Racism and mental disorders. Psychological reasons for racism

Racism and its social roots

Psychological reasons manifestations of racism

The presence of objective sociological reasons for the emergence of hatred and hostility towards other ethnic groups still does not explain the fact that within one society different people are susceptible to racist attitudes in different ways. Thus, we can talk about the presence in the psyche of this or that individual of a number of reasons that explain his tendency towards racism and cause xenophobic sentiments.

The psyche is structured in such a way that in order to respect themselves, to feel calm and dignified, most people are forced not to notice some of the properties that they actually possess (or, better said, that they possess). Everything that a person does not accept in himself, in the Jungian tradition analytical psychology usually called “shadow”.

Without noticing their own unacceptable qualities, people often transfer their external objects around them: to “people in general,” saying, for example, that “people are evil,” or to some specific people, being, for example, sure that “he hates me."

The mental mechanism here is as follows: the psyche, as a rule, extends itself and its properties beyond its limits. And feeling somehow, for example, greedy, a person “naturally” assumes that everyone else is like that. The evaluation mechanism that comes into play further allows a person to believe that “I am not like that” if the consciousness is not ready to accept this phenomenon. This is followed by repression - in relation to oneself. But assuming that “I am not like that,” a person continues to see others “that way.” The shadow seems to fall on the people around.

“The primitive personality (and in every nation, as is known, the mass personality reacts as a primitive personality) is not able to recognize evil as “his own personal evil,” since his consciousness is still so poorly developed that it is not capable of resolving the conflicts that have arisen. Therefore, the mass personality invariably perceives evil as something alien and, as a result of such perception, strangers everywhere and always become victims of shadow projection.

In the country, national minorities are becoming objects of shadow projection. Obviously, thanks to racial and ethnic characteristics, and even more so if they have a different skin color, national minorities are most suitable for shadow projection. There are various options psychological problem national minorities: religious, national, racial and social. However, all options have one common feature - a split in the structure of the collective psyche.

The role of strangers, once filled by prisoners of war and shipwrecked sailors, is now filled by the Chinese, Negroes and Jews. The same principle determines the attitude towards religious minorities in all religions” (Erich Neumann).

“The stranger, as an object of shadow projection, plays an extremely important role in psychic energy. The shadow - the part of our personality alien to the ego, our conscious, opposing point of view, which has a detrimental effect on our conscious attitude and sense of security - can be exteriorized and then destroyed. The fight against heretics, political opponents and enemies of the people is essentially a fight against our religious doubts, our vulnerability political position and the one-sidedness of our national worldview"(Neumann).

The actions of such a person are unconscious. Until now, the problem of the Shadow manifests itself and affects the objectivity of judgments, incorrect, distorted assessments, which are influenced by race. In a report from the American Goldwater Institute entitled “Race and Disability. Racial bias in institutions special education of Arizona in 2003 noted that “60 percent of low-income and African-American fourth-grade graduates tested “below standard” on the most recent state assessment of learning progress.” Black students are 3 times more likely than white students to be labeled “mentally retarded.” Although black students make up only 16% of the U.S. school population, they make up 32% of children enrolled in programs for the mentally retarded.

From the point of view of analytical psychology, “The collective will strive for its liberation with the help of a scapegoat as long as there is a feeling of guilt that arises in the process of formation of the shadow as a factor of splitting in consciousness.”

For example, as a pre-election argument, Hitler announced that Germany would finally be able to restore its former greatness, which was lost as a result of its loss in the First World War. Let us recall that on January 18, 1919, a peace conference of 27 allied and affiliated states opened in Paris, which considered that the end of the First World War should be formalized. The winners decided the future fate of Germany without her participation. In general, Germany lost 13.5% of its territory (73.5 thousand square kilometers) with a population of 7.3 million people, of which 3.5 million people were Germans. These losses deprived Germany of 10% of its production capacity, 20% of its coal production, 75% of its reserves iron ore and 26% of iron smelting. Germany was obliged to transfer to the winners almost the entire military and merchant marine fleet, 800 steam locomotives and 232 thousand railway cars. The total amount of reparations was to be determined later by a special commission, but for now Germany was obliged to pay an indemnity to the Entente countries in the amount of 20 billion gold marks.

But for all the severity of the economic consequences of the Treaty of Versailles, they did not influence future fate Weimar Republic, but the fact that a feeling of humiliation prevailed in Germany, which contributed to the emergence of sentiments of nationalism and revanchism. At Versailles, British Prime Minister D. Lloyd George prophetically stated that the main danger of the treaty being concluded was that “we are pushing the masses into the arms of extremists.”

“Any war can only take place if the enemy is transformed into a carrier of a shadow projection. Therefore, the passion and joy of participation in military conflict, without which it is impossible to force a single person to participate in war, stems from the satisfaction of the needs of the unconscious shadow side. Wars serve as a correlate of the old ethics, since they visibly manifest the activation of the unconscious, shadow side of the collective” (Neumann).

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Racism is a serious problem looming over Russia. In the first three months of 2015 alone, 22 cases of conflicts based on national hostility were recorded. Subsequently, more than a dozen people ended up in the hospital, two of whom, unfortunately, died. Therefore, the problem of racism in Russia is urgent and requires regulation by the authorities.

But what is racism? Indeed, despite the fact that many are familiar with this concept, there is still room for some questions. For example, what is its basis? Who is the instigator of hatred between nations? And, of course, how to deal with it?

"... and brother, hated brother"

Racism is a special view of the state of things in the world. In a way, this is a worldview with its own canons and characteristics. The main idea of ​​racism is that some nations are a step higher than others. Ethnic characteristics are used as tools for dividing into higher and lower classes: skin color, eye shape, facial features and even the language a person speaks.

Another important feature of racism is that the dominant nation has more rights to exist than all others. Moreover, it can humiliate and even destroy other races. Racism does not see people in the lower classes, which means there can be no pity for them.

Such an attitude leads to the fact that even fraternal peoples begin to quarrel. And the reason for this is the difference in skin color or traditions.

The origins of racism in Russia

So why is the problem of racial inequality so acute in Russia? The whole point is that this great country is multinational, therefore there is good soil for the emergence of racism. If you take the average metropolis, you can find people of any nationality, be it Kazakhs or Moldovans.

Many “true” Russians do not like this order of things, because in their opinion, there is no place for strangers here. And if some limit themselves to verbal discontent, others may resort to force.

But it should be noted that similar attitude to visitors is not ubiquitous. Moreover, most people calmly accept the multinationality of Russia, showing tolerance and humanity towards their neighbors.

The reasons for the emergence of racism in the Russian Federation

What are the main reasons that racism flourishes in Russia? Well, there are many reasons for this, so let’s look at them one by one.

Firstly, the growing number of “guest workers” from other countries. It may seem that there is nothing wrong with such a phenomenon. But the problem is that many visiting workers charge much less for their services than Russians. Such dumping on prices leads to the fact that indigenous residents have to work hard to compete.

Secondly, some guests do not know how to behave at all. This can be confirmed by news releases where they say that a group of Caucasians or Dagestanis beat up teenagers.

Thirdly, not all visitors from abroad earn their living honestly. Indeed, according to statistics, many drug dens and points are controlled by guests from other countries.

All this causes aggression on the part of the Russian population and over time develops into a nationalist movement.

What is the difference between nationalism and racism?

It is impossible to talk about what racism is in Russia without mentioning nationalism. After all, despite all their similarities, these are completely different concepts.

So, if racism is ardent hatred of other races, then nationalism is, rather, a worldview aimed at protecting one’s own people. A nationalist loves his country and his people, so he stands guard over it. If other races do not threaten his values ​​and behave diligently and brotherly, then there will be no aggression towards them.

A racist doesn’t care what the lower peoples did or didn’t do - he will hate them. After all, they are not like him, which means they are no match for him.

Manifestations of racism in Russia

Racism is a plague, and as soon as one gets sick, a whole crowd of people infected with this idea will soon be roaming the city. Like wild wolves in the night forest, they will catch lonely victims, harassing and intimidating them.

Now regarding how racism manifests itself in Russia. The initially aggressive part of the population expresses its grievances verbally or in writing. You can notice this in private conversations ordinary people, and in the performances of some stars, politicians and showmen. There are also a huge number of online communities, blogs and websites that promote racism. On their pages you can find propaganda material that is against people of other nationalities.

But racism is not limited to threats and discussions. Fights and brawls often arise out of hatred towards other races. Moreover, their initiators can be both Russians and visitors. In general, it is not strange, because one violence gives rise to another, thereby creating an inextricable circle of hatred and suffering.

The worst thing is that racism can lead to the formation of extremist groups. And then small fights escalate into large-scale raids aimed at clearing out districts, markets and subways. In this case, not only “non-Russians” become victims, but also random witnesses or passers-by.

Social racism

Speaking about racism, one cannot fail to mention one of its varieties. Social racism is the manifestation of hatred of one class towards another. Despite the fact that this can happen even within one nation. For example, rich people consider ordinary workers “backward,” or the intelligentsia looks at common people with contempt.

The sad thing is that in modern Russia This phenomenon occurs quite often. The reason for this is a big difference in the standard of living of an ordinary worker and a wealthy entrepreneur. This leads to the fact that the former begin to hate the rich for their arrogance. And the latter are contemptuous of hard workers, because they could not achieve success in this life.

How can we fight racism?

IN last years Parliament is increasingly considering questions regarding how to resolve national conflicts. In particular, a number of bills have been adopted that could help in this matter. For example, there is a provision for imprisonment for up to 5 years for inciting hostility between peoples.

In addition to this, in school curriculum There are events during which children are taught that all people are equal. They are also conveyed the message that all life is sacred, and no one has the right to take it. This technique is considered the most effective, because racist tendencies are acquired precisely at this age. In addition to this, there are public organizations, working to make the world a kinder and more humane place.

And yet it is impossible to completely get rid of racism, because this is the essence of humanity. As long as people with different ethnic characteristics- Unfortunately, it will not be possible to avoid conflicts and hatred.

Racism concept

Definition 1

Racism refers to the set of views that human races are physically and mentally unequal. This point of view had a significant influence on the development of history and culture in many countries.

Some sources contain a broader concept of racism, considering it as an ideology that addresses questions about the division of people into differentiated groups called races, the possibility of inheritance of racial characteristics, physical traits, character traits, intelligence, humor, morality, culture, as well as the superiority of one race over another.

In practice, the ideology of racism is used to incite discrimination, limit the rights of any race, and justify superiority over any race.

It should be noted that this term first appeared in 1932 in the French dictionary of Larousse, which was a reference book on basic political and political science terms. It presented it as a system that asserted the superiority of one racial group over others. Currently, the meaning of this term is constantly being supplemented, expanded, and modified in some countries, which makes a significant contribution to the development of this concept in such a science as political science.

However, today in different countries However, quite stable multiracial and racial multicultural societies have developed, and therefore it was necessary to expand this concept. Thus, today the concept of racism is interpreted as the influence of race on a person’s character, his moral qualities, talents, and behavior.

This concept is also called new racism. And it is seen as a changing personality that adapts to environment, while being a member of certain ethnic and civilized communities. Often such a personality reflects the behavioral stereotypes of a particular race.

Note 1

Today, racism is prohibited by international legal documents and is considered politically unacceptable. However, some individuals continue to express these views, albeit more covertly. Moreover, racism is gradually disappearing and is being replaced by the idea of ​​​​the incompatibility of civilizations. This idea means that members of different races are different from each other and therefore should not mix.

History of racism

The history of the appearance of this concept is associated primarily with geographical discoveries Europeans. At first, there was a colonization policy, which was often accompanied by the fact that Europeans, arriving in certain territories, destroyed local residents or enslaves them. In addition, it was the Europeans who came up with the theory that some peoples were cursed in accordance with biblical provisions, which gave rise to their enslavement. This provision especially concerned Negroid race. At the same time, individual representatives of this race occupied a very high position in European society and had a significant influence on the development of politics as a whole, and enjoyed undeniable authority among their compatriots and Europeans.

Example 1

For example, a Swedish politician like Gustav Badin was originally a Swedish black slave. However, he was subsequently elevated to the rank of high-ranking official by the queen, for a long time was significant statesman, close to the queen.

And in the 12th century, the so-called theory of polygenesis appeared, which substantiated the following point of view: different races had different ancestors. However this theory was refuted by scientists, but formed the basis of racism.

In the 20th century, racism also occurred and was characterized by the following characteristics:

  • the emergence of the Nazis;
  • justification by racism for the extermination of people during the Second World War;
  • the emergence of ostracism;
  • racism against immigrants.

By the end of the 20th century, the world community came to the conclusion that racism as a phenomenon must be exterminated, otherwise it will lead to the outbreak of the Third World War and great loss of life. In addition, the concept of “discrimination” appeared, which also meant discrimination based on race. There is currently a ban on discrimination in any area, including labor law.

Causes of racism

Speaking about the causes of racism, it is necessary to note the following features:

  • the influence of the European race on the formation of the main points of view in this area;
  • in some states racism has existed since their inception (USA);
  • one of the reasons for racism is the existence of colonies and the need to justify the subordination of certain categories of peoples;
  • the need to justify slavery.

The reason for racism for a long time was precisely the justification of slavery and the existence of colonies. That is why in the 20th century such a thing as racism existed and flourished. This justifies the difference between layers of the population, the need for the existence of categories of slaves and categories of masters, feudal and class differences.

The medieval system justified the possible existence of racism as such, otherwise it would have been impossible to force slaves and workers to carry out labor activities for pennies. Accordingly, such a view was beneficial for states to develop their own economies. The 20th century differs from the rest in that there were revolutions in the social sphere, the sphere of government, and in many states the republican form of government began to prevail, which had a significant impact on the subsequent abolition of slavery and the denial of any forms of discrimination.

Note 2

Currently, the situation in this area has more or less stabilized, although isolated outbreaks of racial hostility have been observed. In general, relationships between peoples today are built on mutual interest in each other’s culture, history, interest in various historical monuments, thanks to which tourism is actively thriving. In addition, the development of mutual friendly relations contributes to the spread of the Internet, in which representatives of different races communicate and find friends.

Racism(1) - discrimination against individuals, social groups or parts of the population or human groups, policies of persecution, humiliation, infliction of shame, violence, incitement of hostility and animosity, dissemination of defamatory information, causing harm on the basis of skin color, ethnicity, religion or national origin.

Racism uses external differences as the main reason for denying equal treatment to members of another group on the basis of so-called "scientific", "biological" or "moral" characteristics, considering them different from one's own group and inherently inferior. Such racist arguments are often used to justify preferential treatment of one group. This group is usually given preference. Typically, the granting of a privileged position is accompanied by statements that a group is threatened (usually according to its subjective perception) - in comparison with another group in order to put the latter “in its place” (from a social and territorial point of view).

Racism is usually understood as the above actions sponsored by the authorities or the state religion, and not any manifestations.

In the modern world, racism is a severe social issue and in many countries not only racist practices, but also the preaching of racism are prosecuted by law.

Racism believes that interracial hybrids have less healthy, "unhealthy" heredity and therefore opposes mixed marriages.

Currently, the definition of racism is not associated with the concept due to the biological uncertainty of the latter. The concept of racism is used broadly, as a set of actions or parts of it, historically associated with the three-century practice of racism against blacks in.

Despite numerous attempts to further expand the definition of racism, it is not commonly disseminated, professionally or age groups, on, etc.

The definition of racism also does not apply to historical ones. For example, the definition of “Russian great power, national policy or how racism looks obvious, although there are signs of racism.

At the same time, the policy of discrimination, persecution and profiling of ethnic and religious minorities (for example, “persons of Caucasian nationality”) in modern times is qualified in documents of international and Russian human rights organizations as racism, and such use of words does not cause serious resistance.

Racism (obsolete)

Racism (2) outdated- doctrine and ideology that affirm the physical and mental inequality of human beings. As a consequence of this, a person’s belonging to one or another anthropological type is considered important in determining his social status. It is considered obsolete, since modern biology considers the very concept of race to be vague. Inside the so-called races and differences are greater than between the so-called. races and many differences thought to be racial were in fact due to historical, social or economic reasons.

Basic principles of racist ideology

1. Belief in the superiority of one, or less often several, races over others. This belief is usually combined with a hierarchical classification of racial groups.

2. The idea that the superiority of some and the inferiority of others are of a biological or bioanthropological nature. This conclusion follows from the belief that superiority and inferiority are ineradicable and cannot be changed, for example, by influence social environment or education.

3. The idea that collective biological inequality is reflected in social order and culture and that biological superiority is expressed in the creation of a “superior civilization”, which itself indicates biological superiority. This idea establishes a direct relationship between biology and social conditions.

4. Belief in the legitimacy of the dominance of “superior” races over “inferior” races.

5. The belief that there are “pure” races, and mixing inevitably affects them bad influence(decline, degeneration, etc.)

Etymology and history of the concept

The word “racism” itself was first recorded in the French dictionary by Larousse in 2009 and was interpreted as “a system that asserts the superiority of one racial group over others.”

The founder of the racist theory is considered to be the one who considered historical process from the point of view of the struggle of races. Differences in cultures, languages, economic models, etc. Gobineau explained by the mental characteristics of the races of their creators. The best race de Gobineau considered the Nordic, and explained the greatness of civilizations by the assumption that at the time of the rise of civilization, the ruling elites in these countries were Nordics. In definition modern concept The book “Racism” made a great contribution to racism French philosopher Albert Memmi.

Racism in the USA

Blacks: from slavery to the civil rights movement

Significant progress in overcoming racism in the United States began in the 60s, when, as a result of the successes of the civil rights movement, significant political and socio-economic measures were taken to ensure equality and overcome the centuries-old gap separating African-Americans, Indian-Americans and others. minorities from the mainstream American life. At the same time, racism remains one of the hottest topics in American public life today.


Topic: the problem of racism in the modern world


11th grade student

Zuikov Mikhail


Muratova T.I.

Alatyr 2016


The origin of racism……………………………4

Racism in the modern world……………………………6

Modern manifestations racism


National Socialist Movement

Black racism

Racism in Russia

Attitude public opinion to racism……………………………9


Supporters of racism

Racism is good

Racism is bad

List of references……………………………14


The word “racism” is derived from the noun “race”, which has long ceased to denote the concept of “clan” or “family” in French. In the 16th century, it was customary to refer to belonging to a “good race”, and also to declare oneself a person of good “breed”, a “nobleman”. Emphasizing one's origin was a way to stand out, to show one's importance, which was also a unique form of social discrimination. The commoner, who dreamed of “noble blood,” tried not to mention the name of his ancestors. Gradually, the “merit of origin” changes its content, and at the end of the 17th century the word “race” is already used to divide humanity into several large genera. New interpretation geography imagined the Earth not only divided into countries and regions, but also inhabited by “four or five genera or races, the difference between which is so great that it may serve as the basis for a new division of the Earth.” In the 18th century, along with other meanings of the term, in which it can sometimes mean social class, V " Natural history” the idea is given that races are varieties of the human race, in principle one. These varieties “are the result of mutations, peculiar distortions that are passed on from generation to generation.”

The word "racism" was first recorded French dictionary Larousse in 1932 and was interpreted as “a system that asserts the superiority of one racial group over others.” Its current meaning in a political sense is sometimes expanded, supplementing the racial criterion with ethnic, religious or other superiority. At the same time, as many countries have developed strong multiracial and multicultural societies, the definition of racism has needed to be expanded. Racism refers to the belief that race has a decisive influence on the character, morals, talents, abilities and behavioral characteristics of an individual. human personality.

Origins of racism

Ideas about the initial inequality of different races appeared quite a long time ago. The first hint of discrimination against blacks can be found in the inscription on the obelisk erected at the second waterfall of the Nile, by order of Pharaoh Sesostris III: “Southern border. The wall erected in the 8th year of the reign of Sesostris III, king of Upper and Lower Egypt, who has always existed and will exist forever. Before this border, crossing by land with herds, or by water by boat, is prohibited for any blacks to cross, except those who wish to cross in order to sell or buy something in any market. These people will be received hospitably, but it is always forbidden for any black to go down the river beyond the Heh in a boat on all occasions.”

Aristotle's theory of "natural slavery" has proven to be a powerful source of reference that has been cited by many racist anthropologists over the centuries. But it should be noted that, writing about slaves “by nature,” Aristotle did not at all mean a slave as a representative of another race. Slaves in ancient times there were people who belonged to the same race as their masters. It’s just that over the centuries, poor and unprotected peoples who were unable to withstand the onslaught of conquerors became slaves.

In the 16th-17th centuries, a hypothesis appeared that traced the origin of blacks to the biblical Ham, cursed by his father Noah, which was a justification for the conversion of blacks into slavery.

IN mid-19th century, the first generalizing works on racism appeared. In his essay “An Essay on the Inequality of Human Races,” J. A. Gobineau declared the Aryans to be the highest race, whom he considered the creators of all high civilizations, preserved in the most pure form among the aristocracy of the Germanic peoples. Gobineau did not give an exact description characteristic features“Aryans”, he sometimes attributed to them roundness of the head, and sometimes elongation, sometimes light, sometimes dark or even black eyes (it should be taken into account that he himself was a Frenchman with black eyes). Gobineau's theory, based on the wrongful identification of races and language families, became cornerstone many racist concepts.

The idea of ​​inequality of human races flared up with extreme force in America during the period of aggravation of the issue of the slave trade. When in 1844 England, supported by France, approached US Foreign Secretary Calgown with a proposal to free blacks and stop human trafficking, Calgown was at a loss and did not know how to formulate a response to the two European powers. On the advice of the then famous anthropologist Morton, Calgown drew up a note addressed to England, in which he rejected any change in the legal status of blacks, since blacks supposedly represented a special breed of people.

On November 17, 1863, the first meeting of the London Anthropological Society, the first anthropological organization in England, opened. The president of the society, James Ghent, gave a report on the topic “The Negro’s Place in Nature,” which presented numerous evidence of inequality between whites and blacks, with the most negative properties of human nature being attributed to blacks.

Subsequently, racist ideas were closely intertwined with social Darwinism, whose representatives carried over the teachings of Charles Darwin about natural selection and the struggle for existence on human society. After the First World War, mainly in Germany in reactionary circles, the “Nordic myth” about the superiority of the Northern or Nordic race over all other races gained popularity. During the years of Hitler's dictatorship in Germany, racism, which became the official ideology of fascism, was used to justify the seizure of foreign lands, the physical extermination of many millions of civilians (primarily in the USSR and Slavic countries), imprisonment in concentration camps, torture

and executions of anti-fascists in Germany itself. Similar “racist practices” were carried out by Japanese militarists in China and other Asian countries, and by Italian fascists in Ethiopia, Albania, and Greece.

However, racism is not only a European phenomenon. Politicians in many countries resorted to racism when they felt the need to justify the “right” to dominate or take over. A striking example That's because of Japanese racism. As soon as Japan began colonial expansion into other countries (for example, China), the theory of the superiority of the “Japanese race” over all other races and peoples of the world was created (General Araki, Tainzaki Junichiro, Akiyama Kenzoo and other “Japanists”). “Original” racist theories were created in their time by some Pan-Turks, ideologists of the gentry of Poland, Finnish reactionaries who dreamed of creating a “great Finland” from Scandinavia to the Urals, something similar is put forward by Jewish chauvinists who praise the greatness of God’s “chosen” people - Israel, etc. d.

In the 19th century Latin America Indianism arises, the belief that the only full-fledged race is Americanoid.

In the 60s XX century in Africa former president Senegal, Senghor created the concept of négritude, based on black racism. The germs of the concept go back to the 20s and 30s. to the French colonies, where they tried to assimilate the races. Then the black population resisted this.

Racism in the modern world

Modern manifestations of racism

In the last few years, conflicts based on ethnic hatred have intensified. When you go out into the street now, you can meet representatives of racist, nationalist, fascist, and neo-Nazi groups. Also, football groups, which in Lately interethnic strife is linked to their favorite sport, homeland, justice and everything else possible. Here are the most known manifestations racism today.


Skinheads are representatives of marginal informal associations, usually of the far-right, extreme nationalist persuasion.

Appearance skinheads: plaid shirts, denim jackets, thin suspenders and rolled up jeans.

The main skinhead organization is considered to be Honor and Blood, a structure founded in 1987 by Ian Stewart Donaldson, a musician who died in a car accident in Derbshire at the end of 1993. Stewart's group, Skrewdriver, was for many years the most popular skin group in Britain and throughout the world. all over the world. Under the name Klansmen, the group made several recordings for the American market - one of their songs has the characteristic title FetchtheRope. Stewart has always preferred to call himself simply a "Nazi" rather than a "neo-Nazi." In an interview with a London newspaper, he said: “I admire everything that Hitler did, except for one thing - his defeat.”

Today, most skinheads are hostile to blacks, Jews, foreigners and homosexuals. Although there are left-wing or red skinheads, the so-called redskins and even the organization “Skinheads against racial violence”. Therefore, clashes between red skinheads and Nazi skinheads are common.

Neo-Nazi skinheads from different countries are active militant groups. These are street fighters who oppose racial mixing, which has spread like an infection throughout the world. They glorify the purity of the race and the brutally masculine lifestyle. In Germany they fight against the Turks, in Hungary, Slovakia and the Czech Republic against gypsies, in Britain - Asians, in France - blacks, in the USA against racial minorities and immigrants and in all countries against homosexuals, and the “eternal enemy”, the Jews; in addition, in many countries, they drive away homeless people, drug addicts and other, in their opinion, the dregs of society.

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The village of Deulino is located two kilometers north of Sergiev Posad. It was once the estate of the Trinity-Sergius Monastery. IN...
Five kilometers from the city of Istra in the village of Darna there is a beautiful Church of the Exaltation of the Holy Cross. Who has been to the Shamordino Monastery near...
All cultural and educational activities necessarily include the study of ancient architectural monuments. This is important for mastering native...
Contacts: rector of the temple, Rev. Evgeniy Palyulin social service coordinator Yulia Palyulina +79602725406 Website:...
I baked these wonderful potato pies in the oven and they turned out incredibly tasty and tender. I made them from beautiful...