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senior teacher

Organization of control in preschool educational institutions

Organizing and conducting control is the most important function of the methodological service of the preschool educational institution. Control allows you to collect data on results pedagogical process, correct deviations in the implementation of the tasks assigned to preschool educational institutions, identify and systematize advanced pedagogical experience, contribute to maximum disclosure creative potential every teacher.

Area of ​​activity senior teacher when exercising control:

§ Develop a monitoring system for educational work with children, diagnostic materials, questions for thematic and frontal monitoring in different age groups;

§ Observe the activities of the teacher in the process of working with children, the activities and relationships of children;

§ Record the results of observations;
analyze the results of educational work, children's creativity, plans and documentation of teachers;

§ Draw conclusions and conclusions about the state of educational work with children;

§ Carry out diagnostics professional competence teachers, child development;

§ Develop measures to eliminate identified deficiencies in the work of teachers;

§ Discuss the results of control with teachers, use these results when preparing decisions of teachers' councils and planning the work of the team.

In each preschool educational institution, a unified control system should be created, the goals and objectives of which arise from the goals and objectives of the educational process of the preschool educational institution, therefore, it is planned in an annual plan (section 4 Control and management). Control will be effective if it is carried out in a timely manner and the activities planned as a result of it are carried out. In the control process, what is important is not the statement of fact, but the identification of the causes of shortcomings and the development of effective measures to eliminate them. The results of any audit must be known to all members teaching staff.

Therefore, control must be regular, systematic, effective and public .

There are four most common forms of control: operational, thematic, frontal and final.

When carrying out any type of control, a certain sequence must be followed, or algorithm control:

1. Determination of the purpose and object of control.

2. Development of a control plan.

3. Collection of information.

4. Analysis of the collected material.

All types of control are reflected in the annual plan. The form of presentation may vary.

Let's consider each type of control.

Operational control– this is current, daily control. Its peculiarity is that it helps to identify and eliminate minor disruptions in the activities of teachers and the team as a whole. If you do not notice minor deviations in work, they can lead to great difficulties, which will subsequently be difficult to overcome.

Issues of operational control are conventionally divided into several categories. Requiring constant monitoring: compliance with instructions to protect the life and health of children; adherence to daily routine; compliance with internal regulations; performance labor discipline, educational process, development of cultural and hygienic skills, etc. The next category is issues that require monitoring less frequently, on a quarterly basis, such as: planning educational work; organizing work with parents; organization of walks and excursions; children's activities in the afternoon; organization of study work preschoolers traffic rules; use of health-saving technologies; creating conditions for independent children’s activities, etc.

The list of questions for operational control can be found in the book “Preschool educational institution manual: control and diagnostic function”, 2003

On average, 5-7 questions for operational control are planned monthly and the team is introduced to them.

The organization of operational control includes several components:

§ This is an annual control chart in which, using symbols the sequence of control activities is determined.

§ A monthly operational control plan allows you to visualize individual areas of work and keep important areas under control. The shape may vary.

§ Based on this plan, control cards are developed to analyze the work of teachers on the issues planned for study in the current month.

According to the forms of organization, it can be preventive or proactive, comparative. For example, it is important for a senior teacher compare methods and techniques of work of 2 educators working in the same group, and suggest to them the most effective ones in order to help develop common requirements for children. Warning control prevents errors and shortcomings. For example, a group is going on an excursion. In this case, you need to find out in advance from the teacher where they will go and what route they will take. And immediately discuss which route is better to choose, both for safety reasons and in order to see a lot of interesting things. The main content of preventive control should be considered the teacher’s readiness to conduct classes, walks, etc. One of the forms of organizing operational control is to conduct days of diagnosis, regulation and correction(DRC). The purpose of these days is to promptly diagnose and develop measures to regulate the activities of teachers. DRC is a micro-study in which the entire team takes part; the subject of DRC can be different. This is a question from the operational control cyclogram. As an example, I will give the topic of the DRC: “Assessment of the organization and conduct of classes at different age groups.” groups of preschool educational institutions». Target: to study the effectiveness of the teacher’s activities in the process of conducting educational activities. Tasks: assess the level of professional skill of the teacher; determine the correct choice of methods and techniques for working with children; assess the conditions affecting the quality of the educational process. Object The lesson acts as an element of the educational process in a preschool educational institution. Item: content of activities of the teacher and children. Methods: observation. When analyzing materials, problems are identified for individual teachers and groups. The materials are discussed at the planning meeting and decisions are made to correct the activities of individual educators and, in general, the methodology for organizing classes with children.

At the end of each month, a certificate is written based on the results of operational control. Not all issues of operational control require analysis, since some problems are resolved promptly, and recommendations are given for their elimination. Such questions are not included in the certificate.

The archive of operational control certificates is stored for 1 year.

Thematic control. The content of thematic control is to study the state of the pedagogical process in sections of the program implemented in the preschool educational institution, and the purpose of the control depends on the goals and objectives of the annual plan of the preschool educational institution. The duration of thematic control in an educational institution can be up to 10 days. Control is organized in several groups at once: parallel and of different ages. Such thematic control is comparative in nature, i.e. the work of different teachers with children of the same preschool age on a specific issue, pupils’ ZUN different groups on the same topic, the system of work on any one problem in different age groups is analyzed.

Thematic control is one of the types of control planned for the year. It is held before the teachers' council and corresponds to its topic.

Conducting thematic control requires that the senior teacher have the following: package of documents:

1. An order that reflects the name, purpose, timing of the event, the person responsible for its implementation, and members of the commission. It is carried out by a senior teacher; in addition, experienced preschool teachers and specialists are involved in the control.

2. Thematic control plan.

More successful and rational form It is difficult to come up with a plan for thematic control than the one that was proposed. It contains 5 blocks:

§ Survey of the level of development of children;

§ Grade professional skills teacher;

§ Assessment of the subject-development environment and conditions;

§ Assessment of work planning;

§ Assessment of forms of interaction with parents on this issue

3. Working materials for thematic control.

All controls must be confirmed by working materials. If an analysis of children’s diagnostics is planned for a certain section of the program, there must be diagnostic cards in control materials. If a senior educator conducts an interview with preschool teachers, then a list of questions should also be available. All working materials are prepared in any form. These can be notes from the senior teacher in a notebook, protocols for diagnosing children, cards for analyzing classes, routine moments, etc. Members of the commission are instructed by the senior teacher, control issues are distributed among them, and work materials are issued.

4. Analytical block. Obtaining control results is not an end in itself, it is just a stage of work. The results need to be analyzed in order to identify the reasons for the current state of affairs, develop recommendations for eliminating shortcomings and disseminating experience. Based on the results of the thematic control, an analytical report with the following structure is written:

Introductory part:

§ purpose of the inspection;

§ timing;

§ inspectors;

§ verifiable;

§ topic of inspection;

§ workload.

Analytical part:

§ general characteristics question studied during the test

(supported by data);

§ positive aspects and disadvantages;

§ reasons for the appearance of positive and negative results.

Final part:

At the end of the certificate, the position, full name and full name are indicated. who drew up the certificate, date. Analytical information Based on the results of the control, it is read out at the teachers' council, recommendations for correcting the educational process are submitted to the draft decision of the teachers' council. Control materials are stored with materials from teachers' councils for 5 years.

Front control carried out with the aim of simultaneously comprehensively checking the object as a whole. Such an object is a single group. No more than 2-3 groups are front-checked per year. The duration of frontal control is from three to five days.

In the process of frontal control, the following are studied:

    sanitary and hygienic condition of the group; equipping the pedagogical process; subject-development environment of the group; educational work with children, documentation of teachers, work with parents.

Front control algorithm:

1. Determine the object of control.

2. Identify and formulate the main goals and objectives of control.

3. Define by order responsible person and a group of inspectors.

4. Draw up a control plan and familiarize those being audited with it.

5. Monitor those being audited.

6. Register all control results.

7. Analyze the control results and bring them to the attention of teaching staff.

Based on the results of the frontal inspection, an analytical report is drawn up. The results of the frontal check are discussed at a small teachers' council with the participation of all teachers and specialists working in the group. The decision of the teaching council includes recommendations for improving any areas of the group’s work with deadlines, or for summarizing teaching experience, etc.

Final control carried out after the end of the reporting period (six months, year). It is aimed at studying and comprehensively analyzing the work of the teaching staff in implementing the annual plan programs. Final control includes:

· timing;

· schedule;

· final control materials (diagnostic cards, charts, tables, questionnaires, assessment sheets, questionnaires for parents;

· analytical report.

Other types of control: slice, self-control, mutual control.

Rights of persons being inspected and inspectors.

Summing up the results of the speech, I would like to note the importance of the control function in a unified system of educational work. And remember that control allows you to determine whether everything in the preschool educational institution is carried out in accordance with regulatory documents and decisions of the pedagogical council. Helps identify deviations and their causes, determine ways and methods to eliminate deficiencies. By withdrawing from control and not exercising it systematically, the leader loses the opportunity to promptly intervene in the course of the educational process, managing it. In addition, control is the most important factor in the education of young personnel, strengthening the personal responsibility of the young specialist for the performance of his duties.

Yulia Krysova
Map of operational control in preschool educational institutions

Sanitary condition of the group

Junior mixed age group Middle mixed age group Senior mixed age group


1. Reception

1.1. Aesthetics of the room

1.2. Availability of lockers depending on the number of children

1.3. Matching lockers to the number of children

1.4. Sanitary condition of lockers (presence of sand, other items)

1.5. Correct placement of clothes

1.6. Proper shoe storage

Availability of section "Health Corner";

Quality of information;

Design aesthetics.

1.8. Cleanliness of lighting fixtures

1.9. Compliance with life and health protection instructions children:

Securing furniture;

Presence of broken furniture;

Quality of room cleaning;

1.10 The state of the corner for instilling cultural and hygienic standards skills:

Mirror (availability, cleanliness);

Shoe care items;

Garment care items

2.1. Aesthetics of the room

2.2. Temperature, ventilation (compliance with the ventilation schedule)

2.3. Availability of a ventilation schedule

2.4. Presence of dust on cabinets, on shelves:


2.5. Game state material:

The presence of broken games, benefits:

A) group

B) bedroom

Presence of dirty games, benefits:

A) group

B) bedroom

Availability of a basin for washing toys (pillowcase, marking)

2.6. Quality of wet room cleaning

2.7. Compliance with instructions to protect the life and health of children :

Securing furniture;

Presence of piercing and cutting objects;

Presence of broken furniture;

Carpet cleaning quality

2.8. Washing block dishes:


Containers for detergents;

Measuring containers;

Markings on shells;

Stoppers for sinks;

Containers for dirty and clean rags;

Pots for food waste;

Broken, cracked dishes;


A robe for receiving food;

Apron for serving food;

Apron for washing dishes;

Towels for drying hands;

Instructions for handling dishes;

2.9. Condition of indoor plants

2.10 Cleanliness of lighting fixtures

2.11 Cleaning equipment for groups premises:

Mops with markings;

Bucket with markings;

Correct storage;

Rag quality

2.12 Cleanliness of windows

2.13 General sanitary state:

Availability of thermometers

3. Bedroom

3.1 Aesthetics of the room

3.2. Temperature conditions, ventilation

3.3. Bed sheets:

Availability of markings;


Matching of bed and bed markings;

Implementation of a linen change schedule;

Quality of bed making

3.4 Compliance with instructions to protect the life and health of children (in a place accessible to children):

Securing furniture;

Presence of piercing and cutting objects;

Presence of broken furniture;

Quality of room cleaning

3.5 Cleanliness of lighting fixtures

3.6. Cleanliness of windows

3.7 General sanitary condition

4. Toilet block

4.1 Compliance with life and health protection instructions children:

Securing furniture;

Presence of piercing and cutting objects;

Presence of broken plumbing;

Closing the utility cabinet (out of reach of children)

4.2 Utility cabinet:

Measuring utensils;

Soda Ash;

Laundry soap;

Chlorine tablets.

4.3. Kvachi:

Availability of labeled containers;

Availability of kvacha for the number of toilets;

Correct storage

4.4. Cleaning equipment:

Mops with markings;

Bucket with markings;

Correct storage;

Rag quality

4.5. Condition of the shells

4.6. Condition of toilets

4.7. Availability of soap for hand washing

4.8. Cleanliness of hand towels

4.9. Children's combs:



Correct storage.

4.10 Cleanliness of the mirror

4.11 Towels match the number of children present in the group

4.12 Availability of toilet paper

4.13 Availability of holders:

For toilet paper

4.15 Presence of gratings in the pallet

4.16 Availability of a list for lockers

4.17 Pallet condition

4.18 Window status

4.19 Availability of a robe for cleaning the toilet

4.20 Availability of towels according to the number of adults

4.21 General sanitary condition

5. Curtains:



6. Compliance with instructions to protect the life and health of children

7. Compliance with health and safety instructions

BZ – no comments S-PK – interview, repeated control

Inspector's signature:___


Publications on the topic:

Analytical report on the results of thematic control. Analytical report on the results of the thematic control “The state of educational work on the development of monologue skills.

Analytical report on the results of operational control “Organization of a subject-development environment for playing in a preschool educational institution” Analytical report on the results of operational control “Organization of a subject-development environment in groups for the development of gaming activities.”

Control card No. 7 “Analysis of the conduct and organization of a walk” Compiled by: Senior Educator, methodologist - A. Kh. Khisamutdinova Control card No. 7 “Analysis of the conduct and organization of the walk” Date and time.

Control card “Creating conditions for organizing manual labor with children of senior preschool age” Control card\\r\\n“Creating conditions for organizing manual labor with children of senior preschool age” Date of control:.

Certificate-report on the results of control “Use of health-saving technologies” Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution " Kindergarten No. 52 of a general developmental type with priority implementation of activities.

Operational control is carried out by organizations that are responsible for the procedure for conducting inspections and the general situation in the field of labor protection at various types of enterprises. The purpose of operational control is to increase attention to issues directly related to labor protection.

Levels of control

It is important to note that the operational control system has three levels:

1. Every day, the person responsible for labor protection at a certain site inspects all workplaces to identify violations. And if these violations are discovered, the master is obliged to take all measures to eliminate all the deficiencies found. If no violations were found, the authorized master is obliged to make an appropriate entry in a special journal along with his signature. As a rule, at the end of the shift, all inspection results are reported to the senior supervisor for labor protection issues. Areas for which first level control is responsible:

  • Equipment grounding.
  • Condition of electrical cabinet devices.
  • Workplace lighting.
  • The situation in the area of ​​passageways at the enterprise.
  • Serviceability of various equipment at the enterprise, etc.

2. Every week, the chief, senior representative for labor protection issues, mechanics and power engineers conduct a general inspection of all areas. If violations are detected, they record the results of operational control in the appropriate occupational safety journal.

After the inspection, a meeting is held at the enterprise, where a decision is made on how to troubleshoot problems in the enterprise. It is important to note that persons conducting such inspections are required to report to their superiors every month.

3. Every month, a representative of the trade union committee and a representative of the labor protection commission conduct an inspection at the enterprise. As for issues regarding working conditions, they are resolved after inspection at a special meeting. Decisions that will be approved must be formalized in the form of an order or directive at the enterprise.


There are comprehensive and targeted inspections. Complex projects are carried out according to the schedule established by the general director. However, a comprehensive audit may be carried out unscheduled due to the fact that an incident occurred at the enterprise fatal. The commission, which conducts comprehensive inspections, carries out its work within five days, and the results of the inspection are discussed at a special meeting.

During a comprehensive audit, the commission pays attention to the operation of the occupational safety and health management system; implementation of all safety procedures; timely provision of briefings; workers' knowledge of clear safety rules during the work process; working condition of all equipment; check fire safety; working process conditions and methods for improving it, etc. However, the list of issues can expand significantly depending on the specific enterprise.

As for targeted verification, the situation here is a little different. After all, they are carried out at the enterprise out of necessity. During a targeted inspection, issues such as storage procedures, issuance and use of equipment by workers are considered. personal protection; preservation, accounting and use of toxic and explosive materials at the enterprise; management of high-risk work; registration of work orders and work permits; correct operation of ventilation units at the enterprise; competence of workers in the field of labor protection; conducting briefings; control of knowledge of workers of the enterprise on labor protection; safe use of equipment; sanitary condition of working premises; the state of medical services at the enterprise; control of repair work, etc. At the end of the target inspection, as a rule, acts and instructions are drawn up.

The results of the inspection are discussed at special meetings, after which an order is issued indicating the persons responsible for eliminating deviations at the enterprise.

Operational control log

All results of operational control checks carried out by supervisors, employees, and specialists authorized in the field of labor protection must be recorded in the Operational Control Log. It is kept at the department head's workplace. An important fact is that violations that are entered in the Journal must be written in it only in the presence of the person who violated the rules. The magazine must have a number, be laced and have the seal of the company.

Operational control department. What is the job?

The work of the department is to improve the organization of labor protection, industrial sanitation and detect various types of violations. Thus, the operational control department is responsible for regular inspections at enterprises to identify violations and eliminate them.

Operational accounting

As for the issues of operational accounting and production control, they are the most important planning functions and a significant source of information in the production process. The objects of operational accounting and control can be various production indicators. For example, daily tasks or annual production volumes.

The purpose of operational accounting is to reflect the status and process of execution production activities on various enterprises, as well as control over correct spending Money and implementation of plans set by management. It regulates the profitability and profit of the enterprise and prevents unnecessary expenses.

This accounting has a connection with the reporting of the enterprise itself, which, in turn, is divided into internal and external. Internal reporting reflects the work of departments, sections, workshops; external is responsible for the presentation of organizations in various inspections.

Operational accounting and control are responsible for the quality work of all areas in a particular enterprise.

Accounting should contribute the right decision different problems at the enterprise.

This is one of the elements of direct control. The purpose of operational control is to achieve results close to planned.

Types of operational control

It is important to note that control is divided into several types:

  • Preliminary control in several layers of the enterprise: on issues in the human sphere work force, which is carried out by analyzing the working qualities of employees that they are required to possess; on issues in the material sphere; in the field of finance.
  • which is carried out in the process of direct work;
  • Final control, which is carried out after completion of all work at the enterprise.

Types of operational control

There are two types of operational control - internal and external. It is important to note that the object of external control is the timing and fulfillment of obligations concluded in a special agreement. And the object of internal control is the condition of development production process according to the established plan and providing the necessary resources for the productive implementation of assigned tasks.

It is important to note that operational accounting is somewhat reminiscent of accounting. But it has one important difference. After all, accounting includes exclusively transactions that took place in the past, while operational accounting also includes future transactions.

Operational control plan - what is it?

An operational control plan is a collection of specific information relating to work and its effectiveness at enterprises. It should be noted that the operational control and accounting department is responsible for the implementation of the plan.

The basis for the operational plan is current forecasting and various documents that foreshadow further development events at the enterprise.

Operational control review procedure

An element of the analysis of operational control, like any other, is the comparison of indicators with previous ones, the identification of errors, and the calculation of the necessary processing limits.

The analysis of operational control should be aimed at:

  • Detection and generalization of the reasons for non-compliance with labor legislation, labor protection, etc.
  • Organization of elimination of detected deviations from the required norm.
  • Improving working conditions.

There are five types of analysis: operational, monthly, quarterly, semi-annual and annual. Operational analysis examines inspection data, determines the nature of violations, and compares them with previous inspections. It is important to note that during operational analysis, as a rule, potential dangers are also identified. As for the rest, they are carried out after a month, a year, a quarter, a half-year. These analyzes compare results achieved enterprises, shortcomings, etc.

There is also variance analysis. Deviations are deviations from the assigned target indicator in the production process. Such deviations direct attention to a problem area in the enterprise. Deviations can arise in an enterprise for several reasons: these are shortcomings in planning and production itself, as well as in organization.

Operational management

Operational production management is implemented through careful monitoring of the production process. This management occurs continuously.

Operational management works on the basis of some clear rules:

  • Proper distribution of labor.
  • Clear processing and collection of information about the direct production process.
  • Daily analysis of operational control.
  • Making decisions to eliminate violations within the required time frame.

Operational management requirements

Operational management must meet some specific requirements. This:

  1. Flexibility and quick response to any deviations from the norm.
  2. Scientific validity of all plans.
  3. Economical.
  4. Simple methods for solving problems.
  5. Efficiency in work.
  6. Development of plans and their implementation.
  7. Development of tasks for the day.
  8. Providing working tools.
  9. Ensuring clear planning and operational control.

Operational control management must be continuous, which means that control is necessary every day.


It is important to note that operational control at an enterprise can also be called dispatching, the process of which includes the following:

  • Forecast of future demand for goods produced by the enterprise.
  • for goods in different seasons of the year.
  • Creating plans for the production and sale of manufactured goods.
  • Creation of calendar schedules.
  • Monitoring the implementation of set plans.
  • Detection of deviations from set plans.
  • Making quick decisions to eliminate and prevent various deviations from prescribed standards.
  • Analysis of the reasons why deviations from the norm occurred.
  • Development of methods for eliminating deviations from norms.
  • Operational control management.

The importance of operational control in enterprises

The question arises: why is operational control so important? The answer is very simple. The control function in an enterprise arises when the goal, task and structure of the organization of the enterprise itself are developed. If the successful functioning of a particular enterprise is important to management, then operational control is necessary. After all, everyone knows that without controlling, chaos and disorder ensues, after which it becomes impossible to unite the activities of certain areas, groups, and divisions. Operational control is an important link in any organization.


Organization of control in preschool educational institutions.

Types of control

Operational control

Preventive control.

Front control

Final control

Control requirements

Control algorithm

Collection of information.

Her analysis.

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Organization of control in preschool educational institutions. Types of control By time: preventive (advanced), operational (current, intermediate), final. By content: frontal (comprehensive), thematic, operational Operational controlprovides information for subsequent, longer-term monitoring and analysis during targeted visits or thematic audit, that is, it carries out a regulatory function. It is carried out daily, weekly, monthly (morbidity analysis, compliance with natural norms, holding sports entertainment, implementing decisions of the teachers' council, etc.), quarterly (implementing estimates, working with families, participating in methodological work etc.) Operational control is carried out head of the preschool educational institution, senior teacher, doctor or nurse, caretaker, chairman of the trade union committee. It is also necessary to ensure the publicity of the results of operational control by presenting it in a table, in the corresponding columns of which the status of work on this issue, and with the help of different geometric shapes– who controlled. This material is a report on this type of control. Preventive control. Its purpose is to provide assistance, to warn possible mistakes, so it can pass in the form: Conversations on the content of the program in order to determine how clearly the teacher presents the tasks of work in a particular section; Conversations on calendar plan teacher to clarify how he envisages this or that activity or another form of work; Drawing up a long-term plan for working with children in any section to help the teacher build a system of work on the problem; Compiling lesson notes, which is especially useful for novice teachers; Preventive control is recorded in the monthly work plan. The end result Preventive control should include improving the teacher’s professional skills and drawing up long-term plans, notes, etc. Thematic control is carried out with the aim of comprehensively studying the level of work on a certain narrow topic, for example, to clarify the system in the work of a preschool institution on one of current problems planned in the annual plan. Front controlcarried out with the aim of studying the state of educational work on all types of activities in one age group or the activities of a particular teacher are studied and analyzed. To carry out frontal control, a group consisting of members of the administration is created educational institution, effectively working teachers of preschool educational institutions under the leadership of one of the members of the administration. Group members must clearly define goals and objectives, develop an inspection plan, and distribute responsibilities among themselves. Each inspector is assigned a specific task, deadlines, and forms for summarizing the materials of the frontal inspection are established. Members of the teaching staff become familiar with the goals, objectives, and plan for conducting a frontal inspection in accordance with the work plan of the preschool educational institution, but no less than a month before its start. Based on the results of a comprehensive inspection, a certificate is prepared, on the basis of which the head of the school issues an order (control over the implementation of which is assigned to one of the members of the administration) and a meeting of the pedagogical council or an operational meeting is held. Upon receiving positive results this order is removed from control. Final controlcarried out after the end of the reporting period (six months, year). It is aimed at studying and comprehensively analyzing the work of the teaching staff in implementing the program and tasks of the annual plan. The final control includes: plan, goal, timing, schedule, materials of the final control (schemes, diagrams, questionnaires, evaluation sheets, protocols, etc.) Analytical information includes: positive experience of teachers, problems of team work, action plan on the implementation of the program. Control requirements To exercise control in preschool institution the following requirements apply: it is necessary not only to monitor the state of affairs, but to create a unified system for monitoring all areas of the preschool educational institution’s activities; control must be planned; in the control process, what is important is not the statement of fact, but the identification of the causes of shortcomings and the development of effective measures aimed at eliminating them; control will be effective if it is carried out in a modern manner and the recommendations issued as a result of it are implemented; it is necessary to provide assistance in the implementation of recommendations to those to whom they were given as a result of the control; control and its results must be transparent; control should be aimed not only at identifying shortcomings, but also at finding something new and interesting, which gives high and stable results. The goals and objectives of control should follow from the goals and objectives of the educational process and the annual objectives of the preschool educational institution for the current academic year. Recommendations for organizing control When organizing it, you need to pay attention to the following: the teacher must see that control is not aimed at his personality, but at how he organizes the educational process; the teacher must know what exactly, when and by what criteria will be controlled; control should be open; exercise control based on the results of the figure, and not on the actions of the teacher; When exercising control, it is necessary to adhere to a friendly tone of communication; When communicating recommendations and instructions, pay special attention to explaining the reasons for the occurrence of shortcomings in the work and ways to overcome them. When organizing control, you should also remember that: control should not be limited to incidents; total control breeds negligence; hidden control only causes annoyance; it is necessary to control everyone, and not just your “favorite” employee; control is not pro forma (those who do not control are not interested in the successes and achievements of their subordinates); do not control due to mistrust; Don't keep your conclusions to yourself. Control algorithm When organizing control, it is necessary to follow a certain sequence or algorithm for control: Determination of the purpose and object of control. Development of a control program (plan) or a scheme for upcoming observation. Collection of information. Her analysis. Development of recommendations and determination of ways to implement them. Checking the implementation of recommendations. Properly organized control is one of the main conditions for the scientific and rational management of the educational process and increases the responsibility of each teacher for the quality of his work with children.

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