Rules for rescuing and providing emergency first aid to a drowning person - an algorithm for resuscitation actions. How to save a drowning person without risking your own life

Drowning is death from hypoxia, which occurs as a result of the occlusion of the respiratory tract by a liquid, most often water. Drowning is possible when swimming in bodies of water, although sometimes it occurs in other conditions, for example, when immersed in a bath of water or in a container with some other liquid. A significant proportion of drowning victims are children. A drowned person can be saved if first aid is provided promptly and correctly. In the first minute after drowning in water, more than 90% of victims can be saved, after 6-7 minutes - only about 1-3%.

Drowning is most often caused by violation of the rules of behavior on the water, fatigue, even in people who are excellent swimmers (for example, during a long swim in cold water), injuries when diving (especially in unfamiliar bodies of water), alcohol intoxication, sudden changes in temperature when immersed in water after overheating in the sun, etc. Drowning often occurs due to the fact that a person gets lost in difficult situation, forgets that his body is lighter than water and with minimal effort it can remain on the surface for a very long time in both horizontal and vertical positions. To do this, you just need to lightly rake the water with your hands and feet and, if possible, breathe calmly and deeply. If you get into a whirlpool, you need to take it into your lungs more air and, having dived deeper, swim to the side under water, which is much easier than on the surface, because The speed of water movement at depth is significantly less.

Death from drowning occurs as a result of lack of oxygen. Conventionally, there are several main types of drowning - true, dry and so-called syncope. In the first case, water fills Airways and the lungs of the drowning man, fighting for his life, make convulsive movements and draw in water, which prevents the flow of air. The skin of a drowned person is bluish, and foamy liquid is released from the mouth and nose. In the second case (with dry drowning), due to spasm of the vocal cords, water does not enter the lungs (hence the name), the bluishness of the skin is less pronounced. This type of drowning is accompanied by fainting, and the drowned person immediately sinks to the bottom. In the third case (syncope drowning), the cause of death of the victim is a sudden cessation of breathing and cardiac arrest. Such drowned people have pale skin (the so-called pale drowned).

Rescue a drowning man and provide him with first aid. The rescuer must quickly run to the closest place along the shore to the drowning place. If the drowning person is on the surface of the water, then it is advisable to calm him down from a distance, and if this fails, then it is better to try to swim up to him from behind in order to avoid grabs, from which it is sometimes difficult to free himself. One of the effective techniques that allows you to free yourself from such a convulsive embrace is immersion with a drowning person in water. In such circumstances, he, trying to stay on the surface, will let go of the rescuer. When a drowning person dives to the bottom, the rescuer must dive and swim along the bottom (in running water, taking into account the direction and speed of the current). If there is sufficient visibility, you should open your eyes under water, because... rescue actions in this case are more effective. Having discovered a drowning person, you need to take him by the hand, under the armpits or by the hair and, pushing strongly from the bottom, float to the surface with him, working intensively only with your legs and free hand.

Having brought the drowning person to shore, they begin to provide first aid, the nature of which depends on his condition. If the victim is conscious, has a satisfactory pulse and is breathing, then it is enough to lay him on a dry hard surface so that his head is low, then undress him, rub him with his hands or a dry towel. It is advisable to give a hot drink (tea, coffee, adults can have a little alcohol, for example 1-2 tablespoons of vodka), wrap them in a warm blanket and let them rest. If the victim is unconscious when removed from the water, but has a satisfactory pulse and breathing, then you should throw back his head and extend his lower jaw, then lay him down so that his head is low, then with your finger (preferably wrapped in a handkerchief) free his oral cavity from silt, mud and vomit, wipe him dry and warm him. A victim who is unconscious, does not breathe independently, but retains cardiac activity, after preliminary measures aimed at clearing the airways, artificial respiration must be started as quickly as possible. If the victim has no breathing or cardiac activity, artificial respiration must be combined with cardiac massage.

First, as quickly as possible, fluid should be removed from the respiratory tract (in case of drowning in fresh water, only the mouth and throat should be cleared of it). For this purpose, the person providing assistance places the victim with his stomach on the thigh of the leg bent at the knee joint, presses his hand on the victim’s back between the shoulder blades (Fig. 11.1.), while supporting his forehead with the other hand and raising his head. You can tilt the victim over the side of a boat, or, placing him face down, lift him in the pelvic area. These manipulations should not take more than 10-15 seconds so as not to delay artificial respiration.

Transporting the victim to a hospital is advisable after restoration of cardiac activity. In this case, the victim should be in a position on his side on a stretcher with the headrest lowered. All victims must be hospitalized, since there is a danger of developing so-called secondary drowning, when signs of acute respiratory failure, chest pain, cough, shortness of breath, feeling of lack of air, hemoptysis, agitation, and increased heart rate appear. The high probability of developing pulmonary edema in victims remains from 15 to 72 hours after rescue.

In places where there are bodies of water, there is always a danger of drowning. In winter, fishermen may not calculate the thickness of the ice and end up trapped in ice. And in the warm season, the number of victims increases several times. Any person who is a good swimmer should know the rules for rescuing a drowning person on the water. After all, having the necessary information, you can not only help a person, but also protect yourself from an accident.

You must be able to calculate your strength and act very quickly. After all, a person’s life is in your hands, and any delay is fraught with grave consequences. In the first minutes, it is much easier to resuscitate a drowning person. After all, the water will not yet have time to enter the alveoli of the lungs.

Causes of tragic incidents

While on vacation, people relax, lose the ability to think rationally and often overestimate their strength. Those who know how to swim try to swim far into the sea, showing their skills. Having warmed up in the sun, beachgoers go to cool off in the cold water. Not everyone knows that a sudden change in temperature can cause a cramp in the leg or arms. The parents were distracted and did not look after the child. Children do not yet have a sense of fear and can go deep without understanding the consequences.

IN separate group we can include extreme sports people who are chasing adrenaline, doing everything necessary for this. They swim in a storm, jump from a cliff into the water, and go on a rubber boat far out to sea. People who are intoxicated often become victims of deep water. They, as the saying goes, are knee-deep in the sea.

The first signs of a drowning person

Before you rush into the water to save a drowning person, you need to make sure that the person is really drowning. How can this be recognized from the shore?

  1. The position of a drowning person's body is usually vertical.
  2. His hands are raised up, and he seems to be trying to grab something with them. But in reality he just splashes his hands on the water.
  3. The head rises above the water and then disappears.
  4. At first, a person can scream and call for help, but if he no longer has the strength, he remains silent. Children almost always do not scream, but simply open their mouths wide in horror, trying to grab air.
  5. If a person does not answer the question: “Are you all right?”, then this is a sign of trouble that has happened to him.

First actions of the rescuer

Before you rush to save a drowning man, you need to think about the situation. Be sure to ask someone to call water rescue and emergency services. If possible, you need to quickly take off your clothes. If this cannot be done, then you need to at least turn the pockets outward. Be sure to take off your shoes. After all, water quickly accumulates, which interferes with movements and pulls strongly to the bottom.

It makes sense to throw yourself into the water to save a drowning person if the rescuer can swim well. Health allows you to withstand strong loads, since a drowning person can instinctively grab his rescuer tightly, hit him, pull him to the bottom, and drown him. You need to be prepared for such a turn of events and know how to get out of the strong hands of a desperate person.

You also need to check where it is best to start rescuing a drowning person. It is advisable to choose the closest point on the shore. It is better to run more along the shore than to swim further on the water. You should also not jump into the water in an unfamiliar place, as there may be pitfalls there. Need to come in quickly.

When rescuing a person, take some kind of floating device with you: an inflatable ring, a ball, a board. Any object that a drowning person can grab onto will be useful. Otherwise, he will have to hold on only to you and it will be a problem to bring him to shore.

If you have to rescue a fisherman who has fallen under the ice, then you cannot approach him while standing, you must advance while lying on the ice. You can give him a long stick, a net, a ladder, or a whole fishing rod. You can create a chain of people lying on the ice and holding each other. This will be the safest way.

How to provide assistance correctly?

To quickly swim to a drowning person, it is better to use the crawl style of swimming. You should always approach the victim from behind. Since a person experiencing a panic state is able to hit you, start drowning you, block your movements and pose a threat. This must be remembered and guarded against.

If you can’t swim up to him from behind, then you need to dive under the person and grab him tightly under the knee. With your free hand, sharply push the other knee forward and, thus, turn the victim’s back to you.

When the drowning person is already with his back to you, you need to grab his armpit with your right hand right hand and firmly fixing it, float to the surface of the water. You need to move towards the shore on your back, supporting the person’s head above the water.

How to protect yourself?

Actions when rescuing a drowning person are associated with great risk. A drowning person is frightened, in a state of shock and may grab his rescuer with his hands. This threatens the death of a person who wants to help. You need to be able to act correctly in such situations and, without losing your mind, use force to free yourself from the deadly embrace.

When getting rid of the grip, you need to twist yourself, press on your chin, twist your arms reverse side, but don't release it. You need to try to wriggle out sharply, while explaining and reassuring the person with words.

How to tow a drowning person to shore?

Methods for rescuing drowning people can be different, depending on the situation and how much the person resists and in what condition he is. As a rule, a person is towed while lying on his back or side. You can hold him by the head, armpits, by the arm in the shoulder area, by the hair or collar if he is wearing clothes.

When delivering a person to shore, you need to carefully ensure that his head is above the surface of the water at all times so that it does not get into his respiratory tract. When a rescuer swims sideways, he can navigate the terrain and choose the shortest route for rescue.

If the lifeguard had the opportunity to take life-saving equipment from the shore, such as a circle or a ball, that people have on the beach, then the drowning person must be forced to clasp them with his hands. Of course, if the person is still conscious.

Types of drowning

The actions to take when rescuing a drowning person depend on the type of drowning. There are three types of them.

  1. White asphyxia, otherwise this type is also called imaginary drowning. From fear of water getting into the lungs, a person reflexively experiences a spasm, breathing stops and the heart stops. Such a drowned person can be revived after 20 minutes.
  2. Blue asphyxia occurs when water enters the alveoli of the lungs. It is easy to understand this by a person's appearance. The face, ears, lips, fingers acquire purple shade skin. This one needs to be rescued urgently; the rescuer only has 5 minutes left.
  3. The next type of drowning occurs when there is depression of nervous processes. This happens under the influence of alcohol or hypothermia of the body. Rescue is given from 5 to 10 minutes.

First aid

When rescuing a drowning person, you must first check for breathing and a heartbeat. If vital signs are present, then you need to remove his wet clothes and lay him down so that his head is down or on his side. Cover with a warm blanket. If a person is able to drink, then you can give him a warm drink.

When a person is unconscious, you need to get down on one knee, put the person with his stomach on the other knee, head down. Try to clear the sand from his mouth and straighten his tongue forward to prevent it from sticking. The water that has entered the body should pour out. Only after this should resuscitation begin. According to the rules for rescuing a drowning person, you need to do artificial respiration and chest compressions.

Resuscitation measures

To carry out artificial respiration, a person is placed on a hard surface with a cushion under the neck. For a person to begin to breathe, his lungs must fill with air. To do this, the rescuer takes a deep breath, bends over the mouth of the drowned person and exhales into his respiratory tract. If the chest rises, it means that air has entered his lungs. This should be done every 1-2 seconds. There should be at least 30 exhalations per minute.

During breaks, cardiac massage is performed. It's better when it's done by a second person. The palms of two hands are placed on the person’s chest in the area of ​​the heart, one on top of the other. Rhythmically and strongly pressing on the sternum. You need to do 15 presses in 10 seconds. Resuscitation continues until the person comes to his senses. This can happen quite for a long time. But under no circumstances should we stop. According to statistics, most of the rescued people did not survive only because resuscitation efforts were stopped.

Be sure to call an ambulance, because rescuing a drowning person in the water is a lengthy process.

The water element rarely leaves anyone indifferent. Swimming, diving, boating, surfing - these and many other water activities bring a lot of fun to both children and adults. At the same time, being in the water is a rather dangerous activity that requires increased attention and good coordination of movements.

No one is immune from incidents leading to sad results. Particularly dangerous for swimmers, including experienced swimmers, are reservoirs with numerous whirlpools and strong currents, areas near bridges and ice-cutters. That is why everyone should know how to provide first aid to a drowning person.

What is drowning and how does it happen?

Drowning is an asphyxial condition resulting from the filling of the respiratory tract with fluid. Having fallen under water, a person first instinctively holds his breath, but as he weakens, he swallows. At some point he experiences laryngospasm, and then loss of consciousness.

While the swimmer is unconscious, water continues to passively flow into the lungs. The result of pathological changes in the body is damage to the respiratory, digestive, cardiovascular and central nervous system. The composition of the blood changes. There may be muscle cramps. After cardiac arrest, brain function is impaired. It is noteworthy that death in fresh water occurs 4–5 times faster than in salt water, namely after 2–3 minutes.

How to understand that there is a drowning person in front of you? There is an opinion that a drowning person is actively fighting for life and calling for help. In fact, due to impaired breathing, he is unable to speak or row. Moreover, a person who struggles to stay afloat will sink faster, using up precious oxygen.

Help is needed when a swimmer periodically dives into water above the mouth line. At the moments when he manages to raise his head above the surface, he only manages to take a convulsive breath of air and tries to clear his throat. A drowning person is always in an upright position and does not make supporting movements with his legs. He has a glassy look. He does not wave his arms, but, spreading them to the sides, chaotically pushes off from the water.

This is how real (wet) drowning occurs, but there are other types of this condition.

  • False (dry, asphyxial) drowning is accompanied by a feeling of lack of oxygen, which occurs as a result of a breathing spasm. Sometimes this condition is caused by a panic attack, sudden muscle cramps in the legs, and dizziness. A suffocating person, unlike a truly drowning person, can give signals (call for help, wave his arms), but without outside support it is difficult for him to get to shore.
  • Reflex (instant) drowning occurs as a result of vascular spasm, stroke, or heart attack. A person who has had an attack first turns pale, and then quietly and quickly goes under the water. Having pulled such a victim ashore, the rescuer must, skipping the stage of clearing the airways of water, begin resuscitation measures.

Rules of conduct in case of drowning

If you feel tired while swimming, you need to lie down on the water and relax. You should breathe evenly: inhale deeply and, after a short pause, exhale slowly. Another option to stay on the water is to take the “float” pose. To do this, you need to pull your legs towards your body and hold your knees with your hands. As you inhale, the face is raised above the water, and as you exhale, it is immersed. Having become disoriented during a dive, you need to exhale a little and, noticing where the bubbles are heading, follow them. In case of cramps, you should straighten your leg, grab the thumb and forcefully pull your foot towards you.

If someone near you is drowning, follow these steps:

  • Look around for a rescue craft. If you find one, take it with you.
  • Before you swim, really assess your capabilities: take into account your swimming ability, distance, strength of wind and water current.
  • If you are not sure that you will swim, ask the rescue center on duty for help.
  • When rescuing yourself, calm and encourage the drowning person. If he is conscious, ask him to hold on to your shoulders.
  • Take the unconscious person under the armpits from the back or grab him by the hair and tow him to shore.
  • If a drowning person goes under water, dive as deep as possible in the place where you last saw him.

Important! Rule number “1” - swim up to the victim from behind so that he, being in an inadequate state, does not accidentally drown you.

What to do in case of true drowning

First aid for rescuing a drowning person depends on the type of drowning. A person who has swallowed water will have a bluish face and neck. True drowning may also be indicated by coughing, vomiting, and pink foam coming from the mouth and nasal cavity.

According to the severity, three phases of the condition are distinguished: initial, agonal, terminal. First aid for a conscious victim is to warm and calm him down, and prevent him from choking on vomit. Signs of initial drowning usually go away quickly. If the victim still feels unwell after half an hour or an hour, you should consult a doctor.

At the agonal stage, the victim is unconscious, but breathing and has a weak pulse. First health care is to:

  • clear the airways. Vomit, silt, and algae are removed from the oral cavity;
  • remove water from the lungs. The victim is turned onto his stomach and thrown over the knee of the bent leg. While supporting his head, he is patted firmly in the area of ​​the shoulder blades;
  • do artificial respiration. The victim is placed on his back, his head is thrown back and his mouth is opened. With one hand they hold his face by the chin, with the other they pinch his nose. Inhale deeply and, wrapping your lips around the victim’s mouth, make two exhalations lasting a second each;
  • normalize blood circulation. The victim's legs are raised and a cushion is placed under them;
  • combine artificial respiration with closed cardiac massage. Place your palms on the victim’s chest and forcefully and rhythmically perform 30 pushes. When giving a massage to an adult, do not bend your arms at the elbows - this allows you to lean on with your full weight. As for the child, the pressure should be lighter. A baby is given a heart massage thumbs. Alternate two breaths with thirty compressions.

At the terminal stage, clinical death occurs: there is no pulse even in the carotid artery, there is no breathing, dilated pupils do not respond to light. How to help such a drowning person? Artificial respiration begins as early as possible. While still in the water, as soon as the victim’s face is above the surface, exhale into his nose. To prevent air from escaping, cover the victim's mouth with the palm of his hand. After inhalation, they withdraw so that passive exhalation occurs. Insufflation is done every 4–5 seconds.

Cardiopulmonary resuscitation measures are being started on shore. To start the heart, a precordial blow may be required: a palm is placed in the area of ​​the lower third of the sternum, and then the fist of the other hand is sharply struck on it. Check the pulse in the carotid artery. If it is not there, they move on to artificial pulmonary ventilation and closed cardiac massage. An adult is given sixty pressures per minute, a child – eighty. Every fifteen pushes, two blows are made into the mouth. To provide qualified medical care to a drowning person, he must be taken to the hospital as quickly as possible.

What to do in case of false and reflex drowning

In case of dry or instantaneous drowning, resuscitation measures begin with cardiac massage and artificial respiration. Providing first aid to a drowning person should continue after he regains consciousness. A victim who has experienced clinical death may again stop functioning of the heart and respiratory organs and develop pulmonary edema. The person who has regained consciousness needs to be changed into dry clothes, warmed with a warm drink and a blanket.

Doctors should also provide first aid: you need to call emergency help or take the victim to the hospital yourself. The patient may require further examination and hospitalization.

At the first signals from the victim, you need to rush to his aid, but first assess your safety.

Relaxing near a pond if safety rules are not followed can result in drowning. This often occurs due to alcohol intoxication, spinal cord damage when diving unknown place or due to reflex cardiac arrest. The first thing to do in case of drowning is to get the victim out and call an ambulance. But by the time the brigade gets there, biological death may occur. Therefore, in order to prevent a tragic outcome, you need to know how first aid for drowning is provided at the pre-medical stage.

Difficulties in providing emergency care are that they highlight different kinds drowning. Before indicating the sequence of assistance, it is necessary to analyze the causes and mechanisms of development different types drowning.

There are 3 types:

True drowning

The true is divided into drowning in fresh water and in sea ​​water. It develops when water enters the lungs, most often while swimming. When removing the victim, he often foams at the mouth. The most common type.

Asphyxial drowning occurs when ice or chlorinated water enters the trachea, which causes a reflex spasm of the vocal cords - laryngospasm. This is how people who swim poorly or are intoxicated usually drown.

Syncopal drowning is when, when falling from a height, upon contact with cold water, a reflex arrest of the heart and breathing occurs. Clinical death occurs with all its signs.

We can say that this is the most favorable type of drowning, since there is no damage to the lungs from water. In cold water period clinical death may increase to 10-15 minutes. And children can spend about half an hour in clinical death.

Sudden exposure of the body to ice water when falling from a height can cause reflex cardiac arrest.

Help for true drowning

This is the most common type of drowning. Victims of drowning can include people who cannot swim or are intoxicated, as well as professional swimmers. Appearance the victim after he is removed from the water has specific characteristics:

  • blue skin of the face and neck;
  • swollen veins in the neck;
  • foam Pink colour from the nose and mouth.

While in the water, for some reason, a person begins to drown. He tries not to breathe for as long as possible, which leads to blackout due to oxygen starvation of the brain. After this, the water in large quantities fills the lungs and stomach.

Regardless of whether fresh water or salty, it has a damaging effect on the lungs, destroying them. In case of true drowning, excess fluid enters the bloodstream, an overflow of the circulatory system is formed, which the heart may not be able to cope with and will stop, if this has not already happened at the time it is removed from the water.

Important! Only a person with lifeguard skills, a good swimmer and a physically developed person can help a drowning person. An untrained and poor swimmer may drown along with the victim. Therefore, before jumping into the water you need to weigh your strength. If you are unsure of them, then it would be more reasonable to call someone for help.

First medical aid for drowning begins with removing the patient to shore. If the victim is conscious, then you need to be careful, since a person in panic can harm the rescuer. If the victim is unconscious, then when transporting him to the shore, you need to make sure that he does not go under water.

First medical aid for drowning begins with removing the patient to shore.

Important! As soon as it becomes known that someone has drowned or is drowning, an ambulance should be called immediately. It must be taken into account that bodies of water are usually located far from the city and emergency stations.

After delivering the victim to shore, you must immediately begin providing first aid. The main thing in rescuing a drowning person is to quickly navigate the situation, since every minute counts.

If the victim shows signs of life, it is necessary to urgently remove water from the respiratory tract.

If the victim is unconscious, cardiopulmonary resuscitation should be started immediately.

The easiest way to remove water from the stomach is to hang the victim over the knee and use your fingers to press on the root of his tongue.

If vomiting water mixed with food and coughing occurs, then you need to continue actions until the water completely leaves the stomach and lungs.

Even if you succeed in inducing a gag reflex, you need to be prepared that the person’s heart will stop.
The absence of pulsation indicates cardiac arrest. To start it, you need to perform an indirect cardiac massage.
· arms straightened at the elbows with palms in the middle of the sternum;
· We perform compressions at a frequency of 100 per minute, pressing to a depth of 4-5 cm.
It is possible to perform artificial respiration on a drowned person, but if there are no means of protection, it is not recommended, since during compressions water from the lungs and stomach will drain from the mouth.
We resuscitate the patient either until a pulse appears or before the ambulance arrives.
After breathing and heartbeat have resumed, the victim should be placed on his side,
The victim must not be left unattended.
Repeated cardiac arrest or development of pulmonary edema is possible.
If the heart stops again, cardiopulmonary resuscitation must be started again.
Signs of incipient edema are:
· wheezing when breathing, similar to bubbling water;
appearance of pink foam;
· breathing disorder.
If there are signs of pulmonary edema, then it is necessary to sit the victim in a semi-sitting position.
Apply tourniquets to the upper third of the thigh.
Apply something hot to your feet.

After everything possible has been done, you need to wait for the ambulance. It is highly undesirable to take a patient to medical institution alone without accompaniment V Racha.

Help with asphyxial and syncope drowning

Asphyxial drowning is characterized by laryngospasm, as a result of which a person cannot take a breath. Due to hypoxia, he loses consciousness and may experience cardiac arrest. With syncopal drowning, reflex asystole develops, that is, cardiac arrest.

The victim has a characteristic appearance:

  • pale skin color;
  • dry foam at the mouth, which is easily removed;
  • lack of breathing and heartbeat.

Pre-hospital emergency care for these types includes the following algorithm of actions:

There is no need to empty the lungs of water, since there is none there.

If you spot a drowning person, you should immediately call an emergency team.
Bring the victim ashore.
In winter, you should not waste time transporting the patient to a warm place; resuscitation should begin right on the shore.
We free the chest from clothing, if any.
Begin resuscitation of the patient: cardiac massage and artificial respiration in a ratio of 30:2.
If there is no result, the victim must be resuscitated within 40 minutes.
After vascular pulsation appears, you need to take the person to a warm place, change him and give him a warm drink.

Important! Drowning in winter most often develops as asphyxial or syncope.

Cold water leads to a sharp depression in everyone metabolic processes in the body, so clinical death can long time do not turn into biological.

This means that in winter a drowned person, even after half an hour in the water, has a chance to return to life if first aid is provided correctly.

First aid for drowning in children

Parents should know a clear algorithm for urgent actions.

In children, drowning occurs more often in a swimming pool than in open water.

Helping a drowning child step by step:

At the first sign of drowning, remove the child from the water.
Call an ambulance.
If the child is unconscious, begin CPR.
Small children need to perform it at a frequency of 100-120 per minute.
In children under 8 years of age, 15 compressions are followed by 2 artificial breaths.
In older children the usual ratio is 30:2.
Indirect cardiac massage is performed by pressing the sternum by 2-3 cm.
In adult children it is performed as usual with both hands, and in infants with two fingers.
Artificial respiration is performed using mouth-to-mouth or mouth-to-nose methods.
You need to resuscitate the child for at least 40 minutes, especially after removing him from cold water.
A child's body is able to survive up to 1 hour of clinical death in ice water without disturbances in the central nervous system.
After breathing and pulse resume, you need to lay the child on his side and warm him up.

How to provide first aid to an injured child is well shown in the video in this article.

Skills in providing emergency assistance in case of drowning are a guarantee of saving a person from death.


During a hike, when being near various bodies of water, people usually swim. Unfortunately, this is far from a safe process: it can drag you into a whirlpool, it can tighten your muscles, you can even simply slide off the shore without having the desire to swim. In any case, the victim needs urgent help.

This article will discuss two key points water rescue:

  • Pulling out a drowning person;
  • Providing first aid.

So let's get started.


The rescue process itself can become dangerous for the rescuer. The fact is that a drowning person panics, frantically grabs everything he can reach and, at the same time, his thinking is clouded by adrenaline, which is why he may not respond to words of help.

In addition, do not forget that speed is extremely important in salvation. If blood circulation is disrupted for more than 5 minutes, the victim's brain will most likely be damaged.

To reduce the risk, the rescuer is recommended to take the following steps: If the drowning person is able to fight for life, throw him the end of a rope, a board, or any floating object. If the drowning person has already lost strength or consciousness, do the following:

  1. Get as close to the victim as possible along the shore;
  2. Remove shoes and outerwear;
  3. Turn out the pockets - water may accumulate in them, making movement difficult;
  4. Jump into the water and swim to the drowning man;
  5. If the victim goes under water, dive and try to see him, and if visibility is poor, feel him;
  6. Try to turn him over onto his back;
  7. In case of interference caused by the reflex movements of a drowning person, free yourself from the grips as quickly as possible. This is done like this:
  8. If you are grabbed by the torso or neck, grab the drowning person by the lower back, and with the other hand push his head away, resting on his chin;
  9. When grabbed by the hand, twist it and pull it out of the hands of the drowning person;
  10. If these methods do not help, take air into your lungs and dive;
  11. The victim will try to change his grip, and you will be able to free yourself;
  12. Try to act calmly and without showing unnecessary cruelty.

To transport the victim to the shore is recommended in one of the following ways:

  1. grab the victim’s head from behind on both sides by the chin with your palms, row with only your legs;
  2. stick yours in left hand under the armpit of his left arm and grab the wrist of his right arm. row with one arm and legs;
  3. Taking the victim by the hair with one hand and holding his head above the water, placing it on your forearm, row with the other hand and legs.


After you have pulled the victim ashore, he needs to be resuscitated. To do this, first help the victim get rid of water in internal organs. This is done like this:

  1. Kneel on one knee next to the victim;
  2. Place him on his stomach on his knee and open his mouth;
  3. By pressing your hands on your back and in the stomach area, help the water flow out.

Then the victim should be given artificial respiration and, if necessary, indirect cardiac massage:

  1. Undress the victim and place him on his back;
  2. Kneel before him. It is most convenient to place the victim’s head on his knees or some kind of elevation, for example a cushion made of clothing;
  3. Take air into your lungs, pinch the victim’s nose and, bringing your mouth closer to the victim’s mouth, exhale;
  4. The best option would be one exhalation every 4 seconds, that is, 15 exhalations per minute;
  5. To perform chest compressions, place your palms on top of each other on the victim’s chest between the nipples. In the pauses between exhalations, do 4 rhythmic presses. You need to press quite hard on the chest, so that the sternum moves down by about 5 cm.

It is most convenient to resuscitate a choked person together: one does artificial respiration, and the other does a massage.


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In recent years, the bodies and troops of the Russian Ministry of Internal Affairs have been performing service and combat missions in a difficult operational environment. Wherein...

Members of the St. Petersburg Ornithological Society adopted a resolution on the inadmissibility of removal from the Southern Coast...

Russian State Duma deputy Alexander Khinshtein published photographs of the new “chief cook of the State Duma” on his Twitter. According to the deputy, in...

Home Welcome to the site, which aims to make you as healthy and beautiful as possible! Healthy lifestyle in...
The son of moral fighter Elena Mizulina lives and works in a country with gay marriages. Bloggers and activists called on Nikolai Mizulin...
Purpose of the study: With the help of literary and Internet sources, find out what crystals are, what science studies - crystallography. To know...
WHERE DOES PEOPLE'S LOVE FOR SALTY COME FROM? The widespread use of salt has its reasons. Firstly, the more salt you consume, the more you want...
The Ministry of Finance intends to submit a proposal to the government to expand the experiment on taxation of the self-employed to include regions with high...
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