Death from potassium. Chemical and physical properties of potassium cyanide, its use. Help for cyanide poisoning

From a gold mining enterprise into the Sekisovka River in the East Kazakhstan region, the maximum permissible concentration (MPC) of cyanide was exceeded by more than 500 times, the press service of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Kazakhstan reported on Wednesday, November 2.

Cyanides include large group chemical compounds derived from hydrocyanic acid. All of them contain a cyano group - CN. There are inorganic cyanides (hydrocyanic acid, sodium and potassium cyanides, cyanide, cyanogen chloride, cyanogen bromide, calcium cyanide) and organic cyanides (esters of cyanoformic and cyanoacetic acids, nitriles, thiocyanates, glycoside amygdalin, etc.).

Inorganic cyanides are widely used in the chemical, leather, textile, photography, agriculture, gold mining and electroplating industries.

Organic cyanides are used to control agricultural pests, in organic syntheses, the pharmaceutical industry, etc.

Hydrocyanic acid and its salts, cyanides, are among the most toxic substances and cause severe poisoning.

Hydrocyanic acid (HCN) is a light, volatile liquid with a characteristic odor of bitter almonds. It is a very strong poison: in an amount of 0.05 grams it already causes fatal poisoning in humans.

Sodium and potassium cyanides are colorless crystals and easily decompose in air in the presence of moisture, releasing hydrocyanic acid. Cyanogen chloride is a colorless liquid with a pungent odor. Cyanogen bromide is colorless crystals with a pungent odor. Calcium cyanamide - in pure form snow-white, technical - grayish-black fine powder. Cyanplav is a mixture of cyanides and chlorides of calcium and sodium, dark gray powder (grains or crystals) with a faint odor of bitter almonds.

Cyanide enters the body through the digestive and respiratory organs and rarely through the skin. The toxic effect of cyanide is based on the fact that they bind to tissue enzymes responsible for cellular respiration, suppressing their activity, and cause oxygen starvation of tissues.

Cyanide anions form complexes with ferrous ions, which leads to a blockade of oxygen transfer to tissues and causes tissue hypoxia (oxygen starvation). As a result, the functions of the brain and respiratory center are disrupted.

When inhaling hydrocyanic acid fumes, death occurs within one minute. Ingestion of sodium or potassium cyanide can also cause death in a person within minutes.

The effect of potassium and sodium cyanide on the skin can cause the formation of cracks and the development of eczema.

The clinical picture of acute cyanide poisoning depends on the dose of poison or the concentration of hydrocyanic acid vapor.

Symptoms of hydrocyanic acid poisoning

For mild poisoning: the smell of bitter almonds from the mouth, sore throat, dizziness, salivation, vomiting, fear, shock.
In case of severe poisoning: loss of consciousness, convulsions, hyperemia (overflow of blood in the vessels of the circulatory system) of the skin, paralysis of the respiratory center.

First aid

If you suspect poisoning with hydrocyanic acid, first of all, you need to induce vomiting in the victim, then take him out into fresh air, give him activated charcoal to drink and call emergency medical help. When calling an ambulance, be sure to report that hydrocyanic acid poisoning has occurred.

The doctor must intravenously administer an antidote (antidote) of hydrocyanic acid - sodium thiosulfate, which weakens the effect of the poison. If vital functions are impaired, the doctor takes resuscitation measures. After providing first aid, he hospitalizes the patient for further treatment.

The material was prepared based on information from open sources

Potassium cyanide is widely used in the separation of precious metals such as gold and silver from ore. For this purpose, a technique such as cyanidation is used. In addition, potassium cyanide is used in galvanizing products. As for household use, cyanide is used in reagents, for photographs, and the poison is also included in various stains to kill insects. Cyanide does not occur in nature in its pure form. However, some cyanide compounds are present in the pits of peaches, cherries, and almonds. Our online store offers potassium cyanide to buy at the most affordable prices. However, first, let's figure out what this substance is.

Did you know?

A few words about interesting facts, which are associated with the discovery and application potassium cyanide. There are some controversial theories about whether it actually smells like almonds, but that's... this moment we are not interested. Back in 1845, chemist Robert Bunsen conducted experiments in his laboratory and, as the author of the spectral analysis method, recorded the production of potassium cyanide. It was this scientist who developed the method for its industrial production. Today, the sale and synthesis of such a substance is strictly controlled. It is now possible to produce CC in isolated laboratory conditions. But in late XIX, the question “where to buy cyanide?” was generally easy to solve. That is why potassium cyanide was especially popular among criminals. Fans of detective stories may recall how in Agatha Christie’s story “The Hornet’s Nest”, this substance was acquired for criminal purposes, under the guise of intentions to poison wasps. And only thanks to Poirot, the criminals did not succeed.

Potassium cyanide in entomology

As many years ago, today the use of potassium cyanide to combat insects is also allowed. So there are special stains that do not fit into a large number of cyanide. Several crystals of poison are placed on the bottom of the container and liquid plaster is poured on top. Thus, a chemical reaction occurs, which results in the release of hydrogen cyanide. By inhaling the poison, the insects die, and this is how the stain works. A properly seasoned trap can be “active” for a year, and sometimes even longer. Among chemists, potassium cyanide is called the “king of poisons.” Where can you buy cyanide? We will definitely tell you about this a little later. First, let's get to know him and clarify the goals of such an acquisition.

Cyanide - features

Potassium cyanide is a salt of hydrocyanic acid. Externally, cyanide resembles regular sugar. It is also important to note that cyanide is one of the most potent organic poisons. It is noteworthy that of all the poisonous substances, it is potassium cyanide that has the worst reputation. In almost all detective novels, cyanide is used by attackers to eliminate their enemies. This is primarily due to the fact that at the end of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth centuries, anyone could purchase potassium cyanide at any pharmacy. In addition, it should be noted that this substance is easily soluble in ordinary water. If a person has a good sense of smell, he can hear a specific odor similar to almonds.

By looking at our online store, anyone can buy potassium cyanide, the price of which will satisfy even the most demanding buyer. This became possible due to the fact that managers have established close cooperation with potassium cyanide producers. The declared price does not include interest for intermediary services. If you are interested in questions such as, what is potassium cyanide, where can you get this substance? Then this article will undoubtedly arouse your genuine interest.

Effect of potassium cyanide on human body

Potassium cyanide can enter the human body through the skin, especially if there is any damage to the body. Also, the powder or vapor from the cyanide solution may be inhaled. For humans, the lethal dosage is 1.7 mg per kilogram of weight. Therefore, when using the substance, it is very important to take all precautions.

It remains interesting that the effect of cyanide on the human body is significantly weakened when combined with glucose. That is why specialists who, by virtue of their professional activity forced to work with cyanide, holding a small piece of sugar in their cheek. Thus, they neutralize toxic toxins that have entered the blood. Bright to that this could be a confirmation historical fact like the poisoning of Rasputin. After all, in order to send Gregory “to the next world,” cyanide was added to sweet flour products. Even though the dose of the poisonous substance was too high, the sugar did its job, and it was not possible to immediately put an end to Rasputin.

There is also a chronic form of poisoning, when a person works in an industry where this toxic substance is used, the poison gradually accumulates in the body. Therefore, it is very important to pay attention to the following signs of poisoning: sleep disturbances, frequent headaches, a feeling of pressure in the heart area, weight loss.

Main symptoms of cyanide poisoning

The effect of such a toxic substance as cyanide on the human body manifests itself almost instantly. Symptoms of poisoning directly depend on the dose received, as well as on how sensitive the human body is to this poison.

  • Large salivation
  • Dizziness
  • Feeling of numbness in the mouth and throat
  • Compression in the chest area
  • Soreness and bitterness in the mouth

If a lethal dose of cyanide enters the human body, symptoms such as fainting, convulsions, uncontrolled urination, tongue biting can be observed. The cause of death is respiratory and cardiac arrest. Therefore, before you get potassium cyanide and start working with this potent toxic substance, you need to carefully weigh the pros and cons.

Chronic poisoning with cyanide compounds

Very often, when working with substances that contain cyanide, signs of chronic poisoning may occur. In this case, the picture of the pathological condition will be blurred and extended over time. A person may experience the following symptoms:

  • Constant headache
  • Dizziness
  • Pain and discomfort in the heart area
  • Increased sweating
  • Frequent urge to urinate

In addition, signs of irritability will disappear, thyroid pathologies will worsen, the skin will begin to peel, itching and other unpleasant symptoms may occur. That is why, when working with chemical elements it is important to use the means personal protection.

Where can you buy potassium cyanide?

Many people, in an attempt to find potassium cyanide, turn to workers who work in gold or silver processing plants. Some people try to bribe medical staff working in medical institutions. It should be noted that in most cases such attempts remain unsuccessful. This is because this chemical is quite dangerous and accountable, so it is unlikely that anyone will risk their job. However, thanks to our virtual resource, there is no need to wonder where to find potassium cyanide. Everything is quite simple, the user goes to the site and leaves a purchase request.

In addition to all of the above, I would like to note that it will not be possible to stock up on potassium cyanide for future use. The thing is that the corresponding cyanide nion, hydrocyanic acid, is a very weak substance, so it is easily replaced by other acids. Thus, cyanide easily becomes completely harmless. To do this, you can conduct a simple experiment. You just need to leave the cyanide on for a period of time. outdoors, under the influence of carbon dioxide and moisture it will lose all its poisoning abilities.

Some people who need potassium cyanide try to make this toxic substance at home. This is possible if a person is familiar with chemistry and has all the necessary reagents at hand. However, experts do not advise risking your health and life, because unlucky chemists can easily be poisoned by toxic fumes. Therefore, the most the right decision there will be potassium cyanide to buy on our trading platform.

For what purposes can cyanide be used?

Several decades ago, this poison was isolated by treating certain plants in the laboratory. Today it is produced synthetically. Where is potassium cyanide used? The use of cyanide is widely known in agriculture and industrial sectors. Such “popularity” of the product allows one to somewhat turn a blind eye to its slight toxicity. Thus, cyanide compounds are widely used in the production of plastics.

We all love to take photographs or be photographed, but in reactive cameras, cyanide, already known to us, is used to develop photos. If the poison is presented in the form of a gas, then it is rational to use it to treat agricultural structures where grain is stored in order to protect against rodents. But history also knows cases of inhumane use of chemicals. Thus, in concentration camps, the Nazis used Cyclon-B gas, which contained poison.

Legal sale of cyanide substances

In our online store you can find potassium cyanide at affordable price. All products of the service are certified, which means that Chemical substance meets its characteristics. In addition, by choosing a payment method convenient for you, you can arrange delivery of your purchase. Why buy from us?

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How to help with potassium cyanide poisoning?

If you neglected the rules of personal protection or violated the storage conditions of the substance, you need to know how to help a person with cyanide poisoning. First you need to provide access to fresh air and call an ambulance. If the poison has entered through the skin or clothing soaked in it, it is worth taking off so that the substance does not further enter the body. When consuming toxic contents internally, you need to rinse your stomach. When providing first aid medical care you need to be as collected and careful as possible. Heart massage can be done if necessary. But artificial respiration is not recommended, because even the one who resuscitates can be poisoned by the poison vapors.

In a hospital setting, doctors prescribe complex treatment. Sugars are used as the first antidote. This may be a glucose solution that is administered intravenously. Sugar helps deactivate the poison, turning it into harmless metabolites. The second antidote may be sodium thiosulfate. Its function is reduced to converting cyanides into thiocyanates, which are not dangerous to the human body. And you can’t do without medications that lead to the formation of cyanmethemoglobin, this could be nitroglycerin, amyl nitrite, methylene blue.

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Here you can choose potassium cyanide, the price of which will be affordable for you. Delivery throughout the country. We are confident that you need the chemical you need to do useful things, trusting our customers. Before purchasing cyanide, take care of protective equipment and storage conditions.

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Take care of yourself and your health! Remember, even medicine if the dosage is not correct can be poison! Buy from trusted stores!

Potassium cyanide is a chemical compound that has found application in medicine, used in various industries, chemical formula KCN. Over the centuries, the substance has become a means to eliminate ill-wishers. Modern diagnostic methods completely exclude this possibility of poisoning due to the rapid detection of poison in human tissues and organs. An effective antidote has also been synthesized to provide urgent assistance in case of accidental intoxication. It will not be possible to buy the drug in a pharmacy - pharmacists and pharmacists have long stopped using it in tinctures and ointments and purchasing it in finished form.

Physicochemical characteristics

Many people learned what potassium cyanide is only after reading action-packed detective stories or watching historical TV series. For scientists, this is a compound obtained during a chemical reaction between hydrocyanic acid and easily soluble potassium salts. After diluting cyanide in water, a clear, odorless solution is formed.

The widespread belief that hydrocyanic acid smells like almonds is just a myth. The error of judgment is based on the presence of poison in the seeds of fruit trees. If the poison is extracted in this way, then a huge amount of plant material will be required to be able to smell the potassium cyanide.

Externally, potassium cyanide resembles ordinary granulated sugar, looks like a fine crystalline powder. As the moisture content in the surrounding space increases, the substance loses its stability and decomposes into neutral ingredients. But toxic fumes can accumulate in the air, which will cause human poisoning. Hydrocyanic acid is a weak compound, so it is easily replaced in dilution by salts formed by stronger and more stable acids.

Potassium cyanide is an inorganic compound of hydrocyanic acid with a simple chemical composition. It quickly decomposes in liquids into cations and anions, and no conditions are required to enter into reactions. When the poison is diluted in glucose solutions, its instant oxidation occurs. Therefore, when carrying out detoxification therapy, glucose can be used as an antidote that neutralizes the effect of the poison.

Currently, poisoning from a toxic compound occurs extremely rarely. Usually the causes of intoxication are:

  • improper storage of the substance at home;
  • occurrence of emergencies on industrial production. Despite the presence of modern treatment facilities, toxic fumes quickly spread indoors and penetrate the human body.

Use of potassium cyanide at certain stages technological processes as an ingredient or catalyst does not eliminate the possibility of poisoning by vapors or gases. The poison gets into Airways, and then into the bloodstream. After just a short time, a sufficient concentration of the chemical accumulates in it to cause death.

Intoxication can develop after the poison gets on the skin and mucous membranes. In the presence of microcracks, open wounds or scratches, the poison enters the bloodstream, and at the site of its penetration an inflammatory process develops: redness and rashes appear. Potassium cyanide is able to bind to red blood cells, reducing their functional activity in delivering molecular oxygen to tissues.

Toxic effect on the human body

Intoxication with KCN in significant concentrations results in the death of a person as a result of respiratory arrest
. A chemical interaction occurs between the compound and cytochrome oxidase, one of the cellular enzymes. Ferric iron turns out to be bound, which makes electron transfer impossible. Violation of their transportation leads to the cessation of adenosine triphosphate synthesis. This organic matter is a universal energy accumulator in biological systems.

A paradoxical situation arises - a deficiency of molecular oxygen develops in organs and tissues, and its excess concentration is found in the bloodstream, but it is very tightly bound to red blood cells. Therefore, when autopsying people who died from this poison, the cause of death can be immediately determined: the color of the blood in all veins becomes bright red as a result of an increase in hemoglobin content.

Neutralization of red blood cells leads to oxygen starvation of tissues and a decrease in the functional activity of all vital systems. The metabolism of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates slows down and they begin to accumulate in the body. The lack of molecular oxygen has a particularly negative effect on brain cells – neurons. The process of transmitting impulses to the central and autonomic nervous system is disrupted. The lack of innervation provokes the following effect of KCN on humans:

  • breathing problems;
  • disorder of the cardiovascular system;
  • impairment of blood filtration and urine excretion from the body.

The poison is carried by the bloodstream to the liver cells, damaging them, which leads to distortion of metabolic processes.

The lethal dose for humans of the toxic compound is 1.6 mg/kg. But it may vary depending on:

  • health conditions;
  • gender;
  • age of the victim;
  • routes of penetration of a toxic compound into the body.

The toxic properties of this salt of hydrocyanic acid made it possible to classify it as a potent poison. Potassium cyanide is subject to quantitative accounting in industrial production for the prevention of severe intoxications.

Poisoning prevention measures include strict monitoring of compliance with safety precautions when working with highly toxic substances. But the ability of the poison to quickly undergo hydrolysis and evaporate into the surrounding space sometimes leads to the penetration of a small amount of the chemical compound into the body. Toxicologists advise employees to always carry compressed sugar with them. Its use slows down the absorption of potassium cyanide into the bloodstream.

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Signs of poisoning will appear faster if there is no food in the person’s stomach. Carbohydrates, fats and proteins can partially bind a toxic compound and prevent its absorption by the gastric mucosa.

A small amount of potassium cyanide can always be found in cells and tissues. The chemical compound takes part in the metabolism of biologically active substances, water- and fat-soluble vitamins, and enzymes. The smoker's body contains a lot of hydrocyanic acid salts, which penetrate into the blood from tobacco.

Beneficial properties of the chemical compound

Potassium cyanide is not stable. The cyano group is quickly replaced by salts formed by stronger acids, as a result of which the compound loses its toxic properties. This quality is widely used at certain stages of technological processes in various industries.

What is potassium cyanide - a compound used as an ingredient, as well as a catalyst that accelerates the rate of chemical reactions. At mining and processing plants and in galvanic production, it is used to oxidize noble metals (gold, platinum). The toxic substance is included in reagents for developing photographic film and removing plaque from the surface of jewelry. Entomologists use KCN to kill butterflies and dragonflies. People who are interested in painting encounter hydrocyanic acid salts when diluting paints for painting:

  • "milori";
  • "Prussian blue";
  • "Prussian blue"

These types of gouache and watercolor paint the canvas a bright blue. The term “hydrocyanic” characterizes the ability of the acid to give objects blue and intense blue colors in the presence of iron cations.

Acute and chronic poison intoxication can be diagnosed in people not involved in production precious metals. About ten years ago, at mining and processing plants in countries of Eastern Europe Toxic waste was released into the Danube. The local population used the water for domestic and household needs; people ate fish caught in the reservoir. After a few months, the number of patients with symptoms of chronic intoxication increased significantly.

Potassium cyanide does not occur in nature in concentrated form. But the seeds of fruit trees of the Rosaceae family contain a small amount of amygdalin, a substance that contains a cyano group. Most of the poison is found in the kernels:

  • apricots;
  • peaches;
  • almonds;
  • cherries;
  • drain

Young elderberry leaves and shoots contain a lot of potassium cyanide, which can cause poisoning in pets. Amygdalin in the human body is hydrolyzed to hydrocyanic acid, which has similar properties to its salts. Death from KCN will occur after consuming 90-110 g of apricot kernels. The fresh product is the most toxic, since during heat treatment or drying, amygdalin loses its toxic properties.

Potassium cyanide is a component of some insecticides. In agriculture, it is used to kill rodents that enter grain storage facilities. There is a high probability of poisoning if safety rules when working with poisons are not followed, as well as if they are improperly stored in places where containers with powder are easily accessible.

Intoxication Clinic

To conduct adequate detoxification therapy, doctors need to find out what concentration of poison is circulating in the victim’s body. Characteristic signs drug poisoning occurs when any amount of poison enters the bloodstream, but their severity will vary. In addition to the dose of the toxic compound, the symptoms are directly dependent on the person’s age and history of diseases. Treatment tactics for hydrocyanic acid salt poisoning differ at certain stages of the pathological process.

Mild degree of poisoning

No treatment is required at this stage of intoxication. A small amount of poison entered the victim’s body, which was not capable of affecting health. The person should be taken out of the room into fresh air and all symptoms of poisoning will quickly disappear. These include:

  • dry throat, desire to cough;
  • metallic taste in the mouth, feeling of numbness in the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract;
  • disorders of the digestive tract: nausea, sour belching, urge to defecate;
  • feeling of lack of air, slight dizziness;
  • excessive secretion of saliva;
  • rapid heartbeat, arterial hypertension.

The same symptoms can occur with chronic poisoning. The lack of treatment is explained by the fact that a person, as a rule, does not attach importance to the negative signs of intoxication, attributing them to fatigue or temporary malaise.

Average degree of poisoning

As the concentration of KCN in the bloodstream increases, signs of malfunction develop central system
. The situation is complicated by the fact that the victim often cannot understand the seriousness of what is happening due to the emergence of emotional instability. The following symptoms are typical for this stage of poisoning:

  • increased anxiety or restlessness, sharply replaced by lethargy, apathy, drowsiness;
  • lack of coordination in space, unsteadiness of gait, dizziness;
  • feverish state, cold sweat, chills;
  • breathing problems, shortness of breath;
  • flushing of blood to the face and upper body;
  • dryness of all mucous membranes;
  • trembling of arms and legs.

A characteristic feature of the symptoms at this stage of intoxication is severe protrusion of the eyes. Together with redness of the mucous membranes, the symptom is one of the main diagnostic signs of poisoning with this poison.

Emotional instability is expressed in the occurrence of severe fear in a person. He wants to run somewhere, take some action, most often absolutely meaningless. In this state, the victim can harm himself and the people around him.

Severe poisoning

At this stage of intoxication, a person needs urgent hospitalization and detoxification therapy, including the use of an antidote. The severity of symptoms increases, provoking a decrease in the functional activity of all vital systems. What signs of intoxication occur at this stage:

  • tremor of the upper and lower extremities;
  • loss of consciousness;
  • decreased tactile, muscle, tendon reflexes;
  • disruption of the gastrointestinal tract: vomiting, diarrhea, bloating, feeling of fullness in the epigastric area;
  • thready pulse, arterial hypotension;
  • temperature increase.

This degree of poisoning with this drug is characterized by urinary disturbances.. Blood filtration by the kidneys is disrupted - toxic compounds and metabolic products of substances remain in the body. When the bladder is emptied, a small amount of cloudy urine is released. The victim may involuntarily have a bowel movement due to a decrease in the tone of his smooth muscle muscles.

Paralytic stage of intoxication

After a lethal dose of poison has entered the body, there is little time left to neutralize the effect of the poison and administer an antidote to the victim
. This stage of poisoning often ends in the death of a person if detoxification therapy and resuscitation measures are not carried out within 10-20 minutes. At this stage, the victim experiences the following symptoms:

  • shallow breathing;
  • convulsions;
  • lack of pupil reaction to light;
  • lack of urination;
  • low blood pressure.

Poisoning with hydrocyanic acid salts is characterized by the appearance of a bright blush and redness of the mucous membranes. Oxygen starvation of brain cells develops. He is not able to fully regulate vital systems. The result is pulmonary edema and cardiac arrest. Death is most often observed when KCN penetrates the stomach and when toxic vapors are inhaled.

First aid for poisoning

The toxic effect of potassium cyanide on the human body manifests itself rapidly, therefore, you should immediately call an ambulance and tell the doctor the cause of intoxication.

As a rule, in all industrial production that use hydrocyanic acid compounds, there are ampoules with antidote in the first aid kit. The antidote is administered parenterally in accordance with the attached instructions.

While waiting for a doctor, it is necessary to provide first aid to the victim:

  • put the person to bed, talk to him so that he is conscious;
  • in case of cardiac arrest, perform indirect cardiac massage and artificial respiration;
  • turn the victim on his side, as he may choke on vomit;
  • rinse the stomach with a pink solution of potassium permanganate until clear liquid leaves;
  • give any adsorbent or enterosorbent;
  • give the person strong and very sweet tea to bind the poison.

The victim will be urgently hospitalized for detoxification treatment with solutions of glucose and mineral salts. Potassium cyanide poisoning will require a long rehabilitation period. If a large amount of a toxic compound enters the body, there can be dangerous consequences: urinary disturbances, damage to liver cells, exacerbation of chronic diseases.

Potassium cyanide is a substance with chemical formula KCN, white powder. The poison is a member of the cyanide group. It dissolves well in water and hot alcohol. Some believe that it has an inherent almond smell. Actually this is not true. When interacting with carbon dioxide or water, a characteristic odor appears. True, only half of people feel it.

Where are cyanides found?

Potassium cyanide has found application in industry. Noble metals cannot themselves be oxidized by oxygen. Cyanide is used to speed up reactions. Third-party people not associated with factories and laboratories can become poisoned by poison. When toxic substances are released into the river from enterprises, no one is protected from the harmful effects.
Cyanide is often used in darkrooms when cleaning jewelry with special substances. Interestingly, there are paints containing cyanide mixed with iron.

This poison cannot be found in nature. But there are compounds with its derivatives called amygdalin, which is found in the seeds of berries and fruits: plums, cherries, apricots, peaches. It is also found in almonds. When amygdalin breaks down, it is formed, the effect of which is no less dangerous for humans. Poisoning with fatal easily obtained by eating 100 grams of apricot kernels.

Effect on humans

Once inside people, the poison stops the work of the enzyme containing iron, which ceases to perform its functions. Oxygen continues to flow, but the cells do not perceive it. Oxygen starvation develops. The victim begins to choke, as in the case of suffocation. Organs stop functioning normally, which leads to death.

Cyanide poisoning occurs through the organs:

  • Airways,
  • skin,
  • mouth and esophagus.

It is important to know

  1. The lethal dose for humans is 1.7 mg/kg.
  2. Slow absorption of the poison is possible if the victim’s stomach contains undigested food in the form of meat, eggs, and confectionery.
  3. Glucose neutralizes small vapors of this toxin, so people working in production or laboratories are required to keep a piece of sugar in their mouth.
  4. If a small dose of a toxin enters the body, it can still be saved if measures are taken in time.
  5. When ingested through the esophagus, cyanide reacts with stomach acid, forming. It affects the entire body.

Symptoms of potassium cyanide poisoning

When large doses of poison penetrate, the victim instantly loses consciousness and dies. Symptoms appear depending on the amount of cyanide ingested. The more, the brighter the symptoms. The victim can go through 4 stages.

Stages of poisoning

  1. First stage. There is a feeling of a metallic taste on the tongue and a sore throat. It's getting bitter. There is numbness in the oral cavity. Continuous salivation, nausea and vomiting. The head begins to spin, the chest feels as if it is being squeezed. Breathing becomes faster. The victim urgently needs to go out into fresh air, then the symptoms that appear will go away.
  2. Second stage. The compression in the chest intensifies, the pulse becomes lower. The person becomes lethargic. External signs: pupils dilate, eyes protrude. Shortness of breath takes more of a toll on the victim. A feeling of growing anxiety does not allow one to think calmly; fear fetters a person.
  3. Third stage. Convulsions constrain the victim’s body. The injured person bites his tongue. Uncontrolled bowel movements and urination occur. The victim faints.
  4. Fourth stage. The victim of poison loses vital reflexes and sensitivity, and convulsions stop. Breathing is rare and then disappears. The victim's heart stops. Throughout all stages, redness of the mucous membrane occurs. The resulting blush can persist even after death.

The appearance of symptoms in the victim depends on how the poison got inside. Once it penetrates the lungs, the first stage will begin in a couple of seconds. If cyanide enters the stomach, deterioration in health is expected within a minute. The entry of poison through the skin guarantees the manifestation of symptoms from half an hour to one and a half hours.

Signs of chronic cyanide poisoning

  • frequent headaches;
  • dizziness;
  • suffers from insomnia;
  • there is pain in the heart area;
  • memory problems arise;
  • a person is losing weight before our eyes;
  • frequent urination appears;
  • increased sweat production;
  • allergic manifestations on the skin;
  • exacerbation of diseases.

If the above symptoms appear, you should immediately call a doctor.

Help with potassium cyanide poisoning

If cyanide poison enters the body, not a minute can be lost. It is necessary to take a number of measures and immediately call a doctor. The first thing that will make you think that a victim has been poisoned with cyanide is the smell of almonds.

What to do

  • Take the victim to fresh air.
  • Remove the patient from clothing that may be saturated with toxins. To do this, you need to carefully cut and remove so that the poison does not penetrate the skin.
  • If cyanide enters the mouth, the stomach must be emptied. The patient must drink a lot of water. If you have a solution of 0.1% potassium permanganate or 2% hydrogen peroxide on hand, give the victim something to drink to induce vomiting.
  • If you have difficulty breathing, use a tube inserted into your larynx. A catheter needs to be inserted into the vein.
  • If the victim is unconscious and not breathing, perform chest compressions. It is not recommended to perform artificial respiration to avoid intoxication of another person.

Required treatment

After passing the tests, the doctor makes a diagnosis and prescribes antidotes to the victim that stop or weaken the effect of the poison. It is better to inject the antidote into a vein so that it penetrates the blood faster. Several substances are used that can help a person:

  1. A glucose solution of 5 or 40% converts potassium cyanide into safe substances.
  2. A solution of 25% sodium thiosulfate, upon contact with which the poison is converted into compounds that are not harmful to humans.
  3. Types of drugs that form cyanmethemoglobin when interacting with cyanide. It performs the function of releasing oxygen from hemoglobin, allowing you to get rid of potassium cyanide. These include nitroglycerin, methylene blue, nitrogen oxides.

When an antidote is administered at first after intoxication, the person can be saved. After an hour, the procedures are repeated. When hit more a harmful substance enters the body, a person will need time to come to his senses.

Prevention of poisoning by pesticides

As a result of the fact that this type of intoxication occurs at work, it is important to monitor compliance with safety precautions. Vessels where potassium cyanide is stored must be protected from external influences. It is necessary to monitor the integrity of equipment that works directly with poison to avoid leakage.

Workers in production must be informed about the peculiarities of the action of poisons and be able to provide first aid. Employees are required to wear gas masks while working with dangerous substance. Rooms must have alarms that sound when the safe level of cyanide increases. Do not forget that careful interaction with poisons helps save lives.

Consequences of cyanide intoxication

People who have undergone proper treatment in the hospital for the first time for 2-3 weeks may encounter problems in nervous system. Also, in the first month after rehabilitation, pain in the heart area, pressure surges, and rapid heartbeat are possible.

You should not try to make potassium cyanide at home, because it can lead to irreversible consequences. It has a negative effect, even long after poisoning with this substance. Chronic diseases are getting worse. People who constantly work with cyanide may experience chronic poisoning, which causes irreparable harm to health. Causing problems with the thyroid gland, kidneys, and liver.

In many detective novels there are often scenes with the poisoning of one of the heroes. Potassium cyanide, added to food or drinks, acts instantly and sends the poor fellow “to the next world”, after a short but painful death throes. In one of the attempts to kill Georgy Rasputin, this poison was also used. Why is this substance so dangerous and so destructive to humans, and how does the poison work?

Chemical and physical properties of potassium cyanide, its applications

Potassium cyanide– a chemical substance whose formula is KCN. The reaction occurring between hydrocyanic acid and potassium hydroxide produces cyanide or a salt of hydrocyanic acid.

Appearance- small transparent crystals that resemble sugar. Potassium cyanide dissolves completely in water, forming a transparent, odorless solution.

Potassium cyanide or cyanide- a compound that is not resistant to decay. Stronger acid salts can push it out and replace it. In this case, a new non-toxic chemical compound is formed.

Oxidation of a substance occurs when it comes into contact with air, saturated with vapors water or when adding poison to.

It happens erroneous opinion that the smell of this toxic substance is similar to the strong smell of almonds, and severe potassium cyanide poisoning can be recognized by the “almond” breath of the victim.

In fact, the smell of this chemical compound (almond) can only be smelled by some people. In most cases, cyanide remains a substance that has absolutely no odor. Scientists explain this fact by the genetic characteristics of the human body.

Almond seeds do contain hydrocyanic acid, which, like all other cyanides, is very poisonous. But one seed contains such an insignificant amount of poison that you need to eat more than 200 of them to become poisoned.

Nowadays, potassium cyanide is used in a wide variety of industries. It is used for developing photographs, the chemical compound is used in the mining industry (for cyanidation), in the manufacture of paints for painting, in pharmaceuticals and for the preparation of various poisons for pests.

Effect of cyanide on the human body

Getting potassium synoxide into the body is deadly. The toxic compound makes it impossible to absorb oxygen. It turns out to be a paradox - the cells are full of air, but they cannot absorb it. The oxygen content of venous and arterial blood is almost equalized. Because of this, the victim's entire body skin may turn red. We can say that cyanide poison has a suffocating effect on the human body at the cellular level.

What dose of a substance causes a person to die, signs of poisoning

Potassium cyanide is a strong poison. Even in extremely small quantities it is hazardous to health. Cases of cyanide poisoning are extremely rare these days and can only occur in facilities where there is direct human contact with the substance (for example, in a laboratory).

The lethal dose is considered to be 17 mg/kg body weight. Death from such an amount of poison occurs within a few minutes. But this number is very arbitrary. It all depends on the route the poison enters the body, the health of the person and what the poison was taken with.

Smaller doses of potassium cyanide poison the body for more long time.

The duration of action of a toxic substance also depends on the method of its entry into the human body. The vapors of this poison poison the body in the first seconds. If a small dose of cyanide enters the body through the stomach, the poisoning will make itself felt within a few minutes. The poison can also penetrate through the pores of the skin. This route is the longest; symptoms of poisoning appear only after an hour or two.

Provided that potassium cyanide enters the body through the stomach, its toxic effect depends on the food with which it was swallowed. Glucose (ordinary sugar) instantly oxidizes the compound of hydrocyanic acid and potassium salt. The poison becomes no longer dangerous. Laboratory workers whose work involves this substance have several lumps of sugar in their pockets. If the first symptoms of poisoning appear, they eat it to neutralize the cyanide.

The historical fact of Rasputin’s poisoning is interesting. Potassium cyanide was added to his sweet drinks and sweet flour products. And, although the dose of poison was huge, the poison did not act immediately, since the abundance of food containing glucose did not allow the cyanide to instantly send Gregory “to the next world.”

If we take into account all the factors of poison entering the body (how it entered, the dosage of the substance, human health, the presence of glucose in the stomach), then there are several stages of acute poisoning:

  • prodromal;
  • dyspnoetic;
  • convulsive;
  • paralytic.

Each stage of poisoning is accompanied by certain symptoms. It all starts with banal weakness, sore throat and a feeling of tightness in the chest area. The second stage is characterized by increased weakness, pain in the heart and constant bitterness in the mouth. Nausea and vomiting may be present. The next two stages involve the entry of a large dose of potassium cyanide into the body. Death from poison without assistance necessary assistance comes quickly. Symptoms include fainting, urinary incontinence, bowel movements, whole body convulsions, protruding eyes from the sockets, weakening and complete stopping of the heartbeat and breathing. The victim’s skin and mucous membranes also turn red, and an unhealthy blush appears on the cheeks. The next stage is death from potassium cyanide poison.

Chronic poisoning

With constant work with cyanides, the accumulation of poison in the body occurs gradually. Signs that indicate poisoning can be: frequent headaches, problems falling asleep, sweating, pain in the heart, weight loss. These alarming symptoms should not be ignored, as the effects of potassium cyanide may affect health over time internal organs, thyroid gland, cause neurasthenia.

Potassium cyanide poisoning. First aid

In order to provide first aid correctly, it is necessary to establish as quickly as possible the routes through which the poison enters the victim’s body. In any case, only a doctor can provide proper assistance after passing the necessary tests. Therefore, first of all, we call an ambulance. Before her arrival, a person with signs of poisoning can be taken outside. In the fresh air, cyanide poisoning usually gets better.

If the poison has penetrated the skin, then it is necessary to remove clothing, which may still contain the poisonous substance in its fibers. Wipe the victim with a solution of soap and water.

If potassium cyanide enters the body with food. It is necessary to take all measures to cleanse the stomach. Water solutions that can be used for washing can be made with potassium permanganate (0.1%), hydrogen peroxide (2%), and baking soda (2%). After induced vomiting, the person can be offered sweet tea or any other drink containing glucose.

If a person is unconscious. Monitor his breathing and heartbeat. If there is no heartbeat, it is necessary to perform an indirect cardiac massage. If a person stops breathing, perform artificial respiration. The person who did the artificial one should also consult a doctor to rule out possible poisoning from the victim.

Antidotes. Treatment

To neutralize the effect of potassium cyanide, doctors use antidotes that work even in cases of severe poisoning with large doses of a toxic substance. And, since they all have different therapeutic effects, antidotes are used all at once.

  1. glucose solution;
  2. a solution of methylene blue (1%) in a solution of glucose (25%);
  3. sodium thiosulfate solution (25%);
  4. sodium nitrate solution (2%);
  5. substances belonging to the group of methemoglobin formers;
  6. amyl nitrite. They moisten cotton wool and bring it to the victim’s nose.

In addition to the above remedies, the patient is administered “Cytion” and “Lobelin”. These drugs have a stimulating effect on the respiratory center.

Only 40-60% of the world's population can smell cyanide. The seeds of bitter almonds (which are the source of the poison) are not eaten. Therefore, those people who can detect the smell will not always define the “almond” aroma of cyanide.

Prevention of poisoning and possible consequences

Prevention of any poisoning is, first of all, caution. Working with this dangerous poison, like potassium cyanide, is no exception. The use of masks and gloves is necessary to prevent direct interaction of the poison with open parts of the body.

At enterprises whose activities are associated with life-threatening conditions for workers, emergency drills and training of people to provide first aid are constantly carried out. first aid. It is necessary to always attend such events so that, in the event of an unusual situation, you do not get confused, act quickly and correctly provide assistance to the victim.

If the work is closely related to the use of any poisons, it is necessary to regularly go to the hospital for regular preventive examinations.

The consequences of poisoning with potassium cyanide can be observed with a large dosage of poison. Due to oxygen starvation of all cells of the body, disturbances in brain activity are quite likely.

After successful treatment, for quite a long time the victim may have nervous breakdowns, pain in the heart, surges in blood pressure, and tachycardia.

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