Compatibility of Scorpios and Scorpios: passionate spouses or unfaithful lovers? Can a Scorpio forgive an insult? Scorpio sign: astrological information

This fixed sign elements of water. Scorpio has natural magnetism and a strong character. Hardy, restrained in words and emotions, Scorpio knows how to keep secrets and values ​​fidelity. Scorpio is a sign of internal change, overcoming weakness, fighting to the bitter end. Those born under this sign spend their entire lives improving themselves and strive to change the world for the better.

Character of the sign Scorpio

Scorpio is indispensable in cases where others have given up. He has mental fortitude and physical endurance. Sign of the permanent cross, Scorpio loves to finish what he starts, is hardworking and goal-oriented person. Loves power and money. He always waits for his finest hour, when he can act with all his might. Patient when he needs it. Scorpio is difficult to understand at first glance; superficial communication will not be enough to comprehend his deep emotionality. Scorpio always seeks the fullness of sensations, strives to overcome borderline states of the psyche and body in order to defeat the imperfections of human nature.

Usually he does not dwell on shortcomings and obstacles, but turns them to his advantage. To earn Scorpio's trust, you need to be tested in an extreme situation and prove your loyalty. A dangerous rival who acts at the expense of the enemy’s strength and does not forgive betrayal. Scorpio is a skeptic and a pessimist, he hesitates for a long time and tests his feelings before choosing. Then he is inclined to devote himself entirely to both his favorite work and his loved one. The insightful, discreet Scorpio chooses difficult professions where composure and determination are required. Scorpios are military men, surgeons, resuscitators, rescuers and athletes. Strong natural intuition, interest in the hidden, the desire to understand the causes of phenomena makes Scorpio good psychologist, researcher human souls. Deep emotionality allows you to be an excellent musician, artist, and writer.

Strengths and weaknesses of the Zodiac sign

Capable of deceit. Loves risk. Scorpio is constantly engaged in self-destruction and self-criticism if it does not find use. Scorpio switches off and relaxes with with great difficulty. Insomnia is a common phenomenon caused by constant internal tension. Working too hard, if Scorpio is captivated by an idea or promise of income, negatively affects health and relationships with loved ones. A difficult partner, jealous and self-absorbed, Scorpio remembers grievances for a long time and has difficulty in reconciling. He always returns part of the equivalent damage to the offender, is vengeful and cruel if his deepest feelings are hurt. Scorpio lives an intense emotional life, which it does not show off. He prefers to keep secrets, hold back details, and in general, does not like to talk about himself. Excessive secrecy and secrecy results in Everyday life difficulties of mutual understanding with others. Does not show his true feelings, can turn into invisible, refuse to act at all. Scorpio is susceptible to depression and all bad habits. Can become invisible, perform work mechanically, waiting in the wings.

Scorpio Man

Pride, passion, courage and intensity of emotions are the striking qualities of a Scorpio man. He is domineering by nature and does not tolerate pressure and comparison. A passionate lover, an owner, a difficult love partner who will require full dedication and want to correct shortcomings. He cannot stand falsehood and a frivolous attitude towards life.

Scorpio Woman

A calm and deep nature that longs to experience the fullness of emotions and feelings. She is extremely distrustful in love; it will take time and noble deeds to win her trust. The Scorpio woman knows how to control the world she has conquered with the help of natural magic of seduction and strength of character. She remains faithful to her partner and does not forgive betrayals. Does not like to adapt; a narrow circle of close people is especially important for a sense of security. Achieves a high position in society, relying on intelligence and knowledge of human nature. Protects loved ones from any troubles. Develops independence in children.

Scorpio Child

Independence and the opportunity to explore as many objects and phenomena as possible are what little Scorpio needs. Scorpio loves to do things with his own hands, solve riddles, and he also loves secrets. Little Scorpio needs to learn to limit himself in games and entertainment, to stop in time to regain strength. Swimming, construction, theatre studio suitable for comprehensive development baby.

Zodiac sign health

It is good for Scorpio to live near water. Excessive pleasures and connections will result in early aging. Weak spot- groin area, where stagnation of blood circulation and infections are dangerous. Constant nervous and physical overload will lead to a protracted illness, so that Scorpio will forcibly reduce activity. Malaise makes Scorpio difficult to bear, so it is important not to push yourself to the point of exhaustion.

Interesting countries: Morocco, Azerbaijan, Algeria, Syria, Türkiye, Norway

Significant cities: Istanbul, Washington, Geneva, Liverpool

Celebrities born under the sign of Scorpio: Roman Abramovich, Mikhail Galustyan, Katy Perry, Pablo Picasso, Hilary Clinton, Arthur Smolyaninov, Julia Roberts, Bill Gates, Ivanka Trump, Peter Jackson, Elena Zakharova, Sergei Druzhko, Evgeni Plushenko, Matthew McConaughey, Ksenia Sobchak, Emma Stone, Alain Delon , Oleg Menshikov, Ivan Turgenev, Victor Sukhorukov, Mikhail Efremov, Tina Kandelaki, Leonardo DiCaprio, Lyudmila Gurchenko, Yulia Kovalchuk, Ryan Gosling, Olga Orlova, Lolita Milyavskaya, Maria Kozhevnikova, Dmitry Dibrov, Martin Scorsese, Mikhail Lomonosov, Maya Plisetskaya, Patriarch Kirill, Bjork, Scarlett Johansson, Vivien Leigh.


    Leading planet - Pluto and Mars

    Color - green-blue

    Scorpio Time- from October 23 to November 21. Scorpio is the most mysterious, powerful, deep and complex sign of the Zodiac. People born under this constellation are, as a rule, very closed, suspicious, distrustful, inward-looking, jealous, and constantly busy with analysis and self-judgment. The key word for revealing the psychological make-up of Scorpio is passion. The world of Scorpio, his vision of life can be well imagined from the books of Albert Camus.
    Is Scorpio ever happy? When we talk about representatives of the Scorpio sign, we remember unusual people with complex, sometimes even tragic fate. Even if Scorpio by birth is at the top of the social ladder, he is doomed to events that bring suffering, as was the case, for example, with Louis’s wife, the French queen Marie Antoinette, who ended her life on the guillotine.
    This sign contains a quality that is not characteristic of any other - self-destruction. Oddly enough, this is a way of its development and implementation. Scorpio is disposed to denial, criticism, caustic sarcasm - this is his form of communication with reality; he acutely perceives the unsightly, dirty, repulsive aspects of life.Just remember the terrible war cycle of the artist V. Vereshchagin.
    A distinctive feature of the sign is also a deep commitment to the ideas in which it believes. Without hesitation, he can give his life for her, as did, for example, General D. Karbyshev, who was captured by fascists. If Scorpio believes in something, he does not deviate from his principles. There are many examples of this - D. Pozharsky (Minin’s friend and comrade-in-arms), Protestant ideologist Martin Luther, who was distinguished by his courage, N. Makhno, A. Kolchak, Indian Prime Ministers D. Nehru and I. Gandhi, who died on the guillotine French poet A. Chenier, revolutionaries J. Danton, M. Petrashevsky, N. Chernyshevsky, L. Trotsky. If you know anything about the life of the scientist Marie Curie, who carried out experiments without interrupting sleep and food, then you can imagine what the life of a Scorpio, dedicated to an idea, is like. His motto is “all or nothing”! And the list is crowned by the famous “informer” Pavlik Morozov - a symbol of a “fighter for the idea.”
    Scorpio does not tend to be afraid of difficulties - the navigators H. Columbus and I. Kruzenshtern, the polar explorer R. Baird, the Alaskan explorer S. Krashennikov, the unfortunate D. Cook, who was eaten by the aborigines, spent their entire lives in incredible conditions and found happiness in this.
    Don't even try to hide anything from Scorpio. Scorpio's subconscious is more developed than the conscious. Evidence of this is at least the work of V. Khlebnikov, who tended to capture the flow of the subconscious in poetry. The brilliant Italian film director L. Visconti, the amazing French film director Rene Clair, the artist P. Picasso, who embodied the image of Scarlet O"Hara in"Gone with the Wind" actress Vivien Leigh, writer R. L. Stevenson, sculptor O. Rodin, creator of the new school of painting K. Petrov-Vodkin had a phenomenal ability to penetrate into the essence, felt people, their moods, with the help of sensitive qualities they could accurately identify hidden human desires.
    But most importantly, Scorpio is sensitive in the way that only a person can be sensitive. Although he rebels against suffering with all his might, it is familiar to him. Every change in life affects his emotional state, every change in relationships causes him pain.
    His nerves are almost always in tension; he himself, despite his secrecy and silence, is constantly excited and unbalanced. It is precisely the fact that his pain threshold is greatly increased that contributes to the development of protective armor in the form of cynicism, mistrust, suspicion and denial that there is anything good or fair in the world. Any feeling has a destructive effect on him; it hurts him not only when he cries, but also when he laughs. Any strong emotion is a shock for him. He perceives life as an endless test, which is mainly associated with the development of enormous patience. After stress, of which there is a lot in his life, he experiences a rebirth every time, a transformation that is invisible to others occurs, followed by restoration to a qualitatively new level. This is exactly what happened in life French singer Alexandra David-Noel, who was diagnosed with a fatal disease at the age of 43, and she not only survived, but changed her profession, began researching the monasteries of Tibet and lived to be 100 years old!
    It is especially important for Scorpio to have a clear spiritual, for example, religious or esoteric orientation, because there is nothing worse than an unspiritual Scorpio. It’s good if recovery after another destruction is used for the benefit of the evolution of his soul, otherwise this destruction occurs to the person himself and the people around him, when Scorpio proclaims: “The worse, the better!” - and begins his hidden war. He needs these tests, but what is it like for his loved ones!
    Don't trust Scorpio's calmness! Outwardly it may be quiet and unremarkable, but inside it is a hidden volcano. While smiling on the outside, one is always ready to fight back on the inside. He expresses his thoughts precisely and even sharply. He has a sharp tongue and does not mince his words. A certain cynicism and a sense of humor, sometimes far from harmless, protect him from reality, helping him survive. No wonder such humorists as E. Ryazanov and A. Raikin, as well as Voltaire, who had a “sharp” pen, were bornexactly under this sign.
    In disputes, Scorpio does not like neutrality. Defines his position clearly and immediately. When circumstances are not on his side, he has the energy and strength to fight the circumstances, the way life turns out. Although Scorpio is given a clear sense of death, he is born with the understanding that he will die, and treats this soberly and calmly, and is not horrified, like representatives of other signs. He intuitively lives from the opposite: knowing about death, he strives for life with all his might. He feels bad when everything is calm, he needs constant shocks, because he is afraid to be left alone with his thoughts - he immediately begins to engage in self-devouring. Subconsciously he always strives for actions that involve risk. Most of the mafia members are born under this zodiac sign - closed informal organizations who rule countries and control billions.
    Sex is an area that Scorpio is very familiar with. In family life and friendship he is constant and stable. This may seem strange, since Scorpio is traditionally considered a sign of highly developed sexuality, which is quite justified, judging by the fame of Cleopatra or Robert Kennedy. But in fact, for him there is a strict boundary between an affair, casual meetings and marriage. Although it may be difficult for him to refrain from having affairs on the side, he will have difficulty agreeing to leave home or get a divorce. He seems to have affairs and “girls” on one side, and his wife on the other. One area does not touch the other.
    The main problem of Scorpio is the problem of sublimation of sexual energy. In the worst sense, this is expressed in a love of perversion, in the best sense, there is a balancing act between sex and various types creativity or passion for magic and the occult. Otherwise, there is a real danger of losing your family and the trust of loved ones. Unfortunately, Scorpio's stability in choice concerns not only love, but also hatred. If Scorpio has a strong hatred, he will never change his mind. He is vengeful and will stop at nothing to destroy his enemy. He can cruelly deceive the enemy, especially if he makes him feel where his weak point is. In such a struggle, everything is at stake: intelligence, treachery, and sarcasm. While engaging in self-criticism, he never forgets to bite others. He chooses the most vulnerable and rotten place and it is there that he delivers his unmistakable blow. Perhaps it was at one of these moments that M. Kalashnikov came up with the type of his world-famous assault rifle.
    Is it worth hiring such a dangerous creature as Scorpio - decide for yourself! Scorpio easily perceives new things, loves difficult and dangerous tasks, skillfully develops plans and consistently implements them, subtly influencing those around him and subjugating them to himself. Using his hypnosis abilities, he slowly and surely achieves his goal. Chess players M. Tal, A. Alekhine, athletes L. Yashin, Diego Maradona were never in a hurry, knew how to wait, and always directed their strikes very clearly. Scorpio magicians are able to subjugate a huge crowd to their influence, for example, stopping it when it goes to kill someone.
    Scorpio is a person who is not susceptible to direct influence. Has qualities that can make him informal leader, controlling people, but not through direct influence, but through authority and magical attractiveness. Don’t the actors A. Papanov, M. Ulyanov, A. Delon, M. Plisetskaya, L. Gurchenko have an inherent, special charm that attracts the attention of the audience to them?
    How can Scorpios live? Scorpio's development occurs in sharp leaps. First there is a slow accumulation of information, a build-up of tension, and then a sharp transition to another level, a flash, almost an explosion. Naturally, due to the instability of his inner life and conflict, he is characterized by contradictions and experiences from the energy that overwhelms and tears him apart. A long wait is especially dangerous for him, for example, when he does not find a job or cannot find a job in exile. Then the explosion will occur earlier, but it will not lead to a qualitative leap, but to the destruction of what is nearby - family, home, relationships with relatives, friends, and so on.
    It is extremely important for Scorpio to periodically cleanse the subconscious, because literally “Shakespearean” passions rage there.His task is to learn to analyze his internal sensations and premonitions and direct them in a constructive direction, to use them for “peaceful” purposes. The karmic task of the sign is that, oddly enough, it is obliged to bite itself and others, but not in order to hurt, but in order to thus reveal evil, to cleanse itself and others from filth. People who meet him should know that he is the “scourge of God.”
    Scorpio also has such qualities as unmistakable taste, a sense of beauty and the ability to put what he sees into perfect form. Oddly enough, but the creators of divine music (G. Donizetti), harmonious poetry (F. Schiller), beautiful examples literary style romanticism (A. Bestuzhev-Marlinsky), cheerful operettas (I. Kalman), sparkling waltzes (I. Strauss), sweet lyrical songs(R. Pauls) were also born in November. However, these examples can hardly be considered an exception, because the “real” Scorpio knows how to melt the dirt of life into harmony...
    The highest type of Scorpio is a person who has extraordinary spirituality, showing people the way to higher spheres. Although his life consists of a series of ups and downs and is never easy, he finds the strength to be reborn again and not become embittered at the world. This is a seasoned fighter, capable of self-denial, altruism, and great enlightenment. Remember, for example, the life of F. Dostoevsky, the ascetic, St. John of Kronstadt, the Persian religious figure Baha'u'llah, D. Andreev, who wrote the esoteric treatise "The Rose of the World", physician, occultist, alchemist and astrologer Theophrastus Paracelsus.

    Anna Falileeva © Copyright ArtaCentre

  2. Oh, how murderously we love...
    F.I. Tyutchev.


    It's better to identify him right away and stay away from him! So... The face is ascetic, the bone skeleton and protruding brow ridges are clearly visible. The eyes are deep-set, the corners of the eyes are strongly lowered, the gaze from under the brows is magnetic, piercing through, depending on the situation (for example, “a boa constrictor is a rabbit”) - bewitching, hypnotic.

    The eyes are either very light or very dark. The hair is coarse, the toe is at the hairline. The nose is rarely straight - hooked or snub-nosed. Typically a thin body. Naturally, these signs cannot be detected in the appearance of every Scorpio, but one thing is always present - not aggressive, but powerful sex appeal with a rather mediocre appearance.

    Scorpio looks courageous, but his appearance is far from the classical ideal of beauty. This, of course, does not apply to women. Scorpio women do everything to look attractive if they don't care about it. Motivation – self-love (“After all, I deserve this...”) and the desire for sex. Although even if she were ugly, there would hardly be fewer people willing.

    Communication style

    Scorpios are secretive, outwardly cold, but magnetically attractive. They use their “voice from the bedroom,” with a charming hoarseness (for women, chesty, rather melodic), as an instrument of enticement, if circumstances require it.

    The most important thing to keep in mind when communicating with them: Scorpio is deeply psychological, he has exceptional intuition, he sees people through and through. Suspicious, motivation human actions as if it passes through a “black filter”: the first thing it notices in a person’s soul is the “weak” places. It is on these places that he unleashes his merciless sarcasm and poisonous irony. Thus, he provokes people into aggression and feeds on them negative emotions. Instead of a tongue, he no doubt has a sting.
    At the same time, he himself is brutally emotional and extremely biased, although you can’t tell from him: he has an iron will, he controls himself well. If he needs you, for the time being it will not even occur to you that he mortally hates you.

    Is this all terrible? Not at all! Scorpio bites only in rotten places. This is his karmic program - destruction, cleansing, destruction and transformation of all “bad stuff”. Communicate with Scorpio and cleanse your dark spots. Poison can also be healing.

    Psychological picture

    By nature he is a predator. Authority, hidden aggressiveness, merciless self-assertion are more or less harmless of his human qualities. If only he could crush someone under him... This is how a bulldozer moves in: slowly, calmly, inevitably. However, striving to be the master of the situation, he prefers the role eminence grise- He doesn’t like to stick his head out, but he’s driven by the feeling of his “secret power.”

    And mass and power are inseparable concepts. Scorpio is always where the crowd is. It is his ability to gather collective energies that is good for a politician.

    He loves money and luxury, although he is not attached to them. He is prone to sensual excesses, but this cannot be called addiction. Rather, the desire to live to the fullest. If he strives for something, a dangerous enemy and a courageous fighter, he breaks all barriers. He does not retreat from anything, he fights to some final limit, beyond which there is only death. Danger is on his heels, but he loves extreme sports. A walking disaster, that's what he is! Everything about him is extreme. This is how his tendency to go to extremes is manifested.
    “Either he or him” is the leitmotif of his fate. But don’t rush to feel sorry for him: he is very resilient. Like pigeons and cockroaches, it will survive both the Holocaust and nuclear war.
    At the same time, he has an extremely vulnerable psyche. He is reflexive, self-absorbed, and his soul is gloomy, like a swamp, because he is vindictive, vengeful... and if we add suspicion to this... The personality turns out to be manic. There is nothing more beautiful in the world than torturing “your neighbor” with your face on the table, and then dying from sweet remorse and being reborn for new torture!

    He takes revenge on you when you no longer remember why, due to the inertia of your reactions. At first it kicks for a long time, then it lies in wait for you... It either hits you very hard or doesn’t touch you at all. You won't be able to spank him lightly. Knife in the back? Please! He knows that a surprise blow is the most effective. What could be more unexpected than a stab in the back? Did you think you were his friend? You thought so, and he is an individualist. He's not for anyone. Only for myself. Anyone who wants to be “close” to him must dissolve himself in him. Identify yourself with him, and then, of course, as if for himself, he will stand up for you like a mountain.

    Uncompromisingness, nonconformism, honesty - these rare qualities are present in the character of a developed Scorpio. Fierce idealism combines favorably with strong instincts. He is merciless to himself and demanding of others. He fights for justice, but “wets in the toilet” responsibly - only for the cause. She does not abuse sexual energy, strives for “true” love, tests her partner for a long time - the development of a romantic plot can last for years. He enters into a sexual relationship for a great reason, and the “reason” is “to love to death.” But even here there is still a tendency: “There is no place for ideals in this garbage dump!” - says Scorpio and let’s eat ourselves and the one who is dearest to him.

    "Trash heap, you say? What do we have inside?" - Scorpio asks a reasonable question at a higher level, swallows his sting and cleanses himself. In other words, by examining your own “garbage dump” and eliminating it, you help others cleanse themselves.

    The esoteric symbol of this sign is a dove bursting out from the shell of Scorpio. He was given powerful internal reserves for transformation. His task is to go through the trials of the bottom human existence and purify yourself by sublimating passions. At the same time, the highest bar for its development is very high. The will inherent in character is its reserve for moral development. He can turn out to be a mafioso, a hero, a white magician, and a miracle worker.

    The most important

Only a fool is not afraid of Scorpios. This is a strong sign, facilitated by the smile of Fortune. Scorpios know how to love, but their love must be earned. They only go forward, because behind them they leave only burned bridges, and not roads of disappointment. Proud and strong heroes century. There is a lot to love about Scorpios, the main thing is not to try to deceive or outwit them, because the enemy in the person of Scorpio is inevitable “death” in society.

We present to youBrief description of a Scorpio man: hot, passionate, self-confident, loves to lead others, always the first in all endeavors, sexy, demanding, determined and purposeful.

Brief characteristics of a Scorpio woman:seductress, stubborn egoist, demanding and self-confident beauty, wayward and harmonious, sexy and cunning, energetic and passionate.

Scorpio at work

Representatives of this sign are excellent psychologists, so they need to work directly with people. They love to analyze the situation, look for pitfalls in various current issues, and they are also able to resolve any conflict using their charisma, flirtation and charm. The main success comes to them after several years of work, when representatives of this sign have already ascended to the first steps career ladder. Further, their reputation works for them. Success comes to them because they are not afraid of failure. Scorpios are goal-oriented and risk-taking. Luck loves their ingenuity and determination.

Scorpios in love

Scorpio man - With passionate and ardent Scorpios know how to love, but rarely dare to take this step. By nature they are monogamous. In general, representatives of this sign are not supporters of cheating, but there are exceptions to any rule. It is important for them to see a worthy partner nearby who can satisfy all their requirements. When a Scorpio is in love, he works wonders. He spares no money, attention and time for his chosen one. He can get any goal, because he has a lot of patience in achieving the goal. Scorpio needs a serious relationship, so flirting is flirting, and he chooses one woman for life.

Scorpio Woman -chooses a reliable companion as a partner. She is not a nanny for her Man, so she will not feel sorry for him. She demands attention and respect, because in return she gives her companion energy and strength. The Scorpio woman does not accept betrayal, so it is useless to convince her that it was just a mistake. She is firm in her decision, and you will not get a second chance from her. Love means a lot to her, and “life” is synonymous with love, so there will be no place for half measures in her relationships.

Scorpios in bed

Scorpio Manhas the power to bring pleasure to any partner. He will enjoy her orgasm, moans and her satisfaction. Sex with a Scorpio can be a whole master class in aerobatics or just an animal instinct. It does not repeat itself, Scorpio is in eternal movement upward, towards maximum pleasure.

Scorpio Womenlove to study. They love exchanging erotic photos, messages and plans for future love affairs in a virtual form. These women are always ready to make your every wish come true. They are tireless and passionate. If you pamper their body in bed, they will be able to give you heaven on Earth.

Erogenous zones of Scorpios

Scorpio Manloves light touches to the area below the belly. He instantly reacts to a gentle kiss, a light touch and even a barely noticeable breeze. His pride is his “weapon”. The desire of women to kiss his “Dignity” is the main aspect of the success of a bright orgasm.

Scorpio Womancan become your slave, if you carefully pay attention to her area below the tummy, then she will give you endless pleasure with a sea of ​​​​all kinds of additives in the form of various experiments, games and caresses.

Scorpios in friendship

Scorpios value and respect their friends. For them, the word “friendship” means more than for any other zodiac sign. In his presence, you cannot even say a bad word about his friend; Scorpio will fight to the last drop of blood with the offender in order to defend his honor. He rarely opens up to the end, but his friends know everything about him that he can tell his loved ones, which is already a manifestation of the highest degree of trust on his part. Scorpio is a great friend, a wise adviser and a cheerful interlocutor.

Scorpios don't likewhen they are refused. They are rarely sincerely interested in anyone, so if they really want something or someone, they will not accept refusal. If Scorpios offer you help in solving your problems, then you better agree immediately, because any doubt about his abilities will cause aggression on his part. Scorpio also does not accept any kind of ultimatums. He would rather leave your life than allow you to limit his choices.

Famous personalities born under the sign of Scorpio:Roman Abramovich, Hillary Clinton, Mikhail Galustyan, Nikolai Karachentsov, Chris Norman, Oleg Menshikov, Julia Roberts, Katy Perry, Pablo Picasso, Niccolo Paganini, Evgeni Plushenko, Bill Gates, Winona Ryder, Rob Schneider, Igor Talkov, Shahrukh Khan, David Schwimmer , Dolph Lundgren, Matthew McConaughey, Vivien Leigh, Alain Delon and others.

Important to remember

Each sign of the Zodiac carries some semantic characteristic of describing character traits and behavior, but each person is individual and unique. It is important for each of us to remember that in life we ​​need to place emphasis on self-knowledge and self-development.Sometimes it's easier for us to blame everything on our date of birth than on our unwillingness to hold back or solve problems, but, nevertheless, horoscopes do not become less interesting for people.

“Love your shortcomings and the mistakes of your loved ones, because they are what make us unique and inimitable people " Live today, understanding that each of us is free in our choice and in our decision. Respect others and then you will not encounter the problem of “incompatibility of zodiac signs.”

Scorpios are very emotional and sincere, they fascinate with their kindness, determination, perseverance, and devotion. Individuals born under this sign are purposeful and persistent, leaders and fighters. Can two strong natures be together? Is Scorpio suitable for Scorpio?

Scorpio Compatibility

When two Scorpios meet, it seems to them that everything is wonderful, easy and simple. They complement each other in everything. They are like two peas in a pod. They bask in their sexuality and all-consuming eroticism. Unfortunately, excessive sexuality of both partners can become a problem, since spiritual harmony and understanding ends outside the bedroom door.

So are Scorpios suitable for each other? Life will be a difficult test for such a couple. Uncompromising and conflict-ridden Scorpios may simply not be able to bear simple everyday problems. Such a couple cannot lead a boring lifestyle. Active recreation, walks, friends should be present in everyday life.

Scorpio - Scorpio Couple

The Scorpio man is a real support in family life. Behind him is like behind a stone wall. He is always there and ready to lend a helping hand. The Scorpio woman is a caring mother and a wonderful housewife. She is energetic, sophisticated and temperamental.

The Scorpio and Scorpio couple have big chance happy family life if they were born in different decades of the month. One before November 15th, and the other after.

Chances of a happy marriage

Still, it is impossible to give a definitive answer to the question of whether Scorpio is suitable for Scorpio. But if they direct all their persistence towards preserving their union, then there is a chance. Only the diplomacy of one and the authority of the other will help make joint decisions. We must not forget that Scorpios remember grievances for a long time and keep emotional traumas within themselves. Scorpios must be careful in their actions and actions towards each other. After all, any carelessly thrown phrase can instill pain and despair in the soul of the other half. The ability to forgive, give in and sacrifice oneself will enable two Scorpios to live a long and happy life.

Compatibility horoscope: which zodiac sign can resist Scorpio - the most complete description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

Scorpio is a rather difficult zodiac sign, with which not all representatives of the zodiac system can find common interests. What are the zodiac signs, suitable for Scorpio? Our article will talk about this.

Which zodiac signs suit Scorpio

Scorpio always adheres to his own opinion and does not want to share it with others. In many ways, based on this, it is quite difficult to give an unambiguous answer to this question.

To do this, it is necessary to draw a parallel of compatibility between all signs of the zodiac system and, directly, Scorpio.

Marriage is almost impossible due to the constant jealousy of Aries. Scorpio, in turn, will not be able to endure scandals and squabbles for long.

Everyone knows that it is very difficult for strong personalities to get along together. The same situation can befall this union.

This sign is too insecure to inspire Scorpio. Because of this, Scorpio may at one point become bored.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are suitable for Scorpios. This union can flare up quite quickly and last quite a long time. Even the jealousy of these signs will not interfere with a warm, trusting relationship.

Leo's pride will be incomprehensible to Scorpio, and his self-confidence, along with Scorpio's self-confidence, can clash and turn into constant quarrels.

With a strong desire, Virgo can interest Scorpio and their union can be crowned with success.

Libra's laziness may simply irritate active Scorpios. At the same time, do not forget that opposites attract. This union is possible only if one of the representatives of the zodiac constellation makes very strong concessions.

Passion, determination and jealousy are the components of this union. At the beginning it creates interest, but the result will still be a break.

This union is quite real if Scorpio makes every effort and gets used to the periodic impulses of Sagittarius to choose freedom, because... It is the love of freedom that distinguishes this type of sign.

Representatives of this zodiac sign are ideal for Scorpios. It is with this sign that all the insolence and struggle for leadership of Scorpio fades into the background. Therefore, this tandem is almost ideal.

Aquarius' desire to be independent and active can quickly bore Scorpio, which is why their union will not last long.

Quite good chances for a long and strong union. Pisces will feel protected, and Scorpio, accordingly, will feel protected.

Based on the above information, we can safely say which zodiac sign suits Scorpio, namely Capricorn. Pisces and Cancer also have good chances for a serious relationship with Scorpio, as do Virgo and Libra, if the latter make every effort.

Who is the best zodiac sign for Scorpio?

The most powerful and controversial sign of the zodiac is undoubtedly Scorpio. He is passionate and mysterious, often withdrawn into himself and always remains unconvinced. And therefore, before you decide to connect your fate with a representative of this sign, it would be useful to ask who is suitable for Scorpio in friendship, love and life together.

The stars look from above and determine who will tie their fate with whom, so much so that they will not bitterly repent later. After all, you can’t recognize a person right away; you have to eat a ton of salt with him, as they say. So, let's talk about who is suitable for Scorpio so that a strong alliance can be formed.

The most preferable partner for him in all respects can be Capricorn, an equally strong and integral sign, which is in no way inferior to him in perseverance in achieving goals. Scorpio respects strength, he can even voluntarily yield the palm to a representative of this constellation, and such a union will be almost ideal.

Those born under the “stinging” sign have a good relationship with Pisces. In this tandem, Scorpio has every chance to feel like a patron, and Pisces can feel great under his protection.

Virgo is another sign that suits Scorpio. Their marriage can be long and harmonious, but Scorpios are irritated by the excessive practicality of Virgos, and they are often dissatisfied with the excessive independence of their life partner.

Cancer and Libra can also have a successful union with this sign, however, they will have to make room a little and endure the indomitable temper of their partner.

And now about those who are least suitable for Scorpios. Take, for example, the purely peace-loving sign - Aquarius. For all his complaisance, he has a fairly independent character and considers himself entitled to make decisions on his own. It is clear that Scorpio the owner will not like this, and nothing promises this couple a long and happy relationship.

In principle, an alliance with Sagittarius is possible, but his love of freedom will also offend Scorpio. If both find the strength to make big compromises, then you can try to be together. Otherwise, it’s better not to try.

Scorpio and Scorpio are an explosive mixture! There is a powerful physical and spiritual attraction between them, but, alas, they are not destined to get along in the same jar. Passions, jealousy, noisy quarrels - and an inevitable breakup awaits such a couple.

Proud, independent Leo and no less proud and independent Scorpio - they also feel a strong attraction, but, again, this will be a very difficult relationship, replete with quarrels and separations.

Taurus and Aries are signs with which Scorpio finds it very difficult to find a common language. A strong character and the heightened sense of possessiveness in both representatives of the zodiac is abhorrent to the water sign. Even in ordinary friendly relations, tension remains between them, and these two cannot be classified as those who are suitable for Scorpio.

Astrological analysis is always interesting, and there is something to think about when reading forecasts and data about yourself and your relationships with people. But why does what you read often not coincide with real life? Yes, because an ignorant person cannot deeply understand the heavenly symbols. After all, belonging to a zodiac sign is determined not just by the day and month of birth. We must not forget that both the hour of birth and the year have their own characteristics. For example, among those who are suitable for Scorpio according to the horoscope, Virgo is listed; the stars predict a strong and harmonious marriage for them. But if one of them was born in the year of the Tiger, and the other in the year of the Sheep, what kind of harmony can we talk about? Astrology is a great and ancient science, and no one can fully comprehend it. Even the most enlightened astrologers.

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In this world, Scorpio represents true strength, putting superb skill and soul into everything they do. Scorpio is a hard worker, for whom happiness lies in doing useful work. He likes to feel his power over his environment, and this means that he must gain the trust of other people. He likes to work alone, remaining in the shadows, but to achieve the highest happiness, Scorpio needs to strive to be noticed as a person, as well as the results of his achievements. Scorpio is strong when he loves, and emotional satisfaction is the highest manifestation of happiness for him. Achieving abundance through his own unparalleled financial wisdom is a challenge for him, which also means happiness for him to accept.

The Scorpio animal, which is the symbol of this sign, predetermines the character and manner of treating people who were born under it. The scorpion itself is described in the encyclopedic dictionary as follows: this arachnid animal, leading a nocturnal lifestyle, uses a long curved tail, which contains a paralyzing poison, when defending or attacking. Its injection is often fatal.

What are Scorpio people like? These individuals are the epitome of extremes in every way. They are the most dominant, ruthless, willful and domineering among all other signs. They are passionate and rebellious, capable of trampling both God and man in pursuit of their goals.

The character of Scorpios is full of insoluble contradictions. They are practitioners and pragmatists, idealists and romantics, great connoisseurs of ancient cultures and fans of the latest technology and electronics. These people simultaneously coexist with a thirst for good and evil, high and low aspirations, which leads others to complete bewilderment. Hidden and reserved Scorpio does not want to open up; he likes to surround himself with an aura of mystery. Scorpios know how to control their temper very well, but there is something by which you can recognize these people. These are their eyes. No matter what color they are, they always have a hypnotic quality and the look penetrates deep into you. Under this gaze, people feel very uncomfortable and try to look away.

A distinctive feature of almost all Scorpios is unparalleled courage and even contempt for death itself. Scorpio can withstand any test, pain, poverty, ridicule and mortal danger. He is always ready to attack and knows how to defend himself. This is an extremely persistent and strong type, best armed for the fight for existence of all signs. Scorpio meets all the blows of fate with the proud conviction that he will still win any battle. These are people of great will, they are capable of achieving anything they want. And therefore, they very often happily take risks that would frighten many.

Scorpio's attacks are always thought out and devoid of blind rage. These people, as a rule, wait for the right moment to take action, and very rarely change their line of behavior or chosen tactics. In accordance with this policy, they always keep their plans to themselves, using the element of surprise as additional remedy achieving victory.

Scorpio knows very well that all he has to do is want something, and it will definitely happen, and therefore he is always calm, never fussed or nervous. He is firm and adamant and stands his ground to the end.

Self-confidence is another characteristic property Scorpio. He does not care about other people's opinions, he obeys only his own legislation. Insults and praise are indifferent to him. He is always happy with himself and always knows what he wants.

The most important of his qualities is his unbending spirit and independence.

The mystery for everyone who is trying to understand the character of Scorpio is the combination strong qualities with a wonderful constructive mind. These people have a true understanding of life, its difficulties and problems. They are overly perceptive and know how to emerge victorious from the difficult battle of life. For them, their whole life is a struggle. They are stubborn and contradictory and prefer to go against even their own concepts if it suits their needs. this moment their mood. Such a picture with obvious negative characteristics cannot help but make one wonder how such people can even fit into our world. In fact, they belong to the category of very successful people with great abilities and many excellences.

For example, Scorpios are very truthful, they hate lies and falsehood and never flatter anyone. If you want to ask them for an opinion or advice, then know what you will hear the naked truth, he will honestly speak about all your strengths and weaknesses.

In addition, they have self-control, practical intuition, and progress is not alien to their nature. Scorpios are better than anyone else at feeling and assessing a situation. This is especially true in cases where some action needs to be taken. It seems as if they probably know what other people are going to do and make allowances for it.

Their self-control keeps them from rash, impulsive actions. On the contrary, their thirst for activity does not allow them to plan anything in advance. They solve problems as soon as they arise, maintaining the confidence that one success will immediately be followed by another.

Scorpio is endowed with a sound mind and very much trusts his premonitions. He manages almost everything without much effort. They are not familiar with tact at all. They harass people who oppose them. This works great when their opponents are narrow-minded people or those who have every reason to fear the wrath of Scorpio. But despite this, in relationships with people, Scorpio shows honesty and decency. He rarely becomes truly attached to anyone. Scorpio has an equal number of friends and enemies; no one treats him indifferently. The people around him are either ardent opponents or passionate admirers. But everyone treats him with respect.

Scorpios are good speakers, capable of leading any audience.

It seems that they are endowed with magical powers, which seem to hypnotize those around them, which attracts and repels at the same time. They easily rip off the veils of other people's secrets, and they have an excellent memory. Scorpios know the value of life.

Scorpios have amazing power psychological impact per person; can heal by transferring their life forces to others. Such people sooner or later become interested in the occult and easily develop extraordinary powers of insight.

Scorpios have an increased interest in problems of life and death. Death is not a distant entity for Scorpio; it is an ordinary and natural companion for him. It seems that a person born under this sign has a powerful destructive force and at the same time is capable of rebirth from the ashes, like the Phoenix bird, he is given the ability to discover unknown paths of self-renewal.

And indeed: it has been noticed that when a Scorpio is born, then a year before this event or a year after it, someone in the family always dies. And vice versa, when Scorpio dies, then someone is born in his family either a year before his death, or a year later. This seems to be a manifestation of some secret, mystical forces. Their vital energy is so great that it requires the use of some additional forces to ensure its birth. When Scorpio leaves for another world, the released energy becomes so much that it is enough for the life of a new being.

Scorpio is a person of unexpected transformations. Just when he has seemingly reached the abyss, he suddenly comes back to life.

Scorpios have very different personalities. Their passionate, devoted and lively nature is as susceptible to change as nature itself, and gives rise to a wide variety of personality types. Some will be violent, others will be calm, and temperaments may also vary.

But in achieving a certain tactic, such as: standing your ground and responding with firmness to firmness, the nature of Scorpio, regardless of whether it fights for a right or wrong cause, remains unchanged.

Scorpio has a tireless thirst for ideal and a developed sense of self-esteem; he rejects any mediocrity. Silent and reserved, he meets unforeseen blows of fate with indifference. He is in perfect control of his emotions, you won’t read anything on his face, neither excitement nor a shadow of confusion will be noticeable here.

But the calm and serene appearance of Scorpio is deceptive - he is capable of brutal aggressiveness. He never forgets an insult or insult inflicted on him and, on occasion, can take cruel revenge. On the other hand, he remembers the services and kindness rendered to him and generously thanks for them.

These people are very pleasant to talk to. They are dreamers by nature, they love nature, animals, everything beautiful and graceful.

They are usually great mockers and love humor and satire. The typical Scorpio is rarely afraid of anything. These are usually brave and fearless fighters, surprisingly loyal friends. They are attracted exclusively by great and extraordinary people, free and passionate, independent and self-reliant. Scorpios themselves have an extraordinary mind, an inexhaustible source of ideas, and are always obsessed with some new idea.

Scorpios can be aggressive and unyielding. This should be kept in mind when communicating with them; do not be too soft. They set the tone for the conversation, so that the interlocutor has to act only as a diligent listener from whom questions are expected.

People born under this sign are selfish and often sacrifice everything for the sake of immediate needs; however, when they succeed in life, they become very generous.

In general, you can love or hate Scorpio, but you should never ignore him.

Scorpio is a strong personality, very energetically rich, with the gift of a researcher, a sharp look and a penetrating mind. Scorpio does not recognize half-tones, in love and friendship he gives his all, but in return he will demand your whole self!

This sign lives in full force with alternating successes and failures. This is the most destructive and prolific sign. For the weak, he is a protector, very attached to the family, loves children. Scorpio people are either saints or sinners. In general, people born under the sign of Scorpio can be divided into three main types: the first - dangerous and poisonous both for others and for themselves; a ruthless evil creature capable of destruction and self-destruction, this is in fact the scorpion itself; the second - the so-called “eagle” - strong, independent, wise and fair; the third is the weakest of Scorpios - the “gray lizard”. These are eternally dissatisfied people who do not strive for anything, who hate everything.

But in nature pure form These types of Scorpios are practically never found; usually in each Scorpio one quality complements another.

Scorpio's metal is steel. After hardening, she is able to withstand all life's challenges.

Scorpios can achieve great heights in the artistic, commercial, financial or political fields of activity, but only on the condition that they prove worthy of the honors they win.

This they can achieve by improving self-control, and also by directing all the powers of their mind to achieve the progress they strive for. In addition, this will also be facilitated by establishing friendly rather than hostile relations with people. o Scorpio is a fixed water sign of the Zodiac. It can be compared with calm water where devils live. The unrelenting power of water transforms even the hardest rocks - this is an excellent metaphor for understanding the driving passion of the Scorpio personality. Just as it is impossible to prevent the growth of stalactites and stalagmites, Scorpio, who has set himself a specific goal, is not easily led astray from the path to it.

Positive Traits of Scorpio: Self-critical, insightful, exploratory, very caring; protective, tenacious, magnetic, dynamic, testing, emotional, sensual, compassionate, concerned, indestructible, highly focused, understanding of failure.

Negative Traits of Scorpio: Self-destructive, ruthless, domineering, suspicious, envious, possessive, dangerous, short-tempered, stubborn, dark, abusive, secretive, intolerant, cunning, vindictive.

Secret weaknesses. Inside every person who is strongly influenced by Scorpio is a rebellious person who cannot be influenced, so the secret Scorpio usually remains secret.

One of Scorpio's secret weaknesses is their inability to withstand more sophisticated minds, who often find ways to counter Scorpio's attacks.

From an astrological point of view, Scorpio is considered to be in one of three stages of evolution. First stage: Scorpio shows strength through feelings or instinct. This Scorpio's symbol is the scorpion insect, which in the end is more likely to sting itself than others. In the second stage he manifests power through intellect. The symbol of such a Scorpio is the golden eagle, a bird that soars above others. In the final stage of evolution, Scorpio shows strength through love; The symbol here is the dove of peace.

Zodiac sign Scorpio (male): characteristics and compatibility with other astrological signs

The Scorpio man moves through life with firm steps. He is confident in himself and is not afraid of judgment from others. It is impossible to influence him or impose your opinion. He strives with all his might to be independent not only from people, but also from circumstances. Who is he: a narcissistic cynic or a sensual person who hides his weaknesses behind an impenetrable shell of self-will and arrogance? Which zodiac sign suits a Scorpio man, how to attract his attention and how to build a family with him? The answers to all questions are presented in this article.

This zodiac sign always stands out from the crowd. The Scorpio man has an athletic build and an intelligent look. He is always smart, nicely dressed, and has a fashionable haircut. His self-confidence, determination, and unshakable fearlessness also make an indelible impression. These character traits are also reflected in his gait: it seems that he is not walking, but, like a tank, he is rushing straight towards the goal - he overcomes obstacles, does not notice traps, ignores dangers. Many people label him “proud,” and there is some truth in this. A high head and a dazzling smile indicate that he loves himself excessively.

Scorpio will never obey. And everyone who closely communicates with him feels this. Even at home, where he can relax and make concessions, he often remains unshakable in his decisions. To be on an equal footing with such an interlocutor, you should cultivate fortitude and increase your emotionality to his level. At the same time, he often needs support, although he himself never admits it.

Scorpio's Weaknesses

Defects in its defense complex are difficult to find, but they exist. Like any other zodiac sign, the Scorpio man is endowed with vices and addictions. For example, he cannot imagine his life without comfortable conditions. Surrounds himself with luxury, often too pretentious and blinding to the eyes. She loves to live in abundance and demonstrates it in every possible way. If by coincidence he is unlucky to be born into a rich family, he will do everything possible to achieve financial stability. Naturally, what material benefits there are great prospects in the entertainment sector: Scorpio begins to “indulge” in alcohol and drugs, his sexual relations become promiscuous.

Vices for him are not self-affirmation. He does not need to prove anything either to himself or to other people. He will also not take the wrong path under the influence of external influences. Such a man is not subject to the opinions of others; he would rather act as an organizer and lead the crowd. Cases when Scorpios do something immoral, out of the ordinary, are frequent. It is impossible to rationally explain their cruelty and rudeness. You just have to put up with it.

Basic character qualities

Scorpio (zodiac sign) is insightful and brave. A man whose characteristic can be summed up in one word – “tough” – is also endowed with other qualities. This is an extremely demanding person. Often puts it on others so much high bar that not everyone manages to overcome it. It costs nothing to prove to him: even if you jump over your head, he will not appreciate it and will remain dissatisfied. Or he will attribute your success solely to himself: they say, without his assistance, funds or connections, you would have remained at the bottom. Don’t follow the lead and don’t give in to provocations – smile and agree. Believe me, this is the best way out of the situation.

Scorpios also have many positive character traits. First of all, they hate lies. Always tell the truth to your face, avoid gossip and whispering behind your back. Secondly, they are promising. Thanks to perseverance, developed intelligence and a philosophical approach, they are able to achieve heights in life. Like other people, Scorpio experiences disappointment and pain, but he always keeps his emotions under control. Therefore, many are amazed at his mental fortitude.

Life credo

“I came, I saw, I conquered” is the first thing that comes to mind when you remember the behavior and habits of a representative of this constellation. The zodiac sign Scorpio - the man in particular - is not afraid of difficulties. On the contrary, the more barriers there are on his way, the more interesting it becomes to reach his goal. For him it's like computer game, where the level of difficulty only adds to the excitement. When his situation is critical, he accumulates his creative abilities, finding an original way to get away with it at the very last moment.

Whatever Scorpio does, he always gives his best. Therefore, the phrase “Walk like that” also clearly demonstrates it life position. In any activity - love, work, hobby - his soul is heated to the limit and is ready to explode, because he extracts the maximum emotions from any activity, enjoying them, inhaling and exhaling them, savoring and chewing. His passions are boiling, he is used to doing everything to fulfill his own desires, so it is almost impossible to see a lack of initiative and sluggish Scorpio.

This zodiac sign is charming and gallant: a Scorpio man, if he likes someone, will step over his pride and pursue the object of insanely passionate feelings. Seeking the hand and heart of his chosen one, he is able to move mountains. But things rarely go to such extremes. Usually, under his magnetic gaze, the young lady capitulates very quickly. Scorpio looks after you beautifully, says compliments, and showers you with gifts. Most likely, he does this not for the lady herself, but for himself personally: in order to emphasize his importance, the woman must be beautiful, well-groomed and happy.

A girl should be careful, since such a man can use any of her weaknesses and shortcomings against her. He plays on other people's feelings and does not feel remorse. But women forgive him everything - this passionate “macho” simply drives them crazy, and they drown in their own passion. Not every girl can be close to Scorpio. The young lady must be able to withstand the strong sensual pressure and impatience of the gentleman.

Scorpio (zodiac sign) promises his companion a boring existence. A man whose characteristics are similar to the lifestyle of a Don Juan is very fond of love affairs. For him, intimacy is so important that he is ready to destroy even the strongest relationships if his partner does not meet him halfway. The wife should be mentally prepared for her husband’s insatiability; she must be able to satisfy his hunger, as well as surprise and experiment. Seeing a passionate nature in his wife, he will be grateful and give her love, tenderness and care.

Scorpio is a good father. He is a kind of idol for children - his strong spirit, realistic approach to life, and perseverance cannot but be an example to follow. True, he has a commanding tone of upbringing and is overly demanding, which gives his offspring quite a lot of unpleasant moments. At the same time, they always feel that in any difficult situation they will definitely come to their aid, provide support, advise and, if necessary, take on all the burdens and problems.

Compatibility with fire zodiac signs

Aries has the greatest chance of establishing a relationship with Scorpio. Both signs are very sensual, so they are guaranteed a stormy relationship. The development of the romance will be facilitated by the powerful physical potential and energy of this couple. But the passion will subside over time - difficult times will come. Everyone will pull the blanket over themselves, trying to control the situation. And no one is going to give in. Another fire sign of the zodiac is characterized similarly: Scorpio man and Leo woman are simply doomed to eternal conflicts. Everyone will defend the leader's position, so the romance will be short-lived.

Not everything goes well with Sagittarius either. Being a huge owner by nature, the Scorpio man will not tolerate the love of freedom that his chosen one preaches. Her eternal get-togethers with her friends, traveling and just endless walks around the city will drive him crazy. If the constellations are swapped in a couple, the same poor compatibility of zodiac signs is expected. Scorpio woman, Sagittarius man – contradictory natures who find it difficult to maintain close relationships.

Element Earth

Which zodiac sign suits the Scorpio man, if we are talking about this particular zodiac trinity? To be honest, he can find a common language with all representatives of the earthly element. In Taurus, for example, he will definitely see a partner for love adventures. Both love carnal pleasures, which they will shamelessly enjoy anywhere, not paying attention to random passers-by. But sooner or later, the woman’s stubbornness will drive him crazy - he will be terrible in anger. To maintain the union, both need to treat each other with respect. As for Virgo, promising prospects await him with her. He will be able to awaken sexuality in a girl, which will make her soft and compliant.

Relationships with a representative of the fair sex, born under the sign of Capricorn, will be successful. The man will help the lady to relax and get rid of unnecessary complexes. It's almost perfect couple. But on one condition - the young lady must follow the gentleman, trust him with all her soul. Also, both should not start a meaningless struggle for dominance in the relationship.

Air signs

Good compatibility of zodiac signs – Gemini woman, Scorpio man. The connection begins with physical attraction, as both love this part of the relationship the most. But soon the gentleman’s jealousy will fall with all its force on the changeable young lady, which will cause her anger and discontent. The confrontation may even turn into mutual hatred. Marriage between them is extremely rare. Libra will also constantly provoke Scorpio. By flirting with other men, a girl will awaken rage in her chosen one. This is the only disadvantage of the union. Otherwise they agree. Libra is one of the few zodiac signs that does not strive for leadership, which is an ideal characteristic for Scorpio.

As for Aquarius, the relationship with him cannot last long. A young lady who loves free bread will never succumb to the pressure of a gentleman. In addition, she is not obsessed with sex like her partner. All this leads to the fact that people move away from each other, a chill runs between them. For a relationship to work, both need to work hard on themselves, but it is unlikely that either of them will try to please their spouse.

Scorpio and representatives of the water element

Insecure Cancers are ideally attracted to Scorpio (zodiac sign). A man with whom compatibility is almost perfect takes the reins of power into his own hands without any problems. She gives in because she loves to be led. IN intimate life everything is going well too. The passionate temperament of a man suits a gentle and sensual young lady well. In addition, she will not make the chosen one jealous, which, without a doubt, is very important for him. There is also complete harmony with Pisces. They are wonderful lovers, and on this foundation, relationships are built easily and naturally. The lady needs a patron, and the powerful partner likes it.

But if two Scorpios come together, expect trouble. To be in such an alliance is to sit on a powder keg. Both are wayward, jealous, stubborn. Their quarrels are like a volcanic eruption, they contain all the elements of love dramas - broken dishes, furniture flying out of windows, fights, calls to the ambulance.

This is how he is, the eccentric and emotional Scorpio is a zodiac sign. A man with whom love promises to be explosive and bright can lead a young lady through all the circles of hell. And all because the character of this guy is one of the most complex among the entire star company.

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