Terrible secrets: Boris Yeltsin . Everything secret someday becomes clear: Boris Yeltsin is a born Estonian

There are actually a lot of people in the world who want and dream of becoming presidents. someone wants to rule a small enclave, while others dream of deciding the fate of hundreds of millions.
All people are different, and when they become presidents, people change even more. Some become a bright and charismatic leader, while others degenerate into a dictator, depriving people of their lives for no reason or no reason.
But among them there are figures to whom everyone has very different attitudes - for example, Muammar Gaddafi and Boris Yeltsin.
In today's collection of facts you will learn 15 facts from the life of Gaddafi, 10 facts from the life of Yeltsin, and a few facts in general from the life of presidents.
In addition, at the end, you will find amazing phenomena for which science has yet found explanations and some Internet records:

15 facts from the life of Gaddafi:

The world-famous leader of the Jamahiriya, former colonel and commander-in-chief of the Libyan army Mummar Gaddafi was defeated on October 20, 2011 by the joint actions of the liberation movement forces and NATO. The colonel was detained in his hometown Sirte, captured by Libyan rebel troops. According to the Transitional National Council, the ex-dictator died from his wounds shortly after his arrest.

1.The exact date of birth of Muammar Gaddafi is unknown; some of his biographers claim that he was born in 1940. Gaddafi himself claims that he was born on June 19, 1942 in a Bedouin tent 30 kilometers south of the city of Sirte.

2. Muammar Gaddafi has not held a single government position in Libya since 1979, which did not prevent him from being the head of state.

3. Among the first reforms that Muammar Gaddafi made after coming to power was the reform of the calendar: the names of the months of the year were changed.

4.In 1981, the Americans accused Mummar Gaddafi of preparing an assassination attempt on President Ronald Reagan. Although listed in American list The terrorists who allegedly prepared the assassination attempt belonged to one of the anti-Libyan organizations; Gaddafi was assigned the status of “terrorist number one.”

5. On April 15, 1986, American planes bombed the residence of Muammar Gaddafi in the suburbs of Tripoli. The Libyan leader himself survived, but 101 Libyans died in the bombing, including a one-and-a-half-year-old stepdaughter Gaddafi.

6. In 1998, near the Libyan-Egyptian border, unknown persons fired at Muammar Gaddafi, but the main bodyguard Aisha covered the Libyan leader and died; seven more guards were injured. Gaddafi himself was not seriously injured and received a slight wound to the elbow.

7. Muammar Gaddafi was married for the second time. After the coup in Libya in 1969, he divorced Fatima, the daughter of General Khalid, one of the close associates of the former Libyan monarch Idris. His second wife was a nurse from the military hospital, Safiya.

8. In everyday life, Muammar Gaddafi is unpretentious and leads the life of an ascetic. At one time I even became interested in vegetarianism. He doesn't drink coffee, tea or alcoholic drinks, does not smoke, eats very little, mostly simple food.

9. During his visit to the Apennines in November 2009, Muammar Gaddafi called several hundred attractive Italian women to his residence in Rome and tried to convince them to convert to Islam, and one of the main arguments in favor of this was his assertion that Christianity is based on fraud.

10.Muammar Gaddafi is depicted on Libyan banknotes in denominations of 1 and 50 dinars.

11.According to Muammar Gaddafi, the birthplace of the popular carbonated drink Coca-Cola is Libya. In 2006, he even demanded royalties from the Coca-Cola company.

12. Muammar Gaddafi declared the English playwright William Shakespeare an Arab emigrant, and, according to him, Shakespeare’s name in his homeland, from where he left for England, was Sheikh Zubair.

13.Muammar Gaddafi, according to the American magazine Parade, in 2003 ranked eighth in the top ten worst dictators of our time.

14.Muammar Gaddafi supported the actions of the State Emergency Committee during the August 1991 coup in Moscow.

15. Muammar Gaddafi is an honorary doctor of the Belarusian state university computer science and radio electronics.

10 interesting facts about Yeltsin

Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin - first president Russian Federation. During his presidency, many, sometimes funny, stories happened to him, which did not escape the attention of the media and remained in the memory of many people. Many facts are also known from Yeltsin’s personal life even before he became head new Russia. Today's selection contains 10 facts from the life of Boris Yeltsin.

1. In November 1987, after Yeltsin sharply criticized Gorbachev’s policies, he was removed from the post of first secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU. Immediately after this, he was taken to the hospital, where, according to some reports, he tried to commit suicide with office scissors.

2.According to Yeltsin himself, when he worked as a foreman at a construction site, criminals were given his subordination. He refused to close their orders for work not done, after which one of the criminals ambushed him with an ax and demanded to close the orders, threatening to kill him if he refused, to which Yeltsin answered him: “Get out!”, and the criminal had no choice but to throw the ax and follow in the direction indicated by Yeltsin.

3.according to numerous testimonies of people who worked with Yeltsin, he abused alcohol. When he asked the guards to run for vodka, they went to Korzhakov, who allegedly secretly diluted the vodka and sealed the bottle using a machine that was seized from counterfeit vodka dealers and given to the police museum, and later to Korzhakov. After heart surgery, doctors forbade Yeltsin to drink a lot.

4. Once, when he was president, Boris Yeltsin pinched the side of one of the Kremlin stenographers during an official ceremony; this episode was shown on television.

5.According to the story of Yeltsin himself, working as a machinist at tower crane BKSM-5, he negligently forgot to secure the crane after a working day, at night he discovered that it was moving, climbed into the control cabin and stopped the crane at the risk of his life.

6. Yeltsin was missing two fingers on his left hand. He lost them as a child in the explosion of a grenade that he and his friends stole from a military warehouse. In general, as a child, Yeltsin was terribly pugnacious. In one of the district-to-district fights, his nose was broken with a shaft.

7. At the age of 35, Yeltsin worked as the chief engineer of the Sverdlovsk DSK. At the end of the five-year plan, he was to be nominated for the Order of Lenin. However, the award ceremony did not take place: on the eve of the approval of Yeltsin’s candidacy, an almost completed five-story building, which was being built by the structure headed by Yeltsin, collapsed. #1849

8. In 1990, the plane in which Yeltsin was flying to Spain had an accident. He made a very hard landing, as a result of which Boris Nikolaevich received a serious spinal injury. Later there was a lot of talk about the fact that this accident was arranged by the KGB.

9. After Yeltsin’s death, at a meeting of the State Duma, the communist faction refused to honor the memory former president getting up.

On February 10, 2011, in honor of the 80th anniversary of the birth of the first President of Russia, Boris Yeltsin, a 10-meter monument was inaugurated in his homeland in Yekaterinburg.

Some facts from the life of presidents:

The first aircraft of the President of the Russian Federation was assembled in 1995 for Boris Nikolaevich Yeltsin. The cost of the aircraft was about $300 million, with about $40 million spent on finishing the interior. The second, “Putinsky” Il-96 (b/n 96016) took off on April 21, 2003. Tuning the aircraft by the English company Diamonite Aircraft Furnishings cost Russian taxpayers $17 million.

How the president is elected in Switzerland

Swiss presidents are elected at a joint meeting of the two houses of the local parliament from seven members of the federal council (government), and for a term of only one year. By tradition, the next president of the country invariably becomes the vice president.

The President is also a man

During a meeting with his Chilean counterpart during an official visit to Chile on April 12, 2011, the President of the Czech Republic, Vaclav Klaus, stole a protocol pen. Vaclav Klaus took the pen while Sebastian Piñera gave his speech dedicated to the development of relations between European and Latin American states. Klaus's act was caught on television cameras.

Symbols of the President of Ukraine

The symbols of the Ukrainian president include: the presidential sign, the standard, the official seal and the mace.

Monument to Yeltsin in Yekaterinburg

On February 1, 2011, in honor of the 80th anniversary of the birth of the first Russian President Boris Yeltsin, a 10-meter monument was inaugurated in his homeland in Yekaterinburg.

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The magazine "New Scientist" has compiled a list of the TOP 7 strangest, defying logic and in no way scientifically explainable phenomena of the human body, which, however, are documented in detail and are being studied by leading scientists and specialists in different parts of the globe.

Riddle No. 1. Allergy to water

Because the human body Because it is 60% water, it seems extremely strange to be allergic to water. Allergy sufferers, of course, can drink it, but the moment water comes into contact with the skin, for example, after a short bath or shower, their skin becomes covered with red spots and itching begins. Doctors dubbed this condition aquagenic urticaria and described it in detail back in 1964, but they still cannot explain it. Perhaps the cause of the development of this type of allergy is a cytotoxic response of the skin to contact with water or hypersensitivity to water ions.

Riddle No. 2. Chimera people

Modern methods of artificial insemination, in addition to the obvious advantages, also have their disadvantages. One of the disadvantages is the spread of such unusual phenomenon, when a woman turns out to be a human chimera (represents two people in one), that is, in fact, the fruit of the fusion of two fraternal twins resulting from different maternal eggs. It's as if a genetic test shows that she is not the mother of her children. Such situations have been recorded in several countries around the world.

Riddle No. 3. Foreign Accent Syndrome

In 1941, a Norwegian woman emerged from shock after being wounded during a bombing and began speaking her native Norwegian language with a strong German accent. However, she never studied German language and absolutely did not understand him. Previously, psychologists assumed that the roots of the syndrome must be sought in the subconscious, but now they have changed their minds and believe possible reason damage to the speech parts of the brain, strokes, injuries or trauma.

Riddle No. 4. Morgellons disease

Riddle No. 5. The Madness of King George

British King George III suffered the worst mental disorder, because of which he often had to be put in a straitjacket. At that time, doctors thought that he had an ineradicable genetic disease, porphyria, but in 2005, as a result of a study of the king’s hair, it was concluded that his body contained a high concentration of arsenic. It is obvious that the medicines used to treat the monarch contained arsenic and only aggravated his illness.

Riddle No. 6. stinking finger

In 1996 in scientific world They couldn’t understand why a 29-year-old man’s finger, which was accidentally pierced by a chicken bone five years ago, began to exude an unbearable stench. At the same time, the smell was clearly audible at a fairly large distance, and it was completely impossible to examine the patient in a closed office. No ultra-modern antibiotics helped the unfortunate man. The most amazing thing is that after some time the disease suddenly disappeared on its own.

Riddle No. 7. Tree Man

The arms and legs of a man from the Dede estate from West Java in Indonesia look like branches, and he himself looks more like some kind of tree than a person. Fortunately for the patient, this mystery was finally solved recently. A rare type of immunodeficiency is to blame for his condition, which allows the papillomavirus, which causes warts, to escape from the control of the body's immune system and create such eccentricities.

Some Internet records

Records are set not only in the offline environment, i.e. in our real life, but also on the boundless online spaces of the Internet. How much does the most expensive domain name cost? What is the size of the smallest page on the smallest website on the web? Who was the participant of the largest Internet conference? Answers to these and other questions in today's selection of Internet records.

1.The smallest Internet pages are at www.guimp.com.

2. One of the most expensive domains in history, www.diamond.com, was sold for $7.5 million. The site located at this address is dedicated to jewelry and jewelry. The domain www.vodka.com was sold for $3 million and redirected to the Russian Standard website, in this moment this domain hosts a web community. #4266

3. The largest Internet provider serves more than 42 million users, this is the Japanese company NTT DoCoMo.

4.The largest Internet cafe of all time opened on November 28, 2000 in New York and consisted of 628 computers.

5. The largest fine on the Internet is $107.7 million. American opponents of abortion were punished for creating a website on which they posted photographs of doctors who performed abortions, marked “wanted.”

6.The largest online auction, eBay, was registered in 1995. The most expensive lot at the auction was an oil refinery factory, but at that time not a single bid was made, and the factory remained unsold. The most expensive lot that was sold was a Gulfstream V jet, it was bought for $40 million.

7.The largest-scale Internet interview was with Paul McCartney in 1997 during the presentation of the album “Flaming Pie”; during the online broadcast he received about 3 million questions, but answered only 200.

Replacing Yeltsin with a double is a conspiracy theory according to which Russian President Boris Yeltsin died on May 26, 1996 after a fifth heart attack, and subsequently a double or several doubles took his place.

According to the theory, Yeltsin died in 1996 - June 26, 1996 after a fifth heart attack, or in the fall during heart surgery. As evidence of this theory, references are made to the official photographic portrait of Yeltsin, where he is depicted with fingers on his hand (as is known, he lost several fingers on his hand in a childhood grenade explosion). It is alleged that after this puncture, Yeltsin's double's fingers were amputated. Mukhin also claims that the alleged double did not have the same ear shape as the original Yeltsin. The theory is fully presented in Mukhin’s book “The Yeltsin Code”.

Almost everyone knows that the pattern of papillary lines on a person’s fingers is unique and is an identifying sign of a person. But few people know that the shape of the hand is also unique and this shape is also used to determine specific person. In the West, some banks will give you money if you place your palm on the identification screen and the computer recognizes it.

In photo 6, taken from the same election album, you see Yeltsin receiving some kind of Olympic tchotchke. All fingers on him right hand straightened and their real length is visible. (When bending the fingers, their tips move closer to one line.) And in photo 7 you see “Yeltsin” with some happy aunt. He also has the fingers of his right hand extended.

Please note: Yeltsin’s ring finger is only slightly, half a nail, shorter in length than middle finger. And Yeltsin’s ring finger is shorter than the middle finger by more than a fingernail. For convenience, we have enlarged both of these hands and show them separately in photos 8 and 9.

But Yeltsin had it, and “Yeltsin” also has left hand.

When, as a teenager, Yeltsin threw a grenade at his peers and killed two of them, the fragments of the grenade also injured his hand. Doctors amputated his big and index fingers completely, but on the middle one they cut off part of the last phalanx, and even a piece of a nail remained (photo 10 from the same album).

Yeltsin's double (don't forget that there are at least two of them) also had his thumb and index finger and part of the middle phalanx amputated, without leaving even a particle of a nail on it. But since this “Yeltsin”’s middle finger was much longer than his ring finger, even after the amputation his stump remained longer. You can be convinced of this if you compare the left hands of Yeltsin (photo 11) and “Yeltsin” (photo 12).

April 23 marks exactly one year since the death of Boris Yeltsin. The first president of Russia played a key role in modern history on your side. On this day, news participants social network Times.ua remembered 10 interesting facts from the life of Boris Nikolaevich.

1. Yeltsin was missing two fingers on his left hand. He lost them as a child in the explosion of a grenade that he and his friends stole from a military warehouse. In general, as a child, Yeltsin was terribly pugnacious. In one of the district-to-district fights, his nose was broken with a shaft.

2. At 35, Yeltsin worked as the chief engineer of the Sverdlovsk DSK. At the end of the five-year plan, he was to be nominated for the Order of Lenin. However, the award ceremony did not take place: on the eve of the approval of Yeltsin’s candidacy, an almost completed five-story building, which was being built by the structure headed by Yeltsin, collapsed.

3. In November 1987, after Yeltsin sharply criticized Gorbachev's policies, he was removed from the post of first secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU. Immediately after this, he was taken to the hospital, where, according to some reports, he tried to commit suicide with office scissors.

4. In 1989, Yeltsin made his first private visit to the United States. Western media wrote that in Baltimore, having descended from the plane along the ramp, he suddenly turned to the wheel of the plane and urinated on it. After that, without wiping or washing his hands, he went to shake hands with those who greeted him.

5. Famous phrase"Boris, you're wrong!" was pronounced by Ligachev. He accused Yeltsin of the fact that it was his fault in Sverdlovsk region Food stamps were used at the time.

6. In 1990, Yeltsin had an accident during his visit to Spain. He made a very hard landing, as a result of which Boris Nikolaevich received a serious spinal injury. Later there was a lot of talk about the fact that this accident was arranged by the KGB.

7. At the end of 1991, it was not Yeltsin who congratulated the people of Russia on the New Year, but the famous satirist Mikhail Zadornov. According to Zadornov himself, they explained to him that Yeltsin was working with documents, and “he would work with them binge all holiday week.”

8. Yeltsin's love for playing spoons was often demonstrated by him both in Russia and abroad. Alexander Korzhakov says that in 1992, during a visit to Kyrgyzstan, Boris Yeltsin used the head of Kyrgyz President Askar Akayev to play spoons.

9. Many people remember Yeltsin as a person who was fond of alcohol. History includes cases when he snatched the baton from the conductor in Germany and began conducting the orchestra himself, or how he “slept through” a meeting with the President of Ireland. Bill Clinton said this about Yeltsin: “We must never forget that drunk Yeltsin is better than most of the non-drinking alternative candidates.”

10. After Yeltsin’s death, at a meeting of the State Duma, the communist faction refused to honor the memory of the former president by standing.

1. In addition to the eldest Boris, the Yeltsin family had two more children - the younger ones Mikhail and Valentina. During the repressions of the 30s, Yeltsin's grandfather was dispossessed and exiled in 1931, his uncle was arrested in 1935, and his father was arrested in 1937 and spent several months in prison. During the famine of 1935, the entire Yeltsin family moved to Berezniki, Perm Region, for the construction of the Berezniki Potash Plant.

2. Boris Yeltsin studied successfully, but was distinguished by impudent behavior and had conflicts with teachers. After the seventh grade, he was expelled from school, but then reinstated and graduated with excellent marks in almost all subjects. Co school years Yeltsin was actively involved in sports, especially volleyball. He was the city champion among schoolchildren in several sports and the regional champion in volleyball.

3. Boris Yeltsin did not serve in the army due to the absence of two fingers on his left hand. He was injured in early childhood: in Berezniki, little Boris stole two grenades from a military warehouse, one of which unsuccessfully exploded.

4. Theme thesis Boris Yeltsin - "Television Tower". In 1955 he graduated from the construction department of the Ural Polytechnic Institute. S.M. Kirov in Sverdlovsk. On March 27, 1952, he was expelled for missing classes, but student Boris was reinstated. Throughout his years at the institute, he was intensively involved in sports and, despite the absence of fingers on his left hand, was a member of the Sverdlovsk volleyball team, which participated in the games major league USSR Championship. At the institute, Yeltsin met his future wife.

5. During the years of Yeltsin’s rule in Sverdlovsk (he was the 1st secretary of the Sverdlovsk regional committee of the CPSU), a luxurious building was built for the regional committee of the CPSU, which received the nicknames “White Tooth” and “member of the CPSU” in the city. And on the night of September 17-18, 1977, by order of Yeltsin, the mansion of the merchant Ipatiev, which stood in the center of Sverdlovsk, in which Nicholas II was shot with his wife, children and servants in 1918, was bulldozed.

6. As first secretary of the Moscow City Committee (MGK) of the CPSU, Yeltsin surprised many residents of the capital with his accessibility, travel on city public transport, sudden visits to stores, and the organization of vegetable and fruit fairs in the fall of 1986.

7. In 1987, Yeltsin was removed from the post of first secretary of the Moscow City Committee of the CPSU. Immediately after the plenum of the MGK, he was admitted to the hospital with a diagnosis of worsening cerebral circulation. Then rumors spread, later confirmed - in particular by Nikolai Ryzhkov - that he either tried to commit suicide with scissors, or was seriously injured by scissors by falling on them during a heart attack.

8. During his first visit to the United States in the summer of 1989, Yeltsin, getting off the plane, turned away from the official delegation greeting him and urinated on a wheel. In June 1991, at a dinner in honor of President Bush, he ate caviar with his hands and licked it off his fingers.

9. Trying to win over the leadership of some of Russia and the USSR to their side in the “war of sovereignties” autonomous republics, Yeltsin undertook a trip to Tataria and Bashkiria in July-August 1990. It was then that he made his famous proposal to the republics to take “as much sovereignty as they can digest.”

10. In mid-May 1992, a scandal erupted around the speech of deputy V. Isakov, who accused Yeltsin of alcohol abuse. The President has strongly denied these accusations.

11. August 29, 1994, while in Germany on the occasion of the completion of the withdrawal from it Russian troops, Boris Yeltsin, in a state that was characterized by journalists as “drunk,” tried to conduct a German military orchestra.

12. In September 1994, information leaked to the press about an incident that occurred with Yeltsin’s press secretary Vyacheslav Kostikov, whom, on Yeltsin’s orders, the presidential guard allegedly forcibly bathed him in the Volga for some offense. Two years later the information was confirmed.

13. On September 30, 1994, the President, returning to Russia from the United States, was unable to get off the plane for several hours for pre-arranged negotiations with the Irish Prime Minister, who met him at Shannon Airport. It was officially announced that Yeltsin overslept due to the fault of his guards, for which the perpetrators would be punished.

14. Military rank Yeltsin is a colonel. He, being not liable for military service, received it while still at party work in Sverdlovsk.

15. Yeltsin’s autobiography “Confession on a Given Topic” and memoirs “Notes of the President” were actually written based on tape-recorded conversations with the president of a member of the editorial board of the magazine “Ogonyok” (previously a journalist “ Komsomolskaya Pravda") Valentin Yumashev. Since 1997 he has headed the Administration of the President of the Russian Federation.


How many fingers did Yeltsin have? The creators of the Yekaterinburg monument to the first president seem to be confused in his biography. In the end, everything turned out the other way around. PHOTO riddle from the site

The author of the Yekaterinburg monument to the famous Ural resident, the first President of Russia Boris Yeltsin, Georgy Frangulyan, seems to have made a factual error. As you know, Boris Nikolaevich had one hand injured - two fingers were missing on his left, the right was fine. However, on the monument three fingers are depicted on the right hand. On the left there are four of them, one of which is broken by a notch that can be mistaken for an injury.

On the left is Yeltsin’s left hand, on the right is his right

Was this a mistake by the sculptors who mixed up their injured hands and then corrected their mistake? Or a disregard for details; after all, Yeltsin is depicted on the stele in a very symbolic way? Now you, our readers, try it!

To reduce doubts, here is an excerpt from Boris Nikolaevich’s autobiographical story: “And with the loss of two fingers, this is what happened. The war, all the guys wanted to go to the front, but, naturally, they didn’t let us in. They made pistols, rifles, even a cannon. We decided to find the grenades and take them apart to study and understand what was inside. I undertook to penetrate the church (there was a weapons depot there). At night he climbed through three strips of barbed wire and, while the sentry was on the other side, sawed through the bars in the window, climbed inside, took two RGD-33 grenades with fuses and, fortunately, got out safely (the sentry fired without warning). We drove about sixty kilometers into the forest and decided to dismantle the grenades. Still, he figured out how to persuade the guys to move a hundred meters away: he hit them with a hammer, kneeling, and put the grenade on a stone.

But I didn’t take out the fuse, I didn’t know. Explosion... and there are no fingers. The guys were not affected. While we were getting to the city, I lost consciousness several times. In the hospital, under my father’s signature (gangrene had set in), an operation was performed, my fingers were cut off, and I showed up at school with my hand bandaged.”

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