Opera singer Sinyavskaya. Tamara Sinyavskaya: “Next to Muslim, I was just a woman. Departure for the States

Sinyavskaya Tamara Ilyinichna (b. 1943) is a Russian opera singer with a powerful dramatic mezzo-soprano. In 1980 she became a laureate of the Lenin Komsomol Prize, since 1982 - People's Artist of the Soviet Union. Lecturer at GITIS at the Faculty of Musical Theater.


She inherited an amazing voice from her mother, who sang wonderfully in her youth. The girl began to imitate her mother from the age of three, and especially little Toma liked to sing in the front porches. Old houses had marble floors, high ceilings, carved stair railings, and good acoustics. The sound of her voice seemed to her as beautiful here as in a temple.

The baby entered one of the entrances, stood in the middle of the front door and began to sing loudly. So she bawled until one of the tenants opened the door and asked loudly at the entire entrance: "Who is singing here?" And then the girl left her "stage" and moved to another entrance. During the day, she walked around all the entrances in her own and in neighboring houses along Markhlevsky Street. The habit from childhood has remained to this day, when Tamara Ilyinichna enters an unfamiliar entrance, she will quietly test her voice in it.

A little girl from childhood understood that since she sings so well, the singer must have her own audience. So she started giving concerts in the courtyard for the guys. The neighbors asked the girl to sing more quietly and advised her mother to give her daughter to the House of Pioneers.

School years

Mom herself saw that the baby is growing creatively. But besides singing, Tamara also liked dancing very much. Therefore, she was enrolled in the famous children's collective - the song and dance ensemble, led by V.S.Loktev.

When Sinyavskaya was ten years old, she was transferred to the choir group of the ensemble. Here the girl studied for eight years, received an excellent musical and stage experience, because the ensemble became an indispensable participant in all government concerts. Tamara really learned to feel the stage, stopped being afraid of the public and even visited her first foreign business trip to Czechoslovakia.

Singing and dancing Sinyavskaya carried away, but she dreamed of connecting her future life with medicine. In the house where Tamara spent her childhood, a polyclinic was located on the second floor. The girl liked to go there and sniff, she still remembers this smell of cleanliness, white coats and ether. At home, she started a real medical file, where she invented and wrote down the "case histories" of her friends, signed them "Doctor Sinyavskaya". Tamara Ilinichna herself says that if she had not tied her fate with music, most likely, she would have made a good doctor.

As a teenager, Tamara, like many girls of her age, fell in love with cinema. Several times they ran with their girlfriends to the cinema in the "Kuban Cossacks" or "The house in which I live." She learned the songs from these films by heart and often sang aloud. And then Toma saw Lolita Torres, and realized: she wants, just like this great woman, to sing, play on stage and be a beauty. Since then, she sang and rehearsed at home only in front of the mirror, observing her every step and gesture.

Winter sports were another strong hobby of Tamara; she adored skiing and skating. As soon as skating rinks opened in the capital, Sinyavskaya was certainly among the first visitors.

Musical education

By the time she graduated from school, Tamara had clearly decided on the choice of her future life path. The girl wanted to go to study to be a dramatic actress. But the head of the song and dance ensemble V.S.Loktev advised Sinyavskaya to continue her studies at the music school at the Moscow State Tchaikovsky Conservatory.

In this educational institution she had excellent teachers, whom she is grateful to all her life - Markova L. M. and Pomerantseva O. P. And one teacher allowed students to earn money at the State Academic Maly Theater, performing in the choir. Sinyavskaya took advantage of this opportunity and sang with pleasure in the theater. In addition, it was a good chance to slightly improve the family's financial situation, because Tamara and her mother lived very quickly, and they paid five rubles for one performance. The singer remembers how once, having received a salary for a performance, she bought a whole kilogram of stellate sturgeon in the Eliseevsky grocery store.

The part-time job at the Maly Theater became a good acting school for Tamara, because here she was able to communicate with the luminaries of the theatrical stage. The young singer was warmly received in the theater, they paid attention to the fact that the girl is talented, and one elderly actress even presented the clavier of the opera "Samson and Delilah" to Sinyavskaya.

In the evenings, Tamara performed on the theater stage, and the rest of the time she devoted to music lessons. She began to sing in the play "Living Corpse" with a gypsy choir, and after a while the bright young singer already sang the solo in S. Prokofiev's "Alexander Nevsky" and P. Tchaikovsky's "Moscow". Her teacher OP Pomerantseva recalled Sinyavskaya as a very hardworking, diligent and interesting student, it was immediately clear that this girl had a great creative future.

In 1964, Tamara graduated from her studies. She passed the final exam with a "plus", which was extremely rare at the school and was considered an exceptional case. The teachers advised Sinyavskaya to go to audition at the Bolshoi Theater (an internship group was recruited there), they were sure that with such vocal abilities the girl would definitely be accepted.

The Bolshoi Theatre

The highest society of Soviet music gathered on the commission - Boris Pokrovsky, Irina Arkhipova, Galina Vishnevskaya, Evgeny Svetlanov, Gennady Rozhdestvensky. Despite the fact that Tamara was very young and did not have a conservatory education, she made a strong impression on the commission, and the girl was accepted into the group of trainees. And a year later she entered the main troupe of the Bolshoi Theater, where she performed as a soloist for almost forty years.

Simultaneously with her work in the theater, Sinyavskaya continued her education: she entered GITIS, where she studied singing with the famous teacher-vocalist, Professor Dora Borisovna Belyavskaya.

Tamara came to the Bolshoi Theater as a very young girl. She was a little over twenty years old, she is a naive and gullible, in love with the stage and a benevolent girl towards everyone. Because of her youth, the old-timers of the Bolshoi Theater did not even perceive Sinyavskaya as a rival.

She had no thoughts about fame, because at that time there were so many celebrities working in the theater that Sinyavskaya considered it happiness to go on the same stage with them. Then she set herself one single goal - to fully comply with the status of a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater and continue to study with the great opera singers who are next to her.

Her first character on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater was a page in the opera Rigoletto by G. Verdi. The male role of Sinyavskaya was an excellent success, and the theatrical directors decided that her voice and appearance were great for the roles of drag queen.

However, it soon turned out that the foundation of the theatrical troupe went on tour to Milan, and for the metropolitan production of P. Tchaikovsky's opera "Eugene Onegin" the performer of the part of Olga was urgently needed. We decided to entrust this role to Sinyavskaya and it was right. Her charm, a voice that is rare in sound and timbre, and her stage appearance delighted her colleagues, critics and spectators. Her partner was the amazing tenor Virgilius Noreiko. And the famous opera singer Sergei Lemeshev said then that in his 70 years he saw the real Pushkin Olga on stage for the first time.

Tamara had an amazing ability to work. Over the years spent at the Bolshoi Theater, she sang several dozen parts, many of which have added to the chronicle of Russian opera music:

  • in "The Tsar's Bride" by N. Rimsky-Korsakov - Dunyasha and Lyubasha;
  • in "Sadko" by N. Rimsky-Korsakov - Lyubava;
  • in "La Traviata" by G. Verdi - Flora;
  • in "Pskovityanka" by N. Rimsky-Korsakov - Nadezhda;
  • in "War and Peace" by S. Prokofiev - Sonya, the gypsy Matryosha, Helen Bezukhova, Mavra Kuzminichna;
  • in "Ivan Susanin" by M. Glinka - Vanya;
  • in "The Queen of Spades" by P. Tchaikovsky - Polina;
  • in "Boris Godunov" by M. Mussorgsky - Fedor;
  • in "Ruslan and Lyudmila" by M. Glinka - Ratmir;
  • in “Chio-Chio-san” by G. Puccini - Kat;
  • in "Prince Igor" by A. Borodin - Konchakovna;
  • in "Carmen" by J. Bizet - Carmen.

And after the competitive festival named after PI Tchaikovsky, which was broadcast on radio and television throughout the country, Tamara became famous. It was 1970, a powerful competition with a strong jury. In addition to celebrities of the Soviet Union (Irina Arkhipova, Mark Reisen, Maria Maksakova, Ivan Petrov), vocalists from abroad came - Tito Gobbi and Maria Callas. Foreign guests unanimously voted for Tamara Sinyavskaya, then she shared the gold award with Elena Obraztsova.

This competition was the impetus for all-Union fame, but Tamara is not one of those people who need fame, she always tried not to feel her celebrity. The singer and artist felt like that only on the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, but in life she is a rather modest woman. She was taught from childhood by her mother that experiencing success is sometimes much more difficult than achieving it. Tamara has one of the life rules that she always adhered to: "So that the crown does not press your head too hard, you need to assess yourself adequately".

Once the opera diva Elena Obraztsova said to Tamara: "If I had a voice like yours, the whole world would lie at my feet."... But Sinyavskaya the whole world turned out to be unnecessary, she loved her theater too much. She had both invitations and the opportunity to perform on the best world stages, but this was not the main thing in Tamara's life. It was more important for her to work in her favorite theater, the singer always considered him the best in the world. And with the troupe of the Bolshoi Theater, Sinyavskaya has already traveled all over the world.

Tamara loves both French and Italian opera music, but her heart belongs to Russian opera. With her, the singer is easy and comfortable, she lives in her and dissolves without a trace, because this is her own.

For her creative services, Sinyavskaya received many awards and titles, has awards - the Order of the Red Banner of Labor, "For Services to the Fatherland" VI degree, "Badge of Honor".

In 2003, Tamara voluntarily left the theater. She preferred to do it, as her husband Muslim Magomayev said, a little earlier than it should be. Better let the fans think: "Why did Sinyavskaya leave the stage so early?" than they will discuss: "How? Is she still singing? Well, how much can you? " In addition, it so happened that her native Bolshoi Theater was closed for renovations, and she did not consider it possible for herself to sing on other stages.

After her theatrical career, Tamara Ilyinichna took up teaching, she is the head of the free department at GITIS, has the title of professor.

Personal life

Tamara Sinyavskaya and Muslim Magomayev. They seemed to wander the world for a long time in search of each other. He is an incredible handsome man with oriental blood and a heavenly voice. Millions of women idolized him, went crazy, waited after concerts to just touch the idol. He had a stormy personal life, many love affairs, but all until the minute, until he met Tamara. After they met, all the women of the world ceased to exist for Muslim.

They were introduced in 1972, it happened in the capital of Azerbaijan, Baku, where both were invited as guests of honor for a decade of Russian art. The poet Robert Rozhdestvensky introduced them to each other. Magomayev held out his hand and shyly said: "Muslim." To which Tamara replied with a smile: “You don't have to introduce yourself. The whole Soviet Union knows you. " Thus began their 35-year love affair.

True, soon after they met, they had to leave for almost a year, because Tamara had to leave for an internship in Italy. But when she returned in 1974, they got married immediately. It was a wonderful, bright, inseparable, family duet.

In 2008, Muslim died. Soon it’s already ten years, and Tamara can’t come to her senses, in her husband’s office there is still an open pack of cigarettes, which he didn’t have time to finish. Muslim dreams of her every night, and in the morning it always seems that now he will come in and ask for a cup of coffee ...

“The opera queen Tamara” - such an epithet was invented by Svyatoslav Belza at the time. And in many ways he is right: exceptional artistry and a magnificent voice, rare in its beauty and richness, and in type as such (the rarest contralto!) - these are the main components of Tamara Sinyavskaya's success on the opera stage.

Her creative and life union with Muslim Magomayev was fruitful and brought the artist great dividends: her fame was very loud in the vastness of the former Soviet Union due to the fact that she constantly appeared in government and pop concerts on Central TV, toured the country a lot.

Sinyavskaya's international career was much more modest, which is a bit of a pity: with such a rare beauty, magnificent voice and bright appearance, this career should have been more significant and loud. It is difficult to say what did not allow this to take place, but the scenes and parties in which Sinyavskaya performed in Europe and in the world were clearly not of the scale that Sinyavskaya's talent deserved.

Nevertheless, Tamara Ilyinichna's contribution to the Bolshoi's treasury is, of course, invaluable: there were not so many on his illustrious stage, performers of the mezzo and contralto repertoire, such bright artistic personalities as she was.

Today Sinyavskaya is a teacher who fosters young people, organizer of vocal competitions, an art person who does a lot for the development of classical music in our country.

“I would like to finally say about the irreplaceable quality of Tamara’s character. This is sociability, the ability to meet failure with a smile, and then with all seriousness, somehow imperceptibly for everyone to fight it. For several years in a row Tamara Sinyavskaya was elected secretary of the Komsomol organization of the Bolshoi Opera Company, was a delegate XV Congress of the Komsomol. In general, Tamara Sinyavskaya is a very lively, interesting person, she loves to joke, to argue. And how ridiculous she is about superstitions, which the actors are subconsciously, half-jokingly, half-seriously subject. So, in Belgium, at the competition she suddenly gets the thirteenth number. It is known, that this number is “unlucky.” And hardly anyone would be happy about it. And Tamara laughs. “Nothing,” she says, “this number will be happy for me.” And what do you think? The singer was right. Grand Prix and a gold medal brought her her thirteenth number. Her first solo concert was on Monday! Also, according to omens, a difficult day. That’s no luck! And she lives in an apartment on the thirteenth floor ... But Tamara does not believe in omens. She believes in her lucky star, believes in her talent, believes in her own strength. Through constant work and perseverance, he wins his place in art. "

The talented singer won the hearts of millions of listeners. Great talent and popular love made Tamara Sinyavskaya an idol, and scientists named one of the minor planets of the solar system after her. Often on the Internet, you can find requests such as "Biography and children of Tamara Sinyavskaya", but few people found exactly the information they needed.

The future singer was born in Moscow into a Russian family. Mother had a singing talent, but could not reveal it on stage. This mission was undertaken by daughter Tamara. At the age of three, the girl realized that singing was her favorite pastime. It was especially attractive to sing in the front porches, which have good acoustics.

In the courtyard, she went through all the ceremonies and sang in each of them, not paying attention to the bewildered eyes of the residents of the houses. Once the mother of the little singer was offered to give the girl to the House of Pioneers, where she could professionally practice singing. Mother did just that. Now Tamara sang in the courtyards, and on the street, and in the House of Pioneers. Already at this age, she was gaining a small audience, delighted with her singing. Later, Tamara became a member of the Losev children's group, where the young artist not only sang, but also danced.

After some time, Tamara Sinyavskaya was transferred to the choir, where she gained tremendous experience in singing and her manner on stage. This collective was very famous. He took part in many government events, and Tamara even then considered the stage her home. The ensemble's fame spread to other countries, and soon he began to tour Czechoslovakia.

Already in childhood, the girl was very versatile. The profession of a doctor was a childhood dream. This was largely due to the clinic located close to home. The smell from there attracted the young artist, and the games were often called "Doctor Sinyavskaya".

The winter period attracted little Tamara most of all, as she loved to ski and skate. Together with her girlfriends, she often visited the cinema and sang songs and films. And after I saw the actress from Argentina Lolita Torres on the big screen, the profession of an artist became a cherished dream.

In high school, Tamara finally decided on a professional choice. She gave preference to the theater and entered the music school, which was advised by the head of the group Loktev. Here her talent was brought to the level of mastery by excellent teachers.

A native Muscovite was able to combine study with work, and began to earn money in the choir of the Maly Academic Theater, where she performed on the same stage with idols from all over the country. Their energy became a powerful impetus for the subsequent career of the future opera singer.


After their debut performance with the Gypsy choir, the experienced masters immediately noticed his outstanding talent and gave solo roles in the subsequent roles in Alexander Nevsky and Moscow. After receiving an honors degree, Tamara was recommended to go on an internship at the Bolshoi Theater, where a group of trainees was recruited.

Tamara's exceptional talent made it possible to successfully audition, despite the fact that the singer was a very young age, and did not have the education that can only be obtained at the conservatory. On the stage of the Bolshoi Theater, the singer met prominent figures of art and culture.

After some time, Tamara was able to join the main team. The Muscovite did not stop there and decided to continue her studies at GITIS in parallel, where famous teachers turned her voice into a real rarity.

In the theater, the director Boris Pokrovsky decided to help the actress in the fight against timidity and gave her the role of a page in the opera. After this role, everyone realized that she perfectly plays both female and male roles.

A trip to Milan was a real triumph. There, Tamara Sinyavskaya played the main role of Olga in the play "Eugene Onegin" as part of the main team. She received a high assessment from the lips of the famous master Sergei Lemeshev, who at that time was 70 years old.

For her great stage work over the course of forty years, Tamara Sinyavskaya performed many of the first roles and became a real prima donna. She was awarded the title of the best Russian vocalist of the Italian school, which allowed her to acquire fans both in Russia and abroad. The velvet mezzo-soprano began to be heard in many countries and to determine the famous prima of the theater.

Tamara Sinyavskaya could perform the parts in French and Italian, but even foreign critics have always noted the Russian soul. This was especially felt in the opera The Tsar's Bride; connoisseurs called this role the best role of the singer.

1970 became a landmark in the fate of the opera singer and brought her worldwide fame. This was facilitated by the highest award at the competition festival dedicated to the Russian composer Tchaikovsky. After this bright victory, foreign representatives offered numerous roles on foreign venues, but Tamara could not imagine life without the Bolshoi Theater.

The singer finished her opera career in 2003, when her singing took off. She later commented on her departure. She decided that she shouldn't wait to hear about her career longevity.

Personal life

Despite a bright career life, fans are interested in the biography of Tamara Sinyavskaya. The singer was married twice. Both the first and the second husband were creative people. The first husband was the ballet dancer Sergei. The family did not have children.

The second husband was a famous all over the country singer with a charming voice and oriental flavor, who conquered the opera singer, Muslim Magomayev. News of this marriage spread in an instant. They lived together for over 30 years. Fans are often interested in the topic of Tamara Sinyavskaya's biography, but there were no children married to Muslim. After his death, the singer did not appear in public for a long time.

Tamara Sinyavskaya today

Now we often hear news about the numerous hidden parts of the biography of Tatyana Sinyavskaya. Today Tamara is a teacher at the same GITIS, where she herself once entered. The children for the Muscovite were students, to whom she devoted all her time. So, leaving the stage, she remained on friendly terms with art and is engaged in it to this day.


The singer's discography is truly great, undoubtedly, it would have been replenished more if it had not been for the departure of the stage. The first role was performed in 1970, when Tamara revealed her talent in Eugene Onegin. Truly, the singer showed the Russian character to the whole world in the 1973 production of "The Tsar's Bride". The singer's repertoire also includes such operas as Ivan Susanin, Prince Igor, Boris Godunov. The performance of poems from the cycle of songs by the famous Marina Tsvetaeva brought a lyrical note to the discography.

Sinyavskaya Tamara Ilyinichna

Singer (mezzo-soprano).
Honored Artist of the RSFSR (07.24.1973).
People's Artist of the RSFSR (05/25/1976).
People's Artist of the USSR (04/30/1982).
People's Artist of Azerbaijan (2002).

She began to study singing in the Song and Dance Ensemble of the Moscow City Palace of Pioneers under the direction of V. Loktev.
In 1964 she graduated from the Music College at the Moscow P.I.Tchaikovsky Conservatory, in 1970 - from GITIS in the singing class of D. B. Belyavskaya.
In 1964-2003 she was a soloist of the Bolshoi Theater.
In 1973-1974 she trained at the Teatro alla Scala (Milan).

In 1972 she took part in the performance of the Moscow State Academic Chamber Music Theater under the direction of BA Pokrovsky "Not Only Love" by RK Shchedrin (part of Varvara Vasilievna). Participant of the Varna Summer Music Festival (Bulgaria).
She has appeared in performances of opera houses in France, Spain, Italy, Belgium, USA, Australia and other countries of the world. She has toured with concerts in Japan and South Korea. Some parts from Sinyavskaya's extensive repertoire were first performed abroad: Lel in Rimsky-Korsakov's The Snow Maiden (Paris, concert performance); Azucena (Troubadour) and Ulrika (Masquerade Ball) in operas by G. Verdi, as well as Carmen in Turkey. In Germany and France, she sang works by R. Wagner with great success, at the Vienna State Opera she took part in a production of the opera War and Peace by S. S. Prokofiev (part of Akhrosimova).

Conducts an extensive concert activity, with recitals she has performed in the largest concert halls in Russia and abroad, including the Great Hall of the Moscow Conservatory, the Tchaikovsky Concert Hall, Concertgebouw (Amsterdam). The singer's concert repertoire includes the most complex works by S. Prokofiev, P. I. Tchaikovsky, The Spanish Cycle by M. de Falla and other composers, opera arias, romances, works of old masters accompanied by organ. She performed interestingly in the genre of a vocal duet (with her husband Muslim Magomayev). She fruitfully collaborated with E.F. Svetlanov, performed with many outstanding conductors, including Riccardo Chailly and Valery Gergiev.

Teaches at the Faculty of Musical Theater at RATI - GITIS.

Deputy of the Supreme Soviet of the USSR of the 11th convocation (1984-1989).
One of the minor planets of the solar system, known to astronomers under the 1974 VS code, is named after Sinyavskaya - 4981 Sinyavskaya.
Honored Musical Worker (International Union of Musical Figures, 2016) - for special personal merits in the study, preservation, development and popularization of Russian artistic culture and art.

Wife of People's Artist of the USSR Muslim Magomayev (1942-2008).

theatrical works

Page (Rigoletto by G. Verdi)
Dunyasha, Lyubasha (The Tsar's Bride by N. Rimsky-Korsakov)
Olga (Eugene Onegin by P. Tchaikovsky)
Flora (La Traviata by G. Verdi)
Natasha, Countess ("October" by V. Muradeli)
Gypsy Matryosha, Mavra Kuzminichna, Sonya, Helen Bezukhova ("War and Peace" by S. Prokofiev)
Ratmir (Ruslan and Lyudmila by M. Glinka)
Oberon (A Midsummer Night's Dream by B. Britten)
Konchakovna ("Prince Igor" by A. Borodin)
Polina (The Queen of Spades by P. Tchaikovsky)
Alkonost ("The Legend of the Invisible City of Kitezh and the Maiden Fevronia" by N. Rimsky-Korsakov)
Cat ("Chio-Cio-san" by G. Puccini)
Fedor (Boris Godunov by M. Mussorgsky)
Vanya (Ivan Susanin by M. Glinka)
The Commissar's Wife ("The Unknown Soldier" by K. Molchanov)
Commissioner ("Optimistic Tragedy" by A. Kholminov)
Frosya (Semyon Kotko by S. Prokofiev)
Nadezhda (The Woman of Pskov by N. Rimsky-Korsakov)
Lyubava ("Sadko" by N. Rimsky-Korsakov)
Marina Mnishek (Boris Godunov by M. Mussorgsky)
Mademoiselle Blanche (S. Prokofiev's The Gambler) - creator of the role in Russia
Zhenya Komelkova ("The Dawns Here Are Quiet" by K. Molchanov)
Princess ("Mermaid" by A. Dargomyzhsky)
Laura ("The Stone Guest" by A. Dargomyzhsky)
Carmen ("Carmen" by J. Bizet)
Ulrika (Masquerade Ball by G. Verdi)
Martha (Khovanshchina by M. Mussorgsky)
Azucena ("Troubadour" by G. Verdi)
Claudia ("The Story of a Real Man" by S. Prokofiev)
Morena (Rimsky-Korsakov's Mlada)
Lyubasha (The Tsar's Bride by N. Rimsky-Korsakov)

prizes and awards

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (February 15, 2006).
Order of the Red Banner of Labor (1971).
Order of the Badge of Honor (1980).
Order of Honor (March 22, 2001).
Order of Glory (Azerbaijan, July 5, 2003).
Order of Lomonosov I degree (ABOP, 2004).
Order of the Badge of Honor of Peter the Great (2005).
Order of Friendship (Azerbaijan, July 6, 2013).
I prize at the IX International Festival of Youth and Students in Sofia (1968).
Grand Prix and Special Prize for the best performance of a romance at the XII International Vocal Competition in Verviers (Belgium, 1969)
I prize at the IV International Tchaikovsky Competition. (1970).
Moscow Komsomol Prize (1970).
Lenin Komsomol Prize (1980).
Irina Arkhipova Foundation Prize (2004).
Prize of the Government of the Russian Federation in 2013 in the field of culture (2013) - for the creation of the Muslim Magomayev Cultural and Musical Heritage Fund.
Order of Honor (Azerbaijan, 2018) - for many years of fruitful work in strengthening Russian-Azerbaijani cultural ties.

These days, the famous singer of the Bolshoi Theater Tamara Sinyavskaya celebrates her anniversary. Her mezzo-soprano sounded luxurious both when she sang "Love, Like a Bird, Wings" and when she performed "Black-browed Cossack" ... In life, the part of Tamara was composed by the legendary singer Muslim Magomayev. And her childhood was spent in a modest family, in an ordinary old Moscow courtyard. She told about this to the correspondent of "Trud".

Somehow they write little about your parents - who are they?
- I can only tell about my mother, since I did not know my father. Mom had a beautiful voice, in her youth she even sang in the church choir. But she did not receive an education: she was the eldest among the children, after her four more children were born in the family. Mom earned as much as she could, she did not refuse any work - she had to feed me. And, as you can see, she fed well - the girl grew up plump. (Laughs.)
Of course, my mother was helped - her own sister, my aunt. Yes, and just kind people supported. Then the way of life was different - one might say, I was raised by the whole yard. We lived at Sretenka, in the very center of old Moscow. For me, the world ended in Kolkhoznaya Square, today's Sukharevskaya, with the Forum cinema (for some reason we called it Forum? M). But usually they would not let me go there - it seemed incredibly far from home.
- At school, the boys probably followed you in a herd: a beauty, a songstress ...
- Yes, what a beauty ... The boys were friends with me, it's true. They were friends, they talked about their heart secrets, about their feelings for other girls. I don’t know why I was so attracted to me. Probably because she knew how to listen well. Or maybe he liked the way I sing.
- It is known how highly Maria Callas gave you at the Tchaikovsky Competition in 1970. Did you communicate with her?
- Quite a bit. After the competition we came to see it off, took pictures for memory. But before that, even at the gala concert of the winners, I felt that she sympathized with me. When I sang "Segidilla" from "Carmen", I saw with my own eyes how she, sitting in the hall, silently articulated with me. I will never forget.
- Do you remember your first performance at the Bolshoi Theater?
- Still would! It was in 64, even before any competitions, I had just graduated from the school at the conservatory. They gave me a small part of a peasant woman in Le Nozze di Figaro, where I sang in a duet with Klara Kadinskaya. I called my mother to my debut. Then I ask her: how is it? I thought she would say now: how good your voice sounded, how nice you looked ... But instead she says: you know, I did not recognize you ...
- You have traveled so much ... What country in the world would you like to live in if not in Russia?
- So even the question is not posed. Only in Russia. Recently I visited Paris, mentally said goodbye as a singer to my places: the Grand Opera theater, the Pleyel hall, where I once sang, the hotel where I lived during my tour ... And I thought: how I adore this city ... But I returned to Moscow and once again felt: the house is only here.
- Of course, here is your beloved husband Muslim Magomayev ... When you married him, did you understand what you were doing? Indeed, at least half of the female population of the USSR was in love with Muslim Magomayev.
- At the moment when I fell in love, I did not understand. I was very surprised at the words of the singer Irina Ivanovna Maslennikova, said when she and her husband, director Boris Alexandrovich Pokrovsky, came to visit Muslims and me: "Tamarochka, a hard life awaits you - sulfuric acid in your face and all that ..." Of course, it was said partly in jest. And, thank God, they didn’t splash sulfuric acid at me, but I had a chance to see other manifestations of jealousy on the part of the female worshipers. I don’t want to talk about it now. I understand that such an artist should have fans, and I never overclocked them. Maybe that's why the acid was not needed anyway. (Laughs.) When the unexpected bells rang at the door, I opened and took huge bouquets from the enthusiastic ladies and apologized for the fact that Muslim could not receive them personally. Everything was done peacefully.
- How did Muslim Magometovich's Azerbaijani relatives accept you?
- What kind of relatives? His father died on the very Victory Day, May 9, 1945. My mother already had a different family ... Heydar Aliyevich Aliyev, the head of the Republic of Azerbaijan, a unique, powerful, genius person, became a kindred for us. He and his amazing wife Zarifa Azizovna, their children Sevil and Ilham, the current president of Azerbaijan, accepted me as their own. Until now, they call me there - "our gallin", that is, the daughter-in-law of all Azerbaijan.
- What have you learned from Muslim Magometovich over the long years of marriage?
- Perseverance, patience, restraint.
- Muslim Magomayev - and restraint? They say he is a real fire.
- I mean perseverance in work, a serious approach to music, to everything that he does ... But in life - of course, hot. What are the most famous hurricanes we have - Katrin, Rita, Andrew? Now, combine them all - and you will get Muslim in anger. Just kidding, of course - it's always not for long, about two minutes, and without injuries.
- And what did he learn from you?
- Hard to say. Well, it became softer, softer.
- They say he is amazingly versed in technology.
- Unlike me. I instantly mastered the computer, created my own website.
- Yes, when you request information about Elvis Presley on the Internet, one of the first links to Muslim Magomayev's website appears - there is a large section dedicated to his favorite singer.
- And not only to him. There is a lot about Frank Sinatra, Tito Gobi, Giuseppe di Stefano, Caruso, Callas ... He also wrote books about them. While preparing a book about Mario Lanza, he traveled to America for a month for his own money, made friends with Lanza's daughter Alice and her husband. When he sang there, they were amazed at how much his manner of performance was similar to that of Lanz. Although he had a tenor, and Muslim had a baritone, but very rich, in him both tenor and bass colors.
- Are your talents as diverse as those of Muslim? What, for example, is the case with culinary skills?
- Practically absent. Although now I sometimes do this, so to speak, improve my skills. Muslim says to me: why have you been silent for so many years, but you, it turns out, have abilities ... But in this area he is much more talented than me, he has a bold culinary imagination. Moreover, he does not need any exquisite products at all. For example, have you heard of such a dish - sausage cutlets? And he took them, played them, added something - and it turned out very tasty. Or invented ice cream from forfeits ...
- Do you and Muslim follow today's show business?
- Not. What is the point of following the work of a singer who opens his mouth to the soundtrack?
- But they sing live at Eurovision ...
- All the same - this smoke on the stage, flickering light, half-naked dancers ... It is impossible to concentrate on the singer's voice itself.
- When you were singing, it seemed that it was impossible to imagine more noble and more beautiful sound.
- Thank you. Although I had health problems - I am, as they say, a "lady with stones", I even had to do an operation on this matter. And after them, not only singing, it became difficult to breathe. But few people knew about this, they were gossiping about me: she was too lazy to sing ... Lena Obraztsova, my friend, recently told me: well, what can I say, Sinulya, I would have your voice - the whole world would lie at my feet ... I laugh: you must admit, it's worth something to hear from Obraztsova.
Muslim Magomayev was born in 1942 in Baku. His father was an artist, his grandfather was a composer, whose name is the Azerbaijan State Philharmonic Society. At the age of 14, he discovered a unique vocal talent. He became famous at the age of 19, performing at the World Youth Festival in Helsinki. The repertoire ranges from operas to musicals, from Neapolitan songs to Azerbaijani and Russian. He gave many concerts, the most unusual one took place on the day of his marriage to Tamara Sinyavskaya - November 23, 1974. Then, at the request of fans, he sang directly into the open window of the restaurant, after which he fell ill with bronchitis. The author of several books and TV series about the outstanding singers of our time.
Tamara Sinyavskaya was born in Moscow. She graduated from the Music School at the Moscow Conservatory in 1964, and from GITIS in 1970. At the same time, together with Elena Obraztsova, she won first prize at the Tchaikovsky Competition. People's Artist of the USSR (1982). She sang at the Bolshoi Theater from 1964 to 2002. Until now, he has an agreement with the Bolshoi Theater, where at any time he can take part in the play "The Tsar's Bride". She married the Azerbaijani singer Muslim Magomayev in 1974. The songs of A. Pakhmutova "Melody" and "Farewell, beloved" are dedicated to their novel. Muslim Magomayev painted several portraits of his wife in oils.

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