Where to touch. On a visit to the animals. Pros of visiting a petting zoo

Ekzootik PARK has become a wonderful entertainment for children and adults, which is located 25 kilometers from the Moscow Ring Road along the Kaluzhskoe highway and occupies more than 6 hectares. And who is not there: a variety of birds and fish, zebras and lions, hyenas and tigers, a lot of exotic animals.

The park is famous for the fact that some pets can be touched. Children are overjoyed when they learn that animals can be petted. Of course, adults control the process at the same time, and this only applies to good-natured animals such as rabbits, guinea pigs, minipigs and ponies. You can even ride a pony.

In a separate two-storey building there is an avquaterrarium, and on weekends a circus gives performances in the park. The health, well-being and hygiene of animals in Ekzootik PARK are monitored by certified zoologists and veterinarians. In addition to animals, the park has attractions for children, you can eat in a cafe or buy a keepsake in a souvenir shop. There is an opportunity to organize a children's party at Ekzootik PARK. In case of unforeseen circumstances, there is a mother and child room.

A little about animals

Let's get acquainted with some of the inhabitants of Ekzootik PARK. A kangaroo named Benetta is a very cute gray beast with reddish fur on its shoulders and a white belly. Height is about a meter, and weight is 15 kg. Kangaroos look good-natured, but you should not get too close to them - being frightened, the animal is able to knock an adult down with a blow of its hind legs.

One of the largest owls in the world is the owl. It can weigh over 4 kg and has a wingspan of almost 2 m. In captivity, owls live up to 60 years. This bird of prey feeds on animals ranging in size from a mouse to a deer.

The park is home to a rare animal, the capybara. This capybara is the largest rodent in the world. The capybara has a very funny look, it seems that she is constantly going to sit down. This is because it has shorter hind legs and no tail at all.

The largest bird on the mainland of Australia, the emu, is amazing. Her height is 2 meters, and her weight is about 50 kg. She runs at a speed of 50 km / h, she may not eat or drink anything for a very long time. Despite her large size, she looks pretty funny with her long neck and fluff on her head. Emu is very curious and looks at people with genuine interest. You might think that it was she who came on an excursion - to see people.

Some of the friendliest animals in the zoo are the red-tailed monkeys. They weigh 2-6 kg, the fur on their face is black with a white spot on the nose and cheeks. They arrange whole performances for visitors, jump, climb the enclosure and it seems that with all their behavior they copy their distant relatives - people.

The large male orangutan is also very pleased with the guests, he willingly communicates with visitors, even parodies human habits. Funny raccoons stretch their furry paws through the aviary, begging for popcorn and other goodies from children. There are also animals in Ekzootik PARK that you don't want to approach - these are hyenas and tigers. They sit in their enclosures, sometimes lazily moving from place to place, and somehow suspiciously lick their lips, looking at people.

By the end of the excursion, the guests accumulate a lot of impressions. A visit to such a place as "Ekzootik PARK" cannot leave indifferent either children or their parents. A good mood from communication with the world of animals is ensured for a long time.

In the Anteros Tactile Museum in Bologna, famous paintings of the Italian Renaissance are made in the form of relief plaster copies

Today, July 6, the So-Unification Foundation for the Support of the Deaf-Blind is presenting a model of a tactile garden for deaf-blind and blind people at the Moscow Flower Show Moscow Festival of Gardens and Flowers.

This is an interesting project and a good start. We have already written about the exhibition project at the State Tretyakov Gallery. Now we decided to tell you what other museums and exhibitions there are in Russia and Moscow, where a comfortable exposition has been prepared for visually impaired people, and what museums can be considered truly accessible.

According to experts, in big cities (Moscow, St. Petersburg, Yekaterinburg) today there are 150 to 800 visually impaired and blind schoolchildren, and the corresponding museum programs cover 20 to 60 people. Until the last decade, visually impaired and blind children ended up in the museum by accident. Or - through the efforts of their teachers and enthusiasts from the university departments of correctional pedagogy.

Saratov Museum Experience: Come to Paint!

Come to the Saratov Museum! Photo from the site saratov.revizor.com

- The first time a group of visually impaired children came to our Saratov Museum of Fine Arts. Radishcheva in 2001, - says Galina Borisovna Guseva. - One of the teachers of the Department of Correctional Pedagogy at Saratov State Pedagogical University brought this group to our museum. I showed them the building, told them about the paintings. They liked it and wanted to come again. Now we "looked" with our fingers at sculpture, dishes, furniture, old picture frames. This is how our cooperation began. "

... Galina Guseva, methodologist of the first category of the Center for Museum Pedagogy of the Saratov Museum of Fine Arts named after Radishcheva is visually impaired. She knows better than anyone else the difficulties these children face while visiting the exposition of an art museum, and how such children need these artistic impressions. Today, at the Saratov Museum of Fine Arts, she is implementing a special project - she teaches blind children to draw. Since 2011, they have been creating amazing compositions by drawing with their fingers on glass. Many art museums in Russia use her book on how to teach drawing to visually impaired children. Moreover, among the students of Galina Borisovna there are two completely blind children.

Galina Guseva with children at a lesson in the museum

Saratov Museum of Fine Arts Radishchev allocated a special didactic fund for classes with children: it includes objects made of ceramics, wooden sculpture, author's dolls in historical costumes. Children can get to know all these things by picking them up and feeling them. Museum teachers willingly take the opportunity to conduct such an activity with sighted children: after all, picking up some old porcelain cup is a real adventure for any child!

Moscow: where you can touch polar bear fur

In the hall of the Darwin Museum: see a horse Photo from the site darwinmuseum.ru

State Darwin Museum

In natural science museums, programs for the visually impaired, designed for touch, are considered promising. For example, soft labels in the zoogeography hall of the State Darwin Museum are supplied with samples - pieces of polar bear and seal hair, images of these animals, and the inscription “You can stroke”.

After groping the animal sculptures at the Darwin Museum, visually impaired visitors can stroke samples of their fur. This, however, is a great pleasure for sighted visitors of all ages.

Moscow Zoo

A special case is the exhibition of live exhibits of the Moscow Zoo. In contact zoos and at some specialized exhibitions, visually impaired children can stroke animals, pick up live insects, touch beetles and butterflies.

Central Armed Forces Museum

You can spend an interesting time in the Central Museum of the Armed Forces (Moscow), where visitors are allowed to hold different types of weapons from the Great Patriotic War. But, of course, you must warn about your visit in advance.

Russian State Library for the Blind

Russia: "Be sure to touch with your hands!"

Museum-reserve "Tanais"

If you want to bring joy to a visually impaired child, take him to the archaeological museum. Today they create special programs for children with disabilities.

Many interesting things can be explored by hand in the Tanais Museum-Reserve (Myasnikovsky District of the Rostov Region). The reserve was opened in 1961 on the site of the ancient settlement of Tanais, which once flourished in the Don delta. There is something to touch with your hands: sixteen and a half thousand ancient amphorae, antique marble slabs with inscriptions, ancient stone sculptures. Under the guidance of a museum teacher, children have the opportunity to learn about old ceramics, taste real antique amphorae, learn how to sculpt clay dishes.

Literary museums

House-Museum of Korolenko in Dzhanhot. Photo from the site s-kub.ru

In some literary museums, it is allowed to pick up and touch the exhibits. This can be done in the "House of the Korolenko family" in the village of Dzhanhot near Gelendzhik, where the writer V.G. Korolenko,

In Moscow, the State Darwin Museum is a methodological center for the socio-cultural rehabilitation of disabled people. Already in the 1920s, excursions for people with disabilities were held here. The museum cooperates with various correctional schools: under an agreement with the Department of Social Protection, it prepares exhibitions for them, brings children on free excursions. The State Darwin Museum trains museum staff in how to serve visitors with disabilities.

From the methodological guide on serving people with special health abilities:

  • “Please note that all special techniques aimed at organizing museum services for the disabled are needed for all visitors to the museum (the ramp is needed for the elderly and children, the low counter in the cafe - for children). Taking care of people with disabilities, we take care of ourselves. "
  • As part of the museum's guides, a group should be identified that should specialize in serving disabled tourists. The rest of the museum staff should also be able to provide assistance.
  • It should be borne in mind that disabled people of all categories, while on the way to the museum, experience a strong psychological stress and can be aroused.
  • In the wardrobe, the number cannot be put on the counter, it is better to put it in the hand of such a visitor
  • When meeting, the museum employee calls himself and is the first to extend his hand (if the visitor does not have his right hand, you can shake his left)
  • The technique of tactile showing to the blind is that he is brought to the exhibit and his hand, preferably both hands, is placed on the object and allowed to calmly study it, giving a clear explanation of what is under the fingers. You should not lead a blind person's hand over the object being inspected, it is advisable not to rush it ... It will be correct to name the colors of the exhibits in the process of the story. Many have residual vision or color perception. It is quite appropriate to use the verb "look". You should not replace it with the verb "feel"

World: Renaissance in 3D

In the halls of the Institute. Francesco Cavazza in Bologna

On the websites of the largest museums in the world, sections with a list of services that people with special abilities can use in the museum have long become familiar. The programs developed by the Museum Pedagogy Departments are intended for all ages: from children with autism spectrum disorders to older visitors with dementia and Alzheimer's disease (today the social group of elderly people is considered especially important and promising for museum workers around the world). The largest art museums in the world provide visitors with a floor plan of the museum and some exhibition brochures in Braille.

It has long been possible to "see" the exhibits by hand in the Louvre, in museums in Germany, Great Britain and the USA. To this end, art museums open special tactile galleries in which works of art can be touched. Some psychologists advise starting to introduce children to the world of beauty precisely through touch. Exhibits of the Elizabeth Morse Tactile Gallery of the Art Institute of Chicago (USA) are sculptural busts of different eras, covered with a protective layer of wax. For visitors to the tactile gallery, there is a prerequisite: remove rings, watches and bracelets.

The Art Institute of Chicago has developed a technology for translating painting into plastic reliefs. (3D printed replicas). Thanks to her, famous paintings are transformed into bas-reliefs.

The charming "Sisters" by Auguste Renoir, printed on a 3D printer, in their tactile version are a relief red board that is felt with your fingers.

Experienced teachers teach blind people to see all the meanings of the famous masterpieces of the Renaissance

In 1999 at the Italian Institute for the Rehabilitation of the Blind. Francesco Cavazza (Bologna), with the collaboration of teachers and artists, a tactile museum was created Anteros, offering visitors 40 famous paintings of the Italian Renaissance, made in the form of relief plaster copies. Experienced teachers teach visitors to "read" a picture with their hands, gradually revealing all its meanings - from geometric construction in space to the most complex iconographic details. Visually impaired visitors to the museum Anteros receive training, which gives them the opportunity to independently study the reliefs in museums in Italy.

Contact zoo and children's center "Bebek"
m. Academician Yangel, shopping center "Prague"
Price: 250 rubles.
The zoo is home to rabbits, raccoons, sheep, goats, ferrets, hedgehogs, guinea pigs and ponies, various types of tame pigeons, a chicken and a rooster, and parrots. You can communicate with them, pick them up, hug, feed, take pictures and take pictures together.

City farm at VDNKh
m. Botanical Garden
Cost: from 200 rubles.
On the farm, children can look at cows, sheep, Saanen and Nubian goats, rabbits, donkeys and poultry, take care of them: prepare food for them, feed them. In total, about 5o animals live on the farm. Raccoons and alpacas are coming soon. There is even a sacred animal of Madagascar - a whole family of zebu cows. There is a hen house, a goose house and a duck house. The total area of ​​the complex is about 3 hectares.
And in the local Agrograd, children 7-12 years old are taught to communicate with animals and take care of them.

Contact zoo "Live corner"
m.Sokolniki, on the rightfrom the main entrance to Sokolniki Park
Cost: 250-300 rubles, up to 3 years free
This summer, a petting zoo opened in Sokolniki Park, where you can feed and meet lambs, foxes, chinchillas, raccoons, rabbits, guinea pigs, dwarf sheep, parrots, guinea fowls, foxes, goats and hedgehogs.

Contact zoo in Izmailovsky Park
m. Partizanskaya, area "Forest of Miracles" in the park
Cost: children - 200 rubles / hour, adults - 250 rubles / hour
The zoo is home to little kids Boris and Methodius, ferrets Nyusha and Mosya, rabbits and chinchilla. Animals can be fed, petted and photographed (no flash).
Entrance for children under 6 years old is only accompanied by a parent.

Touching zoo "Stroke the raccoon"
3 branches: metro Avtozavodskaya / metro Prazhskaya / metro Nagatinskaya
Price: 250-400 rubles, up to 3 years free
In the pet raccoon zoos, you can play with, pet and feed a variety of exotic animals. Among the pets there are fox cubs, raccoons, meerkats, noses, Kenyan goats, lemur and many others.

Contact zoo "Forest Embassy"
2 branches: m. Technopark, TC "Megapolis" / m. Altufyevo, TC "Markos Mall"
Cost: 250-300 rubles, up to 3 years free
The Forestry Embassy has its own constitution, and every child can become a citizen of the Forest Republic and wear, for example, the honorary title of Ambassador. Each of the zoo's pets has its own ministry - the rabbits have the Ministry of Sports, the goat Masha is the minister of culture, and so on. The zoo is also home to African pygmy hedgehogs, wallabies (marsupials), noses, spiders, guinea pigs, ferrets, geckos, squirrels, goats, snakes, porcupines, parrots, foxes, chinchillas.

Contact zoo "Animals"
5 branches: m. Novokosino, TC "Nikolsky Park" / SEC Vegas / m. Alma-Atinskaya, SEC "Klyuchevoy" / m. Teply Stan, TC "Twin Plaza" / Lyubertsy
Cost: 300-450 rubles, up to 3 years free
In the zoos of the network, you can communicate, stroke, feed a wide variety of animals. It is inhabited by exotic primates galago, emu, mongoose, kangaroo, llama alpaca, lambs, chinchillas, sheep, mini-horses, baboons, ferrets, raccoons, owls, poultry, meerkats, hedgehogs, Nile crocodile and many others.

Children's Zoo at the Moscow Zoo
m. Barrikadnaya
Cost: free, with a ticket to the zoo
The Children's Zoo is a department of the Moscow Zoo. Here children can get acquainted with different breeds of domestic animals: chickens, dwarf sheep, Cameroon goats, pigeons. The Communication Platform is open from 11.00 to 15.00 from Tuesday to Friday. On weekends and holidays, as well as in rain and at temperatures above +28 ° C The site is closed.

It is hard to surprise Muscovites with exotic animals. There are state and private zoos in the city, where miniature hummingbirds and huge gorillas are kept. The raccoon in the Moscow zoo will not surprise anyone either. Come any day, look, just don't touch it with your hands.

It's risky to enter a cage with lions, but everyone wants to hold meerkats and raccoons, stroke them. Do not violate the ban of ordinary zoos, come to an unusual one. "Country of RACCOON" is a place where you can touch a raccoon in Moscow.

Differences between wild and domestic raccoons

Raccoons, although predatory, are very cute animals. Many have heard about the habit of animals twirling objects in their paws and rinsing them in reservoirs. Images of raccoons adorn T-shirts, notebooks, animals are adored all over the world, but few have seen them live.
In the wild, animals are poorly distributed on the territory of our country, although there have been attempts to breed them. They live in the North Caucasus, in the Volga region. In their historical homeland - the USA and Canada, where raccoons are in abundance, they are in no hurry to contact animals. If a smart and extremely insolent raccoon climbs into someone's house, the tenants prefer to call a special service for catching wild animals. The fact is that raccoons are often carriers of various infections due to the habit of rummaging in garbage cans. When aggressive, they can bite or scratch.
However, raccoons born in captivity lend themselves very well to training and keeping at home. Therefore, a large number of these animals can be seen in zoos and zoos.

Pros of visiting a petting zoo

Contact zoo with raccoons provides an opportunity for everyone to get to know these animals better, to observe their habits and funny washing. Individuals born in captivity do not pose any danger, they can be stroked, hand-fed with food purchased here, under the supervision of a specialist.
Communication with raccoons gives a lot of positive emotions. Visitors have a unique opportunity to participate in pet therapy contact zoo with raccoons in Moscow... In the capital, there is a whole network of similar establishments, which have a common schedule and the same principles of work. Pet therapy, that is, close communication with animals, is indicated for people suffering from loneliness and stress. After visiting the zoo, children become calmer, more affectionate, attacks of sudden aggression disappear.
Accustomed to constant contact with a person, the animal does not show natural protective qualities, it happily turns in its hands, fins and poses. From the very birth, the animals are monitored, they are vaccinated, examined by veterinarians. At the slightest suspicion of a disease, the animal is sent to quarantine until complete recovery.
Contact zoo with raccoons in Moscow worth a visit to cheer up, satisfy the need for affection and hugs. Adults and children will be delighted with communication with mustachioed-striped ones.

Where in Moscow you can pet a raccoon

"Country of RACCOON" is a network of zoos in Moscow, each of them is home to friendly and touching animals, among which, of course, raccoons. They have a special role in the petting zoo - to delight and entertain those who are tired, upset, have not been in nature for a long time and cannot have a pet.

The homeland of the raccoon is America. In the 20th century, Soviet scientists tried to settle animals in Russia, Belarus, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan. It turned out badly and there is no dominance of raccoons in any country of the post-Soviet space. But within the walls of the zoo "Country of RENOTION" there are many of them, and everyone is happy to make contact with a person.

The zoo's tame raccoons were born and raised in captivity. From early childhood, animals were accustomed to the hands. Veterinarians closely monitored the health, vaccinated and monitored the development of pets. Healthy and non-aggressive raccoons ended up in a petting zoo, became tame and take part in pet therapy with pleasure.

Pet therapy in the zoo "Strana ENOTiYA" is a session of communication with tame animals. They can be fed with delicacies purchased here. The caretakers willingly tell what the pets love, and also share funny stories about the inhabitants of the zoo. Pet therapy includes a visit to an open-air cage with raccoons, noses, degus, squirrels and other local inhabitants.

A petting zoo with raccoons in Moscow awaits guests every day from 10:00 to 22:00. Come to the zoo yourself or with children, bring friends and advise colleagues. The touching look of a raccoon will melt everyone's heart. The manner of the American cunning rinse everything, not just food, in water, amuse. And why does the raccoon rinse everything and why in the apartments where the raccoons are kept, the locks are cut even into the cabinet doors - ask the caretaker when you will come to pet the raccoon in Moscow.

What: science and technology museum
Age: from 0 to infinity
When to go: on weekdays. On weekends it is also possible, but be prepared for the fact that there are a lot of people in the museum. At the same time, there is enough space for everyone!
English: excursions in English are possible, there are no signatures in English
For people with disabilities: Yes
Exposition: 10 of 10
The friendliness of the staff: 8 out of 10
Prices: child ticket from 250 rubles, adult - from 350.

Experimentanium is a science museum where you can touch, grab, press everything. There are no "museum" grandmothers, no ropes, through which one cannot go and the inscriptions "do not touch". You can touch everything! Moreover, both children and parents are involved in all experiments, everyone is interested here.

In Europe and the USA, this format of museums has been popular for a long time (Exploratorium, Kopernik, Eureka). Moreover, even in European classical state museums there are many exhibits to touch. We have something similar was created in 1935 in Leningrad by the famous Perelman, but during the blockade of Leningrad everything was destroyed. So this format of museums in Russia is just beginning to develop.

Two years ago, in March 2010, several friends invested their own money in the creation of this museum so that Moscow children had the opportunity to understand that scientific processes are interesting! A year later, in March 2011, the museum opened.

The museum has about 250 exhibits, all of which are in working order. Although sometimes it is scary to look at how the exhibits are treated by visitors. But the museum management regularly repairs and updates everything! And it doesn't prohibit anything.

In addition to the main exposition of the museum, there are entertaining lectures, shows, a spherical cinema, scientific classes for children. It is possible to organize classes in accordance with the school curriculum.

The area of ​​the museum is about 2000 sq.m., there are a lot of exhibits in the museum! The visit time is about 2 hours, but you can walk much longer.

Stroboscope - a device that quickly reproduces repetitive bright light pulses

Mirror with a very thin layer of metal. Such a mirrored surface reflects half of the light incident on it, and transmits half of the light. If the lighting on your side is brighter, then your face will be visible to the one who is sitting on the other side of the mirror. If the lighting is the same on both sides, then such an interesting effect is obtained.

Near each exhibit there is a sign with a description of a physical phenomenon and instructions on how to conduct the experiment! So even if you do not know physics, it will not be difficult to explain a physical phenomenon to a child.

There is only one row of bulbs! The endless corridor effect is achieved due to the fact that the mirror consists of two parts, while the front part is translucent.

Plasma ball

Magnetic shavings

Bubbles show happens twice a day (shown for a fee, 50 rubles)

The show is interesting, beautiful, but the museum employee will give odds to any museum grandmothers! At some point, when the children, in front of whose noses she was blowing bubbles, began to get up from their seats and burst bubbles, the girl severely threatened that she would no longer show anything.

At the end of the show, all the children were lined up and each was given the opportunity to be inside a soap bubble. Even the smallest!

And this is a little tornado

Chair with nails to sit on

Using the example of this exhibit, you can explain to a child about friction on various surfaces

On the left is a bicycle, which shows how a dynamo works.
On the right is a dancing chain, which wriggles from touch as if it were alive.

Hall with soap bubbles

A hall dedicated to the structure of the body. This is what caries looks like.

And here you can take the hand stability test!
There are stands for small children, but still they are a little lacking

How the piano works. The museum has a whole hall with musical instruments!

Ball flying over the air stream

Real truck cab and car insides

Drawing pendulum

And this is a new exhibit - a living wall

Maxwell's pendulum

Optical illusions. Both circles revolve!

At the exit from the museum there is a slide, a store with smart toys and a cafe.

By the way, the museum promises that it will be very interesting for couples in love on February 14th. Come on dates!

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