Profession signalman: detailed description, all the pros and cons. Military Signalman's Day. How to get into the Signal Corps?

A military signalman is a prestigious and interesting profession. The merits of the Signal Corps in the Second World War cannot be overestimated. And already in those years it was determined that women could handle such work quite well.


In 1919, signal troops were created in the USSR. Their main tasks were:

  1. Ensuring uninterrupted transfer of information.
  2. Installation and development of communication systems.

In the second world war The lives of soldiers largely depended on the work of signalmen. The correct transmission of information, the reliability of information encoding, the correct configuration of communication channels - all this directly influenced the possible outcome of each battle. Typically, in the field, Morse code was used, combined with code concepts. Today, with the improvement of communications, the popularity and importance of this profession has only increased.


The profession of a military communications operator will cease to be relevant only when the wars stop. Military signalmen are responsible for transmitting information at all levels. Communication systems today are automated and very well developed. With their help, information is transmitted quickly, over vast distances, sometimes to several objects at the same time. Military signalmen carry out training and educational tasks on mobile and stationary communication systems every day. Such specialists can establish communications in any environment, in any location, using a minimum amount of resources and tools. The arsenal of a military communications operator includes a wide range of equipment designed for receiving/transmitting signals, as well as encoding and decrypting data.

The main disadvantage of the work of a military signalman is this: in the event of combat operations, there is a possibility that during a retreat, unit commanders may receive an order to destroy their own signalmen along with their equipment if there is a high probability of them being captured.


You can become a military communications operator by obtaining the appropriate specialty at a civilian university in the field of communications specialist, and then going to serve in the armed forces. For example, graduates of Moscow educational institutions such as MTUSI, MSTU, MPEI, MADI, MAI or National Research University are very willingly accepted into the Signal Corps. graduate School economy". However, there are also specialized educational establishments, leading the training of military communications specialists; for example, this is YOU named after. Marshal S. M. Budyonny or the Educational Center at Moscow State Technical University. Bauman (the specialty is called “Repair and operation of ground-based radio communication equipment.”


Often, the work of signalmen is somewhat reminiscent of the work of system administrators. But military specialists of this kind often have to endure serious physical exertion and, of course, keep themselves in good shape by regularly passing standards for the skills of conducting ground infantry combat. In addition, the military signalman must:

Who is it suitable for?

A military signalman must have the following qualities:

  1. Good health, stamina.
  2. Analytic mind.
  3. Attentiveness.
  4. Above average intelligence.
  5. Dexterity, ability to perform small, painstaking manual work.

Salary, career

The salary of a military communications operator can range from 20,000 rubles and above. The salary amount, of course, directly depends on the region, climatic conditions and the strategic importance of the location to which the specialist is assigned. In the Khabarovsk Territory, a military signalman (junior officer) receives, on average, 60,000 rubles. If you are not happy with the prospect military career, after passing military service You can easily find a job in civilian life. Professional specialists are needed by companies providing mobile communications and Internet services, as well as many other enterprises, ranging from small to large or medium-sized businesses. Average salaries for signalmen (not military) range from 19,000 rubles (province) to 48,000 (Moscow).

In the century information technologies The issue of communication is more relevant than ever. The volume of transmitted information is growing at an unprecedented pace from year to year, new lines are being laid and radio towers are being built. Mobile communications have long been part of our everyday life. Is it interesting for you?

A signalman is a specialist who ensures the uninterrupted operation of networks aimed at transmitting information.


The first signalmen appeared with the birth of electricity. Developing a system for transmitting current to streets and premises is their main responsibilities. With the development of technology and the advent of telephone communications, the profession is associated with them.

Signalmen ensure uninterrupted transmission of information. The activity consisted of installing and developing a telecommunications system in such a way that it could ensure smooth operation. During World War II, signalmen were directly responsible for the lives of soldiers. The outcome of the battle depended on the correct transmission of information, its encoding and setting up communication channels. Typically, specialists in the field used Morse code combined with code concepts.

With the advent of mobile communications and wireless signal transmission methods, the relevance of this type of activity has only increased. The profession will be in demand as long as humanity has a need to exchange information at a distance.


The profession of a communications operator is very capacious. The specialist is responsible for transmitting information at all levels. There are several areas of activity for telecom operators:

  • Network communications engineer. Specialist in wired technologies. He selects equipment, calculates the quantity necessary materials and components. The signalman knows everything about the cable structure and its varieties. Only he can correctly select the method of transmitting a certain type, type and volume of information.
  • Wireless technology communications specialist. These are specialists in the industry of transmitting digital signals through electronic media located at a distance from each other, without connecting via cable. For example, the connection between Wi-Fi and a desktop computer is the result of the development of communications specialists.
  • Signalman for mobile operators. This is working with strong cellular signals. The responsibilities of a telecommunications technician include designing, calculating distances, and installing telecommunications towers. The equipment provides reception and transmission of signals in a limited area. The wireless Internet signal is also transmitted through the same towers.
  • Military signalman. This is a master of establishing radio communications in an unintended environment. He has everything necessary equipment for receiving and transmitting signals. This specialist is also responsible for their security and coding.
  • Signalmen of electrical networks. The range of responsibilities includes installation, maintenance and modernization of equipment.

A signalman is a general specialist. An almost eternal profession. Specialists in this field will be in demand until humanity ceases to need knowledge and information transfer.

What specialties to study?

To obtain a diploma, you must choose one of the specialties:

  • Infocommunication technologies and communication systems.
  • Radio engineering.
  • Cartography and geoinformatics.
  • Radiophysics.

These specialties will allow you to get a position in any reputable organization.

Where to study

The choice of place of study directly depends on career plans and wishes. Thus, signalmen in the land, sea and space industries are trained exclusively by military universities. Training of mobile and cellular communications, as well as telecommunications, civilian institutions of higher education are also involved. Among the most significant are:

  • Moscow Technical University Communications and Informatics (MTUSI).
  • Moscow State Technical University (MSTU).
  • Moscow Energy Institute (MPEI).
  • Moscow Automobile and Highway State Technical University (MADI).
  • Moscow Aviation Institute (MAI).
  • National research university"High School of Economics".

What do you have to do at work and specializations?

The job of a signalman is quite similar to labor activity system administrator. Only in addition to mental labor, it is necessary to apply physical strength. Every day a signalman performs a number of duties:

  • Monitoring the operation of communication transmission facilities. By using special programs the signal transmission from point A to point B is monitored. If faults occur, one of them disappears.
  • Troubleshooting communications. If the signal disappears, the signalman is obliged to find out what is the cause of the malfunction. This could be a cable defect, problems with the power supply or hardware. To do this, a specialist goes to the point.
  • Diagnosis of problems using special programs. Faults are identified by elimination. If the equipment and power supply are in order, then the problem is in the cable.
  • Development of an optimal signal transmission scheme. It includes the design of special structures. They are responsible for receiving, processing and further transmitting the signal.
  • Setting up communication equipment.
  • Organization of uninterruptible power supply, including emergency sources.
  • Repair work of varying complexity.
  • Creation of a telecommunications network. Such structures exist in every large company. They are developed by signalmen.
  • Calculation of necessary consumables: their type and quantity.
  • Development and organization of communication points in unprepared areas for the purpose of transmitting and receiving operational information. This area relates to military communications specialists.

Signalman is the profession of the future. The means of information transmission are at the stage of constant development and modernization. For uninterrupted communication with the outside world, signalmen are needed.

Who is this profession suitable for?

The main criterion is high level attention. After all, the slightest loss of concentration is fraught with more serious breakdowns and costs.

A signalman must have an analytical mind. This is a precise profession that requires performing not only physical labor, but also mental activity aimed at developing and analyzing prospects.

Manual dexterity is an indispensable quality of a signalman. Quite often you have to work in hard-to-reach, dangerous places.


The profession is quite in demand. Mobile operators are constantly expanding coverage to everything large areas. The signalman is an irreplaceable employee responsible for the implementation of these processes.

With the advent of new communication means and operators, vacancies for telecom operators or communications engineers also arise.

How much do people working in this profession earn?

The salary of a specialist depends on his place of residence. In the capital, signalmen earn on average from 40 to 48 thousand rubles per month. St. Petersburg offers communications specialists a salary of 31 to 40 thousand rubles per month. In other cities Russian Federation Signalmen receive a relatively high income: from 19 to 26 thousand rubles per month.

Is it easy to get a job?

It’s easy to find a job as a signalman. It is enough to obtain a diploma in the relevant specialty and pass an interview. The latter can be complicated by test task required to test professional suitability. Then the specialist gets to probation, upon completion of which he becomes a full-fledged employee of the organization.

How does one usually build a career?

The career of a communications operator has several development options.

In small organizations career consists of periodic increases wages, awards, thanks.

In large companies, a communications specialist can apply for the position of senior engineer, department head, or communications expert.

Career advancement is not usually practiced. The salary level is quite high, the lack of increase is compensated by stability.

Prospects for the profession

The main prospect of the profession is the presence of constant demand and demand. The signalman does not have to worry about losing the relevance of his knowledge and skills.

The profession offers the possibility of improvement. With the advent of new technologies, the need for additional knowledge increases.

A good signalman can count on a business partnership if he combines his skills with the knowledge of another specialist.

Graduates of Russian universities with a degree in communications are in great demand abroad. This specialty allows you to obtain a work visa with the prospect of citizenship in more developed countries.

Petrozavodsk resident Alina knows firsthand how to use a grenade and what you feel when you lie under a tank. The girl serves in the army. Alina is a signalman. Unfortunately, in military profession We can’t give away all the secrets, so we don’t publish the heroine’s photo and her last name. But Alina openly told us how girls serve in the army, how men treat them, how their typical working day goes, and what sacrifices they have to make to always look good. Let's read!

I joined the army a year ago. My parents are military personnel. I dream of entering the Military Academy of Communications, and to enter I needed military training. Unfortunately, I was unable to enter the academy this year: I was on a long business trip, but next year, I hope everything will work out.

Requirements for enlistment in the army are the same for men and women. You need to go to the military registration and enlistment office or military unit, undergo a medical examination, determine your physical fitness and check your psychological qualities, and then get a place.

There was a time when all women were fired from the service. Now it’s the other way around: many young girls serve in the army. Who goes to work in medical centers, some to special forces, some somewhere else.

The army is stability which is very important nowadays. Military personnel have many benefits: free travel throughout Russia once a year, rations, incentive payments for physical training, a military mortgage, and the opportunity to get housing. Military service means new acquaintances, interesting business trips, and competitions. My life is very busy.

Not long ago I went to a survival school. We lived in barracks. Men and women, of course, separately. From morning until late evening they went to the training ground, where they underwent reconnaissance, fire, and physical training, went on forced marches of 30 km, lay under tanks and hid from grenades. Of course, it is difficult, but terribly interesting. I've been involved in sports all my life, so it's not difficult for me to withstand all this. Although other girls may need more patience.

It’s hard in the army with personal time. I can call you to work in the middle of the night, and on holidays, when everyone is resting, we hold competitions and play sports. Everyone serves according to their position. But we learn every working day: be it fire training or chemical protection.

I mostly spend my time underground. There is no connection there. Of course, in our time we can purchase equipment that will provide the Internet and other things, but this is of no use in the army.

During the year of service, I never heard from men, that the army is not a woman's business. On the contrary, we are often praised by management for the fact that we will give any man a head start! Of course, whatever one may say, there is leniency towards women. But we, along with men, enter into combat duty and join the outfit. Everyone understands where they are and is responsible for their actions.

The field uniform we wear is made only for men. The smallest size is 44-46. Therefore, we, girls of size 40, have to sew our uniforms in order to make them not only comfortable, but also beautiful. We also use cosmetics, it is not prohibited. It’s clear that war paint would look wild. But we always want to look good.

The army now occupies the main part of my life. I communicate mainly with military personnel. Here the interests and hobbies are similar. But in civilian life we ​​try not to discuss work, we are completely different. I prefer shoes to tarpaulin boots, and I want to go to shops and salons, like all girls.

Now I have one goal: leave the academy as a lieutenant, and then make a career and, perhaps, become an officer. Immodest desires, but quite real!

Signal Corps

special troops, designed to provide communications and command and control of troops. IN armed forces most countries V. s. are included in all branches of the military. Soviet V. s. consist of units, communication centers, as well as supply, repair and other communication units.

Communication units appeared in the Russian army in the mid-19th century, after the invention of the electric telegraph. The first military traveling telegraph was used in Crimean War 1853-56. The first communications units were called military marching telegraph parks, which were introduced into the army corps in 1884; later, military telegraph companies were created instead. In May 1899, the world's first military radio unit was formed - the Kronstadt Spark Military Telegraph. Since 1900, radio communications began to gradually be introduced into the army. IN Russian-Japanese war 1904-05 Russian troops used wire telegraph, radiotelegraph and telephone. However, due to the technical and economic backwardness of Russia, there were few of these funds in the army. By the beginning of the 1st World War 1914-18, the Russian army had communications units in all infantry, cavalry and artillery units and connections. In October 1919, on the instructions of V.I. Lenin, the head of communications of the Red Army was appointed and the Communications Directorate was created (the first chief and at the same time commissioner of the Communications Directorate was A.M. Lyubovich). In all associations and formations up to and including brigades, the position of chief of communications was introduced and communications departments and departments (departments) were created. From that time on, V. s. received independence as a special branch of the military. In November 1919, the Higher Electrical Engineering School was created, which was later transformed into the Military Electrical Engineering Academy of Communications. By 1927, the technical re-equipment of military equipment was basically completed. using domestic means, in 1929-31 new units and communications units were formed in the armored forces, aviation, air defense forces and artillery. During the Great Patriotic War of 1941-45, methods and means of organizing communications received further development, new means of communication were created, including mobile communication centers, ultra-short wave radio stations, and direct-printing machines. During the war, about 600 signal units were awarded military orders, 290 signalmen were awarded the title of Hero Soviet Union. In the post-war period, fundamental changes were made in the organizational structure of military systems, and the modern technology communications.

A. I. Leonov.

Big Soviet encyclopedia. - M.: Soviet Encyclopedia. 1969-1978 .

See what “Signal Troops” are in other dictionaries:

    Genus ground forces. Military communications are essential integral part control system of the Armed Forces and its material basis. The efficiency of troop leadership and timeliness largely depend on its condition and functioning... ... Wikipedia

    Signal Corps- COMMUNICATIONS TROOPS. On the eve of the war they were part of all types of Armed Forces. Forces and branches of troops. Consisted of units and communications units, supply and repair agencies. Creatures disadvantage in the organization of V. s. there was a lack of reserve communications units in their composition... Great Patriotic War 1941-1945: encyclopedia

    Signal Corps- special troops designed to establish and maintain stable communications that ensure command and control of troops (forces). Soviet V. s. equipped with mobile devices with high technical characteristics (reliability,... ... Dictionary of military terms Wikipedia

1. General Provisions

1.1. The signalman belongs to the category of technical workers.

1.2. Qualification requirements:
Initial professional education or average (full) general education and special training in the specialty, without requirements for work experience.

1.3. The signalman must know:
- basics of telegraphy, schematic diagrams of serviced equipment and equipment;
- purpose and rules of application of the most common universal and special means communications;
- power transmission circuits and signaling circuits;
- measurement and testing of channels and wires;
- methods of laying wires;
- principles of switching and protection devices;
- general information about air and cable communication lines;
- instructions for routine repair and maintenance of relays, finders, keys;
- methods of testing and adjustments of equipment and equipment;
- main types of damage and methods for eliminating them;
- the procedure for drawing up schematic diagrams for new prototypes of devices and equipment, automation and communications equipment;
- rules technical operation equipment;
- operating mode of the enterprise;
- internal labor regulations;
- organizational structure enterprises;
- safety and fire safety regulations;
- labor protection rules and regulations.

1.4. Appointment to the post of signalman and dismissal from the post are made by order general director on the recommendation of the head of the Administrative Operations Department.

1.5. The signalman reports to the head of the ACS.

1.6. During the absence of a signalman (business trip, vacation, illness, etc.), his duties are performed by a person appointed in the prescribed manner. This person acquires the corresponding rights and bears responsibility for improper performance of the duties assigned to him.

2. Job responsibilities


2.1. Ensures trouble-free and reliable operation of devices and communications in the enterprise.

2.2. Studies the operating conditions of devices, identifies the causes of premature wear, takes measures to prevent and eliminate them.

2.3. Monitors the correct operation of devices and communications equipment, etc.

2.4. Conducts daily preventive maintenance and inspection of serviced equipment, instruments and equipment.

2.5. Identifies damage to serviced equipment and repairs it.

2.6. Replaces faulty equipment and equipment, blocks it, adjusts faulty telegraph and telephone relays, checks and terminates cords, etc.

2.7. Assembles and adjusts individual components of start-stop devices.

2.8. Conducts scheduled maintenance of TT, AT, PS switching devices (keys, finders, cords, etc.), performs equipment installation work (AT, PS terminal points, ventilation and electrical installations).

2.9. Performs routine repairs and all types of preventive maintenance on equipment and equipment being serviced.

3. Rights

The signalman has the right:

3.1. Request and receive from structural units information, reference and other materials necessary to perform the duties provided for in this Job Description.

3.2. Prohibit the use of defective and dangerous objects maintenance (equipment, machines, structures, mechanisms, devices, structures).

3.3. Get acquainted with the documents defining his rights and responsibilities for his position, criteria for assessing the quality of performance job responsibilities.

3.4. Submit proposals for improvement of work related to the responsibilities provided for in these Instructions for consideration by management.

3.5. Require the management of the enterprise to provide organizational and technical conditions and prepare the established documents necessary for the performance of official duties.

4. Responsibility

The signalman is responsible:

4.1. For improper performance or failure to fulfill one’s official duties as provided for in this Job Description, within the limits established by the current labor legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.2. For offenses committed in the course of their activities - within the limits established by the current administrative, criminal and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

4.3. For causing material damage enterprise - within the limits established by the current labor and civil legislation of the Russian Federation.

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