The most interesting events to attend on Russia Day. The most interesting events to attend on Russia Day Russia Day: What happened before...

Russia Day on June 12 will be celebrated in almost all parks of the capital. Visitors will be able to watch master classes on making flags, taste tea from a two-meter samovar, and listen to poetry from the robot Pushkin. Ten parks will show free films; viewers will be presented with famous films: “Girls”, “Courier”, “Wedding in Malinovka”, as well as films with the participation of Sergei Bezrukov.

Robot Pushkin and the Sokolniki music festival

Over the course of two days, visitors to the park will be able to communicate live with the android Pushkin. The Android was brought from the “Robostation” to VDNKh; in appearance it looks like famous writer, and is able to read more than 600 of his works. You can listen to your favorite fragments from the poem “Ruslan and Lyudmila” from 12:00 to 18:00 near the Rotunda stage, which is located not far from the main entrance to the park.

Concerts and DJ sets will be held in Fountain Square on the holiday from 13:00 to 21:00. And at 16:00 it will begin on Festival Square music Festival“Our people are in the city.

"Samovarfest" in the Hermitage Garden

The organizers of the holiday will organize a mass tea party from a two-meter samovar as part of the Samovarfest festival from 12:00 to 21:00. The hot drink serves approximately 500 people.

Russians will also enjoy interesting competitions, master classes, a demonstration of national costumes, a fashion show, and a concert. Bagels, cheesecakes and other sweets will be offered for tea. The celebration will end with a gala concert, in which the groups “Accident”, “After 11” and artists of the Russian Song Theater will perform. In addition, there will be a free screening of the film “After You” (2016), in which Sergei Bezrukov plays.

"Living" flag in Tagansky Park

On the holiday, thousands of ribbons with the Russian flag will be distributed in Tagansky Park. Having lined up and raising their ribbons, the flash mob participants will create a “living” flag. The event starts at 15:00, entrance from Taganskaya Street.

A musical group will also perform here with a program of hits from the 1920s-1930s.

Theater festival in the Bauman Garden:

On June 12, from 13:00 to 20:00, the “Theater” festival is planned to be held in the garden. New forms." Freestyle battles and all kinds of dances will be organized for festival guests. After which a unique freestyle show will take place, turning into a musical and poetic performance.

Kuzminki Park: robot making competition

Visitors to the park will have an unusual encounter with innovations in the field of robotics. From 11:00 to 17:00 on June 12, competitions to create androids and races on radio-controlled cars will start. At 12:00, the scientific and interactive performance “Einstein’s Children” will begin on the children’s square. Children and parents will be able to take part in educational master classes, where they can learn how to make a carbonated drink and learn how to create wind using a vortex generator.

Krasnaya Presnya Park: outdoor lectures

On June 12 at 14:00, the festival will feature lectures by historians on Russian state symbols. And then master classes on aircraft modeling and kite assembly will be held.

Victory Park: guard of honor watch

The 12th festival will take place in the park on the holiday musical creativity Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Russian Federation “Shield and Lyre”. And from 10:00 to 18:00 Eternal Flame There will be an honor guard watch.

Educational lectures in Izmailovsky Park

On the Central Square Izmailovsky Park Russians will be able to learn more about the history of the holiday. The lecture hall will be open from 14:00 to 19:00. This will be followed by a screening of the film “After You” at 21:00.

Thousands of balloons in Fili Park

During the day, park visitors can enjoy football master classes, relay races and dance programs. And in the evening the long-awaited launch of balloons and the screening of the film “Grand Maket Russia” will come. Starts at 21:00.

Mass bicycle ride will be held in Sadovniki Park

On June 12, the organizers are planning a mass bike ride in Sadovniki Park. Competitions for the youngest (under six years old) start at 10:00. And from 13:00 to 17:00 there will be a race among adults; the main obstacle for cyclists will be a dry fountain. The winner is the one who finishes the race the fastest without getting his clothes wet. Badminton, frisbee and disc golf games will be organized throughout the celebration.

Russia Day in other Moscow parks

Wooden track art park "Museon""will be the venue for a concert by the young composer Ilya Beshevli in an ensemble with the Imperialis chamber orchestra.

Guests park "Northern Tushino" can take part in creative master classes on folk crafts and orienteering competitions. Children will be happy petting zoo, and from 15:00 - a mobile planetarium with interesting lectures. A concert program will take place at 18:00.

Family competitions, creative training classes and, at the end, a jute concert for all visitors Lianozovsky Park. Guests will see the battle of athletes in extreme power sports (among men) and will be able to take part in sports competitions themselves. And after that they will relax by watching the famous film “Girls”.

In Goncharovsky Park You will find an extreme power competition among women. Active games and quizzes will be organized for the little ones. The celebration will end with a concert on the main stage.

For visitors Perovsky Park they will also not be bored, since they will be entertained with a musical program all day long. And in the evening everyone will be treated to a quiz and everyone’s favorite film “Wedding in Malinovka”. The film starts at 20:00.

IN Vorontsovsky Park everyone can admire the photo exhibition of the Russian Geographical Society “Peoples of Russia”. And at 20:00 the film “Courier” will be shown here.

IN Lilac Garden From 15:00 to 17:00 there will be a performance of stilt walkers, an entertaining lecture and a master class on flag making.

IN Park of the 850th anniversary of Moscow An open-air disco is planned.

IN Babushkinsky Park master classes, a photo exhibition, including animation and concert program, as well as a film screening starting at 7 p.m.

Fireworks on a holiday

The main place of Russia Day, of course, will be Red Square. The ceremonial events will begin at 17:00 with a large-scale gala concert (entry by invitation).

The enchanting fireworks display, which will decorate the evening sky, can be observed from almost anywhere in the city: the launch of fireworks is planned at the Bolshoy Moskvoretsky Bridge.

In Moscow, during an uncoordinated opposition rally “We Demand Answers” ​​on Tverskaya Street. In terms of the number of arrests, the rally thus came close to the “He’s not Dimon for you” protest on March 26, when more than 2,000 people were caught in paddy wagons. However, the differences from the action of almost three months ago were significant. The main ones are covered in the DW report.

Split in the ranks of the opposition

The anti-corruption rally of supporters of opposition politician Alexei Navalny was sanctioned by the authorities and was supposed to take place on June 12 at 14.00 on Academician Sakharov Avenue in Moscow, but at the last moment the plans of the organizers changed. The night before, Navalny announced on his website that due to the inability to reach an agreement with suppliers audio equipment, the meeting will take the form of a peaceful march along Tverskaya Street. According to the politician, the ban on installing sound was issued by the mayor's office, which is a violation of the constitution and humiliation of the opposition.

Some of Navalny's followers and traditionally critical people reacted unexpectedly harshly to his call, saying that he was using people as "cannon fodder" without caring about their safety. So, in particular, on his Facebook page, the director of the Center for Research on Post-Industrial Society, Vladislav Inozemtsev, wrote: “Alexei suggested that citizens take a step that is extremely dangerous for them. I would not advise anyone to succumb to this call.” Those who agreed with this position decided not to give up the idea of ​​a rally against Sakharov and to come there.

Other oppositionists, in particular Chief Editor"Daily Journal" Alexander Ryklin called these plans cowardice and spoilers. “Why are you going there (to Sakharov. - Ed.) will you go? Are you already ready to protest, but it’s scary to go to Tverskaya? Yes, come on! We won’t even notice... Better stay home,” he wrote.

As a result, two opposition rallies took place in Moscow at once. At the same time, the capital celebrated Russia Day magnificently - concerts and the “Times and Epochs” festival, which was a large-scale historical reconstruction, were held at several dozen venues. On June 12 it was dedicated to the victories of Russia.

Total renovation to help the special services

The procession on Tverskaya on June 12 differed from the action on March 26 mainly in that a huge number of construction barriers and equipment appeared on the sidewalks and roadways, obstructing the passage of people. As a result, the plans of Navalny, who proposed, as in March, to walk along Tverskaya Street towards the Kremlin, were violated, and people moved chaotically, both up - towards Mayakovskaya and Belorusskaya, and down, diverging into alleys in the hope of finding an opportunity to go to Tverskaya in a place where there will be no fences or special forces column.

By the beginning of the event, some of the exits from the Tverskaya metro station were closed, and by 15.00 access to the underground passage leading to the metro was open only to the entrance. Citizens were offered to exit the city through the Chekhovskaya station. Among the lost and confused people there were many elderly people who, due to the stuffiness and crowds, did not know how to find their way. The loudspeakers announced that the action had not been approved, and invited those wishing to go to the agreed rally - on Sakharov Square.

Since the rally took place on Russia Day, Navalny invited supporters to paint the Russian tricolor on their faces and take Russian flags with them. There were very few people with symbols on their cheeks, and there were few who carried flags.

As the girl selling the flags told a DW correspondent, there are buyers, but not many. There were very few people with large flags. In particular, near the building of the Izvestia newspaper on Pushkinskaya, two young men with banners gathered a large crowd around them, which from time to time chanted traditional opposition slogans: “Russia without Putin,” “We are the power here.” And when a special forces column tried to separate the crowd, “Shame!”

Detentions on Tverskaya and a “sterile” rally on Sakharov

However, there were some arrests. Alexei Navalny himself was one of the first to be detained - in the entrance of his own house. In accordance with part 8 of Article 20.2 of the Code of Administrative Offenses (repeated violation by the organizer of a public event of the established procedure for organizing or holding a meeting. - Ed.), he faces a maximum sanction of 30 days of arrest. On the evening of June 12, he was taken to the Simonovsky District Court.


By 19.00 Moscow time, more than 730 people, according to the human rights media project OVD-Info, were detained among the participants in the procession. They were taken to 39 police departments. Among them are minors, Foreign citizens and journalists. Some, according to OVD-Info, were beaten, in particular, for disobedience to police officers who forbade the use of mobile phones.

Despite the coordination of the action, a detention also took place on Sakharov Avenue - there the main organizer of the action, director of the Anti-Corruption Foundation (FBK) Roman Rubanov, fell into the hands of the police. According to him, he tried to draw the attention of the police to the fact that people who were not included in the event were performing from the stage, after which he was detained. Otherwise, the meeting at Sakharov passed off calmly. His main topic was the fight against the demolition of Khrushchev buildings in Moscow. During the event, activists collected signatures for the resignation of the Moscow government. The protest ended around 4 p.m., leaving participants with mixed feelings. “The rally against Sakharov turned out to be degenerate,” one of the observers shared on her Facebook.

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The editors of KudaMoscow present a selection of interesting events for the weekend of June 10, 11 and 12:

1. Festival “Multinational Russia”

June 12 on Pushkinskaya Square there will be a festival"Multinational Russia". Popular artists and national artists will perform for Muscovites and guests of the capital. musical groups, there will also be creative workshops.

2. SamovarFest

On June 11 and 12, a new family festival, SamovarFest, will be held in the Hermitage Garden. A huge brass samovar “Tsar Moscow”, 2 meters high, will be installed in the central square of the Hermitage Garden, which will become a symbol of Russian hospitality - the main idea of ​​the festival.

3. Music festival "Russia"

On June 12, a music festival will be held at the Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve. outdoors"Russia".

4. Festival “Times and Epochs”

From June 1 to June 12, a grandiose historical festival“Times and Epochs”, which will bring 10 thousand reenactors and participants from all over the world to the capital.

5. Free film screenings for Russia Day

On June 11 and 12, the Moskino cinema chain will host free screenings of the best Russian films of the 20th century - winners of the main European festivals. On the big screen are films that conquered Cannes, Berlin and Venice.

6. Fine Arts Festival “Traditions and Modernity”

From 7 to 11 June in the Central Manege International festival of fine arts “Traditions and Modernity”.

7. Festival “Dogs in the City”

On June 10, the first city festival for dogs and their owners, “Dogs in the City,” dedicated to the life and responsible keeping of dogs in the metropolis, will take place in Krasnaya Presnya Park.

8. Colorful race at Luzhniki

On June 11, the next stage of the Moscow Marathon series of races will take place on the territory of the Luzhniki sports complex. Participants will run 5km through four colorful zones where they will be showered with bright colours.

9. Exhibition “Brand Realism Retrospective”

In the Moscow Museum contemporary art on Tverskoy Boulevard There will be a personal exhibition of musician Sergei Shnurov “Retrospective of Brand Realism”, which will be a continuation of the high-profile project that took place in St. Petersburg at the Erarta Museum.

10. Summer play library in Victory Park

June 10 in Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill A summer playground will be opened for everyone, which will be open during entrance hours from 13:00 to 21:00 near the children's playground on the Entrance Square side.

Photo: Press service of the Mayor and Government of Moscow. Evgeniy Samarin

On Russia Day, June 12, an extensive and eventful program was prepared for Muscovites and guests of the city. Everyone is invited to attend creative workshops, a knight's tournament and concerts with the participation of stars Russian stage.

Lucky Coin and “Land of Dolls”

Place: Pushkinskaya Square

Time: from 12:00 to 20:00

On Pushkin Square, Muscovites will enjoy the “Multinational Russia” festival, which will open at noon. Children and adults will see stories about different peoples and cities big country in the "Cartoon Country" tent. You can forge a coin for good luck or create your own ceramic masterpiece in the “Land of Crafts,” where everyone will be taught how to use a potter’s wheel. A real forge with a hammer and anvil will also be opened here.

You are invited to see how dolls are created in the “Land of Dolls” tent. The works of the winners of the All-Russian competition will also be presented there. children's competition"Dolls in national costumes peoples of Russia". At 14:00 there will be a press conference with the participation of the winners and jury members of this competition.

The festival will end big concert- it will begin at 15:00 with the People's Friendship Parade. Pop stars and popular musical groups will sing their best songs. Participants of the “Voice” project will perform here, as well as a youth national orchestra"Terem" and others.

Knight tournament and fencing school

Place: Tverskaya street

Time: from 12:00 to 22:00

Russian History Day will be held on Tverskaya Street. The best reconstructions of the festival “Times and Epochs. The Meeting" will be shown in 17 thematic zones. There, guests will be told how the country has changed over many centuries, and volunteers will tell them how to navigate the sites.

At the Dyakovskaya Culture site they will show how weavers, potters and jewelers work. Here you will be treated to dishes prepared according to ancient recipes. On the site dedicated to XVII century, visitors will be invited to a shoemaker's shop and an icon painter's workshop. 18th century dances, work mint and the navigation school will be shown on the “Era of Peter I” site.

On the site dedicated to Patriotic War 1812, a fencing school, a saddler's workshop and a field kitchen will open. Against the backdrop of reconstructions of the Russian redoubt and the French camp, everyone will take photographs as a souvenir. In addition, unique examples of equipment will be located here - the Austin-Putilovets and Mannesmann-Mulag armored vehicles, the Renault FT-17 tank, and mock-ups of the Ilya Muromets and Fokker aircraft.

The International Knight Tournament WMFC (World Medieval Fighting Championship) will also take place here. It will take place within final stage festival tournaments. The best reenactment athletes will find out which of them is most worthy of wearing the title of champion.

Giant samovar and traditional costumes

Place: Hermitage Garden

Time: from 12:00 to 21:00

A huge brass samovar “Moscow” with a volume of 300 liters and a height of about two meters will be brought to the capital for the Samovarfest festival. Its uniqueness is that it can serve tea to 500 people at the same time. The samovar was made especially for the holiday. It will be heated with wood and pine cones. By the way, it claims a place in the Russian Book of Records as the highest in the country.

The samovar will be placed on a small pedestal, around which wooden tables and benches will be installed. At the same time, six taps will pour the hot drink into cups. For tea, guests will be offered bagels, baklava, and cheesecakes.

“The main goal of Samovarfest is to make the atmosphere of the city as friendly as possible,” said festival organizer Natalya Dolgareva.

Native art on Triumfalnaya Square

Place: Triumfalnaya Square

Time: from 17:00 to 22:00

On Triumfalnaya Square there will be festive program“Native Art / Art of the Motherland. Last century" She will be presented by XVII open festival arts "Chereshnevy Les" and State Tretyakov Gallery on Krymsky Val.

At the monument to Vladimir Mayakovsky, visitors will see a unique exhibition-installation. Ten cube stands will display reproductions of paintings by Wassily Kandinsky, Kuzma Petrov-Vodkin, Natalia Goncharova, Kazimir Malevich and Tair Salakhov. At the book sale, everyone can buy publications dedicated to the 20th century.

The lecture “Native speech of Russian art” will begin on the open stage at 17:45. It will be read by art critic Sergei Fofanov. Guests will learn about the phenomenon of perception of fine art in Russia through the school textbook “Native Speech”, through which many generations in our country learned the basics of Russian literature.

The program will conclude with a concert of the Moscow State Academic symphony orchestra conducted by maestro Pavel Kogan. They will perform Dmitry Shostakovich's Violin Concerto No. 1, Alexander Scriabin's "Dreams", Aram Khachaturian's waltz to Mikhail Lermontov's drama "Masquerade", and Sergei Prokofiev's waltz from the ballet "Cinderella".

Classic masterpieces and life-size puppets

Place: Kolomenskoye Museum-Reserve

Time: from 12:00 to 20:00

You can listen and read poetry, dance in a circle and dance at the “Russia” festival, which will be held in Kolomenskoye. Over one and a half dozen will also perform here. creative teams. Among them are “Fidgets”, “Gzhel”, “Guslars of Russia”, “Russian Patterns”.

Classic lovers folk songs and compositions Soviet stage You will be pleased with the performance of the Moscow State Chapel named after Vadim Sudakov. Moscow Chamber Orchestra Musica Viva will also play classical masterpieces. Theater artists " New Opera"will perform a Russian urban romance. Children won’t be bored at the festival either: they will be entertained by life-size puppets and clowns from the “Cranks” theater.

The festival will end with a gala concert of artists of the Helikon Opera Theater. It will pass near the Church of the Ascension of the Lord. Arias from world operas will be performed here: “ Barber of Seville"Gioacchino Rossini, "Carmen" by Georges Bizet, "Eugene Onegin" by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, "Boris Godunov" by Modest Mussorgsky.

Police orchestra and pop stars

Location: Victory Park on Poklonnaya Hill

Time: from 17:00 to 22:00

The final gala concert of the XII Shield and Lyre festival will take place on Poklonnaya Hill. Russian pop stars will appear on stage - Alexander Rosenbaum, Zara, Soso Pavliashvili, Alexander Ivanov, Jasmine, Alexander Buinov, Stas Piekha and many others.

Central will perform with them concert orchestra police and enforcers from among the employees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia. Free admission.

The festival was first held in 2006. Gala concerts were held in many cities of Russia - St. Petersburg, Sochi, Ryazan, Kostroma, Vladimir, Yaroslavl and others.

Multi-colored volleys

Place: Red Square

The culmination of the holiday will be fireworks, which will be launched at 22:00 at the Bolshoi Moskvoretsky Bridge between Moskvoretskaya and Varvarka streets. 500 multi-colored volleys will soar into the sky. The fireworks will last five minutes.

You can find out about other events that will take place in the capital on Russia Day.

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