S. Turgenev “Fathers and Sons” (School essays). The meaning of the title of I. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons”


The most significant works Russian literature of the 19th century centuries are distinguished by the formulation of the most important social, philosophical, ethical issues of their time. The richness of the subject matter is one of the main qualities characteristic of the works of Russian classical literature. This quality is clearly manifested in their titles, which often express in a conditional, generalized form the essence of the problems raised. A special group consists of titles containing antitheses: “War and Peace”, “Crime and Punishment”, “Wolves and Sheep”. This includes “Fathers and Sons” by I. S. Turgenev. This is the most famous novel writer. What is he talking about? Why does it still retain its value for us? To understand the work, it is important to understand the meaning of its title. It's not as easy as it might seem. The title of the novel does not contain a direct explanation. Rather, it represents the task assigned to the readers. Finding its solution means joining those ideas that are in artistic form embodied in Turgenev's novel.

When focusing on the title, it is necessary to take into account its role and place in the artistic system that any literary work represents. As you know, the latter has three sides: subject, verbal and compositional. The main elements of the objective world of the work are the characters considered within the framework of the plot. The title is often associated with these elements. The most important aspect literary work- his speech structure is also manifested in the title, which represents a verbal construction that not only indicates the subject, but also reflects the author’s choice of the most appropriate words. In addition, the title, being the absolute beginning of the text, has an important compositional function, combining all elements artistic system. Their above connection with the title emphasizes special role the latter and outlines those directions in line with which it is advisable to analyze the title of the novel “Fathers and Sons”.

In the introduction, it was pointed out to the group of titles of works by Russian classics, to which “Fathers and Sons” adjoins. A closer look allows us to highlight a certain feature in the title in question in comparison with the aforementioned novels by Tolstoy and Dostoevsky. "War and Peace", "Crime and Punishment" as titles contain a contrast and comparison of abstract concepts. “Fathers and Sons” contains an indication of the characters and their arrangement, and generally represents the system of characters in the novel. In the minds of the reader, enriched by everyday experience, fathers and children are imagined as an inseparable and often conflicting pair. This is another feature when comparing it, for example, with “Wolves and Sheep” by A. N. Ostrovsky. What kind of conflict is set by the very title of the novel? The change of generations, the displacement of the old by the new is a manifestation of a universal pattern of life. Turgenev's novel is hardly a simple illustration of this idea, brilliantly expressed by Pushkin in the second chapter of Eugene Onegin:

Alas! on the reins of life
Instant generational harvest
By the secret will of providence,
They rise, mature and fall;
Others are following them...

Turgenev focuses on the features of a specific manifestation general pattern. In this regard, the novel turned out to be very topical. In another way, we can say that modern life material was interpreted by Turgenev from the standpoint of universal human concepts. This position of the writer predetermined the presence of a second, deep layer of the novel’s content, in which “eternal” themes are put forward. The modern-everyday and the eternal collide in the novel, creating its multidimensionality, making the picture of reality more complex, more vital. It is no coincidence that the novel begins exact date(May 20, 1859), and ends with Turgenev’s heartfelt words about “eternal reconciliation and endless life...”. It should be noted that this understanding of the novel contradicts the widespread view of D.I. Pisarev, who focused on the level of ideological conflict between the younger and older generations. The critic tried to solve the problem of “fathers and sons” practically, exploring “how, like Turgenev, the ideas and aspirations stirring in our young generation affect a person...” For Pisarev, Turgenev is “one of the best people of the last generation." It is amazing that the critic does not leave the author the right to be the main exponent of the ideas of his novel. His "opinions and judgments", "expressed in inimitably vivid images, will only provide materials for characterizing the past generation in the person of one of its best representatives." Pisarev saw the “derived phenomena of life” as very close to me, so close “that all of our young generation with their aspirations and ideas can recognize themselves in characters this novel." It was this closeness that turned out to be the main factor that influenced the opinion of the author of a critical analysis of the novel in 1862. It is no coincidence that the analysis was named after the main character, in whom, according to the critic, the whole meaning of the novel was concentrated: "young people today get carried away and go to extremes , but the hobbies themselves reveal fresh strength and an incorruptible mind; this strength and this mind... will lead young people onto a straight path and support them in life." Therefore, a critic could write the following words: "When a man like Bazarov died... then is it worth following the fate of people like Arkady, Nikolai Petrovich, Sitnikov?" Meanwhile, in our opinion, the fate of the named heroes is directly related to the general meaning of the novel, the key to which is contained in its title.

Let us not blame Pisarev for narrowing, in our opinion, the meaning of the novel and, accordingly, the meaning of its title. The depth of Turgenev's work was revealed from a certain historical distance. It is possible that new touches will be added in the future! to understanding "Fathers and Sons".

At the plot level, the title “Fathers and Sons” sets the theme of the relationship between two generations of the thinking part of Russian society in the 60s of the 19th century. This was the time of the emergence of a new social force in Russia - the heterogeneous intelligentsia. The noble class ceased to reign supreme in society. Turgenev captured social conflict of its time, the conflict between the nobles and the “third” estate, which actively entered the historical arena. The main representatives of these social forces in the novel - Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov. Turgenev emphasizes Bazarov's democracy and Kirsanov's aristocracy even with small, but very characteristic details. Let's compare the descriptions of the characters in the same situation: shaking hands. Getting acquainted with Bazarov, Nikolai Petrovich squeezes “his naked red hand, which he did not immediately give to him.” And here is another description: Pavel Petrovich took his trousers out of his pocket beautiful hand with long pink nails, - a hand that seemed even more beautiful from the snowy whiteness of the sleeve, fastened with a single large opal, and gave it to his nephew." The fundamental difference is in the clothes of the heroes and their attitude towards it. Bazarov says: "Just order my suitcase to be stolen there and yes this clothes." Bazarov's "clothes" is "a long robe with tassels." It is no coincidence that at the same "instant" Pavel Petrovich appears, "dressed in a dark English suit, a fashionable low tie and patent leather ankle boots." Let's think about how you can comprehend the contrast of heroes by clothing. It is clear that behind Bazarov’s carelessness stands his “nihilism,” and behind Kirsanov’s sophistication are his “principles.” However, we must not forget that these are people before us of different ages, different generations. Each generation has its own fashion, including clothing. Fathers and sons must be different from each other. External difference is only a sign of internal difference. Without it there will be no development. Time does not stand still. The son repeats his father at a new level; this can be seen in the example of Arkady and Nikolai Petrovich. However main question is what the new generation brings. I would like to believe that history is moving along the path of progress. But aren't there possible costs? All this is “embedded” in the concept of “fathers and sons,” which, in relation to Turgenev’s novel, cannot be reduced to a clear opposition of “fathers” (liberal nobles) and “children” (democrats). Political conflict - maybe main conflict Turgenev's time, but not Turgenev's novel. The collision of the main characters reveals the deepest difference in their entire worldview, and it cannot be sharply isolated in each generation. In this environment, the new raises an alarm and attracts intense attention in order to figure out what is being denied and what is being offered in return. And here the “childish” trait of Bazarov manifests itself, for whom it is easier to deny than to create. “Fathers” turn out to be, as it should be, wiser in some ways than “children,” until the latter, in turn, became fathers. The “Fathers” do not deny either Raphael or Pushkin; they themselves embody a certain life experience. He receives new coverage when Bazarov repeats the situation of Pavel Petrovich. At the same time new life, the new situation “puts aside” people like the Kirsanov brothers. Nikolai Petrovich himself agrees that “our song is finished.” However, the “children,” displacing the “fathers,” themselves find themselves powerless in the face of time. Bazarov is acutely aware of this in the scene where he says: “... and the part of time that I manage to live is so insignificant before eternity, where I have not been and will not be...” The problem of “fathers and sons” appears in Turgenev’s novel philosophical generalization.

What does the title of the novel represent in verbal terms? The expression “fathers” and “children” in the context of the novel is ambiguous. Bazarov and Arkady's fathers are participants in the plot. Mentioned direct family ties other characters. However, the title of the novel is metaphorical. By “fathers” we can understand the entire older generation, which is being replaced by younger ones - “children”. It is important to note the imagery of the name. The thought contained in it would be difficult to express using abstract concepts, for example: “Old and new.” How many different semantic nuances are not included here!

The title of Turgenev's novel has an important organizing function. The theme of “fathers” and “sons” literally permeates the entire narrative. Already at the very beginning, Nikolai Petrovich Kirsanov appears to the readers both as a father waiting for his son, “who, like himself once, received the title of candidate,” and as the son of a “combat general of 1812.” In the tenth chapter, he recalls how he once told his mother that “you, supposedly, cannot understand me; we, they say, belong to two different generations.” “Now it’s our turn...” continues Nikolai Petrovich. In the stories of the heroes, oppositions between generations are constantly outlined. So, Bazarov says about his parents: “I think: it’s good for my parents to live in the world! My father is busy at sixty years old, and it’s good for my mother: her day is so crammed with all sorts of activities, oohs and aahs, that she has no time to come to her senses, and I ... "The reflections of Nikolai Petrovich in the eleventh chapter are especially significant, when he clearly realized his separation from his son. “Brother says that we are right,” he thought, “and it seems to me that they are further from the truth than we are, but at the same time I feel that behind them there is something that we do not have, which -is this an advantage over us... Youth? No: not just youth."

In Turgenev's novel there is a motif of change. “Transformations are necessary...” thinks Arkady, driving up to the estate with his father. “Before there were Hegelists, and now there are nihilists,” exclaims Pavel Petrovich. The motive for change is also heard in the epilogue. Bazarov found himself cut out from life. His traveling companion Arkady became a father himself and followed the path of his father. However, he achieves better results on the farm, and the “farm” is already generating quite a significant income. Apparently, Arkady still has something “new”. But somehow it becomes awkward, remembering his friendship with Bazarov.

Is it a coincidence that Nikolai Petrovich remembers Pushkin’s poems at the very beginning? What are they about?

How sad your appearance is to me,
Spring! Spring!
Or with nature alive
We bring together the confused thought
We are the fading of our years,
Which cannot be reborn?

Limb human life and the infinity of reality - and the novel, which is a document of its era, reminds us of this.

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One of the most famous novels by I. S. Turgenev was written in the period 1860-1861, on the eve of the abolition of serfdom. In Russia at that time there was crucial moment, the intersection of conservative and innovative thinking, the struggle of ideologies. It was this conflict that was demonstrated by the example of the Kirsanov family, as well as the most important problem - the confrontation between generations: fathers and sons, which was inherent in the meaning of the title of the novel “Fathers and Sons”. Short description The plot, as well as subsequent analysis of the work, is offered below. However, the first thing to look at is the title.

Meaning of the title

Undoubtedly, the most important question regarding the work is the meaning of the title of the novel “Fathers and Sons”. Turgenev's work should not be interpreted too literally. The work depicts two families, two fathers and two sons. But the body of the novel is not the description of their life activities, but the global differences in worldview. The meaning of the title of the novel “Fathers and Sons” is that there will always be some kind of contradiction between two generations, parents and children are opposed to each other, separated by union And in writing.

In fact, they are separated by a whole abyss - a quarter of a century or more. During such a period, the political, economic, cultural situation in the country and, of course, the views of the public can completely change. One generation retains its worldview, another acquires its own, and this happens regularly; the views on life of fathers and children rarely coincide. The meaning of the title of the novel “Fathers and Sons” is connected with this. The work of I. S. Turgenev teaches that there is nothing prejudiced in such antagonism; all that is important is respect for each other on both sides, respect for parents, acceptance of their advice, parting words and good wishes.

Ideologies in the novel

The meaning of the title of the novel “Fathers and Sons” by Turgenev is also connected with the belonging of sons and fathers to various ideologies that are contemporary to each generation. The novel presents two families - the Kirsanovs and the Bazarovs - and several ideological worldviews: conservative, liberal, revolutionary-democratic. The latter belongs to one of the key figures of the novel - a nihilist, a follower of German materialists and a future doctor - Evgeniy Bazarov. Bazarov creates the main resonance in the work. He argues with the Kirsanov brothers, instructs Arkady, openly despises the pseudo-nihilists Sitnikov and Kukshina, and then, contrary to his views, unrequitedly falls in love with the rich widow Anna Sergeevna Odintsova.

Characteristics and analysis of heroes

The conservatives in the work are Bazarov's parents. An army doctor and a pious landowner lead a quiet life in their village. They dote on their son, but the mother is concerned about his lack of faith. Nevertheless, the Bazarovs are proud of Evgeny and his successes; they are confident that a great bright future awaits him. Vasily Bazarov reports that in his entire life Evgeny has not taken a penny from them, that his son prefers to achieve everything himself. These traits characterize him as a strong, self-sufficient, progressive person. This image is also relevant for the modern era.

Pseudo-nihilism of Arkady Kirsanov

Bazarov's close friend Arkady Kirsanov tries his best to match Evgeny in his profession of nihilism. However, in his case it looks unnatural, contrived. Arkady himself does not fully believe in the denial of spiritual values. He is flattered by the awareness of his own progressive views, he is secretly proud of himself for his condescension towards his father’s beloved - the maid of the Kirsanov house - and openly admires Bazarov. At the same time, Arkady sometimes forgets himself, the mask falls off his face, and he blurts out his true feelings. While still a convinced nihilist, Arkady is also in love with Odintsova, but later gives preference to her sister Ekaterina.

Worldview of the “fathers”

The Kirsanov brothers - Nikolai and Pavel - are supporters of liberalism. Nikolai Petrovich is a man of fine spiritual organization, he loves poetry and literature, and also has reverent feelings for his maid Fenechka, a commoner girl, who nevertheless is his mother youngest son. Nikolai Petrovich is embarrassed by his love for a peasant girl, although he tries to pretend that he is far from prejudices and has progressive views on everything, including agriculture.

Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov is Bazarov’s main opponent in disputes. At first sight, hostility arises between men; they are the complete opposite of each other, both externally and internally. Well-groomed Pavel Petrovich frowns with disgust at the sight long hair and Bazarov's sloppy clothes. Evgeniy laughs at Kirsanov’s mannerisms and affectation, not hesitating to use sarcasm and prick his opponent more painfully. Their pronunciation of the key word “principle” is also different. Bazarov pronounces it sharply and abruptly - “princip”, while Kirsanov slowly draws it out and puts emphasis on the last syllable in the French manner - “princip”. The relationship between the enemies reached such a peak that the disputants even fought a duel. The reason for this was Bazarov’s insult to Fenechka’s honor, whom he kissed firmly on the lips. Pavel Petrovich himself felt unambiguous sympathy for the girl, and therefore decided to protect her name by challenging Bazarov to a duel. Fortunately, its outcome was not fatal, Kirsanov was only wounded in the leg, but Evgeniy remained completely unharmed.

Such examples illustrate the completely opposite attitude of representatives of different generations and different ideological views to typical life situations and also reflect the meaning of the title of the novel “Fathers and Sons”. The work of I. S. Turgenev turns out to be much deeper than it might seem at first glance.

To summarize, we can say that interest literary critics today and earlier, it evokes not only the meaning of the title of the novel “Fathers and Sons”, the work of I. S. Turgenev is also significant for its heroes - multifaceted and ambiguous, complex, but memorable. Each of them demonstrates the writer’s talent, his understanding of human essence and subtle psychologism.

“One generation, like a wave, runs into another, not knowing each other at all”
F. Tyutchev

Every reader who loves to read so much that he becomes completely immersed in a book, like in virtual world, at least once while reading the book the question arose: “What was he thinking about when he wrote this? Maybe he was shocked by a quarrel with his loved ones or some other trouble? Or maybe, on the contrary, he found a bright feeling, falling in love...” So, I am one of such readers, so I was wondering why the author decided to touch on such philosophical theme as a confrontation between generations.

It turns out that it was neither a quarrel nor falling in love. One day, thinking about his day, lying in a cozy bed in one of the houses in the modest town of Ventnor, which is located on the Isle of Wight near England, Ivan Sergeevich remembered one “provincial young doctor” who once treated him. This is what he recalled about him: “In this wonderful person embodied - before my eyes - that barely born, still fermenting principle, which later received the name of nihilism. The impression this person made on me was strong...” He was embarrassed by the fact that no one before him had penetrated into the soul of a nihilist in his works or shown what kind of life the representatives of the “new generation” live. And so, under the groans of the wind shredding the bare trees, Turgenev writes the first chapters. Then he returns to Russia. Turgenev puts the last point in the summer of 1861, but he is not sure “what success will be.”

As we see, Turgenev’s intuition failed us; we study the pages of this work with enthusiasm. By the way, many people take the name literally - the struggle of fathers and sons. But no. Ivan Sergeevich described the difference between a generation whose views are already a thing of the past, and a completely new one, which is trying to break the wall of conservatism that blocks their path to a “bright future.” Also, the center of attention in the novel is the prototype of a physician from Ventnor who has not been forgotten by us - Evgeny Vasilyevich Bazarov. His views are wild for the “old world”; he treats everything with his own criticism. One cannot help but recall young Dorian from Oscar Wilde's The Picture of Dorian Gray. He could also be called a nihilist. Let us just remember his dialogue with his beloved Gladys:

“I believe in the greatness of the nation.
- It is only a relic of enterprise and assertiveness.
- It is the key to development.
- Decline is dearer to me.
- What about art?
- It is a disease.
- And love?
- Illusion.
- What about religion?
- A common surrogate for faith.
- You are a skeptic.
- Not at all! After all, skepticism is the beginning of faith.
- Who are you?
- To define means to limit.
- Well, give me at least a thread!..
- The threads break. And you risk getting lost in the maze"

Don't you find any signs of that same nihilism? But this is the same time - late XIX century.

Who do we see on the other side of the barricades? Pavel Petrovich Kirsanov, an intellectual, a noble aristocrat of Russian origin, is irritated and even frightened by Bazarov’s conviction of the need to break the foundation of the usual life of the whole of Russia. The novel is full of clashes between these two, as they say, opposites attract. While reading, one could notice which side Turgenev himself preferred. Just look how many arguments Bazarov lost? Only one, and this fall cost him his life. You ask: “But where is the dispute?” Remember last hours his life, this desperate struggle, an argument without arguments, because this is not how the future revolutionary wanted to die, not from typhus, writhing from the heat on his deathbed. But even here you can see the writer’s logic: such people are premature for Russia; Bazarov would not have come into place at this time.

The novel “Fathers and Sons”, one of the best works of the Russian writer I.S. Turgenev, was presented to readers in the second half of the 19th century. Many years later, this novel is especially popular in school curriculum and is also read today.

There are quite a few reasons that make this work so popular, namely: a description of the themes of nature, friendship, love, as well as the main conflict of the novel and the beliefs of the main character. I.S. Turgenev managed not only to describe the events of those times, to talk about the conflict, but also to skillfully and professionally analyze the psychology of the main characters. The writer masterfully managed to reveal their inner struggle, the desire of their souls and impulses.

In the most detailed and complete manner, Turgenev showed the relationship between the older and younger generations, namely the theme of “fathers” and “children.” Reading the work, you can follow how the author describes the abyss that separates these two worlds. It all lies in different views on life, values, concepts and ideals. The author shows how two generations perceive the same beliefs, phenomena, feelings, traditions, authorities, certain norms and rules of life differently. In addition, the author also shows that despite all these constant contradictions and confrontations between generations, they are connected by one whole, namely, love. This is the love of fathers for children, children for fathers, no matter what the situation is, and no matter what confrontation they are in.

Young people do not have such rich experience, they enjoy life, strive forward to new achievements, they are impatient to learn new, unknown things, and at the same time young people are in a hurry to live so as not to miss anything and correct everything if necessary. The younger generation, as if inspired, rushes forward so as not to lose their chance, which may be given once in a lifetime, not to miss important point, which can change everything radically. The older generation, on the contrary, is in no hurry, lives in a world of memories, watches the young as they rush to live. Adults can already talk about everything based on their rich life experience.

Considering all of the above, we can conclude that I.S. Turgenev called his novel “Fathers and Sons” because he wanted to compare and show as realistically as possible all the differences that exist between the two generations of “fathers” and “children.” The writer has accurately portrayed the perceptions and experiences of each generation from different sides, as well as their thoughts.

The novel shows that despite all the contradictions between the older and younger generations, you can see something beautiful and wonderful in each of them.

Most often, the title of a work is the key to its content and understanding. This is what happens with I. S. Turgenev’s novel “Fathers and Sons.” Just two simple words, but they contained so many concepts that divided the heroes into two opposite camps. Such a simple title reveals the essence of the novel “Fathers and Sons” in complex issues.

The main issue of the novel

In his work, the author not only raises the problem of the collision of two opposite generations, but also tries to find a solution, to indicate a way out of the current situation. The confrontation between the two camps can be seen as a struggle between old and new, radicals and liberals, between democracy and aristocracy, determination and confusion.

The author believes that the time has come for change and tries to show it in the novel. The old representatives of the noble system are being replaced by the young and restless, searching and fighting. Old system has already outlived its usefulness, but a new one has not yet been formed, and the meaning of the novel “Fathers and Sons” clearly indicates the inability of society to live either in the old way or in the new way. This is a kind of transitional time, the border of eras.

New society

The representative of the new generation is Bazarov. It is he who plays the main role, which creates the conflict in the novel “Fathers and Sons”. He represents a whole galaxy of young people who have accepted a form of complete denial as faith. They deny everything old, but do not bring anything to replace this old.

A very clearly conflicting worldview is shown between Pavel Kirsanov and Evgeny Bazarov. Straightforwardness and rudeness versus manners and sophistication. The images of the novel “Fathers and Sons” are multifaceted and contradictory. But Bazarov’s clearly defined system of values ​​does not make him happy. He himself outlined his purpose for society: to break the old. But how to build something new on a destroyed foundation of ideas and views is no longer his business.
The problem of emancipation is considered. The author shows this as a possible alternative to the patriarchal system. But that's just female image Emancipe is given an unsightly appearance, completely different from the usual Turgenev girl. And, again, this was not done by chance, but with a clear intention to show that before destroying something established, it is necessary to find a replacement for it. If this does not happen, then the changes fail; even what was clearly intended to be a positive solution to the problem may change in a different direction and become a sharply negative phenomenon.

The novel “Fathers and Sons” is still relevant today, the characteristics of the heroes in it are a kind of confirmation of this. This work contains the most a large number of problems that the author poses to his generation. But even today many questions of Turgenev’s novel have not been answered.

The materials posted on this page will help 10th grade students prepare an essay on the topic “The meaning of the novel “Fathers and Sons”.”

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