Taurus husband what kind of job suits him. Taurus profession by zodiac sign

Taurus enjoys working in their specialty. The thirst for activity is expressed differently than in Aries, in whom combustion and self-sacrifice predominate. When choosing a profession, Taurus is more attracted by external conditions and the content of the work.

Anyone who enjoys their job naturally wants to keep it. Unexpected changes create inconvenience, which is what Taurus tries to avoid, and he achieves this thanks to his famous stubbornness.

Just trust yourself more! Taurus is a realist, his qualities are excellent for all types of activities and professions where we're talking about about endurance and patience. He always has sound, sober plans based on the actual state of affairs; he will never come up with something that obviously cannot be implemented.

Zodiac sign Taurus guided by the current situation this moment. He carefully accumulates the experience of the past, analyzes it and applies what is relevant now.

With colleagues, Taurus is friendly and accommodating, or at least strives to be so. To provoke him into a conflict, you need to be too rude or behave extremely defiantly. Then don't put your finger in his mouth.

Attempts to deprive Taurus of joy and pleasure act like a red rag on him. Then he explodes and bursts into anger so that the walls shake. However, this rarely happens, because Taurus’s peace is much more important. He is convinced that nothing harms purposeful and intense work more than a nervous environment, so he tries not to disturb anyone himself.

However, this quality has its own negative side, because Taurus has a habit of not expressing directly what he thinks and wants. Those around you perceive this as behavior and whims. Therefore, Taurus must be constantly encouraged to speak out frankly if it seems that something is not to his liking.

Often Taurus dooms his criticisms in such smooth expressions that colleagues do not understand that we are talking about criticism. He doesn’t want to hurt anyone, forgetting that such a manner sometimes not only offends, but simply gets on one’s nerves.

Taurus forces others to say what they should say themselves. Over time, he must understand that his behavior cannot portray others as troublemakers. Otherwise, he will gradually become known as grumpy and gloomy, not understanding why his life is so bleak.

Taurus enjoys working alone. He patiently pulls the cart, willingly discussing all the details of what has been done with his colleagues.

It costs him nothing to do all the little things himself; he doesn’t need an assistant on whom he could push anything. Often he has a completely different working rhythm than those around him. He can carefully consider the task facing him, and then consistently implement everything that he sat through during his creative downtime. He was not at all idle during the forced pause, although in the eyes of those around him he looked like a slacker.

Compatibility horoscope: Taurus profession by zodiac sign is the most Full description, only proven theories based on astrological observations of several millennia.

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 11/23 – 12/21
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Professions for Taurus

If this person does not love his job, it can make him unhappy, so it is very important to know which professions are suitable for Taurus. Even in their youth, they devote a lot of time to choosing a future specialty, dreaming that everything will turn out well for them and that they will be able to earn a decent living.

Taurus is a sign of wealth, money, and many of the traits present in his horoscope allow him to truly achieve success in the role of a business person. If Taurus do not become businessmen, they can successfully work in the economic sphere and deal with stock exchange transactions.

An objective, realistic view of life and practicality, trusting exclusively in facts predispose Taurus to success in the field of journalism. These people know how and love to keep everything, even little things, under control, so working with documents and numbers will be successful; They are able to accurately follow instructions and strictly adhere to established rules. A successful choice of profession for Taurus will be in which pedantry, punctuality, high accuracy and strict order operations.

Taurus is not against an element of routine in their work, but they must feel satisfied with the results of their work and receive a decent reward for it. For example, Taurus can become a successful florist or livestock breeder, and in general, people of this zodiac sign are very suitable for all types of activities related to the earth, nature, and agriculture.

Professions of Taurus in which he will feel very good may have to do with house construction, interior design, decoration, and home comfort. The hands of those born during this period usually grow from the right place; these are people who are often called craftsmen, so they can find themselves in the profession of an electrician, furniture assembler, etc. Quite a lot of Taurus can be found among engineers in various industrial fields.

In addition, in the horoscope of these people there is a craving for everything beautiful, for art, they have excellent taste, so they can expect success in music, architecture, painting, fashion, in the role of an artist, a representative of show business. Taurus people usually know how to speak eloquently and convincingly, joke skillfully, and these qualities help them achieve success in the professions of an advertising agent, TV presenter, entertainer, and teacher.

Taurus women are well suited to work as a secretary, psychologist, social worker, pharmacist or pharmacist. Taurus will not find professions related to trade very successful, but he can still enjoy them if he sells something related to cooking or land.

Sport as a profession is quite acceptable for Taurus, but the effectiveness depends on the specific type. The assets include good physical health, endurance and determination. At the same time, for a person of the zodiac sign Taurus, sports and other activities that require haste, great emotional overload and instant decision-making are practically inaccessible.

  • Aries 21.03 – 20.04
  • Taurus 21.04 – 21.05
  • Gemini 22.05 – 21.06
  • Cancer 22.06 – 22.07
  • Leo 23.07 – 23.08
  • Virgo 24.08 – 22.09
  • Libra 23.09 – 22.10
  • Scorpio 23.10 – 22.11
  • Sagittarius 11/23 – 12/21
  • Capricorn 22.12 – 20.01
  • Aquarius 21.01 – 20.02
  • Pisces 21.02 – 20.03

Taurus - professions of the zodiac sign

Taurus, a zodiac sign whose professions are most often associated with high incomes, begins early to think about his life purpose and what success he can achieve in a particular field of activity. An undeniable advantage in achieving career heights is that Taurus have every chance of becoming successful in the profession: they are practical, strive to get to the very essence of things in everything and know how to look at the root.

Professions of the zodiac sign Taurus

Since representatives of this sign are different high level punctuality and accuracy, thoroughness, pedantry in performing their work and love of order, then it will be quite natural for them to strive for professions in which such virtues will be in demand.

In addition, Taurus are able to control the situation and not lose sight of even the slightest nuances, thanks to which they can successfully work with documents and numbers, while scrupulously adhering to all kinds of instructions and laws.

What professions are suitable for Taurus?

1. Considering that representatives of this sign gravitate towards various types arts, especially gifted ones can become singers or artists. And such qualities as the ability to express themselves beautifully, tell witty jokes and innate charm help Taurus become journalists, TV presenters or entertainers.

However, Taurus is also suitable for professions in the theatrical field, where, for example, they can be stylists, costume designers or decorators. Good taste allows them to be both architects and designers.

2. Taurus is good at working with people, so they can make excellent teachers and psychologists, secretaries, and social security employees. Representatives of this sign are often found among pharmacy workers and medical staff.

3. Taurus belongs to the signs of the Earth, therefore representatives of this zodiac sign achieve success in the field of agriculture and in activities that are related to natural materials. For example, this could be growing flowers or arranging bouquets, designing and decorating household plots and garden plots.

4. But some Taurus prefer other types of work. Therefore, you can find representatives of this sign who work as electricians, engineers and mechanics. Taurus also have aptitude for the culinary profession, which is why many Taurus work in the restaurant business. Proof of this is that most famous chefs belong to this zodiac sign.

Taurus and his character

These are the main character traits Taurus makes him a promising worker. Distinctive features character:

Often, thanks to these qualities, Taurus achieve high heights in the profession; they can easily be found not only among pop and film stars. They are often found among bankers, politicians, businessmen, managers of various enterprises, and they are also often artists, musicians and teachers.

People who were born under the zodiac sign Taurus are distinguished by their special determination and perseverance. Perhaps these qualities helped achieve such success.

Famous Taurus and their professions

Under this sign, many stars of modern show business were born. Many fans are still interested in who exactly became the star Taurus and why.

So, among famous people there are the following stars:

Career, professions, work and business according to the horoscope for the zodiac sign Taurus

What job is suitable for Taurus?

The Taurus career horoscope suggests that a representative of this zodiac sign is indispensable as a worker.

After all, he is not only not afraid of monotonous and tedious work, but is also ready to remain calm in conflict situations.

This person is endowed with an analytical mind, very attentive to details, which is why banking or accounting is the most suitable job for Taurus.

A representative of this zodiac sign has excellent intuition in the field of business, thanks to which he can become both an excellent boss and a performer.

Moreover, this person has creative abilities and can try his hand at art and poetry. One should take into account the fact that Taurus's career can suffer only because this person is practically incapable of making decisions quickly or evaluating good advice.

What professions are suitable for Taurus?

The representative of this zodiac sign begins to think about his profession early, but the fact is that he does not think about specific case, but about what he can achieve by doing this or that business.

To answer the question of what professions are suitable for Taurus, one should take into account the fact that this is a representative of the earthly element and he is attracted to activities related to natural resources. The most suitable profession for him may be floriculture, landscape design or architecture.

This person often has excellent cooking skills, thanks to which he can get a good job in the restaurant business, not only as a cook, but also as a taster.

However, it must be noted that art is also an acceptable job for a Taurus, since this person is often endowed with talents in the fields of music and acting.

The most suitable professions for Taurus women are areas where they can realize themselves thanks to their perseverance and balanced character. In this regard, the position of a secretary or teacher can be an excellent choice, especially if it is teaching a foreign language.

When thinking about what profession Taurus should choose, one must take into account the fact that there are a lot of areas for self-realization, but nevertheless, you should not get involved in politics.

Remember - Taurus can become a good leader, but as a performer he will certainly achieve great success, because he is organized and responsible, and his balanced character helps to maintain calm in any conflict situation.

The Taurus business horoscope says that a representative of this zodiac sign simply attracts wealth and money, but, as a rule, this has nothing to do with his work.

Often this person receives a large inheritance in the form of property or Money, thanks to which he can ensure a decent existence for himself and his loved ones.

Business is an excellent opportunity for Taurus to increase their capital, but it should be taken into account that he must be a performer, and his partner must be an organizer.

Taurus: characteristics and description

Find out all the most interesting things about Taurus. This information will help you succeed in your relationship with a representative of this sign, avoid quarrels and find common interests.

Zodiac Taurus profession

For the sign zodiac Taurus profession- this is something that can both make him happy and make him unhappy. For him, the work simply must be loved, or you can’t even expect hard work and excellent results from him. So it’s worth knowing which profession is suitable for him. Even in their youth, they begin to think about choosing a career path, thinking about how exactly they will make all their dreams come true and achieve success on their chosen path.

This sign itself is associated with wealth and money, so many of its inherent character traits allow one to become business person and achieve a lot. So business is the best field for him. Another sign zodiac Taurus profession An economist will like it. Here he knows how to handle stock exchange transactions. They also make very good journalists, because they evaluate everything very objectively and trust only the facts. At the same time, it is far from last role Precision and order are important for representatives of this sign; they are also very punctual, so they will certainly find themselves in professions that require these skills. They know how to follow instructions and are very good at keeping everything under control, including little things.

Sign zodiac Taurus profession associated with routine work will also be very much to their liking and they will feel great in it. They love to see the fruits of their labors, so gardening and animal husbandry are professions that suit them perfectly. Taurus people are also very good at cooking, and this is evidenced by the huge number of chefs among them.

They can prove themselves in everything related to construction and interior design. Their hands grow from the right place and they are very good craftsmen. They make excellent electricians and are also good at assembling furniture. Representatives of this sign also find themselves working as engineers.

Taurus also has a craving for beauty. Therefore, they often try to express themselves in art. They are very eloquent, they know how to play and joke well, so show business is theirs and they can reach incredible heights there. Taurus women are well suited to work in the field of psychology, medicine, as a pharmacist or pharmacist, secretary or social worker. Taurus is very often considered as a profession and a sport. But not all types are suitable for implementation. They are very resilient, but rushing to make a decision is not their type at all. Emotional stress is also not acceptable for them. They won't lead to anything good.

Taurus are also good in the arts, which is why they often achieve great things in music, fashion, architecture and painting. They manage to realize themselves well as an advertising agent, because they are able to convince anyone. They make excellent teachers, since Taurus are the ones who know how to present information properly and sit for a long time explaining the same thing over and over again until they achieve the desired result. After all, it is for his sake that they are trying. But the most important thing is that Taurus feels that he likes what he does, then he is able to put his whole soul into his work.

Zodiac horoscope

for all occasions

Professions suitable for Taurus

Professions suitable for Taurus

People born under the sign Taurus , have all the makings for successful career. They are purposeful, practical, and able to penetrate to the essence of things, separating the important from the husk. Taurus are punctual, pedantic, love order, and always control the situation without losing their heads. They are patient and do not make hasty conclusions. Comply accepted rules, while not being formalists. They prefer to choose those professions where they strengths will be in demand. Conservative, do not like change. Material security is important to them. When choosing a profession, choose those areas where they will not experience financial problems.

They are not inclined to philosophize or think about abstract things. They prefer to work in those industries where the result of their labor is physically tangible. Therefore, most Taurus choose the sphere of production. This zodiac sign stands out among others for its love of cooking. These are gourmets who understand good cuisine. They cook well, they can open a restaurant or become a chef. They are owners and stand firmly on their own two feet. They are interested in real estate. They can open a real estate agency, or engage in the construction of low-rise buildings. This earth sign , so they are attracted to landscape design. Having opened a business, they try to expand it step by step, but act systematically, without taking risks.

They should not choose trade, unless it concerns the sale of products or land. They have golden hands, so they can become highly qualified mechanics, engineers, and electricians. Some of them work as political journalists. Their success in this activity is facilitated by the fact that they trust only facts, do not use unverified data, and are very persistent.

Taurus people love agriculture. They can become farmers or engage in processing vegetables, fruits, and grains. They have good taste, have a pleasant voice, and are capable of making a career in show business. They are charming, have a good sense of humor, and know how to communicate with people. They can organize weddings and celebrations.

Taurus woman looks feminine, sexy, but has a tough character. Responsible, efficient, punctual. Such a woman will become not just the face of the company, but also right hand leader. She is interested in a career as a psychologist, social worker, or pharmacist. Has a good sense of color and shape. Some of them become interior designers or fashion designers.

They are not suitable for areas of activity where they need to make decisions in a short time. They do not like haste, fuss, or risk. They are not interested in a career as a racing driver or test pilot. Many of them have good physical characteristics, are hardy, and patient. This encourages them to engage in sports professionally. This allows them to financially provide for themselves and their loved ones.

Taurus profession by zodiac sign

U Taurus the formative planet of the sign is terrestrial Venus, therefore, professions for them must correspond to the same qualities. Taurus themselves are by nature unhurried, reasonable and practical. They perform well in matters related to material things, with an understanding of forms and a sense of harmony. And in order to achieve this harmony, Taurus must first create the appropriate conditions, eliminate annoying and unforeseen situations, while the risk factor must be reduced to a minimum. In favorable conditions, when there is no rush, bustle and uncertainty, Taurus can create masterpieces material culture, sort out the available funds and form from them the fundamental basis for a strong and reliable existence. The support for Taurus is everything that can actually be touched and touched, that has its own weight and its own price. They have good perseverance and analytical skills, the ability to bring what they start to a logical and practical conclusion.

Exaltation Moon in Taurus stimulates in the representatives of this sign the desire to expand space, which entails the expansion of production, economy, and all their spheres of activity. But here a lot depends on the mood of Taurus, on their emotional calm and balance. Taurus see the meaning in further movement only if they imagine a clear and tangible goal, if they can show care for loved ones and harmonize the entire surrounding space that is around them.

A fall Uranus in Taurus turns into helplessness before a sudden revolution, before radical change conditions of existence or rules of conduct economic activity. Taurus find themselves unable to quickly respond to obstacles that arise. And everything that they considered unshakable and strong until this moment can collapse at one moment, and the accumulated potential can become a useless pile of unnecessary things. For typical Taurus, it is difficult to instantly engage in a problem, in the thought process, as well as the formation and presentation of images necessary to develop a quick solution.

But what real fear and uncertainty about the future tells Taurus is exile Pluto, which can give rise to all sorts of force majeure circumstances, extreme situations, destructive personalities, and even an angry crowd that sweeps away in its path everything so carefully created and protected by Taurus. Although, after the necessary study and awareness, Taurus begin to understand that their true well-being and wealth is formed precisely due to large quantity buyers, clients or workers.

Professions of Taurus

Natural endurance, perseverance and efficiency help Taurus to express themselves in the most different types activities. And also unprecedented stubbornness, which sometimes infuriates those around them, but for Taurus themselves, it is like a hammer, breaking the path forward, to the better.

Taurus are precise, punctual, love order in business and calculations, and in financial professions these qualities are more than manifested. They come out of Taurus wonderful:

They know how to timely and competently apply existing laws in their work.

Taurus can make themselves big name in the field of art, especially if their parents helped them develop this talent in childhood. In this case, they are attracted to opera and theater stage, instrumental music.

Many Taurus are engaged in trade. Love for nature and the earth helps them to realize themselves in agriculture, as well as in animal husbandry. Taurus people know how to conduct a conversation beautifully, and this skill, along with charm, fully manifests itself in the professions TV presenter and journalist. Taurus are capable of becoming successful advertisers.

If Taurus prefers physical work to intellectual work, then the work will literally simmer in his hands. Taurus people know how and love to do things with their own hands. Furniture, clothes, jewelry made (sewn) by Taurus will be beautiful, of high quality and will last for many years. Doctor, mechanic, technician- Taurus will find peace in these professions.

Taurus is slow. But this slowness is aimed at concentration and precision. Taurus will not be suitable for a type of activity where they need to make urgent decisions, and also where they need to be on time everywhere and at once.

If you are interested in more full information about a person born under the zodiac sign Taurus, check out other special horoscopes:

You can also look at the compatibility horoscope for Taurus.

Career, business and professions of Taurus

Taurus professions, abilities and interests.

Taurus are extremely talented and capable of achieving great success in different professions, but only if they are able to overcome their natural tendency to laziness and relaxation!

What professions are suitable for Taurus?

The brightest and strong-willed individuals born under the sign of Taurus often find their place in life in leadership positions in government agencies, in politics, as well as in the world of art and the arts.

In the arts, they are usually interested in music and vocals, theater and opera stage, have abilities in the world of cinema, they show themselves on the stage. Garden and interior architecture are no strangers to them, decorative arts, art industry, pattern sewing.

Abilities in the arts are explained simply. The ruler of the sign is the planet Venus, and Venus, as you know, is the goddess of fertility and beauty. It gives people of this sign a developed sense of beauty and form, plasticity and color. It is not surprising that it is easiest and most natural for Taurus to show their natural abilities in a profession related to the beauty industry, with land plots, construction and architecture.

The vast majority of representatives of the sign are employed in those industries that serve people. Everything related to clothing and footwear, food, jewelry, perfumes and cosmetics, they are attracted. Hairdressers, beauty salons, massage parlors are common places of work.

Among Taurus there are many successful entrepreneurs in agriculture, especially in gardening and vegetable gardening. These people are very close to nature and animals. They prefer a sedentary lifestyle and most spend their time alone with nature, closer to the earth.

And those living in the city prefer to connect their lives with trade and financial institutions. Here they show themselves different levels- from a seller or clerk, to a manager, a store director, or a bank owner. Quite a few Taurus find themselves in the hotel and restaurant business - also at all levels.

And they are also excellent cooks and pastry chefs! After all, cooking can also be an art.

Another area that may interest them is fundamental and applied Science. Here preference is given to pharmaceuticals, chemistry, medicine and veterinary medicine, physics and mathematics, computer technology, and mining.

In sports - tend to engage in professional bodybuilding, weightlifting, boxing, wrestling different styles and types.

Money and business.

Taurus men and women always find opportunities to make money. They are interested in material stability, but they also have enviable persistence in achieving their goals. Realism and the ability to turn any idea into money gives them the opportunity to earn substantial capital. And the ability to save money will only help to provide not only for yourself, but also for your children.

The talent to get one's own benefit from everything moves such a person through life. Therefore, many sooner or later will want to have their own own business. They manage to implement their plans gradually, but with a guarantee. These are good organizers who will not miss the opportunity to improve their financial situation and will be able to make the right choice.

Taurus career.

For Taurus, the result is always important, so any representative of the sign is committed to career growth. They are not afraid of difficulties, they are resilient, hardworking and patient, but only when they know what all these sacrifices are for. If the work has no prospects, then Taurus will not stay at it. Material reward is the most important component of success. He will not work for an idea.

Taurus is capable of being both a performer and a leader. Stability in the team is important to him, business relations. As a performer, he is very reliable and responsible; he can go to work on his day off if necessary for business. Such employees are valued and respected and given the opportunity for career growth.

As a leader, Taurus is usually not only demanding and persistent in his demands, but also kind to his subordinates, understands their needs and appreciates their loyalty. Discipline in the team and strict performance of the duties of each employee are important to him. He may be inclined to entrust most of his work to subordinates.

For the sign zodiac Taurus profession- this is something that can both make him happy and make him unhappy. For him, the work simply must be loved, or you can’t even expect hard work and excellent results from him. So it’s worth knowing which profession is suitable for him. Even in their youth, they begin to think about choosing a career path, thinking about how exactly they will make all their dreams come true and achieve success on their chosen path.

Astrologer's advice: Each person has noticeable manifestations of qualities that are not characteristic of him. This happens because the majority have a dependent position on celestial phenomena, for example - aspects between planets, the waning or waxing Moon, etc.

This sign itself is associated with wealth and money, so many of its inherent character traits allow you to become a business person and achieve a lot. So business is the best field for him. Another sign zodiac Taurus profession An economist will like it. Here he knows how to handle stock exchange transactions. They also make very good journalists, because they evaluate everything very objectively and trust only the facts. At the same time, accuracy and order play an important role for representatives of this sign; they are also very punctual, so they will certainly find themselves in professions that require these skills. They know how to follow instructions and are very good at keeping everything under control, including little things.

Astrologer's advice: Knowledge important information, often has a significantly greater effect on achieving plans than advice from loved ones. Take it and achieve more than you currently own!

Sign zodiac Taurus profession associated with routine work will also be very much to their liking and they will feel great in it. They love to see the fruits of their labors, so gardening and animal husbandry are professions that suit them perfectly. Taurus people are also very good at cooking, and this is evidenced by the huge number of chefs among them.

They can prove themselves in everything related to construction and interior design. Their hands grow from the right place and they are very good craftsmen. They make excellent electricians and are also good at assembling furniture. Representatives of this sign also find themselves working as engineers.

Astrologer's advice: We invite you to read for all zodiac signs. An astrological forecast will help you make the best decisions on many issues. Interesting and useful. Go to the horoscopes section.

Taurus also has a craving for beauty. Therefore, they often try to express themselves in art. They are very eloquent, they know how to play and joke well, so show business is theirs and they can reach incredible heights there. Taurus women are well suited to work in the field of psychology, medicine, as a pharmacist or pharmacist, secretary or social worker. Taurus is very often considered as a profession and a sport. But not all types are suitable for implementation. They are very resilient, but rushing to make a decision is not their type at all. Emotional stress is also not acceptable for them. They won't lead to anything good.

Astrologer's advice: If you want to explore and well understand the character and traits of a zodiac sign, you need to get to know it from various sides and the category will help you with this -.

Taurus are also good in the arts, which is why they often achieve great things in music, fashion, architecture and painting. They manage to realize themselves well as an advertising agent, because they are able to convince anyone. They make excellent teachers, since Taurus are the ones who know how to present information properly and sit for a long time explaining the same thing over and over again until they achieve the desired result. After all, it is for his sake that they are trying. But the most important thing is that Taurus feels that he likes what he does, then he is able to put his whole soul into his work.

Taurus gravitates towards money and everything connected with it. This person will consider income as the most important criterion in choosing a profession. They rarely show altruism; high income is important to them. If we talk specifically about crafts, then astrology recommends financial ones - stock exchange workers, economists, businessmen. In addition, he is very capable in handling numbers, documentation and instructions - a clear predisposition to accounting. His punctuality and attentiveness can be envied by many.

Innate realism allows Taurus to express themselves in journalism. They are good at composing phrases from words and texts from phrases, and careful handling of facts will allow them to achieve great heights in this area.

Another direction that the horoscope of professions recommends is any work related to the earth. Livestock and crop production are areas of potential success for people of the Taurus sign. Here the position itself doesn’t even matter, the fact of proximity to nature itself is important.

These people are very fond of material comfort, convenience, everything beautiful and elegant. This determines Taurus’ interest in working in the restaurant business, interior design, decoration, and art. Moreover, this applies not only to leadership positions, but also to blue-collar jobs. Taurus, as a rule, has not only artistic taste, but also with skillful hands. Of course, there is a predisposition to creative craft.

The Taurus woman will be able to show her talents as a secretary, psychologist, and pharmacist. She doesn’t like sales, but she can go there if she likes the object of trade. A Taurus man can succeed in some sports that do not require quick reactions - athletics, for example.

March 21 – April 20
Calf. Astrology of professions April 21 - May 21
May 22 – June 21
June 22 - July 22
July 23 - August 23
August 24 - September 23
September 24 - October 23
October 24 - November 22
November 23 - December 21
December 22 - January 20
January 21 - February 18
February 19 - March 20
1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020, 2032
1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021, 2033
1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022, 2034
1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023, 2035

Natural endurance, perseverance and efficiency help Taurus to express themselves in a variety of activities. And also unprecedented stubbornness, which sometimes infuriates those around them, but for Taurus themselves, it is like a hammer, breaking the path forward, to the better.

Taurus are precise, punctual, love order in business and calculations, and in financial professions these qualities are more than manifested. They come out of Taurus wonderful:

  • Accountant
  • Financiers
  • Analysts
  • Statistics

They know how to timely and competently apply existing laws in their work.

Taurus can make a big name for themselves in the field of art, especially if their parents helped them develop this talent in childhood. In this case, they are attracted to the opera and theater stage, instrumental music.

Many Taurus are engaged in trade. Love for nature and the earth helps them to realize themselves in agriculture, as well as in animal husbandry. Taurus people know how to conduct a conversation beautifully, and this skill, along with charm, fully manifests itself in the professions TV presenter and journalist. Taurus are capable of becoming successful advertisers.

If Taurus prefers physical work to intellectual work, then the work will literally simmer in his hands. Taurus people know how and love to do things with their own hands. Furniture, clothes, jewelry made (sewn) by Taurus will be beautiful, of high quality and will last for many years. Doctor, mechanic, technician- Taurus will find peace in these professions.

Taurus is slow. But this slowness is aimed at concentration and precision. Taurus will not be suitable for a type of activity where they need to make urgent decisions, and also where they need to be on time everywhere and at once.

If you are interested in more complete information about a person born under the zodiac sign Taurus, check out other special horoscopes.

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