Dream interpretation of inflating a balloon. Why do you dream of a hot air balloon according to the dream book? What did you do with the ball in your dream?

It happens that you wake up in high spirits and remember the dream. And there is a holiday and Balloons everywhere. And you think: “To the holiday, joy, fun.” But in dreams not everything is the same as in reality. That's why we interpret our dreams. And really, what are the balloons for?

Why do you dream about balloons?

Seeing balloons in a dream most often means some kind of trouble or failure in the near future; they are also considered harbingers of losses, quarrels and conflicts.

Most dream books still reassure us that balls seen in a dream symbolize troubles only at work and in the professional sphere. They promise that these difficulties will not affect the health of you and your loved ones. On the contrary, they urge you to stick to your family and close circle - there you will find the help you need and support when the predicted dream begins to come true.

Burst balloons in a dream

If you dreamed that the balloons you had just inflated burst - expect dismissal from work, significant financial losses or a major breakdown household appliances. If the balloons burst not you yourself, but someone else, the problem cannot be avoided, but you will have to spend more time and effort to solve it. If such a dream visited you on the eve of a significant purchase, do not rush to make it, but set aside the available amount of money.

Hold several balloons or a large bunch in your hands - you are burdened with difficulties in interacting with partners and colleagues. They do not allow you to open up fully and interfere with self-realization. With such harbingers, it is recommended not to make hasty decisions on current issues in the service, but once again weigh, evaluate and analyze everything.

As an option, you can hold an additional meeting before launching the project, take a closer look at an employee or partner on whom the outcome of the event will also depend.

If you see that children are inflating balloons, it means that the problems will be related to solving the problems of your children or relatives from the younger generation.

Why do you dream about balloons falling down?

If balloons in a dream fell from top to bottom, to the floor or ground, then expect disappointment. It is also frustrating to try to catch, catch up with a flying balloon, or simply catch these balloons of your dreams as they fall down. These disappointments can happen in any area of ​​life. But don’t rush to get upset, remember “forewarned is forearmed.” Exhale, try to look at the situation from the outside calmly, without haste or panic.

If in a dream you immediately see that multi-colored or monochromatic balls filled with air lie below in the room or on the street - this is a sure sign that you are overloaded with problems that, in fact, are easily solved, but you need to work hard to figure it out and not hide from them .

Flying in a hot air balloon in a dream

And if you dreamed of flying in a large hot air balloon, then the upcoming trip or planned trip will be unsuccessful. The expected fears and risks will come true. Review your travel plan and work out options for resolving controversial issues.

Experts believe that if you dream about balloons often, then Everyday life you very rarely relax and have fun. And problems hang over you like sword of Damocles, due to fatigue and overwork. Analyze other details and circumstances from your dreams - we are sure that in totality everything will not be so hopeless and sad. We create reality ourselves, and dreams are just hints and guidelines for action.

The most rosy interpretation of a dream about balloons: if in the end all the balloons begin to rise from the bottom up and fly away into the endless sky. Or you yourself release them out of an open window or from a balcony, and they will not fall, but, caught by the breeze, will soar to the clouds. Then you will easily cope with all difficulties and troubles, make your life easier in terms of labor activity and close surroundings!

I wish you rainbow, peaceful dreams and balloons flying skyward!

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Balloons in ordinary life associated with holidays, fun and smiles. However, in a dream they take on a completely different meaning and in most cases represent empty hopes and vain aspirations. Also this symbol may portend serious changes, as indicated by the circumstances and details of the dream. This article will answer the question of why you dream of balloons.

Despite the fact that most dream books claim that balloons in a dream are a harbinger of unrealistic hopes, this does not mean at all that the situation is hopeless. There is a possibility that you are simply doing something incorrectly or that you simply don’t need it.

When interpreting a dream, the most important thing is the number of balls. If there were countless of them, then changes can await both on the personal front and in work and even relationships with people. A favorable dream that speaks of success in the love field is a dream in which balls were rapidly flying upward. Regarding your career, there is a high probability that long-standing problems will soon be resolved. In addition, such a dream encourages you to have a good rest with friends.

A dream in which balloons were on the ground indicates that the dreamer is preoccupied with his thoughts. The interpreter recommends making every effort to make life shine with bright and interesting colors again. Think about what you need for this. Perhaps you just need to take a break from work and take some time for yourself.

Serious troubles at work await the one in whose dream the balloons burst. There is a risk that this dream predicts a change of job and all the attendant consequences. It seems that you have established yourself as not a very reliable and responsible worker, for which you will soon have to pay. Despite work-related moments, peace and grace are expected in your personal life. The main thing is not to hide your experiences from them and share painful things with your family.

Have you dreamed of children blowing up balloons? Most likely, in reality you will have to deal with problems related to them. You should be very careful and attentive so that this does not affect your emotional development your offspring.

Did you inflate them yourself? This means that a joyful event will happen in your life soon. But this is only if they did not burst, because after such a dream, it will most likely not be possible to avoid financial losses.

If other adults were involved in this exciting activity, then you should reconsider your employment. Perhaps among your tasks there are those that take too much time and do not bring the desired result. You need to firmly understand for yourself in which area to direct all your efforts and purposefully move towards your goal.

A dream in which the balloons burst one after another promises disappointment. Your attitude will change towards people or your own principles that you have followed for many years. There is also a high probability of quarrels with people, which can be avoided if you watch your words and actions. The bursting of the balloon promises that harsh reality will soon ground your dreams and hopes. There is also a chance that something important to you will have an unfavorable outcome.

If you dreamed of a poorly inflated balloon, then this indicates problems with people of the opposite sex. It seems that now is not a very successful period in your life in terms of love relationships.

A dream in which balls fell to the ground foreshadows a deterioration in mood caused by problems in relationships with loved ones. It is possible that jealousy and mistrust will occur. It is important to try to cope negative emotions and try to calmly sort out all the problems.

Happy love is foreseen in the life of a dreamer who held a bunch of multi-colored balls in his hands. It is especially good if at the same time you experienced positive emotions and joy. The dream in which the wind carried away the balloons has a completely opposite meaning.

When a person sees in a dream such a cheerful and joyful object as balls, only positive thoughts and emotions come to mind. But, according to the dream book, this does not bode well. Not always what should represent happiness in reality is joy in a dream and foretells wonderful days. So why

Interpretation of sleep

Predicts seeing a ball flying quickly into the distance unrequited love and suffering, events that you cannot stop or change. If you manage to catch a string tied to a ball, then the return of old feelings or dear people. Therefore, having learned what a person dreams about, he can change his destiny.

If you see yourself flying in a hot air balloon and dumping unnecessary ballast, then this portends chronic serious illnesses that will be a real problem in your life. But if you manage to get rid of all the contents of the basket, then you will be restored to strength and health.

If you are flying in a hot air balloon, this may mean that your planned travel will not go as smoothly as you wanted.

If you fly in a hot air balloon in good weather, then perhaps soon your living conditions will improve.

If the person sleeping in his dream crashed in a hot air balloon, this means serious material losses in real life.

You need to think about it, is it you?

Seeing a ball in a dream

A ball seen in a dream always symbolizes a person’s ability to sacrifice himself and his own interests. Shar means submission, softness and flexibility. Women who have had such a dream can safely prepare to conceive a child. By the way, sometimes it can mean serious health problems.

If in a dream you see a burning ball flying towards the Earth, this may indicate a celestial body that is moving towards the planet. When did you see Earth, problems with the ecology and atmosphere of the planet are expected ahead.

Seeing a black ball in a dream means an approaching environmental disaster, and it will happen due to waste emissions or air pollution.

Most often, the ball can also symbolize something less significant for all humanity - a flight of fantasy, a life filled with feelings.

Why do you dream about a lot of balloons?

If you see balloons being inflated by children, then do not expect anything pleasant from this day. Your vacation plans will be ruined.

If balls fall to the ground in a dream, this foretells problems with jealousy, and you should pay attention to your relationship. Excessive passion for your partner will lead to the fact that your love, like a balloon, will never fly again.

If in a dream you have to inflate a balloon, this will mean that your partner, for whom you have tender feelings, will not live up to expectations. Also, such a dream can symbolize your independence and perseverance in the face of change.

If your balloons begin to burst and fall, then in real life you will soon be returned from heaven to earth. The illusions that you experienced will turn into real events. This will help you really look at things and reconsider life situations. In most dream books, the ball symbolizes the loss of a job, and surviving this period will not be easy.

If you dream that you are releasing a lot of balls into the sky, then this means that you will have many problems and failures in your work and personal life.

When you accidentally see a lot of balls floating in the sky, good luck and fun will accompany you.

Seeing colorful balls in a dream

The colors of the balls have no meaning in the interpretation of dreams. Despite the cheerful and colorful colors, this is just a deceptive image. In almost all dream books, seeing balls in a dream does not bode well. Most people often ask: why do you dream of a red balloon?

The color red means honor, prudence and happiness, but whether this can be associated with the interpretation of the dream is unknown. One thing is clear: if you saw a balloon in a dream, then you should think about your desired lifestyle and, perhaps, change something in the current state of affairs.

Seeing a balloon in a dream symbolizes the opportunity to change or prevent something. Everyone should feel this. Understand yourself, analyze your lifestyle and behavior, and then you will understand why you dream of a balloon.

Why do you dream about a balloon?

Miller's Dream Book

Balloon - lost hopes and misfortunes accompany this dream. Your business life will clearly be in decline.

Rising in a hot air balloon means an unsuccessful trip.

Why do you dream about a balloon?

Freud's Dream Book

The balloon is a symbol of the penis.

If the ball is well inflated and elastic, if it flies well, your potency is in perfect order.

A poorly inflated or flaccid ball, a ball hanging down or lying on something - indicates problems with potency.

A ball flying into the distance speaks of unfulfilled sexual aspirations.

A burst balloon indicates your indifference to your sexual partner; however, you may have serious problems in the sexual sphere.

Hot air balloon flight - symbolizes your dream of sudden death during sex.

If you're looking at flying balloons or balls - you tend to engage more in sexual fantasies than in the real thing. Drop your timidity.

Why do you dream about a balloon?

Dream Interpretation of Dmitry and Nadezhda Zima

The airship is a symbol of ghostly dreams. The dream suggests that the plans you are hatching are not supported by anything and have no chance of success. Perhaps in reality you should do something more realistic?

Why do you dream about a balloon?

Spring dream book

Balloon - you have a chatty boyfriend or girlfriend.

Why do you dream about a balloon?

Dream Interpretation from A to Z

A hot air balloon seen in a dream foretells lost hopes and misfortunes in business life.

Rising in a hot air balloon means a bad trip.

Seeing a balloon quickly carried away by a current of air in a dream predicts unrequited love.

Dropping ballast from a balloon means soon recovering from a chronic illness.

Inflating balloons in a dream - you will soon fall in love with a person to whom your imagination will attribute traits that he cannot have.

Releasing balloons into the sky means acquiring new worries.

Why do you dream about a balloon?

Dream Interpretation of Fedorovskaya

A dream about a balloon predicts that you will soon celebrate the housewarming of one of your friends or relatives.

In a dream you fly in a hot air balloon - your living conditions will soon improve.

Why do you dream about a balloon?

Dream interpretation of a modern woman

A balloon in a dream portends the death of hopes and misfortune. Serious upheavals await your activities.

Rising in a hot air balloon - dreams of an unsuccessful trip.

Why do you dream about a balloon?

Modern dream book

After flying in a dream on an airship - be especially attentive to yourself, you can make a big mistake.

If you dreamed of a falling airship, you will be deeply disappointed.

If you yourself suffered a wreck in a dream, this foreshadows the losses that you will suffer after you behave incorrectly in some situation; there may also be a threat to your life.

A balloon seen in a dream portends broken hopes and misfortune. Any business will go from bad to worse.

Rising in a hot air balloon means an unhappy journey.

Why do you dream about a balloon?

Dream Book of Schiller-Schoolboy

useless and unrealistic dreams.

Why do you dream about a balloon?

Dream Interpretation of Catherine the Great

It’s as if you see a balloon in the sky - your hopes will not come true; It’s good if there are no misfortunes; you will achieve the reciprocity of the desired woman when her beauty fades; this woman will be embarrassed, she will hide her face from you, but she will think about you. You rise under the clouds in a hot air balloon - you have been told more than once that you are a dreamer; you prefer to live in an artificial world of illusions and therefore often make mistakes; one of your biggest mistakes is ahead; the person you care about is tired of your illusions and is ready to leave you.

Why do you dream about a balloon?

Dream Book of the Wanderer

Seeing a balloon in the sky is a pipe dream, the collapse of all hopes.

Climbing in it yourself means happiness in love and achievement of professional success.

Flying in a hot air balloon - a good idea will solve your problems.

Looking at balloons is a distant dream.

Why do you dream about a balloon?

Dream book of healer Akulina

Your problems will resolve themselves, don’t worry. Imagine a balloon flying into the sky.

Why do you dream about a balloon?

English dream book

Balloons - The popularity of balloons at parties is debatable, but it is a timeless fashion nonetheless.

Dreaming about balloons - Why do you dream: Balloons were used for a specific celebration, for example, were they heart-shaped balloons to celebrate Valentine's Day? Did they make animals or something else out of them? Does this mean the desire to give shape to something insubstantial and fragile according to your will?

Why do you dream about a balloon?

British dream book

A hot air balloon is a means of leisurely travel. But they can also bring disaster: although the gas used these days is not as prone to exploding as it used to be, the risk of landing in a place other than planned is still high. Why do you have a dream: What struck you most? The feeling of flying? Connection with the very first flights? Perhaps you want a promotion at work, but so that it happens calmly and delicately?

Why do you dream about a balloon?

Phoebe's Great Dream Book

Balloon - all your problems will be resolved by themselves, and you will no longer have to worry about them. Imagine a festively decorated street with balloons. Smartly dressed people walk along it, and everyone is holding multi-colored balloons in their hands. You also walk among people and see a balloon seller. You choose the largest, brightest and most beautiful balloon and join the procession again, holding the balloon in your hand. Now the procession comes out into a large square, people stop, and everyone, as if on command, releases the balloons into the sky. You do this too, and then, raising your head, admire the spectacle of many taking off colorful balloons. You see your ball among them. Imagine watching the balloons fly until they all disappear into the sky, rising very high.

Why do you dream about a balloon?

Women's dream book

Balloon - A balloon in a dream foreshadows the death of hopes and misfortune. Serious upheavals await your activities. Rising in a hot air balloon in a dream means an unsuccessful trip; this is the interpretation of a Hot Air Balloon according to the dream book.

Why do you dream about a balloon?

Housewife's Dream Interpretation

Balloon - illusions; thirst for holiday.

Why do you dream about a balloon?

Online dream book

According to the dream book, a balloon is a symbol of your spiritual exaltation, which does not interfere with keeping in touch with reality.

Traveling on it in a dream means an unsuccessful trip in reality.

If you dreamed that you were unloading excess weight from him, you will get rid of a long-standing illness.

If you dream of an ordinary inflatable ball, your hopes will not come true.

If you dreamed that you filled it with air, you will be fascinated by someone who does not deserve it.

A dream in which the balloon burst promises you participation in dubious adventures and the collapse of your unrealistic hopes; Perhaps you pay too little attention to your loved ones.

A dream in which you can fly in a hot air balloon - your dreams will come true very soon, thanks to your perseverance and fortitude.

Why do you dream about a balloon?

Universal dream book

Balloon - associated with fun and celebrations. What period are you in your life now? Is it really time for fun?

In your dream, are the balloons flying or on the ground? Flying balloons are a symbol of high matters and cheerfulness. If the balloons are on the ground, this is a sign that you want to elevate your thoughts or the thoughts of another person.

When we soar in the air, we feel strength and freedom. Where is the balloon in your dream? Are there other people in the dream besides you? - the answers to these questions will tell you about what and who brings you pleasure in life.

If there is too much load in the balloon, then it cannot fly for long and begins to sink lower and lower - perhaps you have such associations with some person. Perhaps someone or something has disappointed you in real life.

In your dream, do you see a whole group of colorful balloons? Who's holding the balloon? - perhaps this person is the custodian of the gold bars at the end of the rainbow path.

Why do you dream about a balloon?

American dream book

A hot air balloon is an amazing spiritual flight, but the connection with the earth remains. Free like a child.

Why do you dream about a balloon?

Dream Interpretation of Morozova

Inflating a balloon means falling in love with an unworthy person; a balloon bursts in a dream - in reality you will have to participate in a risky business.

Modern family dream book according to Freud:

Dreams associated with balloons bring disappointment and misfortune. You will not be able to wait for the implementation of your plans, and you will have to forget about material wealth.

If you dreamed that you were taking off in a hot air balloon, prepare for disaster. Better not try to leave own house and go wherever you look, because that’s where danger awaits you.

What do dreams mean? - new dream book Juno:

Seeing a balloon is a pipe dream. To rise in it is ecstasy in love, achieving what you want.

To see a balloon and to rise on it, and then to fall - to care about your career advancement, and then to regret the modest share left behind. Inflating a balloon means sacrificing your freedom. A burst balloon means regretting that you were drawn into a risky enterprise.

Great dream interpreter based on Miller's dream book:

A dream in which a balloon appears foreshadows only disappointments and troubles. Your hopes will not come true, and your expectations of quick enrichment will be in vain. It is possible that after this dream there will be complete calm in your life.

If in a dream you rise in a hot air balloon, then in reality you are threatened by a catastrophe. It’s better not to leave your homes and not go on a trip just yet, because danger awaits you there.

Here you will find the interpretation of the dream in which you see and dream: a balloon. You will find out what it means if you dream of a balloon in a dream.


Contents [Show]

Interpretation of sleep Balloons in the dream book: Dream Interpretation Sonan‎

Balloons in a dream— Balloons also symbolize the ephemerality of hopes and the illusory nature of the implementation of cherished plans. This may serve as a signal for a more thorough analysis of upcoming projects and ideas.
Balloon- one of those symbols whose interpretations are very contradictory, and often diametrically opposed: from good luck in business to the collapse of hopes and even the dream of dying during sex. This diversity is associated with some novelty of the balloon as an image of dreams.
A balloon ready to fly, but on the ground, indicates that the time for change has not yet come or you are not ready for it.
The balloon in which you rise into the sky most likely means achieving a goal, and in an unexpected way, in general, any uplift in life. In this context, it may indicate that your dreams are beginning to come true.
If in a dream you watch big amount balloons in the sky, this indicates that there is little joy and fun in your life, which means you need to solve existing problems and enjoy every day.
If you dump ballast during a flight, then you have every chance to correct the situation.
If you see balloons in a dream, it means that trouble awaits you in the near future.
If you see yourself flying in a hot air balloon, this signifies a journey that will not be entirely successful.
If you are looking at a rising balloon from the ground, then either you have missed some chance, or your dreams will not come true.
If ascent in a hot air balloon is associated with a feeling of dizziness, you should consult a doctor and check the condition of your heart and blood vessels.
If the balls you see are on the ground, think about the sublime, take your mind off troubles.
A hot air balloon crash, an unsuccessful attempt to take off, or a deflated shell lying on the ground indicate failure in life.
Most often the balls- an omen of failure in work or business. They denote financial loss, betrayal, deception. It is worth making every effort and using all your experience to solve upcoming problems with as little damage as possible.

The dream came true 355 times


Multi-colored balloons are always associated with childhood, holidays, lightness and fun. Bright bunch of balloons in hands certainly makes you smile and improves your mood. But you shouldn’t completely trust children’s associations, because a balloon seen in a dream can also mean a frivolous life.

If you dreamed of inflatable balloons, you need to deeply analyze what you saw and carefully look at the details.

If you dreamed of colorful balls or balls in the sky?

By general interpretation if you saw in a dream many colorful balls- this means empty hopes and unfulfilled dreams. It's quite possible what awaits you big disappointment in work or personal life.

But if you saw balls flying into a cloudless sky, this represents your elevation above society and separation from reality, remember this.

Multi-colored balls lying on the ground indicate a desire to fulfill cherished dream or can symbolize an unexpected gift.

They mean the collapse of hopes and separation from reality. Perhaps you look at life through rose-colored glasses, are busy endlessly building “castles in the air” and are too distant from solving pressing problems. Your dreams may take you too far.

What does a balloon with a basket mean when flying?

Dream about an unsuccessful trip.

Dreaming of changes in life. If you dump ballast, you will soon get rid of serious illness. If you crashed in a hot air balloon, this may portend major losses and even a threat to life.

Such a dream warns against wrong decisions and rash actions. If you see the basket rising, then this is a sure sign of success in business and new achievements, so be calm.

White, yellow or black large inflatable balloons

They may talk about illness and poor health. Pay close attention to this and avoid stress and nervous exhaustion. If a girl dreams that she is holding a bunch of snow-white balls in her hands, it means a quick and happy marriage.

If a man dreams of a white ball, this indicates a surge of strength and victory over the enemy.

Warns of an impending disaster, global catastrophe or emergency. Sudden weather changes and deterioration in health due to magnetic storms are possible. For an elderly person, this symbolizes an imminent illness.

Light and positive sign in your life. It portends joy, cheerful and interesting events in life. In business, he brings profit and a good deal.

The color yellow symbolizes gold and wealth. For a girl, a yellow ball means the appearance of a respectable boyfriend and expensive gifts.

Interpretation according to Miller's dream book

According to him, balloons seen in a dream symbolize a conflict situation and troubles in business. Fears and old grievances will rule over you. But soon they will disappear, thereby ensuring a positive outcome.

Burst balloon portends dismissal from work and quick receipt good source to earn money. IN family relationships balloons mean mutual understanding and resolution conflict situations. Your parents and children will help you in all matters.

Love or dream book for girls

If the girl dreamed of a balloon, which is carried away by the wind - this means unrequited love or the infidelity of her young man.

If she inflates the balloons, this indicates an imminent slight infatuation or flirting. If it bursts in your hands, your partner does not deserve attention and love, and it can also mean imminent betrayal.

Catching balloons in a dream portends disappointment in business. If the caught ball bursts, then this is a sure sign of the resolution of old problems. If a young woman holds it in her hand, she is waiting for imminent marriage or pregnancy, remember these differences.

If a pregnant woman dreams of a blue or green balloon, this promises her an easy birth and the birth of a boy. If he Pink colour- there will be a girl.

Balls falling to the ground symbolize jealousy and suspicion. Perhaps your fears are unfounded and you need to reconsider your relationship with your loved ones. Raising the ball means unexpected joy and an improvement in your financial situation.

Energy and children's dream books

Lying among large quantity multi-colored balls symbolize the thirst for pleasure and entertainment. It is possible that there is not enough holiday in your life.

If you see bursting balloons, then unexpected problems at work are possible and you will have a difficult conversation with your boss or subordinate. Try to avoid conflict situations at work and in communication with colleagues.

If you saw in a dream children inflating bright balloons, this symbolizes the emergence of problems related to their health and upbringing. Or it is possible that in life you give them too little care and attention. Put aside pressing matters and devote the entire coming weekend to communicating with the kids.

Interpretation of the esoteric dream book

In it, a balloon symbolizes filling life with meaning and fullness of feelings. Blowing air bubbles embodies creative energy and the beginning of new achievements.

If you play with bright inflatable balls, this means that you are able to captivate other people with your work and create a light and relaxed atmosphere around you. If you throw it to other people, it may portend rivalry and competition in business and personal relationships.

Dream Interpretation of Nostradamus

See in a dream huge black ball, falling to Earth - to approaching troubles and disasters. Perhaps this foreshadows an explosion at a factory or simply a slight deterioration in the environmental situation in your region.

If it is engulfed in flames, this is a warning about international bloody wars and irreparable losses.

French and gypsy dream books

Balls that appear in a dream are harbingers of deteriorating health. Pay attention to the functioning of the bladder and pelvic organs.

A shiny and iridescent ball means illusion and disappointment in love. But if it hangs motionless, it means that luck is very close and all your secret fears and concerns will be in vain.

Did you dream about a ball? Check your business partners carefully; perhaps you trust them too much. A bright balloon symbolizes illusions and the destruction of hopes.

If it flies upward, expect great luck in money, perhaps even receiving a large inheritance. Ball falling to the ground may mean that envious people and ill-wishers have appeared among your friends.

Each dream is individual and may contain important information for you. Fill out the form below and our experts will interpret your dream for FREE. Find out the answers to all your questions right now!


Dream Book of G. Miller

Why do you dream about a Balloon - psychological interpretation:

Balloon - If you dreamed of a hot air balloon, then lost hopes and misfortunes await you. Your business life will clearly be in decline.

Seeing yourself ascending in a hot air balloon means a trip that is unsuccessful for you.

See also: why do you dream about air, why do you dream about flying, why do you dream about a ball.

Pocket dream book by T. Lagutina

Why do you dream about a Balloon, how to understand the dream:

Balloon - If you dreamed of a hot air balloon, you will face failure in business, failure to fulfill a desire, trouble.

If you see yourself rising in a hot air balloon, then a journey awaits you that will end in failure.

Dream Interpretation of V. Melnikov

Why do you dream of a Balloon in a night dream?

Balloon - If you dreamed of a balloon being quickly carried away by a current of air, this predicts unrequited love for you.

To see that you are dumping ballast from a balloon means that you will soon recover from a chronic illness. Inflating balloons in a dream means you will fall in love with a person to whom your imagination will attribute traits that he cannot have.

Seeing that you are releasing balloons into the sky means that you are acquiring new worries.

Lunar dream book

What does a balloon mean in dreams:

Balloon - you tend to dream about the impossible.

Universal dream book

What does it mean to see a Balloon in a dream?

Balloon - Brief interpretation: too big ego; an unrealized dream; carelessness.

Popular expression: lead weight; trial ball; rush away; mainly; float in the air.

The hot air balloon is associated with fun and celebrations. What period are you in your life now? Is it really time for fun?

In your dream, are the balloons flying or on the ground? Flying balloons are a symbol of high matters and cheerfulness. If the balloons are on the ground, this is a sign that you want to elevate your thoughts or the thoughts of another person.

When we soar in the air, we feel strength and freedom. Where is the balloon in your dream? Are there other people in the dream besides you? The answers to these questions will tell you what and who brings you pleasure in life.

If there is too much load in the balloon, then it cannot fly for long and begins to sink lower and lower. Perhaps you have such associations with some person. Perhaps someone or something has disappointed you in real life.

In your dream, do you see a whole group of colorful balloons? Who's holding the balloon? Perhaps this person is the custodian of the gold bars at the end of the rainbow path.

Dreaming of a Balloon? See the following interpreter.

Lewis's Dream Book

Why do you dream about a Balloon, and for what reason:

Balloon - Balloons are a common attribute of any holiday. In addition, in dreams they can mean the release of feelings or creative ideas, while at the same time the threads prevent them from flying away. A balloon that flies away can mean disappointment.

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