The leadership of the Russian Ministry of Defense. Internet interview with S.A. Shtykulin, head of the Directorate for Coordination of the Exercise of Property Owner Rights of Organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation: "The concept of reforming organizations under the control of

Historical excursion

The Russian state emerged and developed in difficult circumstances. That is why, almost immediately, with the emergence of the army, the need arose for a single body responsible for carrying out various military activities, as well as command and control of troops. The situation changed in 1531. It was then that the Discharge Order (or Discharge) was created. The competence of this body was to recruit an army and provide it with supplies. Later, the interests of the Discharge also included the construction of fortresses and abatis. In addition, the Discharge Order exercised control over troops on the southern outskirts of the state. During the second half of the 16th, as well as the entire 17th centuries, the Rank Order continued to manage the military affairs of the state.

The situation changed only in early XVIII century, when the reforms of Peter I affected almost all spheres of life Russian state. Naturally, they did not ignore military affairs. Thus, the Rank Order was replaced by the Military Collegium, which performed essentially the same functions with the only difference that the time of Tatar raids on Rus' had passed, and special attention to the southern borders of the state was no longer required. It was with and thanks to the Military Collegium Russian weapons won glorious victories over Turkey, Sweden, Poland and Prussia, annexing vast territories to the country.

IN early XIX century, a special manifesto of Emperor Alexander I was published. According to it, the Military Collegium was abolished. It was replaced by the Ministry of the Army. Six years later, in 1808, this Ministry was reformed into War Ministry with the same functions and powers.

The Patriotic War of 1812 marked new era military history. A difficult situation on the battlefields with France demanded a radical change in the War Ministry in accordance with new requirements, which was carried out in the same year. Thanks to changes in the structure of the ministry, a number of departments were formed: engineering, inspection, artillery, audit, provisions, medical and commissariat. Separately, it is also worth mentioning the ministerial council and the office, which were not part of any of the departments, but were integral part ministries.

In 1815, for a short period of time (about a year), the Russian Military Ministry temporarily became part of the General Staff. However, this method of organizing the management of military affairs quickly showed its inconsistency.

After 20 years, it was the turn to unite the General Staff and the War Ministry again. Moreover, this time the General Headquarters became part of the latter. However, no qualitative changes in the structure of the War Ministry occurred for another 24 years. The Crimean War changed everything, during which the Russian army suffered serious losses. The backwardness of the Russian army in technical and organizational aspects became obvious.

In 1861, Emperor Alexander II appointed Field Marshal D. A. Milyutin as Minister of War. It was Milyutin who initiated an extensive military reform in the state, which became like a fresh breath of air for the army, which had barely recovered from defeat. During the reform, a territorial system of military control was introduced, which manifested itself in the creation of military districts on the territory of the country. Military service was also introduced for all classes, which solved a number of problems with recruiting the army. A separate point was also the adoption of new small arms.

Military reform D. A. Milyutin was also reflected in the structure of the War Ministry. So, as of 1870 it included: the imperial main apartment, Main Headquarters, the office of the Minister of War, the military council, as well as the main departments (artillery, military educational institutions, Cossack troops, quartermaster, engineering, military judicial and military medical).

However, Russia did not have to enjoy the benefits of these military reforms for long: during the Russo-Japanese War in 1904-1905, its shortcomings were revealed and, if for the 1870s it was quite modern, then by the beginning of the 20th century it was completely outdated. To more effectively manage the army during the Russo-Japanese War, the State Defense Council was created, which was abolished in 1908. A number of measures were also followed to seriously reorganize the army. Russian Empire, but it was not possible to fully implement them.

In 1914 the First War broke out World War. In the same year, the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief was created. Moreover, it existed simultaneously with the War Ministry.

After October revolution both of these bodies were disbanded, and they were replaced by the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs. However, during Civil War and for the first time years of peace general military control was carried out special body created for these purposes. This body was the Council of Workers' and Peasants' Defense. In 1923, it was replaced by the People's Commissariat for Military and Naval Affairs. Its function was the construction of the Workers' and Peasants' Red Army and Navy, as well as ensuring their livelihoods.

Thanks to the rapid growth and development of the Red Army, already in 1934 the People's Commissariat for Military and Naval Affairs was reorganized. As a result, the People's Commissariat of Defense of the USSR was formed. Three years later, the People's Commissariat of the Navy separated from it. His task was to manage the fleet and naval bases.

On June 22, 1941, Nazi Germany attacked the USSR, and the Great Patriotic War began. Already on June 23, the Headquarters of the High Command was formed, which existed along with the People's Commissariat of Defense. The Headquarters of the High Command existed until July 10, 1941, and was replaced by the Headquarters of the Supreme Command (from July 10 to August 8, 1941), and then by the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command (from August 8, 1941). Also in March 1944, the People's Commissariat of Defense of the RSFSR was created.

After the end of the Great Patriotic War the need for the Headquarters of the Supreme High Command disappeared. Already on August 3, 1945, it was abolished, and the corresponding powers were again transferred to the People's Commissariat of Defense and the People's Commissariat of the USSR Navy. At the end of the winter of 1946, both people's commissariats were united into a single body. It was named the People's Commissariat of the Armed Forces, and a month later it was renamed the Ministry. Following this, the People's Commissariat of Defense of the RSFSR was transformed into the Ministry of the Armed Forces of the RSFSR.

A new division of the Ministry of the Armed Forces of the USSR followed already in 1950. As a result of this division, two ministries were formed: Military and Naval. However, three years later they were again united into a single Ministry of Defense of the USSR. In parallel with this, the Ministry of the Armed Forces of the RSFSR was transformed into the Ministry of Defense of the RSFSR.

During Cold War The USSR Ministry of Defense adequately coped with all the tasks that arose before it. The development of the Armed Forces continued, new types of troops were created, and the army was equipped with new types of weapons. In 1978, the Ministry of Defense of the RSFSR was abolished. This happened because the overall control over Armed Forces and military administration was under the authority of the USSR Ministry of Defense. With the collapse Soviet Union all ministries of the USSR, including the Ministry of Defense, were liquidated.

Ministry of Defense at the present stage

On March 16, 1992, the Ministry of Defense was created Russian Federation. This federal body is responsible for state policy in the military sphere, as well as defense management.

In difficult conditions, the Ministry of Defense managed to preserve the Armed Forces, as well as ensure their development and equipment with new types of equipment. With the beginning of the 2000s, the situation began to improve. The same period was marked by a number of major changes in the structure of the Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation. From 1991 to 2007, six people replaced the post of Minister of Defense (B. N. Yeltsin, P. S. Grachev, M. P. Kolesnikov, I. N. Rodionov, I. D. Sergeev, S. B. Ivanov).

In 2007, after the appointment of A. Serdyukov as Minister of Defense, military reform began, which was supposed to completely change the Russian Armed Forces and significantly modernize them. Military reform included:

  1. Abolition of military districts and replacement of them with operational strategic directions. Thus, instead of six military districts, four directions were formed: “Center”, “East”, “West” and “South”.
  2. Elimination of such operational-tactical units as divisions and corps and transition to a brigade structure of the Armed Forces.
  3. Widespread involvement of civilian specialists in the life support of the army (for example, civilian cooks in the canteen).
  4. Deep reform of the system of military educational institutions.
  5. Significant mitigation of carrying conditions military service for conscripts (for example, permission to use telephones, running in sneakers instead of combat boots, etc.).
  6. Transfer to the brigade system of the Air Force.
  7. Reduction of military command and control bodies.
  8. The beginning of a large-scale process of rearmament of the army.

However, this reform was not completed. In 2012, Sergei Shoigu was appointed Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation instead of Anatoly Serdyukov. The beginning of a qualitatively new period in the history of the Russian Armed Forces and the Ministry of Defense in particular is associated with his name.

Structure of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Today, the Russian Ministry of Defense is a complex, but very coherent and well-organized structure. The main structural units of the Ministry are: the General Staff of the Armed Forces, the Main Directorates and Services, the Central Directorates, the Economics and Finance Service, the Housing and Accommodation Services, the Apparatus, the Main Commands, the Commands and Printing Organs of the Ministry of Defense.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation is the central body of military command of the Ministry of Defense, as well as the main body exercising operational control of the Armed Forces. It consists of the following departments:

  1. The Main Operations Directorate is a body of the General Staff responsible for planning military operations at various levels.
  2. The Main Directorate (also known as the Main Intelligence Directorate) is the organ of the General Staff responsible for conducting foreign intelligence.
  3. The Main Organizational and Mobilization Directorate of the Ministry of Defense has the function of carrying out mobilization activities on the territory of the country, and also deals with issues of preparation for possible military operations.
  4. Military Topographical Directorate - a body of the General Staff that provides topographical support to the army (for example, maps or terrain plans).
  5. 8th Directorate - Directorate responsible for encryption, decryption, and electronic reconnaissance.
  6. The Operational Training Directorate carries out operational planning of actions.
  7. Office of construction and development of unmanned aerial system aircraft(UAV).
  8. National Defense Control Center of the Russian Federation - serves as the main command post for the General Staff.
  9. Military Band Service.
  10. Archive service.
  11. Military Scientific Committee.

The central departments within the Russian Ministry of Defense are represented by the following structures:

  1. The Central Directorate of Military Communications, which is the representative of the Ministry of Defense on land, air, river and railway routes.
  2. Central Automobile and Highway Administration.
  3. Central Food Administration, which provides support to the Armed Forces.
  4. Central Directorate of Rocket Fuel and Fuel.
  5. Command of the Railway Troops.
  6. Central clothing management.
  7. Office of the Chief of Environmental Safety.
  8. Single center for ordering and logistics supplies.
  9. Veterinary and sanitary service.
  10. 9th Central Directorate - this department ensures the functioning of special facilities at the disposal of the Ministry of Defense.

The Housing and Accommodation Service carries out resettlement personnel Armed forces, as well as solving a number of housing problems. This service has the following divisions:

  1. Directly the accommodation and arrangement service.
  2. Troops Arrangement Directorate.
  3. Office for the Implementation of Housing Programs.
  4. Main Apartment Operations Department.
  5. The Central Organizational and Planning Department of Capital Construction, which organizes the construction of new houses for military personnel and their families.

The Economics and Finance Service provides monetary allowances to the personnel of the Armed Forces, and also performs all financial-related functions. Divided into:

  1. Main Financial and Economic Department.
  2. Labor Department and wages civilian personnel.
  3. Accounting and Reporting Department.
  4. Financial Planning Department.

The Service of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation (Apparatus) includes the following structures:

  1. Main Directorate of International Military Cooperation.
  2. Department for Monitoring the Implementation of Contracts.
  3. Main Legal Department.
  4. Administration of the Ministry of Defense.
  5. Financial inspection.
  6. Press Service and Information Department.
  7. Office.
  8. Reception.
  9. Expert center of the Apparatus.
  10. Economic management.
  11. Office of Inspectors General.
  12. Motor Transport Department.

The main commands manage the branches of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation. Currently there are three Main Commands: the Ground Forces, the Navy and the Aerospace Forces.

Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation - federal body executive power(federal ministry) conducting public policy and implementing public administration in the field of defense, as well as coordinating the activities of federal ministries, other federal bodies executive power and executive authorities of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation on defense issues. The Russian Ministry of Defense is the governing body of the Russian Armed Forces, headed by the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, subordinate to the Supreme Commander-in-Chief of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

The history of state military administration in Russia originates from the Rank Order, which since 1535 has been in charge of military affairs, recruiting the army, building fortresses and managing the military forces of the state. At the beginning of the 18th century, in order to centralize military leadership in Russia, the Military Collegium was established.

On September 20, 1802, by the manifesto of Emperor Alexander I, the Military Collegium was reorganized into the Ministry of Military Ground Forces, which was renamed the War Ministry by decree of July 24, 1808. The vice-president of the Military Collegium, which was part of the ministry, was appointed General of Infantry Sergei Kuzmich Vyazmitinov to the post of Minister of Military Ground Forces.

In 1812, in order to strengthen unity of command and centralize command and control of troops, the structure and functions of the War Ministry were changed. It included seven departments: artillery, engineering, inspection, audit, provisions, commissariat, medical, as well as the minister’s office and his council.

In 1815, the Ministry of War became part of the General Staff of His Imperial Majesty. After their separation in 1816, it again began to act independently. In 1835, their new merger took place: the Main Headquarters of His Imperial Majesty became part of the War Ministry. The leadership of all parts of the military department was concentrated in the hands of the minister of war, and only he alone was allowed to report on affairs personally to the emperor.

In the 30s of the 19th century, the Ministry of War concentrated under its authority all branches of management of the country's ground forces and became one of the most significant bodies of the entire state apparatus of the Russian Empire. This was largely the merit of the cavalry general Alexander Ivanovich Chernyshev, who headed the War Ministry from 1827 to 1852. In the entire two-hundred-year history of the military department, this is the longest term in office for a minister of war.

By 1836, the War Ministry consisted of the General Staff, the Military Council, the General Auditorium, the departments of the General Staff and military settlements. The inclusion of the General Staff in the ministry made it possible to increase the clarity, efficiency and quality of military command and control.

In 1869, the War Ministry included the imperial headquarters, the military council, the office of the minister of war, the General Staff and seven main departments: artillery, engineering, quartermaster, military medical, military educational institutions, Cossack troops and military justice. Later, other departments were included in the ministry.

Defeat in Crimean War pushed the government of Alexander II to carry out military reforms. The head of the transformation was the Minister of War, Field Marshal D.A. Milyutin. As a result of the Milyutin reforms of 1860-1870, a territorial system of military administration was formed in Russia, and military districts were formed. The introduction of all-class conscription made it possible to create a mass modern army with a trained reserve. Re-equipment with new types of weapons began, officer training was improved, and new regulations and instructions were developed.

The bodies of the central military command also changed radically. Russia's victory over Turkey in the war of 1877-1878 confirmed the correctness of the reform course chosen by the War Ministry.

IN late XIX- at the beginning of the 20th century, the military control system began to lag behind the requirements modern warfare, acquiring a bulky staff with numerous, including unusual functions.

After the defeat in Russian-Japanese war 1904-1905, which revealed significant shortcomings in state military management, measures were taken to improve it. In 1905, the State Defense Council (SDC) was formed, uniting all central military institutions. In 1909, the SGO was abolished, and the Main Directorate of the General Staff was integrated into the Ministry of War.

During the First World War, new departments were formed within the War Ministry, including the Air Force, for foreign supplies. Since 1914, along with the War Ministry, there was the Headquarters of the Supreme Commander-in-Chief. In 1915-1917, the Minister of War was also the chairman of the Special Meeting, the main organization carrying out measures for the defense of the country.

After the October Revolution of 1917, the War Ministry was disbanded and the People's Commissariat for Military Affairs was formed, headed by the Collegium. Since November 1918, general management of the country's defense and armed forces has been carried out by the Council of Workers' and Peasants' Defense (since 1923 - the Council of Labor and Defense). The Council, uniting the activities of two people's commissariats: military and maritime affairs, developed and implemented plans for the country's defense, supervised the construction of the army and navy, and military operations at the fronts. The new military authorities played significant role in victory Soviet power and strengthening the workers' and peasants' state.

After the end of the Civil War and the formation of the USSR, the separate military and naval people's commissariats were merged in July 1923 into the all-Union People's Commissariat for Military and Naval Affairs.

First people's commissar for military affairs in the Soviet government became N.I. Podvoisky. From 1918 to 1925, L.D. Trotsky was at the head of the military department. The military command system acquired a coherent structure under M.V. Frunze. Its rich practical experience troop leadership and organizational skills made it possible to significantly increase the efficiency of military government and strengthen the country's defense capability.

In 1934, the People's Commissariat for Military and Naval Affairs, by resolution of the Central Executive Committee and the Council of People's Commissars, was transformed into the People's Commissariat of Defense of the USSR. The Military Council was created as an advisory body under it. In 1937, the Administration of the Naval Forces of the Red Army was separated from the NPO of the USSR and an independent People's Commissariat of the USSR Navy was formed.

With the beginning of the Great Patriotic War, the Headquarters of the High Command was formed for strategic leadership of the Armed Forces on June 23, 1941 (from July 10 - the Headquarters of the Supreme Command, from August 8 - the Headquarters of the Supreme Command). The leadership of the country's defense was headed by J.V. Stalin. Victory in the war against fascist Germany and militaristic Japan confirmed the effectiveness of the organs, methods and means of managing the armed struggle created in the country.

In the post-war period supreme body military administration played a leading role in equipping the Armed Forces with nuclear missile weapons, introducing modern species conventional weapons, the creation and development of new types and branches of the Armed Forces. Behind all this was tension daily work leaders, all employees of the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff.

In February 1946, a unified People's Commissariat of the Armed Forces of the USSR was created, renamed in March of the same year into the Ministry of the USSR Armed Forces.

In February 1950, the Ministry of the USSR Armed Forces was again divided into two independent departments - the Military Ministry of the USSR and the Naval Ministry of the USSR. However, already in March 1953, a unified Ministry of Defense of the USSR was created.

In connection with the collapse of the Soviet Union, on March 16, 1992, on the basis of the USSR Ministry of Defense, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation was created by Decree of the President of the Russian Federation.

Currently, the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is a federal executive body that pursues state policy, carries out public administration in the field of defense, and also coordinates the activities of federal ministries and other federal executive bodies of constituent entities of the Russian Federation on defense issues.

Modern stage radical reforms carried out in the army and navy of Russia are aimed at creating mobile, well-equipped and trained Armed Forces that meet the requirements of the 21st century, with rational use funds and resources allocated for these needs. The main body called upon to organize the achievement of the intended goal is the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

In accordance with decisions taken in the field of military development, the Russian Armed Forces were transferred to a three-service structure - Ground Forces, Air Force and Navy. Essentially, this implements the principle of using troops (forces) in the spheres of armed struggle - land, air-space, sea.

Strategic Missile Forces (RVSN) - a branch of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (RF Armed Forces), the main component of its strategic nuclear forces(SNF). Designed for nuclear deterrence of possible aggression and destruction as part of strategic nuclear forces or independently by massive, group or single nuclear missile strikes of strategic objects located in one or several strategic aerospace directions and forming the basis of the enemy’s military and military-economic potential.

The Aerospace Defense Forces (ASD) are a fundamentally new branch of the military, which is designed to ensure the security of Russia in the aerospace sphere.

Over its more than 200-year history, the Russian Ministry of Defense has repeatedly changed its name, but its purpose has always remained unchanged - reliable protection of state interests, ensuring the territorial integrity and independence of the country.

On May 20, 2008, an interview took place with the head of the Directorate for Coordination of the Exercise of Property Owner Rights of Organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation S.A. Shtykulin.

Interview topic: "The concept of reforming organizations under the jurisdiction of the Russian Ministry of Defense." We thank all site visitors who sent their questions.

In June 2007, the Office for Coordinating the Exercise of the Rights of the Owner of Property of Organizations of the Russian Ministry of Defense was formed. the main task this structure - to increase the efficiency of management of enterprises under the jurisdiction of the Russian Ministry of Defense, and their property complex(lands, buildings, structures, training grounds, military camps, weapons, military and special equipment, etc.), as well as systematize the process of making and implementing decisions in this area.

The new Directorate, among others, is entrusted with functions related to the coordination of activities on the creation, reorganization, liquidation, privatization of organizations under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense, as well as issues related to the coordination of various transactions, including large ones, transactions related to the provision of loans and guarantees committed with real estate. The department is also involved in initiating decisions on participation in commercial and non-profit organizations, on conducting unscheduled inspections of the property complex and the functioning of subordinate organizations of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

ConsultantPlus: The problem of the functioning and development of state enterprises, including those in the Ministry of Defense, is relevant. At the same time, the strategy for their reform and the management system have not yet been fully developed. What is being done in this direction in the Russian Defense Ministry?

Sergey Anatolyevich Shtykulin: The transition to a market economy in our country has radically changed the role of the public sector. This sector is very specific both in terms of the tasks it faces and the methods of managing its functioning. However, in order to formulate the concept of its development and develop adequate ways to influence it, it is necessary first of all to understand what it is at this stage of development.

The role of the Ministry of Defense in the system of executive authorities is great, and our department faces the most important task of ensuring the smooth functioning of the defense organization system as preparation for the armed defense of the Russian Federation, the integrity and inviolability of its territory. This task is in line with national priorities in the field of national security and defense capability in the broad sense of the word, including, in particular, the economy. Essentially we're talking about on the creation of a system of military-political management, ensuring military security as the prevention, localization and neutralization of military threats to the Russian Federation. Huge resources are concentrated in our country. Not to protect them, not to be ready for such protection would be simply a crime, especially since in various regions of the world a critical mass periodically increases conflict situations, which may complicate the progressive development of Russia.

Just recently, on May 9, we celebrated Victory Day and watched the military parade that took place on Red Square, in which our Armed Forces, various branches of the military, and military formations directly carrying out the task of strengthening the defense capability of our country took part. The implementation of this task is facilitated by a colossal production and property complex that ensures the operation of all structures of the Ministry of Defense. This complex includes several hundred enterprises that service, repair, modernize, and also support all types of military equipment: aircraft, ships, automobiles and armored vehicles, weapons, and communications equipment. This is a huge logistical undertaking. The production and property complex of the Ministry of Defense also provides trade support to the Armed Forces.

Unitary enterprises have been created in the system of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, the functioning of which is determined by the actual needs for the production and repair of products for the needs of the army and navy and is organized taking into account economic feasibility. The main purpose and form of activity of each federal state unitary enterprise The RF Ministry of Defense (FSUE RF Ministry of Defense) is to fulfill contractual obligations to fully and timely meet the needs of troops for the repair and restoration of weapons and military equipment. Historical objectivity dictates that the activities and functioning of these structures should change in accordance with the new economic stages of the development of our country, with new conditions, with new tasks set for the Ministry of Defense. The great socio-economic changes that have occurred in our country over the past fifteen years have posed a clear task - to essentially conduct an inventory of the industrial and property complex of the Ministry of Defense, to understand what financial and economic situation it is in, to consider the work of each enterprise and organization, their tasks, taking into account the conditions for the development of the Armed Forces. Our main task is to choose the optimal ways to reform the industrial and property complex.

For this purpose, about a year ago, by decision of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, the Ministry created working group under the leadership of Army General Vladimir Ilyich Isakov, which included specialists, military professionals who actually deal with various issues of defense enterprises. Very serious work has been done. Reports were heard on the state of each enterprise included in this complex. The heads of the most significant, largest organizations were invited and their opinions were heard on how they themselves see the development of their enterprises; the experience of reforming other industry areas, for example, the Ministry of Atomic Energy, various ministries and departments, was studied. Based on the work done, a draft concept for reforming organizations subordinate to the Ministry of Defense was developed. Then, by decision of the Minister of Defense, the project was sent to all military authorities for discussion. A lot of comments came in, which were taken into account and included in the draft concept, which was then submitted to him for approval. The essence of the concept is this: when reforming the industrial and property complex, it is first of all necessary to preserve all technological and intellectual potential. At the same time, take measures to consolidate all the assets of the ministry, build a vertical integrated structure that will increase the level of control and coordination, make the management of the production complex more mobile, and will help to quickly solve all the problems of ensuring the combat readiness of our combat units and subunits. It is especially important not to reduce the production potential that exists in the Ministry of Defense.

After approval, a number of documents on reforming enterprises under the jurisdiction of the Russian Ministry of Defense were sent to the Government of the Russian Federation; in the prescribed manner, they were considered by interested federal executive authorities, and were also discussed at a meeting in the Military-Industrial Commission. The comments and suggestions made were taken into account in the finalized draft legal acts, which are now undergoing the approval procedure in the Ministry of Economic Development, the Ministry of Industry and Trade, the Ministry of Justice, the Ministry of Finance and the Federal Antimonopoly Service of the Russian Federation.

I recently visited one of our subordinate enterprises, saw its base, and got acquainted with its high-tech work. Everything is clearly organized and carried out major renovation, repair according to technical condition, modernization. A close relationship is maintained with the manufacturer and the chief designer, and there are licenses for all of this. There are several hundred such enterprises in the Ministry of Defense. They ensure the present and future defense capability of our country. Unfortunately, there are still unfriendly attempts to seize our assets. But I can assure you that this will not happen in the army.

ConsultantPlus: Many specialists are interested in the question of how the process of reforming the complex itself, as laid down in the concept, will take place.

S.A.: I can say that a structure will be created to manage the production and property complex of our department - an open joint-stock company with an authorized capital that is one hundred percent owned by the state. Final decisions have not yet been made on the scheme of a vertical integrated structure, but it is clear that this should be a very mobile, effective association, which will include nine holdings covering various areas of activity: design, construction and operation of facilities; operation of energy facilities; military trade; printing and mass media; hotel; aviation repair; repair of military equipment; development, production and repair of weapons. This structure will unite all assets, making them easier to manage. Consolidation will increase the competitiveness of Ministry of Defense enterprises in the system of competitive distribution of orders, including state defense orders. At the same time, mobilization capacities will remain at the enterprises, which will be reserved for special periods. All this is thought through and calculated together with lawyers and other specialists. Of course, the organizational and legal form of enterprises will be changed: federal state unitary enterprises will be transformed into open joint-stock companies.

The newly created structure will also enable enterprises not only to work for defense orders, but also, having excess capacity, to receive profit from other customers - CIS countries and other partners, and direct it to the development and modernization of their enterprises.

There is an opinion that a criminal situation is flourishing in federal state unitary enterprises, but it is not created on its own. It all depends on the personality of the leader. If he is enterprising, decent, responsible, then there can be no talk of any corrupt elements. But if the manager is dishonest and sets out to ruin the enterprise, then this is easy to do.

Much, of course, depends on the team. In general, a federal state unitary enterprise is a commercial organization created to make a profit. A paradox occurred, which for the time being they tried to ignore: military personnel occupy positions and work in commercial organizations. After all, the accumulated intellectual potential will not go anywhere. We have a big one working labor collective, there are even multi-thousand enterprises. For example, I was at an enterprise with five hundred employees. There is a very good collective employment contract, benefits and guarantees are provided. Thus, an enterprise pays 70 percent for its employee’s trip to a rest home or sanatorium, and average salary two to three thousand higher than in the region. This enterprise is practically a city-forming enterprise - all taxes are paid on time, including to the city budget, jobs are created. There would be more of these. And the most important thing in an enterprise is people. Therefore, when reforming, the task is to consider separately each specialist working at subordinate enterprises, each military personnel. And if someone’s length of service has come up, then he will be able to work in the same way as before, only not in a federal state unitary enterprise, but in an open joint-stock company created on its basis, and only civilians will work in such structures. Someone may be promoted, but at the same time he will retain all military benefits and pension.

As you can see, there is a lot of work. Our Directorate coordinates all activities in this direction, carrying out its functions on the basis of Order No. 85 of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated February 26, 2008, which approved the Regulations on the Directorate, which clearly states what we do, what we do, the main tasks and functions, how we build their relationships with other organs. The staffing level of the four departments of the Directorate is 57 people. The first department analyzes the financial and economic condition of enterprises. The second is the direct exercise of the rights of the owner and the approval of major transactions. The third is the settlement of accounts payable (if any) and pricing analysis. After all, due to accounts payable, you can lose part of your assets and, ultimately, the entire enterprise. We are monitoring this carefully. And the fourth department represents the interests of the Ministry of Defense in bankruptcy cases. That is, if it comes to the bankruptcy of subordinate structures, our specialists are engaged in getting them out of crisis situations. Unfortunately, several dozen of our enterprises are on the verge of bankruptcy, but we are fighting for them and defending our interests in the courts. And we win because the Department employs highly qualified specialists: economists, financiers and lawyers. We have already gained valuable experience as judicial practice, and work in general. In addition, the Department actively interacts with law enforcement agencies, various ministries and departments.

Sergey Anatolyevich, as far as I understand, the fact of creating a new structure, manager of assets and liabilities of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, apparently, assumes in the near future the organization of a private-public partnerships, because without attracting private capital it is hardly worth it count on break-even functioning of the defense industry. Are there plans to attract private capital in the future? "defense industry"? If yes, then what kind of “carrots” are supposed to lure investors in this area - after all, given the negative experience of organizing public-private partnerships in the housing and communal services sector, we can say with confidence that private business doesn’t trust the state and cooperates with it “under pressure”? Is it expected in the future to attract qualified, highly paid top managers to the organization of asset management of the RF Defense Ministry? - Antonov Vyacheslav Vladimirovich (St. Petersburg)

S.A.: It is precisely the use of state assets under the jurisdiction of the Russian Ministry of Defense that is the main motivational point for attracting investments in the interests of ensuring the defense capability of the Russian Federation and increasing competitiveness commercial organizations, improving the financial and economic indicators of their activities, stopping the performance of functions unusual for them, with the refusal to use organizational and legal forms based on the right of economic management and the right of operational management.

And in the future, attracting qualified top managers to build the work of the integrated structure being created will be necessary. The level of their payment already depends on market conditions, and first of all from the results achieved.

The department you head is called the Department for Coordination of the Rights of the Owner of Property of Organizations of the Russian Ministry of Defense. At the same time, the sale of the released property itself is handled by the Federal State Institution "TSUMR and VES of the Russian Ministry of Defense." The basis for the sale of released real estate military property is the decision of the Federal Property Management Agency. What are the real powers of your management? - Simachenko V.G. (Moscow city)

S.A.: The powers, functions and tasks of the Directorate are determined by the Regulations on the Directorate for Coordinating the Exercise of the Rights of the Owner of Property of Organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated February 26, 2008 N 85.

One gets the impression that your Office was created in opposition to the Federal Agency for the Management of Federal Property and its territorial offices. What is your opinion on this matter? - Leonid Petrovich (Moscow)

S.A.: Absolutely wrong assumption. The goals, objectives and functions of federal executive authorities are determined either by the Decree of the President of the Russian Federation or by the Decree of the Government of Russia.

The powers of the Directorate are determined by the Regulations on the Directorate for Coordinating the Exercise of the Rights of the Owner of Property of Organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated February 26, 2008 N 85. Therefore, the functions and tasks of the Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, by definition, cannot conflict with the functions and the tasks of any of the federal agencies.

Good afternoon, Sergey Anatolyevich! It would be interesting to know what the role of your Directorate was in the creation of federal state institutions and federal state unitary enterprises in the Russian Ministry of Defense, and also what direction do you control? Or does the Management act as a representative of the founder? - Semenyako I.G. (Kazan)

S.A.: The main task of the Directorate is to coordinate the activities of military command and control bodies and other structural units of the Ministry of Defense on the implementation of the rights of the owner of property of organizations of the Ministry of Defense and methodological management of it. It should be noted that institutions (both budgetary and autonomous) are not included in the scope of activities of the Office.

Thus, the “direction” that you mean in your question can be understood as regulating the activities of federal state unitary enterprises subordinate to various military command and control bodies.

Today, the practice has developed in which everything withoutexceptions Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the Russian Ministry of Defense systematically implement orders from civil organizations are, roughly speaking, “earning money on the side.” The legislation does not directly prohibit such activities, but many heads of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise of the Russian Defense Ministry almost openly abuse the financial side of such “interactions.” Naturally, for the benefit of your own wallet. What steps is your Office taking to reverse the current situation? Will any real changes be made in the near future to the existing corruption mechanism of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise? - Ivan Alekseevich (Murmansk)

S.A.: I do not agree with this formulation of the question. The organizational and legal form itself, “federal state unitary enterprise,” is provided for by the Civil Code of the Russian Federation and, by definition, is a commercial organization, and the activities of federal state unitary enterprises do not contain any “corruption mechanisms.” It is quite strictly regulated Federal law dated November 14, 2002 N 161-FZ “On State and Municipal Unitary Enterprises” and the regulatory legal acts issued in its development.

Abuse of official position and violation of the law do not in any way depend on the legal status of the organization; rather, it is moral principles each specific person. At the same time, let's not forget about the presumption of innocence. Only a court can decide whether a person is involved in corruption.

Actually, one of the functions of the Directorate for Coordinating the Exercise of the Rights of the Owner of Property of Organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is to regulate the activities of subordinate federal state unitary enterprises.

My question is: no Are there plans in the next 2-3 years to reduce the number of federal state institutions subordinate to your structure (or the number of military personnel serving in such federal state institutions)? - Anton Sergeevich Pevtsov (Moscow)

S.A.: I'll repeat it again. The Directorate for Coordination of the Exercise of the Rights of the Owner of Property of Organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is intended for implementation by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation public policy in the field of exercising the rights of the owner of property of organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, while organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation are understood as legal entities pursuing profit as the main goal of their activities (commercial organizations).

According to paragraph 3 of Article 50 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, an institution is a form of legal entity that is non-profit organization. Thus, not only are there no “FGUs subordinate to our structure,” but in general there is no regulation of the activities of federal government agencies is not within the competence of the Department.

The organization for which I work, last year, after a tender (competition), concluded an agreement with one of the federal state unitary enterprises subordinate to the Ministry of Defense. Now, as I heard, everything is heading towards the fact that federal state unitary enterprises will be reorganized. Since the organization I work for is a commercial one, I am concerned about cash. Is there a need to renegotiate government contracts and agreements concluded with reorganized federal state unitary enterprises? - Kameshkina I.G., accountant (Biysk)

S.A.: Paragraph 5 of Article 58 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation clearly regulates that “when a legal entity of one type is transformed into a legal entity of another type (change of organizational and legal form), the rights and obligations of the reorganized legal entity are transferred to the newly emerged legal entity in accordance with the transfer deed.”

Thus, there are no problems with succession of obligations and requirements, including those of concluded government contracts.

How does your Department participate in liquidation? legal entities at the Ministry of Defense? - Kartashkina O.V. (Mytishchi)

S.A.: In accordance with Art. 61 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a legal entity can be liquidated voluntarily only by decision of its founders (participants) or a body of the legal entity authorized to do so by the constituent documents, including in connection with the expiration of the period for which the legal entity was created.

In relation to federal state unitary enterprises subordinate to the Ministry of Defense, in accordance with paragraphs. 11 clause 7 of the Regulations on the Office for Coordination of the Exercise of the Rights of the Owner of Property of Organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated February 26, 2008 N 85, the functions of the Office are, among other things: “... preparation on an initiative basis and on the proposal of authorities Military Directorate of proposals for the creation, reorganization, liquidation of organizations of the Ministry of Defense."

In accordance with Art. 48 of the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, a legal entity is recognized as an organization that has separate property in its ownership, economic management or operational management and is liable for its obligations with this property. What property will the newly created legal entities within the Russian Ministry of Defense be endowed with (barracks and housing stock, administrative buildings, equipment and weapons)? How does your Department feel about the creation of legal entities within the RF Ministry of Defense? - Boris Alexandrovich (Kirzhach)

S.A.: In the part where you quote the Civil Code of the Russian Federation, I cannot but agree with you. Regarding the actual question...

As part of the implementation of the Concept for reforming organizations under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, created through the reorganization of federal state unitary enterprises subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of Russia authorized capitals joint stock companies will be formed at the expense of property subject to privatization and currently under the economic control of these enterprises.

In which branches of the Russian Ministry of Defense is the creation of legal entities on the basis of military units most relevant? - Sintseva A.P. (Penza)

S.A.: Participation in the reform of military units is not within the competence of the Directorate.

I am a resident of Kansk. We had many military units. Remained the last, almost dead, unit - Solnechny - a town of strategic missile forces, which is now "torn to pieces." The equipment was taken out - like pure scrap metal, everything was dismantled: some were handed over to the ferrous metal, some for spare parts. When will adequate measures of influence be applied to the plunderers of state property, and not only will there be a notification in the media about exemplary punishments of one of them, who usually get off with only a suspended sentence? But the disgrace passes - and many of them find themselves again in a new “grain place”. When will control be truly real so that the theft of state property will stop? At the same time, the generals are sitting and thinking about what other military unit to take off the balance sheet, obviously not for free, and throw at the feet of the looters, explaining at the same time that there is no money to provide apartments for military personnel. In the meantime, our military town with all its property complex is being taken away in all real and unreal ways. But this is also the property of the RF Ministry of Defense. - Igor (Kansk)

S.A.: In the previous answer, I already explained that the Directorate for Coordination of the Exercise of the Rights of the Owner of Property of Organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation is intended for the implementation by the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation of state policy in the field of the exercise of the rights of the owner of property of commercial organizations of the Ministry of Defense of Russia, that is, organizations that have a unitary legal form enterprise, federal government enterprise, joint-stock company.

Military units are not only not commercial structures, but not even organizations, and their activities are outside the competence of the Directorate.

Many enterprises of the Ministry of Defense have ammunition, weapons, or, for example, archives in warehouses. Does this mean that during the reform process this property will be privatized and fall into private hands? - A.V., military pensioner (Tula)

S.A.: None - I emphasize! - not a single cartridge should or will fall into private hands!

It was with this postulate that work began on the “Concept for reforming organizations under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.” There is no need to worry about this issue, since there is a clearly verified position of the Ministry and legal norms.

In accordance with paragraph 4 of Art. 11 of the Federal Law of December 21, 2001 N 178-FZ “On the privatization of state and municipal property” “when privatizing the property complex of a unitary enterprise, property that is not included in the assets of the specified enterprise subject to privatization is seized by the owner.”

Thus, if the reorganized enterprise has economic management of property that is not subject to privatization, in preparation for privatization, this property is confiscated by the owner (the Russian Federation represented by Rosimushchestvo) and after which it can be transferred to the operational management or economic management of existing specialized FAUs, Federal State Institutions or military unit.

Will specialized printing presses remain under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense?facilities mass media, publishing and printingcomplex, as well as the recently created Zvezda TV channel? -Ivanov S. (Moscow region)

S.A.: The concept provides for the cessation of regulation of enterprises operating in sectors of the economy unusual for the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, which, in particular, include publishing and printing activities.

However, the complete cessation of regulation of the activities of enterprises in this area should occur after the expiration of a three-year transition period necessary for the transfer of non-specific functions and tasks currently performed by the Ministry to the commercial sector of the economy. As for the Zvezda TV channel, it has never been a federal state unitary enterprise subordinate to the Ministry of Defense.

Sergey Anatolyevich, they are bothering you from the city of Borzya, Chita region. The liquidation of RAO UES of Russia, scheduled for July 1 of this year, is now widely discussed in the media. Please tell me, after July 1, which organizations of the Ministry of Defense, with whom and in what order will they enter into contracts for the provision of electricity? I ask about this because the Ministry of Defense has a reputation as a not very conscientious payer, and there are known cases of power outages for non-payment at Ministry of Defense facilities where combat duty is organized (including the use of electronic computers, electromechanical and other devices that require uninterrupted energy supply). Are any guarantees for uninterrupted power supply of such facilities being discussed with the legal successors of RAO UES of Russia? - Andrey Yurievich Aryasov (Borzya, Chita region)

S.A.: According to the statistical information we have, it is the organizations of the Ministry of Defense that are the most conscientious payers under supply contracts (including the supply of electricity). In this case, please note, we are talking about existing, solvent organizations.

With whom and in what order? The issue of liquidation of RAO UES of Russia did not arise yesterday; a huge amount of work has been done to reform this natural monopoly, organizations have been created that are the legal successors of RAO with clearly demarcated functions and areas of activity. They will be the counterparties of the organizations of the Russian Ministry of Defense to provide the necessary services and work.

Currently, the Armed Forces are undergoing processes that are politely called “staffing optimization,” which actually means a reduction officers. Will the implementation of the project to create OJSC Glavoboronprom affect the service of my husband, and therefore the well-being of my entire family? - Olga, wife of an active officer of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation (Nizhny Novgorod)

S.A.: Judging by your question, your husband has a direct or indirect relationship with the existing federal state unitary enterprises subordinate to the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

It should be noted that, in accordance with the governing documents, the main tasks of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation are the development and implementation of state policy in the field of defense and maintaining the necessary readiness of the Armed Forces, which, you see, to put it mildly, does not quite coincide with the management of activities commercial enterprises, which in essence are federal state unitary enterprises.

Indeed, the creation of an integrated structure will lead to a reduction in the size of the administrative apparatus of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation by reducing the positions of military personnel serving under contract in the main and central military command and control bodies, which are currently carry out tasks unusual for the Ministry of Defense, including those related to commercial activities Federal State Unitary Enterprises, as well as to the replacement of military personnel - employees of Federal State Unitary Enterprises - with civilians.

Of course, this is nonsense when an active member of the Armed Forces serves in a commercial organization (and FSUE, I repeat, is a commercial organization).

Thus, if your husband is included in the specified categories of military personnel, he can continue military service under a contract in accordance with his military specialty and level of education, or decide to retire with military service in connection with organizational and staffing events and continue its labor activity in the newly created integrated structure as a civilian specialist.

How will the creation of Glavoboronprom OJSC affect the provision of social guarantees to military personnel currently serving in federal state unitary enterprises subordinate to the Russian Ministry of Defense? - Alexander, active serviceman (Izhevsk)

S.A.: Providing military personnel, including those currently serving under contract in federal state unitary enterprises subordinate to the Russian Ministry of Defense, with social guarantees does not contradict the creation of an integrated structure. The provision of social guarantees, benefits and compensation to military personnel is fully regulated by the current legislation of the Russian Federation.

All required types allowances (including cash and housing for a permanent, chosen permanent place residence after dismissal from military service) are included in the amount of budget allocations provided for by Federal Law of July 24, 2007 N 198-FZ “On the federal budget for 2008 and for the planning period of 2009 and 2010.” Therefore, your fears are unfounded.

According to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation Anatoly Serdyukov, the Directorate for Coordinating the Exercise of the Rights of the Owner of Property of Organizations of the Russian Ministry of Defense was created to improve the efficiency of management of the property complex under the jurisdiction of the Ministry of Defense. In your opinion, is the sale “for mere pennies” of the lands of Moscow military camps on Rublevka and Levoberezhnaya Street such an increase (in management efficiency)? How do you assess the very fact that the Ministry of Defense put these lands up for auction, despite the fact that these lands are the property of the state, not the ministry, and all transactions with state (federal) property must be carried out through the Russian Federal Property Fund and with the direct participation of this organization? - Alexander Gerasimov (Moscow)

S.A.: Firstly, the auction for the sale of land scheduled for April 8, 2008 did not take place. Secondly, issues related to released military property in accordance with the Regulations on the Directorate for Coordinating the Exercise of the Rights of the Owner of Property of Organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated February 28, 2008 N 85, are not within the competence of the Directorate. This question, in my opinion, should be addressed to the Federal State Institution "Control Center material resources and foreign economic relations" of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

ConsultantPlus: We have two more questions that seem to relate to the same topic:

1. Are there plans to reduce departmental medical institutions(clinics, hospitals, medical units, hospitals) Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation? If so, how much? - Alexey K. (Ryazan)

2. What is the procedure for vesting property in pharmacies, medicalinstitutions of the Ministry of Defense system, allocated as independentlegal entities, if the premises occupied by these institutionspreviously assigned to the KECH (apartment maintenance unit) onthe right of operational management not formalized legally(there is no certificate of registration of rights) due to the lack oftechnical passports, lack of registration of KEC aslegal entity, etc.? What are the powers of the ECH in this case? -Yudenkova Natalya Viktorovna (Blagoveshchensk, Amurskayaregion)

S.A.: The competence of the Directorate, in accordance with the Regulations on the Directorate for Coordinating the Exercise of the Rights of the Owner of Property of Organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, approved by Order of the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation dated February 26, 2008 N 85, includes regulating the activities of enterprises and organizations that are commercial in the interpretation of the Civil Code.

Housing and operational units and medical institutions of the Ministry of Defense are not such, therefore their activities do not lie in the functional field of the Directorate. I recommend that you address your questions to the Main Military Medical Directorate of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

Now the land (about 300 hectares) belonging to the Nakhimov Naval School on the Karelian Isthmus is being sold at the price of land for tankodromes, art. polygons, etc. But in fact, this is a first-class forest, located on the shore of a lake and quite suitable for a nature reserve, which is located 80 km from St. Petersburg. According to unverified information, it is planned to build cottages there. Please comment on this fact. - Anatoly Irinarkhovich Serebrov (St. Petersburg)

S.A.: The Directorate for Coordination of the Exercise of Property Owner Rights of Organizations of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation does not deal with the sale of land.

Real estate, which is now under the jurisdiction of the Russian Ministry of Defense, is the most tasty morsel in the eyes of the business community. Control over the sale of released property, including real estate, is exercised by your Office. What do you pay attention to when doing this? - Evgeny Petrov (Ekaterinburg)

S.A.: The Administration entrusted to me does not exercise control over the sale of released property. It would be more correct to address this issue to the Federal State Institution “Center for Management of Material Resources and Foreign Economic Relations” of the Russian Ministry of Defense.

What do you think was the reason for your appointment to the position of head of the Department of the Ministry of Defense? I'm interested because A.E. Serdyukov, as a rule, throws himself into such “hot” directions either good specialists in a certain area, familiar to him from his work at the Federal Tax Service - or, as they write in the press, people whom he can trust “without looking back.” Which of the above categories would you place yourself in? - Alexey Solovyov (Moscow)

S.A.: I served for a total of more than 37 years in various positions, in various conditions, including fighting. And I never allowed myself to comment, much less discuss the decisions of senior bosses and managers. I have always considered my main task to be conscientious, honest, professional performance of my duties, a responsible and principled attitude to work, respectful and correct attitude towards my colleagues! How it turned out is not for me to judge. And now the main thing for me is to make every effort to achieve my goals and objectives.

Consultant Plus: Sergey Anatolyevich, we wish you and your colleagues success in your work and thank you for the story about the activities of the Directorate, as well as for answers to some questions that came to us, but are not directly related to the competence of the Directorate.

Interview with S.A. Shtykulin was conducted by special correspondent, editor of the ConsultantPlus website N.A. Lashkina.
Photo - T.M. Tveretsky.

A word to the reader. Yu.I. Borisov, Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation

The main stages of the formation and development of the apparatus of the chief of armament of the Armed Forces and the Armament Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Heads of arms development planning bodies (1929-2014)

Congratulations to the team of the Armaments Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

Congratulations from the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army S.K. Shoigu

Congratulations from the Minister of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation D.V. Manturova

Congratulations from the Chairman of the Scientific and Technical Council of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation - Deputy Chairman of the Board of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation, Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences Yu.M. Mikhailova

Congratulations from the Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - First Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army V.V.

Congratulations from the head of the Federal Space Agency HE. Ostapenko

Congratulations from the President Russian Academy sciences, academician V.E. Fortova

Congratulations from the Director of the Department of Defense Industry of the Government of the Russian Federation N.F. Arkhipova

Congratulations from the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army D.V. Bulgakov

Congratulations from the Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation T.V. Shevtsova

Congratulations from the director Federal service on military-technical cooperation of Russia A.V. Fomina

Congratulations from the General Director of the State Corporation "Russian Technologies" S.V. Chemezova

Congratulations from the Head of the Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation for Providing State Defense Orders A.P. Vernigory

Congratulations from the head of the Department of State Procurement of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation ON THE. Kravtsova

Congratulations from the Head of the Department intellectual property, military-technical cooperation and examination of the supply of weapons and military equipment of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Colonel O.A. Vashchenko

Past and present of the Armaments Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

A.V. Gulyaev, Head of the Weapons Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation, Lieutenant General
85 years of selfless work for the benefit of the Motherland. The main stages of development of the apparatus of the chief of armaments of the Armed Forces according to technical equipment army and navy

S.I. Egorov , veteran of the Armament Department of the Russian Defense Ministry, retired colonel
Marshal of Arms

A.M. Moscow , Chief of Armaments of the RF Armed Forces - Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation (2001-2007), Army General
Army General V.M. Shabanov. He looked far ahead

V.M. Burenok , President of the Russian Academy of Missile and Artillery Sciences
Evolution of the weapon system and methodology for planning its development

Yu.I. Borisov , Deputy Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation
Formation and implementation of plans for the development of weapons, military and special equipment - the main path of activity of the Armaments Department of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation

S.V. Khutorsev,Director of the Department of the Government of the Russian Federation for Support of Activities Collegium of the Military-Industrial Commission of the Russian Federation
Cooperation between the Department of the Military-Industrial Complex and the Armament Department of the Russian Ministry of Defense in the field of State Defense Order

Armament and military equipment of the Ground Forces

O.L. Salyukov, commander in chief Ground forces, Colonel General

O.V. Sienko , CEO OJSC "Research and Production Corporation "Uralvagonzavod" named after F.E. Dzerzhinsky"
JSC "Research and Production Corporation "Uralvagonzavod" - the flagship of the domestic mechanical engineering

ON THE. Belousov , General Director of OJSC Radioavionics
JSC "Radioavionics"

D.V. Konoplyov , Deputy General Director of JSC NPO High-Precision Complexes -Managing Director of OJSC "KBP"
Weapons of counteraction. JSC Instrument Design Bureau named after Academician A.G. Shipunova" is a leading enterprise of the Russian defense industry in the development of high-precision weapons systems

I'M IN. Novikov , General Director of OJSC Air Defense Concern Almaz-Antey
OJSC Air Defense Concern Almaz-Antey is the main developer and manufacturer of air defense/non-missile defense military equipment

V.N. Slobodchikov , Deputy General Director of OJSC NPO High-Precision Complexes - Managing Director of OJSC Precision Engineering Design Bureau named after. A.E. Nudelman"
Modern military products developed at OJSC KBtochmash named after. A.E. Nudelman"

S.A. Kogogin , General Director of KAMAZ OJSC
OJSC "KAMAZ" - military vehicles

V.S. Kadylkin , Managing Director of OJSC Automobile Plant URAL
Cars of the first echelon. OJSC Automobile Plant URAL

YES. Gimmelberg , Acting General Director of VPK LLC
LLC "Military-Industrial Company"

S.A. Old Man , General Director of Zashchita Corporation
Combat vehicles under reliable protection ZAO Corporation "Zashchita"

V.V. Shipilov , General Director of LLC "Innovation Center for Adaptation of Scientific Developments, New Materials, Products and Technologies" (LLC "Integral"), Major General of the Reserve
LLC "Innovation Center for Adaptation of Scientific Developments, New Materials, Products and Technologies"

V.S. Bezyaev , General Director of JSC NPP Rubin
OJSC Scientific and Production Enterprise Rubin

V.N. Checker , General Director of OJSC “VNII “Signal”
OJSC "VNII "Signal"

ON THE. Zaitsev , General Director, General Designer of JSC NPO Strela
Products of JSC NPO Strela guarding the Motherland

A.B. Shapovalov , General Director and Chief Designer of JSC Central Research Institute of Automation and Hydraulics
JSC "TSNIIAG": 65 years in the service of armaments of the army and navy

Armament and military equipment of the Air Force

V.N. Bondarev, Commander-in-Chief of the Air Force, Colonel General

M.A. Poghosyan , President of JSC "UAC"
JSC "United Aircraft Manufacturing Company"

A.A. Mikheev , General Director of Russian Helicopters OJSC
JSC Russian Helicopters

A.V. Shukalov , General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise "St. Petersburg Experimental Design Bureau""Electroautomatics" named after P.A. Efimova"
FSUE "St. Petersburg Experimental Design Bureau "Electroavtomatika" named after P.A. Efimova"

B.V. Obnosov , General Director of JSC Tactical Missile Weapons Corporation
Tactical Missiles Corporation: preempting means winning!

V.S. Willow , General Director - General Designer of JSC Concern Vega
Concern "Vega" and the general customer: 70 years in the same ranks

E.S. Barankin , General Director of OJSC State Ryazan Instrument Plant
OJSC State Ryazan Instrument Plant

Armament and military equipment of the Navy

V.V. Chirkov, commander in chief Navy, admiral

V.G. Petrushenko , General Director of JSC Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau
Shield and sword of the maritime borders of Russia - JSC Mechanical Engineering Design Bureau

V.Yu. Dorofeev , General Director of JSC SPMBM Malachite
Contribution of JSC "St. Petersburg Marine Engineering Bureau "Malachite" to strengthening the power of the defense capability of our state

V.G. Tar , General Director, General Designer of OJSC "GRC Makeeva"
Time-tested strategic partnership. JSC State Rocket Center named after Academician V.P. Makeeva"

Armament and military equipment of the Strategic Missile Forces

S.V. Karakaev, commander Rocket Forces strategic appointment, Colonel General

A.N. Kirilin , General Director of JSC Progress Rocket and Space Center
Military products of the Progress Rocket and Space Center

S.P. Nikulin , General Director of OJSC "MIT Corporation"
JSC "Corporation "Moscow Institute of Thermal Engineering". Main results in the field of creating modern weapons"

E.L. Mezhiritsky , General Director of the Federal State Unitary Enterprise “NPTsAP named after academician N.A. Pilyugin"
FSUE “Research and Production Center for Automation and Instrumentation named after Academician N.A. Pilyugin" - developer of control systems for strategic combat missile systems

Weapons and military equipment of the Aerospace Defense Forces

A.V. Golovko, Commander of the Aerospace Defense Forces, Lieutenant General

V.L. Solntsev , President of RSC Energia OJSC
JSC Rocket and Space Corporation Energia named after S.P. Queen"

V.P. Misnik , General Director - General Designer of JSC Space Systems Corporation special purpose "Comet"
OJSC "Corporation of Special Purpose Space Systems "Kometa"

A.V. Shishanov , General Director - Chief Designer of JSC "Research Institute of Precision Instruments",
V.V. Zhinkin , First Deputy General Director of OJSC "Research Institute of Precision Instruments"
Ways to provide the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation with high-precision geospatial information. OJSC "Research Institute of Precision Instruments"

S.F. Boev , General Director of OJSC "RTI"
JSC "Radiotechnical Institute"

P.I. Kamnev , General Director, General Designer of JSC "Experimental Design Bureau "NOVATOR"
JSC Experimental Design Bureau NOVATOR named after L.V. Lyulev

Armament and military equipment of the Airborne Forces

V.A. Shamans, commander Airborne troops, Colonel General

Prospects for the development of weapons and military equipment of the Signal Corps

HA. Arslanov, Head of the Main Communications Directorate of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation - Deputy Chief of the General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation, Major General

ON THE. Dough eaters , General Director and Acting General Designer JSC "Information Satellite Systems" named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev"
JSC "Information Satellite Systems" named after Academician M.F. Reshetnev"

S.A. Bukashkin , General Director of JSC Concern Avtomatika
JSC Concern Avtomatika is the largest association in the Russian Federation on information security issues

N.S. Shevchenko, Chairman of the Board of Directors of JSC Elektroagregat (Kursk)
JSC "Electroagregat" (Kursk)

A brief catalog of weapons, military and special equipment developed for the Armed Forces of the Soviet Union and the Russian Federation in different years

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