Olga Buzova: biography, personal life. Olga Buzova: personal life, latest news, video with Jeremy Meeks

Great potential and versatility of talents allowed Olga Buzova to achieve considerable success in show business. Today she is at the peak of popularity, and has changed her career as a TV presenter of the show project “Dom-2” to solo life singers. Olga has millions of admirers and admirers, but her heart is this moment free. After an unsuccessful marriage with Dmitry Tarasov, the girl completely immersed herself in creativity. However, it seems that the next marriage of the charming beauty is not far off.


Olga in childhood, her parents and family

A girl was born on a January day in 1986 in Leningrad, into a completely “unartistic” family. The girl’s parents loved their children very much, and in addition to Olga, they also raised their daughter Anyuta. The couple denied themselves many things in their desire to provide for the girls. Better conditions life - quality clothes, travel, visiting clubs. The friendly atmosphere is best illustrated by the photos of Olga Buzova and her family.

Olga with her parents and sister Anyuta

Olga's father worked as a civil servant, her mother as a dentist. Olga Buzova's family still lives in Leningrad, now St. Petersburg, the mother does not work, and the head of the family is engaged in business.

Olya grew up as a smart child, she learned to write and read early, and at the age of 3 she already spoke English. Her mother enrolled her in school early, when the girl was only 5 years old. The seven-year-old first-graders initially offended the little girl, but then accepted her unconditionally. For school years the girl was always the soul of the class.

Olga in childhood

She was imitated by many, because even then she skillfully experimented with fashionable images. Olga spent her first fee (she earned money on her own at the age of fifteen) on fashionable jeans.

After successfully graduating from school, Olga enters St. Petersburg University at the Faculty of Geoecology and Geography. True, she had to interrupt her studies at the university, because at that time she was “building love” at the television construction site “Dom-2”. However, Olga’s perseverance served her well here too; she successfully completed her studies at the university, starting lectures after a sabbatical leave. Olga got to the casting of the “Dom-2” project thanks to her sisters Anyuta, because she was the one who, having seen the announcement, hastened to tell her sister about it. After a successful selection, the girl shone in a television project, and millions started talking about the Buzov-Tretyakov couple.

Olga Buzova and Roman Tretyakov - relationships on the Dom-2 project

The couple of Olga and Roman was recognized by television viewers as the most beautiful and romantic of those times. Moreover, it went down in the history of the project and is immortalized in the Moscow Museum wax figures. Unfortunately, these three years of relationship were not crowned with success, the couple separated without ever officially getting married. Bold dot in this novel Tretyakov directed, having decided to leave the project, he called Olga with him, but the girl was in no hurry to leave the “television construction site.” After Roman, the girl tried to start relationships with the guys on the project, but they were all fleeting. But even here Olga did not lose heart; she changed her role as a participant in the project to a career as a TV presenter, replacing Ksenia Sobchak.

Olga with Roman Tretyakov

First official marriage - marriage to Tarasov

In 2011, fate favored Olga; she met her true love- football player Dmitry Tarasov. It is worth noting the fact that Olga took Tarasov away from the family. Before the affair with her, the football player was married and raised his daughter Anastasia. It took Olga only two months to “bewitch” the famous football player, and in 2012 the lovers officially registered their marriage.

The new husband showered Olga with luxurious gifts, sponsored her cool parties, took her to famous resorts, and she, in the rays of glory, wrote the book “The Price of Happiness,” in which she gave valuable advice how to build your love. At that time, every second person spoke about “Tarabuziki”, that’s what the couple called themselves, but alas, a strong marriage did not work out.

Olga with her ex-husband Dmitry Tarasov

In her interview, Olga says that she dreamed of living with this man all her life, but as a result, the fairy tale turned into dust, leaving a bitter aftertaste.

In 2016, the “Tarabuziki” divorced, and the reason for the breakup was a banal betrayal. Dmitry was seen in a relationship with model Anastasia Kostenko, and they say that she is pregnant from him.

Friends and acquaintances of the couple say that the reason for the breakup could be children; the football player wanted to have strong family with children, and Olga did not plan the birth, she was still building her career.

Personal life of Olga Buzova today - facts, rumors and speculation

After her divorce from Dmitry, the girl carefully looks at each man, no longer making hasty decisions. But there are a lot of rumors around her name. The girl is credited with an affair with the famous showman Dmitry Nagiyev, as well as with Sergei Svetlakov, although the girl has only friendly relations with them.

Olga - photo 2017

The latest scandalous situation with Olga arose due to feuds with Viktor Drobysh, he publicly ridiculed her work on the musical Olympus. But Olga does not give up, taking criticism hard, she nevertheless made her debut in November 2017 in Moscow with solo concert, where she performed such popular songs as:

  • “I’m getting used to it”;
  • "Not enough halves";
  • "Equilibrium";
  • "Wrong" and others


There is no doubt that the girl’s determination and charm will soon influence her destiny and she will meet the man of her dreams.

Olga Buzova, star of the reality show “Dom-2”, has established herself in various creative fields, from the world of cinema to the world of music. Some know the girl as a presenter and model, others as a writer and even a businesswoman. Buzova is the most famous media personality in all of Russian show business.

Journalists adore Olga, she - main star all news releases. As her fan base grows, so does her anti-fan base, but Buzova, despite this, continues to surprise the public, increasing the ratings of her songs, demonstrating new talents, and gaining greater popularity. The biography of Olga Buzova (Wikipedia and other popular sites contain a lot of information) will be told to the reader in the article.


Olga was born in Leningrad. As the biography of Olga Buzova testifies, at the time of her birth (January 20, 1986) her parents were building brilliant career military personnel. In 1988, Olga became an older sister. There was a new addition to the family; a girl born in May was named Anya.

Anna, despite the difficulties in communicating with Olga in the past, now helps her run her business and is her best friend. Buzova the younger, following the example of her older sister, tried her luck in the scandalous television project “Dom-2”, but failed to achieve great fame during her stay on the show.


Father Igor Dmitrievich and mother Irina Aleksandrovna could not get enough of the success of their eldest daughter, who learned to speak, read and write early (by the age of 3), and later even studied English.

At the age of five, Olga was sent to school. The Buzovs saw the child as a real prodigy, not worrying about how the girl would cope with the pressure of older children. There really was no reason to worry. Sociable Olga quickly became friends with her seven-year-old classmates and even became the life of the party. Their academic success pleased the Buzov couple, real intellectuals who wanted to invest the entire family budget in their daughters’ education and travel.

Growing up, the girl increasingly dreamed of receiving new jewelry and fashionable outfits for her birthday, but her parents were skeptical about their daughter’s dreams, choosing a piano as a gift. Olga firmly decided to earn money on her own in order to freely dispose of it and pamper herself with everything that girls of her age dreamed of.

On the way to popularity

Buzova received her first money at the age of 13, volunteering to work as a camp counselor. Two years later, the girl decided to try herself in the modeling business. The first amount Olga earned from the agency was 2,000 rubles, which was enough to purchase red velvet jeans, which at that time were considered the latest in fashion and style.

Then the girl realized more and more that, contrary to her parents’ dreams, she wanted to become an actress. What kind of education did Olga Buzova receive? The biography contains information that, having received no support from her family, after graduating from school with a silver medal, she entered the Faculty of Geography of St. Petersburg State University.

Olga’s student years coincided with the launch of a new reality show called “Dom-2”. The project was promised great success, and Buzova could not miss the opportunity to take part in it.

"House 2"

After the launch of the show on television, only a week and a half passed before Olga went to the casting, which she passed quite simply and confidently. In 2004, on May 22, the girl, having taken an academic leave from the university, appeared at the “main construction site of the country” and, despite young age, quickly joined the team, becoming one of the brightest participants in the show.

Career on television outside the Dom-2 project

At the end of 2008, Buzova unexpectedly announced her desire to leave the project that gave her popularity. The producers saw in Olga a charismatic personality, thanks to whom the ratings of the reality show remained consistently high. The girl completely failed to leave “House-2”. She changed her status as a participant to the status of co-host of Borodina and Sobchak, editor-in-chief of “The World of Reality Show. House 2".

The new role became for Olga a ticket to the world of real stellar career within the TV space and beyond:

  • From 2005 to 2006 Olga was talk show host"Romance with Buzova."
  • At the same time, Buzova hosted a program on Popsa radio.
  • Got the opportunity to promote my own section in the Morning on TNT program.
  • She was the host of the show “Black Mark”.

The spectacular blonde became the main star of the TNT channel, where she often appeared as a guest in various entertainment projects:

  • Together with former member“Dom-2” appeared in the episode of the “Robot Child” program.
  • She became a victim of a prank from Yegor Nekrushev in “Attack of the Clowns.”
  • She appeared on the screen together with Alexey Kulichkov as part of the Taxi project.

Olga did not limit herself to participating in the show on TNT:

  • In 2011, in search of love, she came to the main matchmaker of Channel One. A DJ, an oligarch and a banker tried to conquer Buzova.
  • A year later, the girl appeared in the seventh season of Dancing with the Stars, where Andrei Karpov became her partner. The star was unable to reach the final, leaving the show of her own free will due to the jury’s bias towards the project participants.

Loud recognition at the “Battle of Psychics”

In 2010, the girl agreed to become the star heroine of the 8th season of the mystical entertainment show “Battle of Psychics.” Participants in the program received Buzova’s lock of hair, which was supposed to help them tell about the girl’s fate (her identity was a mystery to psychics until the last moment). Galina Bagirova managed to tell the most about Buzova. The woman claimed that the owner of the curl moved to the capital from St. Petersburg, was directly related to television, and as a child was under the strict control of an influential and strict mother. In Olga Buzova’s biography, the first few facts were not a surprise to anyone, but she tried not to talk about the last one until participating in this show.

Touched Buzova admitted to the whole country that in reality for a long time tried to get out of the control of her strict mother, who was very demanding of her daughter throughout her childhood.

Buzova as a writer

The world saw the Russian TV star's first attempt at writing in 2006. The release “Romance with Buzova” described Olga’s relationship with a former participant in the reality show. The guy agreed to become a co-author of this creation, and the Book Business magazine appreciated the efforts of the young people, calling it “ Best project 2006."

The girl did not want to leave writing and a year later she presented to everyone the continuation of her first book, and later a completely new brainchild called “It’s about the hairpin. Tips from a stylish blonde." Olga’s most successful book, according to many, was “The Price of Happiness,” each page of which was perfumed and decorated with photographs of the star.

Career in film and theater

Olga achieved some success as an actress:

  • In 2008, she was invited to play a cameo in the successful series “Univer”, where, on the same set with Gogunsky and Gaidulyan, Buzova finally fulfilled her childhood dream of trying herself as an actress.
  • In 2010, the girl made her debut in the theater, where in the play “Honeymoon” she got the main role.
  • After the success of “Honeymoon,” Olga appeared in “Chic Wedding,” replacing the troupe leader Maria Kozhevnikova.
  • 2015 brought the girl a role in the film “Bartender”, where Yulia Parshuta and Ivan Okhlobystin played.
  • In 2016, Buzova took part in the filming of the series “Poor People,” broadcast on TNT.
  • This was followed by a small role in the comedy “Take the Blow, Baby” and the film “Burn” from Kirill Pletnev, work in the popular TV series “Chernobyl. Exclusion Zone".

Buzova and her business

In 2013, Olga decided, together with her sister Anna, to open own business, launching the Bijoux brand, specializing in the sale of jewelry. The Bijoux Room chain of stores successfully grew and prospered, which gave Buzova the opportunity to try her hand at another business.

Olga accepted the offer to become a creative partner of the C&C company, where she later even released her own collection in the C&C by Olga Buzova series. A year later, the business was sold due to declining revenue.

Olga Buzova’s biography, children, personal life - all this is constantly under the close attention of fans and journalists. It's time to discuss this.

Relations between Buzova and Tretyakov

While she was a participant in the Dom-2 project, Olga was in a relationship with Roman Tretyakov, with whom the girl was able to achieve the status of “The Most Romantic Couple of the 1st Season of the Show.” Buzova’s relationship developed rapidly, but suddenly for many, Roman decided to leave Dom-2, tired of life under cameras 24/7.

Olga did not leave after her lover and after the official separation from him in different time tried to build relationships with Alessandro Materazzo and Stas Karimov. The attempts were unsuccessful. Fortunately for fans of the couple Buzova and Tretyakov, the young people managed to maintain friendly relations and even appeared together in several entertainment shows.

Relations between Buzova and Tarasov

How did Olga Buzova’s personal life develop next? The biography says that in 2011, the press was full of coverage of Olga’s affair with Lokomotiv star Dmitry Tarasov, who at that time was in the middle of divorce proceedings with his previous chosen one. Neither Olga nor the athlete hid their feelings and the fact that they spend all their free time together.

After two months of relationship, the football player firmly decided to connect his life with an attractive blonde. Olga received a marriage proposal in Dubai, where the couple went on vacation together. In 2012, the young people had a magnificent wedding, to which they invited only relatives and close friends.

Having become the wife of a successful football player, taking his last name, Olga quickly received the nickname “Russian Victoria Beckham.” In reality, Buzova lived up to this moniker by trying to advance her career while also devoting time to her family and maintaining the comforts of home. But, as Olga Buzova’s biography testifies, her personal life did not work out; this was not enough for a happy marriage. Soon the news about the separation of Tarasov and Buzova thundered in the media.

According to one version, the reason for the couple’s divorce is betrayal on the part of Dmitry. The Internet wrote about Tarasov’s romance with Miss Russia 2014. The rumors were confirmed, many stars came to Olga’s defense, fans consoled the girl, but Buzova was not able to come to her senses right away.

According to rumors, after the divorce, the girl refused to go on dates and improve her personal life for a long time. Even with the passage of time, the news about the affair with a new participant in “Dom-2” and a businessman (about whose identity little is known) was not confirmed, and to this day Buzova’s heart remains free.

Singer career

After breaking up with Tarasov, Olga Buzova, whose biography, whose personal life is discussed in the article, decided not only to change her image, but also to try herself in a new field, in music. With her new single “To the Sound of Kisses” she caused a real resonance. Some talked about the girl’s lack of vocal abilities, others paid attention to the song’s position in the Russian iTunes chart.

The star was not interested in criticism; the success of the first song pushed Olga to release the second composition “I’m getting used to it,” which became no less successful. It was followed by new ones:

  • “People didn’t believe”;
  • "Not enough halves";
  • “We will be hot” (in a duet with Nastya Kudri).

Focusing on musical career, Olga does not forget about main job, leading roles in reality shows and other projects from TNT.

Olga Buzova is a girl who broke the stereotype about the limitations of blondes, one of the most charming Russian TV presenters, versatile and interesting person, born in Leningrad on January 20, 1986.


Both of the girl’s parents were military personnel, which could not but leave an imprint on her upbringing. And although the father enjoyed unquestioned authority in the family, the mother was stricter towards her daughter. It was she who insisted that at the age of 5 the girl, who had early mastered the basics of reading and mathematics, sat down at a school desk.

Olya Buzova in childhood

Studying with older classmates was incredibly difficult. To prove that she was no worse than others, Olga had to be better than others. IN junior classes she studied excellently. And find mutual language The girl was able to communicate with her classmates only thanks to her incredibly sociable and positive character.

But this was not enough for demanding parents. From the very first grade, the girl began to study English with her own tutor. A little later, she was enrolled in a chess school, and for one of her birthdays, instead of the princess dress she dreamed of then, Buzova received a piano as a gift.

However, the girl liked music and singing. She loved to be the center of attention and enjoyed performing at school concerts and even dreamed about acting career. Already in high school, Olga earned her own money. First as a counselor in summer camps, and in high school - as a model, getting a job in one of the St. Petersburg agencies.

After school, which, by the way, she graduated with a silver medal, Olga was going to apply to the theater, but both parents stood up against such a decision. She had to obey and take the documents to Leningrad State University, where she chose the geographical department.


As a student, Olga continued to be actively involved in the modeling business, but this was not enough for the girl. Such a multifaceted personality was bored just walking down the catwalk or taking seductive poses in front of the camera. I wanted something more, to somehow realize myself in show business.

Therefore, when Olga saw an announcement about the casting for the reality show project “Dom-2”, she filled out the form without hesitation. After some time, she received an invitation to a casting, which she easily passed and soon found herself on the set.

Needless to say, Olga’s strict parents were not pleased with this news at all. However, she was so confident in herself and her dream that she insisted on the decision taken and even took it academic leave at the university, vowing to her parents that she would still receive a diploma.

Olga fulfilled her promise, although a little late. But in 2008, she solemnly presented her parents with a university diploma.

The girl got on the show about two weeks after it started. Some kind of relationship between its participants had already developed, and she again found herself in a situation similar to the first grade of school, when everyone around her was strangers and different. Who would have thought that that difficult experience would be useful to her so many years later.

Olga again turned on her natural charm and quite quickly was able not only to fit into the motley team, but also to build a romantic relationship with another participant in the project, Roman Tretyakov, whom the whole country followed and empathized with. Going to the casting, Olga could not even imagine that she would stay in the show for many years and even become its host.

This romance was so passionate and interesting that the couple was invited to host a project on TNT with the same title “A Romance with Buzova.” The talk show quickly gained high ratings and was even duplicated on the radio. This is how Olga’s career as a TV presenter began. And that was exactly what she liked to do.

Free flight

After two years of relationship under the guns of television cameras, Roman got tired of them and voluntarily left the show. Having settled well in Moscow, he waited for a long time for Olga to also leave the participants, and they would be able to build a full-fledged family with a private personal life.

But the girl was already caught up in the whirlpool of television events, and she made her choice in favor of a career. Which, according to her, she did not regret.

While filming Dom-2, Olga managed to write books at the same time - two of them were published. The books sold out in good numbers, but Buzova was not too interested in writing. She also took part in joint advertising projects with “House” of large sponsoring companies, which allowed her not to fall out of the modeling business.

Olga announced her desire to leave the show to the producers only in 2008. By this time, almost the entire first cast of participants had already dropped out, and Olga was offered to take the place of the presenter, to which she happily agreed.

At the same time, she became the editor-in-chief of the magazine of the same name, which covered the behind-the-scenes of the show, since no one knew better than Buzova what and how was really going on there.

However, this is not enough for Olga. To date, she has managed to act in films, try herself as an actress on theater stage, replacing Marina Kozhevnikova in one of the productions, recorded several songs and became a participant in several more popular television projects.

Personal life

Although the beautiful and charming blonde has never lacked fans, her personal life cannot be called stormy. This is partly due to a fairly strict upbringing - my parents always held conservative views on family and relationships. Partly due to the fact that from her early youth she was constantly under the gun of television cameras.

After the end of her affair with Roman, which Olga experienced no less difficult than he himself, she started a couple of short affairs, but in terms of the intensity of passions they were much inferior to her previous relationships, so they quickly faded away.

It is unknown what would have happened next if fate had not brought her together in one of the Moscow restaurants with the famous football player Dmitry Tarasov. Both of them believe that this love flared up instantly like a spark. But at the time of the meeting, Dmitry was married. Who knows if this is what added passion to their relationship.

With Dmitry Tarasov

Literally a few months later, the football player officially divorced his first wife, with whom their joint son remained and proposed to his new darling- Olga Buzova. In the summer of 2012, their wedding took place, which the happy newlyweds celebrated with close people.

However, sooner or later you have to pay for everything. And already in 2016, Olga, who broke up someone else’s family, found herself in place ex-wife Tarasova - her husband left her after his latest betrayal with a 24-year-old model was revealed. In December 2016, the couple officially filed for divorce, and now Olga is again completely devoted to work.



By the end of the year, show business will get used to the “nugget”; they will even be invited to host it music award. But in the spring it was hot. Against musical creativity Viktor Drobysh, Nargiz, Alexander Panayotov, Nastasya Samburskaya, Yulianna Karaulova, Aziza spoke out about Olga Buzova at different times. The arguments are most often similar: the host of Dom-2, thanks to many years of broadcasting on TNT and interest in her personal life, received a crowd of spectators, but she cannot sing. Note that those who dared to criticize Buzova’s rise were attacked by Olga’s fans - 10 million people strictly judge ill-wishers on their pages on social networks.

Igor Matvienko spoke about Buzova’s career: “She hosts Dom-2, she has many subscribers on Instagram, and she also sang songs, so they also “came in.” So that's great! Of course, you have to go to concerts to collect money. I don’t think there will be any great future, but if I gave out awards at some music competition, then I would give her “Discovery of the Year”.

Dmitry Tarasov and Anastasia Kostenko

Buzova still cannot forget and forgive Dmitry Tarasov. He continues to periodically say that he turned out to be a traitor. Football player drives common-law wife, model Anastasia Kostenko, at the same restaurants that were her and Buzova’s favorites. The 30-year-old Lokomotiv midfielder gives expensive gifts to his 23-year-old beloved, publishes photos together, and demonstrates his feelings in the company of once mutual friends. And Olga continues to analyze the reasons for the divorce, commenting on the words ex-husband that one of the reasons for the separation was the reluctance to give birth and excessive passion for career. She says that up last day made plans for the future - home renovations, children: “I was ready to give birth for a long time, I wanted a child from him, we planned it. Even the day before we parted.”

Olga can’t stand it:

“Dmitry, maybe you can write why our paths diverged? Tell me how you cheated on me with Missy, how you kicked me out with your mother


Buzova traveled around the country with concert performances. The clubs are sold out, Olga is discussed in the press, and bloggers criticize her. “Everyone knows: if I joke about Buzova, many will notice. And if you want people to write about you, then it’s better to insult Buzova. This method is now used by many people,” Olga said in an interview with teleprogramma.pro.


“Buzova leaves Dom-2” is the main rumor of this month. Olga refutes him! What's the point for a star to leave a channel that regularly broadcasts her solo numbers. After all, on other channels and in rotation on the radio, Buzova’s songs are not taken. “I love my work at Dom-2! I talk about this, and it really gives me goosebumps. I’ve been with Dom-2 for 13 years. No matter what happens in my life, I come to Polyana, the guys run up and say: “Olya, thank God that you are here today...” These sincere emotions inspire and delight. I arrange my tour schedule in such a way that I can be at work more often.”

On January 20, 1985, she was born into the St. Petersburg family of Igor Dmitrievich and Irina Aleksandrovna Buzov. eldest daughter Olga. Since childhood, the girl was distinguished by her determination; Olya graduated from high school with a silver medal.

Olga Buzova’s education continued at St. Petersburg University at the Faculty of Geography and Geoecology. It is worth noting that the girl graduated from the university with honors. Even participation in the television project “Dom-2” did not prevent her from successfully receiving higher education. Viewers remember how the girl regularly traveled to St. Petersburg for studies and exams.

Olga has younger sister Anna, with whom they are very friendly and even do business together.

Star Trek TV presenter

In 2004, 19-year-old Olga Buzova came to the television project “Dom-2” to look for and build her love. She quickly became one of the most popular participants in the famous television project. Moreover, she is the only participant who was able to become a TV presenter, replacing Ksenia Sobchak in this post.

"Dom-2" is the first, but far from the only project in which Olga participated. In 2005-2006, together with Roman Tretyakov, she was the host of the talk show “Romance with Buzova” on TNT. In 2007, on the same TV channel, the girl was the host of the “Beware, stylists!” section. V morning program. In addition, she participated in other TNT projects, including Cosmopolitan. Video version”, “Battle of Psychics”, etc., as well as on the Russia-1 TV channel in the show “Dancing with the Stars”.

Buzova also proved herself as a writer. She has published four books about love and fashion: “Romance with Buzova. The history itself beautiful love", "Romance with Buzova. Love On-line”, “It’s about the hairpin. Tips from a stylish blonde" and "The Price of Happiness." Her writing achievements also include the position of chief editor at the World of Reality TV magazine. House 2".

Then Olga tried herself as an actress. The blonde played in the TV series “Univer”, “Poor People”, in the film “Bartender”, as well as in the plays “Honeymoon” and “Gorgeous Wedding”. Since 2011, Buzova began an active musical activity. Olga’s first single is the song “Don’t Forget,” performed in a duet with rapper T-killah. On November 15, 2016, the TV presenter presented the song “To the Sound of Kisses.”

One of the latest significant projects is her own clothing line OLGA BUZOVA DESIGN and cooperation with the C&C brand. Olga is also active in social and charitable activities.

Olga's parameters

Olga Buzova's parameters are close to those of the model. The TV presenter's height is 176 cm and her weight is 53 kg. The girl often chooses tight, bright dresses and does not hesitate to show off her social media photos of yourself in a swimsuit.

Olga Buzova personal life

For three years, the TV presenter met with Roman Tretyakov on the television project “Dom-2”. They were one of the brightest and, as it seemed to viewers, the strongest couples on the television set. In the Moscow Wax Museum you can even find wax copies of lovers.

But still, the relationship between Olga and Roman ended: everyone was waiting for a magnificent wedding, when they suddenly broke up. After some time, Roman left the project and married model Svetlana Sokolova. Buzova remained to build love at “House-2”. On the project, she had relationships with Stas Karimov and Alessandro Moterazo, which did not lead to anything serious.

The TV presenter found her love outside of “House-2”, having met football player Dmitry Tarasov. In 2012, Buzova and Tarasov played beautiful wedding. After being married for four years, the couple found themselves on the verge of divorce. The couple took off their wedding rings and parted ways. Olga and Dmitry have not yet announced the reason for the separation, but there are several versions. One of them is the athlete’s romance with the “2nd Vice-Miss Russia 2014,” 22-year-old Anastasia Kostenko.

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