Scenario for a holiday dedicated to Cosmonautics Day in a preparatory school group on the topic: “If you really want to, you can fly into space! Sports festival for Cosmonautics Day for the kindergarten preparatory group. Scenario


I remember the sun sparkled that day:

What an amazing April it was!

And joy shone with pride in my heart:

Gagarin arrived from space!

Everyone recognized him by his smile -

There was never a second smile like this!

The whole world applauded! Everyone rejoiced:

Gagarin flew around our globe!

Since then, unknown distances have approached,

Ships are exploring space...

And it started with a Russian, nice guy,


( A scientist comes in and thinks)

Scientist: Why are there 12 months in a year? And not 20 or 25? Why is there no ladder to the sky, To reach the stars and reach them? Well, I, the Great Scientist, could keep track of the stars!

Leading: Hello, Great Scientist! We really need your help.

Scientist: Hello, dear children and adults! I'm listening, what happened to you?

Leading: The guys and I came to the hall for a holiday, but we can’t figure out which one, we only know that GAGARIN IS THE FIRST COSMONAUT OF EARTH!

(The scientist opens the book, looks and speaks) - Slide No. 1

Scientist: Guys, today is a holiday - April 12 - “Cosmonautics Day”. 55 years ago – April 12, 1961, Soviet Union launched the Vostok spacecraft into Earth orbit. The flight duration was 1 hour 48 minutes. The first cosmonaut of the planet Earth, Yuri Gagarin, launched on the Vostok spacecraft. This is how the profession of astronaut appeared on Earth and World Aviation and Cosmonautics Day is celebrated on April 12. Dear teacher, present century nanotechnology, take this disc and turn it on, I have prepared very interesting information for you.

(Video “You Know What Kind of Guy He Was”)

Leading: (Slide number 2– portrait of Gagarin)

He was born near the city of Gzhatsk,

Russian boy in a peasant family.

Proud name Yuri Gagarin

Everyone on earth knows now.

The whole world, the whole planet is proud of him,

The name Yuri is on everyone's lips,

The Russian guy rose above the world,

Having given my heart to Russia.

The very first orbit over the planet

He did it for the glory of the country,

Rising into the sky like a bright star

On a clear day of that beautiful spring.

With this feat Yuri Gagarin,

Having made an unprecedented flight,

Glorified all of Russia for centuries

And our great Russian people.

Everything will become commonplace someday,

And a flight to the Moon and to Mars,

And tourists are already being delivered

To the vastness of space routes

There will be many discoveries in the future,

The space above the earth is endless,

But always new step someone first

He will do it at the risk of himself.

(Children read the poem “The astronauts have a holiday!”)

A special day has come to us -

It's a holiday for the astronauts!

Knows this well

Quiet and prankster!

And everyone keeps saying, who cares,

Always the same:

Since I was born on this day,

Must become an astronaut!

No, I don’t want to be an astronaut.

More like an astronomer.

I will study all the planets

Without leaving home.

But maybe still a doctor? –

There will be no problems in the family,

I will always lend my shoulder

To family and friends.

And become a traveler

All boys dream -

To open up countries and lands,

Write books about this.

Scientist: So today you guys and I are going to travel into outer space. ( Slide number 3 – outer space)

Leading: Oh, how interesting! We are happy, Great Scientist! Children, let's go on a trip?

(Dunno runs in)

Dunno: Yeah! Did you want to fly away without me!?

Leading: Sorry! And who are you?

Dunno: Well, they don't even know who I am! I am a great astronaut! I was the first to go into space!

Leading: Children! Has Yuri Gagarin himself really come to us? Well, hello, sorry for not recognizing it right away! Guys, does he look like Yuri Gagarin?

Dunno: Not! No! I'm not Yuri Gagarin! And in general, I don’t know who your Yuri Gagarin is!

Scientist: Guys, come on, repeat to this guest who Yuri Gagarin is! ( Children's response). Yes Yes! It was Yuri Gagarin who was the first person to fly into space and spent as much as 108 minutes in orbit of our planet.

Dunno: Oh, just think, 108 minutes! I could have spent the full 200 minutes there! And you are Gagarin! Gagarin!

Leading: Well, you're a liar! And not only did you not say hello to the guys, you even forgot to introduce yourself to us!

(Dunno gets into an offended pose and turns away, mimicking the presenter)

Leading: Guys, have you already guessed who this rude guest is? Yes, of course, this is Dunno, turn to us, we recognize you!

Dunno: Well, it’s not even interesting anymore! I'll leave you!

(Dunno goes to the door, but the host stops him)

Leading: Wait, don't go! Stay, I think you will still be interested in us! Don't go!

Scientist: And really, let’s travel with us in outer space?

Dunno(returns): okay, I'll stay. I even know how you and I will go into this outer space. Is everyone ready to fly? Then - let's go! And the on-board computer will help us on our journey ( children get to their feet and repeat the movements of Dunno). Let's count down: 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1, go! Let's fly!

(dance “Non-childhood time”).

Dunno: Well, we’ve arrived... Wow, just look at everyone here... ( Dunno points to the screen)

(Video “Walk through Space”)

Dunno: Wow…

Leading: How beautiful…

Scientist: Space has been little explored, it is very big. And we will explore it, and we will start with our planet, which is called what?

(Video about planet Earth)

Scientist: There are countless stars in the sky, and now, we scientists are discovering new stars, they are looking for them in the sky with the help of powerful telescopes. And now you guys and I will play the game “Collect a star.” Slide number 4 – “Starry sky”

(Game “Collect a star”)


We continue our research:

Scientist: Guys, we met planet Earth, but do you know what other planets are in space?

Dunno: I know! I know! Planet of “Gems”, planet of “Riddles”, planet of “Fairy Tales”, planet of “Marmalades”, planet of “Jokes”, planet of “Dancing”, planet of “Desires”.

Scientist: And Dunno is not correct.

Dunno: How so? And is it wrong? I named all seven planets!

Scientist: There are not seven of them! There are 9 of them! And their names are not the same! Look here they are ( Scientist points to screen).

(Video “Planets of the Solar System”)

Leading: How interesting, isn't it, guys? ( Slide number 5 – Outer space)

(Sound signal)

Leading: Scientist, what's going on? What are those sounds?

Dunno: Oh, I'm afraid, I'm afraid... help ( runs around the hall)

Scientist: Do not be afraid! These are the sounds of a spaceship, something happened there, this is a signal from outer space.

Leading: A spaceship? Which one?

Scientist: Each planet has its own inhabitants, who also move on their spaceships, there have probably been glitches, and a resident from one of the planets will soon come to us.

Dunno: How will we recognize him?

(An alien enters the hall)

Alien (speaks slowly, on one note): Hello, earthlings!

Leading: Hello, dear Alien! Our crews received an alarm signal from your spaceship. What happened to you? Maybe we can help?

Alien: I can't return to my planet until I collect the cosmic crystals.

Leading(addressing children): Guys, we need help, a resident from another planet, the crystals need to be put into compartments: in red - red crystals, in green - crystals that have a round shape.

(Game "Collect crystals")

Alien: How cleverly you managed to collect the cosmic crystals! Well done, earthlings! You did a great job with my task! I would like to show you my planet, but it has disappeared from the starry sky... How can I get home? I don't know how to build a rocket.

Leading: Don't be upset, please! We will try to help you. We have very talented and smart children in our kindergarten. Guys, let's help the alien get to his home, because his parents probably lost him.

(Children are divided into three teams. The first and second teams - to lay out the construction of the rocket, the third - according to the alien’s description of his planet, find it against the backdrop of the starry sky among other space objects)

Alien. Thank you, earthlings! You helped me a lot. I am in a hurry to return to my planet.

Leading: Yes, and it’s time for us, guys, to return to our most wonderful planet in the entire Universe.

Scientist: Yes, dear teacher and children, our journey has been delayed for some reason. I have so much unknown, unexplored ahead of me, so many experiments need to be carried out.

Alien. Why is she the most wonderful among you?

Leading. And you listen to our song and you will understand.

(Song “Multi-colored Planet”, lyrics by A. Orlov, music by N. Novisova.)

Alien: And, truly, your planet is colorful, oh, wonderful. But everyone has their own, I have a wonderful one where I live, and you have it where your home is. Goodbye guys! It was very nice to meet you! ( He waves and leaves)

Dunno: And I have to go, it was so interesting to travel with you. I'll go to Znayka and all the shorties from Flower City I'll tell you what I learned today. They will be surprised!

Leading: Goodbye, Dunno! Check us out more often! In our kindergarten you will learn a lot of new and interesting things!

Leading: Guys, while our ship is making a soft landing on Earth, tell us what you remember and liked about the trip?

(Children's poems)

It's so cool in space!

Stars and planets

In black weightlessness

Slowly swimming!

It's so cool in space!

Sharp missiles

At great speed

They rush here and there!

It's so wonderful in space!

It's so magical in space!

In real space

Been there once!

In real space!

In the one that saw through,

In the one that saw through

Paper telescope!

Scientist: Touch... There is touch! That's it, guys! We have returned to Earth, to your kindergarten. Today we did interesting trip into outer space. See you again! Goodbye, guys!

Teacher of the first qualification category Zhukova T. B. MBDOU kindergarten No. 27 "Berezka" general developmental type SCHMR MO

Purpose of the lesson:

  • Expand and deepen children's knowledge about space.
  • Continue to introduce children to Russian holiday– Cosmonautics Day and space heroes.
  • Teach children to be proud that the first cosmonaut, Yu. A. Gagarin, was a Russian man.
  • Strengthen children's ideas about outer space and planets solar system.
  • To foster respect for the astronaut profession and pride in our great country, which was the first to send a man into space and for the people who glorified Russia.
  • To bring children to an understanding of such moral and volitional qualities as perseverance and fearlessness, which help to become a famous person.
  • Continue learning to answer questions using different kinds simple and complex sentences.
  • Foster mutual assistance, friendly relations, organization in sports games, as well as the ability to work in a team and coordinate their actions.

Dictionary enrichment:

Cosmonautics, astronaut, Solar system, names of planets: Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto. Orbital station, orbit, telescope, atmosphere, weightlessness.


The hall is decorated with stars, portraits of Yu. A. Gagarin,

V. Tereshkova, S. P. Korolev, K. Tsiolkovsky, drawings of a rocket "East" , Solar system, planet Earth. Game tables, 4 baskets, Balloons 20 pcs., 2 rackets, 2 pairs of fins, 2 spoons, 4 plates, colored pebbles 20 pcs., spinning ball, chips for the jury, team emblems, neckerchiefs for teams of two colors, details space rocket, 2 rocket building diagrams, letter cards, envelopes, 2 magnetic boards, hourglass.

Preliminary work:

Conversations about astronauts, the solar system, planets. Looking at illustrations about space. Reading "Starships" from the story by V. P. Borozdin, "Road to Space" from the story by Yu. A. Gagarin. Lotto, dominoes about space, watching DVD movies "Journey to Mars" , "The Secret of the Third Planet" , "What the Stars Say" . Drawing and sculpting on the theme "Space" , applique "Alien" , making crafts together with parents on the topic "Space trip" . Participation in the competition "Big space trip» in MBDOU "TsRR-d/s "Lastochka" Star City. Test cosmonaut O.G. Artemyev, with whom there was correspondence during his stay in space, was invited to the lesson.

Video accompaniment:

Presentations "Our amazing planet" , "Space trip" ,

slide show "How do they live on the ISS" .

Musical accompaniment:

  • "Gravity of the Earth" words by R. Rozhdestvensky, music by D. Tukhmanov.
  • Space music performed by a group "Space" .
  • "Our cheerful crew" music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by K. Ibryaev, P. Sinyavsky.
  • "Big Round Dance" music B. Savelyeva, lyrics. L. Rubalskaya.
  • Musical screensavers for games.

Progress of the lesson:

The room is dim and a video appears on the screen. "Our amazing planet" . There's a song playing "Gravity of the Earth" words

R. Rozhdestvensky, music by D. Tukhmanov. Children come out with emblems with team names on their chests and scarves tied around them. Children perform musical changes. At the end of the music, they line up in a semicircle.

1 child:

For many centuries, earthlings have dreamed
Conquer the heavens
Like birds fly and the wind,
And fly off to the stars in a rocket.

2nd child:

And then the 20th century came.
A man made his dream come true.
The news spread all over the world:
There is the first man in space!

3rd child:

Man in space!
Man in space!
This news was flying over the planet!
Man in space!

Man in space!
How long have everyone dreamed about this!

4th child:

His soul yearned for heaven,
And a smile that matches the sky,
She was so good
Which pleased all peoples.

5th child:

He was the first, and therefore a hero,
Having conquered extraterrestrial space,
He placed his native house in the palm of his hand,
Having looked at all the details of the decoration.

6th child:

The country rejoiced and hummed:
- Gagarin has returned from orbit!
And spring was shining everywhere...
The whole world was grateful to him.

7th child:

Glory to Gagarin, honor!
All our people rejoice.
Half a century has passed since then.
And now there is no stopping the man.

8th child:

Space stations operate for six months.
And a lot of people have already been in orbit.
Both scientists and tourists.
Progress is happening very quickly.


These are our children's dreams,
Rush to the stars in a rocket.
And let us just play for now,
But today we will also go to space.

Children sit on chairs to the music.


Guys! You and I have gathered in this hall, which today is so unusually and festively decorated. Do you know what holiday our country will soon celebrate? That's right, Cosmonautics Day!

What is astronautics? (Cosmonautics is the science of space flight.)

What is space? (This is all the space outside the Earth.)

Space is a boundless space that a person will explore as long as he lives on this Earth, until all his inquisitiveness and curiosity dry up.

There is probably not a single person on Earth who has not admired the stars at least once. The mysterious world of stars and planets has attracted the attention of people since ancient times, attracting them with its mystery and beauty. Space has always been interesting to people, and how many secrets and mysteries it contains for people! After all, you really want to know, for example, is there life on some other planet? And what do its inhabitants look like? I also wanted to see what our planet Earth looks like from a great height. First, people invented airplanes and helicopters and began to fly in the air envelope of the Earth.

What is it called, guys, can anyone tell me? (Atmosphere). Right. But it was impossible to fly to other planets on airplanes. Why do you think? (On Earth there is a force of gravity that they cannot overcome.) People didn't stop there. Space attracted them. And they began to dream of inventing a machine that would take them to other planets. Remember who came up with it? rocket engine? (This was designer Sergei Pavlovich Korolev.) People from many countries thought about flying to other planets. But it was in our country that a person flew into space for the first time.

Who was this man whom the whole world remembers? (children's answer).

Yes, that's right: it was our pilot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin. All people on the planet know this day - the day when the first man went into space. And we are proud that it was this day, this holiday that our country, Russia, opened! The 108 minutes spent by the first astronaut in space paved the way for other space explorers.

Understanding the Cosmos, humanity has something to be proud of. Who will name these great achievements of earthlings?

Expected children's answers:

Valentina Tereshkova is the world's first female cosmonaut on planet Earth. Man's entry into outer space. He was Russian cosmonaut Alexei Leonov. Launch artificial satellites Earth. American astronauts flew and landed on the Moon.

Launched into earth orbit the most powerful hubble telescope, which allows scientists to make new discoveries and obtain images of deep space. The launch of an orbital complex into orbit, where astronauts fly and work for a long time. Aircrafts reached the planet Mars. The Mars rover managed to make many discoveries, expanding our knowledge and understanding of the Red Planet. A human flight to Mars is being prepared.


Yes, guys, and this list of achievements is constantly updated with new discoveries. Let's dive into this amazing and mysterious world.

Show presentation "Space trip" .


Did you guys like the movie? Would you like to become a corps of young cosmonauts? Well then!

To become an astronaut,
We have to work hard:
Start the day with exercise,
Study well!

They can take it on the ship
Only strong, dexterous ones.
And that's why it's impossible
No training here!

Attention! Young cosmonauts: stand at attention! To the first space training - go ahead!

Fizminutka "Cosmonauts"

We will try very hard (children do jerks with their arms bent in front of their chest)
Play sports together:
Run fast like the wind (Running on tiptoes)
Swimming is the best thing in the world. (Make hand strokes)

Squat and stand up again (Squat)
And lift dumbbells. (Straighten bent arms up)
Let's become strong and tomorrow
We will all be accepted as astronauts! (Hands on belt)

Well done! At ease!

What kind of profession is this - an astronaut, what qualities does it require from a person? What kind of person can become an astronaut?

(Strong, brave, dexterous, courageous, decisive, persistent, intelligent, inquisitive.) That's right, guys! When a person possesses such qualities of character, then he will be respected and loved. Being an astronaut is an honor, of course difficult, but also very interesting! I would like to introduce you to a test cosmonaut who recently returned from orbital ship, it was to him in space that we wrote a letter and sent photographs of the exhibition of our space crafts. Meet Oleg Artemyev.

We invite the astronaut to the center of the hall. The boys are preparing a chair and a table for him. The girls give him flowers.

Oleg Artemyev:

Good afternoon guys!

(A story about weightlessness, space food, going into outer space, accompanied by a slide show.)


Oleg Germanovich, the guys and I learned a lot about space, but they still have questions that they would like to ask you. Guys, you have such an opportunity to get answers to what interests you most. Ask questions please!

Children ask questions to the astronaut. During the conversation, he also asks questions to the children.

Oleg Artemyev:

You are really great, you already know a lot about Space, and I think that you can be enrolled in the school of young cosmonauts.


Well, then I invite you guys to astronaut school. And you, Oleg Germanovich, we invite you to join the jury to evaluate today’s tests.

Here today two space squads will compete in strength, agility, speed, and courage. Meet!

Background music sounds, children go to the center of the hall. Singing a song "Our cheerful crew" music by Y. Chichkov, lyrics by K. Ibryaev, P. Sinyavsky.

1. Like on the field of the cosmodrome we run out into the yard,

Let's get down to business together.
You need to make an exercise machine out of a swing near the house,
You need to get used to weightlessness.
Chorus: If we want to go into space, then we’ll fly soon.

ours will be the friendliest,

our cheerful crew!

2. If we don’t have a spacesuit to go on a flight,
We can make it ourselves.
Glass from an old headlight is suitable for a spacesuit,
and a cardboard box too.

3. We made a cookie salad and a candy vinaigrette.
Instead of paste, they filled a tube.
And, of course, an invitation to a space dinner
Our Tuzik was the very first to receive it.

4. Why aren’t we astronauts, if each of us
Do you even dream about the orbital complex?
And we agree, even tomorrow, even today, even now
Ride a rocket into space.

Presenter: Captains, introduce your teams.

Space Squad "Comet" .

Motto: U "Comets" there is a motto – never fall down!”

Space Squad "Rocket" .

Motto: "We are Team Rocket" We’ll fly to any planets!”

A jury will evaluate today's tests at the cosmonaut school. (Introduction of the jury, which takes its seats.)

For each correctly completed task, the team will receive a chip; whoever has the most of them wins.

Now attention!

Captains, come to me and take the envelopes from the table.

1 task.

The envelopes contain cards with letters.

Teams will have to post the names of their ships until hourglass sand flows. Let's start the countdown!

Conclusion: The astronaut must be "ATTENTIONAL, SMART, COMPETENT"

Task 2:

Remind me, what is the name of the condition in which a person and the objects around him lose weight? (Weightlessness.)

Our competition is called "Weightlessness" . Players on each team receive balloon. You need to carry it from start to finish, giving it acceleration with one hand and trying not to touch the floor.

Let's start the countdown!

Five, four, three, two, one - start!

Conclusion: An astronaut must be FAST, AGILITY

A game "Boasters" .

Guys, now I’ll test your intelligence. Sometimes people like to exaggerate everything and are called braggarts.

Let's play a game "Boasters" .

One day an alien flew to Earth and began to brag about his planet:

Our planet is the most beautiful.
Children: And ours is even more beautiful.
- Our seas are the deepest.
Children: - And with us it’s even deeper.

Our mountains are the highest.
Children: - And ours are higher.
- Our rivers are clean.
Children: - And ours are cleaner.

Our bread is delicious.
Children: - And ours tastes better.
-Our apples are sweet.
Children: - And ours are sweeter.

Well done boys! I see that you love your planet very much!

Task 3:

Before launching a rocket into space, scientists design and draw up diagrams of spaceships, and design engineers assemble them using the drawings. This competition is called "Design department" . You will be given a diagram of a rocket construction plan. Each player takes one part at the start and builds a rocket, strictly adhering to the diagram. Let's start the countdown!

Five, four, three, two, one - start!

Conclusion: An astronaut must BE ABLE TO WORK IN A TEAM AND BE SMART

Task 4:

Would you like to see other planets?

But to go on a trip to the planets, we need to know the conditions that await us on their surface. In the next competition we will test what you know about the planets.

How many planets are there in the solar system?

How are planets different from stars?

What is the name of the planet closest to the Sun? (Mercury)

What planet is called Morning star? (Venus)

What planet is called "blue" ? (Earth)

What planet is called "red" ? (Mars)

The largest planet in the solar system? (Jupiter)

Which planet has rings around it? (Saturn)

Which planet rotates while lying on its side? (Uranus)

Who can name the eighth planet from the Sun? (Neptune)

Task 5:

In preparation for a flight into space, an astronaut goes through a school of survival in difficult, unforeseen situations. He must be able to do everything, even the unexpected. Our next competition is called "Move your flippers" ! The player must put on the fins, run to the finish line, overcoming obstacles, take them off, and pass them on to the next player.

Let's start the countdown!

Five, four, three, two, one - start!

Conclusion: An astronaut must be ENDURING, READY TO OVERCOME DIFFICULTIES.


Our competition has come to an end. We ask the jury to evaluate today's tests.

The jury gives the floor. At the end of the competition, friendship must win.


Guys, let's stand in a big circle and see what I have in my hands (children's answers). Yes you are right. This is a globe, a model of our planet. Earth is a beautiful planet full of wonders and riddles. People, animals, plants live on Earth, they should all be happy, and people should take care of nature. See how beautiful our planet is. She is also called "blue" planet. Why do you think? (Children's answers.) That's right, there is a lot of water on Earth. To prevent such beauty from perishing, we must treat it with care.


“There is one planet - a garden,
In this cold space.
Only here the forests are noisy,
Birds, calling migratory ones.

It's the only one they bloom on
Lilies of the valley in the green grass,
And dragonflies are only here,
They look into the river in surprise.

Take care of your planet
After all, there is no other like it!”


Guys, let's wish our Planet all the best!

(Sounds musical composition M. Dunaevsky "The wind of change" . Children, holding a globe, express their wishes. The globe is passed around in a circle.)


Take care of your planet, Earth!
Love her and appreciate her.
Protect her, guard her,
Don't offend anyone!

Children perform a song "Big Round Dance"

(music by B. Savelyev, lyrics by L. Rubalskaya)

1. We were born into the world,
To live joyfully.
To play together
To be strong friends.

To smile at each other
Give flowers too
To be fulfilled in life
All our dreams.

Chorus: So let's arrange it
Big round dance,
May all the people of the Earth
They will stand in it with us.

Let it sound everywhere
Only joyful laughter
Let there be a song without words
Clear for everyone.

2. We want to somersault
In the green grass
And watch them float
Clouds in the blue

And into the cool river
Dive into the summer heat
And catch it in your palms
Warm mushroom rain.

3. We were born into the world,
To live joyfully.
So that flowers and smiles
Give to each other.

For grief to disappear
The trouble is gone.
To the bright sun
It was always shining.

Oleg Artemyev: You showed yourself to be brave, strong and friendly guys. This was the first cosmonaut. I'm sure when you become adults, one of you will end up in the astronaut corps.

For your efforts, all participants will be awarded certificates “Ready to become an astronaut” and commemorative ribbons with space symbols. (Presentation of memorable gifts.)

I wish you to always remain so cheerful, be inquisitive, do well in school and become good people in the future.


Time flew by so unnoticed
And it's time to part with friends.
Everything in our life is so fleeting,
Have time to live your life not in vain!

Dream, create, play, be friends,
Let the boundless distance beckon you all.
The world is endless and unexplored,
Many discoveries await our guys!

Children and the astronaut take a commemorative photo.

Preliminary work. Reading N. Nosov’s book “Dunno on the Moon” (Part 1). View filmstrips, illustrations about space and astronauts. Getting to know educational literature(see referenced literature).

Morning. The group is decorated using a star map: images of planets and constellations are placed on the walls and easels. Zatsepin’s “cosmic” music sounds (from the movie “June 31”). Dunno (adult) comes to the group.

Dunno: Hello guys! I come to you with news: the shorties from Flower City have received an alarm signal asking for help. This signal came from one of the planets in the solar system.

Do you know the names of these planets? (Children's answers.)

Right! So our astronomer from the Flower City immediately picked up a telescope and pointed it at a planet that was very interesting for earthlings.

Which one, have you guessed? (Children's answers.)

That's right, to Mars, but I didn't see anything. So he looked at all the planets through his telescope, but...

And the signal for help comes constantly. So I decided, maybe you can help us? You have helped us out more than once.

Educator: Of course, we will help, but we just need to approach this very seriously. We need a map of the solar system, but we don't have one.

Dunno: I have such a map, it was given to me by an astronaut I know who is traveling in his spaceship across the expanses of our Galaxy. Here she is.

Dunno shows a map.

Educator: I don't understand anything. The center of the solar system is the sun. We see it in the middle of our map. And we know that all planets move around the Sun in their orbits. Look: the orbits of the planets are shown on the map different colors, but the planets are not arranged. We will have to indicate them on the map ourselves.

Dunno: We also need a spaceship.

Educator: But we don't have a ship. What to do? We also don’t know how it’s built, we just have this drawing.

Shows the drawing. All children's suggestions are listened to. The teacher brings the conversation to the point that you can build a spaceship according to the drawing.

Under the leadership of Dunno, a rocket is built, the captain of the ship and his assistants are selected, and responsibilities on the ship are distributed.

While the construction of the spaceship is underway, the girls play the game “Get ready for flight.”

Progress of the game : It is necessary to select from a mass of things the ones needed for the flight and explain how they can be used in space (tubes with food, notebooks, pencils, small toys).

Educator: Guys, we still have to come up with space suits. Do you remember what an astronaut looks like? Tell me what he wears during the rocket takeoff and spacewalk?

Children justify their answers.

Educator: Since clothes for them are sewn in special workshops, we will try to become fashion designers for a while, develop our own personal costume and draw it on paper.

Children draw astronaut costumes.

Dunno: Now everything is ready, you can go on a space journey. Don't forget the map. From space our planet appears blue because most of The earth is covered with oceans. We will place the Earth model in blue orbit. We take our seats in the rocket and fasten our seat belts. Let's start! Let's fly to Venus!

Educator: The first goal of our journey is the planet VENUS, a neighbor of the Earth. Let's place Venus in a silvery orbit. It is called the planet of mysteries. No matter how much you look at this planet from space, you will see nothing but white haze of clouds.

Dunno: This is how our artist from Flower City drew it.

Shows an illustration or drawing.

Educator: Since this is a planet of riddles, let us also solve riddles, but for now, of course, not about Venus, but about our Earth.

On a black scarf

Millet is spilled,

The cockerel has arrived.

And it’s not easy to peck. (Stars)

No beginning, no end

No back of the head, no face.

Everyone knows, both young and old,

That she is a huge ball. (Earth)

Decorated the night blue

Silver orange,

And only a week has passed -

There was a piece left of it. (Moon)

walks across the sky

Painter without brushes.

Brown paint

Makes people beautiful. (Sun)

Above the forest, above the mountains

The carpet is being laid out.

He's always, always spread out

Above you and above me

Sometimes he is gray, sometimes he is black,

It's bright blue. (Sky)

Dunno: Oh, how smart you all are! But it's time for us to hit the road!

Let's fly!

Educator: Our next target is MERCURY, the planet closest to the Sun. Let's place Mercury in a yellow orbit. The sun looks huge in the sky of Mercury. It is so hot that it melts some metals on the planet's surface. Be careful! What if there are puddles or even lakes of molten tin and lead.

Dunno: I know a game in which there are metal objects. It is very interesting to play, especially in the workshop of Vintik and Shpuntik. The game is called "Find the metal object."

Progress of the game : collected in a small bag various items. The child, putting his hand into the bag, must find a metal object, name it, after which the object is removed from the bag and shown to everyone.

Dunno: I also know another game called “Guess What Sounds.” Our famous musician taught me to play this game.

Progress of the game: you need to determine by ear what sounds: a tambourine, a hammer, an alarm clock, a rattle, spoons (wooden and metal), a drum, a whistle, a metallophone, a cup and a spoon, a triangle. If possible, name the instrument in which metallic notes are heard.

Educator: We are going here (show illustration), and you can find out what the planet is called by solving the space crossword puzzle.

Shows the crossword and reads out the questions. As they are recognized, the cells are filled in with letters and the name of the planet is read from the highlighted cells.

Questions for the crossword:

1. Name the first person to fly into space. (Yuri)

2. What is the name of the celestial body revolving around the Sun? (Planet)

3. What is the name of a group of stars united common name? (Constellation)

4. Foreign cosmonaut. (Astronaut)

5. A spotting scope for astronomical observations is called... (telescope)

6. What is the name of the path of movement of a celestial body in space? (Orbit)

This is what a solved crossword puzzle should look like:

Educator: Let's attach the JUPITER model to the orange orbit. But we won’t be able to land on Jupiter. This planet has no solid surface. It consists of gas. There are whirlwinds and thunderstorms raging on Jupiter. The air is completely unsuitable for breathing. Inside the planet is a solid core. All planets, including the Earth, have such cores.

Dunno: Saturn is a giant surrounded by amazing rings. They are made up of chunks of snow and ice that orbit the planet. From Earth we see this entire snowy kingdom as three solid rings. From afar, everything seems completely different from what it is up close.

Educator: How do you know all this, Dunno?

Dunno: Znayka told me this. He read many different books, including ones on astronomy. In general, Saturn looks like a girl twirling a hula hoop.

Hooray! I came up with an idea: now we’ll play a game with a hoop. Want to? (Children's answers.)

The game is called "Don't Drop the Hoop."

Progress of the game: everyone takes a hoop and, on command (at a signal), spins the hoop on their arm, leg, or waist. The one who keeps the hoop the longest without falling wins.

Educator b: What if someone doesn’t know how to do this?

Dunno: Then I have one more game with the “Cosmonauts” hoop in stock.

Any games are offered, but the attribute in them - a hoop - is required.

Progress of the game : rocket hoops are laid out on the floor, each for two astronauts. There are slightly more players than there are places in the hoops. Children, chanting the text, walk in a circle:

Fast rockets are waiting for us

To fly to the planets.

Whatever we want

Let's fly to this one!

But there is one secret in the game:

There is no room for latecomers.

The guys scatter from the circle and take places in the rockets in pairs. At the command “Takeoff,” they raise the hoop above their heads, standing with their backs to each other, with their shoulders and backs of their heads touching. At the command “Landing,” they lower the hoop to the floor and squat down. Those who make a mistake or drop the hoop are eliminated from the game. Their places are taken by those who did not manage to hit the rocket the first time. Game continues.

Educator: We played, and now we flew on. Ahead are URANUS and NEPTUNE - the same gas giants as Jupiter and Saturn, only much smaller. Let's place Uranus in blue and Neptune in green orbit.

Dunno: Since these are gas giants, then there is no life on them?

Educator: That's right. But we can imagine that there could be life there. And if people lived there, they would look...

Dunno: How?

Educator: We’ll ask the guys to draw what they would look like.

Dunno: Only one condition. Residents of Uranus should be blue, and residents of Neptune should be green. Fine? I will take the most extraordinary portraits of the inhabitants of these planets to our famous artist from Flower City.

Educator: The task, guys, is it clear? Then let's get started...

Music plays while drawing.

Dunno: Wow!!! Well well!!! I don’t even know which drawings to choose, they’re all incredibly beautiful. Can I take everything? I really liked them.

Educator: Let's not linger, let's move on. Even in the most powerful telescopes, some celestial bodies appear as barely noticeable specks.

Dunno: I also have small stains on my shirt: this is from jam, this is from oil, this is from ink, felt-tip pen, clay, chalk, coal. And if you think a little and use your imagination, you can make different pictures. When I feel sad, I begin to mentally animate my spots. I forget about it in a minute bad mood, and I'm having fun again. Try playing like this, it's so cool!

Dunno hands the teacher sheets of paper with various stains.

Educator: What funny spots, I just can’t imagine what you can do with them.

Dunno: But the guys, I’m sure, will cope. They get everything done so quickly. Look.

While the dialogue between the Educator and Dunno is going on, the children “revive” the spots, giving them the appearance of animals or plants: Flowers, birds, fish, etc.

Educator: I didn’t know that the most ordinary spots look so funny.

Dunno: We flew through so many planets of the solar system, but never found those who need our help.

Educator: Don't rush, Dunno. We have climbed far, but look at our map, there is only one orbit left - red. This is the orbit of Mars. MARS appears red in Earth's night sky because it is covered in red, rusty sand.

Dunno: Is there life on Mars?

Educator: Scientists do not yet say either YES or NO...

Spacecraft launched to Mars have photographed gorges that look like dry ancient river beds. This means that there was once water on Mars. And if there was water, then perhaps there was life. The American Viking spacecraft made a soft landing on the surface of Mars, but found nothing and no one.

Dunno: And we will try to find unusual inhabitants of this planet. Really, guys?

Educator: I know for sure that among the toys that you took with you, there are new, unusual ones that you have never had. Find them.

The game “Find the toy” is played.

Progress of the game : Children carefully examine the toys. Among their acquaintances they discover new ones, these are unusual people.

Dunno: Hooray! Found, found! We found them. They are really unusual and a little sad. The little people said they were sad because they didn’t know what toys were or how to play with them. And they don't have a place where they can have so much fun.

Educator: What to do, how to help these little men?

Children's suggestions.

Dunno: Let's take our friends to planet Earth, to your kindergarten, show them your toy room and play there together.

Educator: That's right, Dunno! Take your seats in the spaceship. Fasten your seat belts and fly home! Along the way, let's look at the stars. Some stars are large, they burn like distant lanterns. Others, on the contrary, are barely visible in the black sky. If you use your imagination, you can create bizarre shapes from the largest stars - buckets and triangles, rhombuses and crosses... These are constellations, placers bright stars, which are visible in the sky nearby. For a long time, people have seen them as huge animals, fearless heroes and fantastic monsters. Ancient storytellers wrote exciting stories about the constellations, and each of them was given a beautiful name. Look (showing illustrations of constellations): here is the constellation Ursa Major, and here are the zodiac constellations. These are: Capricorn, Aquarius, Pisces, Aries, Taurus, Gemini, Cancer, Leo, Virgo, Libra, Scorpio, Sagittarius.

Quiet, calm music plays while the constellations are shown.

Educator: So we landed on planet Earth, in our group, with new friends. Our space journey has come to an end, but the game continues.

Dunno: And we all go to the “GAME TECH” together.

In the afternoon, children organize games at their own discretion, using the plot “space” material proposed by the teacher.

Used Books:

1. Fun astronomy. Let's play and read. Visual material for children preschool age/ Compiled by T.V. Kasimenko, artists S. Bogachev, A. Artyuk, N. Shcherbakov. - M., 1995.

2. To space. Rice. Yu. Kopeiko. Selection-exhibition of wall paintings. The author of the text “Takeoff” is Yu. Glazkov. - M., 1989.

3. Children about space. Game information and didactic set/Project manager S. Averin. - M., 2011.

4. Levitan E. Starry Tales. My first book on astronomy. - M., 1994.

5. Levitan E. How Alka and his friends of the planet thought. - M., 1999.

6. Nosov N. Dunno on the Moon. - M., 1987.

7. Tell your children about space. Visual and didactic aid. —M., 2007.

Aviation and Cosmonautics Day- this is a special, triumphant holiday! No wonder the whole world celebrates it!

On April 12, 1961, the world's first space flight with a man on board took place. We had been preparing for this day for a very long time.

Scientists, test designers and people of many other professions were involved in preparing the great flight. Everything had to be taken into account, everything had to be foreseen in order for the flight to be successful. It took a long time to choose a pilot-cosmonaut.

What should an astronaut be like? Brave, decisive, collected. And his health must be very good: after all, during takeoff and landing, the astronaut experiences severe overloads. And in space he will be in a state of weightlessness - not an easy test. In order to determine whether astronaut candidates meet all necessary requirements, they are examined for a long time and carefully by a medical commission.

They even conduct the following experiment: they place a person in a special centrifuge, and he rotates in it for some time. If the body copes with this task, it means that a person will feel normal in space.

And after much testing and discussion, a decision was made: Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin would become the world’s first cosmonaut.

Finally the decisive day arrived. On April 12, 1961, Yuri Gagarin made a space flight on the Vostok spacecraft. In 108 minutes, the satellite spacecraft with the world's first cosmonaut orbited Earth and returned safely to Earth. It was a powerful breakthrough in space exploration!

And then there was a solemn meeting on Red Square. In a few hours, Yuri Gagarin became the most famous person in the world. When the government announcement about the great flight came over the radio, crowds of people filled the streets throughout the country. Everyone wanted to greet the world's first cosmonaut, Son of the Earth, Citizen of the Universe.

Song: Do you know what kind of guy he was?

Words by N. Dobronravov

Music by L. Pakhmutova

Do you know what kind of guy he was?

The one who discovered the star trail?

There was fire and thunder

Freezing cosmodrome,

And he said quietly:

He said: “Let's go!”

He waved his hand.

As if along Piterskaya,

St. Petersburg,

Swept over the Earth...

You know what kind of guy he was!

He loved his native fields...

In that steppe distance

First launch from Earth

It was a declaration of love to her.

You know what kind of guy he was!

The whole world carried him in their arms...

Son of the Earth and Stars

He was gentle and simple,

Like Danko, he brought light to people...

You know what kind of guy he was!

How he went out on the ice with a stick!

How he sang songs! He was cheerful and brave...

How passionately I wanted to live!

You know what kind of guy he was!

No wasn `t"!

After all, he conquered death!

Can you hear distant thunder?

See: it's him

Going to the cosmodrome again...

He says: “Let's go!”

And a living star

As if along Piterskaya,

St. Petersburg,

Rushing over the Earth!

Game program for children

Design and props: poster “Journey to Unknown Planets”, large photographs of Yu. Gagarin, V. Tereshkova, dogs Belka and Strelka; multi-colored paper stars for competitions and award stars for winners, a fabulous chest with “magical” things; paper, pencils, paints.

Leading. Hello, dear guys! It's nice to see in this hall bold visionaries and dreamers, from whom they then grow extraordinary people! Who can tell me which one World holiday falls on the date April 12? That's right, it's Aviation and Cosmonautics Day!

Since ancient times, the mysterious, enigmatic world of stars and planets has attracted the attention of people who dreamed of penetrating it and mastering it. More than one generation of earthlings has puzzled over how to build a spaceship in order to fly above the stars. This dream was made possible by unprecedented technological progress. Only with the penetration of man into outer space did the distant mysterious world become closer and more accessible.
Since people wanted not just to set a height record, but to thoroughly know and scientifically study the sky, spacecraft needed eyes that could see through thousands of kilometers, they needed ears to hear the universe, they needed hands that could control the point - a ship lost in the infinity of the world's oceans. The “eyes” were created by locator specialists, the “ears” by radio astronomers, and the “hands” by automation specialists. IN general work thousands of inventive minds were turned on, and thousands of skilled, talented hands created spaceships that carried out long-awaited flights.
Now, guys, tell me, which of the people was the first in the history of mankind to fly into space on a spaceship? (Children answer.) Correct! This was our compatriot Yuri Alekseevich Gagarin (portrait of Gagarin), who on April 12, 1961 flew into space on the Vostok spacecraft. But even a few years before the immortal feat of cosmonaut Gagarin, on November 3, 1957, a living heart beat in the lifeless, cold, always black space of space. In the hermetic cabin of the satellite, a dog lived, breathed, and flew over the world... Who remembers what her name was? That's right, Laika. And after Laika, two more famous dogs followed into space. What were their names? That's right, Belka and Strelka. (Showing photos of dogs.) We also visited space Guinea pigs, monkeys, parrots, mice, rabbits - they all honestly served the implementation great dream humanity. Years will pass, a grandiose universal museum of the conquest of space will be created, one of the halls of which will necessarily be dedicated to the four-legged heroes of space - the selfless partners of astronauts in the exploration of the unknown world.
Not only men, but also women carried out heroic flights on spaceships. And the first woman astronaut was...

(Children call Valentina Tereshkova, show photo.)

Since then many astronauts different countries visited space: Americans, Japanese, Chinese, French, etc.
Previously, only specially trained and professional people flew into space. educated people. And today, imagine, you can fly into space as a tourist, although you will pay a hefty sum for it. It's like taking a hiking trip.
Let us also go on such an exotic “trip”. Raise your hands, who wants to fly into space? Great! And you and I will fly on a SPACELET. What sounds does the device make when flying? W-w-w-w-w! Let's fly, let's fly! We've arrived! All engines have been turned off!
So you and I ended up on the first planet. No human has ever set foot here before. Let's come up with a name for it. (Children come up with a name, and depending on it, the Leader names the inhabitants of the planet.) They live here. We need to learn to talk to them. They do not understand the language of earthlings, but since we have flown to visit them, we must somehow greet them. Now we will try to learn this with you.

Game program for children

(He invites several people to the middle of the hall. They should greet each other with gestures, and these gestures should not be repeated by each other. A competitive game is held, the presenter encourages the winner and invites everyone to fly to the next planet. Team to fly.)
We've arrived! And this planet is called Alphacentauri. Who do we see! Look, guys, we are greeted by an alien named Pinwheel!
Vertuychik. This is cool! We have guests! Very glad, very glad! So you say they came all the way from Earth itself? This means that you are probably smart and understand space problems. Let's check it now. Guess the riddles!

1. The blue fur coat has covered the whole world. (Sky.)
2. Above the grandmother’s hut there is a piece of the sky hanging.
Dogs bark
But they can’t get it. (Month.)
3- On clear nights
A mother and her daughters are walking.
She doesn’t tell her daughters:
Go to bed, it's late!
Because mother is the Moon,
And the daughters - ... (Stars.)
4. I’ll grumble, I’ll grumble, -
I'll fly to heaven. (Helicopter.)
5. There are no clouds on the horizon,
But an umbrella opened in the sky,
A few minutes later it descended….(Parachute).
6. Miracle bird, scarlet tail,
Arrived in a flock of stars. (Rocket.)

Well done, earthlings! All my riddles have been solved! Happy further flight to you! (Leaves.)
Leading. Let's fly! W-w-w-w... We're flying... we're flying... We've arrived! We are on the planet Stardalia. It received this name because large quantity stars falling on its surface. They keep falling and falling... (Scatters multi-colored paper stars on the floor.) Let's collect them as souvenirs from outer space.

Game "Who will collect the stars faster"

5 people are participating. While the Leader counts to five, the guys must pick up as many stars as possible from the floor. On the command “Stop!” stop. Having counted the collected stars for each participant, the Leader names the winner and awards him an Honorary Star (big red star). He advises the losing guys not to be upset, because... The stars they collected are left as a gift for them. The children return to their seats.

Leading. Let's continue our journey. Let's fly! W-w-w-w... We're flying... we're flying... We've arrived! This time, guys, we got to the moon. The Moon is a satellite of the Earth (image of the Moon), and we are in this moment- sleepwalkers. And, therefore, we will play with air “moons”.
(Two teams of 6 people are recruited. The guys stand in columns and raise their hands up. The leading players of each team are given a balloon, which they, without turning around, must pass into the hands of the player standing behind, who passes to the next one, etc. The team wins in which the last player gets the ball first and is awarded an Honorary Star.)
Let's fly!.. You and I ended up on the Fairytale planet. (A “fairytale” chest is brought onto the stage.) Look, guys, what a beautiful fairytale chest we found here!
(Opens the chest and invites the children to play the game “Guess which fairy tale this is from?” Then he takes out from the chest one by one “magic” objects that appear in the plot of a particular fairy tale as one of the leading moments.)

What kind of fruit is this in my hands? (Apple.)

What fairy tales do you know where there is an apple? ("Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs", "The Tale of dead princess and about the seven heroes.")
Now what do I have in my hands? (Red flower.) In what fairy tale does a flower of such beauty appear? ("The Scarlet Flower".)
What kind of shoes are these in my hands? (Boot.) Well, what fairy tale character does it belong to? ("Puss in Boots".)
What is it? (Egg.)

Name fairy tales in which the egg does not play last role. (“Chicken Ryaba”, “The Frog Princess”.)

Guess what it is? (Nutshell.)

What fairy tale does she appear in? (“Thumbelina.”)
What kind of object is this? (Thermometer.)

And what kind fairy tale character does he use it? ("Dr. Aibolit".)

Now what do I have in my hands? (Pea.) In which fairy tale did she play a certain role? ("Princess on the Pea".)
Well done boys! You didn’t lose face in front of the inhabitants of the Fairytale planet - you know fairy tales well. Now let's continue our journey on the Spaceship. Let's fly! W-w-w-w... We're flying, we're flying... We've arrived! Let's turn off the engines! So we have reached the last point of our wanderings, landing on our home planet - Earth. As you know, an innumerable number of species of living beings live here: people, animals, birds, fish, insects... Some of them fly, others walk, others crawl... I suggest you play the game “Flies or does not fly.” If I name an object or creature that flies, you raise your hands up; if it doesn’t fly, you don’t raise your hands. Be careful!
(Example questions: Does an eagle fly? Does a goat fly? Does a helicopter fly? Does a hippopotamus fly? Does a table fly? Does a chicken fly? Etc.)

Great, guys! And now it’s announced that it’s serious creative competition. Break up into several teams and draw those fabulous planets that we never had a chance to visit. Try to give them interesting names and tell us how they are especially different.
(Children begin the task, then the Leader rewards the children.)
Our journey through unknown planets has ended. We are back in our hall, on native Earth. As they say, “it’s good to be away, but it’s better to be at home.” So let us love and protect our home - our Earth! Before new meeting, Guys!

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