Lesson topic: Vasily Terkin - defender of his native country. The innovative character of Vasily Terkin's image. The truth about the war in the poem

Municipal secondary education state-financed organization

"Average comprehensive school No. 2"

g.o. Roshal Moscow region

Literature lesson in 8th grade on the topic:

« Vasily Terkin– defender home country. The innovative character of the image of Vasily Terkin"

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Minaeva Elena Vladimirovna

g.o. Roshal


Lesson Study

Subject: Vasily Terkin is a defender of his native country. The innovative character of Vasily Terkin's image.

Lesson objectives:


    Continue working on chapters from A. Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin” (reading fragments and commentary)

    Understanding the ideological and artistic intent of the poem

    Systematization of literary concepts


    Development of associative and logical thinking

    Development of the ability to conduct a mini-research of a poetic text

    Developing the ability to express and prove your point of view


    Learn to understand a person’s feelings and experiences

    Be filled with pride for the victorious Russian people

    Cultivate an interest in the history of your native country

Lesson equipment: slide presentations of teachers and students; diagram of the analysis of the study of the lyrical hero; study design; route sheets.


    Self-determination of activity. Organizing time.

    Setting a learning goal.

2.1) Updating knowledge

1 SLIDE – portrait of A. Tvardovsky

Teacher: Who is shown in the portrait? (A.T. Tvardovsky, author of the poem “Vasily Terkin”)

2 SLIDE – portrait of V. Terkin

Teacher: Who is the hero of this picture? (V. Terkin - main character poem of the same name, or “Books about a fighter”)

Student Gelos Kh. enters the class dressed as a soldier and reads lines from the poem:

From the first days of the bitter year,

In the difficult hour of our dear Earth

Not joking, Vasily Terkin,

You and I have become friends.

This is how A. Tvardovsky wrote about his hero. (The student takes his seat)

Teacher: - How is the hero presented in the poem? (A real Russian warrior, soldier, defender of his native country.

Determine the topic of the lesson?

SLIDE 3 – topic of the lesson

2.2) Lesson topic: Vasily Terkin is a defender of his native country. The innovative character of V. Tekrin’s image.

2.3) Setting a learning task (problem)


What is unclear about the topic of the lesson?

What does innovative mean?

(Write on the board: innovative - new, created again)

2.4) Activating students' knowledge

4 SLIDE – lesson objectives


Based on the topic, determine the learning objective of our lesson?

1. Analyze the image of V. Terkin and identify the features folk character.

2. Reveal the innovative nature of V. Terkin’s image


2.5) 5 SLIDE

Teacher: Let's determine the goals of the lesson.

    Continue working on chapters from A. Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin” (reading fragments of the text and commentary).

    Understanding the ideological and artistic richness of the poem.

    Developing the ability to express and prove your point of view.

    Learn to understand a person’s feelings and experiences.

    Be filled with pride for the victorious Russian people.

    Cultivate an interest in the history of your native country.

6 SLIDE – lesson plan


Let's create a lesson plan together.


    Identify the traits of a defender of one’s native country

    Determine the innovation of the image of Vasily Terkin

    Discovery of new knowledge.

Receiving research assignments.

3.1) Teacher:

To complete all the points in our lesson plan, you will need to conduct research in groups.

Explore the material on your desks using a research plan.

Group 1 – chapter “At a halt”.

Group 2 – chapter “Crossing”.

Group 3 – chapter “About the reward”.

You also use the content of the entire poem to inform your answers. At this time practical work 8-10 minutes are allotted.

    Primary consolidation.

Work in groups.

Collaboration the participants of the group should be embodied in the “product” of the activity - the speech of the group representatives with a message and presentation. (4-5 slides)

    Independent work with verification against the standard

5.1) Inclusion of new material into the knowledge system.

5.2) Presentation by students of their performance results. (Accompaniment of student responses with slides)

Group 1 – Grivina O.

Group 2 – Gelos H.

Group 3 – Osipova K.

5.3) Primary generalization.


Let's turn to the points of the plan.

What questions were not answered?

What is innovative about this image of V. Terkin?

(This image contains all best features folk hero. We can say that this image is collective. Terkin is a folk hero).There are letters on the board Vasya Terkin - let's decipher each letter.

Teacher's conclusion:

The image of V. Terkin is a collective image, multifaceted, capacious, bright, memorable, and the rhyme “Vasily - Russia”, repeated several times in the text, thereby emphasizes that this hero is the embodiment of the heroism of the Russian people. He is the people's defender of his native country. This is the innovation of Vasily Terkin’s image.

Reflection of activity.

Questions for reflection

    During the lesson I was...

    I found out that…

    I would like to…

    A minute of memory


70 years have passed since the day Great Victory. But the wounds do not heal, and the soul grieves for the dead. About those who did not live to see the Great Victory. Their names are here in the Book of Memory. The words of R. Rozhdestvensky sound like a mournful parting word through the years:

Remember - through centuries, through years - remember,

About those who will never come again -

Remember! Don't cry in your throat, hold back your tears, bitter tears.

In memory of the fallen - be worthy, forever worthy.

Let us honor the memory of the fallen with a minute of silence.

8 SLIDE – Eternal flame

(Students stand up. Teacher lights a candle).

    The lesson is over.

Homework: continue analyzing the chapters of the poem.

Thanks everyone for your work.

A.T. Tvardovsky worked in the front-line press throughout the Great Patriotic War, and throughout the war period his most outstanding and popularly beloved poem “Vasily Terkin” (1941 - 1945) was created.

At first, the brave soldier Vasya Terkin appeared as the hero of the poetic feuilletons of the Tvardov period of the White Finnish campaign (1939 - 1940). During the years of the war with the Nazis, this image acquires deeper content and the scope of artistic generalization. By the author’s own admission, Terkin was for him “lyrics, journalism, song and teaching, anecdote and saying. A heart-to-heart conversation and a remark to the occasion.”

The main approach to depicting the events and participants in the war, which is directly declared by the poet in the introduction to the poem, is the utmost sincerity and authenticity of the narrative:

And more than anything else

You won't live for sure

Without which? Without real truth,

Truth that hits right into the soul,

If only it were thicker

No matter how bitter it may be.

Similar principle artistic image allowed Tvardovsky to surprisingly vividly and, at the same time, succinctly recreate the whole gamut of feelings and experiences of a person during the war: on the one hand, pain from wounds, from despair during the retreat, from separation from loved ones; on the other hand, the joy of victory in battle, from a letter from home, from funny joke commander

The reader's first acquaintance with the hero occurs in the chapter "At a halt." Already here we see Terkin as a sociable person, an interesting storyteller, an experienced “warrior” who is “one of our own” in the regiment.

The second chapter, “Before the Battle,” which describes the period of retreat of the Russian army, reveals such qualities of Tvardovsky’s hero as cheerfulness, fortitude, and unshakable confidence in victory:

The soldiers followed us,

Leaving the captive region.

I'll have one political conversation


- Cheer up.

Let's not go too far, let's break through

We will live - we will not die,

The time will come, we'll come back,

We will return everything that we gave.

The third chapter of the poem “Crossing” demonstrates the courage and heroism of Terkin, who crosses the river to convey an important report to the commander. We see the hero adequately overcoming difficulties, not losing his presence of mind in a moment of danger, philosophically perceiving the possibility of death:

Crossing, crossing!

Left bank, right bank.

The snow is rough, the edge of ice...

To whom is memory, to whom is glory,

Who wants dark water?

No sign, no trace.

Thus, in simple in form, but filled with internal tension and deep drama, pictures of military life consistently and fully reveal the character of Vasily Terkin.

Subsequent chapters add individual touches to the image. We note resilience, heroism, love of life (“Terkin is wounded,” “Death and the Warrior”), we see restraint, modesty (“About the Reward”), resourcefulness (“Who Shot?”), the ability to have fun and rejoice (“Harmon” ).

A special character trait of Terkin is a highly developed sense of national identity: a feeling of belonging to the people, closeness to their worldview and traditions. This is clearly evident in the chapter "Two Soldiers", in which the hero quickly finds mutual language with an old soldier who participated in the First World War, especially noting his continuation of the military work of his fathers:

But the guys are already coming,

Fighters live in war.

Like sometime in the twenties

Their comrades are fathers.

In expanded lyrical digressions Tvardovsky emphasizes the special personal significance of Terkin’s image, his spiritual closeness to the hero of the poem, the inextricable community of views, experiences, and assessments:

And I’ll tell you, I won’t hide it. –

In this book, here and there,

What a hero should say

I speak personally myself.

I am responsible for everything around me,

And notice, if you didn’t notice,

Like Terkin, my hero,

Sometimes it speaks for me.

Let the reader be likely

He will say with a book in his hand:

- Here are the poems, and everything is clear,

Everything is in Russian.

Completeness and authenticity of Terkin’s image is also given by his colorful and, at the same time, simple language, replete with colloquial expressions, folk sayings, jokes, funny jokes.

So, we see that the main character of the poem is a simple Russian man, an ordinary soldier, a real defender his Motherland, whose courage, fortitude, liveliness of mind and sparkling sense of humor cannot but arouse the sympathy of the reader. This explains the enormous popularity among the people of the image of Vasily Terkin. Many even recognized him as real specific people - their friends, comrades in arms. “Reading Vasily Terkin from beginning to end, I saw first of all myself, my close comrades, our entire family in all its truly truthful appearance,” one of the ordinary soldiers wrote to Tvardovsky.

Thus, Tvardovsky’s poem reflects the most bright features Russian national character during the Great Patriotic War. That is why the work of A.T. Tvardovsky does not lose its character over the years artistic power and the depth of impact on the reader.

Other works on the topic:

Monument literary hero- This is actually a rare thing, but in our country such a monument was erected to Vasily Terkin, and, it seems to me, Tvardovsky’s hero rightfully deserved this honor. This monument can be considered erected to all those who did not spare their blood during the Great Patriotic War, who always found a way out of a difficult situation and knew how to brighten up everyday life at the front with a joke, who loved to play the accordion and listen to music at a halt, who at the cost of their lives brought closer Great Victory.

VASILY TERKIN is the hero of A.T. Tvardovsky’s poems “Vasily Terkin” (1941-1945) and “Terkin in the Other World” (1954-1963). Literary prototype of V.T. - Vasya Terkin, the hero of a series of feuilletons in satirical pictures with captions in verse, published in the newspaper “On Guard of the Motherland” in 1939-1940. It was created with the participation of Tvardovsky in the editorial office of the newspaper according to the type of heroes of the “corner of humor”, one of the usual characters of which was “Pro-tirkin” - from the technical word “rubbing” (an object used to lubricate weapons).

Alexander Isaevich Solzhenitsyn in his literary memories“The Calf Butted an Oak Tree” admired A. T. Tvardovsky’s sense of proportion; he wrote that, not having the freedom to tell the complete truth about the war, Tvardovsky stopped before any lie almost at the last millimeter, but never crossed this barrier.

The hero of the poem by A.T. Tvardovsky's "Vasily Terkin" became a favorite folk hero during the war years and continued to remain so many years later. This is a simple soldier, a village guy who stood up to defend his homeland. He is a man of the people, close to those soldiers who read the poem somewhere at the front in their rare free moments.

(Based on the poem "Vasily Terkin" by A. T. Tvardovsky) Fiction period of the Great Patriotic War has a number of characteristic features. Its main features are patriotic pathos and a focus on universal accessibility. The most successful example of this work of art Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin" is rightfully considered.

Poem by A.T. Tvardovsky’s “Vasily Terkin” became the author’s direct response to the tragic events of the Great Patriotic War. The poem consists of separate chapters, united common hero– Vasily Terkin, a simple village guy, like many others, who stood up to defend his Motherland.

(based on the works of A. T. Tvardovsky) The theme of war is very clearly presented in the works of Alexander Tvardovsky. Especially in his poem “Vasily Terkin” A. Solzhenitsyn wrote about him: “But from wartime I noted “Vasily Terkin” as an amazing success... Tvardovsky managed to write a thing that is timeless, courageous and uncontaminated...”.

During the Great Patriotic War, A.T. Tvardovsky writes the poem “Vasily Terkin” - about this war, in which the fate of the people was decided. The poem is dedicated to the life of the people during the war. Tvardovsky is a poet who deeply understood and appreciated the beauty of the people's character. In “Vasily Terkin” large-scale, capacious, collective images are created, events are enclosed in a very wide time frame, the poet turns to hyperbole and other means of fairy-tale conventions.

The poem “Vasily Terkin” by Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky is one of the central works of the poet’s work. The first chapters of the poem were published in 1942. The success of the work was associated with the success of the writer's character of the main character. Vasily Terkin is a fictitious person from beginning to end, but this image was described in the poem so realistically that readers perceived him as a real person living next to them.

At the very height of the Great Patriotic War, when our entire country was defending its homeland, the first chapters of A.T.’s poem appeared in print. Tvardovsky’s “Vasily Terkin”, where the main character is portrayed as a simple Russian soldier, “an ordinary guy”.

The hero of Tvardovsky's poem is a simple Russian soldier. But is it? At first glance, Terkin is an ordinary private. And yet this is not true. Terkin is like a calling, a calling to be an optimist, a joker, a joker, an accordion player and, ultimately, a hero.

War is complex and scary time in the life of any people. It is during the period of world confrontations that the fate of the nation is decided, and then it is very important not to lose self-esteem, self-respect, and love for people. In a time of difficult trials, during the Great Patriotic War, our entire country rose to defend our homeland against a common enemy.

Alexander Tvardovsky’s poem “Vasily Terkin” is dedicated to the Great Patriotic War and people at war. From the first lines, the author aims the reader at realistic image the tragic truth of war in his “Book about a fighter” -

Russian soldier in Tvardovsky's poem Vasily Terkin From the newspaper pages, Alexander Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin" stepped into the line immortal works Russian literature. The poem, like any great work, gives a reliable picture of the era, a picture of the life of its people.

Author: Tvardovsky A.T. The Great Patriotic War is one of those events in the history of the country that remain in the memory of the people for a long time. Such events greatly change people's ideas about life and art. The war caused an unprecedented surge in literature, music, painting, and cinema. But, perhaps, there was not and there will be no more popular work about the war than the poem by Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky “Vasily Terkin”.

The poetry of Alexander Tvardovsky is distinguished by simplicity and piercing truth, touching lyricism. The author is not lying, but comes to us with an open soul and heart. The poem “Vasily Terkin” is especially loved by readers.

Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky is a great and original poet. Being a peasant son, he knew and understood perfectly the interests, sorrows and joys of the people.

Emerging from the depths of folk life, Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky brought folk humor, a sharp joke, a well-aimed and precise, but at the same time simple and intelligible language to great literature.

The works of Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky are distinguished by lyricism, truth of life and beautiful, sonorous and figurative language. The author organically merges with his characters, living their interests, feelings and desires.

From the first days of the Great Patriotic War, Tvardovsky was among the fighters, became a war correspondent difficult roads from west to east and back. He spoke about this in the poem “Vasily Terkin”.

Alexander Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin" stepped from a newspaper page into the ranks of immortal works of Russian literature. Like any great work, Tvardovsky’s poem gives a true picture of the era, a picture of the life of his people.

Author: Tvardovsky A.T. In “Vasily Terkin” there are few contrasts, but there is a lot of movement and development - primarily in the images of the main character and the author, their contacts with each other and with other characters. Initially, they are distanced: in the introduction, Terkin is combined only with a good saying or saying - and vice versa, the author clearly pronounces words about truth from himself.

(1910–1971), Russian poet. Born on June 8 (21), 1910 in the village of Zagorye, Smolensk province. Tvardovsky's father, a peasant blacksmith, was dispossessed and exiled. Tragic fate father and other victims of collectivization are described by Tvardovsky in the poem By Right of Memory (1967–1969, published 1987).

The poem by Alexander Tvardovsky “Vasily Terkin” is a book for everyone; it can be read at any age, in moments of joy and | sadness, worrying about the future or carefreely indulging in peace of mind.

Tvardovsky has a poem “A Trip to Zagorye”, written in the 30s. The author, already a famous poet, comes to his home village near Smolensk.

Depiction of folk character in the works of A.T. Tvardovsky and M.A. Sholokhov (Vasily Terkin and Andrei Sokolov) Let us remember the time in which the works of Tvardovsky and Sholokhov were created. Stalin's inhumane policies were already triumphant in the country, general fear and suspicion penetrated all layers of society, collectivization and its consequences destroyed centuries-old agriculture and undermined the best forces of the people.

A.T. Tvardovsky worked in the front-line press throughout the Great Patriotic War, and throughout the war period his most outstanding and popularly beloved poem “Vasily Terkin” (1941 - 1945) was created. At first, the brave soldier Vasya Terkin appeared as the hero of the poetic feuilletons of the Tvardov period of the White Finnish campaign (1939 - 1940). During the years of the war with the Nazis, this image acquires deeper content and the scope of artistic generalization. By the author’s own admission, Terkin was for him “lyrics, journalism, song and teaching, anecdote and saying. A heart-to-heart conversation and a remark to the occasion.” The main approach to depicting the events and participants in the war, which is directly declared by the poet in the introduction to the poem, is the utmost sincerity and authenticity of the narration: And more than anything else, you certainly can’t live without what? Without the real truth, Truth that hits right into the soul, If only it would be thicker, No matter how bitter it may be. This principle of artistic representation allowed Tvardovsky to surprisingly vividly and, at the same time, succinctly recreate the entire gamut of feelings and experiences of a person during the war: on the one hand, pain from wounds, from despair during the retreat, from separation from loved ones; on the other hand, the joy of victory in battle, from a letter from home, from a cheerful joke from the commander. The reader's first acquaintance with the hero occurs in the chapter "At a halt." Already here we see Terkin as a sociable person, an interesting storyteller, an experienced “warrior” who is “one of our own” in the regiment. The second chapter, “Before the Battle,” which describes the period of retreat of the Russian army, reveals such qualities of Tvardovsky’s hero as cheerfulness, fortitude, and unshakable confidence in victory: The soldiers followed us, leaving the captive land. During one political conversation I repeated: “Don’t be discouraged.” If we don’t go too far, we’ll break through, If we live, we won’t die, The time will come, we’ll come back, What we gave, we’ll return everything. The third chapter of the poem “Crossing” demonstrates the courage and heroism of Terkin, who crosses the river to convey an important report to the commander. We see the hero adequately overcoming difficulties, not losing his presence of mind in a moment of danger, philosophically perceiving the possibility of death: Crossing, crossing! Left bank, right bank. The snow is rough, the edge of ice... To whom is memory, to whom is glory, To whom is dark water. No sign, no trace. Thus, in simple in form, but filled with internal tension and deep drama, pictures of military life consistently and fully reveal the character of Vasily Terkin. Subsequent chapters add individual touches to the image. We note resilience, heroism, love of life (“Terkin is wounded,” “Death and the Warrior”), we see restraint, modesty (“About the Reward”), resourcefulness (“Who Shot?”), the ability to have fun and rejoice (“Harmon” ). A special character trait of Terkin is a highly developed sense of national identity: a feeling of belonging to the people, closeness to their worldview and traditions. This is clearly manifested in the chapter “Two Soldiers,” in which the hero quickly finds a common language with an old soldier who participated in the First World War, especially noting his continuation of the military work of his fathers: But the guys are already coming, Soldiers live in the war. Like sometime in the twentieth Their comrades are fathers. In extensive lyrical digressions, Tvardovsky emphasizes the special personal significance of Terkin’s image, his spiritual closeness to the hero of the poem, the inextricable community of views, experiences, and assessments: And I’ll tell you, I won’t hide it. - In this book, here and there, What the hero should say, I say personally myself. I am responsible for everything around me, And notice, since I didn’t notice, that Terkin, my hero, sometimes speaks for me. The author sees the highest reader praise in the clarity and closeness of his hero himself to a wide circle readers. Tvardovsky sees this as the main task of his work: Let the likely reader say with a book in his hand: “Here are the poems, but everything is clear, Everything is in Russian.” Completeness and authenticity of Terkin’s image is also given by his colorful and, at the same time, simple language, replete with colloquial expressions, folk sayings, jokes, and funny jokes. So, we see that the main character of the poem is a simple Russian man, an ordinary soldier, a true defender of his Motherland, whose courage, fortitude, mental alertness and sparkling sense of humor cannot but arouse the sympathy of the reader. This explains the enormous popularity among the people of the image of Vasily Terkin. Many even recognized him as real specific people - their friends, comrades in arms. “Reading Vasily Terkin from beginning to end, I saw first of all myself, my close comrades, our entire family in all its truly truthful appearance,” one of the ordinary soldiers wrote to Tvardovsky. Thus, Tvardovsky’s poem reflected the most striking features of the Russian national character during the Great Patriotic War. That is why the work of A.T. Tvardovsky does not lose its artistic power and depth of impact on the reader over the years.

A.T. Tvardovsky worked in the front-line press throughout the Great Patriotic War, and throughout the war period his most outstanding and popularly beloved poem “Vasily Terkin” (1941 - 1945) was created.

At first, the brave soldier Vasya Terkin appeared as the hero of the poetic feuilletons of the Tvardov period of the White Finnish campaign (1939 - 1940). During the years of the war with the Nazis, this image acquires deeper content and the scope of artistic generalization. By the author’s own admission, Terkin was for him “lyrics, journalism, song and teaching, anecdote and saying. A heart-to-heart conversation and a remark to the occasion.”

The main approach to depicting the events and participants in the war, which is directly declared by the poet in the introduction to the poem, is the utmost sincerity and authenticity of the narrative:

And more than anything else

You won't live for sure

Without which? Without real truth,

Truth that hits right into the soul,

If only it were thicker

No matter how bitter it may be.

This principle of artistic representation allowed Tvardovsky to surprisingly vividly and, at the same time, succinctly recreate the entire gamut of feelings and experiences of a person during the war: on the one hand, pain from wounds, from despair during the retreat, from separation from loved ones; on the other hand, the joy of victory in battle, from a letter from home, from a cheerful joke from the commander.

The reader's first acquaintance with the hero occurs in the chapter "At a halt." Already here we see Terkin as a sociable person, an interesting storyteller, an experienced “warrior” who is “one of our own” in the regiment.

The second chapter, “Before the Battle,” which describes the period of retreat of the Russian army, reveals such qualities of Tvardovsky’s hero as cheerfulness, fortitude, and unshakable confidence in victory:

The soldiers followed us,

Leaving the captive region.

I'll have one political conversation


- Cheer up.

Let's not go too far, let's break through

We will live - we will not die,

The time will come, we'll come back,

We will return everything that we gave.

The third chapter of the poem “Crossing” demonstrates the courage and heroism of Terkin, who crosses the river to convey an important report to the commander. We see the hero adequately overcoming difficulties, not losing his presence of mind in a moment of danger, philosophically perceiving the possibility of death:

Crossing, crossing!

Left bank, right bank.

The snow is rough, the edge of ice...

To whom is memory, to whom is glory,

Who wants dark water?

No sign, no trace.

Thus, in simple in form, but filled with internal tension and deep drama, pictures of military life consistently and fully reveal the character of Vasily Terkin.

Subsequent chapters add individual touches to the image. We note resilience, heroism, love of life (“Terkin is wounded,” “Death and the Warrior”), we see restraint, modesty (“About the Reward”), resourcefulness (“Who Shot?”), the ability to have fun and rejoice (“Harmon” ).

A special character trait of Terkin is a highly developed sense of national identity: a feeling of belonging to the people, closeness to their worldview and traditions. This is clearly evident in the chapter “Two Soldiers,” in which the hero quickly finds a common language with an old soldier who participated in the First World War, especially noting his continuation of the military work of his fathers:

But the guys are already coming,

Fighters live in war.

Like sometime in the twenties

Their comrades are fathers.

In extensive lyrical digressions, Tvardovsky emphasizes the special personal significance of the image of Terkin, his spiritual closeness to the hero of the poem, the inextricable community of views, experiences, and assessments:

And I’ll tell you, I won’t hide it. –

In this book, here and there,

What a hero should say

I speak personally myself.

I am responsible for everything around me,

And notice, if you didn’t notice,

Like Terkin, my hero,

Sometimes it speaks for me.

Let the reader be likely

He will say with a book in his hand:

- Here are the poems, and everything is clear,

Everything is in Russian.

Completeness and authenticity of Terkin’s image is also given by his colorful and, at the same time, simple language, replete with colloquial expressions, folk sayings, jokes, and funny jokes.

So, we see that the main character of the poem is a simple Russian man, an ordinary soldier, a true defender of his Motherland, whose courage, fortitude, mental alertness and sparkling sense of humor cannot but arouse the sympathy of the reader. This explains the enormous popularity among the people of the image of Vasily Terkin. Many even recognized him as real specific people - their friends, comrades in arms. “Reading Vasily Terkin from beginning to end, I saw first of all myself, my close comrades, our entire family in all its truly truthful appearance,” one of the ordinary soldiers wrote to Tvardovsky.

Thus, Tvardovsky’s poem reflected the most striking features of the Russian national character during the Great Patriotic War. That is why the work of A.T. Tvardovsky does not lose its artistic power and depth of impact on the reader over the years.

Poem by A.T. Tvardovsky's "Vasily Terkin" opens with the image of water. This is peculiar artistic technique, helping the author to immediately introduce the reader to the values ​​and realities of the harsh era of the early forties. The author begins his narrative not with heroism, not with pathetic lines, but with a description of the meager details of military life. And the reader understands that heroism is already the ability to adapt to a difficult life on the road. And here, according to Tvardovsky, in addition to water and food (colorful hot cabbage soup, which seems to the lyrical hero at the front to be the best and healthiest food), something else is needed, without which one cannot survive the harsh trials of war. And this cure for fear and despondency, for the bitterness of loss and defeat, is a joke, a joke, a saying - humor, which Russian folklore is so rich in.

This is how the image of a simple soldier Vasily Terkin appears in the poem, a warm-hearted, easy-going, cheerful person and a good storyteller who knows how to brighten up the hardships of military trials with his optimistic attitude towards life.

After a short introduction “From the author”, the poem is followed by the chapter “At a halt”. It is also devoid of battle scenes, and this feature once again emphasizes that A.T. Tvardovsky is primarily interested not in the course of military operations, but in the description of a person’s life in war, his problems and experiences, his ability to remain human in borderline, seemingly hopeless situations.

War in the poem becomes a measure of decency, nobility, responsibility for the future of other people (relatives, friends, compatriots). In the era of consolidation of popular forces, these qualities become necessary for every fighter.

The chapter “At a Rest” opens and is interspersed with conversations of soldiers. Such dialogue gives the plot a relaxed character and shows trust in the relationship between the fighters. However, from individual details in the conversation a generalized image of the military generation emerges. “I’m fighting a second war, brother, forever,” says one of the soldiers, asking for more porridge. And thanks to this phrase, the reader literally imagines this fighter, a man no longer young, who has gone through a harsh school of life. One war knocked on his door in his youth, and now he had to take up arms a second time.

Artistic style of A.T. Tvardovsky is distinguished by its aphorism, capacity, and laconicism. The image of the “second war of the century” has philosophical depth: already short life of man, which in comparison with eternity, with our history, is insignificantly small, tragically irreversible, turns out to be overshadowed by a series of tragic events and, in fact, consists of practically nothing but difficulties and deprivations. And in such a difficult atmosphere of general fatigue and anxiety, the merry fellow and joker Vasily Terkin begins a story about “Sabantuy”. This is a kind of holiday of the soul, when a soldier rejoices that he did not die under bombing, and a spiritual uplift that helps the hero not to flee from the battlefield after seeing fascist tanks. A.T. Tvardovsky emphasizes that the hero of his poem is the most ordinary person with an unremarkable appearance. He does not seek fame, but is distinguished by an enviable love of life: “He smokes, eats and drinks with gusto in any position.”

In the chapter “Before the battle” A.T. Tvardovsky paints a picture of the retreat to the east, when our troops were leaving the encirclement, “leaving the captive region.” On the way, the commander of a detachment that was surrounded decides to look into his native village. Thanks to this plot device, the theme of the retreat is concretized and perceived not in general, but through the prism of the experiences of an individual person. The commander, together with the detachment, is forced to secretly make his way to his home hut in enemy-occupied territory. With a bitter feeling, he sits down at the table, chops firewood for his family at night, and at dawn leaves the house, realizing that the Nazis may soon enter it.

One of the most striking and memorable in the poem is the chapter “Crossing”. A.T. Tvardovsky depicts one of the episodes of the war in it, emphasizing the rich traditions of the glorious exploits of Russian soldiers - defenders of their native land: “They walk the same harsh path that two hundred years ago the Russian toiling soldier walked with a flintlock gun.”

The crossing is a difficult test of strength and endurance. Courage. The symbols of this test are the roar of water and the rotting ice. And an alien night, and an inaccessible forest, “the right bank is like a wall.” All these images natural world turn out to be hostile towards humans. A.T. Tvardovsky in the poem does not embellish reality, does not hide victims and failures, but depicts military actions and losses in all their terrifying and tragic truth: “People are warm, alive, They went to the bottom, to the bottom, to the bottom...” The repetition enhances the depth of the tragedy experienced by the author and shows the scale of the “blood trail.” The bitterness of the losses is enhanced by the picture depicting dead faces on which the snow does not melt. This fragment of the poem is not devoid of naturalism. Further, the author mentions that rations are still issued to the dead, and old letters written by them are sent home by mail. These details also emphasize the irreplaceability of the loss. The scale of the tragedy is enlarged with the help of toponymy: “From Ryazan, from Kazan, From Siberia, from Moscow - The soldiers are sleeping. They said theirs and are forever right.”

In the chapter “Crossing” Vasily Terkin miraculously remains alive and also brings the good news that the first platoon that managed to cross to the right bank is alive.

The chapter ends with a succinct and laconic summary: “The battle is holy and just. Mortal combat is not for the sake of glory, for the sake of life on earth.”

The theme of responsibility for the fate of Russia is also developed in the next chapter, “On War.” A.T. Tvardovsky emphasizes that sacrifices during war are inevitable, but they are made for the sake of common victory, so the soldier must forget about himself for a while: the main thing is to solve the combat mission, to fulfill his duty to his homeland, to his children.

The anti-humanistic nature of the war is emphasized by the writer in the chapter “Terkin is wounded,” which opens with a picture of a “mutilated land” that smells not of human smoke from housing, but of gun smoke. But the merciless cold of military winters is perceived by the author as help: the Russian peasant is accustomed to snow and cold, because he fights in native land, but for the invaders the frost becomes a difficult test. If the plot of this chapter, in which the hero is injured, is dynamic, intense artistic details and constantly keeps the reader in suspense, the chapter “On the Reward” opens with an optimistic monologue contrasting in mood: Vasily Terkin dreams of a vacation, wants to find himself in his native village, but the Smolensk region is occupied by the enemy. At the end of the chapter, the repetition of “Mortal combat not for the sake of glory, but for the sake of life on earth” returns the hero from a dream to harsh reality.

The chapter “Two Soldiers” reinterprets the famous fairy-tale story about how a soldier made soup from an ax. Vasily Terkin spends the night in peasant hut, sharpens the old owner's saw, repairs his watch, and then persuades the owner to make scrambled eggs with lard.

Calm, humorous chapters alternate in the poem with recreations of the most difficult, tragic pages of the military chronicle.

The chapter "Duel" describes hand-to-hand combat. First, the reader sees that the German is physically stronger than Terkin. However, resourceful Vasily does not lose heart. And now “the German is decorated with a red yushka, like an egg.” This comparison in the poem conveys the spirit of Russian folk Easter traditions. The author thereby shows that Terkin has holy truth on his side and therefore he will win. A.T. Tvardovsky again turns to the distant but unforgettable pages of history (“Like on an ancient battlefield, Chest against chest, like a shield against a shield, - Instead of thousands, two fight, As if the fight will decide everything”). The contrast between the plural and the singular in this chapter shows that the fate of victory in times of military trials depends on the actions of each soldier.

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