Scenario for a ball of literary heroes. Scenario of the evening "at the ball of literary heroes"

Ball script literary heroes for students in grades 8-11

Target: show the history of the emergence of the Ball in Rus', using the best works of Russian classical literature and music.


show the beauty and variety of dances performed at balls and the durability of the waltz described in Russian classical literature;

attract high school students to reading works of Russian classical literature;

introduce students to beauty through meeting the best classical works Russian musical culture;

increase motivation for self-improvement, both aesthetically and intellectually.

The student reads A. Tolstoy’s poem “Among the Noisy Ball.”

In the midst of a noisy ball, by chance,

In the anxiety of worldly vanity,

I saw you, but it's a mystery

Your features are covered.

Only the eyes looked sadly,

Like the sound of a distant pipe,

Like a playing shaft of the sea.

I liked your thin figure

And your whole thoughtful look;

And your laughter, both sad and ringing,

Since then it has been ringing in my heart.

In the lonely hours of the night

I love to lie down when tired -

I see sad eyes

I hear cheerful speech;

And sadly I fall asleep like that,

And I sleep in unknown dreams...

Do I love you - I don't know

But it seems to me that I love it!

ball. The tradition of gathering all the nobles, officials, famous merchants, shipwrights and clerical servants with their wives and children for conversations, gallant dances, exercises and music was introduced by Emperor Peter Alekseevich - and they were ordered to give the name ASSEMBLES, then they began to be called BALLS.

Presenter 2. Every century, every era has its own favorite dances. At the balls of the Spanish kings they once danced a slow pavanna or a solemn sarabande. Allemande, chime, galliard - these ancient names seem to invite you to the ceremonial ballrooms...

We invite all ball participants to the dance and music salon.

Dear ladies and gentlemen!

Let me invite you to the ball of literary heroes!


His Excellency the hero of the novel by A.S. Pushkin Evgeny Onegin with Tatyana Larina

His Excellency Prince Andrei Bolkonsky with Countess Natalya Rostova are the heroes of Leo Tolstoy’s novel “War and Peace”!

Master and Margarita!

His Excellency Messire Woland with his retinue: Azazello, Koroviev-Fagot, Behemoth the cat, Gella! Heroes of the novel by M.A. Bulgakov.

Presenter 1 /against the background of music and dance/. We announce the first dance.

Minuet! The dancers move with graceful steps, bow ceremoniously..., the gestures are slow..., the steps are exquisite... For a century and a half this dance reigned! And then came the era of light, fast, exciting...

Presenter 2. Waltz!.. Is there a more amazing dance? For more than two centuries the whole world has submitted to him! Many other mass dances appeared: tango, foxtrot, Charleston. Then rock and roll, twist, shake, break... And yet the waltz reigns... When we hear the word “Waltz” we imagine high society balls and luxurious palaces. However, by origin, the waltz is by no means an aristocratic dance, but the most common one.

Presenter 1. However, universal recognition did not come immediately. Some found the waltz movements indecent! Have you ever seen a gentleman hug a young lady around the waist and press her to him in front of everyone? In the palaces of the German Kaisers, the waltz was banned until 1988. In Russia, Catherine 11 did not like this dance, and her son, Pavel 1, ordered the publication of a police order prohibiting “the use of the dance called walsen.” But the bans did not help. Waltz lived! So, from the village, where a simple orchestra played simple melodies, the waltz moved to rich houses and palaces.

Presenter 2. To the sounds of this Waltz, we recall stories that have become the property of world literature.

Presenter 1 . Let us remember one of the captivating pages of the novel by L.N. Tolstoy “War and Peace”.

/The curtain opens. Stage decoration: chair, table, tablecloths, candles, fans, Long Dresses, flowers…/.

Natasha’s desperate, frozen face caught the eye of Prince Andrey... With a courteous and low bow, approaching Natasha... he offered her a waltz tour.”

/Andrey and Natasha dance to the sounds of a waltz(from the film “War and Peace”), which fades away during the monologue of the presenters/.

Presenter 2. “That frozen expression on Natasha’s face, ready for despair and delight, suddenly lit up with a happy, grateful, childish smile... They were the second couple to go on tour. Prince Andrey was one of the best dancers of his time. Natasha danced superbly. Her feet in ballroom satin shoes quickly, easily and independently of her did their job, and her face shone with the delight of happiness...

The recording of the waltz sounds very loud for 20-30 seconds, the couple is dancing/.

Presenter 1. Natasha Rostova's first ball. Didn’t you freeze with her in despair that no one would invite her to dance and didn’t you smile, grateful to Prince Andrei, as if he was not Natasha, but you, twirling you in the dance... Thank you for the wonderful moments.

The fan was of particular importance to the lady. IN in capable hands he knew how to talk. A lady without a fan felt like a gentleman without a sword.

The fan language will be demonstrated to you by participants from each class. And you try to decipher it.

“YOU ARE INDIFFERENT TO ME” - close the fan.

“I LOVE YOU” - point a closed fan at your heart (fan in your right hand).

“I DO NOT LOVE YOU” - the closed fan makes a movement to the side.

“YOU ARE MY IDEAL” - touch your lips and heart with an open fan.

“BE CAREFUL, WE ARE BEING WATCHED” - touch your left ear with an open fan.

“FAREWELL” - hang a closed fan on your right hand.

Presenter 2.

A. S. Pushkin wrote:

The Mazurka sounded. It happened

When the mazurka thunder roared,

Everything in the huge hall was shaking,

The parquet cracked under the heel,

The frames shook and rattled,

Now it’s not the same: we, like ladies,

We slide on the varnished boards.

Heroes of the story by L.N. Tolstoy's "After the Ball" the mazurka waltz figures were performed at the ball. The ball was wonderful. The hero was delighted with his father's waltz with Varenka. At the ball they danced mazurka and quadrille. It was great.

A fragment from the story “After the Ball” is performed (see appendix). They dance the mazurka.

And now, friends, round up! Let's play "Compliment" You need to say at least 10 pleasant compliments to the person who is third from the right!

Presenter 1. Years pass... New dances appear and disappear, but the waltz is still young and continues to sound. The love for him continues unabated.

Many composers have composed works dedicated to the waltz. Composer Eduard Kolmanovsky and poet Yevgeny Yevtushenko wrote a wonderful hymn to the waltz.

Let the years pass

Never mind, never

Waltz will not grow old!

The song is based on the poems of A. Voznesensky “Waltz by Candlelight”.

Autumn night outside the window

The fog quarreled with the rain,

And a restless evening,

And a restless evening.

About something distant, unearthly,

About something near and dear

Burning, the candles cry.

It seemed like there was something for them to cry about?

In general, we live righteously,

But sometimes in the evening,

But sometimes in the evening

We suddenly sit down at the piano,

We remove the veil from the key,

And light the candles.

We light candles.

And the candles cry for people,

Sometimes they cry softer, sometimes harder,

And forget the magical days

They can't, candles.

And it's very important to me

That wax is not afraid of fire,

And for you and for me,

Burning, the candles cry.

The host of the ball and the hostess of the ball play a game of literary forfeits.

Hostess of the ball. After the ball, when the guests leave, it often happens that our servants find many lost things.

The owner of the ball. We would like to know who owns the lost items.

This pen belongs to a nobleman who studied in both Russia and Germany, and most lived his life in Paris, danced at a ball with Pushkin’s daughter, although he was very fond of Russian nature and hunting. (Turgenev)

This literary heroine lived in a village, after tragic death The groom got married quickly enough, and this is her doll. (Olga Larina)

A bouquet of violets... it became the reason for the meeting of two young people, but their love was unhappy. (" Poor Lisa»)

This is a book by Voltaire, it was brought from abroad by a young nobleman, he traveled abroad for three years, and then returned to Moscow to arrange his personal affairs. (Chatsky)

Mademoiselle dropped this object into the river and suffered for a long time, trying to get it out of there (Tanya's Ball. A. Barto).

And this is a chest, it was carried by one very famous nobleman, he worked both in the construction of government buildings and at customs, however, it later turned out that he was a famous swindler, but he almost married the governor’s daughter, but one fairly tipsy landowner, Arriving at the ball and seeing the swindler, he exposed him. (Chichikov)

This pistol... probably the owner was not very pleased to remember it, because he killed a friend with it in a duel... (Onegin)

This is a thick notebook... there are some notes in it... In my opinion, these are notes from an officer... What was his name? (Pechorin)

smoking pipe, called a cradle in Ukraine (Taras Bulba)

Primus (Cat Behemoth)

The ball is a real find

For young dandies and ladies;

The beauty is waiting for him with delight,

It is a holiday for gloomy fathers.

So that my daughter dresses like a doll,

An experienced mother is busy,

And so that she doesn’t stay too long,

Taking her to dance.

It is at the ball that things happen important events in the life of the heroes of A. S. Pushkin’s novel “Eugene Onegin” (Staging of an excerpt from the novel, grade 9)

Girl: what passions happen at our ball. At the balls they not only danced, but also played various games, including literary ones. Empress Catherine herself was not averse to playing one of them - burime. Let's try to write poetry.

Here are a couple of words, make up poems using these rhymes:



(in) sight




(in the world






/The music of Mozart sounds. All 5 minutes play in burim,)

Presenter 2. At all times, the book has accompanied man. Like people, books live their own lives and have their own destiny. Their birth is celebrated modestly or noisily. Some of them continue their long life, caressed by human attention, while others while away the time, growing decrepit on a bookshelf. Many books that at first glance are well known to us have an interesting fate.

Satan’s Great Ball, a ball given by Woland in the novel “The Master and Margarita” in the Bad Apartment on the endlessly lasting midnight of Friday, May 3, 1929. According to the memoirs of E.S. In her description of the ball, Bulgakova used impressions from the reception at the American Embassy in Moscow on April 22, 1935. US Ambassador William Bullitt invited the writer and his wife to this gala event. From memories? “Once a year, Bullitt gave large receptions on the occasion of the national holiday. Writers were also invited. One day we received such an invitation. In a hall with columns they dance, with a choir - multi-colored spotlights. Behind the net there are birds - a mass - fluttering. Orchestra from Stockholm. M.A. I was most captivated by the conductor’s tailcoat – right down to his toes.

Dinner in a dining room specially built for this ball at the embassy mansion, on separate tables. In the corners of the dining room there are small carriages, with kids, sheep and bear cubs on them. Along the walls of a cage with roosters. At about three o'clock the harmonicas began to play and the roosters began to crow. Russ style. A lot of tulips and roses - from Holland. IN top floor- kebab shop. Red roses, red French wine. Downstairs there is champagne and cigarettes everywhere. At about six we got into their embassy Cadillac and drove home. They brought a huge bouquet of tulips from the embassy secretary.”

For a semi-disgraced writer like Bulgakov, a reception at the American Embassy is an almost incredible event, comparable to a ball at Satan’s.

Excerpt from M.A. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” 11th grade

Song "The Master and Margarita"

Of course, I’m not a master, but I’m waiting for Margarita

Suddenly she will smile amid the bustle

But so far there are only daisies

And unfortunately they are only flowers, only flowers

Master and Margarita

Lived in former Moscow

Master and Margarita

The mystery in that legend

Master and Margarita

A different age has come, but-o-o-o

Master and Margarita

In every earthly love

This house and basement on Old Arbat

And the lilacs by the fence and the dilapidated shadow

Where did the writer once meet his beloved?

The wind with memory at hand walk now walk now

Master and Margarita

Lived in former Moscow

Master and Margarita

The mystery in that legend

Master and Margarita

A different age has come, but-o-o-o

Master and Margarita

In every earthly love

Time is an old wizard hurrying somewhere

In Moscow alleys everything hides you

But just about from the ray of the golden sunset

You will come out unexpectedly, like fate, like fate

Master and Margarita

Lived in former Moscow

Master and Margarita

The mystery in that legend

Master and Margarita

A different age has come, but-o-o-o

Master and Margarita

In every earthly love

Master and Margarita

And Margarita

Master and Margarita

And Margarita

Master and Margarita

And Margarita

Presenter 2. Our ball has come to an end, it was very nice to see you there. MAJORDO. FINAL DANCE OF OUR EVENING - Waltz

Dear guests of our ball of literary heroes, we say goodbye to you, but not the literary heroes who are always waiting to meet you on the pages of your favorite books!

Oksana Mershieva
Fashion show fairy tale characters(scenario)

Fashion show of fairy-tale characters


Presenter: Hello my dear. You recognized me

Today I invite you to “ Fashion show of fairy-tale characters”. What's happened fashion show, fashion?

Children. Where are the dresses shown?

Presenter: This is a fashion show where you can see graceful display fairy tale costumes. And the podium will be this fairy carpet.

But today will be unusual fashion show – Fashion show of fairy-tale characters. So “Holiday” fairy tales" begins. And she came to visit us characters from different fairy tales- Russian folk, magical, copyrighted, fairy tales about animals.

Characters from fairy tales about animals begin the fashion show.

Presenter: There is one character, guess who such:

Grow on top of heads

Long ears.

Even though he is a boy,

And such a coward!

Well, guess what?

What's the name? (Bunny)

Meet the bunny.

A bunny comes out.

Presenter: In what This character appears in fairy tales?

Children. “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Zayushkina’s hut”, “Rukavichka”, etc.

Presenter:And now the next one character.

Bright red beauty.

Catches a fish - miracles!

His sly eyes will sparkle,

Will wave his bushy tail

And suddenly he rushes off into the forests.

What is her name? (Fox)

Music plays, a fox comes out

Presenter: Who is this?

Children: Chanterelle

Presenter: In what found in fairy tales, this character?

Children: “Fox with a rolling pin”, “Fox and crane”, “Fox and hare”, “Fox and wolf”, “Teremok”, “Kolobok”, “Mitten”, “Cat, rooster and fox”, etc.

Presenter: What is it called in fairy tales?

Children. Fox Patrikeevna, Little Fox-sister, Red-haired cheat, etc.

Presenter: Guys, let's ask the fox from which fairy tales have come to us?

Chanterelle: “Kolobok.” “The Fox and the Hare.”

Presenter: That's how interesting. Thank you fox, come and see us again, we’ll be waiting.

Presenter: And now the next riddle.

He's standing somewhere in a field,

Smoke flies from the chimney.

Hare, mouse, fox, frog,

Wolf and clumsy bear

They live together happily,

The choir sings songs.

Answer quickly, my friend,

This fairy tale(Teremok)

Presenter: That's how interesting. Thank you dear animals, come visit us again, we will be waiting.

Presenter: We continue.

Brother decided to drink water

Don't recognize him now.

These horns and hooves

Why did you grow it?

My brother answers me:

Children. Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka.

Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka come out

Presenter: What happened in this fairy tale? How did Ivanushka become a boy again?

Presenter: But Russian folk fairy tales It doesn’t end there, there are a lot of them. There's another one fairy tale, quickly guess what this one is called fairy tale.

Grandfather and grandmother lived together

They made a daughter out of a snowball,

But the fire is hot

Turned the girl into steam.

Grandfather and grandmother are sad.

What was their daughter's name?

Children. Snow Maiden.

The Snow Maiden comes out

Presenter: Which fairy tales with the participation of the Snow Maiden, do you know?

Children. “The Snow Maiden and the Fox.”

Presenter: Well done. And there are also copyright fairy tales who wrote different writers Charlet. Perrault, Alexey. Nikolaevich. Tolstoy, Hans. Christian. Andersen, Korney. Ivanovich. Chukovsky and many other writers - storytellers, and the heroes of these fairy tales are rushing to us now.

Presenter: (riddles about characters)

The heroes come out one by one:

1) Wooden mischief maker

2) From fairy tales have entered our lives.

3) A favorite of adults and children,

4) Daredevil and inventor of ideas

5) A prankster, a merry fellow and a rogue.

6) Tell me, what is his name? Pinocchio

2) A good girl is walking through the forest,

But the girl doesn’t know that danger awaits.

A pair of feisty eyes glows behind the bushes

The girl will meet someone scary now.

Who will ask the girl about her path?

Who will deceive grandma to enter the house?

Who is this girl? Answer: Little Red Riding Hood

3) The girl is sleeping and doesn’t know yet

What's her in a fairy tale awaits.

The toad will steal it in the morning,

An unscrupulous mole will hide you in a hole.

Anyway, that's enough. Is it necessary clue?

4) Zhenya, pulling the petal,

She spoke: "To the East,

North, West, and South

You fly, and when you finish the circle,

Make a miracle, petal!

What is the magical name of a flower?

(Seven-flowered flower)

Leading (on exit character) . What is this about fairy tale?

How does it end? fairy tale?

Presenter Well, we continue to guess our favorites fairy tales.

Not a young man

With a beard like this.

Offends Pinocchio,

Artemon and Malvina,

And in general for all people

He is a notorious villain.

Do any of you know

Who is this? (Karabas Barabas)

Presenter. Guys, we’re not really afraid

Children: Yes

Presenter: Well, now the magic begins.

Magical fairy tales already on the threshold Once upon a time there was a king... and a queen

The King, Queen comes out

In what there lives a king in fairy tales? Queen.

Leading. Well done! Let's carry out The King and Queen with thunderous applause

Presenter Listen guys to the next riddle.

1)I went to bed on mattresses

The princess is young.

And in the morning I woke up covered in bruises -

What a sissy!

2) This one fairy tale hero

With a ponytail, mustache,

He has a feather in his hat,

I'm all striped,

He walks on two legs

In bright red boots

Children. ( "Puss in Boots")

3) There was a magical forest all around.

There's a sweet house in the clearing.

Door open, treats

there are singing on the table

is heard in the morning.

Who lives there, tell me?

Blue-eyed, white-faced -

to the dwarf brothers, like a sister.

This the fairy tale is familiar to everyone -

Children (Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs)

Presenter And this lady always and everywhere likes to ruin everything. Listen to the riddle.

At the edge of the forest

She sits in the hut.

Doesn't want to live in peace

He fools the princes.

The mortar and broom are dear to her,

This is malicious (Baba Yaga.)

Music, Baba Yaga runs out

Leading. Dear Baba Yaga, don’t scare me, but rather show me your outfit. But even though she ruins everything, there are others - kind ones, who are always ready to help and fix it.

Presenter 1) She knew how to work beautifully and deftly,

Showing skill in any matter.

I baked bread and wove tablecloths,

I sewed a shirt, embroidered a pattern,

She danced like a white swan.

Who was this craftswoman?

2) I’m a poor thing and a mess,

I'm used to ash and stoves.

It's very hard for me during the day,

And I dream at night.

But I don't cry, I don't cry

I smile and endure.

I believe in happiness and luck

And I pity and love everyone. (Cinderella.)

3) It was so long ago.

But I found a spindle

pricked my tender finger

and fell asleep peacefully

Whoever wakes you up will handle it

Children (Sleeping Beauty)

Presenter And now let's ask everyone characters come to us!

Fairy tale characters take a lap of honor

Leading. On this The fashion show of fairy-tale characters ends, But fairy tale never ends, it always remains with us. Presentation of heroes.

Svetlana Didenko
"Parade fairy-tale heroes K.I. Chukovsky." Scenario for a literary competition of readers and storytellers

Target. Involve in participation in literary competitions and quizzes; develop interest in the works of K. I. Chukovsky; improve expressiveness of speech (intonation, tempo, rhythm); form positive image I.

Preliminary work. Acquaintance with the work of K.I. Chukovsky (reading and telling his fairy tales and poems); production of costumes and character paraphernalia literary works poet; holding competitions for readers and storytellers in groups. Material. Tape recorder, recordings of cheerful melody and melodies of fairy tale characters; costumes of fairy tale characters (Aibolit, Fedora, Mukha-Tsokotukha, Moidodyr, telephone; two tit bird costumes; notebook, Miracle Tree, rainbow fragments (according to the number of children).

Characters. Two tit birds (girls, two teachers (presenters, children - participants of the competition.

Progress of the competition

Under spring melody Two tit birds fly into the hall.

1st titmouse. Have you heard? Have you heard? IN kindergarten contest!

2nd titmouse. Literary competition!

1st titmouse. Hurry here!

b]2nd titmouse. Hurry here!

Presenter.“All children between the ages of two and five believe that life is created only for joy, for unceremonious happiness, and this belief is one of the most important conditions for their normal psychological growth,” these words belong to Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky. And indeed: when children hear the works of their favorite writer, they laugh. This means that at this moment they are happy.

1st titmouse. The children have learned a lot of poems and fairy tales by Chukovsky and will now read them to you.

2nd titmouse. And you, dear guests, after listening to the children’s performances, write on the feathers that we have prepared for you who you want

I liked it.

1st titmouse. Shh! Quiet!

2nd titmouse. Begin!

To the sound of cheerful music, the titmice fly away. Behind the door, pitiful lamentations are heard: “Oh, you, my poor orphans!” Fedora appears. After greeting the audience, he reads an excerpt from the fairy tale “Fedorino’s Grief.” 1st titmouse represents the girl who played the role of Fedora.

2nd titmouse(addressing the audience). In which of Chukovsky’s fairy tales do the heroes like to indulge in tea? (answers). Now (says the child’s name) will tell you about it. A child comes out and reads an excerpt from K. I. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “The Fly Tsokotukha”

1st titmouse. Dear guests, tell me, how does Chukovsky advise you to take care of your health?


1. You need to, you need to wash your face

In the mornings and evenings.

2. Long live scented soap

And the towel is fluffy!

3. Let's wash and splash

Swim, dive, tumble.

1st titmouse. Well done!

Music is playing. Moidodyr appears (a child with a towel around his neck, soap, a basin, brushes). Reads an excerpt from K.I. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Moidodyr”.

The phone rings. 2nd titmouse picks up the phone: “Hello! Hello!". He shrugs. 2nd titmouse. And such rubbish All day long, Day-di-lazy,


A boy appears with a telephone and reads an excerpt from K. I. Chukovsky’s fairy tale “Telephone”

2nd titmouse. He read an excerpt from this fairy tale to us (says the child’s name).

Music is playing. Doctor Aibolit (boy) appears.

1st titmouse. I read an excerpt from the fairy tale “Aibolit” (says the child’s name).

Question for the audience. What poems of this writer do you know? (answers)

2nd titmouse. Listen to Chukovsky's poems performed by our competitors.

The titmice, taking turns, call the names of the children who read the poems “Miracle Tree”, “Tadpoles”, “Zakalyaka”, “Turtle”.

Leading. While you, dear guests, are deciding which performer you liked best, and the titmice are collecting feathers, I invite everyone to come into the hall.

To the music, children enter the hall, a dynamic pause “Joy” is held. Children stand in the center of the hall in random order. Two adults stand to their left and right. Boys stand, girls crouch. The girls' arms are raised above their heads, palms together.


Glad, glad, glad

Light birch trees (raise their arms up to the sides, depicting trees)


And on them with joy

Roses grow (slowly stand up and spread their arms to the sides, depicting blossoming flowers).


Glad, glad, glad

Dark aspens,

And on them with joy

Oranges are growing (after saying the last line, the children puff out their cheeks, depicting round oranges).

1st child.

It was not rain that came from a cloud,

And not hail.

2nd child.

It fell from the cloud


3rd child.

And the crows over the fields

Suddenly the nightingales began to sing.

4th child.

And streams from underground

Sweet honey flowed.

5th child.

The chickens became peahens,

Bald - curly.

6th child.

Even the mill is the same

She danced near the bridge.

7and child.

So run after me

To green meadows,

Where above the blue river

A rainbow-arc appeared.

Raise half-bent arms, depicting a rainbow.

Children(in unison)

We're on the rainbow

Let's climb up

Let's play in the clouds

And from there down the rainbow -

On sleds, on skates!

Children imitate skating from a rainbow


From this joy

We grew up in our group.


Don't be shy, help yourself,

Our kids!

They bring in a basket of fruit or sweets.

Leading. Dear children! You all read the poems and fairy tales of Korney Ivanovich Chukovsky very well. We prepared for a long time, tried hard, well done! All the feathers gathered in this basket, and it turned out (names the winners in the categories “For bright image", "For expressiveness", "For performing arts"). For the excellent performance of the leading role, the two tit birds are also awarded a prize. The competition is over! I wish you new victories in new competitions.

"Literary Ball"

Target: show the history of the Ball using the best works of Russian classical literature and music.


show the beauty and variety of dances performed at balls and the durability of the waltz described in Russian classical literature;

attract high school students to reading works of Russian classical literature;

introduce students to beauty through acquaintance with the best classical works of Russian musical culture;

increase motivation for self-improvement, both aesthetically and intellectually.

Arriving guests had to show their respect, in the form of a greeting, first of all to the hosts.

(In the dark on stage with candles in hands.)

Need a light fixture.

Leading: I light the candles and remain silent.

And the wizard-evening looks into my eyes,

The hand of darkness touched your shoulder.

For the first time I light candles.

presenter: From dance to dance along an invisible road,

From crinolines and corsets to silks,

We slide through time, through great era,

Where dances appeared again and again.

Leading: What can our guests expect from the ball here?

Now we’ll tell you not the same,

So that our honor does not suffer,

We are glad to introduce you, friends,

Presenter : Ball in style golden age,

So that they soar again in everyone,

Love for the Fatherland, love for the Motherland!

(bright lights come on in the hall)

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen, ladies and gentlemen, sirs and madams!

Leading. According to the social conditions of the ball, I present to you the guests of honor.

Presenter. Present at the ball: Countess(list official guests).

Presenter: Ball participants: (participants walk across the stage)

Couple Grinevykh, Pyotr Andreevich and Marya Ivanovna

Prince Pechorin and Bela

Evgeny Onegin and Tatyana Larina

A.S. Pushkin and Natalya Nikolaevna Goncharova

Countess Natasha Rostova, Countess Rostova and Prince Andrei Bolkonsky, Count Pierre Bezukhov

Marya Gavrilovna and Colonel Burmin

The participants of the ball sat on the stage and had a conversation:

Pechorin: (addressing Grinev): How long have you been in the capital, Pyotr Andreevich?

Grinev: No, sir, they just arrived, the imperial court invited them to a ball.

Pechorin: -Oh, these balls! (Pechorin, wincing)

Bela:-What is this, a ball?

Pechorin: And these, my dear, are dance festivals introduced by Tsar Peter the Great in 1717, after a year and a half stay abroad. (yawns)

Presenter: The tradition of gathering all nobles, officials, servants with their wives and children for conversations, gallant dances, exercises and music was introduced by Emperor Peter Alekseevich.
Leading: And they were ordered to give the name to the assembly. And later they began to be called balls. The word "ball" is Old French and used to mean "dance, jump."

Presenter : At balls it was customary not only to dance and socialize, but also to organize charity markets, lotteries, perform romances, and play music.
Eugene Onegin: It is also known that the owner of the house where the ball was held must have something to seat the guests on, something to treat them to and something to light the rooms with. Actually, as the poet said,

The ball is a real find

For young dandies and ladies;

The beauty is waiting for him with delight,

It is a holiday for gloomy fathers.

So that my daughter dresses like a doll,

An experienced mother is busy,

And so that she doesn’t stay too long,

Taking her to dance.

So let's dance! - she clapped her hands joyfullyBela.

(the polonaise sounds, all the guests dance, you can invite guests from the audience)

Leading: No dance requires such strict posture, pride and composure as the polonaise. During the procession, accompanied by solemn fanfare music, guests show themselves, their attire, secular manners and nobility.

Presenter: Thank you, gentlemen, for this majestic and graceful dance.
How beautiful you looked in the solemn procession!Why is this dance called Polish?
Leading : Because the “polonaise” was born in Poland. In Rus' it was called “Polish dance” or “walking conversation”.
Presenter: “Walking conversation”... So, it was customary to talk during the dance?
Leading: Yes, main topic Polonaise - admiration for a beautiful lady. And this dance continued for about half an hour.

Presenter: Wonderful dance, so many compliments in general good words the lady heard addressed to her during these half an hour. It's a shame that those days are gone.

Leading:I remember the waltz's lovely sound
Late on a spring night
An unknown voice sang it,
And a wonderful song flowed.

Presenter. Yes, it was a lovely, languid waltz,
Yes, it was a wonderful waltz.

Presenter . Now it's winter, and the same ones ate,
They stand covered in darkness,
And there are snowstorms outside the window,
And the sounds of the waltz sound again! (a light waltz melody is in the background, the hall is dark, only Natasha Rostova is illuminated by a spot.)

(on stage there is a projection of the palace and grand staircases)

Before entering the stage: Natasha Rostova(excitedly, to the music): There is very little left...I feel our crew slowing down move, and the valet opens the door. Oh my God, what a long staircase ahead! Do I really have the strength to climb it and enter this solid house? God, I’m so excited... After all, this is my first appearance... And then exciting dances await me. I'm so looking forward to it!

Pierre Bezukhov and Andrei Bolkonsky come forward.

Bezukhov : Prince! Bolkonsky! (Bolkonsky turns to him)

Bolkonsky : Count Bezukhov! My regards!

Bezukhov: Prince, you are always dancing. There is my protégé here - young Rostova. Invite her!

Bolkonsky: Where ? (turns his head)

Pierre nods his head towards Natasha.

Bolkonsky bows to Bezukhov and approaches the group of ladies.

Bolkonsky: My respects, Countess Rostova (kisses her hand)

Countess : Prince, let me introduce you to my daughter - Natasha

Bolkonsky: I have the pleasure of knowing you if the Countess remembers

me (bows, takes her hand)I ask you to go to the waltz tour.

(waltzers dance)

Leading : mon ami, I am very glad to see you all today at the 19th century social ball.

-Pechorin: Do you know, my soul (addressing Bela), that starting from the Peter the Great era in all state higher and middle educational institutions, higher schools, foreign boarding housesdance became compulsory subject. It was studied in the royal lyceum and in modest vocational and commercial schools.

Bolkonsky: Yes, and a mistake in dancing at the ball could cost your career. It was very shameful to lose tact at the ball!

Marya Ivanovna: - I’ve only recently been to the balls, but I heard that the polka is not a Polish dance at all, as it seems from its name, but a Czech one, and its name comes from the word “half”, because the main step in the polka is half!

Presenter: The popularity of the polka was extraordinary: even weddings were postponed in order to learn how to dance the polka!

Leading: So, Polka, gentlemen! Gentlemen invite ladies!
(They dance the polka.)

Bela: -Oh, they're spinning! How ashamed were you - after all, I was at your ball for the first time, we don’t have such entertainment in the Caucasus, I almost lost my rhythm! -Bela, turning to Pechorin.

Pechorin : - Well, I’ll please you, my peri, I’ll perform your favorite romance.-Pechorin.

Bela turns all her eyes to Him.

He performs a romance from Lermontov’s poems “I Go Out Alone on the Road” (with guitar)

Presenter : later, various games and tricks began to be held at balls. Ladies and gentlemen, now each of you will receive a note with wishes. It will definitely come true, you just have to believe in it.
Trays with notes are brought in. Each guest in the hall takes a note.

The host and presenter, as well as the ladies (Marya Ivanovna, Natasha Rostova, Countess Rostova) spread wishes..
Wishes texts:
. “Find happiness in today!”
. “Know that the clouds will clear and the peak will appear!”
. “Remember, no matter how slowly you move, the main thing is not to stop!”
. “Knowing moderation, you will have plenty of everything!”
. Today is the best day for you! As the others!
. “What awaits you will be wonderful!”
. “Happiness is just around the corner, move in the same direction!”
. “Your future is wonderful, everything is in pink color
. “Happiness will come to you, appreciate the joys of life!”

“When you choose a road, don’t turn off!”

“Look into your soul, ask your heart!”

“Believe in yourself, because for those who believe, nothing is impossible!”

"Don't forget about yourself!"

“Remember, an arrow fired does not return!”

“Find happiness in today!”

“Know that the clouds will clear and the peak will appear!”

“Knowing moderation, you will have plenty of everything!”

“Remember, no matter how slowly you move, the main thing is not to stop!”

“Remember - all good things come from man!”

“Blame against a person is necessary, but praise is even more necessary for him and, most likely, more useful than blasphemy.”

“Enjoy life, there is only one!” “Remember: good begets good

Leading : Yes, the ball is famous for its meeting opportunities.

And who wouldn’t call it a big event?

At first glance, such an ordinary evening,

Which will probably bring everyone

Dating, joy, relaxation for our senses.

And, most importantly, it will give a reason to show

All the beauty of dance art.

Leading : It turns out that relationships were also sorted out at the balls.
Presenter: and I was only thinking about declarations of love! Although no. Now look here; those two over there seem to be embarrassed by each other, although it seems that the young officer is about to fall at her feet and open his heart.
A scene from the story “Blizzard” is being performed.
Burmin: I have been married for four years now and I don’t know who my wife is and where she is, and whether I should ever meet her!
Maria Gavrilovna: What are you saying? How strange! Continue; but go ahead, do me a favor.

Burmin: At the beginning of 1812, I hurried to Vilna, where our regiment was located. Arriving one day at the station late in the evening, I ordered the horses to be laid as quickly as possible, when suddenly a terrible snowstorm arose, and the caretaker and the coachmen advised me to wait it out. I obeyed them, but an incomprehensible anxiety took possession of me; it seemed like someone was pushing me like that. Meanwhile, the snowstorm did not subside; I couldn’t bear it, ordered the laying again and rode into the storm. The coachman decided to go along the river. The banks were covered; the driver drove past the place where we entered the road, and thus we found ourselves in an unfamiliar direction. The storm did not subside; I saw a light and ordered to go there. We arrived at the village; V wooden church there was fire. The church was open, several sleighs stood outside the fence; people were walking around the porch. "Here! here!" - several voices shouted. I told the coachman to drive up. “For mercy, where did you stop? - someone told me, - the bride has fainted; the priest doesn't know what to do; We were already ready to go back. Come out quickly." I silently jumped out of the sleigh and entered the church. “Thank God,” said the maid, “you came by force. You almost killed the young lady.” The old priest came up to me with the question: “Will you order us to begin?” “Begin, begin, father,” I answered absentmindedly. The girl was raised. She seemed pretty good to me... An incomprehensible, unforgivable frivolity... I stood next to her; the priest was in a hurry; three men and a maid supported the bride and were busy only with her. We were married. “Kiss,” we were told. My wife turned her pale face to me. I wanted to kiss her... She screamed: “Oh, not him! not him! - and fell unconscious. The witnesses looked at me with frightened eyes. I turned around, left the church without any obstacles, rushed into the wagon and shouted: “Let’s go!”
The music of G. Sviridov “Blizzard” begins to sound.
The scene continues.
Marya Gavrilovna: My God! And you don’t know what happened to your poor wife?
Burmin: I don’t know, I don’t know the name of the village where I got married; I don’t remember which station I left from... The servant who was with me then died on the campaign, so I have no hope of finding the one on whom I played such a cruel joke.

Marya Gavrilovna: My God, my God! So it was you! And you don't recognize me?

Burmin turned pale... and threw himself at her feet...

Loud music.
I'm so glad that everything ends so well.
Tatyana Larina: Ah mon senor, (addresses Evgeny Onegin), it’s time to rest. Give me that fan, please. I wish them refreshment.

Evgeny Onegin enters: : in his hands is a small lorgnette, constantly points it at T. Larina and says:


Is she really? But definitely... No...

How! From the wilderness of steppe villages...

Is it really the same Tatyana?

which I'm alone with

Did you give lessons in silence?

That girl... is this a dream?...

The girl I am

Neglected in humble fate,

Is she really with me now?

So indifferent, so brave?...

(sits on her knee next to her, takes her hand, kisses her hand. Tatyana says:)

I got married,

you must, I beg you,

leave me;

I know it's in your heart

And pride, and direct honor.

I love you (why lie),

But I was given to someone else

I will be faithful to him forever.

(Tatiana leaves)

Presenter: Previously, at balls it was not customary to talk directly about feelings for each other. The ladies' emotions were expressed by a certain object - a fan. And besides, it is impossible to imagine the 19th century Coquette without a fan. Every beauty knew the rules for handling a fan.
Presenter: Although the fan was in the hands of a woman, know all the subtleties

men had to have a secret language.

The presenters conduct parlor game “The Secret Language of the Fan”

Presenter: COMPETITION “FAN LANGUAGE” try to guess what they mean
in the fan language the following phrases:
- “Yes” - apply the fan with your left hand to your right cheek.
- "I love you" - right hand point the closed fan at your heart.
- “My thoughts are always with you” - open the fan halfway and lightly pass it across your forehead several times.
- “I want to dance with you” - wave an open fan several times towards you, i.e. entice.

— “Be careful, we are being watched” - touch your left ear with an open fan.

Marya Ivanovna: -mon ami, is there any uniform order in dancing? Or at the discretion of the ball hosts?

Peter Grinev:- Yes, my darling, in the 18th century it was customary to open the ball with a Polish dance or polonaise, this dance replaced the minuet, the second dance at the ball was the waltz. The culmination of the ball was the mazurka, and the cotillion concluded the balls. Gentlemen at balls signed up in advance, inviting ladies to different dances. In the second half of the 18th-19th centuries, nobles went to balls with pleasure.

Leading: Oh, what a wonderful time it is to be young!

And first love and first losses...

He runs up to those sitting and says:

Lady1:: Gentlemen! We heard the news! Pushkin is getting married!

Lady2: What a passage! After so many hobbies and cupids!

Lady3: But who is she?

Lady1: Mademoiselle Nathalie, the youngest of the 3 Goncharov sisters.

Lady2: Marriage for a poet is such prose!

Lady3: No, no, don't say it. This is a very interesting alliance. Natalie is the first beauty. The king himself noted it with his attention. And Pushkin is the first poet of Russia. Ah, Pushkin, you are here, forgive our curiosity. Tell us where you met Natalya Nikolaevna*

PUSHKIN . My meeting with Natalya Goncharova, my sweet, lovely, gentle Natalie, took place winter evening at the dance master Iogel's ball. I didn’t even intend to go anywhere that day, but Vyazemsky persuaded me...

Moonlight flooded the street, fluffy snow fell.

And from the mansion came the sounds of a mazurka. And the silhouettes of elegant ladies and gentlemen flashed through the large windows.

Never before have I come to a ball with such a sad feeling. A secret presentiment tormented me and worried my soul. Peter said something to me and pointed to the young ladies who first appeared in secular society. And suddenly some force made me turn around. I saw her - in a transparent cloud of flounces and lace, in a crowd of young fans, surrounded by numerous relatives and acquaintances... I stepped towards my fate

PUSHKIN. Have you looked in the mirror and are you convinced that nothing in the world can be compared to your face - and I love your soul even more than your face...

NATALIE. I love you, my angel, so much that I can’t express it, since I’ve been here all I’ve been thinking about is how to escape to St. Petersburg to see you... Apart from you, I have no consolation in my life...


My wishes came true. Creator

Sent you to me, my Madonna,

Pure beauty the purest sample.(kisses hand)

(mazurka dance)

Leading: It's time for the mazurka, gentlemen! In the mazurka, ladies could flirt to their heart's content, gentlemen could show off their daring. The gentleman tapped his spurs, knelt down, walked the lady around him and kissed her hand. The Mazurka has always been at the center of every holiday, they were waiting for it, preparing for it!...

Everyone is dancing the mazurka.

Presenter : What a pity that he’s so cheerfulAnd fiery dance will soon be forgotten.

Leading: : few people know that this dance also came to us from Poland.
Presenter : There is a region of Mazovia there, and the people living in it were called Masurians. And the dance got its name from the name local residents: mazury - mazurka.

Leading:. After the ball, when the guests leave, it often happens that the servants find a lot of lost things, for example, one of the kings spent a long time looking for a girl who lost her shoe at the ball. We would like to find out who owns the lost things. (game with the audience)

Lady1: This pen belongs to a nobleman who studied in both Russia and Germany, and lived most of his life in Paris, danced at a ball with Pushkin’s daughter, although he was very fond of Russian nature and hunting. (Turgenev)

Lady2: E that literary heroine lived in the village, after the tragic death of her groom, she got married quite quickly, and this is her doll. (Olga Larina)

Lady3. A bouquet of violets... it became the reason for the meeting of two young people, but their love was unhappy. ("Poor Lisa")

Lady1: This is a book by Voltaire, it was brought from abroad by a young nobleman, he traveled abroad for three years, and then returned to Moscow to arrange his personal affairs. (Chatsky)

Lady2: Mademoiselle dropped this object into the river and suffered for a long time, trying to get it out of there (Tanya's Ball. A. Barto).

Lady3:. And this is a chest, it was carried by one very famous nobleman, he worked both in the construction of government buildings and at customs, however, it later turned out that he was a famous swindler, but he almost married the governor’s daughter, but one fairly tipsy landowner, Arriving at the ball and seeing the swindler, he exposed him. (Chichikov)

Lady1: . This pistol... probably the owner was not very pleased to remember it, because he killed a friend with it in a duel... (Onegin)

Lady2: This is a thick notebook... there are some notes in it... In my opinion, these are notes from an officer... What was his name? (Pechorin)

Presenter And our ball continues. By the way, upon entering, each of you received your own number. I think you guessed that this is for the game of “mail”. You can invite the person you like to dance, because at balls you met, fell in love and wrote letters to each other.

Leading : Poets, ladies, tailcoats. Ball
He brought us here today.
The bright lights are burning here,
And you and I are not alone.

Presenter : Ah, this ball cannot be forgotten!
Around me are my friends,
With dawn - bright fireworks,
The carriage has arrived. There was a century...

Leading: : Ladies and Gentlemen! We sincerely thank all participants

and the guests of today's ball. We hope that you, having plunged

into the past, felt the spirit of that time. We were glad

to see you! Before new meeting on literary ball!

Background music plays and participants are invited to a fruit buffet.

Celebration script for grades 1 - 4 on the theme “Fairy tales came out on parade”

Author: Kondratieva Alla Alekseevna
Place of work: primary teacher MBOU classes"Zolotukhinskaya secondary school" Zolotukhino village, Kursk region

Holiday script for grades 1-4 "Fairy tales came out on parade"

Target: activating children's knowledge about Russian folk tales
Educational: teach children to concentrate, mobilize mental activity to find an answer to the question posed.
Developmental: develop ingenuity, the ability to understand allegorical language.
Educational: to cultivate interest in oral folk art, to reading fairy tales.
Preliminary work: During extracurricular hours, children read Russian folk tales, discussed the content, found out what a particular fairy tale teaches, looked at illustrations for fairy tales, watched cartoons, staged performances, and also learned poems, songs, and the roles of musical characters. This event carried out at the beginning school year in order to test children's knowledge of Russian folk tales. Guests on open event may be preschoolers and students primary school. This material may be useful to parents, educators, teachers additional education children.
Decor: book exhibition“Russian folk tales,” a house-palace, a royal throne, a mansion with the inscription “Mishka’s Hut,” a bench near the mansion, a tree in spring decoration, costumes and attributes of fairy-tale characters.

Children in different fairy-tale costumes stand in a semicircle on the stage.

A fairy tale walks through the forest, a fairy tale leads you by the hand.
A fairy tale emerges from the river, from the tram, from the gate.
What kind of round dance is this? This is a round dance of fairy tales!
The fairy tale is clever and charming and walks alongside us.
So that, so that again the good will defeat the evil!
To convince the good and the evil to become good.
In a fairy tale, the sun burns, justice reigns in it!
A fairy tale is clever and charming, the path is open to it everywhere!

Hello, kids, girls and boys!
Guys, today I suggest you go to the “Land of Fairy Tales” for a parade, and for this we need transport, it’s good if it’s magical. Please remember the fabulous vehicles. (Flying carpet, mortar and broom, walking boots, flying ship, air balloons, Russian stove, own propeller). I suggest we choose a magic carpet.

Leading Our flying carpet will take us to a fairyland.
Let's go friends
In a miracle fairy tale - you and me,
To the theater of puppets and animals,
For girls and boys!
There is a magic screen here,
There are countless fairy tales here!

So, we arrived at the place. Look, guys, the gate fairyland closed (stage curtain). Let's find out what's going on here.
(Quiz on the computer "Russian folk tales")
I invite you on a journey through Russian folk tales.
What fairy tales have you read? Remember!
Oh you, Petya-simplicity,
I got a little bit
I didn't listen to the cat
Looked out the window. ("Golden Comb Cockerel")

The beautiful maiden is sad,
She doesn't like spring

It's hard for her in the sun,
She's shedding tears, poor thing. ("Snow Maiden")

In the fairy tale the sky is blue,
In the fairy tale, the birds are scary.
Rechenka, save me,
Save me and my brother! (Swan geese)

The mouse found a home for itself,
The mouse was kind:
In that house after all
There were a lot of residents. (Teremok)

– What did the animals ask in the fairy tale “Teremok” before entering there?
Pounded and pummeled
On the plate with your nose,
Didn't swallow anything
And he was left with his nose. (Fox and crane)

There is no river, no pond,
Where can I get some water?
Very tasty water -
In the hole from the hoof.
(“Sister Alyonushka and brother Ivanushka”)

The little goats opened the door,
And everyone disappeared somewhere! ("The wolf and the seven Young goats")

-What did the goat sing to her kids?
I left my grandmother
I left my grandfather
Guess without a hint
What fairy tale have I come from? (“Kolobok”)

-What song did Kolobok sing?
And the road is far,
And the basket is not easy,
I would like to sit on a tree stump,
I would like to eat a pie. (“Mashenka and the Bear”)

– What did Mashenka say to the bear while sitting in the box?
Leading Well done boys! I see that you know fairy tales well.
Now, friends, you will see this fairy tale performed by 4A class artists. Let's greet them with applause!

Dramatization of the fairy tale "Masha and the Bear"

Leading The land of fairy tales is the most amazing and wonderful of all countries in the world. Where else, if not here, can you see a flying carpet flying quickly under the clouds in the sky, walk through the forest, meet a Gray Wolf speaking in human language, or even accidentally come across Baba Yaga’s dilapidated hut?! In folk tales, since time immemorial, there has been a fierce struggle between good and evil: young Ivan Tsarevich bravely fights with the Serpent Gorynych and defeats him, a simple peasant cleverly fools the greedy priest and devils, and Vasilisa the Beautiful gains the upper hand over the cruel Baba Yaga.
What helps the heroes of fairy tales win: cunning, deceit, or maybe deception? Neither one nor the other, nor the third... Ivan Tsarevich wins thanks to his humanity and kindness, because he always fights for the weak and oppressed, the peasant is helped by his worldly wisdom and ingenuity, and the peasant daughter Vasilisa the Beautiful is helped by her gentle disposition, hard work, the ability to do everything quickly and efficiently. People have many tales about Vasilisa the Beautiful. Today we will visit another one of them - interesting and deeply instructive...
Now we are visiting a fairy tale

"Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs"


(Watching of the performance, performers - children of class 4A)

Now I invite you to play: we will hold several competitions to consolidate your knowledge of Russian folk tales.
Competition 1 “Continue the line of the fairy tale”
Competition 2 “Singing hat (songs from cartoons”).” Guess the voices.
Competition 3 “Guessing objects from fairy tales”
Competition 4 “Name fairy tales where the heroes are: Baba Yaga, Gray wolf etc."
Competition 5 “Establish order” (assemble a fairy tale from puzzles)
(fairy tales “Kolobok”, “Turnip”, “Fox, Hare and Rooster”)
Summing up the results of competitions. Presentation of prizes to winners

Dramatization of the fairy tale “Kolobok”

(performers - 4 A class)

And now we are leaving the “Land of Fairy Tales”, but we are not saying goodbye to it. You will visit this amazing country more than once, visit your favorite heroes and get acquainted with new fairy tales. Come visit us, sign up for our amateur theater"Harlequin".
With skillful hands,
For intelligence and ingenuity
I want to say thank you!
To those who worked
To those who tried
I’ll show everyone my gift now
All first-graders are given coloring books with fairy-tale characters as souvenirs. .
Believing in a fairy tale is happiness.
And to those who believe
A fairy tale is a must
Will open all the doors
(Children say goodbye and leave)
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