Solution for lenses: which is better, how to choose? What is the best lens solution?

What is the best lens solution? I didn't think about this right away. In August, I will have 12 years of contact lens wearing experience. In 2002, there was nothing to choose from ... Remember?

Maybe at the beginning of the 2000s, at least 2 or 3 types of solutions were sold in our city. But I didn't even have any thoughts about it. As in my first visit to the medical office, they supplied me with a large bottle of ReNu, so from time to time I bought it for 5 years, if not more...

Often they also have depressants. This liquid only contains a multifunctional detergent, disinfectant and contact lens storage and lens case. Their composition may vary from manufacturer to manufacturer. It has a prolonged antibacterial activity and does not contain toxic substances in its composition, which is ideal for sensitive and allergy sufferers.

This increases comfort and ensures complete hygienic vision. As a result, contact lens wearers can enjoy proper hydration, comfort and high quality vision for up to 20 hours. The latest multi-functional fluid featuring an efficient oxidation system specifically designed for cleaning and storing soft contact lenses. Designed for users of silicone hydrogel lenses. One of its many advantages is the absence of preservatives and high purity in the cleaning of fatty deposits.

What is the solution for?

Lens solution has several very important functions. That is why you can not be dismissive of his choice.

1. Storage. Even if you wear lenses every day without skipping them, you still take them off at night (with the exception of extended wear). In order for the lenses not to lose their shape and other properties, they need certain environment. The solution just creates it.

As you are reading this now, you may be wondering if you should start wearing contact lenses. You may also be wondering if there is anything you should know before you decide not to wear contact lenses. Let's think about it while answering various questions on the subject, separating fact from fiction.

In most cases, it depends on your personal preference. The result of comparing contact lenses with glasses does not necessarily mean a complete resignation from one to the other. Many people prefer to wear contact lenses at certain times, they say at school or at work, so that later they can be replaced with Sunglasses. You can also make some variations by wearing lenses one day and sunglasses another.

2. Disinfection. The eyes, like all mucous membranes, are very vulnerable and prone to infection. Treatment with a solution does not allow bacteria to multiply.

3. Purification. The lens becomes dirty during wearing. It can be dust or litter that has fallen from the outside, or it can be protein deposits. In any case, cleaning is required for eye safety and good visibility.

Is cleaning contact lenses difficult?

You will find that cleaning contact lenses does not take as long as cleaning glasses. You just need to remember to use sterile contact lens fluid instead of tap water. Sink water may contain sediment that can build up on your lenses.

Also - and most importantly - never put your lenses in your mouth or spit on them while cleaning them. The opposite is likely to happen - you will be injecting bacteria into them. If you want to completely avoid cleaning your lenses every night, consider lenses for a day. These lenses are worn during the day and then simply thrown away.

4. Hydration. The solution can also be used as a moisturizer. However, I prefer to buy special drops for this purpose.

Suitable or not suitable?

I think you yourself have noticed that almost all solutions combine the main functions described above. At least others recent years I didn't see 3 or 4.

Wear contact lenses that threaten your health?

Millions of people use contact lenses safely every day. Some people who start wearing them for the first time are afraid that the lenses will slip into the eye. We assure you that this will not happen. This prevents the transparent conjunctiva from covering the eyes from the outside.

Makeup and lenses: do I need to give up contact lenses?

However, you should be aware that contact lenses are a medical device. They may only be transcribed and issued by a qualified person. There have been eye injuries as a result of wearing contact lenses - Halloween gadgets. Makeup and contact lenses can live together in harmony if you are careful in your application. For convenience, put on your lenses first. You don't want oils and other substances to make up your makeup to be on your lenses.

However, when buying an untested product, you need to look very carefully at what lenses it is designed for. Only hydrogel or silicone hydrogel lenses may be listed (of course, your choice should be made according to this information). And it can be written that it is suitable for all types.

The rest is individual. There should be no dryness, redness, any discomfort. This is a direct indication that the solution should be changed.

Also, always wash your hands before using or removing lenses, using soap that is free from strong fragrances and moisturizers. Otherwise, you may move the lenses to unwanted substances. Before deciding to change lenses, many people wonder about some common lens problems. contact lenses. Be sure to discuss any questions you have with the specialist, as they may differ from person to person.

Nothing in this article should be construed as medical advice and is not intended to replace medical advice. For detailed questions, please contact a specialist. The degree of corneal staining, a major component of any standard eye examination, is assessed by applying a contrast agent to the surface of the eye, thus revealing "devitalized" corneal cells, respectively affected areas. The reasons can be: mechanical, impact, metabolic, toxic, allergic, infectious.

My previous solutions

Lately I have been buying two solutions - OPTI-FRI Express and Schalcon. Before that there were - ReNu, Likontin and Aqua Soft.

The one that used the solution ReNu many years, speaks volumes. By and large, it suited me, although occasionally dryness was present. By the time I decided to change the tool, there was already a decent choice. I think Renu for a long time did not improve their technologies and at some point fell a little behind others.

The results of the study do not come as a surprise to experts in this field, but the surprise is elevated level incompatibilities between certain brands of contact lenses and maintenance solutions from the same manufacturer.

The broadly specific antimicrobial activity of the solution, as well as the composition of the most stable peroxide, requires contact lens wearers to observe at least 6 hours while the lenses are stored in the solution. Each solution field contains a container and a drive.

Recent studies have shown that some contact lens users resort to bizarre alternatives and even harmful cleaning solutions instead of the recommended maintenance solutions. These alternatives are not meant for eye care and can be extremely dangerous. In addition to these unusual and unacceptable alternatives, there have been an overwhelming number of users who have reported using saliva or tap water before applying contact lenses. It is not recommended to use any unconventional methods cleaning, storing, disinfecting or lubricating contact lenses as this can cause serious eye damage!

Likontin . Memories are not very pleasant. With this solution, I always felt the contour of the lenses, I constantly remembered that they were in my eyes. Of course, after many years of quite comfortable wearing, for me these sensations were wild! By the way, Likontin moisturizing drops did not suit me either.

Solution Aqua Soft I was not impressed and did not remember anything special. Those. I have nothing bad to say, but nothing good either.

Multifunctional solutions are specially designed to provide clean contact lenses while keeping your eyes healthy and comfortable. The patient should consult an ophthalmologist who can recommend the most suitable technical solution. Other communiques in the same category.

To keep your eyes healthy, it is very important that all types of contact lenses, including colored lenses, are suitably adapted by a specialist. This ensures that you receive contact lenses that the best way meet the needs of your eyes and your lifestyle. Not all lenses are the same. Various factors, such as age and optical correction, interfere with the choice of contact lens type for each wearer.

What do I use now

I have been using the solution for two years now. OPTI-FREE Express . Manufacturer - "Alcon Laboratories", USA. The main emphasis of this product is on the fact that it provides comfort during long wear and takes care of the lenses without mechanical cleaning. Suitable for all types.

Contact lenses for everyday wear. Daily wear lenses are designed to be worn during the day and should be removed every night before bed. After a certain period, they must be discarded and replaced with a new pair. The more you replace lenses, the more difficult it will be. Some everyday wear lenses are discarded every day, while others are used for one month, two weeks, or longer. If you don't want to clean your lenses every day, or if you suffer from allergies, disposable daily lenses may be the best solution for you.

I saw bottles in two versions - 120 ml and 355 ml. Their price in the online store where I buy is 188 and 308 rubles, respectively (this is with discounts). The cardboard box contains a bottle, instructions and a new container. Shelf life - 2 years, after opening - 6 months.

I tried it not too long ago Schalcon . Manufacturer - SCHALCON S.p.A., Italy. First of all, the emphasis is on the excellent function of cleaning any contaminants, including protein deposits. It is also intended for all types of contact lenses.

If you discard lenses every day and replace them with a new pair, no deposits are made from one day to the next and no cleaning is required. Extensive contact lenses. Extended contact lenses are also worn overnight until the end of the wear period specified by the specialist. Changing lenses doesn't just bring the great feeling of wearing a new, fresh pair of contact lenses to your eyes, but it's absolutely essential to eye health. Contact lenses are medical devices and should be treated as such.

As with any medical device, failure to comply with prescribed prescriptions increases the risk of health problems associated with contact lenses. Everyday contact lenses should never be worn while sleeping. The reason is the deprivation of oxygen to the eyes, which reduces their ability to fight infections. Always replace lenses as directed by your healthcare professional. Wearing a lens for too long without replacing it can cause deposits to build up on the lenses.

Again, two types of bottles - 150 ml (265 rubles) and 400 ml (368 rubles). Of course, it is more profitable to buy a large one. But for the first time, I advise a smaller volume.

Shalkon does not have any cardboard packaging, everything you need is written on the bottle itself, into which the container is embedded. I think it's good for travel. And at home, I have not yet appreciated this feature. After opening, the solution is valid for 3 months.

Another area where it is important to follow the instructions given by your specialist is proper lens maintenance and care. Hand washing is always the first step before lens treatment, be it insertion, removal or cleaning. Otherwise, any impurities on the hands may be transferred to the lenses, including bacteria and other microorganisms. Hands should always be moistened with a lint-free towel to keep them from being attached to the lens. Any lenses that are worn multiple times should be cleaned and disinfected before being reapplied to the eye. It is preferable to use antibacterial liquid soap. . Solutions for contact lenses Solutions vary just like contact lenses.

Comparison. I like both solutions. Dealing with dirt is great! There was a period when I alternated glasses with lenses. Now I wear glasses less often, in connection with this, dryness periodically occurs. It seemed to me that with Shalkon, lenses are still easier to remove after many hours of wear than with OPTI-FRI. That's why last time bought Schalcon. But in general, both solutions score 5!

Multifunctional solutions are convenient way care as you only need to clean, disinfect and rinse your contact lenses. Do not touch the tip of the bottle dropper after opening because there is a risk of contamination.

  • Put the bottle cap down immediately after use.
  • Always consult a doctor before using another solution.
  • Check the expiration date.
Cleaning the lenses This is done by placing the lenses in the palm of your hand, after washing and drying your hands and applying a few drops of the solution.

By using thumb lightly clean both sides of each lens. Then rinse the lenses and place them in the storage box and then fill with fresh solutions. Bag hygiene is the most neglected aspect of contact lenses. Daily, after inserting the lens, the box should be emptied of the solution, rinsed with fresh solution and allowed to air dry. Crates should be replaced frequently, ideally one month.


If something does not suit you, there is at least a slight discomfort, it may not be in the lenses themselves, but in the solution. So don't be afraid to experiment! After all, only by experience can you find a 100% suitable remedy!

Good contact lens care is essential to maintaining eye health. To get the most out of contact lenses, they need to be clean and comfortable at all times. Never take them for longer than the ophthalmologist recommends. If you follow the maintenance guidelines when you wear or handle contact lenses, you will enjoy a clear view without any problems.

Check your eyes every day. If your vision becomes blurry, you feel uncomfortable, or your eyes are red, remove your contact lenses and see an ophthalmologist. Always wash your hands with soap and water and dry with a clean towel before handling contact lenses. It leaves no residue of dirt or grease that can be transferred from your fingers to contact lenses and then into your eyes.

What solutions do you use?

The answer to the question of whether to use special means for them, is already known.

In pharmacies and optics stores at the present time there is a large selection. And here a completely logical question arises: which of this range of goods is better, what to choose for yourself?

Purpose of lens solutions

Soft lens care products are designed to preserve the integrity, properties, and prevent contamination by microorganisms.

These solutions contain ingredients that are compatible with the environment of the eye, as well as preservatives that extend the shelf life. It is also worth noting that the preservatives and disinfectants included in them should not harm the eyeball, but at the same time have a detrimental effect on microbes.

Since a contact lens is 80% water, the solution should moisturize and soften it. As you know, water evaporates, which leads to hardening of the lens. To avoid this situation, they are placed with a special tool.

In addition to possible contamination by pathogenic microorganisms, protein contaminants and dust can get on the surface of the lenses. Natural tear fluid is not able to remove impurities, and daily solutions can easily cope with this.

What are the solutions?

The opinion that any solution will do is fundamentally wrong. In order to determine what is necessary in your case, you should pay attention to its components, as well as compatibility with the material of the lenses themselves. After all, the wrong choice leads to discomfort, as well as to their possible damage.

Therefore, it is worth understanding the types of solutions that currently exist:

  1. Multifunctional. This type of product is the most popular, because their function is to disinfect, cleanse and moisturize. Due to the softening effect, the person using the lenses practically does not feel them. In addition, such a solution can be used for lenses of any material.
  2. Water-salt. Used exclusively for storage and washing. Lenses should not be used immediately after treatment, they must be rinsed first. But this solution perfectly preserves soft means of vision correction.
  3. Daily. Not suitable for storage, but do a good job of cleaning up after use.
  4. Peroxide. The product has good disinfecting properties, because it contains a 3% hydrogen peroxide solution. After treatment, the lenses must be rinsed well, because the disinfectant can cause burns to the mucous membrane of the eye, and for this you need a solution that neutralizes this effect. It should be used twice a month, not daily.
  5. Enzymatic. These are cleaning solutions, as they remove protein contamination from the surface of contact lenses. To do this, it is enough to immerse the lens in the agent for 15 minutes or add it to the disinfectant, saline. Enzyme tablets are quite convenient to store and use (just dissolve). This remedy is recommended to be used every seven days.

There are also moisturizing drops that are used directly instilled into the eyes. This solution prevents dryness and discomfort that can occur while wearing soft lenses.

Popular brands of solutions

People using cosmetic optics need to remember that it is necessary to use care products for it. Here are the main characteristics of some brands in the market of solutions for contact lenses.

Biotrue (Biotrue) - cleansing and moisturizing solution

This tool has an acid-base index (pH) identical to the natural lacrimal fluid, which allows the disinfectants that make up its composition to act in the eye without complications.

Also, it does not interfere with the work of proteins contained in the lacrimal fluid and performing a protective function.

Thanks to hyaluronic acid, which is part of the solution, the eyes remain moisturized for up to 20 hours. He contains natural ingredients, and therefore absolutely safe for lenses.

ReNu MP (Muiti Plus)

Solution for removing protein deposits on lenses. A popular tool, occupies a leading position in the industry market.

Renu's solution contains the following active ingredients:

  • Dimed (polyaminopropyl biguanide);
  • Poloxamine;
  • Hydranate (hydroxyalkylphosphonate).

The action of ReNu MP (MuitiPlus) is to remove and completely clean contact lenses from contamination formed during use on them in the form of a film. It also destroys microbes that have fallen on the surface of a cosmetic vision correction product.

The solution is used not only for cleaning, but also for moisturizing and storing lenses.

Synergi sauflon - multifunctional solution

Produced using advanced technology. A unique tool. It can be used several times a day for extra hydration. In addition, this solution is effective in cleansing protein and fat contaminants on silicone hydrogel lenses.

Oxipol, which is part of the composition, has a moisturizing, cleansing and antiseptic effect, so to speak "3 in 1".

Due to the absence of preservatives, the solution decomposes, forming additional molecular oxygen, which has a beneficial effect on the cornea of ​​​​the eye, increasing its viability. Synergy solution is also recommended for people with high sensitivity of the eyeball.

Optined Plus Cleansing Solution

Thanks to the antiseptic agents included in the composition, the surface of contact lenses is cleaned of pathogenic microorganisms, fungi and the most complex contaminants.

Optined Plus lens care solution preserves the integrity and properties of cosmetic vision correction products, preventing corneal hypoxia. Moisturizes and prolongs the operational period of lenses.

Oftalmiks Bio - solution-conditioner, cleaner

Universal solution of the fifth generation with the "No Rub" function. The product contains a conditioner-methocel, which dissolves in water and forms a thin film on the surface of the lens that prevents protein denaturation and excessive evaporation of the liquid.

In addition, being in solution, the lens becomes stronger and more elastic.

The market for contact lens care products is represented by a wide range of different solutions. And in order not to get confused and choose the right one, you must follow certain rules:

  1. Before you go looking necessary funds, you should consult an ophthalmologist, however, they do not always follow the latest innovations or information regarding solutions. Reviews about specific products can come to the rescue.
  2. You need to make a purchase only in a pharmacy or a specialized ophthalmological salon.
  3. It is worth paying special attention to the shelf life of the solution before and after opening.
  4. It is necessary to study in detail the attached information sheet, which describes the indications, adverse reactions and, of course, compatibility with the lens material.
  5. It is better not to be shy and demand quality certificates.

You should not focus on the cost of goods, the main thing for health is to observe the above points.

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