Dancing for weight loss at home - harmony of body and soul (video). General recommendations: how to lose weight by dancing - we will properly organize dances for weight loss at home

Today, dancing for women is not only a way of self-expression. Many resort to this tool forcibly, because they want to find a slender figure with its help. Even experts confirm: if you want to correct your weight, then start dancing.

Therefore, today many reputable fitness clubs conduct dance lessons for weight loss. However, you have to pay a lot for these programs. But you can get rid of extra pounds without incurring such high costs. To do this, you can start dancing at home.

Dancing is very popular among women as a way to correct your figure and get an idea of ​​your inner world. There are several ways to learn dancing: some learn the elements from videos, others develop skills by attending group lessons.

Slimness plus wellness

According to psychologists, dancing is unmatched in terms of effectiveness among other methods of losing weight. The reason for this is that during classes a person is protected from stressful situations which are the main disadvantage of low-calorie diets.

Therefore, when the nervous system fails, a person begins to swiftly eat everything that he finds in his refrigerator.

Thanks to dancing, a person constantly supported by good mood , because in the conditions of performing rhythmic and smooth movements to pleasant music, the body produces endorphins.

The positive effect of dancing classes is to improve the quality of blood flow, enhance lymphatic drainage, as well as accelerating metabolism which allows the body to burn fat more actively.

But body shaping is not the only positive effect of dancing. People who devote a lot of time to them become more liberated, begin to better recognize their inner world, find inner harmony.

When to deal with caution

Almost any person who decides to practice dancing can be sure that this activity will not harm him. However, first it does not hurt to get acquainted with certain recommendations.

Indeed, when dancing, a certain one arises, therefore, they may be contraindicated for individual people:

Dancing rules for weight loss at home

Having become acquainted with the contraindications and realizing that you can practice dancing for weight loss, you can proceed to consider the basic rules of dance lessons.

It is recommended to practice dancing for weight loss where you will feel inner harmony. Great for lessons room with a mirror, thanks to which you can observe your movements.

Make sure that there are no external stimuli in the room where you will dance. Try to study in those hours when no one from your household is left at home; during lessons it is recommended to turn off your phones and not think about everyday problems.

For these activities you will need special clothing and shoes that should be comfortable. According to most, it’s not so bad to dance in old shabby T-shirts and darned trench coats.

However, this is a big mistake, because our ancestors made rhythmic movements during dances, allowing them to tune in to the energy of space. It is unlikely that cosmic forces will be happy with leaky trousers.

If you look at this with a more down-to-earth look, then beautiful sexy clothes are more suitable for dancing, because it sets the installation for finding the perfect figure, and this already increases your chances of getting desired effect from classes.

  • It is advisable to conduct classes at home every day, but at least 5 times a week. When determining the duration, physical fitness is taken into account. However, usually the duration should be between 30 minutes and 1 hour. After finishing the next lesson, it will not hurt to do stretching exercises.
  • Do not be discouraged if your first attempts to lose weight through dancing ended in failure. The main thing is not to give up and continue to work on yourself, and as a result you will achieve your goal.
  • If you have just finished dancing, then refrain from eating for some time. The break should be at least one hour.

The same amount of time must pass after the last meal before you can start training. If you want to speed up the process of losing weight, then try to eat more foods containing a lot of fiber and protein.

Flamenco, strip plastic or belly dance - what to choose

Among all the options, the most suitable are single dances... It is not recommended to start learning this art with pair lessons, because here you have to observe the movements of the partner and memorize the Pa sequences.

If your main goal is to lose weight, then you should focus on working with certain muscle groups, smooth movements, and developing control skills. individual groups muscles.

Types of dances for weight loss

From the whole variety of types of dances for weight loss, you can choose any of the following:

In order to understand which dance for weight loss is right for you, you need to take into account your temperament, level of training and personal preferences.

However, if you rely on practical experience then best of all start with belly dancing... The arguments in favor of oriental dances include the fact that they contribute to the formation of a feminine figure, allow you to learn smooth movements, and also give an unforgettable pleasure from contemplating flexible and beautiful movements.

Do not forget that in ancient times the inner energy and sexual potential of women was revealed through belly dancing. It is worth starting dancing not only because it is very beautiful.

Many women are attracted to them by the fact that with regular exercise, you can noticeably lose weight. Moreover, this method experts advise as the best, naming as the main argument that people who try to learn to dance are not subject to nervous breakdowns, and with various diets this is not uncommon.

In addition to the above benefits, these activities help to become more liberated, as well as gain mutual understanding with your inner world.

After all, you can turn to the primitive -!

This option is suitable for those who have an active life position, wants not only to get rid of extra pounds, but also to do it fun and with pleasure. Dancing is a great way to strengthen the heart muscle, exert stress on various muscle groups and relieve daily stress.

Dancing for weight loss

The main advantage of dancing is that it is you who make a choice in favor of one or another direction of dancing. At the same time, you do not need to have special training to start classes right now. All that is required of you is your desire, positive thinking and focus on results. And most importantly, you do what you like.

Others, but not less important " pros»Dances for weight loss:

  • in the process of dancing, almost all major muscle groups are involved;
  • during classes, the cardiovascular system is actively trained;
  • active movements activate metabolic processes in the body and speed up metabolism;
  • normalize nervous system, increase stress resistance;
  • strengthen the immune system;
  • excellent prevention of stagnant processes in the body;
  • increase self-esteem, teach to love and listen to your body;
  • give positive emotions.

However, despite a large number of benefits of dancing, there are a number contraindications:

  • chronic fatigue;
  • epilepsy (in this case, dancing to loud and fast music is contraindicated);
  • recent injuries of the spine, hip and knee joints;
  • flat feet;
  • phlebeurysm;
  • problems with blood pressure (hypertension), heart disease.

Before you start dancing classes, you need to consult with specialists in order to avoid unnecessary stress and injury.

In a number of other cases, nothing prevents you from listening to the dictates of your heart and choosing a dance to your liking, since the presence of all kinds of directions allows you to make the right choice.

Contribute to weight loss single types of dances, since in paired events, the emphasis is more on memory training and interaction in pairs.

Today there are a great many dance directions for every taste and color:

  • Eastern dance - the muscles of the press, back are exposed to the load. They come to normalize metabolic processes, have a beneficial effect on internal organs and the sexual sphere of a woman. Elastic hips, a thin waist and a flat stomach are formed. Also, oriental motives develop plasticity and teach sexuality.
  • Strip dance or strip of plastic- flexibility, excellent stretching, strong legs and arms, abs - you will gain all this by choosing pole dancing. You will have to forget about extra pounds! As a bonus, you will get self-confidence, emancipation and admiring glances after you.
  • Flamenco- this incendiary spanish dance will help to give your thighs and calves a seductive shape, to get rid of excess weight in the arms, neck and décolleté area. Gracefulness and a sense of rhythm will help you believe in your irresistibility.
  • Irish dances- due to energy and quick movements, these dances allow you to quickly get rid of excess calories and lose weight in the lower body. You will get slender legs like a fallow deer.
  • Hip-hop, break dance- due to the high energy consumption of this type, losing weight is as easy as shelling pears. Sportiness, high endurance and a toned body are provided for you.
  • Latin American dances- flexibility, a sense of rhythm, strong muscles of the legs and buttocks - all this will give you salsa, rumba and bachata classes. Plus, such dances are good cardio workouts.
  • Stepeffective method fight against reduced skin tone and body fat. The muscles of the thighs, legs, and the musculoskeletal system are perfectly strengthened. Good workout for hearing and rhythm.
  • Ballroom dancing- recommended for those who have some health problems. Although it is less mobile in comparison with the above types, it allows you to learn how to keep your posture, form a wasp waist and beautiful slender legs. Ease of movement and the desired gait "from the hip" will appear.

In order for dance classes to be effective and give results, it is worth adhering to some simple rules:

  • Regularity... Workouts should take place at least 3 times a week and last at least an hour and a half.
  • Give priority to classes in morning or daytime time.
  • Drink plenty water- it helps to cleanse the body of toxins, improves metabolic processes.
  • Do not eat in an hour and a half before and after the lesson.
  • Strictly follow your diet... This does not mean that you need to eat only once a day. For a full-fledged workout and maintaining vitality throughout the day, you need to focus on (,) - it will definitely not harm you, but, on the contrary, will help strengthen the muscles. What should be excluded is (our favorite and such high-calorie pies, rolls, chocolates and cakes). It is also worth removing fatty, salty foods from the diet. The most important thing is not to exceed your energy consumption, but vice versa. Eating food should be frequent, but little by little. As snacks, you can use,. A healthy diet should be adhered to throughout the entire period of dancing.
  • Your dance clothes and shoes should be comfortable: free and do not constrain your movements, do not cause discomfort (press, squeeze).
  • You need to listen to your body. Exercise will not be effective or enjoyable if you are not feeling well or have a fever.

We have prepared several videos with dance lessons for weight loss, and also provided them with expert reviews. Fitness instructor Evgenia Kudryashova, who has been teaching various areas of dance fitness for several years, agreed to comment on the lessons.

Dancing lessons for weight loss

Basic elements from oriental dances are told and clearly shown. Good workout for hips, legs, abs and arms.

If you have a fiery temperament, smooth and incendiary movements, as well as oriental motives, will be excellent assistants in the struggle for a slim and elastic body without extra pounds.

Simple, clear, but energetic movements to the rhythmic modern beat. Several simple connections are clearly shown.

The exercises are suitable for doing both in the fitness club and at home. Several repetitions in 2-3 sets, changing the tempo, loose clothing that does not restrict movement - and you are approaching the figure of your dreams with seven-league "hip-hop" steps.

Video tutorial for beginners or for those who are still looking for themselves. Fitness with elements of Latin American dances, or zumba. A positive fitness instructor helps beginners master the basic movements.

Modern music, combined with South American motives and energetic movements of the whole body, charge with positive and contribute to the effective burning of fats, as well as strengthening the heart and blood vessels.

The video introduces you to strip dance. The coach comments on each of his movements, points to possible mistakes performed.

If you want not only to lose weight, but also to acquire spicy forms and reveal your feminine origin, then strip dance is for you. Fascinating music, plasticity in movements and in gaze will not leave a single man indifferent.

An illustrative video lesson on the base from Irish dance... All movements (steps and jumps) are briefly explained, alternating between slow and fast rhythms.

A good start for those who have long wanted to join the culture of the Celts, but did not dare. The ability to keep your back straight, balance, feel the rhythm is not superfluous. If you add stamina, slender legs and toned buttocks to this, you can feel great and forget about cellulite.

Will dancing classes help you get the shape you want? The answer is simple - yes, if simultaneously with physical activity:

  • observe the work and rest schedule;
  • adhere to a healthy and proper diet;
  • your desire to correct your figure is not a fleeting impulse, but regular exercises and efforts on yourself;
  • to exclude bad habits(alcohol, smoking);
  • positive attitude and self-confidence.

Movement is life, and it doesn't matter which you choose - to be an oriental beauty, or a seductress, or a bully in baggy clothes. The main thing is that if one day dance will enter into your life, it will stay with you forever.

What kind of dance did you like and help you find a slender figure? If you have your own unique story to fight the hated pounds with the help of dancing - rather share it and your personal experience in our comments!

Movement is the first thing for those wishing to lose weight at home. And it is not at all necessary to wind circles in the stadium, pump the press 200 times a day or do push-ups from the floor when you no longer have the strength. Dancing for weight loss, which is sometimes even more effective than fitness, is quite capable of replacing active sports. They resemble simple exercises, for which you just need to choose the right exercises and music. But there is another option - to find a video with lessons and study with it.

Before you get down to business, take care of things like:

  • Music. If it seems too fast or slow in the selected video, you can turn on a disc with other tunes. At first, something of an average pace is needed in order for breathing training to be possible. After 2-3 months of the beginning of classes, you can already accelerate.
  • A place. In a private house, problems with him should not arise, but those living in an apartment can have a very difficult time. For dancing, you need a room of at least 5x5 sq. m with a ceiling height of 200 cm. Moreover, it should be light and with windows opening for ventilation. So that neighbors and households do not complain, you can make it soundproof. In such conditions, it will be possible to calmly perform jumps, rolls and other dance elements. Another task is to prepare the space where you plan to study: remove all unnecessary things, lay non-slip flooring, hang large mirrors on the walls. Thanks to the latter, it will be possible to learn from their mistakes discovered during the course.
  • Situation. For slimming dances performed at home to help, you need tremendous power will. Therefore, the attitude and the appropriate atmosphere are very important, for the creation of which no one should distract from training. Close people need to be explained that this is very important to you, they should take it seriously and not interfere. If there are pets in the house, then during classes they must be isolated in another room. But it's best to train when no one is around at all.
  • Equipment. You can't do without sportswear, and it can be pants with a T-shirt, shorts with a top, leggings with a T-shirt. The main thing is that it is comfortable in it and it does not restrict movement. Shoes are also important here, dancing barefoot is harmful, since you have to huge pressure... To avoid this, use ballerinas, thick socks, or loafers without laces.

What dance clothes look like, see the photo below

On a note! To reset excess weight at home using video, it is recommended to train 4-5 times a week for 20-40 minutes or 2-3 times for 1-1.5 hours. It is very helpful to do a short stretch after class. Beginners should take their time to start the lesson so as not to overexert their muscles.

Features of nutrition during weight loss with dancing

At the end of the lesson, you should eat no earlier than 2 hours later. There are also restrictions on eating before it starts: the right time for this is about 30 minutes. At the same time, the food should be light and low-fat, it is best to switch to a healthy diet altogether. It includes:

  • various cereals (buckwheat, millet, rice, wheat, oat, etc.);
  • dairy products (kefir is especially useful);
  • fiber - it helps cleanse the intestines from toxins and toxins;
  • green tea;
  • raw vegetables and fruits;
  • olive oil and many others. dr.

Any dances for weight loss will not be beneficial if, after practicing them, the refrigerator is emptied every time: sausage, bacon, pork are eaten, butter, rolls and other baked goods. Fast-digesting carbohydrates should be left out of the way, it is recommended to replace them with proteins. These substances provide energy and promote growth muscle mass... Among the drinks worthy of attention are ginseng, rosehip infusion and protein diluted in water. It is recommended to use it for breakfast or dinner separately from food.

What does it look like proper nutrition, look at the photo below:

What dances to choose for losing weight by video at home

Here you need to proceed from the state of your health, free time, desire and available space. To burn fat, they often resort to oriental and Latin American dances, a little less often to Zumba. They give the person who chose them not only slenderness, but also flexibility with plasticity. But this is only on condition if you deal with them regularly.

Eastern dance

These dance moves suitable for representatives of any age and body type, they are easy to remember and provide:

  • normalization of metabolism in the body;
  • tightening the press;
  • strengthening the back muscles;
  • elimination of cellulite;
  • elasticity of the buttocks;
  • strengthening of the lumbar muscles.

Exercising for free only 60 minutes a day, you will spend 400-500 kcal. You don't need any sports equipment or special clothing for this, you just need to repeat everything that the instructor shows in the video. First, you should start with light loads on the abdomen and hips, then gradually train the legs and arms. It is recommended to complete the dances for weight loss with breathing exercises and stretching.

Latin American dances

If someone doesn't like the idea of ​​performing a belly dance at home, you should take a closer look at the movements from ballroom performances. If the emphasis needs to be on the legs, jive will do; in other cases, cha-cha-cha and samba are relevant. To eliminate fat in the thigh area, pay attention to salsa, bachata, merengue and mambo. All of them are based on rapid circular rotations of the hips, shoulders and the body itself. With their help, about 900 kcal is spent per hour.

What a Latin American dance lesson looks like, see the photo below:


Such dance training is not harmful to the body, although during its implementation a great load is placed on the muscles of the back, abdomen and legs. The effect of it is very similar to that of cardio. To lose 1000 kcal in this way, you need to exercise for only 1 hour. All exercises are performed to the accompaniment of fiery Latin American music.

They are based on:

  • marching;
  • swing legs;
  • side steps;
  • squats;
  • turns.

On a note! During the performance of the dance "Zumba", it is important to strain the muscles of the legs and arms as much as possible, draw in the stomach and straighten the back. Attention should be focused on the video, it is necessary to strictly repeat all movements behind the teacher. Beginners need to train at least 3 times a week, and experienced dancers 4-5.

Dance workout at home, video:


Thinking about the question of how to lose weight at home, many of you are trying to find a universal training program for yourself. Some people do not want to exercise with a barbell and other sports equipment. We suggest that you try to lose weight through dancing. Today, many directions have been developed in this type of fitness. We will discuss in more detail the most popular forms of dance.

Classes in dance group will help you not only lose weight, but also cheer you up. It is important to choose the right music, and try to accurately perform the necessary movements. Unlike other workouts, dancing does not require preparation or specific equipment. You can study not only in the halls, but also at home. There are many programs on the internet to help you with. During exercise, the body produces a certain hormone that raises the mood.

By correcting your body shape while doing dancing, you additionally strengthen your heart.

So, if you decide to lose weight by dancing:

  • choose a dance direction that suits your temperament;
  • if possible, use the services of a personal trainer for the first trainings;
  • you can find the corresponding program on the Internet;
  • do it regularly, try to clearly perform all the movements;
  • do not overload the body with excessive loads from the first days;
  • adjust yours, do not eat two hours before and after training;
  • drink enough water;
  • Choose the right clothes for your workout, this will further stimulate you.

In the next section, we will provide you with videos of dance training. Please note that the trainer starts with the lightest movements, complicating them later.

Slimming Videos

Slimming Zumba

One of dance directions, which will help you lose weight - Zumba, which combines Latin and aerobic movement. In the hall, depending on the area, 50 or more people can be engaged. During training, all participants are staggered so as not to interfere with each other.

Pay attention to the benefits you get from classes:

  • dance helps to burn more than 650 Kcal per hour;
  • during classes, you work out almost all the muscles;
  • training makes it possible to tighten muscles, reduce body fat, and get rid of cellulite;
  • except beautiful figure you acquire plasticity, beautiful posture and stretching;
  • thanks to the organ massage that you receive during exercise, digestion and metabolism are restored;
  • classes do not require additional equipment, if you wish, you can do it at home;
  • active workouts accompanied by incendiary music will cheer you up.

Zumba dance

Please note that it has several directions that differ in relation to activity:

  1. Zumba is classic. It takes place at an intense pace with rhythmic music, at the same time using almost all the muscles.
  2. Zumba tone. Aimed at working out a specific muscle group.
  3. Continental Zumba. You often see this type at master classes. Professionals, dancing to fiery music, unobtrusively involve everyone around them in the dance.
  4. Zumba in the water. This option is suitable for people who, for health reasons, have some restrictions when exercising in the gym. Water relieves stress from the spine and allows everyone to dance.
  5. Zumba in a circle. Dancing rhythmic movements alternate with normal exercises.

So, so that your efforts are not in vain:

    • practice dancing every other day for at least 30 minutes;
    • consume enough water;
    • Find the right loose-fitting clothing for your activity.

Dancing will help us lose weight

Will help you:

  • lose extra pounds;
  • improve memory;
  • cheer up;
  • pump almost all muscles.

Choose dance directions, depending on what result you want to achieve.

Oriental dances mainly involve the muscles of the back, abs, legs. When exercising for an hour, you will lose up to 450 calories.

Dancing in the Latin style, in addition to losing weight and pumping muscles, will help maintain a beautiful posture. With active workouts, you will burn up to 900 calories in an hour.

Zumba allows you to quickly lose weight, restore heart function, raise vitality, tighten muscles. When exercising for an hour, you lose up to 1000 calories.

If your goal is good stretching and plasticity, pay attention to strip plastic.

Modern jazz will help to develop endurance, pump muscles well and lose weight.

Physical activity is beneficial to any body. But if men enjoy strength training, then most women prefer dance routines. There are many of them, they are diverse, as they say, for every taste. One of the most popular areas is dances for weight loss at home. Videos of such lessons have long taken their place among the arsenal of losing weight at home. Dancing programs for weight loss differ in many ways. When choosing your own, one must take into account physical fitness, load intensity, musical preferences and much more.

Among the popular modern dance styles are the following:

  • Eastern dance,
  • Indian dances,
  • latina,
  • step dance,
  • strip dance,
  • hip-hop,
  • club dances,
  • ballroom.

Tango schools are becoming more common. It is not difficult to assume that hip-hop is more popular among the younger audience, however, like club dancing or strip dance. The older generation gravitates towards tango, as well as towards any classics. But, oriental dances are in favor with ladies of any age.

Want to understand which of dance program yours, what kind of dances do you need to lose weight? Video lessons for beginners will give an idea of ​​the intensity of the load, plasticity of movements and direction musical accompaniment... Van is tedious with more movement and fiery rhythms - choose Latin or hip-hop, gravitate towards smooth steps and lyric music your element ballroom dancing... But if oriental tunes are close to you, bewitching, alluring and smooth movements, feel free to take up oriental dances.

Dancing for weight loss at home

Dancing tango at home or practicing pole movements is somewhat unusual. But belly dancing is quite suitable for homework. Moreover, the lessons of oriental dance for weight loss, the videos of which are not difficult to find, are designed for any level of training. Even if you have never danced, the basic skills will be mastered by you quickly enough. Further, everything will go only incrementally. From lesson to lesson you will feel more confident, learn to enjoy not only physical activity, but also from the fact that you can do what seemed unattainable yesterday.

Remember, whatever your body is in this moment, it should not become a reason for refusing to dance. The grace of a woman sometimes means much more than her volume!

What dances help you lose weight quickly?

Without a doubt, the fastest results come from the most intense dances. The palm is held by break-dance, fast ballrooms, such as quickstep, cha-cha-cha, jive. But, despite the fact that oriental dances do not give such a quick effect, they are most useful for the female body. Yes, there is no such intense and power load, but flexibility and coordination develops, plastic improves and muscles that make a woman a woman are trained. There is an opinion that ancient oriental dances are not only a way to attract male attention, it is also a kind of medical procedure aimed at improving women's health.

Oriental dances for weight loss at home

When choosing what dances to do in order to lose weight, pay attention to oriental dances. With regular exercise, albeit not immediately, but you will begin to lose weight. The load is distributed in such a way that muscles are tightened in the most problematic areas. The hips and buttocks become more and more attractive from time to time, the arms and shoulders become more expressive, the waist becomes thinner and thinner.

You can dance at home for weight loss the most different dances... While studying the video, first look at everything carefully, you do not need to try to immediately repeat complex movements. After all, if something does not work out right away, it will be quite difficult psychologically to force yourself to repeat it. Remember Golden Rule: from simple to complex. Only after mastering the lesson well, it is worth moving on to a more difficult level.

It is not for nothing that those who chose belly dance for weight loss begin their reviews not with how much their weight has decreased. Most of the female fans eastern movements say that the general condition is improving, and not only the physical one. The mood, perception of the world, awareness of her place in this world change as a woman begins not only to copy the teacher's movements, but also to dance. After all, dance is creativity, if you want, even philosophy. Dancing, we do not just pump muscles, we improve spiritually, no matter how trite it sounds.

Video tutorials for beginners: Oriental dances for weight loss

Lesson 3

To achieve the best effect, it is quite possible to combine oriental and fast dances for weight loss. Even so, depending on the mood, today - belly dance, and tomorrow - incendiary cha-cha-cha. More energetic dances will provide additional physical activity, while oriental dances will help develop flexibility and fluidity of movements.

It is important to note that as in any other case, the regularity of the classes is the basis of the basics. Even if you are not in the mood, try it, make an effort, but do not skip the workout. One time, two, three, and now you don't feel like it at all. Do not look for excuses for yourself, do not come up with excuses - just get up and dance, in a few minutes you will forget about your "I do not want" to think.

Dancing belly dance for weight loss. The video will help you not only to tidy up your figure. Video tutorials will teach you the basics, as you progress, you will learn new movements. The time will come when the teacher on the screen will become the source of your creativity. You will learn not only to repeat, but also to improvise or build your own dance line.

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