Rules for choosing a profession. From work experience "professional self-determination of orphanage pupils"

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Childhood flies by like a dream. We spend most of our adult lives as adults. But have you ever thought about how successful our adult life depends on how we “worked” in childhood?

How did you study at school, how many books did you read, what crafts did you try? Did we manage to understand in time what we would like to do in life and decide what profession we like and are capable of? Agree, a lot depends on the parents here too. And every parent sooner or later faces the question: how to help their children choose a path in life?

As a “cheat sheet” for solving this difficult problem, we bring to your attention the thoughts of family and child psychologist Elena Gromova.

At what age should a child at least begin to think about future profession, and when should parents sound the alarm and take some action to make their child think about their future?

— I must say that thoughts about a future profession come to children quite often and change several times. Therefore, they should be given the opportunity to embrace everything they want, and not be forced to go to those additional classes that the child has chosen. Some parents say: “Since he has chosen, let him go.” But who said this? The child does not know himself yet, he is only getting to know himself and getting to know him, and he must try a lot in order to understand what he likes, what is close to him. If by the 9th grade, when the child takes the GIA exams at school, and when he already has the opportunity to choose: go to college, or go to the 10th grade to continue studying, he has not yet decided, then it’s worth thinking about where he should go still move on. Until the 8th grade and the beginning of the 9th, you can still calmly give him the opportunity to change his mind.

— My son is 10 years old, and he has been raving about the football profession almost since he started talking. Is it worth taking this seriously, or maybe we need to offer him some other options for professions, not just a football player, there is something else interesting. I don't know, please advise .

“It seems to me that parents need to soberly assess their child’s success. If he has been practicing for a long time, and the coach says that the boy can really turn out to be a good football player in the future, and his career can take shape, then maybe it’s already so early, but his future destiny. If you see that everything is not so smooth, and there is a feeling of uncertainty that this is his path, then you still need to find some alternate paths, they will never hurt, and see what else the child is given, what The child is also interested in something other than football. Football, in extreme cases, can remain a hobby for life. If a child’s focus is on football, then there is a risk that when something doesn’t work out for him at some stage, it can become a serious stress in his life precisely when there is nowhere to retreat if there is nothing else.

When my daughter grew up and it was time to choose a profession, she found it difficult for a very long time. I would like to hear advice from a psychologist on how to help a teenager decide on a future profession.

“I think that first it’s worth determining what the girl is interested in, and what type of profession she considers herself to be, what she does better.” In the traditional classification, several types of professions are distinguished: “man – nature”, “man – technology”, “man – sign system”, “man – man” and “man – artistic image”. There are also new trends in this issue: someone identifies a sixth type: “person - self-realization.” Traditionally there are five of them. Let me tell you a little more about them.

"Man-nature". Naturally, such people like to interact with living or inanimate nature, in general with nature. They like to spend time taking care of animals, they are interested in the world of plants, and here you can immediately understand that this person belongs to this type.

"Man - technology". Here everything is also on the surface - this is a person who can interact with technology quite easily. For example, he can quickly fix something, understands all the mechanisms, they listen to him and give in to him.

“Man is a sign system”. This is a person who is interested, who is good at interacting with the world of signs, information in the form of tables, numbers, drawings - everything that is connected with designation, i.e. with the transformation of information into a sign system. If a person is interested in this, then you can think about looking for a specialty in this direction.

"Man is a man". This type is a person who enjoys interacting with people. He loves to communicate, makes contact easily, for him communication is very important in life. Therefore, professions that require communication with other people are most suitable for him.

“Man is an artistic image”. This creative people who are interested in drawing, singing, dancing - that is, not just doing something, but bringing something of their own. These include artists, actors, etc.

The sixth type, which is already distinguished: “man is self-realization”. This is a person for whom it is important to achieve certain results, to show oneself, to realize oneself in something. These are athletes, politicians, fashion models - professions associated with the realization of oneself. Although it must be said that many professions interact with different types, and it cannot be said that any profession belongs to only one type. And, nevertheless, it is important to understand which at least two types you relate to more, because this will already help you narrow down the circle.

I would also say that there are performer-type people and there are creative-type people. It's easier for some to do finished task which was given to him. There are people who are performers, very good performers. They need a job where everything is predictable for them, there is a clear work schedule, a daily routine, there are clear obligations, and the amount of work. And there are those for whom, on the contrary, certain boundaries are very tight, and it is easier for them to work in some kind of creative mode, when they themselves can decide which day to sleep, and which to work until 12 o’clock or until 2 am . When they themselves determine approximate deadlines for themselves, they are more free, and this is very important for them. Every special person I must, first of all, honestly answer myself the question: “Am I more of a performer, or am I more of a creative person, what is more in me?” And then it will be clear, taking into account this feature, which professional path you should follow, and where it will be quite difficult.

In general, when choosing a profession, it is necessary to take into account interests, abilities and personal qualities. It happens like this: there is an interest in something, but there are not enough abilities in this direction. Or the abilities are good, but there are no certain personal qualities that are needed specifically for this profession. For example, the profession of an emergency worker is interesting to a child; he can master it, but he lacks stamina, endurance, and self-control. And then the question arises: whether to choose this path if such a discrepancy is felt. If it’s really difficult to choose, then you should look for a backup option. And there is a situation when a person wants to follow this professional path so much that he engages in self-education, and he manages to develop some personal qualities in himself that were not there initially - in order to be in this profession.

— My name is Anya, I’m 15 years old, I don’t know what profession I should choose. Help me please.

— It’s probably worth applying here after all. individual consultation to a psychologist to understand what strengths there are. I don’t believe that in one person there is such a selection that there is nothing to cling to - this cannot happen. Here we can talk about the fact that something is not revealed in a person, because each of us is given some abilities, but not everyone reveals them. Probably, in this case, the girl was unlucky, and she did not see - or her parents did not see, did not help her see in herself what she could choose. Subjects with a “C” are not an indicator that she can or cannot continue studying - there is always a chance, so the main thing is to understand yourself and find some clues: what do you like more, what does you do better?

— Please advise where a 15-year-old teenager can apply on his own, where they can help him choose a profession?

- Firstly, this is the school where he studied. Every school has those responsible for career guidance, so you need to go to the director, the head teacher, and ask who is responsible for career guidance at the school. Sometimes this is a psychologist who combines these two positions, sometimes a social teacher, sometimes just an individual specialist, or just a teacher who is responsible for career guidance. There are state-funded career guidance centers where you can undergo free diagnostics and receive professional advice. If you are unable to get paid service To decide on a career choice, there are also free resources that you need to use. Now there are a lot of articles on the Internet on the topic of how to get to know yourself better, career guidance tests have been posted.

My daughter is 17 years old, she has been interested in dancing since childhood, she has been singing, she would like to become a “star”, but she says that she does not have enough talent for this, and now she will be unhappy all her life, since she does not want to do anything else. He says: “Choose any profession for me, but at least money.” She studies well and has a chance of entering any university. What should I do - really choose a profession for her - take on such a huge responsibility or... Please advise.

“Here I would ask the question: does the child really have no chance of achieving success along this path, does the girl really have a lot of expectations, ambitions, but in fact, she doesn’t sing very well and dances so-so.” And then, maybe, it’s worth giving her the opportunity to find herself in something else, and leave everything else as a hobby.

If we are talking here about the fact that she is good at singing and dancing, but there is some kind of low self-esteem, uncertainty about whether she will succeed - then this is already personal problems that need to be resolved. If she's doing well, maybe she'll solve these problems and move forward. And then - after all, you can become a “star” even if you have higher education. If a girl has already decided on some artistic direction of dancing or singing, maybe she should go to Musical direction, and if they recognize her there and take her, this will be a definite support for her, that after all, she is doing something, and the first step towards her dreams. But still, I would say that initially to achieve such success, to become a celebrity, is still such an infantile request - in some way childish, normal for a teenager. If a person’s only goal has always been to become famous, and suddenly this really doesn’t work out, then for him the whole world collapses. You still need to build and sow something else around your dream, so that you have something to rely on and something to live on.

I would not recommend that a mother succumb to this feeling of her daughter: “it’s all the same,” “choose for me, I’ll go to study wherever you say.” Responsibility for the choice is taken by a person - a teenager, in in this case. And what she chooses for herself, what direction - she will follow this path long years. And it’s very easy to blame someone: “well, you chose, you wanted, and I, please, went.” No, sorry, the choice is still made by the person himself, who will follow this path and move forward. Therefore, the mother needs to gain strength and patience in order to withstand this and not succumb to such provocations. And yet, it is imperative to support the daughter, because there is a feeling that the daughter lacks some kind of support at this moment, she is disappointed, because her dreams and thoughts that she will be famous are not coming true.

In fact, having received a profession that corresponds personal qualities, and selected taking into account interests and abilities, a person will always be able to find where to apply it. And I would also say this: education does not end with a diploma - there are professions where you need to study, and study constantly. Therefore, you can always retrain and take a different path if you know how and love to learn.

Transcript of the video from the series of programs “Mom’s School”

Modern children mature physically quickly, but later mature psychologically. How does volitional immaturity influence the choice of profession? How can you help a teenager's self-determination? Psychologist Ekaterina Burmistrova answers.

Formation of will and professional self-determination

Ekaterina Burmistrova. Photo by Yulia Makoveychuk

The formation of will usually occurs at the age of 15–16, and begins around the age of 10–11–12. If at 15–16 years old a child doesn’t want anything: doesn’t want to study, doesn’t imagine who he wants to be, this situation can and should be corrected, this is not a hopeless situation, but it is already very neglected. There are more and more such stories. But, unfortunately, the publications that parents read do not write about this, although it is high time. It seems to me that this situation is not psychological, but psycho-social.

Since the beginning of the 90s, great changes have occurred in our country. The current generation of parents is one of those who managed to form before the start of these processes or at the very beginning of the 90s. And today's teenagers are children of timelessness, an era of social cataclysms. No matter how hard we try to create greenhouse conditions for children at home, the air of change still penetrates into their lives.

Teenagers are designed this way - they are interested in everything that happens around them. They are often interested in what is not allowed. And they are interested in things that are different from their parents' points of view. And the social situation is like a pond in which everything is churned up - old structures are destroyed, but new ones have not arisen. Absent in children positive image the country in which they live, the nationality to which they belong, they do not see positive prospects, the dynamics of the development of Russian society.

For example, who is the hero of a modern Russian TV series now, even if teenagers don’t watch it? Bandit, cop, office plankton, something in between a crook and a manager, etc.

Profession or income?

Teenagers grow up in a society where there is no career guidance at all. Today's teenagers have no idea what is important, and they think more about earning money rather than about their profession. This is something that has changed a lot over last decades. And if in Soviet years Concentration on earnings was considered something unworthy, but today’s children say that it doesn’t matter what I will do, the main thing is how much money I will earn.

I really like to tell the story that happened at the graduation party kindergarten. The children were offered a game - a flower was drawn, on the petals of which different professions were written, separate flowers for girls and boys, and each child had to take one petal. The list of professions was compiled by educators.

What professions were not on the flower for boys? There were no professions: military man, astronaut, scientist, teacher, engineer, doctor, builder, tractor driver. There were no creative professions on the list at all. So what professions were there? DJ, top manager, lawyer, academician, banker, businessman, motorcycle racer, athlete, president. The girls had the same story. Professions were written: model, actress, designer, housewife, stylist. This reflects well the ranking of current professions.

Difficulties in choosing a profession

Career guidance is also how parents react to their child’s choice of profession. If he says he wants to be a teacher, his parents will probably say, “Oh, no. Teachers have very low salaries.” And career guidance consists of who the child constantly sees on TV: who is interviewed, who constantly participates in various programs. In reality, no one is engaged in real career guidance. And the status of creative professions has dropped significantly. Of course, rated professions are described with best sides, but no one talks about competition, psychological crises, or the melancholy that befalls the same top managers in their tenth year of work.

IN Soviet time at school there was a subject - military-industrial complex. Even if there was no perfection there, the children mastered different professions - cooks, seamstresses, decorators, restorers, drivers, bookbinders. The child can now choose professions according to the range of possibilities big city. What does a child see in a metropolis? Tajik janitors who earn pennies, Moldovan salespeople, Armenian drivers, metro girls, harassed teachers. This is, of course, an aggravation, but in general it is so. There is no investment in science in the country, there are no structures supporting industry and agriculture.

That is, today's children cannot help but have problems choosing a profession. Everything is transferred only to the family. Only a family can really help a teenager choose a profession. Although it is in the family that the wings of a child’s dream can be broken. And parents, as a rule, do not give their children the right to make mistakes in choosing a profession. And how will children make mistakes or make at least some choice in life and profession if parents accompany their children everywhere until the tenth grade?

Lack of independence of modern children

Lack of independence is built into the education system from the primary grades. And parents have to do homework with their child in first grade, in fifth grade, and this is highly encouraged by teachers. Then the parents either take the child to tutors, or the tutors come to the child. This is very important - from whom the volitional intention comes. For a very long time, volitional intention comes from parents - this is how our society is structured and this is how our education is structured. Here is a quote from parent meeting in the 8th grade: “Mom, you’re not doing enough work, you have two independent grades in physics that are Cs.”

The child is now perceived as a kind of reservoir that needs to be filled with information - better, faster, more. The child is perceived as a recipient, as a recipient of knowledge. He is not active in this process. And already in adolescence, a protest begins - someone gets piercings on all parts of the body, someone forges iron armor and goes to play role-playing games, someone finds more severe forms of protest.

Is there a way out?

How to avoid all this? My opinion is to at least not do homework with your child. Not to do as much as his psychotype allows, in primary school need to be taught to do homework. Try not to do homework with your child, and under no circumstances do it for him. Check - on demand, when the child asks to check.

And school should not be the child's only area of ​​functioning. The child must have impressions in addition to consuming information. At least football after school, and not just English language. Impressions related to activities with the hands, body, and social relationships are needed in addition to consuming information from teachers at different institutions.

It seems to me that a metropolis is a very narrow world, it is very fragmented, we do not see full picture. In children, with a huge flow of information, the social environment. In Soviet times, it was customary to take schoolchildren to factories, but now this is not the case. Therefore, the task of parents is to expand the child’s experience, both social and when the child can do something with his hands. After all, a child remembers something he made himself for a very long time, for example, baked cookies or brewed soap.

And the huge flow of information only disorients the child; he does not understand why he needs to study chemistry or physics, for example.

More important point: both in society and in education, children are focused not on the process, but on the result. Nobody cares about the average result. Children are forced to play below their level. Children, especially the eldest in the family, are often under great pressure from their parents' expectations. They must realize everything that their parents, and perhaps also their grandparents, did not realize.

It turns out that the child in the class is one out of thirty. And according to the families' expectations, about 27 out of 30 should be the first. This is very difficult, and it is very fueled in society - all these ratings, competitions, etc. And children often lose motivation, realizing that they cannot be the first.

Teenagers come to me for consultations, and among other questions I ask: “Is it fashionable to study at your school?” As a rule, they say that a few people study, but the majority don’t care.

No ready answers

I would like parents not to wait for ready-made answers to such questions, but to compose a set of questions themselves - for themselves, for each other in the parental couple, for the child’s teachers, for the child. We need to understand where the answers to these questions are not enough.

And I also want to remind you of one of the great, firmly rooted myths that the school will provide career guidance, and the child can figure out the choice of profession on his own. This, unfortunately, is not the case. A child can only find his way in the family, communicating with parents and other adults. Otherwise, parents convey this topic to someone unknown - either to the media, or to teenage friends, or simply to someone else’s uncle. They should know this.

The main thing is that children feel their parents’ interest in the topic of their future profession. It’s good if children get involved in a dialogue, or even a polyphony of opinions, or even partly in an argument.

Prepared by Tamara Amelina

(to help those choosing a profession)

The importance of choosing the right profession

Choosing a profession, a job that provides professional growth, material wealth, and public recognition is one of the most important concerns and problems of every person. But it is often solved at the level of intuition, or even under the influence of mood, superficial impressions, parental whim, through trial and error.

The negative consequences of mistakes in choosing a profession are often not taken into account and not calculated. Let us cite the opinion of a famous publicist: “Having taken a job that is not according to your abilities, taking a place that is not yours, it is difficult, and maybe even impossible, to be an honest person in general.” That's right. A mediocre worker, as a rule, is self-confident, prone to lies, laziness, envy, flattery, and sometimes even extortion. Thus, he tries to fill the emptiness of the soul and become at least somewhat significant and significant.

The French thinker Saint-Simon wrote that the cause of almost all troubles in society is “failed vocations, violence against inclinations, imposed professions and the resulting displeasures and evil passions.” The above is true not only in relation to “high” intellectual professions, but also to ordinary professions. A mediocre politician, military leader, manager, lawyer, doctor is a real disaster. But there is a lot of trouble and damage from an incompetent plumber, teleworker, turner and baker, whose hands and head are clearly not suitable for the work being performed. Hackwork and marriage not only economically, but also morally impoverish society.

Meanwhile, according to generalized data, 20–30% of workers in various fields activities are “out of place”, as evidenced by failure to meet production standards, job descriptions, excessive fatigue, fraught with serious illnesses. And 70–80% of workers and specialists are not satisfied with their chosen profession for these and other reasons. The more complex and responsible the work, the more such cases there are.

The problem of choosing a profession has objective origins and grounds. What are they? There are persistent differences between people, as well as between professions. Speed ​​of reaction, awareness of information and decision making in large group people vary significantly; About 1120 variations of temperament and character were also identified. A certain combination of certain human characteristics explicitly or implicitly gravitates towards specific groups of professions.

Each profession (and there are tens of thousands of them) has its own requirements for a person, its own character, its own calculations. As they say, we choose and we are chosen.

By connecting a suitable person with a profession or position that matches his individual characteristics, you can get big win in increasing productivity and quality of labor, reducing injuries, occupational diseases, increasing well-being, income, satisfaction with work and life. These are the effects and potential of choosing the right profession.


Choosing a profession is a difficult and responsible step in your life.

Don't leave the choice of your future profession to chance.

Use information from professionals.

You must choose a profession carefully, taking into account your abilities, inner beliefs, real possibilities, weighing all the pros and cons.

To this end:

  • study yourself more deeply: understand your interests (what is interesting only as a hobby, and what can become a profession), inclinations, character traits and physical capabilities;
  • think about your strengths and weak sides, main and secondary qualities;
  • Explore careers that match your interests and abilities;
  • read specialized books and magazines;
  • outline a pre-selected profession or group of related professions;
  • talk with representatives of your chosen professions, try to visit the workplace of these specialists, familiarize yourself with the nature and working conditions;
  • think about how, where and when you can try your hand at your chosen profession;
  • get acquainted with educational institutions where you can get your chosen profession;
  • compare personal qualities and capabilities with the nature of the profession you have chosen;
  • Having made a decision, do not give up in the face of difficulties: be persistent in achieving your goals.

Principles that should guide a person choosing a profession

Principle of Consciousness

A person who clearly understands:

  • what he wants (aware of his goals, life plans, ideals, aspirations, value orientations);
  • that he is (knowing his personal and physical characteristics);
  • what he can (knowing his inclinations, abilities, talents);
  • what the job and the workforce will require of him.

Principle of correspondence

The chosen profession must meet (correspond to) the interests, inclinations, abilities, state of health of the person and at the same time the needs of society for personnel.

Activity principle/b>

You have to actively look for a profession yourself. The following are expected to play a major role in this:

  • practical test of strength in clubs, sections, and electives;
  • reading literature, going on excursions and educational institutions in "Days open doors»;
  • meetings with specialists;
  • independent contact with a psychologist or vocational consultant.

Development principle

This principle reflects the idea of ​​the need to develop in oneself the qualities that are needed for any profession. This and mental processes(thinking, memory, attention), and the following character traits: hard work, conscientiousness, diligence, organization, diligence, independence, initiative, ability to endure failures, endurance, perseverance.

Mistakes and difficulties when choosing a profession

1. Ignorance of the rules for choosing a profession:

  • choosing a profession for the company;
  • transfer of attitude towards a person to the profession itself;
  • identification of an educational subject with a profession;
  • orientation towards highly qualified professions;
  • inability to determine the path to obtaining a profession.

2. Ignorance of oneself:

  • ignorance or underestimation of one’s physical characteristics;
  • ignorance or underestimation of one’s psychological characteristics;
  • inability to correlate one's abilities with the requirements of the profession.

3. Ignorance of the world of professions:

  • passion only for the external side of the profession;
  • prejudice regarding the prestige of the profession;
  • ignorance of the requirements of the profession for a person;
  • outdated ideas about the nature and working conditions of a particular profession.

Questions that are useful to know the answer to when planning your professional career

  • What skills and abilities do you get the most satisfaction from?
  • What are your main interests and favorite pastimes?
  • Which academic subjects do you have favorites?
  • What would you like to do every day for 8 hours, year after year?
  • What is your dream job?
  • Where do you imagine your occupation will be in 10 years?
  • What would be your ideal job? Describe it in as much detail as possible. Imagine yourself in this job. Who do you work with and how do you spend your time?
  • What are your criteria for choosing a profession (required and desirable)?
  • What strengths and skills do you have that make you feel qualified for the job that seems ideal to you?
  • What gaps in your knowledge and skills do you need to close to land your ideal job?
  • If your ideal job is not currently achievable, what kind of work could you do to move you in your chosen direction?
  • Who can you consult with to get information useful for career planning?
  • What are your immediate and long-term career goals? Write them down and strive to complete all points.


Want – aspirations of the individual (desires, interests, inclinations, ideals).

Can – personal capabilities (state of health, abilities, level of knowledge, character, temperament).

Necessary – society’s needs for personnel, and awareness of the need to expend certain efforts to achieve vital goals

Student's personal professional plan

Characteristics of the professional plan

  • Certainty, clarity of plan (if a person indicates a single profession and the corresponding type of educational institution).
  • Completeness of the plan (when all the necessary factors for choosing a profession are taken into account: the orientation of interests, inclinations, abilities, state of health, level of education, etc.).
  • Stability of the plan over time (confidence in the correctness of the choice and the desire to implement it).
  • Realism of the plan (reliance on real social and psychological possibilities for implementing choice).
  • Logical validity and internal consistency (correlating a person’s aptitudes and abilities with the requirements of the profession).
  • Moral justification plan (if the motives of the profession relate to the content of the activity).
  • Consistency plan with the needs of the labor market.

Stages of forming a professional plan

Composing personal professional plan, necessary:

  • determine what type of activity you are interested in; analyze the extent to which inclinations to work in the spheres of “man-nature”, “man-technology”, “man-person”, “man-sign system”, “man-artistic image” are expressed; draw up a formula for the profession of interest;
  • find out which professions are needed in the labor market of the city or region in which you live;
  • compare the data received and draw a conclusion in which area of ​​professional activity you could work;
  • get acquainted with the professions of interest, talking with their representatives, using profession charts, special literature; consult with parents; consult a doctor;
  • correlate your individual characteristics with the requirements of your chosen profession;
  • find out the content of the profession of interest, working conditions, prospects for professional growth;
  • get acquainted with possible ways to master the profession; visit educational institutions at “Open Days”;
  • analyze the advantages and disadvantages of various ways of obtaining general educational and professional training.

Professional suitability

The following degrees of professional suitability are distinguished.

1. Unsuitability. It can be temporary or practically insurmountable. It is talked about in cases where there are deviations in health that are incompatible with work. However, this does not mean that a person cannot work - work in this profession can worsen a person’s condition. Contraindications are not only medical, but also psychological: certain strong personal qualities will be an obstacle to mastering a certain profession.

2. Suitability. It is characterized by the fact that there are no contraindications, but there are no obvious indications. In other words, neither for nor against. “You can choose this profession. It’s possible that you will become a good worker.” Approximately these words can characterize this degree of professional suitability.

3. compliance. There are no contraindications and there are some personal qualities that meet the requirements of the profession. For example, there is a expressed interest in certain objects of labor (technology, nature, people, art) or successful experience in this field. At the same time, compliance with other professions is not excluded. “You can choose this profession. And it’s very likely that you will be a good worker.”

4. Vocation. This - highest level professional suitability. It is characterized by the fact that in all elements of its structure there is obvious signs compliance of a person with the requirements of the chosen type of work. It's about about the characteristics by which a person stands out among his peers who are in equal conditions of learning and development. “It is in this area of ​​work that people will need you most.”

To discover your calling, it is important to boldly “try on” yourself to the most different professions, you need to practically try your hand at different types labor.

What you need to know when choosing an educational institution

Perhaps your chosen profession can be obtained at several educational institutions. In this case, the problem of choosing an educational institution arises. Right choice can be done by knowing everything about these educational institutions.

When collecting information about an educational institution, you should get answers to the following questions.

  • What level of education does the educational institution provide (vocational, secondary specialized, higher)?
  • In what specialties and specializations is vocational training provided?
  • What qualification is awarded upon graduation?
  • What forms of training are provided (day, evening, correspondence)? Paid or free training? What is the payment amount?
  • What are the requirements for applicants (age, health, gender, level of education)?
  • What is the procedure for admission to the educational institution (deadlines for submitting documents, deadlines for passing exams, benefits for applicants)?
  • How long is the training?
  • Does the educational institution provide assistance in finding employment for graduates?
  • Are there any preparatory courses? When do they start working and what is their cost?
  • When are “Open Days” held at the educational institution?
  • Where is the educational institution located and what is its full name?

It is difficult for any teenager to make such an important decision, but it is especially difficult for orphans from orphanages and correctional schools. How to properly build their future, whether a graduate can decide without the help of adults - these and other questions were discussed by the participants " round table» in the press center « Komsomolskaya Pravda": heads of professional lyceums and orphanages, specialists from the employment service and the Ministry of Education and Science of the region.

One of the most important decisions in life - the choice of profession - a person has to make in very at a young age. And often it is not desires, dreams and ambitions that become decisive, but completely different, more prosaic reasons: financial situation, impossibility of moving to another city, family circumstances. The problems faced by graduates of orphanages and correctional schools are even greater. Here are just a few of them: the list of professions and educational institutions where they can obtain them is limited. Some are hampered by health problems, others by the lack of dormitories.

The general trend is confirmed by individual examples. Guest of the round table, 20-year-old Galya Rusak, is now studying at Lyceum No. 33 to become a seamstress, and she says:

I didn’t intend to go into this profession, it turned out that way. Now I'm finishing my studies Last year, at the same time I go to evening school, and then I will become a pastry chef - I wanted this from the very beginning. And only then will I go to work.

Nadezhda Terentyeva is 18, and she was also sent to be a seamstress, and also missed the mark:

Together with Galya I will become a pastry chef.

These girls sincerely intend to work, they don’t yet know that Russian laws allow orphans to sit idle and receive benefits of more than 20 thousand. Such support encourages a dependent mood - and this is also a big problem: I don’t want to study - and it’s impossible to expel an orphan; if I don’t go to work, give me an allowance.

It’s true,” Galya and Nadya confirm. - There are a lot of them.

But even if an orphan or a disadvantaged teenager has made his choice and entered a vocational lyceum or school, there is simply no one to take care of them: in an orphanage there is one teacher for every five pupils, in schools - for 50. And neglect often leads to crime, drug addiction and alcoholism . For those who have overcome all these dubious temptations, fate has already prepared a new blow: it is almost impossible to get a job, and those who find a place are paid a meager 4-6 thousand rubles a month.

Come, the doors are open!

The introduction of professions to schoolchildren in the region, as they say, has been put on stream: both in schools, and in the employment service, and in specially created career guidance centers, graduates and high school students are offered both testing and consultations - all free of charge, at any time. But still special role plays an example of peers and the opportunity to do something with your own hands.

A year before graduation, we begin to take our children to schools, both on visits and for training, so that they can be convinced whether this profession is suitable for them or not, says the director of Krasnoyarsk orphanage“Gems” Lyudmila Sotnikova.

We have a master class for each specialty, and the goal is the same - “trying on” the profession,” adds the deputy director for educational educational work Kansky Lyceum No. 12 Lyudmila Ostova.

We choose a profession with the help of a medical-pedagogical consultation and combine “I want” and “I can” into a single whole. This kind of work begins in seventh grade,” says Svetlana Filkina, deputy director for educational work at the Sosnovoborsky orphanage. – Unfortunately, the list of educational institutions and specialties for children with disabilities is small.

We are preparing children for a profession together with the mechanical engineering lyceum - an experimental site of federal significance has been created on the basis of our educational institutions,” says the director of the Krasnoyarsk correctional boarding school of the VIII type No. 5 Elena Klochkova. – Children study at both school and lyceum for two years. As a result, they receive a state-issued education document (in ordinary correctional schools they are not issued), profession and social adaptation - children with disabilities become ordinary.

By the way, there are very few orphans in this lyceum: 36 out of 734.

The stereotype that incapable and unsuccessful people go to school really bothers us,” says social teacher of the Krasnoyarsk Mechanical Engineering Lyceum Tatyana Figurovskaya. “That’s why we invite everyone to see how good we are.” And many of those who were invisible at school reveal their abilities here. There has been a lot of talk here about career guidance work, and it is certainly needed to prevent what happened to Galya and Nadya: they wanted to become confectioners, but are studying to become seamstresses. However, in the last year, alarming signals have appeared: the results of a survey we conducted showed that already 25% of children are ready to study close to home - what kind of career choice can we talk about here?

We regularly hold open days, by the way, the nearest one is April 1,” adds Elena Nekrasova, Deputy Director for Educational Work of the Krasnoyarsk Mechanical Engineering Lyceum. – Their peculiarity is that our students share their experience: look at me, I already know how to do this, and you can do it. In addition, we have many clubs and sections in which children from all over the region study - and so, through rap and parkour, they then come to us to get a profession.

Leapfrog of budgets

Another problem that hinders the choice of a working profession is the presence or absence of hostels. Children from other cities most likely will not go to study where there is no bed for them, and for orphans the problem of housing becomes decisive. It would seem that the solution lies on the surface: they could stay in the orphanage and go to school by bus, as all “home” students do. And the teenager himself is more accustomed to it, and in the orphanage he doesn’t mind, and the state, it would seem, doesn’t care where exactly the money is spent to support the orphan. It turns out that it’s not all the same: the funds are distributed among different departments. Regional problems are also added to this leapfrog of budgets.

For example, the regional law defines: in primary and secondary institutions vocational education Only low-income people are given free food. But for this you need to bring a certificate. And if mom and dad don’t care about the child, then even more so they don’t care about getting help. “And without a document, food is not allowed,” he says Chief Specialist Department of Primary and Secondary Vocational Education and Upbringing of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Tatyana Kondratyuk. - Meanwhile, out of 18 thousand students of technical schools and colleges, a third are low-income, plus a little more than three thousand orphans, about a thousand in a socially dangerous situation - as a result, 70% need free food, and almost all of them require increased attention from teachers and psychologists.

But the most difficult children are those who come from rehabilitation centers, says Lyudmila Ostova, deputy director for educational work at Kansk Lyceum No. 12. – They have no habit of either studying or normal life, the situation is deadlocked: they have nothing to do in the orphanage - they cannot continue their education in grades 10-11, and it is difficult for us to work with them - staffing table does not allow us to hire teachers for them.

Specialists also understand that even the most difficult children, even those with the most modest capabilities, cannot be isolated in specially created educational institutions.

We, fortunately, have moved away from the boarding school system in which children both lived and studied. Now they communicate more, adapt better to new conditions,” says Commissioner for Children’s Rights in the Krasnoyarsk Territory Albina Komovich, who writes down all the expressed wishes and problems - first-hand information will be useful for developing new laws of the region aimed at protecting the rights of children.

Socially, we are sure that our graduates will not have any problems,” confirms the social teacher of the orphanage-lyceum named after. Sovmena Valentin Nenashkina. – They study in different schools, go to clubs and sections, graduates take preparatory courses – Khazret Medzhidovich paid for pre-university training for everyone. All our older children live in blocks for two - they get used to independent life, they keep order themselves. And although our orphanage, as one of two non-state ones in the region, gives graduates a good chance of becoming successful, it is not without problems. In particular, I agree with my colleagues - there are many difficulties in choosing a profession, and they also fully affect us. It seems like there are enough educational institutions, but there are no hostels - where to live? We can’t keep them ourselves - there’s no more funding for them. This year our orphanage will have its first graduates, 12 people: 10 are going to universities, 2 to colleges, another seven 9th grade graduates will need to decide on the choice of primary or secondary vocational education. Maybe it will be more difficult for our children in life - they are used to good conditions, maybe, on the contrary, the acquired knowledge and skills will keep them on the right path.

What to choose: 20 thousand or 5?

But the most difficult problem, according to the general opinion of the round table participants, is employment. The crisis, which threw qualified adult workers into the labor market, completely cut off the oxygen for specialists with a diploma but no experience.

A new regional program “Trainee” is aimed at solving the problem of employment of graduates (absolutely everyone registered with the employment service), which can be used by 800 people a year: the state will pay them for six months for their work, and funds are also provided for paying a mentor. Thus, the program is beneficial for both employers (there is no need to pay a beginner, inexperienced specialist) and mentors ( additional income), and graduates of educational institutions (gaining experience).

A special situation in the labor market has developed for orphans. When starting a professional career, they usually receive about five thousand a month, and those who are registered at the employment center as unemployed are entitled to an allowance of more than 20 thousand. True, it’s only six months – then you still have to start working. Or study again. It’s clear why orphans don’t want to work: even a child can see the difference between 5 and 20 thousand. All participants in the round table agreed that the orphan should be supported financially. But you can’t give money just like that - this is also obvious. It would be nice to give the same amount, but only to those who got a job - but for this the legislation needs to be changed.

In the meantime, out of 1,766 orphans of the region under the age of 23 who applied to the employment service in 2009, only 210 were employed. Another 140 were sent for retraining, and the rest received benefits, says the head of the department of material support and special programs Labor and Employment Agency of the Krasnoyarsk Territory Natalya Passazhinskaya.

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