To protect yourself or not? Debunking myths. Hair and nails continue to grow after death - a lie. Animals can predict natural disasters - rather a lie

Biographical information.

Vladimir Batshev is the author of more than two dozen books, the most famous of which are “The Broken Legged Generation”, “Notes of a Parasite”, “Murder is the Rule of the Game”, “Espionage Networks”, “Chronicle of the Day” Z "and others. Not long ago I finished my many years of work - the tetralogy “Vlasov. Experience literary research civil war in the USSR in 1941-45."

All Russian publishing houses disowned the publication of this scandalous book, and it saw the light only in Germany, in his own publishing house “Bridges”.

"Vlasov" - research, dedicated to biography General Andrei Vlasov and those associated with her little-known pages Soviet-German war. According to the author, his work is an attempt to restore the historical truth and debunk the myths of the Great Patriotic War, which, in his opinion, in fact, was neither great nor domestic. So…

— Tell me, Vladimir Semenovich, how did you come up with the idea of ​​​​creating a literary study? How long did you work on it?

— I wrote this book for almost 15 years. I have been collecting materials for it since 1965, after Vladimir Bukovsky told me about Soviet murderers and arsonists dressed in SS uniforms. (Many years later I discovered this fact in the archive) In the study, I wanted to give more clearly the facts, events, of people. An example for me was “The Gulag Archipelago” by A.I. Solzhenitsyn, and I followed the road he outlined. It’s not for nothing that there are so many references to Alexander Isaevich in my book.

— How do you explain such a sharp rejection of your work by Russian publishing houses?

— I offered my book to sixteen leading Russian publishing houses, but they all refused me. “Vlasov” did not suit those who decide publishing policy in Russia. The theme of the Soviet-German war is the last thing that the current Russian ideological apparatus has left of Soviet myths, and the debunking of these ideologies is serious blow according to Soviet mythology. And I'm not the first here. Viktor Suvorov hit them with his “Icebreaker” 10 years earlier.

- Whatever you say, Viktor Suvorov is a traitor, as is Andrei Vlasov, whom you call a tyrant fighter and a sufferer, doomed to a poor choice between Stalin’s piano wire and the shameful position of Hitler’s puppet...

— Lawyer R. West in her book “The Meaning of Treason” quite rightly noted that every citizen owes allegiance (this includes moral and ethical loyalty in addition to legal) only to the country that provides him with protection, and, therefore, cannot commit treason if the laws of his countries do not provide him with such protection. From this point of view, the millions of citizens of the USSR who were repressed in one form or another in 1929-1941 were in no way obliged to owe allegiance to the Soviet state. As for Andrei Andreevich, he was not a traitor, but a great Russian patriot. He, together with the German conspiratorial officers, pursued his own independent line. We should all be like this!

“I call a traitor a person who violates the oath taken.” And everyone’s motives can be whatever they want. One of the philosophers once said: “All traitors can be divided into three categories: self-interested, ambitious and philosophers.” It is quite possible that Andrei Vlasov was a philosopher who was disappointed in the “protection provided to him,” but this does not stop him from being a traitor. Personally, I am much closer to the position of General Denikin, to whom a deputation of the German military came in January 1942. On behalf of their government, they offered the general to lead the Russian army, which would take part in the war against the Soviets, together with the Wehrmacht. Anton Ivanovich, having listened to the proposal, answered the uninvited guests: “I am too old to lead the army, but I have enough strength not to become a traitor to my people.” With these words, the veteran of the fight against the Bolsheviks completely destroyed the ideological basis of the Vlasov movement, which portrayed their struggle as if exclusively against communism and Stalin and in no case against the people.

- You are repeating a Soviet fake. Denikin was a Germanophobe and did not believe in victory over Stalin. At all. He said that “communism in Russia is forever, it is God’s punishment” (in which he was right). But despite this, Denikin, during the handing over of the Vlasovites and Cossacks to Stalin by the Americans and the British, stood up for his comrades in the fight against communism. This is what he wrote: “Your Excellency, I know that there are “Yalta Paragraphs”, but there is also, although now trampled upon, the tradition of free democratic peoples - the Right of Asylum. There is also military ethics that does not allow violence even against a defeated enemy.

Finally, there is Christian morality, which obliges us to justice and mercy. “I appeal to you, Your Excellency, as a soldier to a soldier and I hope that my voice will be heard.”

No German military men came to Denikin and could not come - this is also a Soviet fake. First of all, because the Germans had a negative attitude towards Russian military emigration.

I am not the first who wants to restore the good name of Andrei Andreevich Vlasov and the millions who died in the fight against communism. There is a very large literature on this topic in the West. The “Traitor or Patriot” problem here has long been resolved in favor of Vlasov. I’m not talking about the huge memoir literature of the participants of the ODNR (Liberation Movement of the Peoples of Russia), most of which I, if not collected, then thoroughly studied. It is not for nothing that the epigraph to the first volume is the words of Jefferson: “Unsuccessful fighters against tyranny have been the chief martyrs of the laws against treason in all countries.”

— In your work you refer to many documents. Where can I find them? For example, I am not at all convinced by W’s article .Carolfrom the magazine, Life" dated 12/19/1949 or Walter Gorlitz's book "The Second World War", from which you gleaned the number of participants in armed anti-Soviet detachments, which, according to these authors, constituted in the autumn of 1944 1,200,000 people.

— You can familiarize yourself with the documents I used in the German military archive in the city of Freiburg. By the way, these figures are not disputed by ANYONE, even current Russian researchers. I even toned them down a little.

— You write that both Zoya Kosmodemyanskaya and Arkady Gaidar were treated at one time in psychiatric hospital. If so, this does not in any way detract from their courage at the moment of meeting death. And what, by and large, does it matter whether Alexander Matrosov, who threw himself at the embrasure, was a criminal? Any past pales in comparison to the feat accomplished by man. Do you disagree with this?

- The fact that the “heroes” you named were treated in the Ganushkin psychiatric hospital in Moscow is a fact, and I cite in the book the testimony of the attending physician Kosmodemyanskaya, who, in fact, is not a heroine, but an accomplice of the murderers. Setting fire to a house where a Russian family lives with small children and where two German soldiers are stationed is a crime.

But Arkady Gaidar didn’t understand the point at all modern warfare and forced his companions to create in the near rear of the advancing German army (!) partisan detachment. When they refused, Gaidar threatened to hand them over to the Special Department of the NKVD after crossing the front line, and they shot him. That's the whole feat. And Alexander Matrosov simply could not rush into the embrasure of a standard German bunker, because closing it requires six or seven such heroes, no less.

— From your work it follows that Soviet people waited for Hitler's invasion in order to free himself from Stalin's yoke, rejoiced at the arrival of the Nazis on native land, did not support the partisans and in general partisan movement there was no such thing. The NKVD in the occupied territory collaborated with the Gestapo. The underground was also a profanation. The entire Soviet people simply dreamed of a speedy victory for the Nazis. It is not clear then how, given the widespread desire to lose the war, it was won.

— I didn’t write “the Soviet people,” but “the population of the USSR hated the communist regime. And the arrival of the Germans - not the Nazis! – was greeted as the arrival of liberators.

But Hitler deceived the Russian people. He said: “We are coming to free you from communism” - but this was not so. Hitler was going to turn Russia into a raw material appendage of the Third Reich. And when, already in 1942, people saw that German promises were at odds with their local policies, they lost confidence in the Germans and, roughly speaking, went to those partisans whom they had recently caught and handed over to the Germans.

— You write: “In territories captured by the enemy, peasants armed themselves. Hated communists and security officers were shot locally, fortunately the Germans looked at this with approval. The people did not want to fight for Stalin and the collective farms, and three million surrendered in 1941. They were captured not only from the encirclement, but voluntarily and en masse; sometimes, as witnesses say, they were captured while accompanied by a brass band.”

I was able to talk to several rather elderly people who took part in those terrible events the first year of the war. They call the above thesis a monstrous profanation. These people now live in Germany, they are too old to be disingenuous or afraid of anyone, including the shadow of the “father of nations” who died in God. It seems to me that you are throwing out the baby with the bathwater. It was possible to hate Stalin, but at the same time defend your homeland from the Nazis. However, the issue of mass hatred of the leader in those years is also very controversial. According to many historians and political scientists, the situation of mass confusion regarding the personality of the Generalissimo was more relevant at that time. Poetic lines “We believed in you so much, Comrade Stalin, as perhaps we did not believe in ourselves!” are the quintessence of the people's mentality during the war years.

“And I have letters from 200 people who write the opposite.” Your “I was told” is not an argument.

“I think the readers of the older generation will judge us, and I will have the same arguments as a certain number of letters.” In the meantime, I will rely on the testimonies of both my grandmothers, who lost their husbands on this terrible war. I was absolutely terribly impressed by your description of the first days of the war, when our citizens, standing at loudspeakers in the streets, openly rejoiced at the invasion of the Nazis. So my grandmothers remembered this day for the rest of their lives and many decades later, they cried, describing the shock they experienced upon learning that their husbands would have to fight. What a euphoria there is in anticipation of the victory of fascism over Stalinism! They are far from politics simple women with small children in their arms, they looked in despair at the loudspeaker and prayed that the Nazis would be defeated at the border. So that they don’t have to accompany their relatives to the slaughterhouse and receive a funeral. What a pervert you have to be to get a thrill from the possible collapse, even of a hated system, at the cost of the death of your husbands, fathers, brothers, children. And therefore, the testimony of such people as “a simple Russian woman L. Osipova”, who wrote in her diary “I am not a degenerate. But we must face the truth: we all, all of Russia, passionately desire victory for the enemy, whatever he may be. This damned system has stolen everything from us, including the feeling of patriotism,” for me are not proof of the general mentality.

- Absolutely right! They were shocked to realize that their husbands would have to fight! The people did not want to fight! Did not want! For what? For Soviet power? For collective farms and the NKVD? For the cannibal Stalin? Every third family was repressed, 18 million peasants were dispossessed. And these people wanted to fight for Soviet power? Do not make me laugh. I present dozens of opinions about the outbreak of the war. All these opinions are from ordinary Russian people. And not Komsomol or party fanatics and fools, fooled Soviet power. There are those who, even today, in the 21st century, continue to repeat tired ideologies, people stunned by the Soviet mechanism for producing lies.

I agree, you need to know the truth, but if you get carried away with the search for it, you can indulge in global negative generalizations. Here, for example, is this episode: “Like a hurricane of revenge, the Russians burst into German territory. It was truly a bloody barrage. Soviet soldiers and officers committed such atrocities and looting, as the local population hated them. Rape became widespread. Looting was legalized. All soldiers and officers were allowed to send parcels home, and high authorities were given the opportunity to send loot by train. There is not a single woman left who has not been raped, not a single German who has not been hit by the fist of a Soviet soldier.”

If the Germans' hatred of the Soviet "monsters" was so all-consuming, what prevents their descendants from erasing the memory of them from their land? However, May 8 is celebrated in Germany as the day of liberation from fascism. On Victory Day all mass grave in Treptower Park, where 200 are buried Soviet soldiers, covered with wreaths and flowers. Search work is being carried out to restore and perpetuate the memory of the “unknown soldiers”. Of the 7 thousand, one and a half have already been identified and their names will soon appear on stone slabs. In the speeches of the sovereign men of Germany speaking on this day at memorial cemetery, words of gratitude are heard addressed to the Soviet soldiers who died in the struggle for the liberation of Europe from fascism.

— May 8 in Germany is a day of mourning for those killed during World War II. Show me a specific “sovereign husband” who would thank the Soviets for the occupation of Germany and dividing it into two parts - and this is precisely what was the result of the victory, and “ cold war" - also the result! The Germans do not like to remember the war. And rightly so. This is a difficult memory.

-What is the purpose of your research?

My goal is to dispel the fog of ideological myths associated with the Soviet-German war. I repeat: it was neither great nor domestic. And I feel sorry for those who don’t want to know the truth. These are spiritually poor people. The Soviet government made them this way.

Ideologemes continue to rule not only the ball, but also the country and mentality. This applies to many people living here. And what can you expect from those who continue to watch Soviet films - I didn’t make a mistake! - Soviet television and continue to absorb the spiritual fusel, which is served there along with thousands of films about Komsomol volunteers, “eternal yawns” and Stirlitz.

Which one of them watched German? documentary about the tragedy of the ship "Wilhelm Gustlov" (I write about it in volume 4), sunk by the drunken Soviet submariner Marinesko? On the ship there were refugees from the advancing communists, children and the wounded. The ship under the red cross was sunk by two torpedoes. 5,400 people died. And what about the communists? They announced that there were 3,000 German submariners on board! Where did Germany get so many submariners when in February there were only 16 submarines left in service!

I repeat once again: to avoid recurrence of the disease, you need to know it! You cannot remain in a castrated information space!

- Thank you for the conversation. I am sure that it will not leave our readers indifferent, and they will want to express their opinion on the above.

The first cookware with a non-stick coating appeared about 70 years ago. During this period of time, it not only gained popularity all over the world, but also acquired various myths and legends. Which of this is true and which is false is useful to know for every housewife who already uses non-stick cookware or is just planning to purchase it.

MYTH 1: “Any non-stick coating is Teflon”

Calling all non-stick coatings Teflon is not correct. Teflon, or PTFE for short, is the very first non-stick coating, which was accidentally discovered in 1938 by chemist Roy J. Palankett. The material has since been patented American company DuPont and was produced by other companies only under license.

The MOULIN VILLA company does not use Teflon in its production, but instead produces frying pans and pots with more advanced non-stick coatings, such as Quan Tanium and PFLUON.

Quan Tanium

Modern coating, the environmental friendliness of which is confirmed by international certificates of conformity. It is developed by the world famous company Whitford.

Quan Tanium coating is applied in several layers by spraying onto the metal, providing strong adhesion to it, and, as a result, increasing the life of the product. Distinctive feature This coating is due to the presence of titanium atoms in the structure, which give it special strength and scratch resistance. Thanks to this, the use of non-sharp metal objects during the cooking process is allowed.

The coating does not emit harmful chemicals and is safe for human health and environment. Used in the production of Titanium Granite frying pans. Ideal for stewing vegetables, frying meat, roasting chicken and turkey (with a removable handle). Quan Tanium does not emit perfoctanoic acid (PFOA) and other harmful chemicals, and is safe for human health and the environment.


A popular type of coating based on the granite structure, improved by a micro-relief surface that enhances the non-stick properties of the cookware. PFLUON is sprayed onto forged aluminum in several layers, which provides excellent non-stick properties and increases resistance to mechanical damage.

Used in the production of frying pans and pots with a 5-layer coating of the Raspberry series.

Allows you to fry, boil and stew all foods without exception, achieving the required degree of readiness and preserving maximum nutrients. PFLUON does not release perfoctanoic acid (PFOA) and other harmful chemicals, and is safe for human health and the environment.

MYTH 2: “Non-stick coatings are not safe for health”

This myth gained popularity thanks to myth number 1. The fact is that back in the 60s of the twentieth century, when Teflon was just beginning its history as a non-stick coating, the American Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) identified the presence of perfoctanoic acid (PFOA) in the coating base. It turned out that when the Teflon coating is heated to 350°C, harmful Chemical substance- PFOA, which can cause a number of serious diseases in humans, including cancer.

Later, the DuPont company proved that an ordinary frying pan or saucepan does not heat up above 250 ° C during the cooking process, but because... The risk of improper use of cookware - its overheating was still possible, the European Food Safety Authority (EFSA) and the American Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) adopted a directive to reduce the production of products using PFOA around the world.

These days, most cookware manufacturers apply safe types of nonstick coatings to their products, displaying a PFOA-free symbol on the packaging.

MYTH 3: “Non-stick coating is not afraid of anything”

When purchasing non-stick cookware, many people expect it to serve them for years. In fact, it turns out that the service life of such cookware is influenced by a number of factors, such as: production method, material of the product, thickness of the walls and bottom, number of layers of coating, compliance with operating rules, and frequency of use. However, when the dishes have already been purchased, there is only one way to extend their life - to properly care for them.

Non-stick coating is not armor. It can be scratched by metal accessories, abrasive sponges and even powder detergents. To avoid this, you should use only wooden and plastic accessories, soft sponges and liquid dishwashing detergents. In addition, non-stick coatings are resistant to overheating (over 250°C) and sudden temperature changes. Therefore, we recommend not placing heated dishes under cold water or in the refrigerator, and do not exceed average temperature cooking (100-150°C). Otherwise, the coating may develop microcracks and lose its non-stick properties.

Valentin Katasonov. A manual for jingoistic patriots: Tell everyone - has Russia gotten off the oil needle? February 4th, 18:55

Valentin Katasonov

I accidentally came across this on the Internet information resource called "The Patriot's Handbook". It is not very clear who is behind this resource. But, as the anonymous organizers of this site say, the task of the resource is to debunk various myths about Russia. There really are a lot of myths about Russia. There are especially many of them in the Western media due to the intensifying information and propaganda war against Russia. In fact, these are not even myths, but fakes - cheap and shameless misinformation to the audience.

But when I began to understand the “myths” that the anonymous authors of the Patriot's Handbook expose, I was simply dumbfounded. The country’s real socio-economic problems, which not only have not been solved for years, but are becoming more and more aggravated every month, threatening the very existence of Russia, are declared “myths”.

Since I accidentally came across a page with a “myth” called “Oil Needle”, I’ll analyze it this question(and if I have time, in subsequent publications I will tell you about other “myths” of the Patriot’s Handbook resource).

Here is the introductory abstract of the page:

“The oil needle is a popular opposition myth, according to which the Russian economy is supposedly almost entirely based on the export of hydrocarbons, and a decrease in the volume of these exports and/or oil prices will allegedly inevitably lead to the complete economic collapse of Russia. The statement that “Russia is sitting on an oil needle,” although it contains a sound call for economic diversification, is true only to a very limited extent.”

The article by anonymous “patriots” contains a lot of statistics. True, the selection of numbers was done in such a way as to at least slightly soften the shameful picture of addiction Russian economy from the export of hydrocarbons. And also to create in the reader the illusion that, although there is dependence, measures are being taken to reduce it. And that, they say, this dependence is gradually decreasing. The article is shining example cheap, base sophistry.

By the way, texts in which words are mixed with numbers are a more convenient means of forming the audience’s ideas about the subject under discussion that the authors need. I personally prefer tables and graphs, respecting the reader and believing that he himself will be able to draw the necessary conclusions, without intrusive comments and “philosophizing” of the author.

Our statistics on foreign trade in goods and services are compiled by several departments and organizations: Federal Customs Service (FCS), Bank of Russia, Rosstat. Below I will present a picture of the share of mineral products in Russian exports based on Federal Customs Service statistics for the period 1995-2018. (Table 1).

Continued here

To our daily life Condoms, birth control pills and other means of protection have become firmly established. No matter who you ask, everyone uses protection and few people think about the harm that this protection brings.

In parallel with the great scam of the 20th century - AIDS - they buzzed all over our heads: “Be careful, be safe, be safe!” From TV screens, from other means mass media The main messages go hand in hand:

1. AIDS is very scary! And all sexually transmitted infections too!

2. Protect yourself - protect yourself from AIDS and from unplanned children.

3. Many children are a relic of old times. We can't feed them now. Children are an expensive pleasure.

4. Giving birth is scary and very painful! (in all the films, women scream in pain and give birth in wild agony).

Doesn't this seem strange to you now?

In this article I will look at the phenomenon of “contraception” or in Russian - protection, in our lives and how globally harmful it is.
I’ll immediately write a list of why contraception is harmful with comments:

1. Does not allow the child to incarnate at the time he needs. Thus, taking away from children the opportunity to fulfill their purpose in this life.

2. Promotion of relationships between men and women on the side. That is, in Russian - debauchery. Hence the whole sex industry. That is, you can do as you want, with whomever you want and as much as you want, just take precautions.

3. Encouraging lust. That is, a constant desire for intimacy. Want? Take your contraceptive and go! Don't think about anything other than pleasure. This is a transformation of our psyche to the level of animals.

4. Decline of sexual function in both men and women. Early impotence. It is no secret that all contraceptives eventually cause infertility and other problems with sexual function.

5. Deterioration of women's health and earlier aging due to having few children. As they say, a pregnant girl is health itself. And the more often a girl is pregnant, the healthier she is.

6. Disappearance of continuity of generations (translations). In small families, children at a conscious age do not see how the mother prepares for childbirth and gives birth, as well as how it is carried out proper care for the children. That is, the transmission of knowledge from parents to children disappears.

The topic is actually very global. We are talking about a hidden weapon of destruction of the people. I will describe the situation in general:

A teenager at a “sex education” at school, or in conversations with friends, learns about sex and contraception. When he and she start sex life, a condom or other contraceptive becomes a permanent attribute of intimacy. This, in turn, constantly maintains the fear of contracting sexually transmitted infections, as well as the fear of “unplanned pregnancy.” There is simply no concept of chastity. There is only a “want” and a “sexual object”.

When children grow up and are ready to start a family, sexual function has already been significantly reduced from frequent use of condoms. This is sometimes the cause of infertility and other problems. Even this is rarely realized by anyone. Go ahead.

Let's say a guy and a girl decide to start a family. Let's take the average option - everyone wants to have children. At the same time, contraception is not going anywhere. The couple manages to conceive a child. We will not describe pregnancy. As a result, in 99% of cases the girl ends up on the operating table of the “maternity aides” from the maternity hospital and in pain (that’s a different story) gives birth to her first baby.

As a rule, after suffering stress and, often, deterioration of health in the hospital, most mothers vow not to give birth again. This is the so-called “first screening”. In this case, the result is a family with one child, which in its essence is a demographic catastrophe.

But, nevertheless, many go further - they become pregnant with a second child and again in 99% of cases give birth a second time in the hospital, having probably already decided that this (child) will be the last. As a rule, these couples have relative wealth in the family. That is, there is enough money for yourself and for your children.

One-child and two-child families are, unfortunately, our majority. In these cases, population growth is minus, or equal to zero V best case scenario(for reference). This does not take into account mortality.

But let's go even further. Still, there are people who are ready to have three children. As a rule, these are people with high incomes. They know for sure that they will be able to handle a family of three children. A small note: these beliefs are also based on fear.

At the same time, many of these families prefer to hire nannies, send their children to kindergartens, and generally try to devote more time to themselves. That is, education in such families, and in others too, is left “at the mercy” of the System.

And only rare conscious people, having understood the System, understanding the rules of the universe, start large families and are themselves involved in the upbringing and development of their children.

You may ask, what does “to protect ourselves or not?” have to do with it?

Here's the thing. Fears based on information about contraception, AIDS, etc. form the following stereotypes. The majority of people answer the question: “Why don’t you want more children?” answer:

1. We will not pull them.
2. Why more? We have enough.
3. It's already too late for us.

Let's look at the reasons for this situation. After all, they tell us every now and then: “Be careful!” This fear (of infections and unplanned children) has been cultivated for a long time. This fear changed our culture. After all, our ancestors, without exception, had large families. Even until the mid-20th century, people usually gave birth to 5-7 children.

That is, Western propaganda of “protection” has distorted our idea of ​​a normal family and completely changed our consciousness and our values.

Before we talk about the delusion of the above answers to the question about having children, I want to describe my point of view on the issues of large families, birth control and fears.

In my opinion, children are our teachers, both spiritual and physical. With the birth of each child, we, parents, become smarter, wiser, more skillful, and also grow spiritually. Each child is a new step on the path to parental excellence.

The more children, the more wealth in the family, the wiser the parents, the healthier the parents and children. The level of development of each child in such families is much higher than in small families.

A woman who constantly gives birth is the ideal of health and strength. A true keeper of the hearth and a truly knowledgeable mother. By the way, this has already been confirmed scientific research(about health).

A large family is the foundation of any power. This is her skeleton. It is in such families that real geniuses and strong leaders appear.

But a large family is now in modern world trampled by protection, consumerism, and fears. All this is the influence of rotten Western propaganda on our Culture.

Now let’s look at the answers to questions about the number of children in the family. Let's debunk the myths:

1. “We won’t pull them.” Read the stories of Russian large families. And you will see what it is real myth. We are not considering gypsy families or families of religious fanatics, where today some form of large families have been preserved. After the birth of the second and third child, provided that family relationships are harmonious, prosperity comes by itself. This is a cosmic law. There is no other way. It’s just that no one tells us about this and they don’t teach it in school.

2. “Why more? We have enough." This is another self-deception. Or rather, the fear of the new, the fear of development and growth, which holds both parents back and they graze in place. The “religion of consumption” also has an effect, where everyone wants to “afford more”, “try everything” and, in general, live for themselves. This is a big misconception. After all, even in a very large family, if all processes are properly organized, there will be a lot of time for your loved one. People are just too lazy to think about it and it ends up being 1-2 children in a family.

3. “It’s too late for us.” This is also a myth. A woman’s physiology is designed in such a way that if the body is healthy, then reproductive function is maintained for for a long time. What does it cost to give birth to a child by a 79-year-old woman in Kabardino-Balkaria:

And for some reason, even 38-year-old women are registered as old women and are afraid to give birth. We were told by “super-smart” doctors that childbearing age is 20-35 years. But this deception does not stand up to criticism. It's just a scam. In Rus', girls began to give birth before the age of 20, and ended when their first granddaughter or grandson appeared. And there were 16 to 20 children in Russian families, and sometimes more.

Russian large family, which at all times was main force of our people and the solid foundation of our Motherland today has been destroyed almost to the ground by agents of Western influence. Here are just a few of the reasons, in order of appearance:

1. Alcoholization (early 20th century).

2. Introduction of maternity hospitals and unnatural obstetrics (1920s).

3. Urbanization and industrialization: “Everything to the city” (since the 1930s).

4. The appearance of “Khrushchevka”, small kennels for single-child families (1960s).

5. Legalization of abortion (1960s).

6. The introduction of drugs to the masses (1970s).

7. General alcoholization (1990s).

8. Introduction of the concept and means of protection.

9. Privatization, impoverishment of the people and the introduction into consciousness of the fear of maintaining large large families (1990s).

10. Introduction of AIDS fear (1990s).

11. Introduction of the consumer model of society: “Live for yourself, you can afford it” (2000s).

12. Creation of a frantic pace of life, when a woman turns from a potential mother into a half-man careerist and into a lonely childless woman in the end (since the 1990s).

13. Introduction of perverted behavior patterns: homosexuality, feminism, careerism, etc. (since the 1990s).

I am deeply convinced that only by increasing the degree of our awareness will we be able to solve our demographic issue with little cost. Only we ourselves, by our own example, will be able to convey the truth and awaken the “zombified population,” which until recently was proudly called the People.

I am categorically against any contraception, sex as a concept (there is an excellent word “affection”), as well as against bullshitting our people and children as well. For our girls to study separately from boys in schools and to learn about:

What is chastity, the law of “Rita” (telegony)?
How to choose your favorite?
How to create strong families with many children?
How to give birth to naturally strong and healthy babies?
How to know the world?
How to build your soul and mind?
How to live according to your conscience?

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