Flights to the Moon - how it happened. NASA paper space. flight to the moon

Among the events that the 20th century was remembered for, one of the main places is occupied by the landing of astronauts on the Moon, which took place on July 16, 1969. In terms of its significance, this event can be called epochal and historical. For the first time in history, man not only left the earth's surface, but also managed to set foot on an extraterrestrial space object. Footage of the first steps taken by man on the lunar surface spread all over the world and became a symbolic milestone of civilization. American astronaut Neil Armstrong, who instantly turned into a living legend, commented on his actions as follows: “This one small step for a man is one giant leap for humanity.”

WITH technical side There is no doubt that the Apollo program was a huge technological breakthrough. How useful the American space odyssey turned out to be for science is a matter of debate that continues to this day. However, the fact remains indisputable: the space race, which preceded the landing of man on the Moon, had a beneficial effect on almost all spheres of human activity, opening up new technologies and technical capabilities.

The main competitors, the USSR and the USA, were able to take full advantage of their achievements in the field of manned space flights, largely determining the current situation with space exploration.

Flights to the Moon – big politics or pure science?

In the 1950s, a rivalry of unprecedented scale developed between the Soviet Union and the United States. The advent of the era of rocketry promised the side that could build powerful launch vehicles a huge advantage. In the USSR, this issue was given special importance; rocket technology provided real opportunity counter the increased nuclear threat from the West. The first Soviet missiles were built as the main means of delivering nuclear weapons. The civilian use of rockets designed for space flights was in the background. In the United States, the missile program developed in a similar way: the military-political factor was a priority. Both warring sides were also spurred on by the arms race, which, along with the Cold War, started after the end of World War II.

The United States and the USSR used all methods and means to achieve results. Soviet intelligence was actively working in the secret laboratories of the US space agency and, conversely, the Americans did not take their eyes off the Soviet rocket program. However, the Soviets managed to get ahead of the Americans in this competition. Under the leadership of Sergei Korolev, the USSR created the first ballistic missile R-7, which could deliver a nuclear warhead to a distance of 1200 km. It is with this rocket that the beginning of the space race is associated. Having got its hands on a powerful launch vehicle, the Soviet Union did not miss the opportunity to outdo its overseas competitors. It was almost impossible for the USSR to achieve parity with the United States in terms of the number of nuclear weapons carriers in those years. Thus, it remained the only way to achieve equality with the United States and, perhaps, to overtake overseas competitors is to make a breakthrough in the field of space exploration. In 1957, using the R-7 rocket, it was launched into low-Earth orbit. artificial satellite Earth.

From this moment on, not only issues of military rivalry between the two superpowers entered the arena. Space exploration has become a primary factor in foreign policy pressure on an opponent. A country that had the technical ability to fly into space a priori looked like the most powerful and developed. The Soviet Union managed to inflict a sensitive blow on the Americans in this regard. First, in 1957, an artificial satellite was launched. A rocket appeared in the USSR that could be used to fly a person into space. Four years later, in April 1961, the Americans were knocked down. The stunning news about Yuri Gagarin's flight into space aboard the Vostok-1 spacecraft dealt a blow to the pride of Americans. Less than a month later, on May 5, 1961, astronaut Alan Shepard made an orbital flight.

The subsequent American space program was very similar to Soviet developments in this area. The focus was on manned flights with a crew of two or three people. The Gemini series ships became the basic platform for the subsequent development of the American space program. It was on them that the future explorers of the Moon flew around, and on these spacecraft the landing, splashdown and manual control systems were tested. Having lost the first stage of the space race to the Soviet Union, the Americans decided to take a retaliatory step aimed at achieving a qualitatively different result in space exploration. In the high offices of NASA, on Capitol Hill and in the White House, it was decided to beat the Russians to the moon. The international prestige of the country was at stake, so work in this direction took on a fantastic scale.

The colossal amount of funds that would be required to implement such a grandiose event was not taken into account at all. Politics took precedence over economics. Through such an extraordinary decision, the United States could become unconditional leadership in the space race. At this stage, the competition between the two states could end in two ways:

  • the stunning success and subsequent development of the manned flight program to the Moon and other planets;
  • a devastating failure and a colossal hole in the budget, which could put an end to all subsequent space programs.

Both sides were well aware of this. The American lunar program was officially launched in 1961, when he gave a fiery speech American President J. Kennedy. The program, which received the resounding name “Apollo,” envisaged, within 10 years, the creation of all the necessary technical conditions for landing a man on the surface of the Earth’s satellite and the subsequent return of the crew to Earth. For political reasons, the Americans invited the Soviet Union to work together on the lunar program. Overseas, they bet that the USSR would refuse to work together in this direction. Thus, everything was at stake in the United States: political prestige, economics and science. The idea was to once and for all overtake the USSR in the field of space exploration.

The start of the lunar race

The USSR took seriously the challenge posed from overseas. By that time, the Soviet Union was already considering the issue of manned flights to the Earth’s natural satellite, the flight and landing of astronauts on the Moon. The work was headed by Sergei Pavlovich Korolev at the V.N. Design Bureau. Chelomeya. In August 1964, the Council of Ministers of the USSR approved the start of work on the lunar manned program, which included two directions:

  • flyby of the Moon in a manned spacecraft;
  • landing of a space module on the surface of the Earth's satellite.

The start of design and flight tests was scheduled for 1966. In the USA, the scale of work in this direction has become more widespread. This is evidenced by the size of the appropriations spent on the implementation of all stages of the Apollo program, which at the end of the flights amounted to a colossal amount even by today’s standards - $25 billion. Whether the Soviet economy would be able to bear such expenses is a big question. This is part of the answer to the question of why the Soviets voluntarily gave up the palm in the lunar race to the States.

The technical side of the issue related to the implementation of the lunar program represented a huge amount of work. It was necessary not only to create a huge launch vehicle capable of launching into orbit a spacecraft equipped with a lunar landing module. It was also necessary to design vehicles for landing on the Moon, capable of returning back to Earth.

In addition to the enormous amount of work facing the designers, astrophysicists had to work just as hard, who had to make the most accurate mathematical calculations of the spacecraft’s flight path to the Earth’s satellite, the subsequent separation and landing of the module with two astronauts. All developments made sense only if the crew returned successfully. This explains the number of launches that filled the Apollo program. Until the moment when astronauts landed on the Moon on July 20, 1969, 25 training, test and preparatory launches were carried out, during which the work of all systems of the huge rocket and space complex was examined, starting with the state of the Saturn 5 launch vehicle in flight, ending with the behavior of the lunar module in lunar orbit.

For eight long years it went painstaking work. The upcoming event was preceded by serious accidents and successful launches. The saddest event in the history of the Apollo program was the death of three astronauts. The command compartment containing the astronauts burned down at the ground launch complex during testing of the Apollo 1 spacecraft in January 1967. However, overall the project was encouraging. The Americans managed to create a reliable and powerful Saturn 5 launch vehicle, capable of delivering about lunar orbit cargo weighing up to 47 tons. The Apollo apparatus itself could be called a technological miracle. For the first time in the history of mankind, a spacecraft has been developed that can deliver people to an extraterrestrial object and ensure the safe return of the crew back.

The ship included a command compartment and a lunar module - a means of delivering astronauts to the Moon. Two stages of the lunar module, landing and take-off, were created taking into account all the technological operations provided for by the program. The lunar module cabin was an independent spacecraft aircraft, capable of performing certain evolutions. By the way, it was the design of the lunar module of the Apollo spacecraft that became the prototype of the first orbital American space station, Skylab.

The Americans were more than careful in resolving all issues, striving to achieve success. Before the first spacecraft, Apollo 8, reached the orbit of the Moon and flew around our satellite on December 24, 1968, 7 years passed in hard and routine work. The result of the colossal work was the launch of the eleventh Apollo family ship, the crew of which eventually announced to the whole world that man had reached the surface of the Moon.

Is it true? Did American astronauts really manage to land on the Moon on July 20, 1969? This is a mystery that continues to be solved to this day. Experts and scientists around the world are divided into two opposing camps, continuing to put forward new hypotheses and create new versions in defense of one point of view or another.

The truth about the American landing on the moon - a stunning success and a clever scam

The lies and slander that the legendary astronauts - Apollo 11 crew members Neil Armstrong, Edwin Aldrin and Michael Collins - were forced to face are amazing in their scale. The skin of the Apollo 11 landing module had not yet cooled down when, along with nationwide rejoicing, words were heard that there had in fact been no landing. Historical footage of earthlings on the Moon was shown hundreds of times on television all over the world, and films of negotiations between the command center and astronauts in lunar orbit were played thousands of times. It is alleged that the spacecraft, even if it flew to our satellite, was in orbit of the Moon without performing any lunar landing operations.

Critical arguments and facts became a platform for conspiracy theories that persist today and put a question mark under the entire American lunar program.

What arguments do skeptics and conspiracy theorists use:

  • photographs taken during the landing of the lunar module on the surface of the Moon were taken under terrestrial conditions;
  • the behavior of astronauts while on the surface of the Moon is unusual for airless space;
  • An analysis of the conversations between the Apollo 11 crew and the command center suggests that there was no communication delay, which is inherent in long-distance radio communications;
  • lunar soil taken as samples from the surface of the Moon is not much different from rocks of terrestrial origin.

These and other aspects, which are still being discussed in the press, with certain analysis may cast doubt on the fact that Americans are on our natural satellite. The questions and answers that are heard today on this matter allow us to say that most of disputed facts are far-fetched and have no basis in reality. Repeatedly, NASA employees and the astronauts themselves gave reports in which they described all the technical subtleties and details of that legendary flight. Michael Collins, being in lunar orbit, recorded all the actions of the crew. The astronauts' actions were duplicated at the command post in the mission control center. In Houston, during the astronauts' journey to the moon, they were well aware of what was really happening. The crew's reports were repeatedly analyzed. At the same time, transcripts of the ship's commander Neil Armstrong and his colleague Edwin Aldrin, recorded while on the surface of the Moon, were studied.

In neither case was it possible to establish the falsity of the testimony of the Apollo 11 crew members. In each hotel example we're talking about about the precise fulfillment of the task assigned to the crew. It was not possible to convict all three astronauts of deliberate and skillful lies. To the question of how astronauts are landed on the Moon in the lunar module, if each crew member has only 2 cubic meters of internal volume of the ship, the following answer was given. The astronauts' stay on board the lunar module was limited to only 8-10 hours. The man in the protective suit was in a stationary position, without making significant physical movements. The time of the lunar odyssey coincided with the chronometer of the Columbia command module. In any case, the duration of the two American astronauts recorded on the Moon logbook, in the audio recordings of the MCC and shown in photographs.

Did humans land on the moon in 1969?

After the legendary flight in July 1969, the Americans continued launching spacecraft to our space neighbor. After Apollo 11, the 12th mission set off on its journey, which also culminated in another landing of astronauts on the surface of the Moon. Landing sites, including those for subsequent missions, were chosen with the expectation of getting an idea of ​​different areas of the lunar surface. If the lunar module "Eagle" of the Apollo 11 ship landed in the Sea of ​​Tranquility area, then other ships landed in other areas of our satellite.

Assessing the amount of effort and technical preparations involved in organizing subsequent lunar expeditions, one cannot help but wonder: if the lunar landing was originally planned as a scam, why, after the success achieved, continue to feign a Herculean effort by launching the remaining Apollo missions to our satellite? Especially if it carries a high degree of risk for crew members. The story of the thirteenth mission is indicative in this aspect. An emergency situation on board Apollo 13 threatened to develop into a disaster. At the cost of enormous efforts by the crew members and ground services, the ship and its living crew were returned to earth. These dramatic events formed the basis of the plot of the blockbuster feature film Apollo 13, shot by the talented director Ron Howard.

Edwin Aldrin, another person who managed to visit the surface of our Moon, even had to write a book about his mission. His books First on the Moon and Return to Earth, which appeared between 1970 and 1973, became bestsellers rather than science fiction novels. The astronaut outlined in great detail the entire history of their flight to the Moon, described all the normal and emergency situations that arose on board the lunar module and the command ship.

Further development of lunar missions

To say today that earthlings have not been to the Moon is incorrect and impolite towards the people who took part in this grandiose project. In total, six expeditions were sent to the Moon, which ended with the landing of a man on the surface of our satellite. With their rocket launches to the Moon, the Americans gave human civilization a chance to truly appreciate the scale of space, to look at our planet from the outside. The last flight to the earth's satellite took place in December 1972. After this, rocket launches towards the Moon were not carried out.

One can only guess about true reasons curtailment of such a grandiose and large-scale program. One of the versions that most experts adhere to today is the high cost of the project. By today's standards, more than $130 billion was spent on the space program to explore the Moon. It cannot be said that the American economy was struggling with the lunar program. There is a high probability that common sense simply prevailed. Human flights to the Moon did not have any particular scientific value. The data that most scientists and astrophysicists work with today allows us to make a fairly accurate analysis of what our nearest neighbor is like.

To obtain the necessary information about our satellite, it is not at all necessary to send a person on such a risky journey. The Soviet automatic Luna probes coped with this task perfectly, delivering hundreds of kilograms of lunar rock and hundreds of photographs and images of the lunar landscape to Earth.

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Hypotheses and misconceptions you should know about modern man Tribis Elena Evgenevna

Americans didn't go to the moon

Americans didn't go to the moon

Sensation seekers consider the biggest myth of the past century to be the US lunar space program, which ended with the landing of astronauts in 1969 on the natural satellite of our planet. Quite unexpectedly, 30 years after the significant date, the Americans themselves began to accuse the military that the flight to the Moon was invented by them from beginning to end. Wanting to at least in some way get ahead of the Soviet cosmonautics, the American military staged a brilliant performance with a triumphant apotheosis in front of ordinary Americans.

A superpower conquers another cosmic body, thereby transporting all of humanity into the future. A supposedly new stage in the development of civilization begins, and television viewers enthusiastically look at the scenes filmed on the stage of the great Hollywood illusion workshop, depicting the activities of the first astronauts on the Moon. The press and the Internet are replete with sensational revelations, each of which is worth the other. For the most part, the revelations look very scientific.

Some outraged Americans, having conducted their own investigation, publish books dedicated to the lunar epic, which instantly become bestsellers. In our country there are much more supporters of whistleblowers than in the West. Since the lunar program was the only significant achievement of the United States in the space field, refuting this supposed American success will only increase pride in our own achievements.

Apollo landing sites on the lunar surface

Of course, it’s nice to imagine that the successes of the domestic cosmonautics could not be surpassed by other states. However, it is necessary to carefully examine whether humanity has truly never visited the Moon. First, let's get acquainted with the official data on human flights to our natural satellite.

The US lunar program was realized thanks to the construction and successful testing of a series of 17 Apollo spacecraft. The spacecraft were designed to carry humans into lunar orbit, as well as to deliver them to the lunar surface. Each Apollo apparatus, designed for the lunar landing, accommodated a crew of three astronauts and consisted of two units - the orbital and landing compartments. The first compartment had a mass of about 27 tons, and the landing compartment, which could accommodate only two astronauts, weighed about 15 tons.

The spaceships were carried into low-Earth orbit, from where they launched to the Moon, using three-stage Saturn-5 rockets specially designed for this purpose, which are by far the most massive and powerful launch vehicles in the history of technology. The thrust force of these 110-meter rockets reached 4.4 million kg, and the launch mass of each device was 2700–3000 tons.

Ships numbered 1 -10 were test ships, some of them were not even piloted, but were intended to test the technique of launching such large mass into low-Earth orbit. Our natural satellite was visited by the Apollo 11, 12, 14, 15, 16, 17 expeditions. The first expedition to land on the lunar surface was the flight of Apollo 11 under the command of N. Armstrong, which took place on July 16–21, 1969. In December 1972, the last American flight to the Moon took place. The captain of Apollo 17, H. Schmidt, landed on the surface of the satellite.

American astronauts carried out a large amount of research work. In particular, they brought to Earth over 380 kg of rock samples, took 13 thousand photographs of the lunar surface, installed a seismograph, corner reflectors, foil for catching cosmic ray particles and a lot of other equipment on the satellite, tested new types of equipment (measuring instruments, a light lunar mobile and battery-powered self-propelled device).

Astronauts A. Bean and C. Conrad discovered and delivered to Earth a camera from the Surveyor, which had been on the Moon for two years by that time. When examining a camera in the laboratory, an terrestrial streptococcus bacterium was discovered that survived the harsh conditions on the satellite. This discovery brought new ideas about the properties of living matter and the possibilities of the distribution of organisms in the Universe.

Photographs and film taken by astronauts on the Moon are one of the most significant evidence that the fantastic odyssey did take place. However, it is photographs and film materials that raise serious doubts. Some scientists and engineers believe that they are dealing with fakes filmed in a specially equipped pavilion. The filming was most likely carried out in Hollywood, where everything is available necessary equipment for similar work. But, as the whistleblowers decided, the hoaxers did not take into account something.

Firstly, the image in the frame does not twitch, although it should, as is always the case when shooting on Earth. Secondly, the American flag fluttered on the Moon, which could not have happened, since the satellite has no atmosphere at all, and therefore there are no winds. Thirdly, the world-famous trace of the astronaut Conrad could not have been left in the lunar soil. The soil on the Moon is dry, and it will not create the kind of imprint that can only be obtained by stepping in the mud. Fourth, the technically incredibly complex and expensive lunar program was implemented in record time.

For movement on the lunar surface, a special vehicle was developed - the lunar mobile.

Probably, American astronauts simply went into orbit, and several automatic probes were sent to the Moon to collect rock samples. The same probes dropped corner reflectors onto the satellite. Such is the general outline criticism of the facts provided to the public as evidence of the US implementation of the lunar program.

These statements should not be believed, since their purpose is to arouse the interest of potential readers of exposé books. There has never been a publication devoted to the lunar program that did not become a bestseller. Therefore, criticism is based on sober economic calculations. It is extremely easy to refute the claims of whistleblowers if you collect and independently study everything available materials on the Apollo flights.

Of course, technically and economically it was extremely difficult to implement the lunar program. However, it is completely unrealistic to implement two programs at once, which the whistleblowers are talking about. Americans in the late 1960s. did not have the financial and technical means to simultaneously send several expeditions into low-Earth orbit and simultaneously launch automatic probes to the Moon. In addition, the probes were required to perform a large amount of work. The machines had to precisely install corner reflectors in a given location, from which American and Soviet scientists used lasers to measure the distance between the Moon and our planet. Next, the machines had to install a seismograph and collect 380 kg of lunar soil samples. But this is technically impossible; only one person can handle such a large volume of work.

The Americans worked closely with the Soviet Union, exchanging soil samples and photographs, so our specialists had the opportunity to verify the reliability of the materials collected by the astronauts. Our scientists conducted experiments with soil received from the Americans and compared samples with those delivered by our Lunas. By that time, the USSR had accumulated a lot of photographic materials that depicted the lunar surface. Comparing these photographs with American ones, scientists would certainly notice a fake. In addition, in those days Hollywood did not have the technology computer graphics, so any photo montage would certainly look clumsy. Moreover, scientists from different countries carefully studied the resulting image and made various assessments and measurements.

Let us note in passing that the flight of each Apollo was carefully documented, so any stage of the space program is accessible to the study of specialists. It was simply impossible to compile such extensive, rigorous, technically competent and scientifically complete film, photo and paper documentation.

The astronaut's footprint would have remained in the ground in any case, since lunar regolith is a very loose rock. Under earthly conditions, it would immediately crumble if a person walked over it, and turn into swirling dust. However, there is no air on the natural satellite of our planet, which is why the regolith there does not generate dust and does not fly away in different directions when a person walks over it.

As for the absence of a dancing image in the frame, it was impossible to obtain it, since the astronauts filmed by installing cameras using special mounts on the chest part of the spacesuit. The flag also behaved correctly, although there really is no wind on the Moon. Any material unwrapped in a low-gravity vacuum begins to squirm and twitch. The flag fluttered for several seconds, after which it straightened and froze motionless. The rest of the materials behaved exactly the same. Wires, cables, cords, wrappings were bent under the influence of an imbalance of external and internal forces, then froze in the cold.

American astronaut N. Armstrong during his stay on the Moon

Debunkers of the myth about the flight to the Moon indicate that the lunar program proceeded smoothly and without interference, although the level of technology at that time did not allow for such smooth and well-coordinated operation of the devices. In fact, these statements are false. The program did not run as smoothly as some people imagine. Suffice it to remember that during a test flight in 1967, a fire occurred on board the ship due to an electrical fault, which claimed the lives of all crew members. As a result, the lunar program was suspended for a year. Worse yet, the military and Congress had been planning for some time to shut it down altogether.

The flight of Apollo 13, which lived up to its unlucky number, was unsuccessful. Its crew was never able to land on the surface of the satellite due to technical malfunctions. During the return to Earth, the crew of the ill-fated ship almost died due to technical problems. Fortunately, none of the astronauts were injured this time.

It should be noted that throughout the implementation of the lunar program by the Americans, our country, using technical means, monitored the Apollo flights. Domestic scientists and engineers in the field of astronautics were analyzing data on how the grandiose space campaign was proceeding. Therefore, if you deny the American flight to the Moon, then it is necessary to refute all Soviet space programs at the same time. First of all, we will have to declare that the flights of automatic stations of the Zond and Luna series, the program for the use of lunar rovers and other actions are a hoax.

Newspaper rumors should not be taken as reliable information. It is interesting that just a year later (in 1996) after the colossal scandal about the “imaginary” flight of Americans to the Moon, in the same America there appeared new fairy tale. While our country is pondering the old Western sensation, in the United States newspapers have long been discussing the version that the Russians were the first to fly to the Moon in order to conduct some secret experiments or repair lunar rovers.

Our country needed to keep the Cyclopean project secret because the task was allegedly carried out by suicide bomber astronauts who were not destined to return to Earth. American astronauts even saw the skeletons of their Soviet colleagues while traveling on the Moon. This version, in the best traditions of “Russian space mysteries,” falls apart from a single critical arrow. There are no decay bacteria on the Moon, so a human corpse there cannot rot and turn into a skeleton. Publishers " yellow press"created a new fable, exactly the opposite of the first. Of course, none of these exciting stories can be trusted.

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TRIP TO THE MOON Leopold and Melanie Wyler had long dreamed of having a daughter. In 1900, their first son was born, and now, as they believed, it was time for a daughter to appear. Everything was prepared for her, even the beautiful name Camilla was written in calligraphy in advance

45 years ago, on July 16, 1969, the manned spacecraft Apollo 11 set off on a flight during which the inhabitants of the Earth, for the first time in history, landed on the surface of another celestial body - the Moon. On July 20, 1969, astronaut Neil Armstrong became the first person to ever walk on the surface of the Moon. At that moment, he uttered his famous phrase: “A small step for a man, but a giant leap for all mankind.”

The Apollo 11 crew included astronaut Neil Armstrong (left), who was the commander of the mission, lunar module pilot Edwin Buzz Aldrin (right), and Michael Collins, who piloted the command module in orbit during Armstrong and Aldrin's lunar landing. May 1, 1969.

The Saturn V rocket carrying the Apollo 11 spacecraft rolls onto the launch pad at Kennedy Space Center before launching to the Moon on May 20, 1969.

Close-up view.

Many around the world watched the launch of Apollo. These are passers-by in Berlin watching TV through a store window, June 16, 1969.

Earth and clouds. The photo was taken from the Apollo 11 spacecraft.

Interior of the Apollo 11 lunar module and Edwin Aldrin.

Entering lunar orbit. Lunar craters are already visible.

The Earth is beyond the Moon's horizon.

Descent to the surface of the Moon.

Lunar module "Eagle".

After landing, Armstrong transmitted to Earth: “Houston, this is Tranquility Base. "Eagle" sat down."

The first man on the moon, astronaut Neil Armstrong, steps on the surface of the moon on July 20, 1969.

The first photo of Neil Armstrong after landing on the moon.

Lunar landscapes.

Meanwhile, some researchers call the American landing on the moon the biggest hoax of the 20th century. In their opinion, there is a number of irrefutable evidence that American astronauts did not land on the surface of the Earth’s natural satellite at all. You can find a lot of materials on this topic on the Internet.

It is possible that, for certain reasons, the Americans actually did studio filming. Some photos really look more like fakes than real ones. real pictures, made on the Moon, but there could be a number of reasons for this. For example, some photos could simply be unsuccessful, because cameras at that time did not have viewfinders. Or some kind of filming equipment on the Moon has broken down. It is quite possible that some of the photographs had to be completed, and some had to be completed in the pavilions. But the very fact that they were there is beyond doubt.

To mark the 40th anniversary of man's landing on the Earth's satellite, the American space agency launched a space probe into lunar orbit. For the first time in history, he transmitted to Earth detailed images of all space modules, equipment left behind by astronauts, and even traces from the treads of all-terrain vehicles on which American astronauts moved on the Moon.

Exactly a year later, Indian astrophysicists also launched an automatic probe to the Moon, and like the American one, it was able to take detailed photographs of landing modules and other traces, proving that a human flight to the Moon did take place.

Cosmonaut A. A. Leonov: “Only absolutely ignorant people can seriously believe that the Americans were not on the Moon.”

Buzz Aldrin on the Moon.

Buzz Aldrin and the Lunar Module.

Buzz Aldrin on the Moon.

Armstrong's shadow and the lunar module.

Lunar module "Eagle". Our Earth is visible above.

Homecoming. The lunar module lifted off from the lunar surface.

Last look at the Moon.

And here is the Earth.

The Apollo 11 crew successfully returned to Earth and splashed down.

The role of the USSR leadership in NASA's lunar scam

Between 1969 and 1972, the United States reported landing its astronauts on the Moon six times. The political leadership of the USSR recognized the US victory in the lunar race and did not make any open attempts at revenge. After this, hundreds of researchers studied NASA’s “lunar” evidence and came to the conclusion that the Americans had hoaxed flights to the Moon. The hoax took place with the assistance of the USSR (for a large reward) and the statement: “Our people, if something had been wrong, would have immediately exposed it” is absolutely unfounded. After all, such exposure was also unprofitable for those who contributed. In the first half of the 60s, space exploration in the USSR took place under the obvious motto “to be first,” but then the policy of the Soviet leadership increasingly began to be of a dual character. Especially with regard to the manned flyby of the Moon and the landing of a man on it. Succeeded by S.P. Korolev Academician V.P. Mishin wrote

The question is very often asked: what would have happened to our space technology if Korolev had been alive? I think that even he, with his authority, would not be able to resist the processes that covered all spheres of activity of our society. It would have been difficult for him to work without feeling the support of the leaders of rocket and space technology in our country, who pursued (even during Sergei Pavlovich’s lifetime) an incomprehensible policy on this issue.

USA: Victory by any means and without regard to conscience, the loser will die!

On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin's flight took place. After Sputnik, this was the second giant slap in the face in terms of US prestige. In response to this, on May 25, 1961, President Kennedy announced that by the end of the 60s the United States would land a man on the Moon. For this purpose, under the leadership of NASA, a special program"Apollo".

This was not a simple challenge to an opponent, but a formal call for war of destruction. True, the destruction is not military, but political. But the result did not change. The losing state had to die (which is what ultimately happened to the USSR).

If we want to win the battle that is unfolding throughout the world between the two systems, if we want to win the battle for the minds of people, then ... we cannot allow the Soviet Union to occupy a leading position in space." “We swore that we would have to see on the Moon not the enemy’s flag of conquest, but the banner of freedom and peace...

President D.F. Kennedy.

...The competition for the Moon was a war. The loser will face death and curses. It was a struggle between two systems of power, which Americans must win. By any means."...

- "New York Times".

And in her tone, US Secretary of Defense R. McNamara said:

“We will instill in every participant in the program that stopping short of funds during its implementation is a crime against the nation. Act without regard for such a trifle as conscience.” To the president’s question: “What will be the reaction of the Russians to such actions?” His brother, Robert, unexpectedly answered, saying that he was taking on the Russians. Like, there are ideas and developments.”

What lay behind these calls “By any means necessary!”, “Without regard to conscience!”, if not a willingness to commit outright deception? What was behind the words of R. Kennedy that “he takes on the Russians.” Without knowing these subtleties, tens of thousands Soviet people who created space technology, did everything possible to overtake the Americans. But it turns out that at the same time, ideas were brewing among the ruling elite of the USSR on how to make friends with the Americans. For this reason, you can “trade” the Moon. Of course, the Americans will not bargain with a weak opponent. And it was necessary to show the Americans that flying around the Moon by a manned spacecraft, and then landing a man on it, were completely solvable tasks for the USSR. But - only to show readiness to decide, without bringing the decision to its logical conclusion. For a manned flyby of the Moon, and then the landing of a Soviet cosmonaut on it, would mean a third giant slap in the face to America and could ruin all trade. Having won on the Moon, what will you sell? While technical difficulties were being overcome, work within the framework of the lunar race was both supported and financed. But as soon as the main difficulties were left behind and success was indicated, the work stopped.

Technical positions of the parties before the start of the lunar race

Automata began exploring the Moon. And on everyone the most important stages During this period, the USSR was consistently ahead of the United States. The USSR was the first to hit the Moon with a rocket (“Luna-2”, September 12, 1959). A month later, Luna 3 orbited the Moon for the first time. She photographed its reverse side, which no earthling had ever seen before, and broadcast her photographs on the TV channel (October 4, 1959). On July 18, 1965, the Zond-3 probe transmitted to Earth for the second time 25 photographs of the far side of the Moon, this time of very high quality. Americans back side The moon was still out of reach. On February 3, 1966, Luna 9 made the world's first soft landing on the Moon and transmitted images of the lunar surface for three days. On March 31, 1966, Luna 10 became the first artificial satellite of the Moon. In 1970 there was the first automatic delivery of lunar soil to Earth (Luna-16) and the first self-propelled automatic vehicle on the Moon (Lunokhod-1).

Let's start being friends right from the start of the race (1967)

During the race, its participants do not agree on cooperation among themselves and do not share technical secrets. During the race they chase. But this was an unusual race. Let's look at the very first line of Appendix 1, which lists the agreements concluded between the USSR and the USA during the reign of Secretary General L.I. Brezhnev within the framework of the so-called détente policy: “January 1967: the Soviet-American space experiment “Soyuz - Apollo” began.” It appeared after many years of contacts between our leading academicians (first A.A. Blagonravov, and then M.V. Keldysh) with the relevant American circles. The pro-Western sentiments of many of our academicians are an open secret. And why be surprised if the then director of the Institute of Space Research of the USSR Academy of Sciences R.Z. Sagdeev has been a US citizen for 20 years. But it is clear that not a single academician would have opened his mouth if there had not been permission from the top party leadership. In general, for Soviet specialists the intensity of the lunar race was increasing, and the Americans were already told by the Politburo: don’t worry, in the future the main thing for us is not competition, but cooperation with you. And these were not empty words.

The ruling party was the CPSU ( Communist Party Soviet Union). Its governing body was the Central Committee (Central Committee). All main directions of the country's life were supervised by the secretaries of the Central Committee. This position was more important than the position of minister, because there were 5-6 secretaries, and several dozen ministers. The top of the government - the Politburo - was chosen from the secretaries of the Central Committee and the most important ministers.

Information on the structure of power in the USSR

Reported by journalist G.V. Smirnov:

In 1967, I was working in the editorial office of Tekhnika Molodezhi, when one of the employees brought a special issue of the American magazine Mechanix Illustrated. It proved that the USSR’s successes in space were a bluff. Seeing the magazine Chief Editor Vasily Dmitrievich Zakharchenko lit up. Guys! - he said. – Let’s devote an entire issue to exposing their revelations! He took the magazine and went to the CPSU Central Committee. He returned about three hours later, extinguished, indifferent: “They said it was inappropriate...”. I was shocked: The CPSU Central Committee itself refused the opportunity to sharply and effectively take advantage of the Americans!

Cancel the Moon flyby! (1968-1970)

The Politburo first postpones and then completely cancels the planned flyby of the Moon by Soviet cosmonauts. The Soyuz spacecraft, now known throughout the world, were created specifically for the task of a manned flyby of the Moon. In the unmanned version they bore the designation 7LK1 (“Zond”). In order to test them, over four years (1967-1970), Soviet specialists carried out 14 Zond launches. with the ultimate goal of their successful return to Earth(Table 1). And as in any new business, they fully experienced the bitterness of failure, until success first appeared (“Zondy-5,6”), and then became indisputable (“Zondy-7,8”). While Soviet specialists were moving forward step by step with their Zonds, the Americans decided to show the world that they did not need to bother with such trifles as testing lunar spacecraft in automatic mode. And this despite the fact that the success of their program of automatic exploration of the Moon with many times simpler devices is half or more filled with reports of accidents. As they say, a good face when bad game. Because the United States did not have anything similar to the Soviet “Probes” - “Soyuz” and still does not.

On April 4, 1968, the Americans failed to test a lunar rocket. And 19 days later they announced that on December 21 of the same year the manned Apollo 8 spacecraft would fly around the Moon. Many of our experts believed that the United States was not yet ready for such a flight. In November 1968, the head of the Cosmonaut Training Center, General N.P. Kamanin wrote:

“continue to carry out your flight program without adapting it to American tricks. We will prepare a manned flight for January 1969, and if the Americans fly on Apollo 8, we will postpone the flight until April.”

At the end of 1968, feeling the intensity of the lunar race, members of the three Soviet “lunar” crews A. Leonov, O. Makarov, V. Bykovsky, N. Rukavishnikov, P. Popovich and V. Sevastyanov sent a letter to the Politburo asking for permission to fly to the Moon . In early December, the cosmonauts flew to the cosmodrome, hoping that a decision would be made about the launch. However, the Soviet leadership did not give the go-ahead.

And then the message thundered throughout the whole world that Apollo 8 flew to the Moon and made 10 revolutions around it.

Well, well, we need to catch up. Not only N.P. thought so. Kamanin. Here are the words of A.A. Leonov:

It was necessary to go on a manned flyby of the Moon even after Frank Borman flew around the Moon. The lunar landing program has not been cancelled; we will still have to start the landing with a flyby. There is a ship. Allow me to fly! CC: “No!.

They say that it is necessary to carry out several more unmanned flights to the Moon. Well, well: our specialists in 1969 and 1970 carried out two more already completely successful flights of the Moon with “Probes” No. 7 and 8. You can send astronauts to fly around the Moon. And then the Politburo finally canceled the flight around the Moon. On October 4, 1957, the USSR launched the first satellite. But the Americans did not say: “We are upset and will not launch our satellite.” Their satellite flew on January 31, 1958. On April 12, 1961, Gagarin flew. And only on February 20, 1962, the Americans carried out their first orbital flight. In general, the Americans were not shy about catching up. Let's try to understand why the Politburo acted differently? Take another look at Table 1. Here is line No. 9 - “Zond-6” circles the Moon, successfully enters the Earth’s atmosphere, approaches the landing area, but at the last moment the parachutes did not work. And the next yellow line reports that Apollo 8 successfully flew around the Moon. This is where the Soviet leaders should have closed all these “Probes.” But nothing like that. In the next six months, three “Probes” launch one after another and all are unsuccessful. And the Americans have already got a new yellow sensational message: Apollo 11 landed astronauts on the Moon. It would seem that now the Politburo will definitely cover up the Probes. And again they didn’t guess. The Zond specialists work for another year and three months and during this time they carry out two completely successful launches. Almost two years have passed since the Apollo 8 flight. But now everything is ready for Soviet cosmonauts to fly around the Moon. And you don’t need a lot of money for this, because the main expenses have already been spent on failures and on correcting them.

And what does the Politburo do? Does he give the go-ahead with a slight grumble? Nothing of the kind: it closes the lunar flyby program. And two ships, fully equipped for a manned flyby of the Moon, remained on Earth. The money spent on the entire Zond program and on these two finished ships was simply thrown away. Absurd? And this is how you look at it. Let's return to the first yellow line - Apollo 8 orbited the Moon. If Soviet leaders and there was some other data regarding this flight, then there was still nothing to “pin” the Americans with? Not anonymous data from anonymous intelligence officers? They will laugh. We need our own ship that can fly around the moon. In any case, he will not leave the landings uncontrolled. And they start one after another, but without success, “Probes -7A, 7B, 7B”. The second yellow line has matured - Apollo 11 landed on the moon. And again there is nothing to check. And how useful would be a ship capable of flying around the Moon with its crew and looking with a human eye at the sites of the said landings. And the Zond flights continue. And now, finally, the complete success of Probes 7 and 8. For specialists this is the beginning of a long journey, but for the Politburo it is the end. There is a trump card in the form of a finished ship, you can bargain. They say, gentlemen Americans, we have demonstrated our capabilities to fly around and control the Moon. But we won’t fly for now, so you can continue your flights. But you understand, debt is worth paying.

Don’t rush to deliver Soviet lunar soil; let the Americans know the parameters of Luna-15

Three days before Apollo 11, the Soviet automatic station (AMS) Luna-15 arrived in lunar orbit. The goal is to deliver lunar soil to Earth. We read from N.P. Kamanina:

I read a TASS report that the Americans are most afraid that the Russians will get ahead of them with the help of a machine gun that will bring samples of lunar soil to Earth. They have nothing to fear. The flight of Apollo 11 will eclipse the success of any machine gun.

What then were the Americans afraid of? After all, landing astronauts on the Moon, and even with the subsequent delivery of several tens of kg of lunar rocks, would really eclipse the successes of any machine gun. But if there was no landing, then what could NASA present regarding the lunar soil after the “return” of the astronauts? Only his fake. In this case, it was very important that the USSR did not have real lunar soil. Without real soil, it is difficult to expose a fake. And if the USSR manages to deliver its lunar soil, but much later, then by that time NASA will convince humanity of “landings” on the Moon. In general, the Soviet Union cannot be allowed to obtain its lunar soil before the return of the A-11 astronauts. And what, if not a threat to get ahead of the delivery of soil, does the TASS message contain? After all, TASS messages in those days were published only on the initiative of the Politburo. Will the USSR fulfill its threat or is this just blackmail within the framework of that very “strange policy”. And what can Americans do to prevent the success of Luna 15?

“It was direct sabotage”

Here it is appropriate to remember that even before Luna-15, as if guessing the fears of the Americans, five misfortunes in a row befell the Soviet “moon scoops”. N.P. Kamanin writes about them this way:

We were very unlucky: of the five previous E-8-5 launches, four ended in accidents of the Proton rocket in the area of ​​the cosmodrome, and Luna-15 crashed during its descent onto the lunar surface... May 30, 1969. Yesterday I attended a meeting of the State Commission. Chelomey reported that out of all 13 launches of UR-500K missiles, seven were accidents. For the first seven launches there was one accident, and all the last six the launches turned out to be emergency. This is the result of poor performance of factories, violations technological process, weak production discipline and low qualifications of workers.

A.A. Leonov: “It was direct sabotage”

The disappointment is understandable. But is it really possible that in such a short period of time, violations of the technological process have become 6 times more frequent, and the discipline and qualifications of workers have fallen? Maybe someone’s malicious intent interfered with the second series of tests? This is what A.A. says. Leonov:

...The carrier was the proven Proton rocket. However, several launches ended in failure. The most offensive thing was the failure when a plug from a completely different engine from a completely different workshop got into the rocket’s fuel path. It was direct sabotage. We found out who collected it. The assembler showed how he installed the plug. And then, unnoticed, they slipped him that other plug. He inserted it: it was only smaller in diameter. Who slipped him this plug the first time and played into the hands of the Americans? The rocket itself had nothing to do with it. It was just necessary to establish proper control.

So maybe, and when, after a whole series of successful launches, four Protons in a row exploded at the start, as soon as they were loaded with “moon scoopers”, “the rockets themselves had nothing to do with it”?

There were similar cases with H1

Academician B.E. Chertok;

It is appropriate to recall two very similar cases with another lunar rocket, which B.E. describes. Chertok. Here's what happened to the H1 during its launch on June 3, 1969:

0.25 seconds before lifting off from the launch pad, peripheral engine No. 8 exploded. The remaining engines worked for some time, the rocket managed to fly 200 meters... They collected the remains of the scattered engines. The turbopump unit of engine No. 8, in comparison with the other twenty-nine that retained their external forms, was torn apart by an internal explosion. Kuznetsov and his entire team, even military representatives, argued that the explosion was possible only due to the intervention of a “foreign object”... Experiments to forcibly tear the said steel diaphragm from its place did not bring any clarity.

And this strengthens the argument about throwing an object. However… “Glushko said that he does not believe in evil spirits that throw foreign objects into the pumps”. And after one launch, on November 23, 1972, again “there was almost instantaneous destruction of the engine pump(now already) No. 4. This led to the destruction of the rocket". In simple language, “the pump exploded again.”

V.P. Glushko was a long-time ill-wisher of the late S.P. Korolev, whose brainchild was N1. His scientific and technical authority is undoubted. But the conclusion about “unclean forces throwing up foreign objects” should be given by counterintelligence officers. And if devilry could have thrown the wrong plug into the Proton rocket, then why couldn’t she do it with the N1 rocket pumps she loved so much? And after all, various evil spirits were spinning around H1. This is what Leskov S.L., a well-known “space” journalist at that time, wrote. in the preface to the book:

Spy is an artist

Several years ago, K. Gatland’s encyclopedia “Space Technology” was presented at the Moscow Book Fair. Many scientists came specifically just to look through the encyclopedia. The book reproduced the Soviet N1 rocket, which was never mentioned in our literature. Regarding the origin of the exact drawing of N1, Baikonur old-timers told the story that in one of the buildings next to the assembly and testing building, from where the rocket was taken to the launch, a deeply embedded spy worked. His only task was to sketch the N1 rocket. The most ordinary engineer. Then, when the exact characteristics of the N1 were discovered in the West, counterintelligence officers figured out from which window they were looking at the N1 and who exactly. But there was no trace left of the spy.

Space exploration in the middle of the last century was an extremely important matter for world powers, because it directly testified to their strength and power. The priority of developments in the space industry was not only not hidden from citizens, but, on the contrary, was emphasized in every possible way, instilling a sense of respect and pride for their country.

Despite the desire of many countries to take part in this difficult and interesting matter, the main serious struggle unfolded between two superpowers - the Soviet Union and the United States of America.

The first victories in the space race were for the USSR

The series of successes of the Soviet cosmonautics became an open challenge to the United States, forcing America to speed up work in the field of space exploration and find a way to beat its main competitor, the USSR.

  • the first artificial earth satellite - Soviet Sputnik-1 (October 4, 1957) USSR;
  • the first animal flights into space - the astronaut dog Laika, the first animal launched into Earth orbit! (1954 - November 3, 1957) USSR;
  • the first human flight into space - Soviet cosmonaut Yuri Gagarin (April 12, 1961).

And yet, the competition for space continued!

First people on the moon

Today, almost everyone knows that America managed to seize the initiative in the space race by launching its astronauts on. The first manned spacecraft to successfully land on the moon back in 1969 was the American spacecraft Apollo 11, with a crew of astronauts on board: Neil Armstrong, Michael Collins and Buzz Aldrin.

Many of you remember the photo of Armstrong proudly planting the US flag on the surface of the Moon on July 20, 1969. The American government was triumphant that it had managed to overtake the Soviet space pioneers in conquering the Moon. But history is full of conjectures and assumptions, and some facts haunt critics and scientists to this day. And to this day, the question is being discussed that the American ship, in all likelihood, reached the Moon, took it, but did the astronauts actually land on its surface? There is a whole caste of skeptics and critics who do not believe in the American landing on the Moon, however, let’s leave this skepticism to their conscience.

However, the Soviet spacecraft Luna-2 reached the Moon for the first time on September 13, 1959, that is, Soviet spacecraft ended up on the Moon 10 years earlier than the landing of American cosmonauts on the Earth’s satellite. And therefore it is especially offensive that few people know about the role of Soviet designers, physicists, and cosmonauts in the exploration of the Moon.

But a huge amount of work was done, and the results were achieved much earlier than Armstrong’s victorious march. The USSR pennant was delivered to the surface of the Moon a decade before man set foot on its surface. On September 13, 1959, the Luna 2 space station reached the planet for which it was named. The world's first spacecraft to reach the Moon (the Luna-2 space station) landed on the surface of the Moon in the Mare Mons region near the craters Aristyllus, Archimedes and Autolycus.

A completely logical question arises: if the Luna-2 station reached the Earth’s satellite, then there should have been Luna-1 as well? There was, but its launch, carried out a little earlier, turned out to be not so successful and, flying past the Moon... But even with this outcome, very significant scientific results were obtained during the flight of the Luna-1 station:

  • Using ion traps and particle counters, the first direct measurements of solar wind parameters were made.
  • Using an onboard magnetometer, the Earth's outer radiation belt was recorded for the first time.
  • It was established that the Moon does not have a significant magnetic field.
  • The Luna-1 spacecraft became the first spacecraft in the world to reach the second escape velocity.

The launch participants were awarded the Lenin Prize; the people did not know their heroes by name, but the common cause - the honor of the country - was a priority.

USA lands first people on the moon

What about the USA? Yuri Gagarin's flight into space became a serious blow for America, and in order not to remain forever in the shadow of the Russians, a goal was set - and although the Americans lost the race to land the first spacecraft on the surface of the Moon, they had a chance to be the first to land astronauts on the Earth's satellite! Work on improving the spacecraft, spacesuits and the necessary equipment proceeded by leaps and bounds, the American government attracted all the intellectual and technical potential of the country, and, without skimping, spent billions of dollars on development. All NASA resources were mobilized and thrown into the furnace of science for a great purpose.

The step of an American citizen to the Moon is the only opportunity to emerge from the shadows, to catch up with the Soviet Union in this race. It is possible that America would not have been able to realize its ambitious plans, but at that time there was a change in the party leader in the USSR, and the leading designers - Korolev and Chelomey - could not come to a common opinion. Korolev, being an innovator by nature, was inclined to use the latest engine developments, while his colleague advocated for the old, but proven Proton. Thus, the initiative was lost and the first to officially set foot on the surface of the Moon were American astronauts.

Did the USSR give up in the lunar race?

Even though Soviet cosmonauts failed to land on the Moon in the 20th century, the USSR did not give up in the race to explore the Moon. So already in 1970, the automatic interplanetary station “Luna-17” carried on board the world’s first, unprecedented, planetary rover, capable of fully operating in conditions of a different gravity of the moon. It was called “Lunokhod-1” and was intended to study the surface, properties and composition of the soil, radioactive and x-ray radiation of the Moon. Work on it was carried out at the Khimki Machine-Building Plant named after. S.A. Lavochkin, led by Babakin Nikolai Grigorievich. The sketch was ready in 1966, and all design documentation was completed by the end of the next year.

Lunokhod 1 was delivered to the surface of the Earth's satellite in November 1970. The control center was located in Simferopol, in the Space Communications Center and included the control panel of the crew commander, the lunar rover driver, the antenna operator, the navigator, and the operational information processing room. The main problem was the signal time delay, which interfered with full control. The Lunokhod worked there for almost a year, until September 14, it was on this day that the last, successful communication session took place.

The Lunokhod did a great job of studying the planet entrusted to it, working much longer than planned. A huge number of photographs, lunar panoramas, etc. were transmitted to Earth. Years later, in 2012, the International Astronomical Union gave names to all twelve craters encountered on the path of Lunokhod 1 - they received male names.

By the way, in 1993, “Lunokhod 1” was put up for auction at Sotheby’s, the stated price was five thousand dollars. The auction ended at a much higher amount - sixty-eight and a half thousand US dollars; the buyer was the son of one of the American astronauts. It is characteristic that the precious lot rests on the territory of the Moon; in 2013 it was discovered in photographs taken by an orbital American probe.

To summarize, it can be noted that the first people to land on the Moon (1969) were the Americans, here is a list of US astronauts who landed: Neil Armstrong, Buzz Aldrin, Pete Conrad, Alan Bean, Alan Shepard, Edgar Mitchell, David Scott, James Irwin , John Young, Charles Duke, Eugene Cernan, Harrison Schmitt. Neil Armstrong lived a long life and died on August 25, 2012 at the age of 82, still retaining the title of the first man to set foot on the moon...

But the first spaceships, who conquered the Moon (1959) were Soviet, here the primacy undoubtedly belongs Soviet Union and Russian designers and engineers.

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