Draws for April 1 at a distance. April Fool's pranks and jokes for friends, parents, colleagues. Prank for the wife

April 1 is a great occasion to arrange a real test for your loved ones, playing them as tough and fun as possible. There are no prohibitions on this day! The jokes can be borderline (the main thing is that the victim doesn’t have a heart attack), the humor can be reckless, and the holiday itself can be off-putting. We have prepared this selection especially for fans of extreme, extraordinary, memorable pranks.

Prank your friend: a mixture of humor, fun and fright

The coolest prank is the one that is completely impossible to guess. It should have some spice, some zest, some kind of novelty and originality that does not allow the victim to understand that they are making fun of her. So, let's go!

Option 1. For those on the subway

A surprisingly simple and at the same time effective prank, which requires one accomplice and being in the subway during rush hour. We go in, pretend that we pressed the button to communicate with the driver and loudly ask: “Please, a cup of coffee and a cheeseburger for such and such a car.” At the next stop your accomplice is already waiting for you (discuss the carriage number in advance), who delivers what is “ordered.” Of course, passengers are perplexed. But it will also be mixed with indignation when, again imitating a dialogue with the driver, you say: “Okay, now it’s time to get to the final station without stopping, I’m in a hurry!”

Option 2. Risky

An excellent, effective prank for a company gathered to spend April Fool's Day in nature. Prepare a jar of squash or eggplant caviar in advance. While your friends are “covering the clearing,” step aside. Discreetly dump the props on the ground and sprinkle them with scraps of toilet paper for decoration. Now it's all about artistry. You pretend that you accidentally discovered this unambiguous pile, grab a spoon and shout “Oops, it’s fresh!” eat. Believe me, the day will start very cool!

Option 3. Simple but tasteful

Everything here is extremely simple. You choose the victim of the joke and a cool, humorous postcard that suits his nature (there are a huge number of these on sale now). Now you need to format it correctly: We print out an official envelope on behalf of, for example, the tax office, court, military registration and enlistment office, and so on. It is important that the letter looks serious and personable, and does not raise questions. We put the purchased postcard inside. Believe me, the victim will be both puzzled and scared, and then laugh a lot.

Option 4. With goldfish

Works great with fellow aquarium enthusiasts. If your friend has fish at home, give him a very tough show. First cut out a fish silhouette from a carrot and hide it in your hand. When you come to visit a friend, unceremoniously put your hand into the aquarium and move it there (lovers of aquatic fauna may have a nervous breakdown just from this!), then - one sharp movement, and, Defiantly waving the carrot piece in the air, put it in your mouth! Moreover, as deliciously as possible and with remarks like: “The freshest fish is here!”, “Mmmm, the most delicious view!” Be prepared for a very violent reaction.

Option 5. With a glass

The props are simple - a plastic cup, but the effect will be amazing. Especially if you organize a prank in an office, auditorium or classroom, with a large crowd of people. We start by complaining all day about pain in the neck, saying it hurts and we have no strength. It’s better to do this intrusively, so that in a couple of hours everyone knows about your problem. Now, while no one sees, We put a glass on our hand and put it behind our neck. We approach the chosen victim, bow our heads with a pained look, pressing the glass. A wild crunch is heard. Everyone around is in shock!

Option 6. Voice card

Again simple, but very effective method make it unforgettable for the chosen victim. There is a service on the Internet « voice cards » , for such a request, any search engine will return several cool sites. We select the appropriate text, for example: “The police are bothering you. We have received a message that you have pornography on your computer. Due to the new law banning the illegal downloading and storage of porn for private viewing, we are required to seize your hard drive to examine it. In 10-15 minutes the police will come to you. Prepare the disc and its warranty card. That's all, see you later." In the specified field, enter the number of the subscriber who will receive such a call. Impressions are guaranteed for everyone.

Option 7. Cosmetic

Cosmetics are a great material for various funny and simple pranks. For example, you can at night, a man paints his nails with bright varnish, and then set the alarm clock so that when he wakes up, he is practically late for work or school. Your boyfriend or husband will wake up and go out looking so handsome. Another option is to draw purple bruises under the eyes. Such a joke will also have a sufficient effect when the victim sees himself in the mirror.

Option 8. With bulging eyes

A cool joke, especially sophisticated because of its simplicity. You buy a tennis ball, cut it in half, and add a pupil to each “eye.” Tighten with a thin elastic band. You put an improvised mask over your eyes, over your dark glasses. When the intended victim calls out to you, approach and nice gesture take off your glasses to show your bulging eyes. It will be a lot of fun!

Option 9. Scare a stranger

A prank that will bring a lot of emotions to both you and the chosen victim. The main task is to find a person she doesn’t know. Invite the victim for a walk, sit him on a bench, and leave under some pretext. Now it's your accomplice's turn. He approaches an unsuspecting friend, sits down next to him, with the most serious look possible, takes out someone’s photograph, moves it towards the unwitting participant in the joke and quietly says: “I want it to look like an accident.” Then he gets up abruptly and leaves. When you return, you will hear a lot of interesting things.

Option 10. Haunted

On a beautiful day, April 1, preferably in the late afternoon, send SMS messages to your friends with the simple text “Open the door, I’m here!” . They go, open the door, and there is no one there. It even looks a little creepy.

Option 11. With vodka and a car

The props are simple - a vodka bottle filled with plain water. You get into a car with friends and go somewhere to run errands. Deliberately delay time, drive the car as carefully and slowly as possible. When the irritation of passengers reaches its peak, take out the bottle and, with the words “Okay, it’s your own fault,” empty it about halfway in one gulp. Now press on the gas as hard as you can.

Option 12. With a mobile phone

Here you will have to work a little to find suitable props. You need a mobile phone panel that is exactly similar to the phone used by the potential victim of the prank. Ask a friend for his cell phone, saying yours is dead and you need to call urgently. Step aside and quietly replace your mobile phone with the purchased panel. Pretend that the conversation is turning into an argument, then angrily throw the “phone” and stomp on it for good measure. The victim's shock is guaranteed.

Option 13. Very hard

In addition to the victim, you will also need an accomplice. Bet with the target of the prank that he cannot guess which part of the body he is touching while blindfolded. There is only one condition: you can only feel with your fingers. Now blindfold the victim and start pinning him. Have her guess the accomplice's body parts correctly several times, then slip in two halves of a tomato. Naturally, he is perplexed - what is this? And then the accomplice screams wildly that his eyes were gouged out...

April 1 breaks all records for the number of draws. Children play pranks on their parents and vice versa, subordinates make jokes on their boss, schoolchildren make jokes on their teachers and classmates. And even sharp humor is perceived without offense, because that’s what April Fool’s Day is for. You can joke about friends and strangers, at home, at work, on a minibus, and not only is it possible, but it is imperative to charge everyone with positivity! The main thing is not to forget: your “victim”’s sense of humor must be adequate to your pranks, because everyone should find it funny (including the victim of the prank). What pranks can you come up with on April 1 for colleagues, friends and family to keep your mood high and remember the holiday for a long time?

World famous April 1st draws

  • fall of the Leaning Tower of Pisa;
  • UFO sighting in London;
  • photo report “Flying penguins”
  • transition to a new, decimal time measurement system;
  • change in the mathematical constant Pi from 3.14 to 3.0.

Pranks at work and more

We spend a significant part of our time at work, and our colleagues will probably not miss an opportunity to prank you. So be the first.

Box without bottom

It is best to set a scene for the inquisitive ones who poke their noses in everywhere and always. At a height (for example, on a cabinet), a box without a bottom is installed, but the top must open. The box may have a bright sticker that arouses interest, and an inscription like “Do not touch with your hands!” Fill the box with confetti or similar filling. When the chosen one for the joke appears in the room, it is better to leave to give him the opportunity to satisfy his curiosity. You return with a broom for those who are especially curious.

Secretary's Prank

From another office they call a trusting colleague or secretary and seriously inform that they are calling from a telephone exchange, where hot steam will be supplied under pressure through the cable to clean the telephone network. Therefore, you need to wrap the tubes in polyethylene or simply lower them to the floor. It is important not to reveal yourself while the naive victim brings the office to a safe state.

Prank on the user

An option for a colleague with strong nerves and a sense of humor.

Action plan

  • You occupy a colleague’s computer while he is away.
  • Take a photo of the screen using the PrintSrceen key.
  • Go to Paint (graphics editor).
  • Press the ShiftInsert key and insert the photo.
  • Now you need to save it (windows address FUN. bmp) and close the editor.
  • Go to the “screen properties” section.
  • Installing a JOKE. bmpbackground.
  • Select all the shortcuts on the monitor and drag them off the screen.
  • You can also remove the “Taskbar” for full effect.

When the teapot user starts rebooting the computer and running around the office screaming, the main thing is to clarify the situation before calling the IT service or complaining to the boss. Help it "arrange icons by" and restore the screen background.

The mouse ran away

For presentation you will need:

  • the same mouse as on a colleague’s computer, only not a working one: its fate is difficult to predict;
  • mouse tail (cord) – long and reliable;
  • movable chair on wheels;
  • Ideally, the processor should be under the table;
  • A colleague's brilliant absent-mindedness is welcome!

Preparation (in the absence of the main character, of course) takes a couple of minutes. Replace the mouse and tie a rope to the tail. Stretch the cord and rope behind the table, secure the other end to the chair so that when the chair is pulled up, the mouse is in its usual place, but with the “tail” stretched. Moving the chair away, the victim pulls the rope and the mouse runs away. Trying to catch it, a colleague grabs the fleeing mouse, the chair moves away with a blow to the knees. The unfortunate colleague looks very funny in these races.

Fatal call

Call the secretary or another employee and introduce yourself as a telephone company lineman repairing a fault on the line. Please ask not to use the phone for ten minutes, as this may cause an electric shock to the electrician. After deadline you call back to the same number and, when the phone is picked up, you let out a heartbreaking scream.


A cruel, albeit funny, prank for a company with numerous clients. Attach a sign (or just a piece of paper) with the text “Toilet” to the door of the selected office. That's basically the whole joke. But can you imagine the faces of employees and visitors constantly barging in with the same question: “Toilet? And where…?"

April Fool's Day and friends

April 1st pranks for friends are the funniest, because you know exactly who you can prank and how, and you can anticipate the reaction to your jokes. Of course, we don’t stand on ceremony with our friends, but still know when to stop.

Phone prank

Calling a friend late at night, you ask in a serious voice if he has hot water. After an affirmative answer, you give advice: “Wash quickly and sleep!”


You drink tea with a friend and chat, then suddenly you fall silent, change your face and scream: “Cockroach, Lucy (Masha, Sveta...) there’s a cockroach on your head!” .Do not use for the faint of heart.

Winter diesel fuel

If you happen to meet a friend (or a beautiful stranger) at a gas station, you can prank them by glancing at the gas station with the question: “I hope you are filling up with WINTER diesel fuel?” Before your friend sees through the joke, he will have time to get scared. And for the girl there will be a reason to get acquainted.


You can play the most gloomy member of the company, the main condition is that he is a smoker. You invite him to try a new brand of cigarettes, supposedly a gift from a distant mutual friend. After smoking a cigarette, in agreement with friends, quietly turn on the music, discreetly apply paint on yourself, let the chickens in - the main thing is for everyone to behave as usual, and only the smoker should notice the changes.

Secret admirer

Hand your friend a bouquet with a note indicating the place and time of the date, and ask her to take the bouquet with her. At the meeting stranger guy takes the bouquet, thanks and immediately gives it to his girlfriend. So that the victim does not get too upset, a familiar company immediately appears and hands her his own bouquet.

Fortune telling with matches

Invite your girlfriend or friend to tell fortunes on your future destiny. You give a box of matches and ask them to carefully break off the heads. You meticulously inspect the result of the work and ask for it to be remade. Then you insert matches into the victim’s nose, ears, hair, teeth, meticulously examine the result and, finally, show the victim your reflection in the mirror with the question: “Well, who needs you so scary?”

How to make a joke at home

April 1st pranks for parents bring a lot of fun, no matter who is pranking whom.

Hello homeless people!

If you have been planning to change the lock in your apartment for a long time, do it on April 1, when your parents will not be at home. When they try to open the door, they should be met by an unfamiliar man in shorts with the remark: “What do you need?” To the question: “What are you doing in my apartment?” explains that he purchased it at some real estate office. The duration of negotiations is proportional to the strength nervous system parents, but don't overdo it.


If the door in the kitchen opens from the outside, you can tie a strong thread to it and secure as many unbreakable objects as possible to it: spoons, towels... The end of the thread should be secured from the inside very carefully so as not to move the bunch. When the doors are opened, all objects fly apart, and mom will instantly cause a real destruction. True, they can give you a headache too.

Good morning!

In the evening, when everyone is asleep, move all the clocks in the house forward by an hour. In the morning, when sleepy household members are getting ready for school and work, congratulate them on April 1 or silently watch how they will enjoy the surprise when they get to work.

One size larger

In the evening, put cotton wool or paper in everyone’s shoes and boots, stuffing the socks and making the shoes one size smaller. When your family struggles with putting on shoes, don’t forget to congratulate them on April 1st.

Young hairdresser

A prank for a blonde mom or dad with gray hair. Instead of shampoo, pour a solution of potassium permanganate into an opaque bottle. Don't forget to take a photo of your dream pink hair.

Focus in the kitchen

Pour water into a saucepan or three-liter glass jar. Cover it with a sheet of paper, turn it over and place it on a flat tabletop. You can safely pull out the paper - the water will remain in place until someone tries to remove the vessel.

School jokes

In any country and at all times, pranks on April 1 at school were a test for teachers and a pleasure for young pranksters: at every step, some kind of trick awaited everyone. But even if the teacher is a joker himself, he is unlikely to be happy with your attempt to disrupt the lesson. Will there be peace at school this time?

Mop on the ceiling

A simple and witty prank can be done right in class by writing a note with the text “mop on the ceiling” and asking him to pass it on to a neighbor after reading it. The next time a student looks at the ceiling, the teacher will certainly look there too! And if you rub the board with soap or a candle, then no one will be able to write on it, you will have to switch to an oral survey. Whether this is good is up to you to decide.

There will be no algebra

Upset educational process maybe this is a joke. Come to class first and tell everyone who comes in that the teacher is sick and there will be another lesson. Notify teachers that the schedule has been rescheduled. When everyone gets really confused, don't forget to remind them about April 1st.

New diary

Raffles on April 1st for a classmate can be organized like this. Buy new diary with a cover exactly like your friend’s (hopefully it’s common enough) and discreetly change it for him. The surprise of both the teacher and classmate when called to the board is guaranteed. I hope they appreciate the joke too.


Attach a notice to the school door with strong glue stating that there will be no classes today due to a break in the water supply network. High school students must show up at 11:00 in work clothes with buckets and rags.

Heavy bag

A heavy (preferably metal) object is placed in a classmate’s bag, accidentally left unattended. Watching the efforts of a classmate, the main thing is to keep a serious, imperturbable face. It is important to stop in time so that the girl does not leave in tears.

Who's going where, and I'm skiing

Ask your friend to stretch his arms forward and insert matches between the first and second fingers, slip two more under his shoes and with an innocent look ask the question: “what month is it now?” To the obvious answer that it’s already April, clarify: “Why is he skiing.” The delight of your classmates is guaranteed.


This prank is for a classmate who is a computer nerd. Tell him about e-mail and suddenly remember that you are waiting for a money transfer. And calmly take out the bill hidden somewhere in the drive.

By the way, April 1 is a holiday of humor and smiles, but not hysterics, so play kindly with everyone. We also recommend reading What competitions to hold on March 8, read in

Well, there are countless options here. The first thing you can do is send a message to your friends on the evening of April 1, from your own or someone else’s number with the following text: “Open the door for me, finally, I’m already freezing standing here!” Oddly enough, most people buy it for fun. And then it turns out that the friends really ran to open the doors. After you celebrate a holiday in a group, on the way home, in some “crowded” place, tell the most sober of your friends that he is the drunkest, and if he starts to protest, ask him to make a “swallow”. And when he agrees and performs the figure, announce that he is absolutely drunk, because a sober person would never do such a thing in such a crowded place.

A drawing for a friend, girlfriend or friends on April 1 can be done by challenging them to a bet
Bet you can't step over a pencil? I'll put it on the floor, but you won't be able to do that! How to win an argument? It’s very simple: place a pencil on the floor flat against the wall.

I bet you won’t be able to move me from my place, even if we stand together on the same newspaper. Solution: Place a newspaper on the threshold of the door so that you are on the side where the door does not open. Moreover, you can argue not just like that, but, for example, for a glass of beer or for a click.

You bet I can jump higher than the refrigerator? After concluding an argument, do a normal jump and say that you jumped higher, because the refrigerator cannot jump at all.

This is a prank for the office, although if you have spectators and an assistant, you can play this at home. Someone from the next room calls the person being played and, in as serious a voice as possible, informs that they are calling from the telephone exchange, and now, in order to clean the wires, hot steam under pressure will be supplied through the telephone channel. Therefore, you need to very quickly wrap all telephone handsets in the office with plastic or paper (or put them on the floor).

Let the person being played sit in your room. The room must be located at least on the 2nd floor. In front of the “object” you need to sit for some time at the open window on the windowsill. At some point, when the "object" is not looking at you, you must hide or silently leave the room. At the same time, your assistant lays out a stuffed animal on the street under the window - clothes like yours are stuffed with paper for volume (a bright T-shirt, etc.) - and plywood the color of asphalt with a “blood” stain painted on it. Then he shouts your name with the words: “Crashed, crashed, help…….”. The assistant in the room and the “object” run up to the window and see your body on the asphalt. The assistant offers to come down and help you if this is still possible. When they run away, you return to your place in the room and sit as if nothing had happened. While the "object" is running down, the "body" and the plywood are removed. The "object" does not understand anything. The assistant says that the body has probably already been removed. They return to the room and the "object" sees you....

A group of people enter one subway car. Everyone comes in so that no one suspects that they are together. After some time, as the train leaves the station, one of those who entered comes up to the button for communicating with the driver, pretends to press it and speaks so that everyone can hear more people: “A hamburger and a large Coca-Cola in carriage number ____” (the carriage number is written next to the button). Having said this, he simply stands and waits for the next station. At the next station, another person enters this car (preferably in a T-shirt or Coca-Cola cap) and asks loudly: “Who ordered a hamburger and Coca-Cola.” The person who ordered comes up, takes the “order”, quickly pays and moves on. The one who brought the order must have time to get off at this station. The train starts moving. The man comes up to the button again and says: “Until the end without stopping.” The reaction from passengers is simply indescribable.

Pranks with computers are very common, for example, if the person being pranked has:
the “tail” of the mouse is quite long and strong - a chair on wheels should roll easily;
possibly greater absentmindedness of the victim;
an “under-desk” option for the location of the system unit is desirable;
Preparation while the victim is away lasts about a minute:
if you have the same mouse as the victim, but it’s not working, then it’s better to use it (the “standard” mouse is hidden, for example, behind the monitor), and if not, then the “standard” one will do. - a chair moves under the table; - using a piece of rope, tie the tail of the mouse to the chair so that the mouse lies in its usual place, and the tail is almost “tight”, but when the chair is pulled out, the mouse does not fall off the table, and the connector does not pull out of the computer. When the victim comes workplace and sees a chair pushed in, what’s the first thing he does? That's right, he pulls out a chair. The mouse runs away from the victim... The first reaction is confusion and sometimes stupor. The second is to sharply pull the mouse towards you - the chair drives up and hits the victim under the knees. Then either plop down on a chair with a stunned look, or push the chair away with your knees.

Water is poured into the saucepan, covered with a sheet of paper on top, turned upside down, placed on a flat floor or even better table, the paper is pulled out. Water does not flow out. The victim sees an ownerless (interfering) pan and picks it up with an understandable result. As an option, instead of a saucepan, take a 3-5 liter glass jar and place it where it will interfere with the potential victim, who sees the water and simply has to puzzle over how to deal with the least casualties.

A cracker is tied to the railing and door handle and the doorbell is rung. The result can be observed through the peephole of the door - just don’t burst out laughing so as not to get caught. As a rule, the neighbors hide behind the door for an hour or two after this and run out into the yard every five minutes in the hope of catching the pranksters.

You call someone and ask them not to answer phone calls for 10 minutes, because... A telephone operator is working on the line and may get an electric shock. A few minutes later you call back to the same number, and if they pick up, let out a heartbreaking scream

With the help of such jokes, arguments and pranks, the holiday of humor, laughter and fun will be at its best. The main thing is, before you play a prank on your friend, girlfriend or all your friends on April 1, do not give them a hint of what you are going to do, do not remind them of the holiday, and then it will give everyone a great mood, a lot of cheerful emotions and joyful impressions.

Happy pranks and funny reactions!

It's very close already merry holiday year - April 1 or April Fool's Day. On this day, it is customary to deceive and make good fun of your family and friends. At the same time, you don’t have to worry that your friends will misunderstand the joke, because on the first of April a lot is allowed. April 1st pranks for friends can be varied. We have prepared a selection of the most interesting ones for you.

Many people are looking for non-standard solutions on how to prank their friends on April 1st. The jokes about “your back is white” are already tired of everyone, and, moreover, they are so familiar that you won’t see anyone playing such a joke anymore.

The epic of how to prank a friend on this holiday can begin at home in the morning. That is, of course, if you live together. You can pump sour cream into a toothpaste tube. Another interesting prank option is to put a magnet under the tablecloth during breakfast and place cutlery on top. It will be funny when a friend tries to take the equipment, but he has difficulty doing it.

The most classic prank that you can still surprise with is to pour fine sugar into a salt shaker instead of salt. There are other options for pranking a friend at school on April 1st and a large company. In a room where many visitors pass every day, you need to hang a “Toilet” or “Buffet” sign on a completely different door. If a friend works in an office where a sign will be hung, then for the next couple of hours people will constantly look into the office and then run out embarrassed.

How to prank your friends on the phone

An interesting way to prank a friend on the phone is to call him at work and say in a serious voice that they are calling from the telephone exchange. It’s better for one of your colleagues to speak so that your friend doesn’t recognize the voice. Next, you need to inform that in order to clean the wires, hot steam under high pressure will immediately be supplied through the telephone channel, therefore, you need to quickly wrap the tube in paper and put it on the table. Thanks to the effect of surprise, a trusting friend can follow all instructions. If he sees through the prank, it’s okay, you will have a reason to laugh together.

Schoolchildren love this holiday very much, because they love to play pranks. On the First of April, mischief is not severely punished, so you want to have a blast full program. April 1st pranks at school are very cool. There is a very effective prank that is great for girls. You need to put something very heavy in their bag so that even a strong guy will have difficulty lifting the bag. In the future, it will be fun to watch how your classmate will try to lift the bag and pull the straps with difficulty.

To prepare another one have a fun prank You will need to print two sheets of paper. The first one should say: “The school is undergoing renovations, entrance today is through the back door.” On the second sheet you need to write: “The door opens poorly, the pull is stronger and longer.” These notices must be pasted on the appropriate doors. It is best to prepare such a prank in the evening, so that the first person who comes to school in the morning will also fall for such funny announcements.

The next way to prank your friends on April 1 also concerns the announcement. You need to print out a sheet with the following text: “Due to a sewer burst at night, classes are canceled today, 04/01 and indicate the current year. The school administration asks high school students to come to school at 10:00 with rags and buckets to help quickly eliminate the consequences of the accident.”

Note! April 1 is one of schoolchildren's favorite holidays of the year, and no one wants to miss an opportunity to have fun and make fun of others. When choosing a specific prank option, you should always remember that it should not offend anyone or be misunderstood. Even if you add a little imagination to the most classic prank and acting, then everyone can give great mood on April Fool's Day and at the same time maintain friendly relations.

Other prank options for April Fool's Day:

* Replacement shoes can be glued to the floor with double-sided tape;

* You can pour some cereal into your shoes or stuff it into your pockets outerwear pieces of paper If you want the prank to be cute, you can pour confetti into the hat;

* To prank a colleague, you can rearrange all the things on his desk randomly. Alternatively, objects on a colleague’s desk can be wrapped with thread or foil;

* In the store you can buy a sticker in the form of a scratch, which you can stick on a person’s car if you want to prank him. You must first check that the sticker is of high quality, and then it can be quickly removed from the car without unpleasant consequences;

* Pretend the situation as if your colleague's computer froze. To do this, you need to take a screenshot of your desktop, save it, and then set it as a screensaver. When the knee comes, it will have to suffer to close the window. Then it will start to restart the computer;

* Interesting option How to prank a friend on VKontakte. You'll have to cheat a little and, when he doesn't see it, go from his computer to his friend's page in this social network. Then write the status: “Today is April 1st, everyone is having fun, but I’m very sad.” Then quickly close the page, and let your friend accept encouraging wishes and proposals for a meeting;

* A very interesting prank is to send greetings on the radio from an old acquaintance whom a friend or girlfriend has not seen for a long time, but would really like to hear from him;

* You can glue the mouse to the table with double-sided tape. Or simply change the settings in the mouse settings by turning on the “left-handed” mode;

These are not all the ways to prank your friends on April 1st. The most important thing is that the chosen prank is harmless and the person to whom it is aimed understands it correctly. April Fool's Day is meant to laugh and have fun together. And not to make fun of someone or reopen old wounds.

Or Fool's Day- this is the day when it is customary to play pranks on friends and acquaintances or just joke.

April 1 - April Fool's Day

There are several theories regarding the origin of this holiday. The most famous of them dates back to the 16th century in France. Until the mid-16th century, it was in use Julian calendar, according to which the New Year began in April. However, in 1582 Pope Gregory XIII introduced Gregorian calendar, Whereby New Year came January 1st.

However, not everyone immediately accepted new calendar And continued to celebrate the New Year from March 25 to April 1. These people became the subject of ridicule and practical jokes.

IN Ancient Rome also celebrated a similar holiday Hilaria March 25th, and in India a fun festival is celebrated with the beginning of spring Holi when people joke and throw paint at each other.

If you decide to make fun of someone on this day, here are some interesting ideas.

Warning: DO NOT attempt to harm anyone or destroy anyone's property.!

How to prank a friend or colleague?

1. Plant grass in his keyboard. However, be prepared to buy your colleague a new keyboard if you decide to resort to this prank, or simply quietly replace it with an old and similar keyboard.

2. Attach horn using tape and watch your friend jump in complete delight.

3. Transform wipers in a colorful rainbow. Warning: This may be hazardous to your health.

4. Offer water in an original way. Pour water into a glass, cover it with a piece of paper, turn it upside down and place it on the table, and then take out the paper.

5. Improve your technology their colleagues.

6. Cover soap with colorless varnish and leave it in the bathroom.

7. Fill the office toy rats.

8. Make their worst fears come true by building imitation on toilet paper.

9. Show your colleague that he is too self-absorbed.

10. Make sure your colleague reads it morning newspapers.

11. Surprise with balls.

12. Leave them a big one. brown surprise.

13. Treat their taste buds by cooking onions in caramel.

14. Suggest a glass of water, or two, or several thousand.

15. Try to get your friend to work on time by setting a few alarm clocks that will ring at intervals of 5 minutes, and hide them throughout the house.

16. Remind him/her about his/her favorite actor or singer.

17. Apply tape to optical mouse sensor.

19. Do " head in a jar" by printing out a portrait of the head.

20. Change the signs on the restroom doors.

How to prank people on the street?

· Glue coin with superglue to the sidewalk and watch people's reactions.

· Start a normal conversation with a passerby, and then report that you have escaped from a mental hospital.

· In a busy place, raise your head up and, waving your arms, give instructions: “To the right, to the right, and now to the left, to the left.” When several onlookers gather, shout: " Now quit!" and jump back. Watch the reaction.

· When you are traveling in a vehicle, passing a river or lake, exclaim in surprise: “ Look, dolphins!". Enjoy the reaction.

· Dress similarly with a friend. When the trolleybus starts its journey, run after it. At another stop, your friend runs into the trolleybus and says with relief: " I barely caught up!".

Here's another a few examples, how people get pranked on the street:

How to prank a friend on the phone?

· Let us know that you conduct a survey and ask random and funny questions.

· Call a random number and ask for "(any name"), when they tell you you made a mistake, hang up. Do this in different voices repeatedly. Finally, call and say in a different accent that you are “(name)” and ask are there any messages for you?.

· Call a friend on the phone and tell him that you are his neighbor and you don’t have water. Ask him to wash, or bathe a cat or child.

· Call the office, introducing yourself as a telephone exchange foreman, and ask do not pick up the phone for 10 minutes, as you may receive an electric shock. Call back, and if they pick up, start screaming heart-rendingly.

· Introduce yourself as the operator and say that due to non-payment turn off your phone.

· Call and say that today turn off the water. Ask to fill the bathroom, basins, and pots with more water. After half an hour, call back and ask: “Did you get water?” If the answer is yes, say: “Now let the boats go!”

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