic tricks,” wit, and buffoonery are manifestations of the talent of the Russian people, because the ability to speak “outlandishly” is not granted to everyone, just like any skill.

3. Main part.

A) "Left-handed". The originality of the genre.

The colorful character of a gifted Russian man and his fate in Russia are the focus of attention in his tale “Lefty”. The writer actively uses the traditions of folk tales, oral tradition, jokes. Striving for authenticity in the depiction of folk life, the writer resorts to specific storytelling techniques developed by folklore, which ensure maximum objectivity of the story.

The plot of the tale is based on the characteristic folk epic motive of competition, rivalry, struggle.

The whole story is told from the perspective of a common man. It would seem that Leskov does not find himself anywhere. But in covering events, it is important for Leskov not only to see the whole story through the eyes of a character close to the hero, but also to correct him. Leskov reminds of himself either with a caustic word, or with a deliberately satirical depiction, or with a sad reflection. No matter how skilled Lefty is, his craft loses a lot from the fact that he creates on a whim, by inspiration, without taking into account the simplest knowledge. Therefore, Leskov is not only admired by the skill of the Russian man, but is sarcastic. His satire is directed, of course, not at Lefty, who “doesn’t know how to read and write,” but at those who excommunicated him from enlightenment and left his talent gray, unfinished. The fate of Lefty symbolizes for Leskov the fate of the entire nation, the potential of which is enormous, but constrained by external circumstances. Therefore, without abandoning the hymn to the talent of the ordinary Russian person, Leskov significantly sharpens satirical image, and the whole tale takes on a tragic sound. Leskov seems to be confronting two intonations and narratives: laudatory and sarcastic. The motive of rivalry allows the writer to give an incident, occasion, or curiosity a national, generalizing meaning. Life talented person in Russia, according to the writer, it is tragic and no one needs it. But Leskov does not lose faith in folk character, in his resilience, humane and moral principles.

In the tale, he embodies the epic image of a gifted master living in the consciousness of the people. The writer uses the technique of “folk etymology” - distortion of the word in a folk way, reproduces the oral dialect of ordinary people: “multiplication dot”, “two-light” (double), “nymphosoria” (ciliates), “prelamut” (mother of pearl), “without -reason”, etc.

Concluding the story about Lefty, he wrote: “This is their epic, and, moreover, with a very “human soul.” The writer strove to ensure that the thoughts and beliefs dear to him seemed to come from the people’s heart. That's why he introduced so widely folklore motives, and the whole tale grew out of the proverb “The Tula people shoed a flea.”

B) Folk etymology.

The phenomenon of folk etymology is a striking sign of vernacular speech, therefore, to characterize the speech of their characters, writers often resort to using words reinterpreted by accidental consonance and semantic similarity. This is the phenomenon we observe.

What interesting examples of folk etymology do we find? Here is an incomplete list of words that illustrate the phenomenon of folk etymology.

    couch - "couch" messengers - “whistle” table - “dobe” Apollo Belvedere - "Abolon of Polvedere" camel - "marble" pyramids - “ceramides” variations - "beliefs" mother of pearl - “prelamut” poodle - "pubel" document - “tugament” pudding - "studding" socks - “boots” dance - "danse" microscope - "melkoskop" pari - "parey" bay - "buffa" Mediterranean - "Solid Earth" barometer - "storm meter" “nymphosoria” - from the words nymph and ciliates “public” - from the words public and police “slander” - from the words feuilleton and slander.

Let's try to explain how some of these hilarious words came about. In my opinion, it is completely clear why the socks were called boots. They put them on their feet! Yes, and messengers used a whistle to attract attention. Probably, the barometer received an even more accurate name: it can be used to determine the approach of bad weather or a storm. This is where the storm meter appears in the speech of Leskov’s heroes. And the beliefs sound quite reasonable, because the word “variation” comes from the Latin “change.”

It is interesting to use word-formation models of the Russian language to explain words of foreign origin.

Pudding is a casserole made from porridge, cottage cheese, and fruit. Apparently, this dish reminded our heroes of a Russian dish - jelly.

A feuilleton is a newspaper or magazine article on a topical topic, using humorous and satirical devices presentation. However, false information can also be used in feuilletons. And then it really turns into slander.

In a similar way, the words appeared: melkoscope, stormmeter, nymphosoria, public, etc.

The tale contains many linguistic curiosities in the spirit of buffoons; even in the language of the emperor there are irregularities. The language of the tale imitates living oral speech. The narrator speaks on behalf of the people themselves, and therefore distorts unfamiliar, especially foreign words so that they become close and understandable to him. The distortion of words revealed folk wit (slander), resourcefulness (storm meter), and irony (Count Kiselvrode).

The term folk etymology was introduced by the German linguist Förssmann in the middle of the last century. In Russia, such prominent scientists as de Courtenay, modern linguists, and others wrote about folk etymology. However, when describing folk etymology, modern authors mainly use examples from the fund created by Russian linguists at the turn of the 19th-20th centuries. and replenished very sparingly. This suggests that folk etymological words appear, firstly, in oral speech, and secondly, among illiterate people or people who have not received sufficient education, and are not written down or recorded. With growth scientific knowledge and linguistic culture, this phenomenon may disappear altogether.

Now the principle of bringing together different, but somewhat consonant words, characteristic of folk etymology, is used by some students when writing dictations. Of course, such “folk etymology” does not save them; on the contrary, it leads to spelling errors. This happens when a word (and even a foreign one) contains a vowel [a] or [o], [e] that cannot be verified by stress. So the writer is looking for an explanation, bringing together the word he needs with a similar sounding one and does not take into account that they are etymologically completely unrelated. For example, how to write the word vanilla (French vanille) and morality (French moga1e)? A person who is not literate enough can write “stink” and “stain”, elevating vanilla to the word stench, and morality to the verb smear. If the student knows from which language the word came into the Russian language, how it was formed, what its etymology is, then he will never make a spelling mistake. Let's look into the etymological dictionary more often!

3. Conclusion.

Leskov called himself an “artist of style,” that is, a writer who masters living, rather than literary, speech. From this speech he drew its imagery and strength, clarity and precision, lively emotional excitement and musicality. Leskov believed that in the Oryol and Tula provinces the peasants spoke surprisingly figuratively and accurately. “So, for example,” the writer reports, “a woman does not say about her husband, “he loves me,” but says, “he pities me.” Think about it, and you will see how complete, tender, accurate and clear it is. A husband does not talk about a pleasant wife says that he “liked” her, he says, “she came with all my thoughts.” Look again, what clarity and completeness.”

In an effort to enrich, strengthen language means artistic depiction and expressiveness, Leskov skillfully used the so-called folk etymology. Its essence lies in rethinking words and phrases in the spirit of the people, as well as in the sound deformation of words (especially foreign origin). Both are carried out on the basis of corresponding semantic and sound analogies. In the story "Lady Macbeth" Mtsensk district" we read: “Few people will speak to you with a long tongue.” In “Warrior”: “Why are you... you’re really disgusting yourself.” In “Lefty”: “two-seater carriage”, “small scope”, “nymphosoria”, etc. etc. Of course, Leskov overheard such speeches not for the sake of their aesthetic collecting or photographic copying, but in the name of achieving certain ideological and artistic goals. Reinterpretation and sound deformation of words and phrases in the narrator’s speech often gave the language of the work an almost elusive comic or parody-satirical quality, humorous and ironic tone.

Used Books:

1. Encyclopedia for children. T. 10: Linguistics. Russian language. M., 1999.

2. , Bobrova dictionary of the Russian language. M., 1994.

3. , Telenkova - directory of linguistic terms. M., 1985.

4. http://*****

5. http://ru. wikipedia. org/

6. http://*****

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The storytelling style of Nikolai Semyonovich Leskov’s “Lefty” presupposes the presence of a storyteller, a storyteller who not only narrates the events described in the work, but is himself a participant in these events. Therefore, the language and style of the tale reproduce living oral speech. The tale “Lefty” is full of diverse and very colorful words that reflect not only inner world heroes, but also their social status and education.

“...This popular, vulgar and pretentious language, in which many pages of my works are written, was not composed by me, but was overheard from a peasant, from an intellectual, from eloquent speakers, from holy fools and saints,” wrote N.S. Leskov.

Leskov himself said that the idea for the tale “Lefty” arose from a proverb that talks about what the British did steel flea, and the Russians shoed this flea. And in the tale itself we meet folk sayings: “At least he has a sheep’s fur coat, but a human soul.”

The writer builds his work by stylizing some episodes, for example, as a fairy tale. Thus, the dialogue between the Tsar and Platov resembles a fairy tale opening:

“The Emperor says: “What do you, courageous old man, want from me?” And Platov replies: “I, Your Majesty, don’t need anything for myself...”

The speech of simple artisans in Leskov is typical of common people. The left-handed man, in response to the sovereign’s proposal to use a microscope while the craftsmen are working, replies that, they say, they can do the work without a “small scope”, since they already have a “shot eye.”

But the reader will see Leskov’s so-called “word creation” where the character encounters a foreign concept that is incomprehensible to an illiterate person. This is how distorted words appear: “Abolon polvedersky”, instead of busta - “busters”, “ukushka” instead of couch, “whistle”, while messengers should be used, or instead of table - “dolbitsa”. Leskov's characters interpret some foreign words in a rather unique way, clarifying their meaning in their own way. Probably clearer to the common man the expression “wind cap”, and not some strange “hood” or “waterproof cables” - “galoshes”.

Emperor Alexander I looks quite peculiar in the tale “Lefty.” Leskov says that Alexander Pavlovich decided not to go to Europe, but to “take a ride.” This word is close in structure and meaning to a word like “to take a ride,” that is, to take a superficial walk. Thus, the author belittles the image of the king, who makes a rather frivolous journey. But the use of the verb “gasp” in the emperor’s speeches shows how lost and helpless he looks in the eyes of readers.

The impression of authenticity of what is happening in the tale “Lefty” is created largely thanks to the living, believable language of Leskov’s characters. At one time, the writer opposed the introduction of alien and dissonant words into the Russian language. foreign words. Therefore, in this work we see a parody of the use in the Russian language of words that do not take root in it, coming from the West.

“We must protect our rich and beautiful language from damage,”

Wrote N.S. Leskov in 1878. This call from a nineteenth-century writer is more relevant than ever now, when our language is under powerful attacks that are destroying its integrity and originality!

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