How long should a weight training session last? How long should a gym workout last? Real numbers

Glad to welcome you again! Today we are waiting for another article, as I call it - at the request of the working people, i.e. You, my dears. And it’s called “How long should a workout last?” gym". The question is relevant for many who actively (and not so much) go to the gym, and is very controversial. This is what we will try to answer, and not off the cuff, but based on scientific research and relevant calculations.

I ask everyone to take their seats in auditorium, for we are beginning.

How long should a workout in the gym last: theory

So let's go right away (without love foreplay) to understand why this temporary issue has a dual nature. Everything is actually very simple. Quantitative questions like: how many reps to do in a set, what time to go to the gym, how long should a workout in the gym last, etc. always excited (and will excite) inquisitive green minds of newcomers. I was once like that myself and asked (Imagine) same questions. This is understandable; a person wants to properly organize his training process, but his knowledge is not yet sufficient. On the other hand, in the current situation, he begins to go to great lengths and asks for advice from his more experienced colleagues in hardware.

And this is where the whole “cat fight” begins, or rather an action called “who knows what.” Some people advise walking exclusively in the morning and doing light exercise for about an hour and a half, others say that best time for training this 3-5 hours of the day, and it should not last more than an hour, ask the third one - he’s pushing his numbers. Sometimes a beginner has heard enough of such quantitative advice and does not know what to choose personally. This is exactly what we will be dealing with today.

Well, we will start, as usual, with theory.


Before proceeding to a detailed study of the note, I strongly recommend that you familiarize yourself with the following article creations:,. After reading them, you will understand the general concept of how to deal with such temporary issues and how to derive specific numbers.

It just so happened that I’m not used to writing articles superficially and, as they say, on the surface...(mat:)). Therefore, this time I began a thorough study of the issue and dug up some interesting (scientific) information regarding the duration of the training. Actually, let's take it apart.

How long should a gym workout last: research

The results of the vast majority scientific research boil down to the fact that the optimal time for strength training should “dance” around the mark 45-60 minutes (excluding warm-up, stretching and cool-down). And here is what scientific evidence leads to this conclusion.

No. 1. Hormone levels and exercise duration

During training, a person releases both types of hormones, anabolic and catabolic. The first is insulin, which is responsible for the construction of new and restoration of damaged tissue. The second one is responsible for increasing blood glucose levels, immune function, and also assists the body in metabolism. However, excessive or prolonged release of cortisol can have very adverse effects on a person's condition. Specifically, too much of this hormone can lead to spikes in blood glucose, increased blood pressure, inflammatory reactions, and decreased immune system effectiveness.

Also, cortisol can lead to disruption of the “repair” of muscle tissue and the process of creating/increasing/accumulating fat. It is released in response to stress. Weight training is stressful for the body, so the longer you work out in the gym, the more cortisol you will release.

Many studies have shown that cortisol levels spike after about 60 minutes after intense exercise. There are a number of scientific studies that show that the optimal time for strength training should be around the mark. 45-60 minutes.

In a study from the University of Massachusetts USA (for 2010 year) it is said that than more people trains, the more the following negative side effects increase:

  • reduction in testosterone production;
  • decreased levels of growth hormone;
  • increased cortisol production;
  • increased risk of injury;
  • increased risk for .

The following two charts clearly demonstrate the dependence of hormone levels on the duration of exercise in the gym.

As for the production of cortisol, over time it...

From the graphs we can conclude: “good” hormones grow over the course of 35-45 minutes, the “bad” hormone begins to rise after 30 -minutes of active exercise.

No. 2. Neuromuscular burnout

Long sustained workouts, especially strength training, can be very taxing on a number of body systems. The nervous and muscular systems are seriously depleted during such activities. The amount of wear and tear (stress) on them depends on several factors, including the type of activity, intensity and duration of training. To make progress, it is necessary to give them enough time to recover. Long training sessions do occur, but not too often, for example 1-2 once a month.

Look at professional bodybuilders, they find a happy medium - a fine line between excellent conditioning and injury. Yes, they train at a very intense level and much more than “ordinary mortals”, but they have such a period as a deep off-season during which they recover well.

No. 3. Energy channels

Everyone knows that physical exercise– function of burning calories to obtain energy. However, not many people know that the channels for obtaining energy are diverse. In particular, the body relies on different types of fuel (called substrates), which differ for each activity of varying intensity and duration.

For high-intensity training that lasts less than two minutes (weightlifting, sprint), the body produces energy without oxygen. In doing so, it relies on muscle stores of creatine phosphate and glycogen in the form of glucose storage. For low-intensity training and longer training (eg walking, cycling) The body uses oxygen to burn glycogen and fat stores. This must be remembered when building your training process.

No. 4. Strength training

During strength training, muscles rely on limited supplies of creatine phosphate. (which is enough for just 10 seconds) and glycogen ( 3-4 minutes). The available supply of both substrates varies from one individual to another depending on nutritional status and storage capacity, which is increased through exercise. Due to these limitations, HIT lasting more than 30-40 minutes, deplete glycogen stores and cause the body to “break down” muscle, using muscle proteins as an energy source.

It turns out that strength training is more 30-40 minutes lead more to destruction than to growth muscle mass.

No. 5. Cardiovascular training

If the goal of your cardio training is simply to tone the cardiovascular system and circulate blood throughout the body, then 10 minutes of moderate intensity aerobic exercise 3 once a week is enough. However, if your goal is to reduce body fat, then aerobic training should last longer. 40 minutes. Only after this time has passed does the body begin to use fat as a fuel source. That's why 45-60 minutes of cardio activity 3 once a week will be enough to get rid of extra pounds. Strength training before an aerobic session will cause the body to deplete its glycogen stores, causing (during the subsequent run) fat calories will be burned.

Well, we're done with the science, now let's get down to the practical side of the issue.

How long should a workout in the gym last: practice

I think many of you do not fit into the theoretical time frame ( 45-60 minutes) and ask a reasonable question: “how can I speed up my workout?” Good question. Next 10 ways to help you solve this problem.

No. 1. Reduce rest time between sets

Very often people rest longer between sets than they should. Control your time (for example, by the watch on your wrist or the minutes of a song in the player) and don’t waste it on unnecessary gatherings and conversations with fellow hardware workers.

No. 2. HIIT

HIIT is a method in which you switch between short intervals of high-intensity exercise, followed by short rest and recovery. The emphasis of training shifts to creating a superload by increasing intensity and reducing rest. High-intensity interval training is a great accelerator of the training process. No other training method is as effective in building muscle and burning fat in 20 minutes or less, like HIIT.

No. 3. Stop TV

Most halls offer a variety of entertainment options. Usually, after completing the approach, a person hovers in front of his screen and thus his workout turns into a trip to the cinema. Don’t forget why you came to the hall and don’t be tempted by inviting pictures.

No. 4. Split training

Many gym goers try to kill two birds with one stone in one workout: to work out and burn fat. Separate strength and aerobic training, i.e. separate them on different days.

No. 5. Supersets

No. 6. Stop talking.

Turn off your cell phone for at least 60 minutes, the world will not go crazy in your absence. Very often in the halls you can observe a picture when a person simply cannot help but communicate with outside world, sometimes you wonder: “why the hell did you come, sit at home and communicate.”

No. 7. Music to your ears

Music calls chemical reactions in our body. It releases endorphins and adrenaline - hormones that increase intensity and push us to train harder. Therefore, use the "muzzle" to your advantage.

No. 8. Workout plan

Many people come to the gym and don’t know what they will do today. Sometimes the issue is resolved in the hall. This scenario is permissible only for experienced athletes, but beginners need to know what kind of iron they will have to move in training today. When there is a clear plan and consistency, you no longer waste time thinking and the duration of classes is sharply reduced.

No. 9. No rush hour

You shouldn’t go to the gym during peak hours and stand idle for 5-10 minutes at the simulator in order to perform the cherished exercise. Identify days when the gym is much less crowded and rearrange your schedule. If work and worldly life still won’t let you go at other times, then move one workout to the weekend morning.

No. 10. Take water with you

When going to the rocking chair, take water with you from home. People themselves do not notice how much time is spent on water trips to the cooler in the hall. During strength training you should drink before 1,5 liters for men and 1 liters for women. If we divide this volume into cups according to 200 ml and assume that one trip to the fountain takes 1 minute, then count how much time will be freed up due to such a water trifle.

These tips will help you spice up your training process and bring your training time to the optimal level.

How long should a workout in the gym last: a practical calculation formula

So, summing up all the theoretical and practical chatter, and to make it clearer, I will give a calculation of training time for the average gym goer.

Temporary indicators of a full workout for one day will look like this.


The calculated time is pure training time, it does not take into account warm-up/stretching ( 5-10 minutes) and cool down ( 3-5 minutes).

Actually, now you know what to focus on and how you can calculate on your own how long a workout in the gym should last .

In conclusion, as usual, I will give practical and moral advice:

  • if your workout lasts more than an hour, then recovery for the next day may be much more difficult than if you “trained” 45-60 minutes;
  • remember, you should not be in the gym, but work hard in it. Conversations, staring at the box, empty wandering around the hall - on the side. First of all, first of all, the planes are training, and then the girls, and then the girls :);
  • short workouts 45-60 minutes allow you to hit the gym more often, which can ultimately lead to faster gains in muscle size and strength;
  • strongman George Hackenschmidt said: about 30 minutes are enough to acquire and maintain strength and endurance;
  • after 40 minutes the mental center (brain) begins to weaken. Working in range 45-60 minutes, it's easier to concentrate on the task.

Well, now the global conclusion. The recommendations given are more applicable to beginner athletes whose training experience is about 1 of the year. For all those who have crossed this training bar, in temporary matters it is necessary to be guided by the feedback of their body. In other words, it is necessary to listen to the body and its signals more often and make informed decisions, i.e. You shouldn’t force him into some kind of written framework.

Each person is an individual, and it cannot be said that everyone needs to sow corn and train for no more than an hour. Experiment, lengthen the training time by 10-15 minutes, or vice versa - reduce it by adding intensity. Then read methodically over a certain period of time (month) feedback body, and ultimately decide on the duration of your workout.

Now that’s it, apply the knowledge you’ve gained and don’t stay in the gym longer than your body requires!


How long should a gym workout last? This is the question we tried to answer today. Thank you for investing this time in yourself, see you soon!

PS. To leave a mark for posterity or just ask a question, write down the comments, I’m always happy to answer.

P.P.S. Did the project help? Then leave a link to it as your status social network- plus 100 points towards karma, guaranteed.

With respect and gratitude, Dmitry Protasov.

On final result training in the gym is influenced by several factors: nutrition, program and duration of training. The latter is closely related to the production of hormones and the consumption of glycogen - elements responsible for strengthening the muscle corset and burning fat.

During training, a person produces two types of hormones - anabolic and catabolic. The first group includes testosterone, somatotropin (growth hormone) and insulin. They help restore muscles that are damaged during physical activity, and also participate in the construction of new muscle tissue.

Somatotropin, in addition to the muscle restoration function, strengthens bone and connective tissue, reduces body fat, and causes muscle growth.

The catabolic hormones cortisol and glacagon increase blood glucose levels and stimulate metabolism, but in large quantities they provoke an increase in blood pressure, worsen protective properties immune system, destroy muscle tissue and prevent the construction of new ones.

Cortisol and glacagon destroy muscle tissue and prevent the construction of new ones.

After conducting a number of studies, it was found that the first 20 minutes of training consume glycogen from the muscles, and the next 20 - from the liver. That is why the optimal duration of exercise in the gym is 40-45 minutes. After 45 minutes of training, cortisol levels increase and catabolic processes begin, which have a detrimental effect on muscles.

The permissible peak of cortisol is observed at the 60th minute of training, so training beyond this time is not only impractical, but also dangerous. What could this mean:

  • Decreased production of testosterone and somatotropin;
  • Increased risk of injury;
  • Overtraining.

To properly build a training program, it is enough to take into account two points: testosterone, which is responsible for the progress of athletes, is produced in the first 30-45 minutes of training, and the production of cortisol, which destroys muscles, begins after 45 minutes.

Some people who have just started working out in the gym make a number of mistakes:

  • Exercising too much (more than 1 hour);
  • They do little (less than half an hour);
  • They use a large number of simulators and equipment (more than 5-7 units).

Long-term training negatively affects the state of the hormonal system responsible for the athlete’s progress.

If short workouts and chaotic use of more than seven exercise machines in one visit are unlikely to bring visible results, then overdoing it in terms of duration of classes can cause great harm:

  • The condition is getting worse muscular system. During training, the body experiences stress, and muscles are damaged, because without this their growth is impossible. That is why they need recovery, on which the success of their studies also largely depends. If you exercise too often and for a long time, the muscular system will not have time to recover;
  • Lack of oxygen. Energy production during weightlifting exercises lasting less than two minutes is performed without oxygen. Low-intensity long-term training, on the contrary, actively uses it to burn fat and glycogen reserves;
  • Overtraining. This is the main enemy of athletes: until the muscles are at least partially restored, there is no point in going to the next workout. This condition is usually accompanied by catabolic processes in to a greater extent than with moderate physical activity.

The duration of the workout depends mainly on the program: for example, aerobic training for fat burning should last from 40 to 60 minutes, while training with barbells and strength training equipment should be limited to 45 minutes. Pre-warm-up is not included in the total duration of the lesson.

The most popular are two training systems:

  • Split: individual muscle groups are worked out in one session;
  • Fullbody (): involves working on all muscles.

In the first case, most often a large number of repetitions and a minimum of approaches are performed, between which there is a long rest (up to 1 minute), and in the second the opposite is true: the frequency of repetitions decreases, but the approaches increase, and the rest between them is reduced to 10-20 seconds. This also needs to be taken into account when building a training program.

What beginners need to know:

  • Usage large quantity does not guarantee training equipment high results. Normally, three basic and two isolating exercises are enough for a workout;
  • Long-term training negatively affects the state of the hormonal system responsible for the athlete’s progress: they activate catabolism and prevent anabolism;
  • Short sessions (less than half an hour) do not have a significant impact on the result, because the body does not produce enough hormones and other substances to quickly build muscle tissue and burn fat, and the muscles themselves do not receive optimal load.

How do pharmacology and stimulants affect the duration of training?

After taking pharmacological drugs, many athletes, even after two hours in the gym, practically do not feel tired.

In bodybuilding, pharmacological drugs (steroidal and non-steroidal), as well as isotonics and. They have different principles of action, but they all have one thing in common - the ability to increase endurance and strength. For this reason, many athletes, even after two hours in the gym, practically do not feel tired, but it is not recommended to exercise for more than 60 minutes:

  • Hormones continue to be produced according to the same principle as without drugs (anabolic steroids are an exception, since they enhance the production of male sex hormones);
  • Pharmacological non-steroidal drugs for fat burning often weaken the body, especially during drying, and prolonged physical activity can lead to fainting (for example, Metformin, Clenbuterol, etc.).

While taking steroids, training should be as intense as possible, but do not forget about breaks and recovery, which play a key role. Beginners are not recommended to use such drugs.

How to properly organize your training process?

It all depends on the ultimate goal - losing weight or gaining weight - but in both cases the following tips for organizing training will be relevant:

  • Do not visit the hall during rush hour. At this time, queues line up at the exercise machines, which increases the rest time between approaches;
  • To burn fat, you need to combine strength and aerobic training, and to gain muscle mass, on the contrary, do it on different days;
  • Do not be distracted from the exercises: this negatively affects the execution technique and increases time costs;
  • Change your training program periodically. A signal to change the program is a deterioration or suspension of progress;
  • Use . They increase the intensity level of the activity;
  • Take 1.5 liters of still water with you. This will reduce the time spent on trips to the cooler between approaches.

Video: How long to train


Regardless of the training program and the use of pharmacological drugs, the duration of classes should not exceed 60 minutes. The exception is performing athletes who train daily and for a long time in the pre-competition periods, but they have the opportunity to restore the body in the off-season. Beginners should not overdo it, and 40 minutes of training is enough to start with, but over time the intensity and duration must be increased.

Be sure to read about it

In any business, the right approach is important. Once you decide to play sports, you should stick to a specific program and not skip training. Often, many gym goers cannot find the optimal number of classes per week. Some people exercise too little - 1-2 times and do not get the desired results, others can go every day and also not see significant changes in their figure. So how many times a week should you go to the gym?

In all types physical activity It is worth observing the principle of moderation. The expression “the slower you go, the further you go” is very relevant here. A person who exercises 3-4 times every week will achieve great results than someone who raids fitness, misses workouts for months, and then tries to catch up Lost time, and like a man possessed, he runs to the gym every day. Why should you avoid the second case?

Firstly, you can quickly become exhausted and lose all interest in classes in just a few weeks. Secondly, the muscles need exercise, and if you exercise 6-7 times a week, overtraining will inevitably occur and instead of a positive effect, you can get a negative effect.

The optimal frequency of exercise is 3-4 workouts per week, but these are very average indicators; any program must be compiled individually. Consider these factors:

  • person's fitness level
  • load level in classes
  • free time and desire
  • purpose of the lesson

If you have not previously engaged in sports at all, then you should enter the training regime gradually, starting with 2-3 workouts per week. Also, you should not start frequent visits to the fitness club if you have had long break in classes. Those who have a lot of experience and are not new to sports can work out in the gym 4-5 times a week.

But even people with sufficient experience need to adjust their program depending on the load. You can exercise only 3 times a week and be completely exhausted during training. In this situation, the body must be given a full, long rest. Or you can reduce the load by 20-30% and distribute it over 5-6 days.

With the third point, everything is simple, everyone adjusts the program to their capabilities. Not everyone has the time and desire to visit the gym 5-6 times a week; in this case, training can be reduced to 2-3 times.

Last, but no less important, is the purpose of the lesson. And here it is worth dwelling in detail on various types training.

How much exercise do you need to do to lose weight?

If you want to lose weight, then there are no special restrictions on exercise. The main thing is to create increased level physical activity and adhere to the principle of moderate nutrition.

For example, you can do cardio exercises every day - run, swim or walk on a treadmill. The optimal time is 30-40 minutes per workout.

However, not everyone enjoys running or walking. Then you can perform strength exercises with light weights at a fast pace. This way you can preserve and tighten muscles, as well as start fat burning processes. The recommended number of weekly workouts is 4-6. And be sure to give yourself at least one day off.

How often to train to gain mass

A thin body with protruding bones, stick-like legs and twig-like arms looks ugly regardless of gender and age. To build muscle and get rid of this aesthetic problem, it is recommended to exercise in a heavy strength regime, namely, try to lift weights close to the maximum for a small range of repetitions. It will help you with this. Muscles will be injured, so the body needs to rest, during which muscle tissue recovers and grows.

Exercise 5-6 times a week in this case is impractical, since the body will not recover until the next visit to the gym. Ideally, after each hard workout you should have at least a day of rest, so 3-4 times is the optimal number of sessions in a seven-day cycle.

Exercising to stay fit

Not everyone needs to lose weight or gain size; some just want to exercise for fun to improve their tone and Have a good mood. Is it necessary to adhere to strict rules to keep yourself in shape? Of course not! It is not necessary to carry out exhausting cardio training and work with heavy weights - you set the load yourself and determine the required amount of training. Listen to your body, it will certainly tell you the required amount of exercise.

For regular training, it is best to visit a fitness club, but you can also exercise at home. Of course, it is unlikely that you will be able to achieve stunning results at home, but it is quite possible to keep yourself in good shape and even lose a couple of kilograms, if only you have the desire and willpower. For more active activities, you can purchase a small bar size range dumbbells and you can train successfully even outside the gym.

This is a controversial question that interests many jocks; some say 3 hours, others 30 minutes, and few can substantiate their statements regarding the duration of training. I want to answer this question based on scientific and proven facts. In fact, there is nothing complicated in this question and I think many people understand that the training time depends primarily on the goal you are pursuing in training and what you want to get as a result.

Many people mistakenly believe that the longer the workout lasts, the more muscles will pump up. If this were so, then those who do not leave the gym would have become bodybuilders long ago, but in fact, the opposite is true; as a result, such people usually do not differ in the amount of muscle mass.

Another thing is if you are a marathon runner and train for endurance, then in this case muscle mass does not matter and training can last a very long time, but if your goal is large muscles, then it is better to stick to short training sessions.

Why is this happening? You just can’t exercise in the gym for a very long time, otherwise overtraining will occur and muscle growth will stop (plateau). This leads to the conclusion that training should be short, explosive, high-intensity, you can see my article. A workout lasting 45 minutes to a maximum of 50 minutes will be quite enough if you train naturally, that is, without the use of anabolic steroids. If you train longer, the destruction of muscles that are precious for every athlete will begin, which means that this cannot be allowed.

Muscle destruction as a result of too long training occurs because ATP (adenosine triphosphoric acid), the main source of energy in muscle tissue, is primarily consumed as energy in about the first 30 minutes.

To compensate for its level, the body depletes blood glucose reserves, using sugar, the fastest source of energy.

Lactic acid and catabolic products accumulate in the muscle; as a result of training, the muscles are damaged and lactic acid, from the body’s point of view, is a toxin that needs to be eliminated, which is why after training the muscles hurt and after a few days the pain stops, the reason is lactic acid, which is then excreted from the body.

After about 40-50 minutes, glycogen in the muscles and liver runs out and the body begins to use fat and protein structures from which our muscles are composed as alternative energy, that is, the body begins to burn the muscles themselves as energy.

Often in gyms during training, athletes eat some kind of chocolate, bar, juice in order to replenish glycogen in the muscles and liver.

How long should you train??

The conclusion is:

Within 30-45 minutes, glycogen in the muscles and liver is consumed and the body burns muscles, this cannot be allowed, which means power training should last no more than 50 minutes. Warming up, taking a shower, and changing clothes do not apply to this time.

You can eat some chocolate during training to replenish your energy reserves.

Don't do it necessary things to do during training, don’t chat with friends, because you didn’t come to the gym to chat but to train, which means you’re wasting your precious time doing exercises.

Some smart people say that you need to train until you feel sick and vomit, don’t listen to such advice! This is complete nonsense! Using such methods you will only harm your body and drive yourself into deep overtraining.

Now you know how much time do you need to train. Thank you for your attention! subscribe to new articles.

Athletes determine their time in the gym by completing the complex. If these are group classes in yoga, fitness, Pilates, then it is regulated for a long time by the trainer. But what should a newbie to the gym do? Let's look at how much time it takes to train and how to determine the optimal duration.

An exciting question: how long should the training last? All novice athletes come with him. It is most often asked on forums and to trainers. But is there a certain formula? No, it doesn't exist. In sports, it is not the time that matters, but the quality of the tasks completed. If in 30-40 minutes you manage to do 3-4 approaches and work all muscle groups, then kudos to you. For some, even 2 hours of work will not be enough.

The training time depends on the endurance of the athlete. At minimal training you need to take long breaks, so the activity increases. Another time depends on the complexity of the complexes.

Popular beginner mistakes

When you come to sports, you need to immediately surround yourself with professional athletes and consult with them. But there is a class of people who do everything on their own.

And one of the common mistakes is the wrong training time.

They make the following mistakes:

  • The lesson is too long - more than an hour.
  • Short – less than 30 minutes.
  • Frequent changes of simulators and equipment in a minimum time - more than 6-7 units.

It is the first mistake that is dangerous to human health. Excessive training disrupts the condition of the muscular system. Tissues need rest. If you don’t take breaks and rest days, there will be no recovery and the muscles will begin to get damaged. Also, excess training threatens a lack of oxygen. To burn fat and glycogen reserves, it is recommended to do low-intensity training.

Determining the right time

To calculate how much time you need to study, it is recommended to conduct several studies. The structure of the lesson depends on the goals. The training is done to gain mass, lose weight, give strength, endurance, relief, etc. Each sport has certain exercises and rules for performing them.

Therefore, the following standards for training are identified:

  • For – 40-50 minutes.
  • For weight gain – 1-1.5 hours.
  • Highly specialized trainings – 40-60 minutes.
  • For bodybuilders – 1.5-2 hours.
  • Cardio – 20-25 minutes.
  • Interval classes – 35-50 minutes.
  • and Pilates – 25-35 minutes.

The second criterion in resolving the issue concerns how many days a person can spend in the gym. If you can only go to training twice a week, then it makes sense to spend 2-3 hours doing exercises. To ensure that the training does not last more than 60 minutes, it is recommended to exercise in the gym 3-4 times in 7 days.

Age is a decisive factor in sports. The same types of sports are suitable for young and energetic athletes. They spend significantly more time in the gym than older people. However, after 40-50 years, you should not forget about sports. It should be as much a part of life as sleep or food.

The answer to the question of how long you can train is hidden in the athlete’s gender. Men are more resilient to physical activity. However, the duration is determined according to the individual capabilities of the body. How you feel is also important when calculating the optimal duration of an activity. Often a person comes to the gym after work. At this moment, strength is at its limit and minimal time is allocated for training.

Benefits of a 40-minute workout

During classes, two popular training systems are used - split and circular. These are two opposing methods in which muscles are worked according to different programs. But it’s better to do them the same way for 40-50 minutes.

Experienced athletes highlight 3 advantages of building complexes of this duration:

  • High concentration on hard work. The longer the training goes on, the less moral strength there is to continue it. At 40 minutes a person reaches the maximum point, the fuse is not lost, and fatigue comes gradually. This system has a good effect on muscle recovery and general condition.
  • Intensity. In a minimum time, the muscles are loaded to the maximum. Athletes are advised to take more load than the body is accustomed to. It is better to do fewer approaches, but with weights. This accelerates the growth of muscle mass and gives strength.
  • Anabolic window. This is the release of hormones that promote muscle growth. During long-term training, it is blocked by stress and catabolic hormones. Muscle tissue is destroyed.

Don't forget that the workout also includes warm-up and stretching. Therefore, the athlete does “naked” exercises for 25-30 minutes. Plus there should be a rest of 30-90 seconds, depending on the type of activity. Therefore, if you calculate how long you can train in terms of time, you get figures of 2-3 hours.

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