Problems of the story “Olesya” by A. Kuprin. What is the meaning of the contrast between Olesya and Ivan Timofeevich. Why is their love doomed? Lesson plan for a lesson in literature (grade 11) on the topic: A. I. Kuprin. Life and art. The embodiment of the moral ideal in the story

Literature lesson in 11th grade “Are the problems raised by A.I. Kuprin relevant in the story “Olesya”?

Lesson objectives:


To teach the ability to reason and think critically on a given topic;

Practice the ability to conduct a discussion and defend your point of view; developing:

Develop skills independent work with literature and other sources of information;

Develop monologue and dialogic speech of students;

Systematize previously acquired knowledge and use it during the discussion;


To develop the ability to distinguish between good and evil;

Develop general cultural norms (sensitive, respectful attitude towards people)

Type of lesson: discussion.

Type of lesson: obtaining new knowledge based on existing knowledge.

Teaching methods: reproductive, problem-based.

Equipment: instructions, expert evaluation sheets, “disputants” signs.

Students are divided into 3 groups: 1) “disputants” - businessman, psychologist, housewife, businesswoman, pensioner, 11th grade student; 2) experts evaluating the answers of the “disputants”; 3) spectators.

Teacher: Hello! Today we are finishing our study of Kuprin’s works, we have to discuss the following question: are the problems raised in the story “Olesya” relevant? We will learn to debate. But we can, you say. But think about how any of our arguments go in class? And here it is, as in Pushkin’s poem:

The deaf man called the deaf man to court.

The deaf man shouted: “They killed my cow!”

“Have mercy! - the deaf man cried back to him. –

This wasteland was owned by the late grandfather!

The judge decided: “So that there is no debauchery,

Marry the fellow - even if it’s the girl’s fault!”

And that's when we sit down to " round table", it turns out to be a conversation of the "deaf", because everyone tries to say something of their own, without listening to others. Everyone is shouting - it’s unclear, either at each other, or at the essence of the issue, and it turns out that the statement “truth is born in a dispute” is not about us. Let's try to do this properly. To do this, let's get acquainted with the rules of disputes. We read the memo.

Memo “How to conduct a discussion.”

1. When entering into a discussion, it is necessary to introduce the subject of the dispute.

2. Listen carefully to the speaker.

3. In a dispute, avoid a tone of superiority and respect the opinions of your comrades.

3. Ask questions competently and clearly.

4. Give arguments.

5. Formulate not only the main conclusions, but also intermediate ones.

6. Each participant has the right and opportunity to speak.

7. Don't repeat yourself!

8. You cannot criticize people - only their opinions and positions.

9. Participants have the right to change their position under the influence of facts and arguments.

Why do you think people argue and debate?

Student: The purpose of discussion is not to win, but to find agreement.

Teacher: So let's get started. In the last lesson we analyzed Kuprin’s story “Olesya”. Please remember the history of its creation.

Student: An artistic affirmation of spiritual fullness and moral beauty man from the people were the works created by Kuprin between 1898 and 1901 based on the material of Polesie impressions. In the spring and summer of 1897 Kuprin traveled through Ukrainian Polesie, served in the Volyn region as a manager of a small estate, then was a hunter and fisherman.

For Kuprin, this trip was a kind of “creative business trip”, which pursued a completely obvious goal - to tell others about what he saw and experienced. In the Polesie cycle there is a tendency to contrast village life life of a capitalist city, which looks like a crowd of hungry and poor people, bourgeois satiety and bourgeois prosperity - synonymous with social inequality of people. This trend was reflected in the pages of the story “Olesya” - perhaps the most significant work of the Polesie cycle (1898).

Teacher: What is the plot of "Olesya"?

Student: City intellectual Ivan Timofeevich, an aspiring writer, comes to Polesie and meets a girl-witch living in the forest with her grandmother. Olesya and Ivan fell in love with each other, but cannot be together due to reasons: differences in status, upbringing, life experiences, and finally, the tragic outcome of their relationship predicted by the heroine. Ivan Timofeevich encourages Olesya to go to church, after which the dark village men and women, considering her a witch, beat her half to death and force the unfortunate woman to leave her native place. And the “beloved” almost instantly comes to terms with what happened.

Teacher: Reveal the images of both heroes.

Student: Olesya is unfamiliar with life in society, with so-called civilization. She values ​​free will, natural impulses, and the skills of witchcraft, passed down in their family from grandmother to mother, from mother to granddaughter. The heroine is beautiful, strong, healthy, smart and kind, she is an exceptional person. Portrait of a girl, given by Kuprin, is an expression of her rich inner world. She has everything - determination, authority, naivety, and even slyness, and all this is elusive, unusual, exciting.

Student: Kuprin gives a characterization of Ivan Timofeevich through the mouth of the heroine of the story. During fortune telling, Olesya says to Poroshin: “Although you are a kind person, you are only weak... Your kindness is not good, not heartfelt. You do not like to take over people by your word, but although you don’t want to, you obey them.”

Teacher: Okay, let's turn to the problems of the story.

Student: Firstly, this is the theme of love. The writer shows how in an exceptional situation the eternal, universal meaning of the high feeling of making a person beautiful is revealed. Kuprin is looking for real life people filled with a holy feeling of love, capable of rising above surrounding vulgarity and lack of spirituality, ready to give everything without demanding anything in return. "Olesya" - anthem female beauty and love, a hymn to a woman, spiritually pure and wise, a hymn to a sublime primordial feeling

Student: Secondly, in the story, Kuprin expressed his conviction that only far from civilization, from a capitalist city, can one find a person capable of loving unselfishly and devotedly. Only in unity with nature, in preserving naturalness, is a person able to achieve spiritual purity and nobility.

Student: I would highlight one more problem: the dramatic fate of a person endowed with extraordinary abilities and superpowers. Such a person can help people, but he himself always remains lonely and misunderstood by society. Olesya is an example of this.

Teacher: You outlined the range of problems absolutely correctly. How do you understand the meaning of the word “relevant”?

Student: Important, essential for the present moment.

Teacher: Are the problems raised by Kuprin relevant; are they in tune to modern man? I invite 6 people who wish to participate in the discussion. Take your seats, assign roles, who will speak on whose behalf. Reminders are in front of you. Start thinking about the question. I appoint another 6 as experts. You need to carefully monitor the progress of the discussion and record the data in the evaluation table. Is the task clear?

The third group is the audience. So, is Kuprin’s understanding of love relevant? Is it acceptable for our contemporaries? I would like to speak out on this issue...

Businessman: The situation described in the story does not seem dramatic to me at all: no one died, the characters simply parted, as often happens in life. Both knew from the very beginning that they were too different. In parting, Olesya thanks Ivan for the brief happiness, and he long years keeps the memory of her tender and generous love. That is, the tragic aspect that readers, critics, and contemporaries of Kuprin saw is unacceptable to me.

Psychologist: By the way, in “The Garnet Bracelet” one of the characters says: “Love should be a tragedy... The greatest secret in the world.” We are talking about a real feeling - about the kind of love that can transform an imperfect person. Olesya returns to her chosen one, albeit not for long, the lost naturalness and acuteness of emotions. In this Kuprin saw the true meaning of love - to spiritually transform a person.

Businesswoman: Is it possible to change it? weak person? You are convinced of this! I, like my colleague (businessman), believe that Kuprin’s understanding of love is not relevant today. Why self-sacrifice in the name of a feeling that is initially doomed? I’m generally surprised that such an intelligent, decisive, strong-willed girl could fall in love and want to connect her life with a person who would eventually become like a stone around her neck.

At the same time, the very image of Olesya, despite its exoticism and romance, is very modern, especially the girl’s qualities such as independence, independence, the desire to increase her intellectual level, to learn something (she constantly asks Ivan about some scientific things ), in a word, to develop, to improve oneself, to have a strong character - all this is very important for modern woman. Olesya clearly knows what she wants in life, she is purposeful, she is able to achieve her goal.

Housewife: No, after all, you know, this is too pragmatic a position, no matter how we sort our chosen ones into categories - whether he is weak or not weak, whether he can provide for his family or not - everyone in their hearts wants to meet just such a love, in the spirit of Kuprin - beautiful , all-consuming, devoid of doubt “to be or not to be.” Maybe they just don’t talk about it out loud. Films about love, books about love are still popular, Internet sites are simply screaming about it.

Teacher: But most often it’s all a fake, a surrogate for a real feeling.

Housewife: Yes, the fact of the matter is that love is easy to find, there are no problems in dating, but everyone wants special love - real love, which you really don’t see often. Kuprin's work makes us yearn for this.

11th grade student: I agree with you. True love, according to Kuprin, is the basis of everything earthly. Love must be based on high sincere

feelings, strive for the ideal. Love stronger than death and elevates little man over the vain world of injustice and malice. Now you will say: these are lofty words, but, as has already been said, everyone dreams of such love. Isn't that right?

Businesswoman: The meaning of life is not limited to love. There is also a fascinating interesting job, true friends, books, music, traveling the world, exploring the unsolved. In modern life there are simply a lot of opportunities to realize oneself as an individual. And Kuprin’s heroes fixate on one thing: that Olesya, that this one, Zheltkov from “ Garnet bracelet" He himself said that nothing else interests him in life. And if he had something else in his life, would he have ended his journey so unworthily?

Pensioner: Let's not disturb the unfortunate HSG. I will still try to convince you with the words of the famous 17th century playwright J.-B. Moliere:

The day would fade in my soul, and darkness would come again,

If only we would banish love from the earth.

Only he knew bliss who passionately touched the heart,

And whoever didn’t know love doesn’t care

That he didn’t live...

The real feeling will come to you, and just like Olesya, you will be able to neglect principles, friends, and, if necessary, work for the sake of your chosen one.

Businessman: You are all right in your own way. I listen to you and understand that what we are talking about will always be relevant and, in general, I agree that real love it is dramatic, it brings suffering, you have to make some efforts of the soul, heart, sacrifice something. But all this is worth it so that your loved one is nearby, or if you can’t be together, like the heroes of Kuprinov’s story, then so that he is happy.

Psychologist: Yes, it's surprising that after tragic ending the bright atmosphere of “Olesya” does not fade. Reading the writer’s works, you feel a particularly subtle, deep and sensitive awareness of everything that exists. It seems that the writer knows what you are worried about and is trying to help you, guiding you on the right path. After all, the world in which we live is sometimes so polluted with lies, meanness and vulgarity that we sometimes need a charge of positive energy to resist the sucking quagmire. Who will show us the source of purity? In my opinion, Kuprin has such talent. He, like a master grinding a stone, reveals wealth in our souls that we ourselves did not know about. Thus, Kuprin’s problem of love is still relevant.

Teacher: You formulated this very well: that is, if a work has such a strong impact on us, makes us think, then it is relevant for us. Is the sound of the story’s other problem – “man and nature” – modern? Only in unity with nature, living far from civilization, can a person become a perfect person; City life does not give people happiness.

Pensioner: I certainly agree with this. Most city dwellers strive for the city, buying and building houses in villages. Why are we so eager to go to the country, to go out into nature? Because we feel good there, our souls rest. In short, nature attracts the vast majority of people. And at one time, my peers, on the contrary, tended to go to the city, the villages were emptying.

Housewife: Well, yes, people are attracted Fresh air, more or less clean ecology, and they carry civilization and all the amenities of city life with them. What country cottage is not equipped with a satellite dish, laptop, etc.? There is no talk of spiritual improvement here. The Japanese have special days for contemplating nature, they call it a holiday of admiring sakura, a moment of finding harmony with oneself and nature.

Teacher: Don't shy away from "Olesya."

11th grade student: Yes, Kuprin showed such a natural person in the image of Olesya. She lives in complete detachment from people, but in harmony with the inhabitants of the Polesie thickets - birds, animals. All primordial, innate, opportunities lost in society develop freely in Oles, not constrained by the chains of conventions that city life imposes. The heroine is sincere in any motive. But at the same time, she is attracted by civilization: Olesya asks Ivan Timofeevich about St. Petersburg and is interested in knowledge from various fields. And having fallen in love, she is ready to follow her lover into the city. So, probably, Kuprin was wrong. I am sure that for a modern person it is important to live in a city, study at higher educational institutions, go to theaters, museums, and there should be a lot more that is given to a person for full development.

Businesswoman: Agree! I wouldn’t be able to live away from the city for long either. I just can't understand it! What is this strange belief - only nature can make a person beautiful - and where did it come from? If we all go into the wilderness, on the contrary, we will turn into savages.

Psychologist: In general, the concept of natural man is not new. It appeared back in the 18th century. French writer, the philosopher Rousseau wrote about this. And in Russian literature his followers were the sentimentalists and Nikolai Karamzin. Nature played a big role in their works. By the way, did you notice the landscape sketches in Kuprin’s story?

Businesswoman: Still would! I missed them, mortal boredom!

Pensioner: That's in vain. You young people don’t know how to notice beauty itself. When I read the description of the spring forest, I kept remembering my dacha, how I would go in the spring, breathe in the fresh air that smelled of the cold forest delights... After all, we are nowhere without nature. In nature, a person really becomes better, calmer, kinder, stops fussing, and thinks about the eternal. Nature heals the soul.

Psychologist: Yes, indeed, the beauty of nature continues to excite us. However, Rousseauist tendencies and Kuprin’s beliefs are still not entirely acceptable to us, since it is difficult for a modern person to completely break away from civilization.

Teacher: It is interesting that the problem of “man and nature” - I am speaking in general - continues to remain relevant. People are looking for balance, striving for unity with nature and still cannot find it?

Psychologist: Perhaps because this is an ideal that is unattainable, but one must strive for it..

Teacher: Okay, now we come to discussing problem 3.

Housewife: Can I start? Today Olesya would find a worthy use for her gift. Just look at how many advertisements there are on poles and in newspapers: I predict the future, remove damage, improve health, bewitch my husband, etc.! How popular are witches and fortune tellers now! They are not driven out, they are not feared - on the contrary, people always go to them for advice or to solve a problem. Well, admit it, probably every second person has gone to a fortune teller.

Businessman: Well, yes, it happened. I must admit, I am somewhat superstitious. When I started a business, I was advised to go get a financial forecast for my private enterprise.

Fate apparently favored me, everything worked out. But I wouldn’t say that the fortune teller made a good impression on me - she was more interested in how much I would pay her.

11th grade student: But the heroine of the story, Kuprina, is very honest and selfless, she is ready to help people just like that, if they turn to her. I still think that clairvoyants, fortune tellers, who have some extraordinary abilities, such as seeing a person’s future, should not use their gift in financial purposes.

Businesswoman: Why will they exist then?

11th grade student: I will again compare with Olesya. She did not at all set herself the goal of making money through clairvoyance. Since childhood, she was accustomed to being content with little, with what she had, which cannot be said about her stingy and greedy grandmother. This habit of Olesya is to be content with little, to take care of material values just to support himself - this also appeals to the author.

Apparently, people turned to Olesya (this was not often, apparently, since they were afraid of the “witchers”), she helped them. Olesya is calm about her ability to see the future and heal. But sometimes it seems that she seems to be burdened by her gift - after all, many truths are revealed to her in the behavior and actions of people and especially her lover. There is a feeling that she is not happy about this.

Pensioner: What truths? Do you seriously believe that a person can predict the future? Even Ivan himself says that Olesya did not “speak” the blood, but simply skillfully pressed the vein above the cut - this can be done not only by a doctor, but by any person familiar with first aid. As for predictions of the future, I will say this: despite the fact that the girl for a long time lived away from people, she learned their nature well - often hypocritical and cowardly. It was not difficult for her to figure out Ivan Timofeevich and foresee that he would not have the strength to love the witch.

Psychologist: There is certainly truth in your words. Modern fortune tellers and clairvoyants hardly all have extraordinary sensory abilities, they just know human nature very well, they know people. They are real psychologists, and skillfully use this for their own purposes. They always say what a person wants to hear. That's why people go to them.

Teacher: What else do you think makes our contemporaries turn to fortune tellers?

Psychologist: Probably mental anxiety, inability to cope with the problem on one’s own, simply hopelessness, loss of hope for the best, lack of self-confidence. And you know, these are just diseases of our time.

Pensioner: Yes, I couldn't agree more. But then it turns out that people are living poorly, but fortune tellers are living well. But we are thinking about the fate of a person with extraordinary abilities, who does not have a good relationship with society. Do you think Olesya is hated only because she is a fortune teller and is supposedly connected with the devil?

Businessman: I think not only because of this. Let me start with this: who are these village inhabitants? A dark, uneducated mass, “primitive natures,” as Ivan says, a drunken crowd following only animal instincts, people accustomed to humiliating themselves before the authorities, but in their circle they are despotic, rude, and dishonest. And could Olesya - sincere, conscientious, kind - find with them mutual language? Remember Katerina from Ostrovsky’s drama “The Thunderstorm” - the same story. Society rejects people who are too correct or something. It considers them strange, abnormal.

Housewife: Well, please don’t compare ours modern society With villagers Polesie at the end of the 19th century. And it is not society that rejects people like Olesya and Katerina, but they reject him. But in general, I also noticed that for a conscientious, decent person, a lover of truth, who is not used to adapting to everyone, life is much more difficult in this world. He seems to be rooting for everyone, sees evil around him, fights injustice, but thereby only causes anger and rejection, misunderstanding of others, why is he always fussing?

Pensioner: That's for sure! I once made a remark on a tram to young people who were swearing, and I was no longer happy: they almost threw me off the tram.

Businessman: And I stood up for the girl who was being pestered by two scum.

Teacher: Then the eternal question: what to do? How can a lover of truth, an honest, decent person, “a ray of light in a dark kingdom” be in this life?

Pupil: How to do what? We must all try to be decent.

Housewife: We must take care of such people.

Businesswoman: In the end, what have we come to? Today, fortune tellers, witches, sorceresses and others are not considered extraordinary people; they are a common occurrence. But a decent, moral person who cannot accept some immoral laws of society is still an exceptional phenomenon. And just like in the 19th century, so in the 21st the fate of such a person sometimes develops dramatically. Perform moral noble deeds Sometimes it’s not easy, but it’s definitely necessary. Otherwise, society will definitely deteriorate. And how to resist its negative phenomena, Russian literature teaches us this.

Teacher: Let's end on this optimistic note and give the floor to the experts.

Experts speak out.

Evaluation table for experts


Speaks clearly, in complete sentences

Speaks convincingly and convincingly

Listens carefully to others

Speaks on topic

Encourages everyone to participate

Leads Interesting Facts


Knows the subject of conversation well, is competent




11th grade student



Teacher: and now I ask the participants in the discussion to come up with what they would change during their conversation.

Has your opinion changed during the discussion?

Pupil: For me, 3 the problem was revealed deeper, its vision appeared in a different – ​​true light. We probably understood what Kuprin really wanted to say.

Teacher: What new things have you learned or understood? Thanks to whom did you understand this? What did the discussion give you?


The story “Olesya”, written by A. I. Kuprin in 1898, is one of early works writer, nevertheless attracting attention with the complexity of the problems, the brightness and imagery of the characters’ characters, and the subtle beauty of the landscape. For his narration, the author chooses a retrospective composition when we're talking about from the perspective of a narrator describing long-past events. Of course, over time, the hero’s attitude towards these events changed, he understood a lot, became wiser, more experienced in life. But in those days, when he first arrived in a remote Polesie village, he idealized rural life,
“primitive natures” against the backdrop of nature and was guided by the common belief that for a writer “it is useful to observe morals.” The works that he had managed to “press” in the newspaper by that time were as far from real life as the hero’s knowledge about the people. Reality does not at all correspond to the expectations of the hero, Ivan Timofeevich. The people are characterized by unsociability, savagery, humiliated obedience, developed by centuries of feudal oppression. The village old women whom Ivan Timofeevich is trying to treat cannot even explain what hurts them, but they always bring offerings to the “master” and not only kiss his hands, but even fall at his feet and try to kiss his boots. The “local intelligentsia” - the police officer, the clerk - has nothing against this, smugly holding out their hand for kisses and boorishly explaining how these people should be treated. Therefore, in the problem of the people and the intelligentsia raised by the author, the reader’s attention is immediately drawn to the fact that the local “intelligentsia”, which despises these people and takes bribes at every opportunity, in fact, is not such. And the people are ignorant and rude, but is it their fault? Hunter Yarmol is not able to learn to read and write; he is only able to mechanically remember his signature, to which he makes great efforts. For what? Yarmola explains this by saying that “there is not a single literate person in our village... The headman only puts a seal, but he himself does not know what is printed in it...” And it is not at all surprising that the peasants are full of superstitions and fear, hatred of witches who can bring illness and death to people. The story with Manuilikha is indicative here: despite the ability to heal and tell fortunes, and some extraordinary abilities, she is not at all to blame for the death of the young woman’s child, whom she recklessly threatened. But she and her granddaughter were expelled from the village and “her hut was broken so that there would be no more chips left of that damned cup.” Hatred of everything incomprehensible is a consequence of the ignorance and savagery of the people.
The history of the life of the people in the Polesie village, where Ivan Timofeevich arrived, is just an exposition of the story. The plot of the action consists of the hero’s acquaintance with Manuilikha and Olesya. The reader sees the artist’s skill in the way the psychological portrait of both heroines is shown. Manuilikha has all the features of a Baba Yaga, but her speech is an indicator of a different level of culture, a different environment than that of the Polesie peasants. Olesya also differs sharply from the Perbrod girls: in her appearance one can feel naturalness, inner freedom, and self-esteem. Her beauty contains slyness, authority, and naivety; she is original and unforgettable, and, of course, makes an indelible impression on Ivan Timofeevich. IN further development their relationship, the author reveals the problem of the Russian national character. Olesya is trusting, loves nature, kind, but proud, and this is felt in the compulsion that appeared in their relationship after Ivan Timofeevich’s intercession with the police officer: the girl is embarrassed to feel obligated to anyone. However, having learned about the hero’s illness, she is ready to do everything to cure him, regretting that he did not turn to her earlier. Guessing about the hero, she correctly determines his character: “... Although you are a kind person, you are only weak... You are not a master of your word... You will not love anyone with your heart, because your heart is cold, lazy, and you will bring a lot of grief to those who love you.” Indeed, Ivan Timofeevich - a kind person, without copyright A L L Soch .ru 2001-2005 hesitation, he gives the police officer an expensive gun so that he doesn’t kick Manuilikha and Olesya out. Olesya seriously interested the hero, he is in love with her, without thinking about what will happen next. Olesya seems wiser and more mature than Ivan Timofeevich: having foretold herself the grief and shame of this love, she decides to part with the hero, but separation during his illness decided everything for the lovers - it showed the strength of their feelings and the impossibility of parting. Their closeness is the culmination of the development of the relationship between the heroes of the story. Olesya takes full responsibility for further events; all that matters to her is that she is loved. Ivan Timofeevich, in contrast to his selfless loving Olesya, weak and indecisive. Knowing that he has to leave, he cannot muster the strength to say so, postponing his confession until Olesya herself senses something is wrong. He is ready to marry Olesya and take her to the city, but he himself does not really imagine how this is possible. In addition, the thought of a grandmother who cannot be left alone did not occur to him, and he selfishly suggests to Olesya that she either take her to an almshouse, or “you will have to choose between me and grandma.” Selfishness, irresponsibility, and weakness of character of Ivan Timofeevich give reason to speak of him as a typical “reflective intellectual,” a type of character defined in Russian literature by N. G. Chernyshevsky and shown in the works of I. S. Turgenev, N. A. Nekrasov and others. Olesya is the embodiment best qualities, inherent in Russian national character V female type. Deep sincere love, dedication, a sense of duty are what have always distinguished Russian women, the heroines of A. S. Pushkin, I. S. Turgenev, N. A. Nekrasov and other Russian writers. Olesya does not imagine that she would somehow complicate the life of her beloved: “You are young, free... Would I really have the courage to tie you hand and foot for the rest of my life?” She refuses to marry her beloved, thinking not about herself, but about him, about his well-being. She wants to do something good for him so much that, contrary to her beliefs, she is ready to go to church. And here the hero’s frivolity and irresponsibility are once again revealed: he convinces Olesya to go to church, talking about the mercy of God, but forgetting about the people who hate the “witch” and are not ready to accept her into their society. He acts so simply because of the general belief that “a woman should be pious.” And only the matured narrator, from the height of the past tense, regrets that he did not listen to his heart, its alarming premonition. The peasant women brutally deal with Olesya, and the shocked hero only now realizes the consequences of his frivolous advice. But Olesya is true to herself - she considers only herself to blame, touchingly worrying about her disfigured appearance, which her loved one may not like. A simple-minded, trusting girl turns out to be morally superior to the educated hero, knowledgeable about life only “theoretically”, not foreseeing the consequences of his selfishness and irresponsibility.
Their separation is inevitable: the ignorant peasants will not forgive the “witches” for the lost harvest. But, knowing about the upcoming separation, Olesya wisely does not tell Ivan Timofeevich about her departure, remembering folk tale about a scared bunny. The hero learns about this unexpectedly, and the bright coral beads given to him by the disappeared Olesya remain an unforgettable detail in his memory. Regret for lost love, tender and generous, sounds in last words storyteller, for whom, of course, this story will not pass unnoticed.
but: she not only left a bright mark in his memory, but also changed his attitude towards life, giving him wisdom and worldly experience.
One cannot help but say about the role of landscape in A.I. Kuprin’s story. The author paints for us the beauty of wild, pristine nature, which subtly conveys the psychological state of the characters. The spring aroma of thawed earth awakens vitality, shading the feeling that is emerging “in the hero’s soul. The enchanting night of love suppresses the heroes “with its happiness and the eerie silence of the forest.” And the approaching thunderstorm, with its mixture of light and darkness, foreshadows “something sinister.” All this gives the reader the opportunity to assert that young A. I. Kuprin is not only a master of depicting human characters and relationships between people, but also wonderful artist, who subtly senses the beauty of nature and conveys it in his works, a writer who follows the best traditions of Russian classical realism XIX century.

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1894 - Kuprin retires, choosing the path of a professional writer. Childhood - humiliation before the “benefactors”, the years of childhood “joyless on government grub”, severity, order. Youth is an ordinary regiment, a colorless existence in vulgarity and everyday life.

Writer - no money. Did you leave, travel around the middle zone, the south, what did you work for? Loader, estate manager, surveyor, fisherman, blacksmith, sang in the choir (provincial stage), newspaper business: reporter (essays and more). All the trials strengthened his character and gave him many life observations. This material is very important. Kuprin became his own in various fields.

The writer has always been drawn (early on) to depths human soul and its hidden possibilities, his first stories were written on military topics: “Inquiry” about universal human orders, “Overnight”, an army ensign. He paid much attention to the inner world of a person, unusual conditions, psychology, and the subconscious. Special angles on the topic: toy, sparrow, horror. Borderline states.

The topic of love worried him: also gave rich material. There are many stories about the death of love, beauty, he talks about the waste of innate abilities “Dead power.” Potentially embedded, bright impulses of life are important to him. "Holy Love", "Passionate Moment". He describes his heroines with great sympathy; they often come into conflict with the cruelty and self-centeredness of life. Bright characters on the circus theme “Alles”, “Lolly”, are often selfless heroines who make sacrifices for the sake of their love. Cuprn has created tens of romantic stories. Guided love gives intense experiences. A reason for depicting bright characters. Love experiences are a natural, uninhibited manifestation of the spiritual world.

Small genre form did not allow Kuprin to express all his thoughts and feelings. Moves to the story “Moloch” and “Olesya”. These stories are interconnected “by contradiction”. Both of them were written based on impressions from Kuprin’s trips to the Donetsk coal basin and Polesie. Conventionally: the moloch about the dangers of scientific and technological progress and its disastrous side are connected. And Olesya is the ideal of a natural person. In Moloch, first of all, they noted the social motive and exploitation of the working bourgeoisie. Tragic situation. Uses essays about Donetsk enterprises.

The non-fictional, very convincingly recreates the conditions, depicts the iron law for the struggle for existence. Main character- engineer Bobrov. Reflective hero. The beaver engineer belongs to this type of hero. The plant is likened to God - Moloch. For the sake of the development of scientific and technical programs. “Your civilization is good if you have counted its fruits...” Spicy social conflict acquires philosophical understanding. Contents of the story: an engineer's observations of the work of the plant and the immoral factory elite. Entrepreneur Kvashnin and his entourage.

The theme of Moloch is deities.

The drama of an unfulfilled soul. The drama of a person who is honest by nature, who failed to find himself and realize himself. For Kuprin, the most terrible consequence of iron civilization is the death of spiritual purity in people.

Kuprin is looking for his ideal in an area beyond the control of Moloch - a natural man, Olesya's story appears. The representative is an intellectual, reflective, Olesya is whole, passionate, wild. The intellectual loses. At the beginning of the story, Olesya says about Her beloved: although you are kind, you are only weak. The hero lacks integrity of nature, depth of feelings, this is his weakness. Olesya grew up far from false social foundations. Kuprin idealizes the image of the “daughter of the forests.”

As often happens with Kuprin, this love story ends in failure. There is no happy ending, no way out for the hero. This story is poetic. Kuprin describes pictures of nature. Nature also helps them and embellishes their history. The first reviewers called this story a “forest” symphony. Merging with nature gives completeness and purity peace of mind. This story is one of the links in Kuprin's Polesie cycle. These are stories like “Wilderness of the Forest,” etc.

A echo of Turgenev’s “notes of a hunter,” poeticization of nature. Although the heroes are different. Kuprin is fascinated by the picturesque region. Central Russian strip. Its inhabitants and their interesting characters.

Creative principles were expressed: a writer must observe life. Kuprin was a master of precise detail and fast-paced, information-rich storytelling. There is always a plot. Sometimes concentration was combined in one paragraph. Clarity of position: what you love and what you hate, what you actually want to say. He expressed his gaze definitely and emotionally.

Forms: story within a story. In this case, a person’s subjective perception arises and this makes it possible to reliably present information. Through the eyes of a directly active participant - someone else’s speech (technique), see the situation more deeply.

The theme of Kuprin's "Olesya" is the immortal theme of heartfelt relationships and burning passions. She is shown brightly and sincerely for her time in touching story Kuprin, written in the very center of nature in Polesie.

The clash of lovers from different social groups aggravates their relationship with a hint of sacrifice of themselves, their own life principles and their assessments by other people.

Analysis of "Olesya" by Kuprin

The mysterious girl, born surrounded by nature, absorbed all the genuine and immaculate features of the meek and simple in nature, encounters a completely different person - Ivan Timofeevich, who is considered a spectacular representative of society in the city.

The beginning of a reverent relationship between them suggests life together, where, as usual, a woman is obliged to adapt to the new surrounding atmosphere of life.

Olesya, accustomed to her fabulous life in a calm, beloved forest with Manuilikha, perceives the changes in her very hard and painfully. life experience, actually sacrificing her own principles in order to be together with her lover.

Anticipating the fragility of her relationship with Ivan, she makes a complete self-sacrifice in a ruthless city poisoned by callousness and misunderstanding. However, until then the relationship between the young people is strong.

Yarmola describes to Ivan the image of Olesya and her aunt, proves to him the uniqueness of the fact that magicians and sorceresses live in the world, and encourages him to become extremely fascinated by the mystery of a simple girl.

Features of the work

The writer depicts the habitat of the magical girl very colorfully and naturally, which cannot be ignored when analyzing Kuprin’s “Olesya,” because the landscape of Polesie emphasizes the exclusivity of the people living in it.

It is often said that life itself wrote the stories of Kuprin’s stories.

Obviously, most younger generation It will be difficult at first to understand the meaning of the story and what the author wants to convey, but later, after reading some chapters, they will be able to become interested in this work, discovering its depth.

The main problems of "Olesya" Kuprin

This is an excellent writer. He managed to express the most difficult, high and tender human emotions in his own work. Love is a wonderful feeling that is experienced by a person, like a touchstone. Not many people have the ability to truly love with an open heart. This is the fate of a strong-willed person. It is precisely people like these that interest the author. Correct people, existing in harmony with themselves and the world around them, are a model for him; in fact, such a girl is created in the story “Olesya” by Kuprin, the analysis of which we are analyzing.

An ordinary girl lives in the surroundings of nature. She listens to sounds and rustling, understands the cries of various creatures, and is very pleased with her life and independence. Olesya is independent. The sphere of communication that she has is enough for her. She knows and understands the forest surrounding on all sides; the girl has a great sense of nature.

But a meeting with the human world, unfortunately, promises her complete troubles and grief. The townspeople think that Olesya and her grandmother are witches. They are ready to blame all mortal sins on these unfortunate women. One fine day, the anger of people has already driven them away from their warm place, and from now on the heroine has only one desire: to get rid of them.

However, the soulless human world knows no mercy. This is where the key problems of Kuprin's Olesya lie. She is especially intelligent and smart. The girl is well aware of what her meeting with the city dweller, “Panych Ivan” portends. It is not suitable for the world of enmity and jealousy, profit and falsehood.

The girl’s dissimilarity, her grace and originality instill anger, fear, and panic in people. The townspeople are ready to blame Olesya and Babka for absolutely all hardships and misfortunes. Their blind horror of the “witches” they have dubbed them is fueled by reprisals without any consequences. An analysis of Kuprin’s “Olesya” makes us understand that the appearance of a girl in the temple is not a challenge to the residents, but a desire to understand human world, in which her beloved lives.

The main characters of Kuprin's "Olesya" are Ivan and Olesya. Secondary - Yarmola, Manuilikha and others, in to a lesser extent important.


A young girl, slender, tall and charming. She was raised by her grandmother. However, despite the fact that she is illiterate, she has the natural intelligence of centuries, fundamental knowledge of human nature and curiosity.


A young writer, looking for a muse, arrived from the city to the village on official business. He is intelligent and smart. In the village he distracts himself by hunting and getting to know the villagers. Regardless of his own background, he behaves normally and without arrogance. "Panych" is a good-natured and sensitive guy, noble and weak-willed.

The theme of man and nature has always been one of the main ones in Russian literature. In their works, writers explored man's desire to be closer to nature, its life-giving juices, because the loss of natural harmony leads to the hardening of human relationships, to a hardening of the soul and complete lack of spirituality.

The theme of “natural man” was first stated by the French enlightenment writer J.-J. Rousseau, who believed that only far from civilization, in the lap of nature, can a perfect person who knows no vices be formed. This theme found its poetic development in A. Kuprin’s story “Olesya”.

In 1897, the writer served as an estate manager, where he had the opportunity to observe ordinary people, their way of life and morals. Probably, Kuprin believed that it was here, among the common people, that one could find that very original, natural life, from which his contemporaries were moving further and further away.

“Polesie... wilderness... bosom of nature... simple morals... primitive natures...” Thus begins the story of beautiful nature these places. Here, in the village, the city gentleman, the writer Ivan Timofeevich, heard the legend about the Polesie witch Manuilikha and her granddaughter Olesya. Weaved into the fabric of the narrative romantic story. Olesya's past and future are shrouded in mystery. Olesya and Manuilikha live in a swamp, in a wretched hut, far from the people who expelled them from the village. Thus, the author assumes that human society far from natural perfection. People are angry and rude. Tragic circumstances, who forced Olesya and Manuilikha to live outside society, allowed them to preserve their natural nature, genuine human qualities.

Olesya is the embodiment of Kuprin’s aesthetic ideal. She is the personification of a whole natural nature.

Nature endowed her not only with physical, but also with spiritual, inner beauty. Olesya first appears in the story, carefully holding in her hands the finches that she brought home to feed.

Olesya attracted the main character not only with her “original beauty,” but also with her character, which combined authority and tenderness, age-old wisdom and childish naivety. Ivan Timofeevich learns about the extraordinary abilities of Olesya, who could determine the fate of a person, speak to a wound, and knock a person off his feet. She never used this gift to harm people.

Olesya was illiterate, but by nature endowed with curiosity, imagination, correct speech. Life in the lap of nature formed these qualities in her. The city, civilization is a hostile world for Olesya, the embodiment of human vices. “I would never trade my forests for your city,” she says.

Ivan Timofeevich, who came from urban civilization, will make Olesya both happy and unhappy. He will disrupt her harmonious world, her usual way of life and lead her to tragedy. Life taught Ivan Timofeevich to control his emotional impulses. He knows that Olesya’s visit to church will not end well, but does nothing to avoid tragedy.

The main character looks like a weak, selfish, internally bankrupt person. Olesya’s pure love briefly awakened the soul of Ivan Timofeevich, which was spoiled by society.

How beautiful and romantic this “naive, charming fairy tale of our love was,” recalls Ivan Timofeevich, “and to this day, together with the beautiful appearance of Olesya, these burning evening dawns live in my soul, these dewy mornings, fragrant with lilies of the valley and honey, these hot, languid, lazy June days.”

But the fairy tale could not last forever. Gray days came when a final decision had to be made.

The idea of ​​marrying Olesya more than once occurred to the main character: “Only one circumstance stopped and frightened me: I did not even dare to imagine what Olesya would be like, dressed in a fashionable dress, talking to the wives of my colleagues...”

Ivan Timofeevich is a man spoiled by civilization, a hostage of conventions and false values of the society where there is social inequality. Olesya preserved those in their original form spiritual qualities that nature gave her.

According to Kuprin, a person can be beautiful if he preserves and develops the abilities given to him by nature, and not destroys them.

Olesya is pure gold human nature, it is a romantic dream, hope for the best in man.

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